Member OG 2 Page 6

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Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: <draws card> I play Millenium Shield! With a defense of 3000, it will guard my Life Points!

Introbulus: <draws card> I'll attack Millenium Shield using my 7 Colored Fish.

Yami Yoshi: You idiot! Millenium Shield's defense is much higher than your fish's attack!

Introbulus: But my fish's attack is higher than your shields attack! In fact, your shield has no attack!

Yami Yoshi But its defense...Dammit! I forgot to shift it defense position!

Introbulus: That's right! Say sayonara to your last defense!

Yami Yoshi: No! I can't lose!

Introbulus: 7 Colored Fish! Attack Millenium Shield!

<7 Colored Fish slams its tail into Millenium Shield smashing it like glass>

Yami Yoshi: No! My Millenium Shield!

Introbulus: And that's not all...I summon another 7 Colored Fish and attack you directly!

<7 Colored Fish's tail slams into Yami Yoshi's Millenium Egg shattering it into millions of pieces>

Yami Yoshi: ARRRGGGHHH!!!

<Yami Yoshi falls over unconcious>

Introbulus: What the hell? Yami Yoshi!

Yami Yoshi: head...Hey! I smell cheesecake!

<Yami Yoshi grabs the cheesecake in the sand and starts eating it>

Introbulus: Looks like the regular Yami Yoshi is back. But what happened to the evil spirit?

Yami Yoshi: Hey! My Millenium Egg is destroyed!

Voice: And thanks to you Introbulus, I am freed from my spherical prison!

<A transparent evil looking Yoshi appears>

Evil Yoshi: I am Pharaoh Yami Yoshi.

Yami Yoshi and Introbulus: What the hell?

Author: Fred[edit]

(OOC) I guess so, but don't really understand what's going on- I haven't been keeping up... but I'll try to fix this mess. I know you're all groaning because it's one of my stupid posts.

(elsewhere in the world)

Someone Else: Darn it, gamechamp is beating my dog with his stupid ruby-powered-death robots of pain. That makes me angry. REASONABLY ANGRY! (wields 63 + 1/2 watt light bulb (with lightsaber attachment) and runs into his car - a Volvo!

(back in that desert place... ah yes, koopahari)

YY: (insert random T rex sounds here)

Dark Jim: Jim... Smash!

Dark GORE: It's all too easy.

Introbulus: How can we stop that creature?

Fusion: I dunno. Why are you asking me?

Introbulus: You supposedly have every power known to man.

Fusion: Oh yeah... But we can't hurt YY...

Introbulus: Or can we...?

Fusion: no, we can't. Nor Jim.

Stuman: Fine, man I have to do everything, don't I? Wait, I can't do anything at the moment.

Fusion: Darn it!

Dark Jim: My name had best not be made fun of!

Introbulus: Wait... Why don't we just talk our way out of this one?

Stuman: that's not the OG way! We have to end up destroying forty cities, the world, the world again...

Introbulus: Not this time. Hey, Dark Jim. Your name is very original and cool and stuff and don't kill us and stuff.

Fusion: That was the worst attempt ever.

Dark Jim: Hey, my name is cool. Wicked. (YY starts to shrink slowly for DJ is not so angered)

Stuman: Fine! I'll take care of this.

Narrator: What the block is going on? Will Stuman really do anything? What did this post's writer actually accomplish?!? It's up to you, just like the new fruit roll ups strip flavours!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Well, apparently, before I was able to run away, I defeated Yami Yoshi in that duel thing, so he's back to normal. But now we've got an evil Yami Yoshi to deal with. Also, I made a slight distraction for Dark Jim so we could escape.

Dark Jim: But it doesn't work if I know about it, does it?

OOC: Oh damn! How'd you know?!

Dark Jim: I'm a mage. We're infamous for being smart to the point where it's annoying.

OOC: Okay. By the way, your vicims are leaving.

Dark Jim: WHAT!?! (notices that the heroes are gone) Damn you, OOC!

OOC: Hehehe...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: BSD, your post was okay. And is it just me or is everyone spawning EVIL doubles lately? And once agan Swordmaster is forgotten! (always happens in the desert.) Fred_In_Bed's post was...confusing. Here's what's going on...

-Yami Yoshi's back to normal, and supposedly escapng from Dark Jim with the others.

-I'm not sure if me and BSD have caught up with the others yet.

-Dark GORE isn't there yet but he's watching us through survaillance cameras.

-I like cheese.

Author: Fred[edit]

(OOC): Bah... my post was very confusing. It's probably because I haven't been reading up on it all or posting since I forgot my password. And I simply because intrested now. So I felt like contributing, and I don't really understand the character personalities so I tried to wing it the entire time.

