Member OG 3 Page 9

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Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
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Author: Introbulus[edit]

Dark Jim: You made a terrible mistake coming here, Dark Force!

Dark Force: Wrong! It is you that has made the terrible mistake! Gargoylous, finish him off!

Gargoylous leaps into Dark Jim, but has no visible effect.

Dark Force: What!?! That blow should have annilated you! What happened?

Dark Jim: Foolish Dark Force! Not even your M.P.V.P knows the power I hold. For you see, I carry the evil of everything in the universe! Evil can only fuel me! Just like YOU!!!

Dark Force: What the...?

All of the Dark Force begins to be absorbed into Dark Jim.

Dark Force: AHH!!! What are you doing?

Dark Jim: You think that Fusion is the only one who can fuse things? I, too, can fuse. But not the manifestation of beings, just the evil power within!

As the Dark Force is absorbed by Dark Jim, Gargoylous hangs onto a rock for dear life, but cannot escape the vortex created by the mage. As the force is finished fusing with Dark Jim, he let's out a dark laugh, quite characteristic of Dark Jim.


As if on cue, many mages spurt out of a newly-formed dark portal. First the mages Jim created, then a flood of darkness leaps out as if a great harness has finally been released on all the evil.


(Meanwhile, back on Earth)

Introbulus: Well, now that all the evil has been wiped away, Earth is once again a peaceful place to live!


Introbulus: It can't be!

Fusion: It is! Dark Jim! He's 500 times larger than he was before!


Final Darkness: The Earth in Peril! - Mega Man 1: Intro music

OOC: That song I posted before was the introductory from Ninja Gaiden II. Sorry about being so long between posts. I couldn't get on the internet for long enough last night.

Author: Fred[edit]

ok, um, cool, but we posted over each other. I don't think even YY or Lupus could fuse these posts. Now what?

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Well, if you think about it, they are already fused! All you have to do is consider that Gargoylous survived the battle, and that Introbulus still thinks that the Earth is safe just because they killed Shade and Dark Jim left.

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC): Ok, It COULD work, but I mean, a final battle already? These things are getting shorter. I mean, really, and how are we going to top this one? Lose all our powers? Maybe we should have kept the light sword after all... we could have always thrown it away at the end.

GORE-ILLA or YY or someone should post, I don't like to do anything that even RESEMBLES double -posting, it breaks the point of this forum.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Well, Dark Jim is going at an extremely slow pace. He won't reach Earth for another week or so. That should give the OGers time to find some other powerful weapon to defeat Dark Jim. Hmmm, come to think about it, maybe that song isn't appropriate just yet. I think I'll change it.

OOC: Besideswhich, as we move on to new OG's, the posts seem to get longer, so while there aren't as many posts in this story, there is almost just as much texture as in the last one.

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:Ummmmmmmm...Me and the rest of The Robot Team didn't go to stop the OGers,they just left.Plus,I have a good ide for the next time they meet the Robot Team.I'll just fix that.And Fred,what did you mean by good work?


SUPER GC:Hahaha!You fools!

He shoots out his new form,turns back to normal,and it causes everyone to be knocked unconcious.

BLUE:Let's go!

They jump on the Roborcycles,and ride to thier secret base.

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: I know you probably dislike me for some reason, so I'm going to keep my reasoning explination short. try not to have trouble with the big words now, that goes for all of you (kidding!)

Well, You said they (robot team) were going back to being evil. From which I thought I could to a take-off from LOTR with. And I did. So I mean, you didn't have to just ignore my posts, and manipulate it to what you wanted (it's been done before, just so someone can put their character's MYSTERIOUS past, which every character has. Bleh.). That, again, defeats the purpose of this forum.

Secondly, I said thanks, because I thought I had made the Light Sword into SM, making him an invincible character, and making the Light Sword stay forever. Invincible characters are bad, which is why I'm concerned about Fusion. But I've never said that before. Fusion does let others have a turn, at least. I thought that by creating a character that would beat the ultimate evil guy with one slash would be terrible, and you just got rid of that. That's my explination.

Thirdly, wait, that wasn't brief. d'oh! Oh, well. Just don't keep killing off ideas. This post will self destruct in 5... 4... 2... wait, where's 3?

