Member OG 2 Page 1

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Author: Fusion[edit]

One day at Fusion's mansion, 3 years after the first VGF Member OG

Fusion: Ah, this is the life. The life of a multi-billionare.

Suddenly, Fusion's butler appears.

Butler: Sir, one of your rubies has been stolen.

Fusion: Which one?

Butler: The largest one.

Fusion: Oh no! My 20 million dollar ruby is gone! And it's the world's largest one, too! Only one person could've done this, and that's...

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

Meanwhile,at the Robot Team secret base...

YELLOW:Master Gamechamp!


YELLOW:The magic diamond heist was successful!

He hands Gamechamp the diamond

GC:Yes!I've finnaly obtained the diamond of power!Roll Call,everyone!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

BLACK:Hey,Red,we're the only ones here.

GC:Oh,right.Well,anyway,with this diamond of power,we will take over the world!We only have one city,but that was weak,and with this,we will be powered up,and not even an entire army will be able to stop us!


GC:And plus,I will finnaly be able to destroy the other one that has all the powers inuniverse,or at least he says,that rival of mine Fusion
!!!Power up!

He puts the diamond in the middle of them,and rays of electricity shoot at us.

GC:Now we're super-charged!Let world domination begin!

BLACK:Don't you mean half world domination?With half being destroyed 10 years ago.


Author: Introbulus[edit]

Meanwhile, in the far reaches of space

Introbulus: Captians log star date sg2103

Jim: Captian? Who named you the captian?

Introbulus: I did, now shut up! (ahem) My co-pilot is acting cranky again. Probably because he is jealous of my superb flying skills.

Jim: Would you please stop that? I'm right here, you know.

Introbulus: Hey look! The radar is picking up some unusually powerful activity over on that planet!

Jim: You mean Gamechamp?

Introbulus: Nah! This is a side-quest. We don't get to see Gamechamp until we run into the other heroes on some bizzare turn of events.

Jim: Oh, it's one of those stories then, right?

Introbulus: Right. Now let's go find out what that mysterious power is down there on that mysterious planed of mysterious things. Mysteriously.

(What is this strange power our former heroes are sensing now? Is it more dangerous than Gamechamp himself? Or is this just one of Gamechamp's minions? How did I escape from Jim in that last story?)

Jim: I let you go because you said you'd tell me how the story ends. Now shut up or I torture you some more.

(Oh all right! you big meanie )

Jim: I heard that!

To be continued...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA traveled through a small town somewhere in Italy. He stopped at an English newsstand to see what was happening.

GORE-ILLA: (reading a paper) Hmm...'Robot Team Continues Mayhem'. Forgot to take care of those dudes...'Multi-billionare Fusion's Ruby is Stolen'. Ah, Fusion.Haven't seen him since we went our seperate ways two months ago. Guess I'll help him out - and maybe take out those robots in the process.

GORE-ILLA boards a plane to....where Fusion is. A taxi drops him at the front gates of Fusion's mansion.

GORE: Nice.

The gates open. Fusion walks up to GORE with two bodyguards.

Fusion: Hey, GORE. Long time no see. Anything new?

GORE: Not much. Heard about the ruby theft and thought I'd help you out.

Fusion: Thanks, GORE. Follow me. (tours GORE through the mansion)

Author: SwordMaster[edit]

*SwordMaster is at the Giant Cheesecake Factory where he was appointed to lead and protect my Yami Yoshi*

SwordMaster: *talking to random workers* You! Test the cheescakes stability. Drop it from a high building and make sure its still rubbery. You there! Conduct a survey of 1000 people on how much they like our new Rum n' Piss flavored cakes! You by the machine! Yeah, uh... um... twist those knobs on the machine and pretend like you're doing something important.

Worker: What will you do, sir?

SM: I'll just sit around until something happens that will get me into the main storyline.

Messenger: Sir, I have important news!

SM: That should be it.

Messenger: Fusion's 20 million dollar ruby has been stolen.

