Party Goers 4 Page 3

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Author: Sgt. Flutter[edit]

Censor Man: In Koopa Kastle...

Bowser: Your useless to me. *kick* Take that sarge! Bwahahahaha now let me find another way to lose those plumbers.

Censor Man: Sarge flies off into the sky. Where will he land?

Sgt. Flutter: I do not know. *hits some giant Egyptian thing in the head*

NintenSpynx: Who dares hit me in the head!

Sgt. Flutter: It was ummm..... *thinking*

NintenSpynx: Who?!

Sgt. Flutter: Bowser! ^^0

NintenSpynx: Let me go have a word with this Bowser.

Censor Man: Well it looks like Sarge has got ton rid of NintenSpynx. But has he done serious good or evil?

Author: Golem[edit]


ENF: We don't need him around to start it up!

Narrator: I'm back! Phew, I thought Golem would never run outta breath! Let's hope Saph and Y64 didn't find out!
Oh, yeah! Egyptian Nintfreak starts up the Total Annihilator.

AD: Oooh, dat's bright!


Narrator: A huge hole appears, sucking in Arab Dude.

AD: Hey, this isn't part of the plaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

ENF: Oops! ^^0 Oh well. Now, it should act like a Black Hole sucking in only humans!

Narrator: It seems that they've started the Total Annihilator... let's go back to that annoying kid.


Bjorn: Oh no! Dis ees bad news!

Golem: Oh, crap... I thought it was too risky, but...

YM: Don't destroy the Devious Drawing Maker! It could be helpful!

Golem: QUICK!

Quickstrike: You called?

Golem: No, not you!

Quickstrike: Oh. ~disappears~

Golem: We gotta read this document, super fast!

Meowth: Sorry ta ruin your plan, kid!

Narrator: Uh-oh... look above...

BM: Hahah! Take this!

Narrator: Bomberman spills a bucket of water over the edge of the sub, and everything gets soaked, including the ancient document.

Bjorni: Oh no! The document--there's no way out of it now!

Golem: Lemme see... How did Weenie Boy solve this? No, wait, he stopped it before it started! Now the end of humanity is coming and the blood's on my hands!

Narrator: Really?

Censor Man(CM): "Golem falls over anime style." Hey! Well, let's go check in with Saph...

Saph: This thing is as old as PG1, so we can't detect any weapons being fired or not! What'll we do?!

Y64: Well, maybe we should get off of the sub then!

Saph: How'll we get down?

Y64: Do you still have Golem's scarf from the desert?

Saph: Yeah! We could use that for a "scarf-a-chute"!

Y64: Here we gooooooooooooooooooooo...

Narrator: On the way down...

Saph: That reminds me; how come Golem is still alive(we overheard the Narrator) but he died(when the pyramid collapsed after he got shot)?

Y64: I'm sure he'll explain.

Narrator: Hey! Let's see how Team Rocket is doing...

Meowth: A two-for-one special! We ruined Golem's plan while shooting down Saph's sub!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Narrator: As they are floating down a gust of wind-

Saph: Give it up already!

Narrator: Blows Saph and Y64 around in the wind until she realizes that the scarf was caught in the sub's door!

Saph: Now you tell me that we can't get down!

Magi: Heh, heh - the bombintors are all going off now.

BM: No!!!! >:O You twits, what have you done! You destroyed my collection!

Magi: Sorry, Bombsy, but there really was no other...

Saph: :/ I should have known they were behind this!

Y64: We're in trouble. How are you going to get us out of this?

Saph: Me? Well, look at it this way. I can always end the story now... before it's too late!

Magi: Oh no you won't! Not when it's getting good!

Saph: (screams) Oh no! My hat! Not again!

Y64: Forget the hat, hold on if you want to live! Now think of something!

Narrator: Well it seems that our heroes are in trouble-

Censor Man: Hey!

Narrator: Huh?

Censor Man: Let me continue the narration!

Narrator: But that's my job!

Saph: Will you two stop fighting and help us out here?

Narrator: Remember, I just report the facts. I don't have an active role. And according to the facts, you just let go of the scarf.

Saph: What? Uh oh...

Narrator: And as Sapphire falls to her doom....

Y64: Hey! You can't do that!

Magi: Heehee, so that's taken care of.

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: SAPH! O.O

Saph: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh-ooovv!

Golem: Woah-oah-oooaaahhh! ~falls over~

CM: It looks like--

Narrator: Hey! ~shove~ --Golem caught Saph!

Censor Man: "Defying the laws of science, Saph is caught safely by Golem."

Golem: Hello? Since when am I Super-Geek?

Y64: Uh-oh! The Bombinators--they're blowing!

Narrator: The Saph Sub has blown up, thus blowing up Yoshi 64's chance of survival!

CM: "When the sub blew up, the scarf that Yoshi 64 was hanging onto no longer was help! He was blown away--we'll check back with him!" See? I'm as good as you!

Narrator: Let's see how that "Human Hole" is doing... U_U

ENF: Heheh! This'll get rid of those guys that wreck us night and day! Hey--What's happening? It isn't supposed ta do thi--

Narrator: Egyptian Nintfreak is sucked in--but not destroyed, he is not human. What happened? Oh well. It is sucking in uncontrollably--soon it reaches all the way to the shores of California! Will our heroes be able to escape this horrible fate? Can they save everyone else? And will they ever get to have fun again?

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa, Bomberman, and Meowth hi-five each other.

MagiKoopa: Now we're the only one with a flying sub!

Bomberman: With the prototype blown to bits, we run a monopoly!... sort of.

Meowth: Now what're we supposed ta do?

MagiKoopa: This is the part where I pull out this really freaky looking POKéBALL I found at some place called New Island.