Author: Fusion[edit]

Dark Force somehow escapes from Dark Jim.

Dark Force: I shall return, Dark Jim! *disappears*

Dark Jim: Dang, I'll be back!

Arnold Schwartzaneger: Don't copy my catch phrase!

Dark Jim: Sorry! I will come back! *vanishes*

Meanwhile, in the MPVP Base on Saturn...

MPVP Leader #1: Dang, Dark Jim is hard to beat!

MPVP Leader #2: Yes, but I have a trap in mind.

MPVP Leader #3: Tell us what it is.

MPVP Leader #2: We send a very strong minion on Pluto. Dark Jim will go there in hopes of absorbing new strength. When he gets there, he will be obliverated by our minion!

MPVP Leader #1: Who is this minion?

MPVP Leader #2: A certain ruby god.

MPVP Leader #3: You don't mean...

MPVP Leader #2: Yes, Sephnito! He's learned to survive without his ruby! He's now stronger than ever! Even stronger than Dark Jim!

Suddenly, a colonel comes in.

Colonel: Commanders Quirtzok, Lord Chaos, and King Bob, we have just assigned Sephnito his new mission.

Quirtzok: Excellent.

Lord Chaos: He will learn not to steal our spotlight!

King Bob: Yes!


Meanwhile, in Dark Jim's palace on Uranus...

Dark Jim: I sense a powerful energy! I shall absorb it!

Later, on Pluto...

Dark Jim: Why is the energy on Saturn?

???: Because the MPVP preferred Saturn.

Dark Jim: Sephnito?

Sephnito: Yes, I can now survive without my ruby! Also, I'm stronger than ever! HAHAHA!

Dark Jim: Then let's fight!

Sephnito: Alright, and do not even try to absorb me, you'll explode from too much power! And I'll respawn, because I'm the ruby god and a god can respawn infinite times!

Dark Jim:
HP: 9999999999999
FP: 9999999999999
MP: 9999999999999

HP: 9999999999999999999999999999999
FP: 9999999999999999999999999999999
MP: 9999999999999999999999999999999

Sephnito Battle - Mega Man 7: Alternate Shade Man theme

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC): sorry 'bout putting you through all that crap on my opinion, I was a bit ticked off when I wrote that.

Dark Jim: Pshhaw. I thought in Introbulus's post I was more powerful.

Stephinto: Nope! I guess Fusion forgot the alledged post fusion.

Dark Jim: Bah. I may not win by absorbing you, but other methods may be necessary. Ha.

Stephinto: Wha - what are you doing?

Dark Jim: Summoning Gargolyus!

Stephinto: what? What do you mean?

Dark Jim: It's a technique I concocted. I can make a totally loyal soldier, who's limits are only bounded by mine. Plus, who needs just one Gargolus? How about one thousand?!

Stephinto: AHHH! Wait, er- heheh, you cannot beat me... (shaking) I.. am Stephinto...

Dark Jim: Pah, you start shaking at the fact that you may lose. You don't deserve your power. Therefore, when I beat you, you shall be my new minion! MUAHAHA!

Stephinto: Noooo! (gets covered in approximatly 42,000 Gargolyuses)

(back on earth) Introbulus: Peace is good. (I tried to fuse posts.)

YY: Wait, what's that up ahead?

???: Ha, I work for the MPVP, and one of us has been sent to every planet in this galaxy. My name is... Person.

Fusion: Good for you. (claps slowly and sarcastically)

Person: You will fear me, since I wear the PANTS OF POWER! (tm)

SwordMaster: That's not healthy.

Person: I never said it was. I have been searching out the ones with the largest records of opposing us. My search is over. I will destroy you, eat at a Denny's, and blow up your planet.

BSD: OMFG I never got to talk enough about my past that's shrouded in mystery just like everyone else's!!!

GORE-ILLA: Me neither, but I mean, wow, eating at Denny's. This guy is pure evil.

Person:what's up with all this dialogue. Fight me!

Fusion: Don't worry, I can deal with this guy.

Pharoh: Hurry it up.

Person: Muahahah! You lack skill, Fusion.

Fusion: Do not!

Person: Do too!

BSD: OMFG Lemmy should be here so I can go "this is going to take forever don't you think" and then he'll be like "yes"! OMFG ROTF!