SM: Yeah, why should I care. I havn't seen that guy in, like, 3 years.

Messenger: Ahem... Sir, I said "20 million dollar ruby!"

SM: So? I can get just as much by selling my kidney on the black market. I still say this isn't worth my time. I mean, it's not like his cheesecake was stolen.

Messenger: But sir, this is an OG. You have to get in the storyline!

SM: Oh yeah! That's right. Sorry. Off to Fusion's mansion!

*At Fusion's mansion*

Fusion and GORE: Hey, SwordMaster!

SwordMaster: Hey guys. I heard about your ruby and thought I might help you find it.

Author: Golem[edit]

Fusion: Ah. I was about to take my friend GORE on a tour through the crime scene.


Fusion: ...And this is where the ruby was. ~points to floor~

Sword Master: Oh, in a secret compartment?

GORE: ~stomps foot on floor~

Fusion: Uhh... no. It was just, uh, on the floor.


Fusion: When you came, we were following footprints. ~points to dark black spots leading from where the ruby was to the outside~

Sword Master: Where did those come from? Just a second ago...

Fusion: Their strangely clear trail leads outside the mansion and down the sidewalk and disappears... at the ROAD...

GORE: Uh-huh. What's so great about that?

Fusion: They just disappeared!

GORE: It's a road. They could have gotten in a car.

Fusion: Without staining the car floor with the ink they had on their shoes to leave this trail?

Sword Master: ~looking around~ You've contacted the police, right?

Fusion: Who what now?

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD and his friends were walking around the world when everyone was thrown in different directions by a bunch of cyclones except for Lemmy,Iggy,Kirby,MK,and BSD.



Lemmy:Talk about chaotic separation!

MK:No joke.

Kirby:Well,that sucked. (pun intended)

Lemmy:Why didn't we-

Iggy:-Get sucked in?

Kirby,MK,and BSD:We excelled in our training.

Lemmy and Iggy (in unison):Oh.

Messenger:I came to inform you that Fusion's 20 million dollar ruby was stolen.

BSD:I guess we'll have to go to the scene of the crime.

Messenger:I'll take my leave.

The messenger leaves.

BSD,Iggy,Kirby,Lemmy,and MK warped to Fusion's mansion.

BSD:Nice place.

MK:Hello anybody home?

Lemmy rings the doorbell.

Iggy:There was a doorbell?

Kirby:It was a plot device like the cyclone.


Fusion,GORE-ILLA, and SwordMaster appear.

Fusion,GORE-ILLA,and SwordMaster:Hello BSD.

BSD:Hello Fusion,GORE-ILLA,and SwordMaster.

Fusion:Where are your other friends?

BSD:They were sucked in a cyclone.

GORE-ILLA:Why did you come here anyway?

BSD:To help with the ruby theft incident.


SwordMaster:I'll show you where the scene of the crime is.

TO BE CONTINUED............

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Meanwhile, on the mysterious Planet of Mystery...

Jim: There's nothing here! Let's just go help Fusion with that emerald thingie.

Introbulus: Okay, but I have a theory that it's the master emerald in disguise!

(As they walk back to the Volkswagon...)

Introbulus: Hey! What's that mysterious flashing coming out of the mysterious crack in the mysterious ground?

Jim: I swear, if someone says "mysterious" ONE more time, I'll rip their throat out!

Introbulus: Okay, mysterious Jim!

Jim: ...too...angry...must...kill...

(Uhhh, so anyway, they go check the mysteriou...I mean, SUSPICIOUS flashing that Intro. saw)

Jim: What's this? A clock of some sort?

Introbulus: But it shows 95:54:33, and it's counting down.

Jim: Whatever it is, I'll get it!

Introbulus: No Jim!

Jim: Lit 3!

(but the thing is unaffected)

Jim: Woah! Talk about indestructable! I don't think even YOU could break it!

Introbulus: Wait...a clock...counting down...and it's beeping?

