Member OG 3 Page 6

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Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

TH Yami Dragoshi: I'm going to check on the Robot Team to see how they're doing on the tests!

Introbulus: All right! We're going to go after Dark Jim!


Gamechamp: Hey! Is that the Cyclops?

Blue: No way! Cyclopses have one eye!

Green: He's coming this way!

<The Cyclops walks over to the Robot Team>

Cyclops: Who are you guys?

Gamechamp: Allow us to introduce ourselves!

Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!

All: We are the Robot Team!

Cyclops: So you are the OGers! I shall crush you!

<The Cyclops slams his giant fist into Gamechamp smashing him into a tree>

Gamechamp: Ugh...Get him!

Cyclops: Eye Laser!

<The Cyclops shoots two lasers that hit the ground and cause a huge explosion that blasts the Robot Team into the sky>

Gamechamp: Grr...

Cyclops: Now to crush you! Eye Laser!

<Cyclops prepares to fire his Eye Laser when...>

Voice: Dragoshi Fireball!

Cyclops: Argh! My eye!

Gamechamp: It's you!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Let's destroy this guy! Dragoshi Fireball!

Gamechamp: Xbox Throw!

<Both attacks kill the cyclops>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Now let's go buy <looks at the list> Yu-Gi-Oh Cards?

Gamechamp: Yeah...That's what Kargon wants...

TH Yami Dragoshi: All right! Let's go!


Kargon: Ha ha ha! All of these tests are completely false! If they think they can win the Light Sword from me, they're sadly mistaken!

Voice: Good job.

Kargon: What!?

<Dark Jim runs into Kargon's hut carrying an unconcious Jim>

Dark Jim: So you fooled the OGers?

Kargon: Yes.

Dark Jim: Excellent...The three mages, the Fire Mage, the Water Mage, and the Ice Mage should hopefully destroy TH Yami Dragoshi and Gamechamp! Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:The light sword was already summoned!You can't say it doesn't exist!

KARGON(thinking):Good,if he believes that there is no light sword,then my friend Gamechamp and the others will have a better chance at beating this guy if they pass the tests!

DJ:I can read mind!You just told me all that!

KARGON::gasp:Well,it won't matter,because I know a way to get the light sword and myself away!I may not be a swordsman,but I do know some techniques!Light warp!

Kargon dissappears with the light sword.

KARGON:Good,he'll never find me here,now to check the progress of the OGers!

He goes in a trance.


The Robot Team and Twin headed Yami Dragoshi are running on a path.

GC:Come on!We need to hurry if we want to use the light sword!

Then,Kargon's face appears transpantly...

KARGON:Hey!Listen!You need to hurry!

GC:We know that!

KARGON:Yes,but you must know that Dark Matter is gone!


KARGON:Now Dark Jim has gone on the loose!You need the light sword to banish him to the dimension of torture!That's the only way to get rid of him!You must hurry and pass the tests,he must be defeated!


SM:Ugggg...what happened?

FUSION:Good,you're awake!There's no time to explain,we need to go!

They head toward where the others are...

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

Kargon: Gamechamp and TH Yami Dragoshi are approaching the Shadow Lake!

Dark Jim: Excellent. The perfect environment for Hydro, the Water Mage!

Voice: You called Master?

<A blue robed mage appears>

Dark Jim: Two people are approaching the Shadow Lake right now! I want you to annihilate both of them!

Hydro: Yes sir! I shall drench and drown them with my TORRENTIAL TIDAL ATTACK!

<Hydro teleports to the Shadow Lake>

Dark Jim: I'll need someone to handle the rest of the OGers...I summon Frost, the Ice Mage!

<A white robed magee appears>

Frost: What is it Master?

Dark Jim: I need you to kill the OGers who are currently entering the Shadow Woods right now!

Frost: Snow problem sir!

<Frost teleports to the entrance to the Shadow Woods>

Dark Jim: Ha ha ha! The OGers shall be defeated! The Three Mages' power exceeds that of Dark Matter! That won't last long! But just in case they do, I still have the ultimate mage, Pyro...

Author: Introbulus[edit]

DJ: ...The mage of fire! BWAHAHAHAHA...wait, did he just say "snow problem"? Damn! It's so hard to find minions that don't have such quirky personalities!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The other OGers explore The Shadow Woods*

GORE-ILLA: Where could Dark Jim have gotten to?

Introbulus: I don't know.