Fusion: Forget this! (charges at Person)

Person: Ha, you are no match for the pants of power. ( pounds the ground with his fist, sending Fusion flying)

Fusion: crap.

(Person waits for Fusion to fall and then rolls into him. His pants glow.)

Person: Houah!

(strikes his foot on Fusion's chest, which hurts him. Person makes his fist into a gigantic spiked ball, and procedes to drop it on Fusion)

YY: No! Dark Yoshi egg! ( blasts Person in the back, and his huge fist lands on himself)

Person: Ouch. This hurts, but you'll be screaming after I'm done with you.

Fred: Not so! (attack Person, who lifts up his fist, and drops it on Fred. Fred rolls out of the way, and kicks person in the leg)

Person: You dare challenge me!

(Person bashes Fred with both his hands. Fred blocks with his hammer, but is knocked down. Person slams his foot on Fred, but Fred, whom saw Fusion's mistake rolls away. He does so, and jumps back up, swinging at Person. Person is finally hit, but gets back up, and charges at Fred who swings his full might off his hammer. Person runs around the hammer and knees Fred in the stomach, and punches him away)

Person: Grr, how dare you hit me! Rabble! ( Suplexes Fred into the ground) Any more contenders?

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

In the atmosphere of Saturn…

<Sephnito fires an energy ball at Dark Jim>

Dark Jim: Ha!

<Dark Jim dodges the energy ball>

Dark Jim: Pretty pathetic for a god aren’t you? Take this!

Sephnito: Pathetic? I’ll show you pathetic! Ruby Annihilation Ball!

<Sephnito hurls a giant Ruby Energy Ball the size of the moon at Dark Jim>

Dark Jim: Teleportation!

<Dark Jim teleports out of the way just as the energy ball flies into Saturn’s core causing it to explode>

Sephnito: Where’d you go?

Voice: Right here!

<A giant fist suddenly slams into Sephnito knocking him into Jupiter’s Great Red Spot>

Dark Jim: That should be the end of him…

<Suddenly the Red Spot flashes a brilliant red and triggers a huge explosion that obliterates Jupiter>

Dark Jim: Urgh!

<The explosion knocks Dark Jim onto the surface of Mars>

Sephnito: My Ruby Obliteration Bomb worked perfectly! Now to use it on this puny planet of Mars!

Meanwhile on Earth…

Yami Yoshi: No! Fusion! Fred!

Person: Ha ha ha! They were weak…Now time to destroy the leader of the OGers, Yami Yoshi! Spiked Punch!

<Person aims a punch at Yami Yoshi>

Yami Yoshi: Tongue Attack!

<Yami Yoshi swallows Person’s entire body and turns it into an egg>

Yami Yoshi: Take this!

<Yami Yoshi hurls the egg into the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, Fusion and Fred get back up>

Fusion: Yeah! You did it!

Yami Yoshi: He was easy…

<Suddenly, a huge explosion is seen in the sky followed by another explosion>

Yami Yoshi: What was that?

Introbulus: <Looking through a telescope> Oh my God! Jupiter and Saturn have been completely obliterated!

Fred: But how?

Introbulus: <looking closer into the telescope> I see Dark Jim…and some familiar red cloaked fiend…Sephnito!

Yami Yoshi: Sephnito? But the Pharaoh and I killed him in the last OG!

Pharaoh: He was a piece of cake...

Introbulus: He must have immortality because of his godlike powers…The two of them are fighting…

Yami Yoshi: We don’t have that much time until they come!

Introbulus: You can say that again…

<Suddenly another explosion is seen in the sky>

Introbulus: Mars is gone too. And now they’re heading towards Earth…

BSD: (assuming he’s fused back) Here they come!

<Two figures fly into Earth’s atmosphere slamming into each other>

Dark Jim: That’s it! I’ve had it! Dark Absorption!

Sephnito: Go ahead and absorb me!

<Dark Jim opens his mouth and sucks inside Sephnito>

Dark Jim: <gulp> Oh yeah! I feel the power!

<Dark Jim’s dark hair suddenly turns red and turns into stands straight up, Goku style>

Dark Jim: Ha ha ha! I have never felt so much power in my life…I…

<Suddenly Dark Jim’s eyes turn red>

Dark Jim: Ha ha ha! I warned Dark Jim not to absorb me! Now his body is mine!

