Member OG 5C Page 10

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Author: Golem[edit]

OOC: Intro, Fusion is on Krad. GORE posted about it on page 8.

Author: Greatluigi[edit]

GL shoots meteors all over Krad and it explodes. Rocky wins the title again! Wohoo!

The End.

Author: Yami[edit]

Legion: HIYA!

*Legion jumps onto the sixth Kradian’s shoulder and decapitates him with one clean swipe of his sword*

Kradian 7: EVERYONE FIRE!!!

*The Kradian soldiers fire their Laser Machine Guns at Legion. Legion pries the Energy Shield from the dead Kradian’s hand and deflects the incoming laserfire. Caught by surprise, several soldiers are ripped apart by their own laserfire*

Yami Yoshi: Take this!

*Yami Yoshi smashes his tail into the row of boxes and knocks them over(intentionally this time). Legion hops onto Yami Yoshi’s saddle who Flutter Kicks to safety as the boxes tumble down and crush the remaining Kradians below them*

Yami Yoshi: w00t…we did it!

Kradian 8: Hmm…you two are more powerful than I’ve thought...My name is General Lucifer, commanding officer of the 13th Kradian Battalion.

Yami Yoshi: Ha…do you really think you stand a chance against us? Your whole “battalion” couldn’t even take us down!

Lucifer: Well…they call me “General” for a reason… *pulls out a pistol* Prepare to die!

To Be Continued...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Lucifer: I'll get all three of you! The dinosaur, shy guy, and gorilla will al pay!

Yami Yoshi: Gorilla? (turns and sees GORE) How the hell did you get here? And didn't you die?

GORE: Sorry, I ran out of uncheesy explanations.

Legion: Wait, where's SSG?

*Elsewhere on Earth...*

SSG: (standing on the sinking refrigerator while shooting off penguins which are circling him ala sharks.) WHY WON'T YOU DIE???

*Back on the Apocalypse*

GORE: I think he went out for a swim. Anyway, I think we might have some trouble when we get back to Earth -

YY: Enough recapping, let's wate this guy in a predictable manner!

Author: That Guy[edit]



Camera d0OD: Hey, this evil is messing with are stuff!

*a bolt of Evil flies out and hits the stuff that censors words, thus causing TG's Real name to be censored*


YY: Woah...


Other people currently on ship:...




Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Episode I-Lost-Count: Beezelebub's Return

*Akujin strides towards Jimtrobulus, the robots and Brooser.*

Akujin: I've had enough of all of you pathetic lifeforms! Time to finish this-

*Dr. Beezlebub rushes in.*

Beezle: Lord Akujin, sir! The X-Bomb is complete!

Akujin: The X-BOMB? Excellent. It's time to put an end to the pitiful planet.

Beezle: Is there anything else you need, sir?

Akujin: As a matter of fact, yes. Two of your "friends" from SandLand are on this ship right now. I want you to greet them.

Beezle: (grins) Yes, my liege...

*Beezle retreats while Akujin flies across the room with the X-Bomb.*

Jimtro: Shouldn't we, like, stop them?

*Elsewhere, with GORE... and those other guys*

Yami Yoshi: ...and then he'll be dead without doubt!

GORE: No, I have a better idea.

Yami: What?

GORE: Get this: we split up again.

Yami: No, that just prolongs the story.

GORE: At least long enough for a revenge battle?

Yami: Oh, sure. Continue.

GORE: Me and you will continue cluelessly walking the hallways while Legion finds That Guy and brings him his medication.

Yami: Why that's crazy! (rubs chin) So crazy... it definitely won't work!

GORE: Too late, Legie already left.

Yami: We definitely need to think up better nicknames. Alright, let's continue on into that giant, arena-style room which seems too big to fit inside this spaceship.

GORE: Let's.

*They enter the room, and the doors close behind them. Lights flash upon Dr. Beezelebub, who stands on a pillar next to a giant robot which is almost as tall as the room, with a Skull Pod for a head, a cube-like midsection which has a white skull imprinted on its center, and metal rods which connect the arms and legs to the body. Its right hand holds sword, and its left hand holds nothing but is bigger then the right one.*

Yami: YOU!

GORE: Wait, who?

Beezle: You don't remember me? Let me refresh your memory of the first VGF Member OG, after you two and Lupus died in the crash of Lupus's flying tower thingy...

Start Flashback

*A devil-like creature appears*

Devil: I am Beelzebub. You have committed too many sins on Earth! That's why you're going down to hell!


Beelzebub: Just kidding. You two were meant to go to hell but your spirits haven't existed on Earth long enough. That's why I'm gonna let you take a test.

Lupus: Test?

Beelzebub: I'll explain it to you: ou must journey through the desert wasteland known as SandLand in search of the Phantom Lake, and help needy spirits along the way. Will you except?

