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Episode 75: I Miss These Episode Tags by Golem[edit]

~MOG-while (take that Fred), near the TASTS, the lone Tim Allen bot opens its face up, revealing a small canon.~

Lone Tim Allen bot: Step away from the newsstand, Tim Allen Squad 4.

~The Tim Allen robots back away from the newsstand. Legion sees this and calls back into the other room.~

Legion: Everyone has to bail immediately!!

~Everyone dashes out into the front part of the newsstand and sees what Legion has noticed, and tries to jump out. A shot fires from the cannon, and Syphnity flies into the front part of the newsstand, then deflects the shot with its gem body. Bits of the shot splatter onto the TASTS itself, though, and it starts to turn to cheese. The Syphnity flies out, and the TASTS turns again into a rubber band pen, but this time made of cheese.~

SSG: The Tim Taylor robot has some sort of cheddarnite cannon...!

~A Tim Allen robot rushes into the room.~

Tim Allen robot: ~to the Tim Taylor robot (the one with the Home Improvement cap on)~ Sir the Cheese Star is descending into the Earth's atmosphere and will most likely burn up in the process.

Tim Taylor Robot: That is irrelevant, #72. This room is coated in cheapanium in case of such an event.

~In Aaron's space vehicle, Dark Cloak has taken over, and is using the vehicle to chase the falling Cheese Star...~

Culex: What are you doing?!

Dark Cloak: I have as much use for a destroyed Earth as you have for it.

AaronGuy: Great, a positive thinker, okay. Have any idea how you're actually going to stop that huge thing?! Hey, wait, you let Akujin DESTROY--

~Culex slaps his hand over AaronGuy's mouth.~

Culex: ~whispering to AaronGuy~ Don't tempt the deity's wrath...

Author: Tyler[edit]

~on the Cheese Star MKII (which is now hurdling towards the Earth at unimaginable speeds~

Vlad/Yami/Guy/(the forgotten)GORE: WEEEEEEE~Deep breath~EEEEEEE!

GORE: ~Stops screaming and clears throat~ We've been screaming "wee" for 20 minutes now. This really shouldn't be fun. We're very probably going to die. Shouldn't we be thinking of some way to avoid our doom?

Yami:~roasting a marshmallow on one of the many random things caught on fire from re-entry~ Huh? Oh, right. How about that? ~points to a sign that reads "prototype conveniently placed doom resistent re-entry pod. COMFORTABLY SEATS THREE!". It has an arrow pointing to a trap door in the floor.~

GORE: Wow. Since when have you been this observant?

Guy: I have a line!

Vlad: ME TOO!

~meanwhile, in the Wessiah Zone~

Knock: Hello? Did the writers forget about me?

Author: Yami[edit]

Guy: Wait a second…comfortably seats THREE? That means someone will have to stay behi—

~Guy looks up and realizes that he’s talking to no one.~

Guy: Son of a…

Meanwhile ten thousand feet below…

~GORE, Vlad, and Yami Yoshi stand on the sandy shore of Yoshi’s Island as they watch the Cheese Star MK II plunge into the sea.~

Yami Yoshi: Yay! We made it!

GORE: But what are we going to do now?

Yami Yoshi: About what?

Vlad: About the five thousand foot tsunami hurtling towards us as we speak.

Yami Yoshi: Oh…THAT…

Meanwhile in the dark dimension…

~Knock ignites his blue laser sword and uses it as a torch as he navigates through the pitch-black tunnels of the cavern.~

Knock: ~calling~ Yami Yoshi! Yami Yoshi!

~ “Yami Yoshi!” echoes throughout the cavern, but no reply is heard.~

Knock: Where could he have gone? He couldn’t have gone far...

High Pitched Voice Behind Knock: Kee hyee hyee hyee…

Author: Golem[edit]

~Knock sees the Cheese Star Mk II float past him.~

Wesus: Looks like Master Dark Cloak sent the outer layers of the Cheese Star here... Master Lupus won't be happy about this...

Knock: What?! ~looks around and spots Wesus~

Wesus: You were there?! This place is too dark...

~The Cheese Star Mk II stops and a door on it opens. Tim Allen robots rush out of it.~

Foremost Tim Allen robot: Surrender your planet Earth!

~Meanwhile, in the ocean behind Yoshi's Island, the inner layer of the Cheese Star Mk II is surfacing after its impact with the water. Inside, the lefvover OGers are bound by rope around the wrists and ankles. A Tim Allen robot reports to Taylor.~

Tim Allen robot: Sir, the Cheese Star has landed.

Tim Taylor: Inform the other units and commence the attack on Earth.

Tim Allen robot: The other units are outside of communication range, sir.