(Jim and Intro. slowly turn their heads towards each other, looking at the other with great shock.)

Jim and Introbulus (together): SOMEONE SET US UP THE BOMB!

(Will our heroes be able to dispose of this bomb? Or will it destroy the entire universe?)

Jim: They aren't supposed to know what it does yet!

(oops! Sorry. So anyway, join us next time! As we continue the adventures of...

The VGF Member OG 2! tm

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*They fill in BSD on what happened*

BSD: footprints....

GORE-ILLA: They might've flied - or wiped their feet.

Fusion: (investigating the footprints) These footprints were made by oil! Robot oil! Which means...

Everyone: Gamechamp?

GORE-ILLA: This was a short post. But, I've had a long day.

Swordmaster: And I didn't get any lines!

GORE-ILLA: *rolls his eyes*

Author: StuMan[edit]

On the planet Mystery....

As Introbulus stares at the bomb the timer suddenly starts to countdown extremely fast,

Jim: Quick, cut the wire!

Introbulus: Which one?, red or blue!?

Jim: I dunno!!

Introbulus: We could make a run for the volkswagon?

Jim: We wouldn't make it, quick times nearly ran out, red or blue!?

???: Blue

Introbulus: Who said that, and how do you know??

???: Don't you know anything about stories? Your not meant to argue with mysterious people that turn up from nowhere to help you.

Introbulus: Ooops sorry *cuts the blue wire*

The bomb stops its countdown.

ALL: phew!

Jim: so who are you then?

StuMan: I am StuMan, gaurdian of Mystery planet keeper of the peace and disposer of bombs, in other words Im the new character you get on your side quest, you cant have a sequel without a new charatcer can you?

Introbulus: Ahh, it all makes sense, so weve got the new character, wanna go help fusion now?

StuMan: Why not, Mystery planet isnt all its cracked up to be anyway. So wheres your ship?

Jim: over there.

StuMan: really? I was expecting something more flash.

Introbulus: Its the best we can do, you coming or not?

StuMan: I'm coming, i'm coming.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

So they pile into the Volkswagon, and blast off at high speed towards...whatever planet Fusion might be on.

Stuman: That was a short post!

Hey, I'm tired. Deal with it!

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

Meanwhile,back on Earth...



FUSION:If everyone knew that I had a $20,000,000 for about 1 year now,why would Gamechamp and his Robot Team strike now?It's like it was something he found out about the diamond that made him want to steal it...

GORE:Well,maybe we could find out what that is to help us find him!


GC:Roll Call!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

All of the people around them just ignore them.

GC:Hey!Everyone!We're the Robot Team!We were once minions of Lupus!The guy who ruled the world until 3 years ago!I've killed someone while robbing a bank in this town!Can't you remember?3 years ago!

GREEN:They don't seem to notice us...

GC:Then if we can't get their attention,we'll just use a little force!

He punches a building very weakly,causing it to collapse,and no one pays attention!

BLACK:Well,we're in Tokyo,Japan,so they must think it's one of those Godzilla,King Kong,type attacks which are normal here.Plus,that was a piece of cardboard for a movie they're filming.


He looks around,to see they walked on a movie set.

GC:No wonder they didn't see a bunch of Robots that would bring death and destruction.

YELLOW:I guess we should start our takeover!

GC:Right!Now to head over to Japan's president!He either gives me Japan,or his life!


BLACK:Can I do the or his life part?

GC:Yes.Plus,with our new power that we got from the magic diamond,we can take a lot more lives as well!Then they'll get the picture!


DIRECTOR:Hey!Robot guys!You don't appear until scene 5!

Gamechamp shoots him with a small buster gun shot,killing him.

GC:Let the world takeover truly begin!

Author: Golem[edit]

SwordMaster: So we know Gamechamp did it. Do we have ANY information from the first VGF Member OG on where he could be?

Fusion: Well, what about Japan? We faced off with them there.

GORE: But we need transportation. Hrm...

A Volkswagon lands sideways right in front of the open door to Fusion's mansion, and in front of everyone's eyes.

