Member OG 3 Page 1

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Author: Lupus[edit]

~A couple of weeks after VGF Member OG 2~

*In some dusty corner of Koopahari desert, a creature wakes*

???: What the...? Where am I?

*he jumps to his feet, looking around at the barren wasteland, which stretches for miles and miles*

???: I have no idea who I am... or what I'm doing here...

*he walks on, looking for any sign of human life. Hours pass, and before long he collapses from the heat*

???: Must... have... water...

*He looks in front of him, where a small box lays half buried in the sand.*

???: What the?

*he takes the small box, and reads the words on it*

???: The Ultimate Deck... woah. Let's see...

*He opens the box. A flash of light shoots out, and hits him in the chest. He falls backwards, but feels instantly revived. Taking the cards up in his hands, he inspects them quickly.*

???: Take over the world? Instant kill? Woah... I'm not sure who I was before I came here, but now I am here, I know who I'm going to be! Bwahahahahaha!! *insert other various evil laughs*


Lupus: Ah, another nice day in Tokyo. Let's go stop that.

Kamek: Badass idea.

Lemonjello: Mwahaha!

*the trio of TWIFATIT commanders rush out to mess up stuff*


OOC: I meant those cards the ??? guy found to be the ones Yami Yoshi uses all the time. Just if you didn't catch it.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

???: Sir! I left the cards out in the desert, just as you ordered.

??????:Excellent. The OGers will never know what hit them. Lupus will be caught off guard. Dark Gore will never suspect a thing.

?????? reveals his identity

Dark Jim: ...and the world will know the TRUE meaning of darkness!

Episode 3: "Reunion of the OGers" by Yami Yoshi[edit]

Man: Ha ha ha! With these rare cards, I can easily rule the world! Ha ha ha!

<The man walks out of the desert>

Meanwhile on Yoshi's Island...

Yami Yoshi: Ow...The meteor really hurt...

Pharaoh: think it has been a week since Gamechamp was destroyed...

Yami Yoshi: At least we can relax and peace and eat cheesecake.

Pharaoh: Hey! What happened to the Duel Monsters card you used to have?

Yami Yoshi: I shipped them to this secret company in some other galaxy...I think the company was called Jim Co. or something...

Pharaoh: Aw man...I wanted to have some fun with them...

Yami Yoshi: Let's see what's on TV!

<Yami Yoshi grabs the remote and turns on the TV>

Yami Yoshi: Aw yes...CNN...

CNN Reporter: It appears that the notorious group, TWIFATIT consisted of members Lupus, Kamek, and Lemonjello, are stealing cheese from stores in downtown Tokyo. Their spamming powers have killed several police officers...

Yami Yoshi: We better stop them! Without cheese, there's no cheesecake!

Pharaoh: Let's go!

<Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh eat Blue Koopa Shells and fly to Tokyo>


<BSD and SwordMaster are training a top Mt. Fuji>

BSD: Hey SwordMaster! Wonder what all those explosions are in Tokyo?

SwordMaster: We better go check them out!

<BSD and SwordMaster head down to Tokyo>


<Fusion is resting in his mansion>

Fusion: Aw yes...Thanks to the Ruby of Popularity and Sephnity, I am the most popular celebrity in the world!

Sephnity: That's right brotha! I'm talkin' downtown!

Butler: Fusion! The TWIFATIT are invading Tokyo! The government has asked for your assisstance!

Fusion: Gotta go! Let's go Sephnity!

Sephnity: I'm talkin' downtown!

<In the jungle>

<GORE is listening to his radio>

Radio Guy: Hello! You are listening to 123.4! Monkey Radio! Recent news reports say that TWIFATIT has invaded Tokyo.

GORE: All right Monkey Team! Let's go to Tokyo!

<Meanwhile in Introbulus' lab>

Introbulus: <reading the paper> What! TWIFITAT has invaded Tokyo! I better go! (Hey that rhymes!)

