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Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Knights of Sparta: Mega Man 5 Final Boss

*Some time later, the OGers line up in front of Senso's castle's gates as the Kradian army sweeps through Sparta.*

Yami Yoshi: OGers... charge!

*So the OGers split up as they each take on a squad of Kradian soldiers. Yami Yoshi sneak-attacks a group of the aliens by hip droppuing from above, stunning the surrounding Kradians. He then began kiocking and thrashing his way through the crowd. When the Kradians, surrounding Yami in a circle, drew their guns, Yami Yoshi shot out his tongue and wrapped it around a Kradian's neck.*

Yami Yoshi: Don'f shoof or dis guy gets if!

*The Kradians ignore his threats and are pulling their triggers when Yami Yoshi swings his tongue around in a clockwise motion, knocking out all the Kradian soliders as they were slammed by the bound solder's weight. Yami Yoshi then dropped the crippled soldier and ran off. The soldier panted for air and looked up to see Diablo.*

Kradian Soldier 1: Sir, you won't belive-

*Before the soldier could finish his sentence, he's impaled on Diablo's claws and killed instantly.*

Diablo: Worthless.

*GORE-ILLA takes out his squad quickly enough with a combination of his strength and Jedi reflexes. GORE wipes his hands brashly over his victory.*

GORE: There goes another batch o' weird-ass aliens!

Diablo: Die.

*The battle is over before anyone could tell it had begun. Elsewhere, That Guy and ??? are enveloped beneath a large horde of the Kradian soldiers. They struggle to fight off the soldiers as tehy're practically buried alive.*

That Guy: ???, get something from the Bag!

???: Er, I think I dropped it under one of those dead bodies!

That Guy: Crap! I guess this is the end...

*But before TG could finish, the Kradians are blasted off him by a Militian super-tank, piloted by SSG. Legion moves in and finishes the remainder.*

SwordMaster: GORE!!!

*SwordMaster sees GORE-ILLA as he flies across the demolished town, blood spewing from his chest wound as Diablo laughs maniacally. Diablo then dashs forward i hopes of getting GORE through the heart as he falls, thus officially ending the battle. But Diablo's claws are but an inch from GORE's most vital area when they are blocked by SwordMaster's blade.*

SwordMaster: You will walk no farther.

SwordMaster Vs. Diablo - Fire Emblem: Together We Ride (Remix)

Author: Golem[edit]

~SwordMaster brings his blade high above his head, causing Diablo to lose his balance for a few seconds. During this time, three claws on Diablo's right hand lengthen to the size of the OG Blade. As SwordMaster brings his sword down towards Diablo's head, Diablo swings up his claws and meets the OG Blade with all of his force. SwordMaster's tense grip still lies on the OG Blade, and responds with all of his own strength to bring the sword towards Diablo's head. Diablo's left hand swipes at SwordMaster, who is forced to jump back, losing his position over his foe's head. SM then leads with his sword towards Diablo, and as Diablo prepares to block with his sword claws, SwordMaster kicks his left foot right into Diablo's stomach, who staggers back for a few seconds while grabbing SwordMaster's foot and flinging him to the ground. SM immediately jumps to his feet and is greeted by Diablo's claws coming down towards his skull. SwordMaster puts up his sword to block the oncoming claws.~

Yami: We should to go up there and help him!

Legion: We can't. Their battling is, at present, too fierce and personal for any sort of help. Right now you should help me dress GORE's wounds...

~Diablo's shorter claws come swinging around again, but before SM reacts, his sword blinds those in the area with light. Loud grunts are heard, and when the light dies down, Diablo stands stand six meters from where SwordMaster lays, with Diablo's sword claws shortened, and the OG Blade halfway imbetween them.~

Yami: Now's our chance!

