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Pages in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals
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Author: Flutter[edit]

~meanwhile, somewhere else~

Flutter: Hey! Would you look at that. *runs over and hits a large decorative rock with his fist*

Fell:*appears* You could break that!

Flutter: And?

Fell: ~sigh~ What is it this time?

Flutter: You'll never believe what I've heard.

Fell: What?

Flutter: There's going to be a sorta-like-race, to get a prize.

Fell: Good for you. *disappears*

Flutter: And... I'm entering... and so are you.

Fell: *appears* What?!

Flutter: Yeah. We could be like a team.

Fell: How could I enter. I can't even leave this room.

Flutter: I can carry the rock with me.

Fell: ~sigh~

Flutter: You're going to have to fill this out.

Samuel C. Flutter Age: 17 Appearance: Looks like me. Miscellanea: Is me.

Fell: You're Doing That All Wrong!

Samuel C. Flutter Age: 17 Appearance: Click here. Miscellanea: Stupid. Parents were killed at age 5. Family disowned him soon after. Trapped an ancient demon inside a rock, who later helps him, but secretly hates Flutter.

Flutter: You didn't have to put it like that...

Fell: My turn.

Age: ???
Appearance: A demon that looks like a human with long ears and hair, and a tail. I'll have to draw you a picture sometime.
Miscellaneas: Killed thousands of people long ago. After suffering severe injuries, he sealed himself away. Centuries later he returned to finish what he started, only to be sealed away in some idiots, rock that he's had since he was a child.

Flutter: You forgot "Hates Flutter."

Fell: Oh yeah... *rights Hates Flutter*

Flutter: Now, lets go.

Fell: Where?

Flutter:... I don't know.

Fell: Great, we stand no chance of winning with or team like it is, but we don't even know how or when it takes place.

Flutter: Team Late Entry isn't out of the race yet.

Fell: You named or team late entry?... We're a late entry?

Flutter: Yeah...

Fell: My Mom always told me I was a failure, and now you're going to prove her right. I'll kill you...

Flutter: Let's not do anything rational now... You didn't even hear the last team member.

Fell: Oh yeah... Who is it? *takes a swipe at Flutter* One of your stupid friends? *grabs Flutter by the shirt*

Flutter: My cousin.

Fell: Which one?

Flutter: Becky... she's already filled out a card and everything.

Rebecca Flutter a.k.a. Becky a.k.a. Flutter's Sidekick.
Age: 8
Description: Small child. Carries a laptop with her. I'll draw another picture.
Miscelaneas: Grew so attached to Flutter as a small child, left her family and went to live with Flutter. She keeps an eye out for him, because if she didn't no one would. The brains behind Flutter's plots.

Fell: She's managed to get us out of tight situations before... We could actually pull this off.

Flutter: She said she was going to meet us at the place.

Fell: One question. Where's the place?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Big Bull: Are you Sure they'll be there?

Fluutar: How can you know?

Antithesis: I have my ways.

Wagolem: They'd better be, or I'll…

Narrator: With a flash of brilliance, Antithesis shocks Wagolem.

Antithesis: Don't you ever take that tone with me again.

Name: Antithesis
Age: 16.9 Billion Years old
Appearance: Nintenfreak Sr. in Red Clothing. Also his hair is Black
Likes: Nothing
Dislikes: Everything
Bio: As his name suggest, he is the Antithesis to Nintenfreak Sr. Antithesis has all the same powers that Nintenfreak Sr. does, making him an almost impossible force to stop. His main Goal is to destroy His Real-Space counterpart, the only person who can stop him.

Name: Big Bull
Nick Name: Antithesis Jr.
Age: 23
Appearance: Like Big Al, with Blonde hair and a teal B instead of a red N on his shirt.
Likes: Hurting others
Dislikes: Helping others.
Bio: Unlike Big Al, who is extremely subservent, Big Bull is the ruler of the world--or so he though. When Antithesis was destroyed, he took it upon himself to enslave Real Space. instead, he was killed, and Wagolem and Fluutar struggled for power. He has the ability to turn into a Bull. His goal in life is to destroy Big Al

Name: Fluutar
Age: 17
Appearance: Like Flutter, except different. I dunno ask him.
Bio: He kept Flutter and Big Al's world occupied when Big Bull went to conquer earth. He and Wagolem were exiled when Big Al found their base of operations and shut the Pandora's Box that they had opened. His goal in life is to destroy Flutter.