Jim: That's the last time we let the stranger drive the car.

Introbulus: He won the smelliest foot contest, though.

StuMan: What can I say? Volkswagons suck.

Introbulus and StuMan argue until the car flips upside-down. Meanwhile, lightbulbs have gone off in everyone else's heads.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA, Fusion, BSD, and SwordMaster step into Introbulus's Volkswagon. They ride off towards Japan, and fill eachother in on their encounters since the last OG.

*Elsewhere in Japan...*

In an office in Lupus's old tower of Rulation, Dark GORE sit interviewing applicants for Team Monkey. He has already recruited a muscle-bound smoker named Bullwinkle, a mad cow named Ol' Bessie, a Jamaican taxi driver named Mousse, a giant crab named Pinchy, and Diskun.

Dark GORE: Now we only need an EVIL genius. (someone enters) Gasp! It can't be-

EVIL Scientist Dude: Yes it is! Mwahahhahahhahaaa!

*In another part of Japan..*

The Volkswagon lands. The heroes pile out and immediately begin searching the area.

Fusion: Let's split up into pairs. SwordMaster and BSD, search the movie-shooting area. Stuman, Jim and Introbulus will investigate that mysterious glow in the distance, and GORE & me will check out Lupus's old Tokyo Tower of Rulation.

Everyone: Yessir! (leaves)

Fusion and GORE begin their walk to the tower, when someone leaps out from the shadows and attacks Fusion.

Yasha: TENCHI!!! (continues beating the crap out of Fusion, then runs off)

Fusion: (nursing his wounds) Dammit!

GORE-ILLA: Hmm...Tenchi must still be in there. If we free him that crazy lady'll probably leave us alone.

Fusion: How much longer til we get there?

GORE-ILLA: Hey! Look at this convieniantly placed map! (the map has a dot saying 'You are here' right next to a dot that says, 'Lupus is here'.)

Fusion: What? (looks up and sees Lupus's Old Tokyo Tower of Rulation.) Oh. This feels familiar.

GORE-ILLA: Whatever. Let's just storm the tower. Again.

To Be Continued..........

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Jim: Why do we always have to go examine the mysterious stuff?

Introbulus: Because we're too minor to be cared about?

Jim: ...Oh yeah. Hey look! There's the glowie thingie!

(Stuman, Intro. and Jim walk up to the glowing)

Intro.: Hmmm, it appears to be coming from that giganic smouldering crater.

Jim: Thank you, Dr. Dense. *rolls his eyes* Let's go check it out! (drop)

Intro.: ...Dr. Dense? (drop)

Stuman: How did I get stuck with these idiots?


Stuman: ...*bleep*. (drop)

Inside the crater...

Jim: That's odd. Apparantly, Lupus sealed something off down there. Could he have had an adversary?

Intro.: Maybe it's some device that he couldn't control because it was too powerful.

Jim: Nah! That would be stupid! Let's open it up!

Intro.: No! It could be deadly!

(too late! Jim already opened the seal!)

Jim: No I didn't!

(Okay, I did. But we have to keep moving the story along, don't we?)

(A puff of gas comes out of the crater)

Puff of Gas: Yyyyyyaaaammmmmiiiii Yyyyyyooosssshhhiiii.... (floats away quickly)

Jim: ...Well THAT can't be good!

What is this newfound danger that Lupus locked away so long ago? Is it a servant of Lupus? His former adversary? Or, is it something much worse?

Intro.: ...number 4?

...Well anyway, here's a sneak peek at our next episode...

Meanwhile, at Yami Yoshi's house...

Yami Yoshi: Go Mario! Beat that Koopa! Show him what you're made of!


Yami Yoshi: NOOO!!!!! (SMASH!)

Game (broken in two): Would you like to use a continue?

Yami Yoshi: ...Damn! That's right! I had another continue left! Hey, what's that odd puff of smoke over the horizon...?

To be Continued...eventually.