Fusion: Its starting to get cold. Eh, Swordmaster?
Swordmaster? (looks over to see Swordmaster encased in a block of ice.) Sword Master!

GORE: What the Hell?

Frost: Hee hee...You OGers are sliding on thin ice- and now its time for me to break it!

Author: Fusion[edit]

Fusion: Not so fast!

Frost: What is this!?

Fusion: Fire 7!

Frost: Frost Shield!

Fire 7 melts the Frost Shield instead of Frost.

Frost: Ha! Now I will have frozen Fusion for dinner! Ice Ray!

Fusion is hit and encased in a block of ice.

Frost: Now to absorb them!

Frost absorbs the blocks of ice.


Gore: We'll see! Flamethrower Gun!

Gore's mechanical arm turns into a cannon which fires a lot of fire at Frost. It does nothing.

Frost: Ha! With Fusion's immortality, I cannot be harmed! And with SwordMaster's agility, I cannot be captured! Plus, I get a new attack! Ice Knife!

Frost throws a knife made out of ice at Gore's mechanical arm. It slices the arm's covering, but not much.

Gore: I didn't even feel that. Wha...?

Gore looks at his mechanical arm and sees oil spilling out.

Frost: Without your oil, you cannot move your mechanical parts, rendering you helpless! Hahaha...huh?

Frost suddenly starts glowing. There is a bright flash of light and the next thing you know, Fusion is standing in front of Frost, who is lying on the ground.

Frost: How!?

Fusion: I know how to escape when absorbed!

Frost: No matter! I still have SwordMaster's agility!

Frost hops back up and sumersaults into the air and lands behind Fusion. He punches Fusion into a nearby block of ice, shattering it.

Frost: Ha!

???: Not so fast!

Frost: Wha...!?

Suddenly, four warriors appear.

???: I am Turbo, mechanic and kinetic!

???: I am Mouse, expert hacker and master of computer powers!

???: I am Mirage, a master illusionist and soul stealer!

???: I am Mastermon, master of all Digital Monsters!

???: And I am Sumoto, the 30 ft. tall, 700 ton sumo wrestler, and the largest one in the universe!

All: We're the BDWP (Best Dang Warriors Period)!

Mirage: Commander Fusion, are you all right?

Fusion: Yeah.

Frost: NO!

Mastermon: Yes! You have messed with our leader for the last time! Master Beam!

Frost: NOOOOOOO! *explodes, leaving behind the frozen SwordMaster*

Fusion: Heat 4!

The ice melts, but SwordMaster falls to the ground due to pnuemonia.

Fusion: We must get him to the space station!

Introbulus: Can't you heal him?

Fusion: It would screw up the plot! Now come on! Gore, BDWP, this means you!

Gore/BDWP: Oh!


Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

Meanwhile at the Shadow Lake...

Gamechamp: Hey! Is that a lake?

TH Yami Dragoshi: I don't know...Let's go check it out!

<Gamechamp and TH Yami Dragoshi walk over to the lake>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Weird...the water's black...

Voice: Well duh! It's called the Shadow Lake!

<Hydro appears behind TH Yami Dragoshi and Gamechamp>

Gamechamp: Who are you?

Hydro: I am Hydro, the Water Mage! I am a loyal servant of Dark Jim and I am here to destroy you! <pulls out a staff> TORRENTIAL TIDAL ATTACK!

<The water from the Shadow Lake forms the shape of a dragon and flies towards the two OGers>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Fire attacks won't work...Dark Dragoshi Egg!

Hydro: Argh!

<Hydro looks down at a giant hole in the center of his body>

Hydro: Aqua Recovery!

<Water rises from the lake and flies into Hydro's chest restoring it back to normal>

Gamechamp: Oh no!

TH Yami Dragoshi: This guy's body is made out of water!

Hydro: Ha ha ha! That's right! You guys are all washed up!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Dragoshi Slash!

Hydro: Aqua Recovery!

<Hydro restores his arm>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Grr...How are we supposed to beat him?

Gamechamp: I have an idea! XBOX THROW!

<Gamechamp throws an Xbox into the Shadow Lake>

Hydro: Whoa! You missed me by a mile!

TH Yami Dragoshi: What are you doing?]

Gamechamp: Watch!

<The Xbox explodes creating electrical surges in the water>

Gamechamp: Now attack him!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Right! DARK DRAGOSHI EGG!

Hydro: Argh! Aqua Recovery!

