Member OG 6 Page 9

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Author: Golem[edit]

~In Akujin's throne room, Hades gets up, his reddish aura as strong as ever. However, some pieces of plastic, nuts, and bolts fall from his person.~

Akujin: Hah. Hades, you just sealed your own fate. How did you expect to battle me without breaking the disabling switches?

~Elsewhere, in the tunnel, the Fusion Kradians stop attacking, hit the floor, and start convulsing.~

Saru: What are they doing?!

Pharoah: I've never seen anything like it...

~The Fusion Kradians stop convulsing and lay still.~

???: ...Is it safe to leave them here? What if they wake up?

~??? looks around, and Pharoah and Saru have already left to help the others.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Presenting the VGF On-Going Story Board's Seven Thousandth Post: (Donkey Kong Country 2 - Wasp Hive ["Flight of the Zinger"])

*BSD checks the rubble which has buried Yami Yoshi.*

BSD: I know you're alive, Yami Yoshi! Just come out and fight me!

Pharaoh Yami Yoshi: Okay. Dark Egg!

*BSD is caught off guard by Pharaoh's Dark Egg and falls over, but quickly recovers and finds himself facing Saru as well. BSD leaps into action without announcing any attack names, catching both the warriors by surprises he slashes at them. Saru and Pharaoh both tackle BSD at the same time and pin him against the wall, but BSD flaps his wings until he shakes them off of him. BSD flies to safety, but Saru follows him and the two get caught in a midair battle between BSD's claws and Saru's flaming fists. Saru and BSD then fall back and launch fireballs at each other. Whichever fireballs don't miss or cancel each other out cause great damage to the antiheroes. Soon Pharaoh reenters the game as he wraps his tongue around BSD's ankle and starts yanking him back to the ground. As BSD struggles to break free of his grip, Saru takes advantage of this opportunity and dropkicks BSD, sending him rocketing down onto Pharaoh. the two roll along the ground, tripping up Yami Yoshi(who had escaped the rocks in the meantime), GORE, SwordMaster, Legion, That Guy and the Robot team until they're all stuck in a huge ball of people. The ball rolls through the cave but falls apart when it finally reaches an end. Then Saru jumps back into the huge orgy of battles. Everyone is everywhere in one massive battle to end all battles. There is never a dull moment, and slowly, one by one fighters are tossed out of the battle crowd. First came SSG, That Guy, and ???. Then the Robot Team was tossed out after a humiliating defeat. And that left all the remaining OGers against BSD. BSD is no match for the fighters' combined efforts and is swiftly losing. Tired of being pushed around, he screams loudly.*

BSD: That's it! DARK PHOENIX!!!

Saru: It can't--!

*Suddenly, Black Skull Dragoshi's whole body is covered in flames, including his large wings, but he is surprisingly unharmed. The OGers holding BSD are forced back by the sheer heat.*


BSD: AND NOW THAT I'VE REALIZED MY TRUE POWERS... (his wings spread out to the tunnel walls as he bows his head in preparation for one last ram)...I'LL TAKE YOU ALL OUT IN ONE FELL SWOOP- UGH!!!

*BSD's flames disappear as he drops to the floor, clutching his head in pain, in a powerful seizure.*

Yami Yoshi: Guess all that power got to him, eh Pharoah? ...PHAROAH?!

*Yami looks over at Pharoah, who's also on the floor in a spasm of some sort.*

GORE: What the hell's going on?

Author: AaronGuy[edit]


AaronGuy: ~steps out of the Hummingbird onto what appears to be a large patch of grass suspended in deep space~ This place...

Culex: Varuna. Welcome back, Aaron. How long has it been?

Aaron: Only seven months. It must seem like much longer to you, though. Nevermind that: why are you chasing after me? Trying to capture me again to be your lackey?

Culex: No, no.. Though the idea crossed my mind, I'd much rather just give you a little.. disciplining. ~shakes his head~ But that's not the reason at all. Nothing like that. I'm just.. curious, is all.

Aaron: Curious? About what?

Culex: What you're doing so far from Earth. All the way on Krad, in fact.

Aaron: ~looks at the ground~ There isn't an Earth anymore... it's gone now.

Culex: ~eyes widen~ What? What do you mean?

Aaron: Exactly what I said! Earth is no more. It got blown up. I was lucky to escape, but everyone else... all those people...

Culex: Who could have done such a thing?

Aaron: Someone named Akujin. I'm with a group of rebels called the OGers now, trying to stop him from doing the same to other planets...