~And somewhere else this is happening:~

Vlad: Everyone, get back in the escape pod!

~Yami, GORE, and Vlad pile back in the escape pod. Vlad opens up a portion of the wall and starts fiddling with the wires inside. Yami and GORE look out a window and watch as the wave approaches.~

Yami: Uhhh, Vlad, you sure you know what you're doing?!

Vlad: Just tell me the instant the wave is overhead!

GORE: .....Now!

~Vlad touches two wires in the wall together and the escape pod is flung into the air by a sudden rocket burst from below. As it shoots up into the sky, it shoots through the wave. After this, the wave crashes down onto the island, after which the escape pod lands in the rushing water, where it is whisked through the water--but remains unharmed. Buildings fall and homes are crushed as the wave passes through the island.~

Yami Yoshi: My home...

~As they float out to the ocean, they float among a collection of about 20 rubber balls, each about 2 meters in diameter. Yami Yoshi's face fills with delight and he licks his lips.~

Yami Yoshi: Man! Look at all them cheesecakes!

GORE: There's cheesecake inside those rubber balls, you mean?

Yami Yoshi: Of course. How else do you store cheesecakes?

~GORE opens his uniform and reach inside to take out the Pearls of Mystery.~

Vlad: You stole the Pearls of Mystery from Lupus?!

GORE: He never had them in the first place.

~Another escape pod lands in the ocean nearby. Koopa Xtreme gets out and stands on a rubber ball, then turns to Yami's escape pod.~

Koopa Xtreme: I know you're in there, OGers! Come out and--

~Koopa Xtreme is then splashed with water, and he falls into the ocean. When he surfaces, he finds that a 1982 GMC custom van has landed in the water behind him. Lupus soon gets out and hops onto the rubber ball that Koopa Xtreme was on.~

Lupus: This line would probably pwn if Fred were around to write this post.

Koopa Xtreme: That's such a cop-out. It's time for us to do battle, isn't it?

Author: Yami[edit]

~Suddenly, something slams into the escape pod and sends it spinning through the air. The escape pod crashes into the summit of a green gumdrop mountain (now an island).~

Yami Yoshi: What the hell was that?

~GORE, Vlad, and Yami Yoshi hop out of the escape pod. A swell of water appears near the north shore of the summit, and out emerges a man with a submarine head and submarine-propeller hands.~

Yami Yoshi: Guy!

Guy: I’m sorry, but I cannot let you interfere with Master Lupus’ plan!

~Three hatches on Guy’s chin (the front-bottom section of the submarine) slide open and fire a barrage of torpedoes at the summit.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Omelet!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at the incoming barrage of torpedoes. The two barrages intercept midair and explode.~

Vlad: Twin Spears!

~Vlad hurls a pair of spears at Guy who holds up his propeller hands in an attempt to block them. Guy successfully stops the spears with his spinning blades, but the resulting explosions from the explosive spearheads reduce his hands into two smoking stumps.~

Guy: ~falling~ Aaahhh!!!

~As Guy plummets towards the ground, GORE stands next to Guy’s shadow and winds up his mechanical fist.~

GORE: Primate…

~As GORE winds up his fist, five light bulbs lined down his mechanical arm from his shoulder to his wrist light up one by one. After a few seconds, the final light bulb on his wrist lights up, and his fist radiates with a golden glow.~


~GORE throws his glowing fist at Guy (now a few feet above the ground) and punctures a hole through his chest.~

GORE: You’re finished, Guy.

Author: Fred[edit]

(Guy slinks into a puddle of quick-dry battery-fluid)

Guy: Master Lupus, sah. I've failed you.

Lupus: Yes, it's becoming rather common. And since Koopa here hasn't specified if he's fighting me or with me against the OGers, he'll just have to explain it while I go and execute my plans to rule the world without personally killing anyone but indirectly making their lives a living hell. Now, all I have to do is press this button and...

(The remote is knocked out of Lupus's hands by THE BOOMERANG ARROW of Rocket Robin Hood, defender of justice in the fantastic years to come)

RRH: I have a useful power.

Lupus: Um, go away. (Lupus picks the remote up again, and presses it. He instantly gains control of all cheddernite on the Earth, which is quickly shipped out of it's intended locations by thousands of trucks. However, The Japanese army led by Youma ganon attack. Unfortunately Youma had no understanding of modern weaponry and basically all of his soldiers were run over for waving flails at the drivers. Thousands of Tim Allen Robots apprehend Koopa, and Surround Vlad/YY/GORE. In approximately five minutes, the entire world's control shifts to Lupus's capable hands.)

Koopa Xtreme: I hear the ski lift calling.

Lupus: Excellent. Once it is done, this will be THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.