End Flashback

Start Flashback

*Lupus, Yami Yoshi and Gore travel through endless stretches of desert until YY collapses*

Yami Yoshi: I can't move any more... I need... water...

Lupus: Fine with me. *keeps walking with Gore*

Yami Yoshi: *gets up suddenly* Hey, you don't just keep walking away!

Lupus: You said you couldn't move any more.

Yami Yoshi: ...

Gore: I can see clearly now the rain has gone-


Lupus: Not another one.

???: You fools! Beelzebub has you working for him! He wanted you to find the Phantom Lake so he could follow you and take over the world with it's Phantom Water!

Yami Yoshi: If he was following us, he'd be right behind us, would he not?

*Yami Yoshi looks behind him*

Beelzebub: Um... hi?

???: Beelzebub, your time has come! I'll never forgive you for what you did to the world five hundred and sixty three years ago!

Beelzebub: Who are you? The ??? kinda distorts your figure.

???: I am... RALPH NADER.

Everyone: *gasp*

Nader: Nader wants cake.

*While all the commotion was going on, Lupus had somehow contacted Diskun through a plot-holed way and ahd been pulled out of the afterlife into 12003 AD.*

End Flashback

Start Flashback

*They finally reach the Phantom Lake*

Yami Yoshi: Woohoo! We're finally here!

GORE-ILLA: Now bring us back to life Beelzebub!

Beelzebub: All right.

*Beelzebub shoots a blast of energy at Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA and they transport back to the real world in the year 2003*

End Flashback

Beezle: Nader was right! I used the Phantom Lake to free myself and rebuild the MPVP! Now I'll repay you by killing you both myself with my prototype Skull Fighter!

*Dr. Beezlebub leaps into the Skull Fighter, which immediately hums to life as battle music inexplicably plays in the background.*

Editor's Note: The battle music is the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 final boss music.

*The Skull Fighter slowly clomps forward as Yami and GORE brace themselves. Yami tosses a Dark egg, but Beezle's Skull Fighter catches it in its left hand and crushes it. GORE then leaps towards the giant robot, swinging his lightsaber about, but Beezle blocks every attack with its own gargantuan sword, which slashes horizontally across GORE's chest. GORE slams on the ground, attempting to nurse his wound as Yami steps to GORE and proposes a plan. GORE grabs Yami and flings him into the air as high as he can, then Yami uses his tongue to hang from the Skull Fighter's sword and swing-kicks the Skull Fighter's cockpit. However, the attack has no effect, and Beezle merely swings the sword to fling Yami into the opposite wall. GORE then hops up to the Skull Fighter with his Jedi stuff and attempts to wrestle with the left hand, but the hand eventually wins, grabs GORE, and tosses him into Yami.*

Beezle: You're no match for my ultimate machine, you pitiful weaklings!

GORE: (whispers) C'mon Yami, we need to do this!

YY: Yeah, we're the only good heterosexual duo!

GORE: Wait, I suddenly have an idea!

*As the Skull Fighter continues stepping across the room, GORE and Yami leap in between the two hands, GORE at the left and Yami at the right. The left hand makes a fist and punches across toward GORE, but GORE leaps over it so it punches right through the right arm, severing it. As the right hand and sword starts to fall, Yami, standing on the left fist, catches it with his tongue and pulls it up so the sword cuts through the left hand.*


*A giant laser cannon emerges from the Skull Fighter's chest which glows green as it charges energy. GORE and Yami simply look at each other and nod as Yami Yoshi produces an Absorption Egg. Both of them fill the egg up with attacks until its almost as huge as the Skull Fighter itself. Yami tosses it at the chest as the cannon is about to fire. The Absorption Egg's explosion combined with the stored cannon energy causes an even bigger explosion which destroys the Skull Fighter. Beezlebub crawls out of the wreckage, charred and irritable.*


GORE: (holds up Beezlebub by he collar of his lab coat) You hungry for a snack, Yami?

YY: (licks lips with lounge tongue) You bet!


YY: (takes out a bag of chocolate snacks and eats them all)

Beezelebub: AUGH!!! I WAS SO HUNGRY!!!

GORE: Yeah, now what do we do with him so we can catch up with the others?

Author: Gamechamp[edit]


Yellow: Umm... Blue... aren't we supposed to be, you know, finding Gamechamp?

Blue: I think so...

Yellow: So... why is it taking so long in a car when Black got there in like 5 seconds?

Blue: Simple: Black was needed in the story at that point, while we were just a bunch of extras. The extras take longer than the main story people.

Yellow: ... that just plain doesn't make sense.

Blue: Exactly.

They then make it to the room with Akujin.

Yellow: Hey! We're here!

Blue: That's because we're part of the story now, and according to this script we're about to get-

They are all wiped out by Akujin and thrown in a heap next to Gamechamp and Black unable to move.