-Ducks are for Burning!
-None are truely stupid, just extrodinarily not bright
-A sarcastic remark a day keeps the realism away!
-But model airplanes are illegal in Guam!
-I'm mature so nyah nyah na boo boo!
-It must be destroyed!
-It's MY boom stick!

Author: Fusion[edit]

Dark Jim: Well, I guess I'll just have to settle for you, OOC. Jimly Jimray of Jimly...*gets torched by a flamethrower gun*

OOC: *blows on flamethrower gun* Hehehe.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

(Dark Jim is unaffected!)

OOC: What?!?!

Dark Jim: You idiot! You can't have a direct impact on the story! You don't exist!

OOC: Then how can I be having a conversation with you?

Dark Jim: ...Okay, I think we should stop talking before the universe blows up.

OOC: Aren't you supposed to be evil?

Dark Jim: Lalalalala, not listening!

(meanwhile, in the desert)

Introbulus: Okay, I think we lost him.

Gore: Yeah, but you know who else we lost?

Introbulus: ...Who?

Gore: US!

Stuman: No way! I know exactly where we are!

Introbulus: That's right, we're in a desert!

Stuman: No need to be sarcastic, Introbulus.

Introbulus: Sarcastic?

???: :pssst! Over here!:

Fusion: ??? Who's there?

???: It's me! SwordMaster!

Yami Yoshi: Oh there you are! Where were you?

SwordMaster: I got flung out of the car when it crashed into the invisible wall. But that's not important now! I found a way out of the force field!

Introbulus: Really? Where?!?

SwordMaster: Right there! (points at a blank spot)

Gore: No, that's the wall.

SwordMaster: Or so it would seem, but it is actually a way out! Probably a secret passage just in case Dark Yami Yoshi got caught in his own trap. We'd better go through it with discresion, though. We wouldn't want Dark Jim to escape through the door at an inconvienient time, now would we?

Introbulus: That sounds a lot like forshadowing to me!

(they exit through the invisible hole in the wall)

OOC: It was about time someone moved the story along! :D

Author: Golem[edit]

StuMan: Man oh man, is it hot...! ~sigh~

SwordMaster: You really aren't helping the situation...

Fusion: Douse! ~a rain cloud appears above the group's heads, but poofs away without starting anything~ Ugh...

Gore: The car was our only source of air conditioning! Did we have to leave it behind? ~phew~

Introbulus: We had to get out of there. Besides, even if I could fix the car, we couldn't have taken it through that opening.

SwordMaster: ...Where's Koopa, anyway?

Everyone Else: Koopa?!


Evil Yami Yoshi: We know you have it... It's just a matter of how we get it.

Koopa: ~cornered against the Volkswagon~ Y-y-yes, ss, r-right here! ~limbs and head retreat inside shell, then come back out, the right hand holding two keys~ H-h-here you g-go!


Gore: I could've sworn we had a cheesecake...

Yami Yoshi: Hey, look! ~points forward onto the horizon~ Mountains!

Gore: We must be near the end of the desert!

Three days later, at night, on the mountain...

Yami Yoshi: Our water supply is looking grim! We'd better--~climbs up the next step higher~--Woah!

Gore: What is it?

StuMan: Gamechamp's base?!

Yami Yoshi: Seems to be! As if that weren't enough... there's an entire mechanical army here! Destroyed, though!

Everyone else climbs up.

Introbulus: Woah... could Gamechamp and his colors done all of this?

A man in a uniform from the Republic lands (on his feet) in front of them all.

Uniformed Man: We are aware of your history.

Yami Yoshi: What history?!

Uniformed Man: You'll have to come with me.

Gore: Who sez?!

Uniformed Man: Look up.

Author: Perrin Aybara[edit]

Heh. It's Golem. ~teehee~.-jay

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<Yami Yoshi looks up>

Yami Yoshi: Hey! I don't see anything!

Uniformed Man: <punches Yami Yoshi> Ha! Did you gullible fools really think I'm from the Republic?

Yami Yoshi: Ow! I'll kill you!

Introbulus: Wait Yami Yoshi! Tell us who you are.

Uniformed Man: I am <rips off disguise>

Yami Yoshi: It's Pharaoh Yami Yoshi!

Fusion: What the hell are you doing here?

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I heard you guys escaped from my desert trap and were headed towards the mountains so I came here!

Yami Yoshi: What do you want?

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I need to talk to you alone Yami Yoshi...

Everyone: What!?

SwordMaster: Don't go! It could be a trap!

Yami Yoshi: Don't worry. If he tries to attack me, I can defeat him.

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: All right. Let's go.