YY: You fiend!

Pharoh: What have you done?

Hades: I'm not done with you, yet!

Lupus: Oh, but you're very, very done. Fred!

Fred: Kinda violently disabled, sir.

Lupus: Oh yeah, that's right. Lithium!

LD: Kinda flattened due to a ludicrously long descent to Earth sir. Only a little.

Lupus: Oh, very well. Koopa, take the Pearls of Mystery off of GORE, there.

GORE: I'll never surrender them!

Lupus: And then you'll be shot and die and you'll have ticked off most the writers of Third Generation.

GORE: Oh, well, alright.

Lupus: Thanks. Okay, shoot them anyways.

(Tim Allen bots raise their ionic Mellon ballers)

Lupus: K, good.

Vlad: Hey, aren't you going to give us some sort of chance to prove ourselves?

Lupus: Uh... okay. How about you must survive getting shot a bunch of times? I suppose that's a test, in a way.

(all three heroes at once): Naw, naw, man.

GORE: I thought you'd been a villain for like 7.5 OGs by now. Looks like you're an Amateur.

Lupus: Hey. That's very hurtful to my feelings. You'd better not do that. I do have your assorted allies. BRING THEM OUT.

Kantii: You asked for it.

(Those side characters Bust out of their confinement and along with YY, GORE, and Vlad, fight)

GORE: How many of these things are there?

(GORE rips one open and knocks another one down as YY lets out barrages of egg and fire, creating huge craters in their forces' numbers. Vlad impales many in a charge but is finally overcome. SSG fires thousands upon thousands of rounds into the fray with little effectivity and is finally had fire returned on him. Chizu, unable to break them, attempts to flip them into each other, but finally collapses from the strain of the weight. Kantii crushes heads in his talon-like grip, but too sucumbs to the blasts. Kuria and Legion fail to make a single kill thanks to that KSer Vorpal or maybe since their weapons are not made to kill anything that isn't fleshy. Vorpal cuts swathes along with LotP. Lupus escapes to his Van, picking up the pods and some remains of the cheese Star. Koopa Xtreme clamours onto GORE's back, rakes his flesh with an actual rake and not claws at all, and then takes the Pearls of Mystery. YY promptly takes them back and is hit by a stray cat. He falls down.)


Rhyk: Then maybe you shouldn't forget me.

(GORE grabs YY and Rhyk, and assumes everyone left. GORE is hit with a tranquilising expresso coffee cup, and with his last ounce of strength, hurls YY into the remains of YY's basement, before collapsing. Sapphire, oh yeah Sapphire is getting beaten too, just because. And then the Fusion Kids wake up.)

Kuria: Oh, Jeez, how could we have possibly forgotten th-

( Kuria, Vorpal, LotP and Legion are quickly knocked into each other and captured. The remaining robots, I.E. less than half of them, take GORE, Chizu, Vorpal, SSG, LotP, Legion, Kuria, and Kantii away. They reach Lupus's SUPER COOL palace in THE SWISS ALPS, heading directly to jail or the factory. Lupus, a stiched Fred, and rather flat looking Lithium Debater meet them with the salute, which is tickling your own left foot while it is raised at a 45 degree angle.)


(ESD walks to lupus, frowning)

ESD: Mechanicize them? Are you mad?

Lupus: Are you made?

Fred: Are you Maid in Madhatten (If you really try?)?

ESD: Look, Robotnik was a pretty awesome guy, but if you remember the OG spirits are kind of crappy for ruling over. You won't be able to command them.

Lupus: Well, in VGFMOG1 I...

ESD: It's always about that OG with you. Science and the voices in my head that caused this career move in the first place say it's impossible to do it, so we can just use those cheddernite-powered cells the incorperals, who are causing havoc in the world right now, were stored in. Actually, what are you planning to do about them?

Lupus: Well, they fear the power of cheese. And now, that I have the cheese, I HAVE THE POWER. THE NINTENDO POWER. UAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAahahahahahahaahahaa!!!!11111oneone eleven.

Lithium: That's a guareencheese.

Author: Yami[edit]

Meanwhile in China…

~The tsunami floods China and drowns everyone including Chairman Mao’s Ghost and the Chinese Army.~

Author 1: Take that, stupid pointless subplot!

Author 3 But Chairman Mao’s Ghost is already dead!

Author 1: Then…

~The water is polluted with HRM4.~

Author 1: Problem solved.

Author: Golem[edit]

~Meanwhile, on Yoshi's Island...

A wrinkled hand reaches down into the damp pit that Yami Yoshi is in. Yami Yoshi looks up and sees the face of an extremely old man who is as white as snow, but whose hair is vividly blue.~

Yami Yoshi: ...I can't take your hand. You're obviously way too old to be doing any lifting.