Meowth & Bomberman: 0.o

MagiKoopa pulls out one of Mewtwo's POKéBALL.

Bomberman: Now, what?

MagiKoopa: We catch the Pikachu back, and then we win!

Meowth: Let's go! They're on the radar already!

Author: Golem[edit]

BM: Wait!

Magi: What?

BM: If we wait for the Total Annihilator to finish, we can just pluck Pikachu from King Luigi with no resistance!

Meowth: Hahah! A great plan! >:D

Narrator: We return to the Total Annihilator’s Hole.

EvilPika: Hey, this isn't supposed ta happeeeeeeeeennnnnnn...

Science Boy: Hey, this wasn't in my predictions of the weather! :) Woops!

Mrs. B.: Your English homework is ditto #17. It's on prrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Golem~appears in a box @ the bottom left of the screen~: Hey, Narrator! You've gotta stop this, my whole life is being *sucked in* by that hole! And pretty soon, other people's lives will be torn away too!

Narrator: I can't do anything!

Censor Man: "The Narrator cannot change the storyline." Hmmm, that's interesting! "The panel with Golem in it widens to cover the screen."

Golem: We gotta do som'in'!

Narrator: Golem starts running to the east.

Censor Man: "Sapphire and Bjorni hold Golem back."

Saph: No! It's too dangerous!

Bjorni: She's right! You cannot do dis!

Golem: I... don't...

Censor Man: "Let's see what Yoshi 64 is doing."

Narrator: It was getting to the good part, two! ...Errr, too.

Y64: Ahhh!!!!!!!! That hole... it's nearing in on the center of the United States! ~To self~ If I'm in the center of the US, their Bombinators must be powerful! That gives me an idea!

Narrator: The hole is rapidly widening. And it seems to suck you in.

Y64: But I'm not human! That must be because... OH, I'M GONNA PULL OUT GOLEM'S IMAGINATION WHEN I GET OUTTA THIS!!!

Censor Man: "Yoshi 64 is sucked in."

Y64: I regret everythi--err, nothing! Hey, where am I? I seem to have stopped. O.O Egyptian Nintfreak? What are you doin' here?

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: This is great!

Bomberman: Yeah! Who needs humans, anyway?

Meowth: The Total Annihilator will do the dirty work for us!

MagiKoopa: Hey, do we even serve a useful purpose in this panel?

Bomberman: Don't think so. We're just waitin' around for the black hole to do its thang.

MagiKoopa: How should we pass the time?

Meowth: Who wants to play Blackjack?

MagiKoopa & Bomberman: I do!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Saph: Hey wait a minute!

Golem: What is it now? All you've done so far is complained.

Saph: Does anyone remember the Party Goers 3 storyline?

Golem: Hmm, you were bored I guess.

Saph: you're missing the point. But anyway, did I thank you for saving my life?

Golem: No you didn't...

Saph: Well, thanks. And good bye!

~Saph runs off.

Golem and Bjorni: O_o

Narrator: Now where did she go... oh now I remember…

Magi: Oh no, not again! When will she realize that she is just not bad guy material?

BM: But she's very calculating.

Magi: >:(

Meowth: SHADDUP! It's your deal.

Censor Man: They return to their-

Narrator: AHEM~ Game.

Censor Man: Yeah, that’s it.

Saph finds King Luigi and takes his Pikachu.

Saph: Well, that's one way to get things done. Now for the Bombing Bombarders...

Author: Golem[edit]

Censor Man: "The cards blow away. Team Rocket looks up to see..."


Narrator: Well, since almost everyone is in the hole, let's check it out.

Magi: What is this place?

Meowth: Who knows?

Egyptian Nintfreak: Hello, and welcome to the Zone of Despair. You will allow us to take over your body, there is no hope...

Narrator: Where's Yoshi64, I betcha that's what you're wondering!

Reader: No! I wanted to see some action.

Narrator: Too bad. You ain't gettin' any. :p

Reader: :(

Y64: Where am I? This looks awfully weird...

Censor Man: "What has Yoshi64 found?" I don't know so don't ask. "Meanwhile, Team Rocket is..."

BM: I don't know 'bout you guys, but I'm gettin' outta here before they turn us into zombies!

Magi: Yeah!

Meowth: Meowth!

ENF: You will not escape the power of the all-powerful Arab Dude... Ice Blaster.

Censor Man: "Egyptian Nintfreak shoots ice blasts at Team Rocket. They dodge every one, but..." Hey, who ripped the script?

Narrator: I don't know... ~whistles~ Ummm... ^^0 let's see what the rest of the gang is doing... heheh...

Golem: No! I'm... GOING... THERE... NOW!!!

Narrator: Golem escapes the grasp of Bjorni!

Bjorni: I thought he was a wimp!

Censor Man: "Golem has run into something quite mysterious..."

Golem: Huff, puff, puff...

R*H*Y*K: I know what you want... I'm sorry...

Narrator: Has Yoshi64 found a secret of the Zone of Despair? Will Team Rocket escape the wrath of Arab Dude? How did Arab Dude come to rule this new realm? Will Censor Man find a new script? What is it that R*H*Y*K will say? All of these questions and more will be answered in Party Goers 5: Revelation Arab Dude Part 2!

Author: Sgt. Flutter[edit]

Sgt. Flutter: Well I guess this is the end. *jumps into the Total Annihilator*

(the Total Annihilator starts breaking apart)

ENF: What did you do?!

Sgt. Flutter: Well I'm not human and I have no life.

ENF: The thing sucks up peoples lives. Since you don't have one...


Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: ~ahem~ The story ended, remember?

SGT Flutter & ENF: Sorry.