<Pharaoh Yami Yoshi and Yami Yoshi walk behind a giant rock>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Good. No one can hear us here!

Yami Yoshi: What do you want? And what were you doing inside my Millenium Egg?

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I am the incarnation of the ancient pharaoh of Egypt. It happened about a millenia ago...I was 14 years old...


<The pharaoh Yami Yoshi is seen playing a Shadow Game against some guy using stone tablets instead of cards>

Guy: All right! Yami Yoshi! It's your turn!

Yami Yoshi: I summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Guy: Oh no!

<The Blue Eyes White Dragon emerges from the tablet and kills the guy>

Voice: Yami Yoshi wins!

<An older Yoshi walks up to Yami Yoshi>

Older Yoshi: Good job my son! If you keep this up, you might be pharaoh some day!

Yami Yoshi: I sure hope so my father!

<The scene changes to a few monthes later when Yami Yoshi is battling the pharaoh>

Yami Yoshi: I play Man Eater Bug against your Tri-Horned Dragon!

<Man-Eater bug emerges from the tablet and swallows Tri-Horned Dragon>

Pharaoh: No! I cannot lose!

Yami Yoshi: And I'll have Man-Eater Bug directly attack you!

<The Man Eater Bug grabs the Pharaoh and swallows him whole>

Yoshi #1: Suffering sarcophagus! The pharaohs's dead!

Yoshi #2: That makes Yami Yoshi the new pharaoh!

All Yoshis: All hail Pharaoh Yami Yoshi! King of Games!

<The scene changes again to about 4 years later. All the Yoshis in the pharaoh's kingdom are fighting each other>

Yoshi #1: I summon...Dark Magician!

Yoshi #2: I summon...Buster Blader!

Yoshi #1: NO!

<The Buster Blader kills the Dark Magician and Yoshi #1>

Yoshi #2: Heh heh heh!

<In Yami Yoshi's Palace>

Yoshi #3: Pharaoh! The Shadow Games have gotten completely out of hand! Thousands of Yoshis are being sent to the Shadow Realm everyday and the monsters are wrecking havoc!

Yami Yoshi: Ha! And yet I still remain the King of Games!

Yoshi #3: Pharaoh! If you don't do something, the Shadow Games will destroy the world!

Yami Yoshi: Do you dare to question me? MIND CRUSH!


Yami Yoshi: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

<The flashback ends>

Yami Yoshi: So you were that pharaoh...

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: That's right.

Yami Yoshi: What happened after that?

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I was severely injured in a Shadow Game against another Yoshi and they had to choose a new pharaoh. The new pharaoh sacrificed himself and sealed the power of the Shadow Games inside eight millenium items. He also sealed my soul inside one of the Millenium Items, the Millenium Egg!

To Be Continued...

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Jim isn't there, so I guess you mean Introbulus?

(meanwhile, back with the main team...)

Stuman: Gee, I wonder what's taking Yami Yoshi so long?

(suddenly, a Naboo fighter lands in front of the team)

Fusion: Look!

(a federation officer steps out)

Officer: Halt! Who goes there? Be you friend of Gamechamp, or foe of Gamechamp?

Gore: We are the OG team! We seek entrance into Gamechamp's fort so we can steal a valuable key!

Officer: Why do you seek this "key"?

Fusion: It is one of the keys we need to gain access to a powerful gem that can nullify Gamechamp's power. With it, we can save the world!

Officer: Then you are our allies! You can help us storm the fort!

Introbulus: (big, toothy grin)

Stuman: Why do you have such a big smile?

Introbulus: I have a plan.

Everyone: O_O

Officer: Well then, let's get you to our base!

Introbulus: Right! Let's go!

SwordMaster: Wait! What about Yami Yoshi?

Stuman: We can leave him a note. (writes out a note)

(later, at the base...)

Introbulus: Okay, here's the basic sceme of my plan, the rebels will launch an assault on the fortress, TONIGHT!

Captian: But sir! The robots repair themselves with Gamechamp's crystal!

Introbulus: Aha! But you see, I will back you up with my ROBOT DESTROYING POWERS!!!

Officer: Aha! I see! With you destroying the robots, all we have to worry about is the guard towers!

Introbulus: Right! Now, while we make this destraction, the rest of my team and some of your covert operatives will sneak into the fort and steal the key! Once we have that, the fortress will crumble! However, you must evacuate immediatly after the collapse! I can destroy Gamechamp's robots, but the jewel is too powerful for me to destroy Gamechamp. Also, we'll need one of your starships so we can go after Dark Gore and HIS key.

Commander: Then it is decided! We begin the attack at midnight!

(to be continued!)

