Member OG 5C Page 11

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Author: Golem[edit]

~At that moment, Yami wraps his tongue around the supposed X-Bomb.~

GORE: Just don't let go!!

Yami: Ah woth!

GORE: What?

Yami: Ah thed,--

Phil's voice: It's a wondrous day to AOL's eyes!!

~GORE looks to his right, and then up above his right, and sees Phil riding the X-Bomb down. He jets upward to become parallel with Phil, also drawing to an arm's length away from the bomb. He adjusts himself to go downward at the bomb's falling rate.~

GORE: YOU!! Wait, another one?!

Yami: I cath 'old due id by bouth!

GORE: I don't think you can hold two in your mouth!

Phil: I mean that your taxes are overdue!!

~Phil jumps off the X-Bomb and onto GORE's back.~

GORE: Hang on tight, Yami, I'm gonna shake him off!

~GORE starts spinning, then instantly goes into a swirling blur. He slows down, then comes to a stop, and Phil is clutching on to Yami's shell.~

Yami: Geth off!

Phil: Nyar! Barber school!

~Phil bears his teeth and attempts to sink them into Yami's arm, but Yami kicks Phil in the stomach before that happens. Phil ends up with his lower jaw jammed into Yami's arm. Phil picks himself out and punches Yami's head, which flies downward, then bobs back up, causing his body to sway.~

GORE: Yami, think you can grab the other X-Bomb with your legs?!

Yami: Ah'll giffe id a thot! ~nod, GORE begins adjusting his flight to aim Yami just over the bomb~

OOC: Sorry if I messed up Phil here, Intro, but I'm hoping that Phil just says random stuff.

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

The Apocalypse throne room…

Brooser: Damn…I’m next…

Dark Jim: …hey kid…

Brooser: What? Me?

Dark Jim: Take Introbulus and Jim and get outta here.

Brooser: Wha…what?

Dark Jim: Just get out here, kid.

Brooser: B-but…why?


Brooser: R-right…

*Brooser picks up Introbulus and Jim and places them on his shoulders*

Dark Jim: GO! NOW!

*Brooser nods and scrambles out of the throne room, with Introbulus and Jim on his shoulders (dragging Introbulus’ tall body halfway on the floor)*

Akujin: My, my…you have certainly become the soft type, Dark Jim.

Dark Jim: Hmph…you think I care about that…earthling...he was just going to get in our way…

Akujin: Oh well…at least I won’t regret killing you now. You two have become useless inventions. It’s time for me to dispose of you immediately!

Dark Jim: …that’s not going to be the case, Akujin. *to Robobulus* Ready?

Robobulus: Yes.

Dark Jim: We were created to be the ultimate warriors in the galaxy. We shall not defeated! Let’s go!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Robobulus: Excuse me? I believe I was the one who was created to be the ultimate warrior here. Remember, Dark Jim?

Dark Jim: Yes, yes, we all know how that story goes...


Scientists: There! Our product is ready! All we need now is your seal, Mr. Introbulus!

Introbulus: Please, doctors, just call me Introbulus. Or Intro. Or Trobby. ...No, wait, don't call me Trobby. Not yet anyway.

Scientist: Just seal the metal over him with your powers and be done with it!

Introbulus: Very well...but you scientists better use this robot for some REALLY REALLY good purposes. My powers aren't something to toy with.

(Introbulus raises his hand over a lifeless Robobulus. A yellow stream of energy transfers itself from his gauntlet into Robobulus. It envelops Robobulus and brings his circuitry to life.)

Robobulus: Creation complete. I am Robobulus. The best and last auto-defense system designed to protect the confines of Neo-Norfair.

Introbulus: WHAT?! He was just a defense robot all along?

Scientist: Hehehe...goodnight, Mr. Introbulus!


Introbulus: V_V...a gun? Seriously, couldn't you do better than that?

Scientist: ...Er...that didn't go as we planned...

Robobulus: Defects detected in infastructure. Altering for maximum performance.

Scientist: Huh? What's it doing?