Old Man: Ugh, you newbies can get on a man's nerves sometimes.

~The old man bends his torso into the pit as far as it can go and snatches Yami's nose and pulls him out of the pit before planting him on the ground. As he does this, Yami Yoshi spots the Syphnity topaz and grabs that with his tongue. When he reaches the ground on his feet, and the old man lets go, Yami Yoshi takes the gem out of his tongue with his hand.~

Yami Yoshi: ...Thanks? I could've gotten out by myself.

Old Man: Stop being such a newbie, will ya? Being trapped in cheddarnite for a long time will wrinkle a man. Anyway, it's probably high time I introduced myself: I'm the one and only Mareaeus!

Yami Yoshi: ...What? Listen, old man, I've got work to do--

Mareaeus: ~grabs Yami's arm~ You know. The one that was destined to have the Mariner's Armor, but the powers that be were afraid to hand it over because I was an incorporal. The guy with a love for the sea.

Yami Yoshi: Yeah, yeah, okay. I gotcha. But all of this doesn't mean anything to me.

Mareaeus: I want to take Lupus down as much as you do... you are against Lupus, right?

Yami Yoshi: Yeah, of course!

Mareaeus: Fine, then, just let me tag along.

Yami: Well...

~Mareaeus' right hand detaches from his wrist and floats up to his nose, where the hand scratches, then floats back down and reattaches. Yami's eyes are wide open with surprise.~

Mareaeus: Heh, you don't get around much, do you? We incorporals can detach body parts, since we're really just the solidified form of a spirit and nothing else. That also explains my strength despite my appearance.

Yami Yoshi: Then why did you have to bend over to pick me up, why didn't you just detach your hand?

Mareaeus: You ask too many questions, boy. And yes I know that's your first question.

~Rhyk's hologram pops oup out of the topaz.~

Rhyk: Mareaeus! It is an honor to meet you!

Mareaeus: And you would be...

Rhyk: Syphnity, the Topaz of Knowledge.

Mareaeus: Ugh, more Surphnitoes?

Rhyk: Do not be so quick to scorn. I am the Topaz of Knowledge; thus, would it not be logical that one could use me to locate and infiltrate Lupus' SUPER COOL palace in the Swiss Alps?

Yami Yoshi: And what do you propose would be our transportation?

Rhyk: The remains of the Cheese Star Mk II would suffice, so long as its engine cores still functioned.

Author: Fred[edit]

( The engines hum to life as Mareaeus and Yami Yoshi work the controls. The rockets at the back begin to burn, and they make it off the ground but crash into one of Lupus's new Twif-Tech uneeded Toll Booths. The Second cheese star had taken them from Japan, yes, but France wasn't much better. In fact, ever since France had been taken by England, it had been full of stray, robotic communities. Due to the nature of the world, it was certainly reasonable for YY to believe that he was not in a safe place.)

YY: Oh, for the. Where are we, Rhyk? Or... Soph... Seph... oh, just tell me.

Rhyk: We are currently stuck in the ruins of Paris. I am detecting approaching non-organic beings. Composition: abnormal.

Mareaeus: This is no problem for me, kid.

Robotic voice: Xenoforms, hear us. You are to surrender as we assimilate your gigantic piece of metal for new citizens. You will then be put on trial.

YY: Can Rhyk defend me?

Robotic voice: No, since our court cases rarely take time outside of a minute. ALL BIOFORMS ARE GUILTY, AND HONORABLE JUDGE JUNCTION KNOWS IT WELL.

YY: Dang, I thought that'd be a cool subplot. Oh well, looks like we're without solution but to hurt you guys, a lot.

Robotic voice: So be it, Bloodbag. Hey, X-0032, I must store that one in my data banks.

(three grotesque monsterous robots climb over Yami from his arena-like surrounding of broken concrete and fallen trees. A gigantic Eight-armed humanoid robot attempts to crush yami with his eleven toes of the left foot, but YY runs under them, leaving behind an Egg. The egg takes a foot clean off, being replaced by a hidden drill. Mareaeus enters a Cthlulu-style robots, ripping it apart from the inside. Rhyk enters standby mode because he hasn't been used for ten minutes. A ball-like mammoth robot attempts to roll over Yami, who keeps him at bay with a barrage of eggs. The humanoid robot opens his chest to reveal thousands-upon thousands of sharp, spring-loaded objects. They fling at YY, who quickly uses his egg shield. The sky darkens as dust fills the air, and YY throws a bandaged egg to the humanoid robot stopping it's arms, and causing some of them to fall off due to rust. The ball robot stops being a ball, and opens up to be a grotesque looking artillery weapon. It catches Yami in a large backhoe and cackles. It then fires two giant mounted gattling guns at yami, comprised of many smaller automatic weapons. Yami completely ducks into the backhoe, and then blasts his way out. Scheming, he jumps to the first robot, who the grotesque robot opens fire upon. It is, for the most part, fine. However, Yami drops many eggs into it's ear and escapes, causing the strange-looking metal-based titan to fall.