<Hydro absorbs the water from the lake but this time his chest is violently shocked>

Hydro: <Bzzzzzzzzzt sound is heard> AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Gamechamp: Great! Hydro absorbed the electrified water!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Prepare for some fireworks!


<Hydro's body explodes in a multitude of fireworks>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Yeah! We did it!

Gamechamp: Only the Mythic Dragon is left...

In Kargon's hut...

Kargon: Bad news Dark Jim! Hydro and Frost were both easily defeated by the OGers!

Dark Jim: What!? How could they lose so quickly!? Hmmm...It seems that the OGers are more powerful than I thought...I'll need to use Pyro...

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:Will you please stop the XBox throw,make it a buster gun shot or something,that's my normal move,which is also electrical,and I have every power in the universe,and my fact of being a robot expands it further!OK,back to the story...

DJ:Wait,weren't you really trying to trick me,Kargon?Didn't you go hide somewhere I don't know because you're really good?

ZARGON:I'm really Zargon,his twin.

DJ:Okay,I don't need you.

Dark Jim kills Zargon.



DJ:Go and destroy those 6 by the lake!But first...

General Guy and some shy guys come.

GG:We have made this special water-proof potion for you.We made it in tableats because you might go out from the liquid.Eat them,and you will be immune to water!


He eats the tablets.

PYRO:Yes,now I will destroy those 6!

He leaves to where the Robot Team and THYD are.


The Robot Team and THYD are riding the Robot Mobile(THYD is holding on to the back)down a path to get to the next wizard,and finnally get to the next enemy,then get the Yu-Gi-Oh cards and deliver them to Kargon.Then,Kargon's transperent head appears again.

KARGON:Hello,it's me again.I need to tell you something...

BLUE:Well,if it's that we need to hurry to use that light sword,we know,I'm going way past the speed limit,and passing 500 trees a second!

KARGON:Yes,but I sense that the final wizard,Pyro,has an advanced ability somehow...I can't tell what it is,but I'm sure he has one.

GC:Relax,a little buster gun-water style will get him instantly!

KARGON:WELL THAT HANDICAP HE HAS MAY STOP THAT!!!!!Besides,there's still the fact of the Mythic Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh after him!

GC:We're going to get them,no problem!

KARGON:Be quiet!I'm going to leave you now.I'll show up later...

He dissappears.


Pyro is flying some hight above the car,following them. to stop them and attack!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: As a note, a mage probably wouldn't "punch" a fighter. More likely, they'd summon some sort of ethereal elemental hand to punch for them. But I degress.

Dark Jim: If those OGers were able to defeat my other mages so easily, then they will almost certainly destroy Pyro! How can I...? Wait! I've got it! I'll just build more mages! Yes! Brand new ones embowed with my powers!

GG: You can do that?

Dark Jim: Of course I can do that! Anyone with my power could do that! Oh, by the way, have you disposed of Jim yet?

GG: Not yet, he's quite resilient to all our most efficient killing methods.

Dark Jim: Well keep trying! If the OGers get to him, then he'll tell them all about my weakness to light power! If he ever manages to fuse with Introbulus, then we're in some deep Sh...

GG: Sir, please! There might be children reading this!

Dark Jim: Buzz off!

GG: (mumbling)you big meanie-head(/mumbling)

Dark Jim: (I hate these minions) Well, anyway, I guess I should get started on those mages. (Dark Jim takes three empty cloaks and begins chanting a modified ancient chant)

Dark Jim: Marktar, Ichira, Ooctar...

As Dark Jim chants, one cloak glows a bright yellow, another a brilliant green, and the last an outstanding brown.

Dark Jim: Esthero, Ichira, Miniero, ICHIROKA!!!

All three cloaks become exact replica's of Dark Jim, with yellow, green, and brown cloaks in place of DJ's dark purple cloak.

Dark Jim: I am your master, your creator, Dark Jim! Stand before me, creations! Tell me who you are!

Yellow cloak: I am Blitz, the mage of lightning! *Bzzt*

Green Cloak: I am Flora, the mage of the wilderness and plantlife! Also the only mage who prefers to be called female.

Brown Cloak: *grunt* I am Grant, the mage of the Earth and rock.

The three together: We are the servants of Jim, the mage of darkness!

DJ: Excellent, I want you three to go and crush the OGers! With this all-star team, I can't lose!

All four: Bwahahahaha!

Dark Jim: Oh, and Flora?

Flora: Yes, Jim?