Top Scientist: It's making an upgrade so it can kill more efficiently! Yes! Maybe it can do our work for us!

Robobulus: (Blinks steadily) Thank you, gentleman, for creating a superb, if not unsatisfactory, shell for me to inhabit. Now I can't have another ones of me lying around so...

(With a wave of his fingers, Robobulus fires off a stream of bullets and kills the Scientists. Introbulus, however, remains.)

Introbulus: Oh no...what have I done?!

Robobulus: Goodbye, Introbulus. My friends will take care of you...(Rockets through the ceiling)

Introbulus: Hey! Come back!

(Introbulus tries to follow, but is tackled by a spider drone)

Spider Drone: Enemy located! Destroy!

(End Flashback)

Robobulus: I don't know how he survived my first attack...and I don't know how he can kill me...but I will be triumphant once again!

Dark Jim: Yeah, yeah, you'll get your battle like I promised. Just as long as I can re-unify with Jim. I feel I can do more damage inside of him than outside.

(Dark Jim Opens a Dark Portal)

Dark Jim: Oh, and just so you know, Akujin, we weren't working FOR you, we were working WITH you. Your goals were the same as ours all along.

Robobulus: Similar enough, anyway. And we'll accomplish ours, too.

(Robobulus and Dark Jim exit)

(Meanwhile...on a ship...)

Brooser: I still don't know why Dark Jim let me go...maybe he has a good Jim does...


Brooser: What the?!? (Falls to the floor unconcious)

Dark Jim: Nice shot, Robob. Oh look, here's our victims on the floor.

Robobulus: He's unconcious...this will be an easy kill...(holds out a wooden stake)

Dark Jim: Yeah yeah...just be quick about it...(Merges with Jim)


Robobulus: Score one for the Robot. But he'll be back. He always does get revived...

(Intro's body disappears.)

OOC Note: They seperate whenever they're unconcious or out if it. Let's just assume that one.

Dark Jim: Well,while I've still got control over Jim's body, let's go back to the ship and give those OGers a run for their money, eh?

Robobulus: I couldn't agree with you more...

(Dark Jim and Robobulus fly off towards the Apocalypse. Robobulus leaves a magnetic mine inside the ship as he leaves, letting it explode as the debris flies off into space.)

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Last Episode: Escape From the Apocalypse

*Somewhere on the Apocalypse, Saru is typing away on a computer keyboard, grinning evilly.*

Saru: Finally... the download is almost complete...

*A data disk slides out from the computer, which Saru pockets. However, red lights flash and alarms go off.*

Saru: Damn!

*Commander Hades barges into the room, flanked by a squad of gun-wielding Kradians.*

Hades: So... I see you've attempted to betray us again, Saru. Akujin will not give you a third chance, and I'm surprised he even gave you a first after what you did all those years ago...

Saru: If you think I'm going down quietly, then I don't know how you became a commander!

*Hades steps back into the Kradian squad, who each wield a differant weapon. Saru dive kicks into the crowd, taking out the first two Kradians who wielded firearms. The third swings his katana horizontally towards Saru, who aims his own flaming sword downwards. The fire burns right through he metal sword and is planted in the alien's forehead, ala The Wind Waker. The third and fourth then surround him, wielding nunchucks. 3 swings his chucks at Saru, but he catches them and jerks hard on it, flining 3 into 4 and knocking them both out cold. The last Kradian carries no weapons but instead relies on martial arts. The Kradian straight punches forward while screeching all karate-like, so Saru simply grabs his arm and yanks it off. The Kradian falls over, screeching in pain while Saru spits in his eye. Saru runs into the hall, seeing no sign of Hades, but then witnesses an even bigger and baderass squad approachin, so he runs in the opposite direction.*

Saru: Can't take any risks... it's all or nothing!

*Elsewhere in the Kradian bunker, Fusion and BSD continue sneaking about the area. Fusion the notices that BSD is staring blankly into space.*

Fusion: BSD?

BSD: Whoa... this room... is familiar....