<Introbulus grabs his teleporter, types in Lupus, presses the button labeled teleport, and teleports to Tokyo>

And so the OGers once again have a mission. To stop the TWIFITAT gang from stealing all of the cheese! But what about Dark Jim? Will he use Yami Yoshi's Duel Monsters cards to take over the world? Find out in Episode 4!

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Hey, the second went fast. Well, It's time to get this one rolling...

(In Tokyo)

Fred: Wow, I wonder how me end up here! Well, it must've been that crash. I wonder where it landed.

(In Ohio)

Hic: Mah! I found a machine! It's scarin' the cows!

Ma: You dog 'on right it's scarin em' cows! Boy, burn down the machine. You know that's why we don't have 'em fool tractors! Serves those crazy folk right, for not watching Terminator 1 & 2!

(back in Tokyo)

Fred: I wonder what happened to everyone. Oh well. Nice day.

Lupud (over loudspeaker): Attention pitiful Tokyokians! We are just about to ruin your day! I have created a totally life-like clone of godzilla - made entirely of cheese!

Fred: I said "Nice day"! Gttt! Oops, wrong button. I mean "Grrrr!"!

Lemonjello: So?

Fred: Good point. I think I'm supposed to be some sort of protagonist. But who cares? I'm going to go ruin the day in Great Britain. You can maul these people.

Lupus: Gee, thanks. Now play nice.

Fred: Ok. I'll be sure to destroy them horribly.

(Fred makes it there)

Fred: Oh no! What a terrible mistake!!!! It's too rainy here! Oh yeah, And I should probably stop Lupus. But instead I'm going to do something else. As long as something else means "Go and stop Lupus", I'm down with it.

(gets back)

Fred: Oh no! I'm too late! I missed captain planet. Ok, enough stalling! FRED SMASH LUPUS!

Lupus: That's what you think.

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: whoops, I posted at the same time as YY. Well, the damage isn't too bad. So you won't even have to merge the plotlines to make them work.

Author: Lupus[edit]

*Cheese Godzilla steps on Fred*

Kamek: Awesome. This thing works better than I thought.

Japanese Army General (JAG): Stop the machine at once! We don't want to open fire!

Kamek: Go ahead a fire your pithy weapons, fools! We will crush you all!

*The army begins firing, shooting holes through the cheese*

Fred: Hey, I'm still alive!

Lemonjello: Kill Fred!

Lupus: I fear he will somehow be our opposition in the near future!


*Suddenly Tokyo fades away, and is replaced by a small stone room. Fred is tied up against a chair he sits on, and Kamek, Lupus and Lemonjello approach him*

Lupus: We have warped us all away from the battle. Don't worry, our Cheese Godzilla still reigns. However, you won't live to see daylight again if you do not give us the plans for the Cheese Star.

Fred: Cheese what?


Fred: Sorry, I'm completely empty of any thought of this device you talk about.

Lupus: Hmmm... if you are telling the truth, which you're not... that must mean our tipoff person told a lie, which they didn't... which means we can let you free now, which we won't.

Fred: Yipee!

Kamek: Trees?

Lupus: Wait! I have a deal to suggest with you, Fred. You must invade the National Security Compound of the United States of Guam and recover the Cheese Star plans from our enemies. As soon as you get them, you bring them back to us and we kill you.

Fred: Kill me?

Lupus: I didn't say that.

Fred: Oh, right.

Lupus: Now, go!

Fred: Where is Guam? *gets kicked out of a manhole onto the streets of Tokyo where he is stomped on by the Cheese Godzilla again* Hey, I'm still alive! *gets shot by the army* Hey, I'm still alive!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: I wanted to start this on! Aw well, but I'll start #4. And Team Monkey works for Dark GORE, not the good GORE.


GORE-ILLA takes a plane to Tokyo.

GORE: Still no clue about my past, I never got to have my climactic battle with Dark GORE and his minions at the end of the last OG, Evil's still alive, Lupus is still alive, and THESE PEANUTS ARE SOGGY!!!!!

Flight Attendant: Is there something wrong, sir?

GORE: (grabs attendant by the neck) I'll show you what's wrong with me!!!!

