Party Goers 4 Page 2

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Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Must... hang... on... they... won't... get... muh... muhhhhhh...

Narrator: While it's permanent curtains for Golem, let's check in with Saph and Y64.

Saph: Aaah! That huge Nintsphynx is blasting randomly!



Narrator: Y64 has... used his tongue as a grappling hook to get on top of the Nintsphynx!

NS: Nevermind that for now... I must get those meddling future guys!

AD: ~Puff, puff~ Hey guys! I made it!

MMX: Okay! Start it up!

AD: Alk lald loflp ein.

Vectorman: What? That's not part of the plan!

AD: Alk lald loflp ein!

Narrator: The clouds spread apart...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: Okay Yoshi64, time for plan b.

Y64: Why do you have a plan b??

Saph: When all else fails... end the story!

All: Noooooooo!

Narrator: A gust of wind-

Saph: Just kidding! Let's go back to the sub. ~Uses remote control to pilot it back~

Y64: Cool.

Narrator: Well now that that's settled, lets see how our new bad guys are doing...

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

first, the long-awaited return (cameo?) of Team Rocket. let's see how they're doing

in Cincinnati--

Meowth: ahem.

um... Rocketsville?

MagiKoopa: That's better.

Bomberman: I love ruling a city! Why didn't we do this sooner?!

Meowth: I wonder if Golem, Saph, and co. realize that the series isn't even about parties


MagiKoopa: Yeah... more like "everyone run away before saphire counts to 20 and ends

the story 5!"

Bomberman: Heh, heh. We may as well chill here for awhile.

MagiKoopa & Meowth: I'm down wit that.

so, while our three favorite villians are chillin' in Rocketsville, let's check back in on everyone else

in the desert.

Meowth: Hey! Since when did Saph own a sub?! That was our sub!

Bomberman: Relax. Let it slide.

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Meowth: WHAT? Let it slide? Why?

BM: Because we have another one in the works!

Meowth: Oh.

Magi: I'm enjoying this vacation.

BM: Yeah, me too, it gives me time to work on my greatest plan yet!

Magi: Now what would that be?

BM: The Ultimate Bombinator!!!

Magi: Please don't tell me this is more hype from you...

BM: Would I lie to you?

Magi: Meowth, wake me up in the morning.

Meowth: But it IS morning. Oh... ah, I see.

BM: Well fine! I'll go work on it now!

~back in the sub

Y64: So what now?

Saph: Besides dodging those pests? Hm...

Y64: I'm scared to know what you're thinking.

Saph: Don't be silly! I'm thinking of a way to get rid of that nintenspynx whatever it is,

without breaking any nails. But what you have to do is create a diversion before they attack us.

Y64: (Looking at controls for message) What do these do?

Saph: Don't touch those! Those control what the message reads on the outside. (looks around)

You know this could use a good paint job.

Y64: ...

~Meanwhile with Golem...

Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Oh yeah, Golem's dead.


Narrator: ^^0 Ummmmmm... let's try Rocketsville... heheh...

Magi: Did you just hear what happened?

BM: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!!!!!

Meowth: Without the main character, this will be a lot easier!

Little Kid: Hi, can I have some Rocket cards?

Meowth: ???

Little Kid: ~walks off~

Narrator: Hey! The BB are sitting by what looks like an half-underground cell...

?????: Hey! You better let me out or Mr. P. will get you!

BM: Mr. Predict isn't a part of the story anymore! :p

?????: Oh. Is Sapphire still there?

Meowth: Unfortunately.

???e?: You won't get away with your plan this time! You already did it to me,

but the others won't get caught!

Magi: Oh yes they will! We have one in our grasp... it's

Narrator: A plane crashes so that you don't here a thing.
Let's see how Replaforce and the Nintsphynx is doing...

MMX: Stop! Whatever you're doing stop!

Narrator: Vectorman tackles Arab Dude. A small remote falls out...

AD: Hahaha! It is already too late for your people, fool!

Narrator: The clouds are fully out of the way and reveal...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

~The flying sub

Saph: Oh look, it's those fools.