~Yami runs alone up to Diablo, still rubbing his eyes from being so close to the source of the blinding light. Yami lands a flutter kick to Diablo's stomach, pushing him backwards. Diablo quickly siezes the opportunity and runs, ducking towards Yami's feet and yanking them upward. Yami instantly hip drops, but only catches Diablo's feet, causing him to fall forward and reach the sword. By this time, SwordMaster has regained fighting composure and dashes towards Diablo to get his sword back.~

Yami Yoshi: NOW!

~Legion fires his pistol at the sword's handle, causing it to fly from its spot in the dirt under Diablo's hand. SwordMaster bolts and reclaims his OG Blade.~

SSG: What just happened?! I don't think SwordMaster expected that to happen... that is, the blinding light and everything...

Daishogun: It is the result of experimentation that our scientists have done on the sword.

SSG: What?! Then... it's not like his own sword any more...

Daishogun: No. It is still his sword. You are not likely to ever understand quite what has happened.

Yami: Hey, where were you when we needed you?!

Daishogun: Explaining to your superiors why Legion was using one of our best tanks.


Writer 5: Does anyone else seem to remember Senso's palace being on the verge of total collapse?

Writer 2: Yeah, when Legion and the others escaped. Your point...?

Writer 5: Both SwordMaster and Daishogun have had mini-plotlines inside the palace after it should have totally collapsed.

Writer 1: ...So?

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Seconds later, half of Senso's battle suddenly collapses. The Militian army enters the fray, fighting off the remaining Kradians while the battle with Diablo rages on. Well let's get back to the main battle before the sweet-ass song ends, shall we?*

Diablo: Impressive; no one has survived this long against me- I'll come back to you later.

SwordMaster: Wha?

*Diablo leaps away before SwordMaster can react and lunges stright for SSG. Luckily Yami Yoshi flings a Dark Egg which hits SSG and bounces him away. Daiblo bounces offf a pole, however, and this time heads toward Yami Yoshi. But Swordmaster tackled Diablo in time and they rolled along the ground until they both recovered to their feet and continued their sword duel. Slash after slash, clang after clang, the duel continued as such. But SwordMaster begins to ture, and is slashed across the chest by Diablo, leaving behind a group of diagonal scars on the poor swordfighter.*

Diablo: Give it up. You;ve put up a reasonable fight, but you're just a weakling waiting for slaughter like the rest! Life exists just to be taken by me, and your's is no exception!

SwordMaster: (pants heavily) No... to lose to you I would be unworthy of my training. Life is there to learn and be prerved for as long as possible!

*SwordMaster slashes one more slash at Diablo, putting everything he has behind the strike. Diablo raised his claws to block it, but the sword chopped right through them like a knife throuigh butter. Diablo had not time to scream in pain before the OG Blade is driven through his heart.*

Diablo: It can't... be.... sorry, father...

*Diablo dropped dead on the floor. SwordMaster turned his sword upside down in slience for a while before he sheathed his blade.*

SwordMaster: His life of killing has come to an end. Anyone up for pizza?

Author: Golem[edit]

~Elsewhere, in the Shrine to The Holy Plot Device (Reverb), the good guys lay on the floor, helpless...~

Pharoah: ~panting~ Man... looks like this thing has us beat...

Saru: ~also breathing heavily~ We cannot fail The Holy Plot Device (Reverb)!

Fusion: ~looks to The Holy Plot Device (Reverb) as it is being carried off by Cerebus~ You know... it doesn't quite look the same as last time...

~Cerebus busts through the wall and walks off.~

BSD: What, like it's not really The Holy Plot Device (Reverb)?

Saru: ~pulls himself off the floor~ Come on, we've got to--urgh--we've got to catch him!

Fusion: I've got just enough MP left for one last curing spell for us all.

~Elsewhere on Krad, Cerebus approaches a throne inside of a plain white building. Ten X-Bombs lie at its base of the throne. He sits in the throne, putting The Holy Plot Device (Reverb) behind it.

He looks about, and notices that large groups of Fusion Kradians are beginning to gather.~

Author: Yami[edit]

GORE: Now we must make haste for Krad before it’s too late!