The guns continue to blaze and automatically reload, so Yami runs straight for the creature, allowing Hades to cause it's heat to swell. The titanic creature falls but not with Julia Roberts and Leonardo DiCaprio. With all three Robots taken care of, YY heads east, remembering that he hasn't had a meal in ages but that that was mostly unimportant and could be explained by him eating his own eggs or something. Ew.)

YY: I never want to see giant robots again. Wait, what am I saying?

Rhyk: You call those ragamuffins robots? They were moving scrap metal. With AI. And complex systems. And SHUTUP.

Mareaeus: You did good kid.

YY: This is the worst travelling party ever.

(AND SO, it came to pass that YY and his two compatriots made it to the border of France, where a Nasty Surprise was waiting for them.)

Nasty Surprise: This... this isn't my name, is it?

(No, no, no. You're ???. I think.)

???: Better.

(Yami walks right around ???, and turns around with a chill)

YY: Um, what was that?

???: I, ???, was that!

YY: Come on, this joke is two OGs, possibly three old. Who are you?

???: I met you before. I am simply a man looking for Party Goers.

YY: I think I recognize you... Golem!!11

???: That's not my name.

YY: Are you sure?

???: Positive.

YY: Really?

???: I suppose I could check. Anyways, seen the Party goers, lately?

Rhyk: Greetings, master!

????: Master BLASTER! OH!

???: Hey, cut that out. Also I'm not Golem.

(???? turns out to be Fred, backed by Koopa and Lithium Debater)

YY: Oh, no, not you guys.

Lithium: Oh, yes, us guys.

Koopa: I feel a sort of... anxiety when not near Lupus.

Fred: We are the Turks!

Lithium: No we're not. The only similarity is the fact that there's THREE of us.

Koopa: I think we should be called Triple Trouble. I guess we're like 5 MOGs late for that.

(While they were talking, YY, Mareaeus, and ??? had split. They ran for hiding points in a nearby cliff)

YY: Wait, you're an incorporal, why are you running?

Mareaeus: I fear the Koopa. He is the natural predator of incorporals.

YY: That's the dumbest thing I've EVER heard. And I hear 'em all the time.

Mareaeus: I also fear cheese - the two things I fear the most, as a spirit.

(YY Looks down at his foot, then says nothing)

???: We've got company!

(The three finally find them)

Fred: To protect the world from devestation!

Lithium: Death team assemble!

Koopa: GO FOR THE Z!

Fred: That's not the motto we agreed on.

Lithium: How about this one: Let's get 'em!

Koopa: How come I don't get to say a second thing?

(??? throws his scarf in Lithium Debater's face as he fires blindly. He then gives him a noogie, and ruffles his tie. LD breaks into tears and has a fit on the ground. Mareaeus tries to steer clear of Koopa and get Fred, which proves to be difficult as Fred swings Koopa like a spiked club, keeping Mareaeus and Yami at bay. Yami throws eggs, which are caught by Koopa's free hands and returned with extra velocity, giving YY some burns he may have to consider looking at. YY slides under Koopa, and hits Fred's legs, forcing him off his feet and into the air, using Koopa like a helicopter. Fred uses Koopa to return to ground, becoming a flying, twirling, lawnmowing object of death. ??? grabs Fred's legs, but quickly becomes sick to his stomach and flies off. A dark egg hits them head on, forcing them into a crash landing. LD has had his cry, and Aims at both YY and ???.)

Lithium Debater: Ehn, maybe it'd be a good idea if none of yous does nothing stupid.

Mareaeus: Since when do you talk that way?

LD: Since Forev...-(Mareaeus grabs Lithium by the legs and firmly implants his head into the ground)

YY: Alright, now let's throw them off the cliff, and be done with it.

Koopa: I think not. You, with the scarf, look at your leg.

(Indeed, ???'s leg had a blinking device on it)

Koopa: As soon as I press this button, he explodes, Kapeesh?

Fred: What kind of keish?

Koopa: Not now.

YY: We refuse whatever your demands are.

Koopa: Well, then I guess I can't change your mind. Goodbye.

(Koopa presses the button as he looks at ???'s leg, seeing that the device been torn off, and placed nearer to him.)

Lithium: RUN AWAY!