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<Back at the giant rock>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: The only way I could control someone is if someone wore the Millenium Egg on their neck. Of all people, you were the one to find it.

Yami Yoshi: What makes me diferent than anyone else?

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Yami Yoshi, you are my descendent.

Yami Yoshi: WHAT!?

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: That's right. You were destined rule the world and to revive the Shadow Games but when you were young, a coconut landed on your head and turned you into a brainless, cheesecake seeking freak!

Yami Yoshi: ...

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: That's why I was happy when on your 14th birthday, you discovered the Millenium Egg. I would have the power to control you and help you fufill your destiny!

Yami Yoshi: But the egg's destroyed.

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Exactly. And now that the egg's destroyed, I am free to roam the Earth once again without your help! I will become the most powerful ruler on Earth and the Shadow Games will return! I no longer need your mortal body. Goodbye Yami Yoshi...

Yami Yoshi: Don't worry! My OGers will protect me!

<Yami Yoshi turns around and sees a note>

Yami Yoshi: <reading> We are going to attack Gamechamp's Fortress. We'll be back ASAP. Signed, The OGers Crap.

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

<The Pharaoh throws an egg at Yami Yoshi>

Yami Yoshi: Whoa!

<Yami Yoshi barely dodges the egg as it skims his shoulder and explodes behind him>

Yami Yoshi: Time for my Dark Egg!

<Yami Yoshi throws an egg at the Pharaoh but he dodges it as well>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: You're a powerful fighter but not as powerful as the pharaoh!

Yami Yoshi: I'm just getting started...

<Yami Yoshi charges at Pharaoh and releases a flurry of punches. The Pharaoh blocks each one>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Now its my turn!

<The Pharaoh also charges at Yami Yoshi and releases a flurry of punches. Yami Yoshi creates an egg shield and withstands the punches>

Yami Yoshi: It seems that our strengths are both equal.

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Then there's only one way to settle this...A SHADOW GAME!

<Both Yoshis pull out Duel Monsters decks>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I summon Curse of Dragon!

Yami Yoshi: I summon Red Eyes Black Dragon!

<The two Yoshis hop on the two dragons and fly into the air>

Yami Yoshi: Red Eyes Black Dragon! Inferno Fire Blast!

<Red Eyes Black Dragon shoots a fireball that misses Curse of Dragon and destroys a small village>

Yami Yoshi: Oops...

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I play Paralyzing Potion! Now your Red Eyes Black Dragon cannot attack!

Yami Yoshi: Then I'll play Hinotama and directly attack you!

<Fireballs slam into the Pharaoh>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Argh! I'll play Dian Keto the Cure Master and restore my life!

Yami Yoshi: I play Metalmorph and my Red Eyes Black Dragon turns into the Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon! And since Paralyzing Potion doesn't affect Machine type monsters, I'll attack your Curse of Dragon!

<Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon attacks Curse of Dragon destroying it. The Pharaoh falls towards the ground>

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: I play Sonic Bird!

<A bird appears underneath the Pharaoh and he flies away>

Yami Yoshi: Give chase Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon!

<Yami Yoshi follows the Pharaoh and his Sonic Bird>

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

While in the cave BSD fought 3 berserk dragons,became BSD2,almost got killed by the dragons,went berserk,destroyed two out of three of them,and tamed the last one then named him Zappa.

BSD:Zappa,why did you attack me before?

Zappa:My mind was clouded.


Zappa:Why did you go berserk?

BSD:I was near death.


Then they fought a giant lizard,and defeated it after a few sword and claw slashes.

Lemmy appeared

Lemmy:Who's the dragon?

BSD:He's my pet Zappa.

Lemmy:Nice to meet you,Zappa.

Zappa:Nice to meet you too,Lemmy.

Lemmy:How did you become BSD's pet?

Zappa:I went berserk and fought him with two other berserked dragons then when BSD was BSD2 he was about to die when he became berserk and killed the other dragons except for me then I was tamed and he called me Zappa.

Lemmy:Oh,but I want to know how you became berserk.

Zappa:My mind was clouded.

They then see Gc's base.

Will Zappa or BSD become berserk again? Will Lemmy suffer some sort of near death experience and become berserk? Will they defeat GC?


Author: Introbulus[edit]

(Meanwhile, in the desert)

Dark Jim: Blast! Those meddling OGers got away! Now I will never escape this infernal...wait, what is that? (sniff sniff) a leak? ...Aha! Yes, a leak! Most definitly a leak! BWAHAHAHAHA!

(Dark Jim begins to race towards a random direction)

Dark Jim: And where there is a leak, there's bound to be an exit. One that I can exploit! One that I could use...and now that I think about it, one that THEY used!