Yami Yoshi: That’s right…Akujin could detonate that X-Bomb any second now! Let’s go!

*The OGers climb into their Hummingbirds*

Daishogun: Farewell, OGers! A thousand thanks for your deeds here on Militia! Good luck stopping that bomb!

*Daishogun raises his hand to his forehead and salutes the OGers as their Hummingbirds blast off*

Daishogun: You guys can do it…I know you can…

Meanwhile at the Kradian Military Base…

Hades: So…our troops on Militia have been defeated…I guess we’ll have to use our final trump card on them…I better go prepare the Fusion Kradian troops for battle…

*Suddenly, a Kradian Soldier bursts into Hades' office, panting heavily*

Kradian Soldier: Commander Hades! The Fusion Kradians…they’re gone!

Hades: …what?!?

Author: Golem[edit]

~Hades snatches a key from his pocket and quickly shoves it into a keyhole on the bottommost drawer of his desk. He turns the key then swings the drawer open. Astonished, he finds nothing there.~

Hades: The Disabling Switch is gone! Contact Akujin at once, soldier!

Soldier: Will do!

~Minutes later, in the communications room in MPVP HQ...~

Akujin: Yes, Hades?

Hades: Someone has stolen the Disabling Switch, sir. We need the backup while we investigate to find where the other one went.

Akujin: Not to worry, Hades. I have both Disabling Switches here with me.

Hades: Why, sir? And does--

Akujin: So that I might use the Fusion Kradians to my advantage.
The OGers are landing near your position on Krad. Point them towards the Shrine to the Holy Plot Device (Reverb).

Hades: How did you command the Fusion Kradians, si--

~Communication link closed.~

Author: Yami[edit]

*The OGers land their Hummingbirds on a small mesa, which overlooks the city of Kradopolis*

GORE: The MPVP HQ must be somewhere in that city…

Yami Yoshi: All right! Let’s go!

*The OGers walk a few steps forward when a fiery explosion stops them in their tracks*

Yami Yoshi: The hell?

*The smoke from the explosion clears, revealing the fiendish commander of the Kradian Military, Commander Hades*

Hades: Hello, OGers. I am Commander Hades, the commander-in-chief on the Kradian Military. Clearly I have underestimated you all…you have defeated my top two generals and have survived THREE assaults from the Kradian Military…

*A reddish aura surrounds Hades’ body*

Hades: …however, I am a Kradian Prince. My bloodline runs directly from the Kradian Royal Family, thus giving me the ability to control and manipulate the fires of hell. I’m afraid I’ll have to send you all home…in cremation boxes…

Legion: Not if I kill you first…eat lead!

*Legion pulls out his pistol and fires several shots at Hades*

Hades: Activate Level 1 Heat Shield!

*The reddish aura surrounding Hades glows brighter and the bullets melt upon impact*

Hades: This shield is emanating heat at temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Your pathetic metal bullets are useless against me.

Yami Yoshi: Try to melt this! Dark Omelet!

*Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at Hades. The eggs successfully withstand the heat of the shield, but cause no apparent damage to Hades*

Hades: Your Dark Eggs contain explosive energy, do they not? Fool…my shield FEEDS on that energy! Activate Level 2 Flame Shield!

*The reddish aura surrounding Hades bursts into orange flames*

Yami Yoshi: D-damn…

Hades: Now it’s my turn…Cerebus Combustion!

*Hades conjures three fireballs with his hands and tail, each one shaped like the heads of demon dog itself, and fires them at Yami Yoshi*

Yami Yoshi: Egg Shield!

*A translucent Yoshi Egg surrounds Yami Yoshi and dissipates the incoming fireballs*

Yami Yoshi: If I can’t use my eggs…I’ll just attack you physically! Hiya!

*Yami Yoshi hops into the air and releases a flurry of Flutter Kicks on Hades*


Yami Yoshi: Huh?


*Yami Yoshi shoes burst into flames and he falls to the ground*

Yami Yoshi: YEOUCH!! HOT! HOT! HOT!

