Party Goers 4 Page 1

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Pages in Party Goers 4
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Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Aaahh, it's a beautiful day without Replaforce or the Bombing Bombarders in sight. Hey, were are we?

Saph: The desert!

Golem: Oh, that's why it looked so barren.

Arab Dude: Hey guys, I tried to join twice but it didn't catch! What's the deal?

Author: Yoshi 64[edit]

Yoshi 64 runs up to them.

Yoshi 64:I need a break. Can I hand around with you guys?

Golem:I guess, By the way how did you get out in the middle of the desert?

Yoshi 64:I dunno, how Did you?

Golem: Good Question.

They sit down to think about it.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: I'm going to take the sub to an Oasis and ponder how I will end this story.

Golem: Um, can't you give it time to kick in yet?

Saph: Sorry...

Yoshi64: Oh! An Oasis! Sounds cool being that we are in the middle of a desert!

Arab Dude: No, wait!

Saph: NOW what?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Arab Dude: Go there and the Nintenspynix, guardian of Pharoh Nintenfreak will get you!

Yoshi64: LAMO!!!

Author: Golem[edit]

Arab Dude: No, it is true! ~Looks into the sky in a weird way~

Golem: Huh?

Saph: Hey, Golem! Why are you small?

Golem: I dunno!

Saph: I mean, smaller than usual!

Golem: I don't know... I'm ten, that's all I know!

Y64: Ten? O.o

Saph: But you're... 12!

Golem: Hey! Let's check out the Nintsphinx!

Saph: Okay!

Y64: Nah, I'll stay here and think.

Saph: 'Kaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!

~As they walk off, Golem drops his loooooong scarf.~

Y64: Hmmmmm... this doesn't make much sense... two major plot points are revealed by the 10th post! This is major bad...

Arab Dude: Did they leave?

Y64: Yeah.

AD: Hey! >:| ~Looks up into the sky strangely again.~

Y64: ...And another thing: What of Replaforce and the Bombing Bombarders?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Nintenspynix: Look at all the sand... [in a deep voice] I think I'll go see my mummy after this fanfic.

Golem: My scarf!

Saph: Yeah I unravled it to leave a trail for us to follow back.

Golem: 0_0 You idiot!

Saph: Look around you, what do you see?

Golem: Sand... and the Nintenspynix!

Saph: Mabey we should have taken Arab Dude's warning.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: ...And now that I've seen all of this, I am going to do what I originally planned to do.

Golem: What's that?

saph: I'm going to find an oasis where I can sit and dream up exciting ways to end the story!

Golem: Here we go again... the story's barely started yet!

Narrator: A gust of wind blows Saph's hat in a completely different direction.

Saph: >:O DAGBLAMMIT! Stop sabotaging me you-you Narrator person you!

Golem: Watch out!

Author: Mega Man X[edit]

Act 8: The boys are back in town.

Narrator: A laser blast zooms right by Golem and Sapphire. They look to see where the shot came from an they see something they didn't want to see, Replaforce!

Golem: It's Replaforce!

X: That's right! We're back! Just when we make our way into the story that girl ends it!

Sapphire: Who? Me? No no no, it wasn't me, it was-

X: Shut up! Don't try to get out of this! We're now going to get you and do who knows what with you Sapphire!

Golem: What about me? I'm not as much a big deal like her!? You don't care about me anymore!?

Zero: Well we were going to let you go but if it means that much to you i guess we can kill you after we deal with Sapphire.

Golem: Me and my big mouth.

Vectorman: Enough talk! Let's kill em'!

X: Yes, let's!

Golem, Sapphire: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! O.O

Narrator: What are you just standing and sceaming there for!? RUN YOU FOOLS!

Golem, Sapphire: Right. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!!

Narrator: They start running away.

X: After them! I don't care about that Golem guy right now, just bring me the girl! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Narrator: Replaforce has come back to get Sapphire and to do who knows what with her. As Golem and Sapphire run away Replaforce is right on their tail. And what of Yoshi 64? And that Arab Dude that came from the very first PG? Could this mean that Metal Mario may return? Be here for:

Act 9: Slow down Sapphire!

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

There is a rumbling off in the distance.

Nintenspynix: Rumbling in the distance!

X: What is that?

Nintenspynix: Who dare disturbs my slumber?!

Saph: It was all Golem's fault.

Golem: Shuddap

Nintenspynix: Okay then who dare ends the story?

Zero, Vectorman, X, and Golem: Sapphire!!!

Nintenspynix: Release the Mummy Luigi64s.

All: Ah!!!!!

Nintenspynix: In the name of Omnitarian (kinda like Amen-Re) I will avenge you.

Author: Yoshi 64[edit]

Meanwhile Yoshi 64 and the Arab Dude are thinking...

Yoshi 64:Hmm... If we just appeared here, than that means someone wanted us to be here...and people usually want us to be somewhere when they are trying to kill us... OH MY GOSH!!! I've got to find Golem!!!

Yoshi 64 runs off, leaving the Arab Dude in the dust.

Author: Golem[edit]

AD: Uhg! ~looks strangely into the sky again~

Narrator: Y64 catches up with Sapphire. But, a gust of wind--

Saph: NO! >:(

Y64: Yo guys, ~puff, puff~ Someone's tryin' ta kill ya!

Saph: No kidding!

Golem: Where can we g--AAAH!

Narrator: Golem is shot!

Saph: Golem! YOU'RE the one with straight As!

Y64: Hey! Where's Golem?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Golem: Dang Luigi64s >:0 ... where did Saph and Yoshi go? Well the Nintenspynix is a shelter for now...

???: *groan*

Golem: W-who i-is t-t-that?

???: I... am... the... Pharoh Nintenfreak!

Golem: No one can help me now

No one: I'll help you!

Nintenfreak: Go Mummytwo!

Author: Mega Man X[edit]

Act 13: Oh my Gosh!-Part 1 of 2.

X: What is this Nintenspynix thing!? And where did all these L64 Mummys come from!? Well i'm going to blast it!

Vectorman: Wait!

Zero, X: Huh???

Vectorman: Well, is this all we do? Go around killing and blasting stuff? Aren't we meant for more?

Zero, X: No.

Vectorman: Ok. Just checking. Blast away!

Narrator: X changes his X-Buster to.....BOMB BUSTER!

X: Take this Nintenspynix!

Narrator: X then shoots out 5 bombs at the Nintenspynix, blasting it to nothing more that more sand.

X: There. And now back to the girl! Hey, where did she go?

Zero: I dunno.

X: Well find her! NOW! And who can get rid of all these L64 mummys!?

Luigi 64: I can!

Everyone: GASP!

Golem:!!! It's Luigi 64!!!

Narrator: Could this really be the long lost Luigi 64? And did X really get rid of Nintenspynix? And will the Replaforce ever get their hands on Sapphire and do who knows what to her? Find out in:

Act 14: Oh my Gosh!-Part 2 of 2.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Pharoh Nintenfreak: Oh that is just too much Mummytwo Confuse Ray those &@%&$^% that destroyed my presoius Nintenspynix! (Hey I like being the bad guy too)

MMX: Who the heck am I?