Name: Wagolem
Nick Name: Wagreg
Age: 15?
Appearance: I'll post a link in a while
Likes: Everything Golem Hates
Dislikes: Everything Golem Likes
Bio: He took the disguise as Carpainter and helped Big Bull to try to enslave Earth. When Big Al found him, he was arrested, and banished to exile. His main goal in life is to destroy Golem.

~After turning in their regisrations.~

Big Al: What a mean. Too bad you guys can't eat.

RHYK: I don't really miss it.

Nintenfreak: I jsut got a bad feeling. It's like some bad people just arrived here.

Björni: If we took it seriously, what could we do?

Nintenfreak: Let's just lie low. Whatever it is, we'll confront it in the morning.

Author: Golem[edit]

Isis: So... What do we do 'till then?

Rhyk: Be bored, I guess.

~Meanwhile, Mol is in the closet listening to what's happening outside.~

Rival: Okay, what do you want?!

Author: Timnis[edit]

Timnis: Well, I'll start searching after a little lunch. ~rides over to a bench on Skateboard~

Skateboard: ~opens eyes~ What are we going to do for lunch?

Name: Skateboard
Age: 4 (since found by Timnis)
Appearance: Standard blank-deck skateboard, but with two eyes and a mouth on the bottom of the deck

Timnis: I just remembered that I have some watermelon cubes in my pocket. Want some?

Skateboard: Ok, why not?

Author: Masamune[edit]

Murasame: It's quite simple Mr... "Rival". Did you not read the post introducing Wagolem, Fluutar, Antithesis, and the other guy?

Rival: Uh... no.

Murasame: *sighs* Anyways, that alone proves there is many of us... EVIL people about.

Rival: What are you getting at?

Murasame: It's time we did this EVIL thing right! This is the first and last Party Goers Heroes. We evil forces must ally and begin our own, cooler series. PARTY GOERS VILLAINS!

*lightning flashes (yes, even in space) and the words "PARTY GOERS VILLAINS" appears on screen as bloody letters*

Rival: Oh. So what are you planning to do?

Murasame: Simple, my dear friend. We will find the Ultimate Evil of all Party Goers!

Rival: Shane Sacobie?

Murasame: YES! I mean no. We will get an even more evil.... evil. We will get... ARAB DUDE!

Rival: o_O Arab Dude!? Are you nuts!

Murasame: I could be. I could be.

Dodo: Back to the Mushroom Kingdom again...

Masamune: That was dissapointing...

Dodo: Eh?

Masamune: I thought we'd get a lame shooter space thing as we flew here. And then the Mushroom World would look like a rock with a bunch of mushrooms on it.

Dodo: I'm sorry Masa, this isn't Kingdom Hearts.

Masamune: You're telling me. This world looks like it's actually well developed and consists of more than just 5-20 screens.

Dodo: You know? It might just be bigger. So let's disembark now and get that blasted Super Mushroom.

Masamune: Right, right. Hey, I'm supposed to be giving the orders!

Dodo: Right, my apologies.

Masamune: That's right! You better apologize! Now! Let's find that Super Mushroom before the Jedi Hobo finds it!

"Where's the love? No love." - Luiigii of the Pipes[edit]

Narrator: Meanwhile, Luigi and co. arrive at Buzzy's End, a town with a giant, island-filled lake at its... end.

Luigi: Yay, n' stuff. So where's this Super Mushroom of Buzzy's End supposed to be, anyway? I left the lights on back home.

Splog: All logic would dictate that we need a map to find it. Slort, the map.

Slort: . . .

Splog: Slort?

Slort: . . .

Splog: You said you had a map!

Narrator: Slort looks left, right, then walks into the nearby visitor's information center.