*Yami Yoshi furiously hops up and down, trying to put out the fire*

Hades: I’ll kill you now and end your humiliation…Beelzebub Bomb!

*Hades conjures a massive fireball between his hands it hurls it at Yami Yoshi*

GORE: *activates Lightsaber* Damn you Yami Yoshi…
*GORE charges towards Yami Yoshi and deflects the fireball with his Lightsaber just in the nick of time*

Yami Yoshi: Whew…that was close…

Hades: Well, well…if it isn’t a Jedi Knight…

GORE: That’s right…I’m sure even your flame-protected body won’t be able to resist the power of the Lightsaber!

Hades: I'm sure we’ll see about that soon…won’t we?

Author: Golem[edit]

Fusion's voice: Guys, follow us! The Holy Plot Device (Reverb) is being carried off under the smelly armpit of a muta--

~GORE drives his light saber into the red aura surrounding Hades~

Yami Yoshi: ~turns around to see Fusion and company running towards him~ Fusion! Get your arse over here! ~GASP~ Holy cheesecake, is that--

Pharoah: Yes, now get over it.

BSD: Hades! Let us join forces for once!

~GORE tries furiously to dig his light saber out of the aura~

Hades: Black Shadow Dragoshi...?!

BSD: As much as I may hate your slobbering dog, I've waited long to do away with these OGers!

Hades: You and your disrespect are not welcome here!

~Soon, the red aura expands and envelops GORE, but shoves everyone else out. The aura then grows opaque. Legion kicks the aura a few times, but it doesn't give. The others wait.~

SSG: Gee...

Pharoah: ~looking around~ Where'd Black Skull Dragoshi get off to?!

Legion: Forget him, we've got to head for the city.

Yami: But GORE--

Legion: GORE's on his own now, and we haven't the time to find BSD.

~Inside the aura, Hades prepares another fireball. GORE, his body weary and his mind working furiously to come up with another tactic, prepares his light saber to deflect the fireball. The fireball, about the size of a beach ball, zooms towards him, and GORE stands firmly behind his light saber. He sees his light saber engulfed by the flames just seconds before he himself takes a direct hit to the chest. GORE is flung against the aura, which slowly starts to fade.~

Author: Yami[edit]

GORE: *clutching his burnt chest* Ugh…

Hades: There’s no escape from the fire sphere…none of your friends can help you now…

Yami Yoshi: GORE!

GORE: Guys! Get outta here before he kills you too! You have to stop that bomb!

Hades: …what?!? What X-Bomb?

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE: The one that's gonna blow up this whole planet along with Militia and Hepehe- Hipponia or whatever!

Commander Hades: What? That's bull! There's no such thing!

GORE: You really don't know? I thought Akujin would've been evacuating the planet by now...

Hades: You’re bluffing! Akujin has made some unwise decisions before, but he won’t blow us all up to get rid of his enemies!

*Hades launches a barrage of fireballs in anger. GORE deflects most of the blasts, but the rest inflict heavy damage on his body. GORE drops to the ground, panting heavily.*

GORE: So... Akujin has been playing you for a fool. He's gonna kill you all!

Hades: What... how should I believe you?

GORE: I'm A Jedi Knight, I have a ll that honor crap. And if you can't trust me, who can you trust?

*Hades's aura fades and he slowly backs away.*

Hades: Excuse me. I must have... a word with Lord Akujin.

*Hades dashes off. GORE stumbles over and passes out from the injuries.*

Author: Golem[edit]

GORE: Fusion... a little help?

Fusion: That's not the last thing that came to mind, but I simply can't help! I have no MP left...

Saru: He used it all trying to defeat a dog guarding what we think is The Holy Plot Device (Reverb).

GORE: What?! Introbulus probably handed it over to Akujin!

Pharoah: What about BSD?