*Camera shifts to an ouside view of the plane. A hatch on the plane opens and GORE flies out screaming. By coincidence he lands in Tokyo*

GORE: (seeing the cheese Godzilla) Mmm...Cheese. I like cheese.* (eats the Godzilla. he then dips monkeys in cheese and eats them.

*-Whenever GORE sees cheese, he turns into a powerless, cheese-loving moron.

To Be Continued....

Author: Lupus[edit]

-Rewritten down there somewhere-

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Indeed.

Author: Lupus[edit]

OOC: Working on a fusion of Fred/my posts. So just continue on as if they both happened for the time being...

OOC2: Here it is.


Fred: I should really probably look back now and see that Lupus has become powerless, but, hey, who cares? I'm going to Guam.


GORE-ILLA: Hahah! I want more cheese!

Lemonjello: Cheese Godzilla! NO!

Lupus: You fool! You ate Cheese Godzilla! I should turn him to cheese for this!

Lemonjello: You just did Lupus.

Lupus: Yeah, this copy of "Lupus Turns GORE-illa Into Cheese(tm)" for Gamecube is just so great.

Lemonjello: Well, he just ate Cheese Godzilla.

Lupus: That just tickles my armpits. To the Super Twif-Tech Duper Car (Ver. 17.9)!


Evil Jim: Ha, I am both Jim AND evil. Sounds good. Anyways, I should get to what's going on with me. I nearly died. But I fused with EVIL. Which is bad for the universe. WELL OF COURSE IT'S NOT GOOD!!!


*Lemonjello, Lupus and Kamek drive into GORE's knees in the Super Twif-Tech Duper Car*

GORE: What the heck? Oh, hi Lupus. *gets up*

Lupus: I'm gonna kill you!

GORE: Where's Koopa?

Lupus: Prepare for hell, GORE-ILLA! ...Uh, good question. Where IS Koopa?

*Over their heads*

Koopa: BWAHAHA! I got the ultimate deck! No one can stop me!! MWAHAHAH!

*On the ground*

Lupus: Never the less, I last read about him being picked on in the Koopahari desert in the last VGF Member OG. I hope he hasn't gotten into any trouble.

*In South Guerney, seconds later*


Villages: ARGH!

*In Tokyo*

Lupus: Never the less, I really should kill you now. So Dark GORE can absorb you, of course.

GORE: No! Never!

*Lemonjello sneaks up behinds him and hits him on the head with the back of his Cheese Destructor beam, and GORE falls to the ground unconsious*

Kamek: Dark GORE, take him to Evil Scientist Dude in the lab. You can absorb him there.

Dark GORE: Yes sir.

Lupus: Now, to the Cheese Ray (Ver. 17.9 as well, what a happy coincidence)!

*Across the other side of Tokyo City*

Introbulus: Come on Fusion, let's take out Lupus.

Fusion: I have every power.

Introbulus: Stop that! We must defeat Lupus.

*Lupus is riding away in a car*

Fusion: Now I'll have to give chase.

Introbulus: Nah, I'll handle this. *Uses metal control, and the car spins around three times and explodes, a la XxX*

Fusion: Wait! That was Lupus's hologram!

Introbulus: Dangit!

*back on the road to Guam*

Fred: Alright, I have to pass through this underground tunnel. What could happen, right?

*on a nearby sign that Fred didn't read, since he can't*

"No peoples at the size of Fred. Peoples of this size will cause tunnel collapse for no reason."

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Dang it again!

OoC 2: thx Lupus, good work.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Dark GORE drags the unconcious GORE-ILLA into EVIL Scientist Dude's lab.


Dark GORE: Shut up. Operte on GORE so I can absorb him.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Alright. Lay him on the table next to that box of mouthwatering Cheez-Its.

Dark GORE: I see no harm in that. (rests GORE-ILLA on the table)

GORE-ILLA: (immediately shoots up and begins digging into the Cheez-ITs.) Mmm....cheese.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Curse your chees-loving ways!