(The Three leave, screaming frantically, as Yami Yoshi and ??? escape down the fact of the cliff, falling to their sure deaths. Mareaeus grabs YY and barely manages to catch Golem, but saves them.)

Mareaeus: I could go get them.

YY: I'd rather you be around for any more surprises. Nice work there, Golem.

???: I'm not Golem. Stop saying that. Plus I may not be in fact helping you!

YY: Sure, whatever. How'd you get out here, Golem?

???: Well, I'd been on my... I don't quite remember... though there was a party in Seattle which I somehow mixed up with Switzerland, and my plane was shot down by Lupus, or the Chinese, or the Japanese, OR SOMEONE for carrying "Blue-blooded communists", and my name isn't Golem... (if you really try)

(MASS-while, on a Plane. A Cartegian Plane.)
Attendant: Master Lupus?

Lupus: Attendant, open that window and jump out.

Attendant: Right away, Sah!

(The attendant flies out the window, and hits one that is like the first plane and connected to it, except it's facing a different way entirely.)

Lupus: Why'd I send Koopa with them? It's just not the same without him. I can't believe it's not butter without him. NOW FOR MY SAD SOLO SONG or actually weapons testing.

EVIL scientist replacement DUDE: Check out this MAAAAD laser! Look what it does to a thousand plastic imitation babies!

(The laser oblieterates them all)

Lupus: Not interesting. Out the window, too.

EsrD: (nervous) But wait, to make sure it's the real thing, we can test on a thousand REAL babies.

Lupus: Now your talking. Still, travel henchmen just aren't the same. Pilot, where are we going, again?

Pilot: Call me Flake, sir. And you tell me where we're going.

Lupus: Good, cocky, but for all purposes COMPLETELY LOYAL. PROMOTION to a horrible job that involves no fun and no extra pay.

Flake: Thank you, YOU JERK! I live to serve! One question, you dumbass, who's flying this plane if I could be so impolite to ask such a great man as yourself?

Lupus: Well, I'll think of something. Totally unqualified toilet cleaner, you do it!

Totally unqualified toilet cleaner: OCH AYE SAH.

(The plane lands in the White house, breaking the windows. Lupus hops out, followed by Flake. Swordmaster, along with some of the Talon police stand before him, along with Saru)

SM:Stop right there, Lupus.

Lupus: Oh, but I'm just meeting with the President, making a transaction. (smirks) I assure you, I'm doing this by the book.

SM: True...

Saru: You may be bound by the laws of mankind, SwordMaster, but I certainly am not. Simply because it's the clean way to do something doesn't mean it's right.

Lupus: Ah, Saru, I trust you slept well last night?

Saru: I did not! I have had so many men attempt to seduce me at once in my life!

Lupus: And you've lived a while. Just trying to give you what you wanted.

(Saru lunges for Lupus, who simply sidesteps and allows Saru to run into an overly-politically-correct totem pole. Lupus walks through SM and the Talon police force, as they part for them)

Lupus: Don't let me regret not being angry right now, because I AM WILLING TO DO IT.

Saru: I'm not sure that sentance made sense.

Lupus: Free country. Not for long, however. Muahahahah!

Author: Golem[edit]

Saru: ~in a corner quietly speaking into a watch on his wrist~ Stuman.

Scratchy voice from watch: Jr. here.

Saru: I was on time but unable to do anything. A large police force was present. I don't know whose. I don't believe it's Lupus' police force.

~Meanwhile, in Europe, Don Talon sits in his office at his desk. A knock comes from the door.~

Voice from behind door: News of SwordMaster.

Don Talon: Come in.

~A formally dressed man enters. He sits in a chair in front of Don Talon's desk.~

Talon: Yes?

Man: SwordMaster still isn't saying where he hid the map, or if he's destroyed it. He almost broke away from our plot, but was coerced in time.

Talon: Where is he now?

Man: He's in the White House, accompanied by a unit of our police. Lupus has recently passed through.

Talon: Hmm. When Lupus has conducted his business at the White House, offer him SwordMaster.

Man: Yes sir.

~The man leaves.

PL-0TT, with Princess Lila in tow, is flying towards the Swiss Alps.

Elsewhere, in an unknown portion of space, Introbulus sits on a messy bed in a messy room, putting on his boots. A screen hung on his wall turns on, and an eerie becomes visible on it.~

Eerie: It is time for your death, Introbulus.

Intro: Alright... I'll be there in a few.