Culex: Other planets, you say... ~looks up~ I've made a decision. ~waves his hand~

Four Crystals: ~hover down to him~

Aaron: A decision? About what?

Culex: Pandering in dimensions is one thing, but destroying a dimension is even worse. Aaron, please put our differences aside, and allow me to assist you?

Aaron: What, for real? ...Yeah, sure! Quick, let's get back to the others!

Crystals: ~spin around Aaron and Culex, who suddenly reappear where Aaron last was~

Aaron: Hm.. everyone's already left. We'd better make up for lost time, or else.. ~looks at Culex~ You all right?

Culex: ~doubled over~ Yes, I'm fine. It's just I'm very attached to my pocket dimension- it's the source of most of my power. Without it, I would be far weaker. I'd barely be stronger than you.

Aaron: ~sweatdrop~ Yeah, right...

Culex: Don't worry, though. As long as there's a small doorway back to Varuna... ~gestures toward a small glowing blue thread between the two of them~ ...I'll be at almost-full strength. We must be careful, though. Though I'm the only one who can open the doorway, others could break it if they used enough force.

Aaron: ~shivers~

Culex: ...Are you cold?

Aaron: No, no. I just got a chill of foreshadowment. Nevermind, we need to find the others. Follow me!

Author: Golem[edit]

~In the tunnel...~

???: Is it the same thing that happened to the Fusion Kradians?

~Pharoah stops and clutches his head. Soon, his left hand disappears.~

Yami: Pharoah!!

Fusion: The Fusion Kradians seem to be unconscious, but still whole... which is more than we can say for Pharoah.


~Everyone turns to look at BSD, who has assumed his previous pose. However, no flames arrive.~

Yami: ...Are you done?

~Everyone lunges at BSD, who flaps his wings as hard as he can, flinging himself backwards towards the wall and blowing everyone else back a little bit. While still moving backwards, BSD jumps up and kicks the wall behind him, sending him into a tackle at the others. Everyone but Saru leaps into a tackle at BSD, but cannot gain the force that BSD has, and ends up being slammed into the wall behind the group. Saru takes this opportunity to punch BSD in the stomach from under him.

Outside Akujin's office...~

Dark Jim: Let me in.

Breathless Fusion Kradian: You're on Akujin's side, aren't you?!

Dark Jim: I said, "Let me in."

Breathless Fusion Kradian: I can't let anyone on Akujin's side in.

~Dark Jim waves his hand forth and blasts a Dark Jim Beam at the Fusion Kradian. He is instantly decimated.~

Dark Jim: So powerless... someone must have used the disabler switch.

~Dark Jim strolls into Akujin's office, where he finds Hades and Akujin battling. He walks out of the way of the door and watches the battle continue.~

Author: Yami[edit]

Hades: Activate Level 3 Supernova Shield!

*The flames surrounding Hades expand and emanate a powerful golden glow from his body.*

Hades: Your Squall of a Thousand Skulls gave me enough explosive energy to activate my ultimate shield, the Supernova Shield.

Akujin: Heh heh…I suppose the real battle begins now?

Hades: That’s right…your corpse will be reduced to ashes after this round…Flame Fu!

*With the velocity of a volcanic eruption, Hades charges towards Akujin and releases a furious flurry of fiery punches. Akujin blocks each incoming fist with ease and grabs Hades by both the arms.*

Akujin: Heh heh heh…I have you now…

Hades: Blaze Breath!

*Hades releases a blast of flames from his mouth, which are instantly absorbed by the Akujin Eye.*

Akujin: Heh heh…haven’t you learned already? It’s useless to resi—

Hades: Tail Torch!

*Hades fires a blast of flames from his tail, which catches Akujin off-guard and blasts him against the throne room wall.*

Dark Jim: …wow…I never thought someone would be able to stand up against Akujin’s supreme power…

*Akujin stands up and dusts the dirt off his cloak.*

Akujin: Hmph…I guess this battle won’t end as quickly as I originally planned…

Hades: It will end quickly…for you…

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Hades shoots a barrage of fireballs at Akujin almost immediately. Akujin werves out of the path of danger and his Akujin Eye opens.*

Akujin: Enough fooling around! Time to end this battle!

*The Akujin Eye shoots a laser beam which tears through Hades's shield and sends him flying back. Hades recovers however and transfers more flames to his horns.*

Hades: The Horns of, well, I ran out of demonic creatures. But still!