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

Introbulus: Sephnito must have taken over Dark Jim’s mind!

Sephnito Jim: Ha ha ha! Now to seek revenge on the ones who destroyed me in the first place: Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh!

Yami Yoshi: All right Fusion!
Fusion: Right! Fusion Beam!

<The Fusion Beam fuses Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh into Twin Headed Yami Yoshi>

TH Yami Yoshi: Yeah I’m back!

GORE: Are you sure that he’s strong without Dragoshi’s body?

TH Yami Yoshi: I beat the crap outta him last time! I’ll be fine!

Sephnito Jim: Bring it on!

Can TH Yami Yoshi defeat Sephnito again? TH Yami Yoshi thinks so but Sephnito has become much more powerful especially with Dark Jim’s body. And is Person truly gone? Not likely…Find out in the next episode: The Absorption of TH Yami Yoshi!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Hair? Jim doesn't have hair! He's just a floating cloak!

(Meanwhile, inside Dark Sephinto)

Sephinto: Bwahahahaha!

Dark Jim: Hey, that's MY line!

Sephinto: Well NOW it's mine! You foolish mortal! Thinking you could absorb a god?

Dark Jim: You idiot! I'm just as immortal as you!

Sephinto: Aha! But since this post is being made by Introbulus, I know that you are only "Mostly" Immortal! That means you can be killed if effort is put in, whereas I cannot!

Dark Jim: Well, you seem to be forgetting three things...Oh look, here they come now!

Sephinto: What? Who do you speak of? I left no one to save you! General Guy is dead!

Dark Jim: That idiot? Ha! I'm almost GLAD you killed him! Made way for some GOOD minions!

Sephinto: Oh no, you mean...?

Dark Jim: Yes! They won't let you beat the OGers because they know that I want to kill them!

(The entire conversation took only one milisecond. So at the same exact time, outside Dark Sephinto...)

Dark Sephinto: Oh no, they're here!

TH Yami Yoshi: Who?

???: Us.

Fusion: (turns around) It's the dark mages!

Green Dark Mage: I am Flora, the mage of the forest and nature! I am also the only mage that considers myself a girl!

Yellow Dark Mage: I am Blitz, I control the *Bzzt!* primal forces of electricity!

Brown Dark Mage: ...and I am Grant, mage of the Earth and Rock!

Sephinto: Well, what?!? I can take you all!

Flora: I highly doubt it! Since Dark Jim left us in the alternate demention, we have been training our power, knowing that one day he would summon us back to his side! Now that he has, our powers combined should be enough to stop a "god" like you!

TH Yami Yoshi:'re on our side?

Grant: Temporarily. Once Dark Jim is out, we'll kill you all.

TH Yami Yoshi: (thinks) Well, that's better than nothing!

Jim: Wait! As part of Dark Jim, am I not your master?

Blitz: You are even worse than the *Bzzt!* OGers! You symbolize everything we *Bzzt!* hate!

Jim: (thinks) Well, that's worse than nothing!

Narriarator: Will this new alligance be enough to stop Dark Sephinto? If so, how will our heroes stop the dreaded power of Dark Jim? Is this post cheap?

Everyone: YES!

Narrirator: Join us next time, or you all DIE!!!

Author: Fred[edit]

(from last OG post)
Narrator: Join us now, or you DIE!

Fred_In_Bed: I refuse to join you! You're all crazy! Ahhh! (Jumps out window)

Grant: Hur, I crush you!

Dark Sephinto: Wait, you know what I forgot to do? I never beat up THYY and absorbed him!

THYY: Yeah, you friggen' cheapskate!

Dark Sephinto: Let's go and do this. (THYY spits an array of eggs from thei mouth, which bounce hoplessly off DS. THYY tries to duck, but unclimatically is absorbed, in a boring and non-sacrificial manner. bah.)

Dark Sephinto: I'm a god. I absorbed someone at one hundreth of my lowest possible power. He liked DBZ. Big Whoop.

Fusion: You haven't finish us yet!

Dark Sephinto: I think I have. and friken' easily, too.