GORE: (ate all the Cheez-Its) Dark GORE! I should have known you were behind this!

Dark GORE: EVIL SCientist Dude, use the remote!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Yessir! (presses button. nothing happens) What the funk?

GORE: Ha ha! Introbulus replaced your mechanical parts with new ones! Your device is useless!

EVIL Scientist Dude: This calls for unconventional methods.

GORE: Huh?


*GORE passes out.*

Pinchy: Yay! Pinchy do something! Pinchy do something!

Dark GORE: I'm sure you did. Wait - where'd GORE-ILLA go?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Curses! One of his friends must hav rescued hjim while you where sarcastically commenting Pinchy.

Dark GORE: Say what?

To Be Continued....

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Ugh...I didn't know GORE was so heavy!

Pharaoh: C'mon! I'm carryin' most of the weight here!

Yami Yoshi: Let's find a way out of these labs!

<Suddenly, loud pounding footsteps are heard>

Dark GORE: Give back GORE!

Yami Yoshi: You take GORE! I'll battle this oversized monkey!

Pharaoh: <sarcasticly> Oh yeah...Thanks a lot...

<The Pharaoh runs off with GORE's body>

Yami Yoshi: All right you monkey! Bring it on! DARK EGG!

<Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Dark GORE but he bats it to the side like a beach ball>


<Yami Yoshi ducks as Dark GORE punches the wall behind him crunching it>

Yami Yoshi: <eats a Red Koopa Shell> FIREBALL!

<Yami Yoshi starts spitting fireballs at Dark GORE>

Dark GORE: Yeouch!

<Dark GORE's fur catches on fire>

Yami Yoshi: Hip Drop!

<Yami Yoshi slams his body on to Dark GORE>

Dark GORE: Urg!

Yami Yoshi: That's what you get for crossing the OGers!

Dark GORE: I'm not through with you yet lizard!

<Dark GORE stands back up and his hand morphs into a huge cannon>


<Dark GORE starts firing coconuts at Yami Yoshi>

Yami Yoshi: Whoa! C'mon Pharaoh! Hurry up!

<Meanwhile in another section of the lab>

Pharaoh: Damn this guy is heavy!

GORE: ...huh?

Pharaoh: Hey! You're up!

GORE: So tired...

Pharaoh: Hurry up! Let's go!

<Suddenly a huge explosion is heard and Yami Yoshi is blasted through the floor in front of them>

Yami Yoshi: Ugh......

Dark GORE: Ha! The Coconut Bomb worked perfectly!

<Dark GORE jumps through the hole in the ground>

Dark GORE: All right! Hand over the monkey and no one gets hurt!

Pharaoh: Oh yeah...Someone's gonna get hurt! Take this! MUMMIFICATION EGG!

Yami Yoshi: Mummification Egg?

<A giant egg made out of bandages surrounds Dark GORE and wraps around him>

Dark GORE: Mmmmph!

Pharaoh: All right! Let's go!

<Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, and GORE run away>

Dark GORE: <breaks out of the bandages> YAAARRRGGGHHH!!! I'M GONNA KILL THOSE YOSHIS!

Author: Gamechamp[edit]


BLUE:Yay,they're back!We fixed Green and Black!

GREEN:Hey,I'm fixed,now to make a power stick!

GC:Stop all the rhymin,we need to get crimin!Yikes,it's contagious!Now what do we do,genius?



GC:Now,we need to find a way to get through things!We spent so much time fixing Green and Black and making a water proof program in us,so now we only have $2 left to our name!We won't be able to get any food or anything!

GREEN:Actally,we don't need food to survive,we just need energy,which we have an unlimeted energy program...

GC:So?What's your point?FOOD TASTES GOOD!!!So,why not we rob a bank?

GREEN:Actually,all banks were destroyed by you and all the money put in your secret safe when you took over the world,then everyone stole all the money from that vault in your absence,and now nobody has a rich amount of money.

GC:Hmmmm...maybe we,we can't...maybe we could...EARN AN HONEST BUCK?!?!?!?!