*Flashback(or forward?). We see what appears to be Dragoshi - BSD without the black skin or wings of his fused form - confronting a group of ninjas in that very bunker. However, Dragoshi appears to be much older.*

Dragoshi: I've had enough of this! Your group will bother me no more!

*Dragoshi skillfully hacks his way through the ninjas with his claws and stares at the mangled corpses afterwards. End flashback.*

Fusion: What is it, BSD?

BSD: Weird... I had this flashback.. at least I think, but I was a lot older and unfused. I was fighting some ninjas, but the strange thing is that I didn't call out attack names or pretend to be talking to Koopa Kids(tm). I was actually... cool.

Fusion: ...Interesting. Hurry up, we're not too far!

*Elsewhere in the Apocalypse, YY is holding both X-Bombs while GORE jets towards Phil for the big air battle.*

GORE: Time to test out these jet boots PL lent me!

Phil: Silly wildebeast, cheerios are for virgins!

*GORE rockets towards Phil with his right fist extended, but Phil summons a Muppet which successfully blocks GORE's attack while Phil diasappears and reappears behind GORE with a spork in hand. Phil then jams the spork into GORE's neck, inexplicably jolting GORE with several billion jolts of electricity, which he inexplicably survives.*

GORE: That's right... you must fight randomness with randomness, like I learned during my battle with the 'ogans' minions.

*GORE then rockets in a circle around the confused Phil. The space between GORE and Phil suddenly froms into a giant donut, with Phil trapped in the hole in the center.*

Phil: Urgh... it can't be! I was sure I would wind in Dolby Surround Sound, where available!

GORE: Your arteries are a disgrace. Return to me when you are ready to accept the mantle, or no soup for you!


*In slow motion, GORE turns in shock as Yami Yoshi's lets go and the X-Bomb starts to fall. GORE rockets toward the bomb, screaming, "NOOOOOO" while Phil cackles, still in slow motion. He reaches out with both hands as he dives onto the floor and catches it at the last possible moment. Except that he forgot to turn the jets off and the slow motion ends as GORE is propelled into a wall, shattering the X-Bomb.*

GORE: Wh...what happened?

Phil: Hahaha! Do you not know the meaning of the waord decoy? While you two are busy with the fakes, Lord Akujin is on his way to your planet with the real X-Bomb in tow! HUHAHAHA!

Yami: (drops the other X-Bomb and shoves his overstretched tongue into his mouth) Holy shatmucker! We need to stop him!

GORE: To the nearest airlock!

*GORE and Yami run through the corridors until they meet Legion and ???, who are busy restraining *****.*

Legion: Good, now that we to uncensor his name, aaand... presto! Good as new!

That Guy: What's going on?

GORE: Hurry up, we need you guys to help stop Akujin's X-Bomb from destroying Earth!

???: Wow, and I was wondering what to do with these five spacesuits which each are our respective sizes....

Stop the X-Bombinator! - Sonic & Knuckles: Doomsday Zone

*Elsewhere, the Bombinator is preparing to enter Earth's atmosphere...*

Bombinator: Preparing to enter Earth's atmosphere... trays in upright position... no smoking allowed....

Yami Yoshi: I think not, Bombinator! It's time to blow up your metal ass!

*Zoom out to reveal the OGers standing on space rocks.*

Akujin: On the contrary, OGers. I will make sure that my X-Bombinator reaches its appointment by... any means neccesary.

GORE: Me and Yami'll take this guy down, the rest of you stop that Bombinator!

*Yami Yoshi and GORE fly towards Akujin and are immediately swatted back by the fancily-dressed human. Yami release a Dark Omelet, but Akujin flies through the cloud and smashes his elbow into Yami Yoshi's face, knocking him into one of the floating rocks. GORE takes this chance to leap at Akujin with lightsabwer in hand, but Akujin blocks with his own katana.*

Akujin: Ah, GORE, I see you've discovered your "past"... (chuckles) Or shall i say, "The Monkey". Heh heh heh...

GORE: ...Why are you laughing?

Akujin: You'll find out in time, dupe.