*Hades rushes at Akujin like a wild bull, with his flaming horns blazing about. But Akujin shoots another beam from his Akujin Eye to the head that knocks him back into the wall again. this time he doesn't get up. Akujin hovers up to him.*

Akujin: Looks like you're flame's dying down. Now you know the price for paying Akujin!

*The Akujin Eye grows red with power.*

Hades: This is for the Kradian race... Spear of Lucifer!!!

*Hades shoots a fiery spear that pierces Akujin's eye. Akujin doubles back, screaming in pain.*

Author: Golem[edit]

Hades: Your reign is over, Akujin. Even if I am slain, without your eye--

Akujin: Fool!!

~Akujin's face contorts to withhold his pain as his eye peels completely open, dropping the spear out. Hades trembles in fear as this happens, and Akujin's eye shoots out a huge beam of white energy at Hades.

Elsewhere, in the tunnel, that same beam is spotted at a far end by Legion...~

Legion: ~drawing everyone's attention to the oncoming beam~ Everyone move up against the wall!

~Everyone does so as best as they can, and the beam moves towards them through the tunnel, just barely misses the group.~

SSG: What do you think THAT was?!

~Back in Akujin's office, a white glowing sphere hovers where Hades used to be, and is all that remains of him.~

Akujin: Ah, an OG soul. Dark Jim, get the proper storage for an OG soul and bring it here.

Dark Jim: Do you believe that the soul of Hades will clash with your own?

Akujin: Just do it.

Author: Yami[edit]

That Guy: Whoa…that was close one…

Yami Yoshi: At least it took out this annoying 11-year-old brat right here…

*Yami Yoshi kicks a scorched-black BSD who lies unconscious on the ground.*

Legion: Should we leave the traitorous bastard here?

GORE: Yes…for the time being…we can’t have anything slow us down anymore, especially with that X-Bomb still ticking…

SSG: Oh yeah…I forgot about that…

GORE: Saru, do you know where we are now?

Saru: Hmm…this tunnel is used as a shortcut to the Holy Plot Device *reverb* Shrine and Krad’s surface. We should be approaching rear entrance of the throne room soon…

Yami Yoshi: All right! Let’s go haul some Akujin-ass!

GORE: *sigh* …I have no idea where your confidence comes from…all right guys, let's proceed with caution…

Author: Golem[edit]

~The OGers make their way through the tunnel, mindful of any possible traps or further energy beams.

SwordMaster, hearing something, looks behind the group, and finds that the Kradians have been following the OGers. Everyone else looks back at the Kradians after noticing SwordMaster. Everyone stands in a fighting stance, but no one on either side makes a move.~

Frontmost Kradian: We want to help.

Fusion: Yeah right! Just give us one reason why we should trust you.

Frontmost Kradian: We have no answer that you would think was... "logical."

Legion: Give us the illogical reason.

Frontmost Kradian: We fear that Akujin has done something horrible to Hades. We are Hades' men, not Akujin's.

~Inside the ensuing OGer huddle~

Yami: I want to believe them.

GORE: I told Hades about the X-Bomb while he had me in that aura. He looked more than concerned when I told him that Akujin's plan involved blowing up Krad.

Legion: Ah, a general and his soldiers. Hades has trained his men and is one of them; Akujin, on the other hand, is not Kradian, and seems to be willing to cast them aside.

SwordMaster: Hold up. Diablo treated his men with no regard, and he was a Kradian. The species doesn't make any difference.

Fusion: You think these Kradians might be one ruse in a line of ruses to trick us into some sort of trap?

Pharoah: I'm not sure that these Kradian underlings would be as convincing as they are, were that the case.

SSG: Do any of you want to flip the coin or should I?

~Elsewhere, with Introbulus by The Holy Plot Device (reverb)...~

Introbulus: There's just one last event to pass before I go to the afterlife: Akujin versus the OGers.
I think I see the balance now. Akujin can offer The Holy Plot Device (reverb) protection that us OGers never could.

PL-0TT: No chance remains that you will change your position on this issue, then.

Introbulus: Right... ~spots Dark Jim moving through a hallway~ ...Excuse me, I need to go do something.

PL-0TT: Don't take too long, we've got to get on the Apocalypse before long.

~Introbulus catches up to Dark Jim as PL-0TT heads for the Apocalypse.~

Dark Jim: What do you want? I'm busy.

Introbulus: Could you just... show me Jim? One last time?