Back to now,meanwhile...

INTROBULUS:How the heck did the car explode?

FUSION:Who knows?

???:Noodles,get your noodles here!

They look over to a noodle store,and Gamechamp is at the front.

GC:Fresh hot noodles!All at Noodles!Noodles!Noodles!The best place to buy your noodles!

INTROBULUS:Gamechamp?!?!?!!It's not me!It's...ummmmm...some guy named George!

MANEGER:Hey!Non-noodle chat!This is your warning!

FUSION:You're actually working here?

GC(whispering):Please,don't tell anybody,we were losing money and we kind of had to do this...

FUSION:HaHaHa!And this is the one who knows every power in the universe like me?HaHaHa!

GC:SHUT UP!!!That's not nice!Me and the rest of the Robot Team are just trying to work here to earn a little cash!

MANEGER:That's it!You're fired!


Suddenly,the rest of the Robot Team come from the bathroom holding cleaning tools.

ALL 4:What's going on here?

MANEGER:Leaving your shift:fired!

ALL 5:What?!?!?!?!

GC:This is just great!We're now job hunters again!This will take months to find another!

The Robot Team starts crying,and the store starts filling up with water.

FUSION:Hey,wait!Come on,stop crying!We'll make it up to you!I'll,uuuuuhhhhhh...let you help us on our quest at $500 an hour!

ALL:Really?That would be ghreat!Yes!

GC:Wait...that would mean doing...good...

The Robot Team pauses for a few seconds,then they start crying again.

FUSION:$1,000 an hour!

They all stop crying in one instant,and in that instant Gamechamp ends up holding a meal of noodles and a cup of soda.

GC:I hope you like it as a first impression,we spent our last $2 on it!

FUSION:But...we already had first impressions...

He remembers how the R$obot Team had left them on a space station with a bomb about to explode.

FUSION:Anyway...welcome to the team!

INTROBULUS:Hey!I'll decide if we let them in or not!Anyway,welcome to the team!

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: T-t-traitor!

Introbulus: Lupus!

Gamechamp: I'm fighting for good now!

Lupus: Well, honestly I don't care. I'm needed in the next scene. Bye folks! *teleports away*


Yami Yoshi: I can see the entrance to the labs! Keep going!

*They run up to a huge locked metal door, with a passcode system next to it*

Yami Yoshi: Quick! What's the password?!

GORE: I'm pretty sure it's... uh... not sure.

Lupus: Wow, I leave for one second and the lab has fallen to shambles?

GORE: Weren't you in the last scene?

Lupus: Silence! Rebuilding this lab will cost money... but not much! Mwahahaha!

Pharaoh: Could you tell me the password?

Lupus: No.

Pharaoh: Looks like we'll have to find another exit.

Lupus: I can spare you the trouble.

*The roof opens up and the floor ejects Yami Yoshi, Pharaoh and GORE onto the Tokyo streets. The roof quickly closes again in time for a car to cross, running over the trio*

Lupus: That always works! The wonders of coincidence.

*Somewhere, in the underground passage between Japan and Guam*

Fred: Do do do do... this sure is boring. How the heck am I meant to walk from one country to another?

Tollman: Fifty gil to pass.

Fred: ...gil?

Tollman: Fifty gil to pass.

Fred: What the heck is a gil?

Tollman: Fifty gil to pass.

Fred: Do you say anything else?

Tollman: No.

Fred: Oh. Well... I have no fish. So what is a gil?

Tollman: The currency in Guam.

Fred: No, its the currency in some Final Fantasy games. I'm sure people of Guam use-

Tollman: Fifty gil to pass.

Fred: I HAVE NO MONEY! Besides two yen, which I can't buy ANYTHING with.

Tollman: Then you have no access to Guam.

*Suddenly, for no reason, the tunnel collapses and kills the Tollman. Fred scrambles across the rubble and towards the rest of the tunnel. But where the roof broke, water floods in from the ocean*

Fred: I know this is a bad thing. But I'm not sure HOW it is.