Saru: I'm not sure, but--

Fusion: He's turned evil. You know how many times he's told us Shadow Dragoshi's dying words. He used The Holy Plot Device (Reverb) to bring back his memories, which have turned him evil. Which reminds me of something that complicates the plot further--

Yami: Wait, wait, BSD turned evil because of his memories? How does that work?

Legion: I'm sure Captain Exposition would be proud of you all, but did you forget about a certain ticking X-Bomb?

That Guy: ~reaches into Bag o' Random Crap, takes out hand, holding a stretcher~ We can carry GORE on this.

~Fusion and Saru carry GORE on the stretcher as they run to the edge of the plateau. They look down and see that view of Kradopolis.~

SSG: Look at all those Fusion Kradians... where do you think they're going?

Saru: ~puts down the stretcher and points to a giant Greek temple further along the view~ There, see? ~everyone looks and notices the Fusion Kradians going in~

Yami: Oh, great. Here comes the part we hate the most. ~rolls his eyes, points to the base of the plateau~

GORE: What is it?

SwordMaster: Robot Team. They're making their obligatory appearance to make a futile attempt at stopping us.

Yami: They don't seem to notice us, though. They're just looking around in the dirt.

Legion: What are we waiting for? Those robots aren't going to throw themselves out.

Yami: Hold up. Those Fusion Kradians might notice us if we try a direct attack.

Legion: I wouldn't be so sure. They're pretty far off.

Fusion: Saru, this is right about the time when you volunteer helpful information.

~Inside the temple, Fusion Cerebus stands up and looks around. He sniffs the air. After a few seconds, he picks up the X-Bomb closest to him and looks at it. He swallows it gently. Fusion Cerebus picks up the next one, looks at it, and swallows it similarly. Then the next one, and the one after that...~

Author: Yami[edit]


*Hades bursts into the MPVP HQ throne room, smoke fuming from his ears*

Akujin: Hello, Commander Hades. Is there a problem?

Hades: I heard you were going to destroy Krad with an X-Bomb…is this true?!?

Akujin: Yes…is there a problem?

Hades: You traitorous bastard!! Do you even care about the deaths of all those Kradian citizens?!?

Akujin: *ignoring Hades’ question* You know, Hades…I always despised having you as a member of the MPVP. A true member would focus his mind on the most important thing in the universe…power. And in order to achieve great power…sacrifices must be made…

Hades: …

Akujin: Meanwhile you, on the other hand focus your mind on foolish sentiment…like the lives of this filthy race of creatures…this disgusting race of creatures…this—

Hades: Enough! Activate Level 1 Heat Shield!

*A reddish aura surrounds Hades*

Akujin: Heh heh…are you really…going to fight me?

Hades: *clenching his fists* No…I’m going to KILL you. Beelzebub Bomb!

*Hades conjures a massive fireball between his hands and hurls it at Akujin*

Akujin: Fool.

*Akujin opens his Akujin Eye, which absorbs the Beelzebub Bomb*

Akujin: Heh heh heh…did you really think that would…

*Suddenly, Hades appears behind Akujin’s throne and hurls another Beelzebub Bomb*

Akujin: *turning around* …what the?!

*Akujin vanishes from his throne milliseconds before it’s engulfed by flames, and reappears at the entrance of the throne room*

Akujin: I see…you used your Beelzebub Bomb as a distraction so you could teleport behind me…very clever…

Hades: I said it before and I’ll say it again…I’m going to kill you…

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Saru: Why yes, I worked with the MPVP for some time. I know of some secret passages leading to the temple thingy. Follow me...

*Saru leads the other OGer across the Kradian plains for some time.*

Saru: Now stop!

*He knocks on the ground.*

Yami Yoshi: Ah! It's hollow...

*Saru opens a lid on the ground, revealing a control panel. He presses several buttons in a certain order, and the floor slids poen as if it were a screen door. The OGers silently leap down the passage as the door closes behind them. They land in an underground tunnel and begin trakking softly, without making a sound.*

Saru: (whispers) Almost there...

Fusion Kradian: Good.