*Akujin then slices his katana through GORE's lightsaber and slices therough the space suit's left arm.*

GORE: Ack... air leak!

*The Bombinator approaches Earth when That Guys grabs it and begins tugging violently on it, struggling to hold it still.*

TG: ???, get the Bag O' Random Crap ready! I got a new souveneir!

Bombinator: Intruder detected... entering battle mode...

TG: That don't sound right.

*The Bombinator shifts into a humanoid robot, who immediatly fires his machine gun arms in a circle surrounding himself. Legion pulls out a sword and uses it to cut an HBO 9 satellite in half, one half being pulled towards Earth's atmosphere smashing the machine gun arm. ??? then scrambles through the Bag O' Random Crap for something of use while Legion and That Guy take on the robot, who replaces the damaged machine gun arm with a fisted one. Legion and That Guy attack at the same time, but the Bombinator swiftly blocks both of their moves, grabs Legion by his tail, and swings him around, slapping That Guy with him in the process.*

*Back with Akujin, GORE gasps for air while Yami Yoshi moves in for a second attack.*

Akujin: Ah, Yami Yoshi. How ironic that the leader of the OGers is also the weakest. I'll have fun with you!

Yami Yoshi: The only fun here will be... uh... something about you being beaten!

Akujin: Bring it!

*YY kicks off of the satellite he was perched on and headbutts forward towards Akujin, who siply backhands Yami into space. Yami flutterkicks hisway back and is immediately grabbed around the neck by Akujin's arms and strangled.*

Akujin: Prehistoric fool! Even that primitive of a primeate gave me more to work with then this! *Akujin then front snap kiks YY through several satellites, then descends towards...*

???: Aha! I found it!

*Before ??? can remove the object from the bag, Akujin grabs him with one arm and flings him into space.*

That Guy: What was that, ??-

*That Guy is suckerpunched in the face by Akujin. Legion immediately sumons a plot hole in hopes that it will deliver him to safety, but is instead delivered directly in front of Akujin, who pummels the ghost with various techniques.*

Akujin: Bombinator... resume.

*The Bombinator reverts to ball mode and tosses itself into Earth's atmosphere while YY leaps after it.*

YY: I can't let you do this!

*A bruised YY dives after the Bombinator while stretching out his tongur to catch the bomb. Closer... closer... only and inch way, aaannnddd... EUREK- Wait, what? Akujin grabs Yami's tail at the last second, tossing him back into space while the X-Bomb hurtles into the Earth. Seconds later... the blue plant explodes.*

Yami: I can't believe it. We... failed. (passes out)

*YY wakes up an unceratin amount of time later, staring at... PL-0TT?*

PL: Everyone, Master Yoshi has awoken!

*GORE, Legion, That Guy, ??? and even SSG run to his bedside, all bruised and beaten.*

YY: What's going on?

GORE: We're in the Flying Monkey, PL picked us up seconds after you passed out.

PL: Yes, but only after bringing Master Seargent Shy Guy and his brigade of shy guys aboard safely and escaping from the terrors of the 'ogans, whom I suspect are still alive somewhere. But I am afraid that Earth has been completely destroyed, and I cannot detect readings of Masters GameChamp, Yellow, Blue, Green, Black, Introbulus, Jim, Pharoah Yami Yoshi, or Brooser. I suspect a tragic occurance.

*Everone bows their head in sadness.*

*Back on Planet Krad, in Akujin's throne room...*

Akujin: The entire council seems to be he- wait, where's Qwirtzok?

Bob: Bad news, sire. It appears that he has been resealed. But there is good news as well!

Akujin: Which is...?

Bob: the one who sealed him, Pharoah Yami Yoshi... died in the process.

Akujin: Excellant. I think I knw the perfect replacement anyhow... *ponis to a monitor which displays Fusion and BSD*

*Elsewhere, watching in the shadows...*

Lupus: Everything is going according to plan.... BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!

To Be Continued in VGF Member OG 7!

OoC: Sorry GameChamp, Yami wants me to start 6, but he said that you can start 7, kay? Editor's Note: LOL