Y64: Turn this thing around!

Saph: Hold on hold on.

Y64: Hmmm, I wonder what happens when I do this. (starts playing around with the message)

Saph: What are you doing?

Y64: Um, nothing ;)

Saph: Yeah, right :\

Y64 hums as he fiddles with the message.
Haha you can't catch us!

NS, AD, MMX: What the?

MMX: Let's catch them!

Y64: Saph! Hurry up and get us out of here!

Saph: They're heading straight for us! What have you done?

Y64: uh, nothing U.U

Saph: You take the controls. I'll fix this.

Y64: But.. I don't know how to-

Saph: Just do it! We don't have much time!

Y64: But where are we going?

Saph: Rocketsville!

Narrator: Everyone falls over anime style. A gust of wind-

Saph: Well I have to keep the story moving!

And I'm inside, so the wind can't blow my hat away. Ha!

Y64: Help! I don't know what I'm doing over here!

Saph: They're shooting at us! Let me take back the-

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Pharoh Nintenfreak: Egyptian Nintenfreak I've hired you to find those kids.

Egyptian Nintenfreak: Yes sir.

PNF: Quiet your not being paid to talk!

ENF: I'm being paid?

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Ok, hold it! We want the exclusive rights to our characters 'till further notice.

Meowth: It's for the benefit of Cin--- Rocketsville.

Bomberman: This contract right here says ya hafta let us. :p

MagiKoopa: So, anyway...

Meowth: No party, eh? Let's bring the party to them!

Bomberman: Team Rocket's rockin'!

MagiKoopa: ...but we can't locate their coordinates.

Bomberman: We can just check the radar on the--

Meowth promptly uses the Fury Swipes on both Bomberman and the sub's radar.

MagiKoopa: Oh, well. Back to sleep.

Boss: Not so fast!

Meowth: Meowth!! I thought we were out of communications range!

Meowth and MagiKoopa stare at Bomberman.

Bomberman: What??

Boss: I've got a new mission for you guys.

back in the desert...

Author: Golem[edit]

AD: Haha, you came just as planned, Egyption NintF! Now, we shall destroy this bumbling species!

PNF, ENF, AD: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Haha. Hah.

Narrator: Looks like our friends won't have much time to Party! By the way, let's check in with the ones that plan to bring on the Party...

Meowth: Yes sir!

BM: But how will we do that?

Magi: Easy. As long as the readers tuned in too late to know our mission, we're okay! We can show the boss that he didn't say a thing! ~Turns on the Sub-Cam~

AD: Haha, you came just as planned, Egyption NintF! Now, we shall destroy this bumbling species!

PNF, ENF, AD: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Haha. Hah.

Meowth: Great! Huh, did I see what I just saw?

BM: Uh-huh!

Magi: OH NO!

Meowth: No, that means that only humans will be gone!

BM: I'm some weird alien, Meowth's a Pokemon, and Magi's a Magikoopa!

Magi: And no more boss!

Meowth: Hey wait! The good guys always win! So how can we stop the PG's?

Narrator: Meanwhile, that person in the cell is demanding attention...

?????: Oh, come ON! Saph, Y64, can't you see me? HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe this'll work!

Narrator: ????? throws out a paper airplane that he got from one of his younger friends back at school last year.

?????: Let's hope this reaches her...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Narrator: ANYWAY, as I was saying, it doesn't look good for our friends up there-

Saph: No, really?

Narrator: Being nasty to me won't help. I only report the facts.

Saph: Uh huh. You neglected to inform the viewers that I have everything under control. And in the disclaimer it says that I cannot be killed. Read this.

Sapphire is in no way shape or form to be written out of the story, being that she is the only girl and human left

Saph: Ha! Anyway if you killed me the story would be over.


Saph: It's my trademark.

Narrator: I thought rolling your eyes was your trademark.

Saph: Can we continue the story?

Narrator: Um~

Y64: (whispering) When did you type that up?

Saph: (whispering) I'm a quick typist. ;) Leave everything to me.

