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Kyuri is The Ennead's counterpart to Flutter. He is an unusually friendly yet mischievous and somewhat selfish kappa who decided to accompany the human Shiroi in his delivery of the Yokishima Blade to St. Stephen's Cathedral in Austria. He also formed a bit of a rivalry with the tanuki Baku.

Kyuri had to remain disguised while in society due to the violent reactions people would have to seeing kappas. However, during the sea voyage to Austria, Kyuri was forced to abandon his disguise in order to help protect the ship from a kraken. The ship's captain then asked to see Kyuri and attempted to kill him due to being a hunter who collected exotic animals. In the ensuing struggle, they both fell overboard and the captain drowned. Kyuri was held responsible by most of the crew, but the captain's daughter Elizabeth gave him clemency because she knew her father's motives and that Kyuri was acting in self-defense. Although they were able to leave the ship safely, the whole incident traumatized Kyuri and left him with a deepened fear of humans.

As The Ennead was unfinished, his later exploits during and following the adventure are unknown.