Author: Yami[edit]

Meanwhile in Earth’s exosphere, aboard Aaron Guy’s rocket…

Dark Cloak: My Black Smoke slaves are safe…my work here is done…

~Two black ethereal hands emerge from the Dark Cloak’s sleeves, and a small black vortex materializes between them.~

Dark Cloak: We shall meet again…and that next meeting will be…our last…

~The Dark Cloak hovers into the vortex and vanishes.~

Autho: Fred[edit]


Introbulus walks down a staircase into and the staircase dissipates behind him. All around him are illusions of endless hallways - however, they are no trick of mirrors. Within the realm of chaos, Perception could potentially be reality.)

Introbulus: I've come, come to your Mirage Palace. Now, what is it you want, Eerie?

Eerie: Sit down.

(Introbulus does, and falls to the ground.)

Eerie: MUAHAHAHA! I can't believe you- and you fell, and- ahahaphhhhh.... Er, sorry. Sit down again.

(Introbulus does, and a chair materialises underneath him)

Introbulus: So, I'm to die?

Eerie: The incorporals have been released, Lupus's dreams are becoming reality, S-Space has never been more pressured to break in, not even during the other two times.

Introbulus: But it did break those times, and there were holes to fill those times. Akujin made it in, and then Ninjuka and Dark Cloak. Is that what we even want?

Eerie: I want power, Introbulus. I didn't create you four so that would be denied from me. The OGers are strong enough to stop these threats, so long as they escape. Being the ruler of the now smallest independant space, chaotic space, a fight between their spaces could cause a power shift in my favour.

Introbulus: But if the OGers can beat Dark Cloak, what hopes do you have against them? S-Space may disappear and R-Space will be autonomous. If Dark Cloak wins, he'll be literally unstoppable in any way, shape, or form.

Eerie: True, I am in a tough position. That's why you have to die.

Introbulus: But if the OGers win, power won't be an issue!

Eerie: That kind of thinking is why you must die. Bat-Ear and Saru went Rogue on me, and I won't tolerate you doing so. The OGers can handle the threat easily enough.

Introbulus: What about Lupus?

Eerie: A nuisance, one I haven't had to take seriously since MOG1. His constant failures act as barbells for the OGers. I just need you dead so I can make sure both sides take sufficient casulties.

Introbulus: Won't this yet again complicate the plot in which everyone, especially Author 9 who thought us to be protectors of the light realm?

Eerie: Yes, yes it will. And you were, at one time, for that was what I created you to do. And now, you will be punished for your infractions of the rules!

Introbulus: What infractions?

Eerie: Not destroying the OGers in MOG6. The device was nearly ours, if Saru could of played his part. Not watching Evil, that was YOUR responsibility, young man. MPVP, Gamechamp, the list goes on. Jim.

Introbulus: What does Jim have to do with this?

Eerie: You brought in an S-Spacer as an ally! You allowed him to use his powers! YOU ALLOWED DARK JIM TO COME TO BE! He has everything to do with this. I will control this universe if I must go to Earth myself, and lift the seals.

Introbulus: What? I thought this was Chaotic Space.

Eerie: My beautiful Q-Space is a tumor on the R-Space.

Introbulus: Um, isn't Chaos with a C-

Eerie: In fact, the Incorporals are nearing the Land of Fred.

Introbulus: Fred? You mean the guy- er... MOG1... ah, yes, there.

Eerie: They shall bow down before their old master. They may be old, immortal fools with no motive to do anything but yell at young people, but they know their creator... and will have little choice but to play their puppets.

(MONDO-While, at the WHITEhouse)

President: Oh no, I'm being captured by Ninjas! Are you a bad enough Dude to save me?

Lupus: Um.

President: Aww, that's just a little President humour. What do you have for m....

(The President reads the document)

Lupus: Yeah, kind of... hand over your nation. You're the last one.

President: But... Cheddernite... how did you...

Lupus: My plan all started when I was born. In the womb, I saw a brigh- (twenty minutes later)... I had a harsh childhood, always breaking into time passings of twenty minut- (twenty minutes later)... and I sold to you it in the first place.

President: YOU FIEND! But I'll sign so my nation doesn't deal with a power deficiency.

Vice Pres.: Sir, maybe you should look more closely at a document written in crayon?

(Lupus orders Flake to take out his gun, hold it into Lupus's hand, make Lupus's hand give it back to Flake and then to make Lupus's hand point at the Vice President to give the all clear for the assasin behind the Vice pres to deal with him and for Flake to shoot that assasin. And it happens.)

President: I was just about to do that. Unfortunately, guns scare me, so I'll force my SAMURAI MADDONA to kill you!

Lupus: So, where is she- (twenty minutes pass)...and I never finished what I was trying to say in those las- (twenty minutes pass)...twenty minutes.

President: She's late. Well, I'll sign. (He does)

Lupus: Okay, thanks, now I'll buy you country. The current exchange rate is YOU COST A GALD

President: Dayumn.