Green: Well, I guess we found you.

Gamechamp: Shut up.

Author: Yami[edit]

*GORE pins Beelzebub onto the ground and holds his lightsaber inches away from the doctor's neck*

GORE: Where is Emperor Akujin?!

Beelzebub: ...ha ha ha ha...your friends will be going to hell…the same with the rest of your pathetic planet…heh heh heh…

GORE: What the hell are you babbling about?

Beelzebub: …heh heh heh…

*Beelzebub bursts into smoke and vanishes*

GORE: *cough* *cough* Where’d he go?

Beelzebub: Ha ha ha ha!

*Beelzebub stands behind GORE, holding a black spherical bomb with the letter “X” imprinted on the surface*

That Guy: What the heck is that?

Beelzebub: Heh heh heh…so glad you asked. This is the X Bomb, my most destructive invention yet. It has the potential power to obliterate an entire planet, like yours!

*A jetpack pops out of the back of Beelzebub’s lab coat and the doctor takes air*

Beelzebub: Sayonara OGers…and Earth!

*Beelzebub’s jetpack flares up and he zooms out of the arena*

Author: That Guy[edit]

I'm not here, and I'm no longer That Guy. I'm busy Looking for Phil so I can beat the crap out of him.

Author: Golem[edit]

~Yami and GORE chase Beelzebub out of the arena. The next room is a small one, with no sign of the scientist. He seems to have left a hatch open. With no other doors nor hiding places inside the room, Yami and GORE know where their prey is headed.~

GORE: Take my hands, and don't let go.

Yami: Hahaha, you know, that sounds like--

~GORE blasts his jets on and snatches Yami's hands as he whips down and out the hatch, then becomes parallel with the ship's bottom again. In the distance is Beezlebub.~

Yami: C'mon, GORE, it's time to juice!

~GORE curls up his legs to his chest, then kicks them back, his jets now burning with a greater flare. GORE is catching up to Beezlebub.~

~Beezlebub looks back and sees Yami and GORE. He throws the X-Bomb down with all his might.~

GORE: HEY!! ~changes direction to go down~


Akujin: Good... Beezlebub can waste the OGers' time fighting over the decoy while I send out the real one...

Author: Yami[edit]

The Apocalypse throne room…

*Emperor Akujin's X-Bomb morphs into a human-like robot composed of bomb-like appendages*

Akujin: Bombinator...I want you to fly down to Earth...and destroy it.

OGers: !!!

Bombinator: Yes, my Lord.

*The Bombinator reverts back into a sphere and hovers out of the room*

Akujin: Now...shall we continue our fight?

*The OGers and Emperor Akujin stand at opposite ends of the throne room, the smoking heap of the Robot Team lying between them*

Akujin: All right, who’s next?

Jimtrobulus: Luminescent Laser!

Dark Jim: Dark Jim Beam!

*Jimtrobulus fires a golden beam of light from his index finger and Dark Jim fires an energy beam of darkness at Akujin. The Akujin Eye pops out of Akujin’s cloak hood and absorbs both beams*

Akujin: Do you fools ever learn?

*Akujin vanishes from his throne and rematerializes in front of Jimtrobulus. Before Jimtrobulus can even react, Akujin punches him in the square in the mouth. Jimtrobulus’ head jolts backwards as flecks of blood and spit fly from his mouth. Akujin punches the stunned warrior in the stomach and sends him flying against the wall*

Jimtrobulus: *struggling to stand up* Urgh…impossible…how did he become so powerful all of a sudden?

Akujin: Heh heh heh…the Akujin Eye absorbed your Luminescent Laser and Dark Jim Beam and gave me a nice boost in power!

Jimtrobulus: *sweating* …

Akujin: Heh heh heh…the Akujin Eye has made me the most powerful villain period…and it’s going to stay that way…forever!

Jimtrobulus: …POWER PUNCH!

*Jimtrobulus’ fist glows and he throws a feeble punch at Akujin who easily sidesteps away from the blow. Akujin kicks Jimtrobulus against the wall and releases a flurry of punches (Matrix Agent-Style). Blood flies from Jimtrobulus’ mouth following each successive punch. Just as Jimtrobulus looks as if he’s ready to collapse, Akujin winds up his fist*

Akujin: Chaos Claw!

*A black fiery aura surrounds Akujin's fist and he slashes a hole directly through Jimtrobulus' chest*

Brooser: Introbulus! Jim!

*Jimtrobulus clutches the bloody hole in his body and collapses onto the floor. Jimtrobulus’ body glows and defuses back into Introbulus and Jim, who lie unconscious on the floor*

Akujin: Still alive? Hmph…if they weren’t fused together, I would’ve killed them. Oh well, they’ll be knocked for a LONG time…heh heh heh…who’s next?