~Silence. Then Dark Jim's cloak changes its color to that of Jim.~

Jim: Don't worry, Introbulus. Follow what you truly believe and you can't go wrong.

~Silence, and the cloak changes color back to Dark Jim's color.~

Introbulus: Was that really... Jim? Was it really him?

Dark Jim: ~somewhat soft voice~ Does it matter?

~Dark Jim continues on his way.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The OGers and the Kradians rush through the tunnels and enter MPVP HQ, which is eerily empty and quiet. All tehy could find was a snoozing Fusion Cerebrus.*

Yami Yoshi: What's going on? Where's Shade and all the other recurring villains?

Akujin: Already aboard the Apocalypse and preparing to leave this hellish planet before it goes to hell.

Random Kradian Solder: So it's true- (explodes from an unseeable blast of Akujin's. The OGers stare in awe and fright.)

Akujin: That's for opening your wretched mouth, you worthless vermin. And for allying with the enemy...

*Akujin closes his eyes in concentration as one by one, the Kradians all start exploding violently. The Kradians raise their weapons, but tehy all backfire immediately.*

Akujin: You dare try to strike at your superior, Kradian-kun? And after I showed you mercy with quick deaths. Let's try something a little...(grins) slower.

*Immediately Akujin reels back- most likely from teh punch to the face Yami Yoshi just delivered to him.*

Akujin: Ingrateful dinosaur! I'd love to use you as an example, but I have something much better planned. You're looking for the X-Bomb, correct? Well it's right there. (points to the sleeping Fusion Cerebrus's gaping mouths)

SwordMaster: Why are you telling us this?

Akujin: Because you won't make it in time. I'll be leaving now, but first I need to collect some souveneirs...

*Akujin snaps his fingers. A bubble forms around the Kradian soldiers, and they float above Akujin as the bubble fills up with Pain Gas- gas that overflows those who breathe it with extreme pain unti they automatically die several hours later.*

Akujin: Seeya lat-

Black Skull Dragoshi: (walks in, clutching head) Wait!

Akujin: Aha! I knew I forgot something!

Black Skull Dragoshi: What's happening to me? I'm forgetting!

*BSD clutches his head in pain while Pharoah Yami Yoshi also screams in pain as his tail disappears.*

Akujin: Simple. The "Holy Plot Device" ou used to restore your memories and bring Pharoah back to life was the Holy Plot Device (Echo), not (Reverb). (Echo)'s wishes are only temporary, so in minutes you'll be a dumbass again and Pharoah will be licking the ground.

Yami: No!

Black Skull Dragoshi: Please help me... I don't want to forget again!

Akujin: Come with me, and your memories will be restored- I had them saved on a special machine. Now let's go...

*Akujin and BSD leave. The OGers begin to tip-toe towards Cerebrus.*

Saru: Now this is just too easy! No catch? The Bomb's right there?

*Akujin pops back in.*

Akujin: Ah yes, I forgot something else: to get to Cerebrus, you'll have to go through Him first.

Fusion: Who?

*Akujin snaps his fingers, and a Volkswagen crashes through the ceiling, its rider leaping out and landing on the floor in a cool manner while his Volkswagen crashes into a wall and explodes.*

Introbulus: You rang?

SSG: (shakes head at burning Volkswagen) Now that's just a waste!

Akujin: Yes, servant. Kill them.

Introbulus: With pleasure.

All: O_O

*Akujin leaves for good this time, never to return to Krad.*

???: Hey, where's GORE-ILLA?

*Elsewhere, crates are being loaded into the Apocalypse because someone had too much free time. GORE sneaks about the loading area, cracks open a crate, and tosses out the Kradian Hobo (Krobo) who was sleeping there as he placed himself in the crate and replaced the torn parts of the crate.*

GORE: I must find out the truth...

Will the OGers survive this ordeal? How many more plot twists are in store for our intrepid group of adventurers? WTF is going on with GORE anyway? All these answers and more will be coming in VGF Member OG -11733985638: Moby **** Strikes Back. Tune in!

Author: Yami[edit]

That Guy: Umm…Introbulus? A-are you sure you don’t want to discuss this over tea…or something…?

Yami Yoshi: Yeah, man! You wouldn’t kill your own friends…w-would you?

Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!

Yami Yoshi: Yikes!


~Yami Yoshi jumps into the air, milliseconds before the rainbow beam obliterates the ground beneath him.~

Yami Yoshi: Flutter Kick!