Author: Golem[edit]

~Meanwhile, in the room with Eerie and Introbulus, Shade comes forth from one of the hallways.~

Shade: Master! Allow me to kill Introbulus.

Eerie: SHADE!! While such a disgrace to Introbulus is tempting, I can't allow him a chance to escape... Why aren't you down on Earth?!

Shade: I--I--

Eerie: Go now. Despite yourself, you have good timing... the OGers are trapped in a dungeon in Lupus' place on the Swiss Alps.

~Shade sighs and runs into another hallway, disappearing into a mixture of shadow and light.~

Eerie: The only reason I keep him around is because he's so dependably undependable.

Introbulus: ...

Eerie: Oh come on, crack a smile. You almost destroyed the universe once because you couldn't lighten up.

~In the aforementioned Swiss Alps palace, those in the dungeon can hear footsteps on a nearby staircase. Our dungeon occupants include GORE, Chizu, Vorpal, SSG, LotP (still in Yoshiman's body), Legion, Kuria, and Kantii. Theyr'e all in individual cells, but small ones at that. Soon enough a figure emerges from the staircase--Shade.~

Shade: Hello, OGers...

~The OGers issue a collective sigh.~

GORE: Again, Shade, you haven't been a threat in forever.

Shade: The situation is different this time. You're all in cells, making killing you like, well, like hitting fish in a barrel with projectiles.

~Shade takes out a cheese laser gun and aims it at GORE. He fires, but GORE dodges. Shade fires off more shots, but with each shot he misses GORE by a lot and ends up hitting the ceiling.

Eventually, a large portion of the ceiling falls, pinning GORE to the ground.

Shade aims a final shot at GORE, then hears footsteps on the staircase. Shade looks around wildly and hides around a corner, down the hallway, past the OGers, and behind a solid wall.

Down the stairs come some Tim Allen robots. They inspect the area in searching for the source of the ruckus that had happened earlier. They soon find GORE's cell to be suspicious, and one goes in to inspect it, closing the door behind itself. The 'bot lifts the rubble up, but nothing is underneath.

It looks up and sees nothing.

On the next floor up, we find GORE hiding in the shadows...~

Author: Tyler[edit]

~Back in the Wessiah Zone~

Tim Allen robot: I SAID surrender your planet Earth!

Knock: You don't know where you are, do you?

Tim Allen robot (located in the far back): OH! OH! PICK ME! MEEE!

Knock: Let's see, how about...YOU! ~points at one that's not the one in the far back~

Tim Allen robot in the far back: Aww...~knocks a robot beside him down and crosses his arms in a fit~

Chosen Tim Allen robot: We're, um, on Planet Earth?

Knock: Wrong. You'r-~cut off by Wesus~

Wesus: You're in THE ZONE OF THE WESSIAH (spooky fingers). Conveniently placed in S-Space.

Tim Allen robot: I've never heard of this S-Space. SURRENDER EARTH!

Knock: How about this. See that guy right there? ~points to Wesus~ HE'S the one who won't give you Earth. If you can get rid of him, we can help each other get back to Earth and I'll surrender Earth to you. Kay?

Tim Allen robots (all at once): OKAY!

Tim Allen robot: We couldn't defeat someone like Wesus. We'll have to get the OTHER.~pulls out a simple control with one button and presses it. A rather large robot comes down from a hidden hatch in the Cheese Star.~

Wesus:~looks at the hulking bot, covered in flannel~ Holy crap, it's Richard Karn.

Richard Karn robot: Prepare to feel the WRATH OF KARN.

Author: Yami[edit]

Meanwhile in Q-Space, Mirage Palace…

Introbulus: Why do you want to destroy the OGers if they’re trying to destroy the Dark Cloak and his minions? Isn’t that what WE were trying to do a million years ago?

Eerie: I sent you four warriors to destroy the Dark Cloak and his minions, because their power was causing an imbalance in S-Space. Now, I am TRYING to send you four warriors to destroy the OGers, because their power is causing an imbalance in R-Space.

Introbulus: But the OGers are good!

Eerie: Let me tell you the truth, Introbulus. You were not created to make the universe good or evil. You were created to make it PERFECT. And a perfect universe calls for a balance between good and evil; a balance between R-Space and S-Space.

Introbulus: But the S-Spacers are exponentially more powerful than any R-Spacer! The only limit to an S-Spacer’s power is his or her mind!

Eerie: S-Spacer minds have weakened ever since the OGers defeated Emperor Akujin. They have begun to doubt their nigh-invincible powers, thus resulting in a massive energy loss in that dimension.

Introbulus: But the OGers still won’t be able to defeat the Dark Cloak!

Eerie: If their power continues to grow at its current rate, they will…