Dark Jim: We're all ethereal entities, so we don't have a gender.

Flora: Drat.

Author: The Flying Fish[edit]

OOC: Do you guys mind if I join in this? I'll probably read over this topic a bit to get the basic gist of what's happening... unless one of you will fill me in on what's been going on.

Author: Golem[edit]

Introbulus, Fusion, BDWP (Mouse, Turbo, Mirage, Mastermon, Sumoto), and Gore-Illa are heading back to the space station to heal SwordMaster. Twin-Headed Yami Dragoshi, Gamechamp, and the Robot Team are all working to pass tests to get the Light Sword, but Pyro (the most powerful of all mages and modified to resist water) is on their tail. Finally, Jim is being executed by Dark Jim, who has just made three new mages (Blitz of electricity, Flora of plant life, Grant of earth). Jim's natural defenses have overcome some of the executions (if one could call them that) he has been put through, adding to the string of mysteries Introbulus and Jim have presented the reader with.

Is that sufficient?

BTW, Koopa (Lupus' personal servant, or something along those lines) hasn't really been mentioned as far as plotline, but he possesses the Duel Monsters deck of Yami Yoshi (now THYD, Twin-Headed Yami Dragoshi). Supposedly Koopa could rule the world with this deck.

Gee, did I get everything right?

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:I just want to tell you,I am a part of the Robot Team,so don't say Gamechamp and the Robot Team,say the Robot Team.


Kargon's transperent head appears.

KARGON:I need to tell you something!I sense a disterbance in the force of mages,there should be only one left,but now I sense FOUR!

THYD:What?How can that be?

KARGON:It must be Dark Jim!Hurry,and complete this task!You must get those Yu-Gi-Oh cards from that store.There will be another test after that,but with all these new things happening,you may not be able to finish even this test before you run out of time!

PYRO:Your time of talking is up,old man!


PYRO:I'm Pyro,the fire mage.Now,let's get rid of this old man!

He shoots a large beam of fire at Kargon's face,and it starts dissappearing.

KARGON:You 6...defeat him!Before...breaks up!We will defeat...I'm sure.

He fully dissappears.

PYRO:Now,time to stop that vehicle of yours!

He starts shooting fireballs from his hand,and Blue struggles with trying to avoid.]

BLUE:Try and keep that guy off our tail!We need extra time if we want the light sword before the hour passes!


All but Blue jump on the roof of the car.

THYD:Whoa!We need to stop that guy from shooting,or Blue's evading techniques will make us fall off!We'll never pass the tests in time if that happens!


He shoots a buster water shot and it has no effect.

PYRO:Hahaha!I have a little power of being immune to water!Now,let's get this on ground,shall we?

He stops shooting fireballs,and lands on the car roof.

PYRO:Just try to get me.I'll give you the first shot!


He goes over and punches,but his hand goes right through.

PYRO:I'm made out of fire.I can make my self solid or fire form,actually.Now prepare to die!

THYD:Dark Egg!!!

He shoots out a dark egg,and it gets stuck in Pyro.

PYRO:Hahaha!I can also hold your projectiles and throw them back at you!

THYD:Darn!Wait...thanks for commiting suicide!

PYRO:What are you talking abou...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!The dark egg is exploding from the heat!It's going to kill me!Noooooooo!!!

The dark egg explodes,and Pyro is obliverated.

BLUE:Good news,everyone,we're almost at the store!

They arive at the store.

YELLOW:Okay,so now we go inside and get those cards?


GREEN:Wait...aren't we forgetting something?

The Mythic Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh appears.


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Lupus's Place On Planet Mystery*

Lupus: (sits there and cotinues being neglected)

*Wherever Koopa is*

Koopa: (sits there and cotinues being neglected)

*In The Tunnel*

Fred: (sits there and cotinues being neglected)

*In The Abandoned Dugeon of Lupus's Tokyo Tower of Rulation*

Tenchi: Hello?! Is anyone ever going to rescue me?
I've been here for ten years!

Will our heroes be able to defeat the Mages and Dark Jim with the Light Sword? What is the mystery behind Jim and Introbulus? Will the forgotten characters ever return? Will this topic ever get a subtitle? Find out...probably never!
But join us next time on VGF Members OG 3: Triple Trouble!

Author: Fusion[edit]

Meanwhile, at the space station...

Introbulus: SwordMaster has a rare kind of pnuemonia. It's called mastermonia, the worst kind in the universe. There is only one way to cure him. Someone must go inside SwordMaster.