~Yami Yoshi hovers over Introbulus and releases a flurry of kicks onto his face. After several kicks, Yami Yoshi releases one final kick, which knocks Introbulus onto the ground.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Omelet!

~Still airborne, Yami Yoshi prepares to release his Dark Omelet attack. Suddenly, Introbulus rolls over and aims his index finger at Yami Yoshi.~”

Introbulus: Ultimate Prod!

Yami Yoshi: ****, Egg Shield!

~The translucent Yoshi Egg surrounds Yami Yoshi, but the force of the rainbow beam blasts Yami Yoshi and his Egg Shield against the throne room wall.~


~The Egg Shield shatters into smithereens and Yami Yoshi falls to the ground.~

Yami Yoshi: *panting* …you will…return to us…Introbulus!

Introbulus: Listen Yami Yoshi…Do you want to know WHY I can’t be friends with you? I am part of a top-secret organization responsible for maintaining order and stability in the universe. Even though I was killed on the Apocalypse, my organization brought me back to life under one condition: destroy the OGers and prevent them from destroying the universe.

???: !!!

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?!? We aren’t trying to destroy the universe! Akujin is!

Introbulus: You naïve fools seem to misunderstand…allow me to explain…

Author: AaronGuy[edit]

AaronGuy: Ugh, I'm so tired from all this walking...

Culex: First of all, I've been giving you a piggyback ride since fifteen minutes after we came back to this planet. Second, I'm flying using the power of the crystals. You were never this whiny...

AaronGuy: Well Ex-CUSE me for... ~looks down~ Hey, that must be it!

Culex: MPVP? Certianly doesn't SOUND intimidating.

AaronGuy: Whatever. Let's just get inside.

Culex: Yes, lets. I can sense much strife inside. It looks like the fight is reaching it's climax without us.

AaronGuy: ~jumps down~ Oh no it won't! I may not post much, but I still want some action!

Culex: Post... wait, what?

AaronGuy: I'll explain later! Let's get inside!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The Apocalypse quickly takes off from the planet it had called hom for so many years, never to land on its soil again. Despite the centuries of history between the two massive figures, the Apocalypse was fast to leave Krad to suffer the former's namesake. Aboard the Apocalypse, most of the Most Powerful Villains Period were crouded around a trio of televison screens. The first screen displayed the battle between the OGers and Introbulus; the third showcased the ticking X-Bomb within Cerebrus's stomach (but how tehy got a camera there is beyond me); and the center screen displaying a view of Krad from space. That way they could laugh at Krad's destruction from three great angles.*

Shade: Is the popcorn ready yet?

*One lone figure pushes his way out of the crowd and into the Apocalypse's halls- bumpin right into Akujin.*

Akujin: Where are you going, Erebrus? The party's just getting started.

Erebrus: I... forgot something in the cargo bay. I'll be right back.

Akujin: You'd better be.

*Akujin enters the crowded party room while Erebrus slinks through the halls to the cargo bay, where he meets with a female figure.*

Night: Were you followed?

Erebrus: No, just becuase I don;t share your powers of stealth doesn't mean I can't make my way about on my own. Akujin did seem a bit suspcious, but I don't think he'll interuppt us- not while he's watching Krad's destruction.

Night: Well just be glad we got away from that vicious party before we had to watch a species' extinction.

*Erebrus sits next on Night on a crate.*

Erebrus: It's.. quiet.

Night: How long until Krad blows?

Erebrus: (checks watch) About thirty minutes.

Night: Oh...

*Erebrus and Night slowly face each other and pucker their lips as they move their lips close together- but just before the two mouths are about to make contact, Erebrus abruptly turns his head to a shadow seen darting between crates.*

Night: What is it?

Erebrus: Stowaway. Probably harmless, but a good way to spend the time, right?

Night: Right.

*Night closes her eyes, and all the lights in the bay deactivate- plunging the room into pitch blackness. Erebrus then howls like a wolf, and several huge, furry humanoids with glowing red eyes appear from seemingly nowhere. GORE-ILLA ponders the sudden darkness and mysterious growls as he navigates his way through the maze of crates. Erebrus howls to the creatures in a language of some sort. The creatures then disappear into the darkness as they learn their objective: search and destroy.*

Author: Golem[edit]

~On Krad...~

Introbulus: Sorry about that... it's just that the situation is so dire.
The complicated part has something to do with space that isn't even real. You, the MPVP, and even I contribute to this part of the mess, but we really made the trouble flare with all of those OGs by fighting so much and defeating enemies so powerful. Defeating you would calm the situation down for the time being and slow the effects enough to give enough time for a solution to be found.
The simple part is that Akujin has better means of protecting The Holy Plot Device (Reverb), but he can't use it. To my knowledge, only a few beings and the original OG six can use it--

Pharoah: Well there you go!! Didn't Black Skull Dragoshi just leave with Akujin?!

