Member OG 2 Page 4

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Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: No thanks, I don't like sushi.

Author: Golem[edit]

Everyone runs to the Volkswagon, but Jim lingers.

Jim: Aren't you coming?

Koopa: ~backing up~ No... why?

Jim: Information. Not like I needed to tell you, though.

Koopa: No... I'm fine here.

Yami Yoshi licks his lips.

Koopa: Coming, coming! ~dashes after the others~

Everyone is in the Volkswagon, albeit a bit stuffed.

Introbulus: We're heading for BSD's castle, right?

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA: Yeah, I think. (The Volkswagon takes off to BSD's castle, where the heroes ponder their next move)

*Elsewhere in a monkey-shaped plane hovering over Babylonia...*

Dark GORE: Damn that Gamechamp! He's taken over the world!

Mousse: Yeah, man!

Ol' Bessie: Moo!

Pinchy: Crush!

Bullwinkle: I like cheese.

EVIL Scientist Dude: EVIL!!! Mwaahhahahaaaaaaaaaa!

Dark GORE: Uhhh...yeah. We must get that ruby! Diskun, how's that translation of those ancient Babylonian scrolls going?

Diskun: Pretty good. It will take some time, though.

Dark GORE: Good. Those scrolls we find in the tomb where the ruby was found might reveal a weakness we can exploit - or vital plot information. And EVIL Scientist Dude, how's your project doing?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Good, sir. I'm working on a new remote for GORE-ILLA: This one will completely destroy his cyborg attachments - which includes half of his head! Mwhahahhahaaaa!!!

Dark GORE: Good work, EVIL Scientist Dude. It will kill him, but with most of his body still intact I can still absorb him. All I need is GORE-ILLA and the ruby, an I will be completely unstoppable!!!! Mwahhahahhahahhaaaaaaa!!!!

To Be Continued...

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Jim: (reading the script) Aha! If they're looking for that ruby, then it must have some power that WE can use against Gamechamp!

Introbulus: (thinking to himself) Good thing I replaced all those old cyborg parts with newer, better parts, or that remote-thingie would be serious trouble! Hmmm, I wonder if we have a sandwich in the glove compartment?(/thinking to himself)

Jim: Okay then, according to the script, we're supposed to go to the tower, find Dark Gore, steal his ancient scriptures, find the special power ruby, and will someone get Introbulus out of the glove compartment?

Introbulus: (muffled) Help! I got stuck!

Author: Fusion[edit]

Meanwhile, on Coruscant...

Chancellor Palpatine: You have your orders! Go kill Gamechamp and the Robot Team and return Fusion's ruby!

Clone Trooper Admiral: Yes sir!

The entire fleet flies into space and towards the Milky Way galaxy.


Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

OOC:This is getting more interesting by the second

Author: Gamechamp[edit]


BLUE:Sir,I've got some news!


BLUE:I just got something on the radar,some special space team is coming to Earth to defeat us!Also,I've gotten a reading that Dark Gore is looking for the jewel of Sephnita,the twin of Sephnito.

GC:Hmmmmm...send out some special troops to find that jewel,with both powers combined,we'll be an even bigger threat!Plus,send some more out into space to beat those space t]eam guys!


He runs out to inform some special agents(not anyone from the Robot Team)

Author: Fusion[edit]

In space...

Clone Colonel: Sir, I see some enemy ships from Earth! What are your orders?

Clone Admiral: We must check the readings, first!

Clone Colonel: It says "Gamechamp Fighter!"

Clone Admiral: Fire all the lasers!

The entire fleet of Star Destroyers fires billions of lasers. Soon, most of the Gamechamp Fleet is destroyed.

Clone Admiral: Good, now destroy the survivors!

In 1 hour, the remaining Gamechamp Fighters are destroyed.

Clone Admiral: Good, now land in the western hemishpere and prepare the army!

Clone Colonel: Yes sir!

They land and a lot of Republic Gunships, AT-AT's, and tanks come out of the Star Destroyers and towards Gamechamp's base.


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*At BSD's Castle...*

GORE: So what's our next move?

Introbulus: Okay. We need to get the ruby from Gamechamp. But to get that we need to get that gem. And to get that we'll need one key from Gamechamp and Dark GORE and possibly the ancient scrolls.

Fusion: Uhhhhh.....yeah. We should get a good night's sleep first. (the heroes go to sleep)

*Elsewhere, Somewhere in Space...*

???????: MWAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Judgement Day is upon Earth....when I arrive, the ruby will be mine! Then, the entire galaxy will belong to Evil......

Can our heroes stop Gamechamp and Dark GORE? Just who is this mystery villain? How could the Clone Army land on the Western Hamisphere if it was destroyed ten years ago? And since when did they have AT-ATs? Find out all of this - no, some - no, a little - fine! None! Find out none of this and more next time on VGF Members OG 2: The Jewel Heist (title subject to change)

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


Author: Golem[edit]

As a fleet of the Republic army encroaches on Gamechamp's base, nothing happens.

Clone Admiral: Hmmm... Halt!

Everything stops. Still, Gamechamp does nothing.

Clone Admiral: Check the readings. Is he hiding anything?

Clone Colonel: No, sir, it's safe to attack.

Clone Admiral: And you're sure they're inside?

Clone Colonel: Yes, everyone.

Clone Admiral: Hmmm... Fire at will!

Everything shoots something at the base, creating a smoke cloud big enough to hide the base. A few seconds later...

Clone Admiral: Cease fire!

All the smoke clears and the base still stands.

Clone Admiral: Fire at will!

Again, the base is heavily under fire. A full minute later...

Clone Admiral: Cease fire!

The smoke once again drifts away and the base is in rubble.

Clone Admiral: Good... Huh?

Gamechamp and his crew climb out.

Clone Admiral: Fire at will!

This time, nothing strikes. Gamechamp and his Robot Team wave their arms and everything is sent back at the Republic army. When the smoke clears, a ring of rubble surrounds Gamechamp's base.

Gamechamp: Green?

Green: Right here. ~tosses a key to Gamechamp~

Gamechamp lifts up some rubble, puts the key under it, and then drops the rubble on the key.

Black: Heh! They'll never suspect it!

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

GC:That's right,they'll never ever suspect it,let's finish.


The rubble starts to form into the building,the key included.

GC:There.Even if they get some kind of device to hack into our minds,they won't find anything,we don't even know where that key is!


FUSION:Okay,so now we're going to go find Dark Gore for the scrolls and key?

YAMI:That's the plan!


They all set out to Dark Gore's base...

FUSION:Hey,I just spotted a problem...




SW:Guess we better find out!

They all set out to find some info in town.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Jim: WOAH!

Gore-Illa: What is it?

Jim: I just detected a great influx in the evil power field! Gamechamp must have built a new base!

Fusion: Can you tell us where it is?

Jim: It's....THAT WAY! (points)

Introbulus: Then we're off! To...that way!

(What a boring post!)

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


Author: Fusion[edit]

OOC: Yes, a pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut is good.