BDWP: We will!

Fusion: And I will, too, seeing as how I'm the leader of the BDWP. By the way, Sumoto will have to stay behind.

Sumoto: Why?

Fusion: You're too large to fit in.

Sumoto: Ok.

Introbulus: You must get inside this large pod thingy and let me shrink it, then you can enter SwordMaster.

Turbo: It sounds risky, but I'll take it!

Mouse: I hope this doesn't mess up my hair, suga!

The BDWP (excluding Sumoto) get inside the pod and Introbulus uses a shrink ray to shrink them. He puts the pod in an injector and injects it into SwordMaster's sinus area. They are flying up SwordMaster's nose.

Fusion: Eww, this place is disgusting.

Mastermon: You said it.

Mirage: A nice juicy soul to devour. What flavor is SwordMaster's soul.

Fusion: For the last time, you can't eat his soul!

Mirage: Oh, ok.

Suddenly, they enter his brain. A bunch of huge, evil looking germs attack.

Fusion: Fire the lasers!

The lasers kill 2 germs, but 38 still remain.

Fusion: We must get out of the pod and take them on fist to fist!

BDWP: Right!

They land on the brain and get out.

Germ: Attack OGers!

Germs: Kill OGers! Kill OGers!


Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC) Hey, sorry, I went away for spring break and couldn't post for a while. Let's get some characters back into the story, hmm?

(in Lupus tower thingee)
Tenchi: Oh, for god's sakes, let me out!
(door blows open)
Tenchi: What the hell.

(Lupus's lair)

Lupus: Darn it, I need to do something! Perhaps when Fred gets back I can at least make that Guamian weapon!

Fred: Yo, Fred is back!

Lupus: Wait, what just happened?

Fred: Well... (flashback)

(Fred runs from rushing water)

Fred: I've been keeping this up for a while. Jeez. Hey wait, Fred sees bright light at end!

(at the end of the tunnel)

Steve Irwin: Crikey! The rare Fred is coming out of the tunnel into a strange tunnel! That means one thing! If I don't stop talking and more in the next 5 seconds, I'm gonna get crushed by water!

Fred: Hey, smelly Austraillian guy! Bye!

Steve Irwin: Crikey! (gets crushed by water)

(10 minutes later)

Fred: Good thing I made it through there. Now to get that secret thingee!

(in the secret plan place)

Fred: Finally I got the plans. That was easy.

Soldier: Ha! You fell into my trap, as I am - hey, wait, crap. Can you wait for me to get into my giant fighting armor?

Fred: Sure, no problem.

Soldier: Thanks a bunch!

(five minutes later)

Soldier: Ha! Now I am in my mech.

Fred: Ok.

Soldier: Now you die.

Fred: Oh, that's what this is all about. Ok, let's go!

(soldier launches an arm at Fred, but Fred dodges and hits it away with his giant hammer)

Fred: Me no like machine!

(Fred lunges at the mech, but he is hit by a missle)

Fred: Ow, that stings!

(Fred gets up again and chops down a tree. The mech tries to step on Fred but he jumps out of the way and throw the tree at the mech's rocket launcher)

Soldier: That's cheating!

(the mech squashes Fred into the ground with a fist, and fires a gun at him. Fred is hit by two bullets, but is still amazingly at it. Predictably enough, his eye twitches and he grits his razor sharp teeth. He slams his hammer on the robot's foot, wedging it in the ground and immobilizing the robot. The robot retaliates by bending down and trying to crush Fred. Fred, seeig this, runs to where the c0ckpit(it thought I was swearing) is falling, and smashes into it, pressing the rocket launch button and running away.)

You should be able to guess what happens next.

Fred: Hoohah! I guess I'm gonna have to use a cannon to get back, a la Mario64!

(in lair of not goodness)
Koopa: I see and know all! I have the ultimate deck of cards, and the Millenium Pie Pan, therefore all will submit to my rule... ahaah!

Troopa: My liege, we must interupt your moment to tell you that Dark Jim is doing most of the badguy-ish-ness.

Koopa: That's ridiculous. I'll just have to ask my captive, Jay Resop. Jay, Is everything working for me?

Jay (tied up and gagged): Mhhmm!

Koopa: Good. But you are right, Dark Jim IS crampin my style. Let's go... DEAL with him.

Troopa: Right away sir. Hey, That Pie Pan is painted gold.

Koopa: Sorry, I had just made that part up now.