Introbulus: But it's just a trick,... right?

GORE: No, it's not!

Introbulus: Okay, forget the complicated part. We've got to get aboard that Apocalypse.

SSG: Hold up, we still have an X-Bomb to deal with.

Introbulus: Not any more. Come on, there's some skull jets nearby.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Extinction Theme: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Castle ("Krook's March")

*In the Apocalypse, the MPVPians are in an uproar as they gaze into the three screens. The first monitor shows Introbulus leading the OGers offscreen; the third shows the X-Bomb with a frozen time. And the center shows Krad itself, almost sighing in relief.*

Chaos: BOO!! FOWL!

Dark Force: (shooting thunder and lightning madly as nearby villains duck to the side) Filthy traitor! Kill him at once!

Akujin: ...

King Bob: What now, Emperor?

Akujin: Akujin prepares for everything.

*Akujin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a remote detonator for the X-Bomb.*

King Bob: Whoa! How much time will you give them this time?

Akujin: Hmm... I think zero seconds will do.

*Akujin presses hard on the detonator button. The first and third monitors are filled with bright flashes and then replaced by eerie static. Krad slowly begins to crack...*

*In an underground Kradian city, the creatures run wildly about as the caves shake wildly, dropping debris which crushes homes and Kradians. the Kradian families all get close together before they're all comsumed by a flash of deadly light.*

*The OGers rush toward the field of Skull Jets. But the ground is shaking and shooting up jets of flame. A sudden tremor tears apart the earth beneath the Skull Jets, which begin to fall towards the lava before Introbulus uses his Iron Fist to pull the Skull Jets toward them.*

Yami Yoshi: I thougt you disarmed the X-Bomb!

Introbulus: I could only freeze my timer, this is the work of Akujin!

*The Skull Jets are pulled towards the OGers as the ground violently cracks and shakes.*


Introbulus: WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT!!

AaronGuy: Make way!

*What happens next I do not know, but the area is also consumed by a flash almost instantly.*

*Krad eruppts in a giant fireball while the crew of the Apocalypse cheers triumphantly. But it doesn't end there. The fireball spreads...*

*On Hipponia, people in the streets are shocked when they see the fireball from their city- and are even more shocked as the fireball moves toward them.*

Senator Ellior: Told you so.

Senator Cymetis: Shut up.

*Flash. Minutes later Hipponia is completely detstroyed as well. And the fireball continues to spread towards one more planet.*

*King Senso has immediately identified the situation; the fireball which once was Krad had obliterated Hipponia and now it would most surely destroy Militia. Senso quickly rushed towards one a Militian jet, but a familiar figure confronted him.*

Daioshogun: What are you doing, my Lord?

Senso: The planet's about to blow- and I'm out of here!

Daioshogun: Sir, shouldn't you order evacuation of the planet? The citizens are awaiting official orders- you still have all spacecrafts off-limits.

Senso: Those lousy peasants deserve to go! While they sit around all lazily, men and women are sacrificing themselves to keep them safe!

Daioshogun: Sir, I recall that most wars were fought to protect you, not your people. You're paranoid. You killed your wife and son jsut so you'd have no heirs to "usurp" you, and then you created me to uphold your laws by force. but no more.

Senso: WHAT??!! You're not programmed to speak against me! What is your problem?!

Daioshogun: I have... changed. A courageous young swordfighter inspired me to rely on my feelings and not on my programming.

Senso: Traitor! You're trying to usurp me too, aren't you??!!! Well I won't let you!!! I'll rule this planet... forever!!!!!!!!

*With that the fireball consumes Militia. Since Senso was never decrowned, in a way he did rule forever. He just wasn't alive to enjoy it.*

*Elsewhere in the Flying Monkey II, Lupus is sleeping while sitting down (or "meditating" as he calls it) when suddenly he snaps to conciousness.*

Koopa: What is it, sir?

Lupus: I feel as if millions of voices just cried out, "WTF?" and were suddenly silenced.

MON-KILL: I have a bad feeling about this...