Y64: Look! A paper airplane!

Saph: A what? (picks it up) Hmm, there seems to be a message.

Y64: Someone needs help!

Saph: Hmmmm. I don't trust the writing.


G????: No!

AD: Prepare to die, human fools!

NS: Aren't you human?

AD: Ahhh, but I am very special.

NS: Oh. Time for action!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa [hears Go??? on sub radio]: sounds like SOMEBODY forgot to read the contract! >:|

Meowth takes MagiKoopa's sledgehammer away.

Meowth: We've got more important things to worry about!

Bomberman: Like?

Meowth: Like this defective Sleepytime Bomb. It's... detonated itself... yawn...

Team Rocket quickly falls asleep.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

All of a sudden a balloon lands in front of Gol??.

Gole?: Who are you? Another Nintfreak?

Man: No I am Ben Björni.

Golem: What are you doing here?

Ben: I believe there is a written record of history under the Nintenspynix! It can tell us when life began and when it will end!

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: I'm good at history, but I can't understand it from here! Get me out!

Bjorni: I was following the storyline and wondered: didn't you die?!

Golem: Was it a ten year old that died?

Bjorni: Aren't you ten?

Golem: Oh CRAP! My clone... code-name R*H*Y*K it was their work, and now everyone's cought up in it!

(AUTHOR’S NOTE: I know it's not the most convincing or original storyline)

Bjorni: Nevermind that! Hey, aren't you scrawny enough to fit through the bars?

Golem: Yes... but remember, I'm 4'5". I can't reach all the way up through there.

Narrator: ??? When was it mentioned that this cell is part underground?

Golem: OH, FORGET IT! I'll just go out the other way.

Narrator: While the little 12-year-old hops out and around, you'll notice this is just to take space.

Golem: HeY! Okay, I'm here. Now, lemme look at that scroll...

Narrator: Let's look upward... oops, let's look upward and to the right...

Saph: This looks like Golem's handwriting, but how could that be?

~A box in the left bottom of the screen opens~


~Another box in the left top of the screen opens~

Golem: SHHHHHH!!!

Saph: What?

Narrator: Golem & Narrator disappear.

Saph: Ummm... so, what could have happened?

Y64: Team Rocket! That must be it! They must've forged his handwriting!

Saph: Whatever it is, they're up to no good!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Y64: But what do we do now?

Saph: At least the Narrator is gone...

Y64: SAPH!

Saph: What?

Y64: I think we are supposed to be the heros, and save Golem.

Saph: Well, you can play hero, but I'm getting out of here.

Y64: What? Where are you going?

Saph: I already told you, I'm going to paint the sub, find an Oasis and end the story.

Y64: Never fails...

Saph: Would you rather stay here and get hurt?

Y64: Ok.... how about this, since we are being attacked at the moment, I'll even help you paint the sub, if you will save Golem? where is your sensitivity?

Saph: ... fine. And I have just the thing to help us.

Y64: I knew you'd come through!

Saph: In the back there are still some bombinators. i've fingured out how to configure them.

Y64: Cool!

Just then~

Arab Dude: After them!!!!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: zzz...

Bomberman: [kicks MagiKoopa] wake up!

MagiKoopa: Ow!... wha?

Meowth: Sapphire's stolen our prototype sub!

MagiKoopa: No duh.

Meowth: The Bombinators are still in there!

Bomberman: What?! We've still got the deed to that sub!

MagiKoopa: Meowth, start the flying sub.

Bomberman: I'll load the Bombinator Torpedoes.

Meowth: Team Rocket's gettin' that sub back even if it means ending a year's worth of stories!

The flying sub takes off to the sky, leaving Rocketsville behind.

MagiKoopa: Rocket boosters on! That prototype still belongs to Team Rocket!

Bomberman: We could always blast the whole sub with Sapphire in it. That way, the Bombinators would go off and she wouldn't be able to end the story.

Censor Man (filling in for narrator): Uh, oh! Not only is Golem missing, but now Sapphire's got a trio of hitmen on her case who are determined to succeed!