Flora: You forget us. (Flora whips him with a vibe whip, stunning him. Grant grabs his arms, and plants them in the ground, making the ground chain him. Blitz (bzzt) shocks him numerous times)

Dark Sephinto: You'll never make me talk!

Nazi: Zat's, not, funny!

Grant: Dur.. hurhur... let's smash him! (turns his hand into a gigantic rock fist)

Dark Sephinto: You have the edge, therefore... something must happen! You can't just win like this, not so friggen easily!

Introbulus: Let's think... I guess almost everyone is accounted for.

Person: Except me.

Dark Sephinto: Yeah. There you are. Let's kick this thing into overdrive. (becomes a gigantic Drew Carey)

Drew Carey: I am the focal point of all evil in the world!

BSD: Argh! Now how do we win?

Blitz: Like (bzzt) this!

(Blitz shocks Drew to no avail. Flora comes up behind him, but he sits on it, beating Flora to the ground. He then lays on Blitz, who cannot stop him. He procedes to Grant, who pounds him in the belly, And Drew falls on him).

Fusion: How do we win? Wait, I know! Fusion! On Flora, Grant, and Blitz!

(fuse together, but Pyro jumps in too (where'd he come from) and make... MEGAMAGE!)

MM: No, not megaman. MEGAMAGE!

Person: Ha, I'll get him.

MM: Keep him off my back while Fusion and I fight Drew (thinking) I hope he doesn't have another form. Especially one that's even fatter! maybe Fred should go get more Slimfast...(/thinking)


Author: Fusion[edit]

Meanwhile, in the new MPVP HQ on Neptune...

Quirtzok: Yes, Sephnito is doing perfectly!

Lord Chaos: He will destroy the OGers!

King Bob: Wait, why is the intruder alert on?

Suddenly, the Justice League, Freedom Force (hated their PC game), the NC Three (Bill, Fred, and Donez), and the BDWP come flying in. Together, they are the MPYASITG (Most Powerful Yet Annoying Superheroes In The Galaxy).

Wonder Woman: We must stop Quirtzok, Lord Chaos, and King Bob!

Mouse: Duh, we know that, suga!

Sumoto: Sumoto will smash the 3 gods!

All: Let's go!

So they run around bashing all the troops, guards, and generals until they get to the throne room.

Quirtzok: So, you made it!

Superman: Yes, and we will kill you.

Justice League: (for each hero)
HP: 9999999
FP: 9999999
MP: 9999999

Freedom Force: (also for each hero)
HP: 999999
FP: 999999
MP: 999999

NC Three: (again for each hero)
HP: 1,000,000,000,000
FP: 1,000,000,000,000
MP: 1,000,000,000,000

BDWP: (I'm not even gonna say it)
HP: 9999999999999999
FP: 9999999999999999
MP: 9999999999999999

HP: 99999999999999999999999
FP: 99999999999999999999999
MP: 99999999999999999999999

Lord Chaos:
HP: 99999999999999999999999
FP: 99999999999999999999999
MP: 99999999999999999999999

King Bob:
HP: 99999999999999999999999
FP: 99999999999999999999999
MP: 99999999999999999999999

The MPYAHITG vs. The MPVP Leaders - Donkey Kong Country 2: K. Rool Battle

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

They all fire beams at eachother at the same time and are killed.


Dark GORE: *sputters and explodes*

Lupus: WTF?!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Alright, I admit - that's just a cheap robot duplicate I put together. I was hoping it would last until his new robot body is complete in VGF Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest - which will be started and ended by GORE-ILLA.

Lupus: Okay...

*Inside Sephnito's Body...*

EVIL: Soon, the time will come. If Dark Jim/Sephnito gains a little bit more poer, I will have enough energy to reach my ultimate, physical form. Then anyone with the slightest dark ambitions within me, even robots will bow before my power. I will be com[letely and utterly unstopable. And not like any other villains who claim to be extremely strong when I am actually the one who gives them their power. Only pure-hearted people can resist my power, and they're scarcer then Spider-Man #1 these days! Mwahahahhahaaaaaaa!!!!!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

^OOC: Ah! Gore finally ends all the nonsense that we've been making and starts...some of his own nonsense! But at least it's "classical" nonsense! By the way, when are we gonna make a new Subtitle? I mean, "Subtitle Soon" may sound good to some people, but it's a bit corny for my taste.