BSD: You don't think I've forgotten this little path, did I?

Gamechamp: Robot Team, assemble!

GORE: ****....


Author: Yami[edit]

Akujin: Heh…you can talk…once you’re able to hit me…now it’s my turn…

*Akujin raises his hands into the air and an enormous black cloud materializes over his hood*

Akujin: Squall of A Thousand Skulls!

*Hundreds of winged, ghostly-white skulls emerge from the cloud and fly towards Hades*

Hades: Activate Level 2 Flame Shield!

*The reddish aura surrounding Hades bursts into orange flames*

Hades: Meramera Machine Gun!

*Hades sticks out his right arm and grasps it with his left arm as if he were holding machine gun and then fires barrage of several thousand fiery bullets from the tip of his index finger. The skulls are shattered to smithereens as the fire bullets pierce through their fragile bodies. As the last skull is blown to bits, Hades lowers his right arm and blows the smoke emitting from his fingertip.*

Akujin: Missed one.

Hades: What?!

*A lone skull sneaks up behind Hades and kamikazes into his back. The skull releases a fiery explosion upon collision and sends Hades airborne. Hades flies several feet through the air before smashing into the throne room wall. Hades slides down to the throne room floor, stunned.*

Akujin: Not bad…considering Squall of the Thousand Skulls has the potential power to obliterate entire armies…too bad…if you hadn’t missed one, it might have given you a chance to survive against this next assault…Squall of A Thousand Skulls!

*Another swarm of winged skulls emerges from the black cloud and flies towards Hades’ stunned body*

Akujin: Goodbye, Hades…


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Robot Team: ...And together, we are the Robot Team!

Gamechamp: Hey, they skipped over the rest of our roll call with a scene cut! That makes me unhappy!

*And so the OGers fight the Fusion Kradians, the Robot Team and Black Skull Dragoshi in a dark, narrow underground cave. Yami Yoshi butts heads with BSD. Fusion, GORE, SwordMaster, Legion and That Guy fight Gamechamp, Yellow, Black, Green and Blue respectively. And Saru and ??? fight off the Fusion Kradian as well as anyone I forgot. Now that all the setup's done with, let's get down to the juicy parts.

Yami Yoshi dashes straight towards BSD and fires a Dark Omelet at the traitor, but Dragoshi hides within an Egg Shield which absorbs the attacks, then reflects them back at Yami Yoshi as beams of light. The surprised Yami was tossed against the wall.*

Yami: My Egg Shields never did that...

BSD: But mine can! And now I remember how to do such as I remember my training with Akujin!

Yami: What?!!

BSD: That's right, I've discovered my past as a member of the MPVP Council millenia ago!

Yami: I... thought you were just twelve...

BSD: Some losers who shut down the MPVP all thise years ago thought I'd get a "second chance" so tehy deaged me and froze me until 2000! And when I still went bad, they had no choice but to erase my memories!

Yami: Enough! Back to battle!

*Yami Yoshi leaps into the air, legs flailing wildly at BSD. BSD replies by casually flying to the side as Yami smashes into a wall. BSD then kicks the stone wall itself, causing it to crumble and bury Yami Yoshi.*

BSD: (smirks) Another one bites the... (clutches head in pain) URGH! What is...- ah, the pain's gone. That was odd...

*Fusion and Gamechamp blast each other with energy beams in a scene that looks like it was ripped out of Dragonball Z. Yellow grapples with the wounded GORE-ILLA, SwordMaster and Black engage in a classic sword duel, Green and Legion pit their weapons against each other, and That Guy uses his whole Bag O' Random Crap against Blue's drilling machine.

The others aren't faring too well. In their fight to prevent the Fusion Kradians from ganging up on the other preoccupied OGers, they neglected to think of what would happedn if the Fusion Kradians ganged up on them. Luckily the extras kept each others' backs, but they were tiring quickly, and more and more Fusion Kradians poured into the tunnel... OOOH MELODRAMATIC CLIFFHANGER!!!!*