Splog: -_-

Luigi: I just realized something.

Splog: Hmm?

Luigi: I don't have an evil rival. I wish I had an evil rival...

Splog: What about Waluigi of the Courts? Michael Hanimar? PTOL?

Luigi: ~grits teeth~ I want an evil rival!

Splog: ~narrows eyes~ What does this have to do with the Super Mushroom?

Narrator: Slort returns with a map.

Splog: Great. You got us a tourist map.

Narrator: Slort opens the map and points out a spot labeled: Island of the Super Mushroom of Buzzy's End.

Splog: Right then. Tally ho, and all that.

Narrator: They continue on their way.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

At the center of the regisration room is a large board with the Teams and names on it. Big Al and Enthree descided to check out the competition just as soon as they put another team up.

Big Al: Team Flutter? Then that means...

Big Al and Enthree run over to the regisration booth.

Big Al: Did you see an odd looking turtle creature go by here?

Generic Guy 001: I saw a two of them go into the dining hall number 083.

Enthree: What's so important that you've got to tell him?

Big Al: No time to explain.

~In the Dining Hall~


Flutter: What is it? What's so Important that you need to drag me from my wonderful free meal?

Big Al: One word, Fluutar.

Flutter: Great Zombie Jesus on a Pogo Stick? Where is he?

Big Al: We need Nintenfreak, Follow me!

Flutter: Becky, you guard the Rock.

~At Nintenfreak~

Flutter: Where Are they?

Nintenfreak: They are coming, let's jump out and confront them in some kind of really cool pose.

All Three: Hold it right there!

Big Bull: You?! Gr...

Big Al: Gr...

Antithesis: Gr...

Nintenfreak: Gr...

Fluutar: Gr...

Flutter: Gr...

Wagolem: Gr... Hey! Where is Golem?

Flutter: Yeah, what gives?

Nintenfreak: He descided not to come.

Antithesis: Curses! Until next time.

~The bad guys leave~

Big Al: Woah, hold on. Didn't you tell us to lie low to avoid confrontation?

Nintenfreak: I did, but my superior didn't agree.

Author: Golem[edit]

Rival: ~thinking~ Arab Dude would really get Moondo's attention! ~talking~ So... where do we start?

Mol: ~thinking~ I should get back on that planet and tell the others about what they're going to do! But... how? And without getting caught?

~Mura, Krunk, Snipes, and Rival are in a new room on the ship with a large screen in the center and several computer terminals at the sides~

Mura: We know where he is. All that's n--

Rival: Who all's "We"? Just us in this room, right? And if you lie--

Mura: Mmmm, yes, just us in this room. As I was saying, all that's needed now is the proper persuasion.

Rival: Wait, where is he?

Mura: Wouldn't you like to know?

Rival: ~subtly bringing his hand up through his suit jacket, feeling around inside the suit jacket~ I can leave as soon as I like.

Mura: I'm afraid not. I'm the one with the space ship and the two cronies.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Narrator: Do you know who i am? See this name tag? That makes me the Narrator! If you don't let me talk about these people, I'll stop Narrating your actions.

Generic Guy 059: Sorry sir, but everyone must enter the contest in order to enteract with other participants. Just fill out this form and you can go about your business.

Name: Narrator.
Alias: Narrator.
Appearance: Check the comic.
Bio: He's the guy that tells you what you're doing, weither or not you want him to.

Author: Flutter[edit]


Flutter: *runs up to Becky* You'll never believe who I saw.

Becky: Who?

Flutter: Fluutar. I'm like his biggest fan.

Fell: *appears* Did you get his autograph?

Flutter: Not yet...

Becky: When you two are ready to start to find the prize, go and start on you're own. I'll catch up.

Fell: You're going to leave me with that idiot?

Flutter: You're going to leave me with me?

Becky: Yes. In the meantime, I need my beauty sleep.

Flutter: Have fun... *Becky walks away* ... you no good two timin' cousin-of-mine!

Fell: Great, now what do we do?

Flutter: We cheat.

Fell: Ah... And how did we get here?

Flutter: I think NintF posted us here.

Fell: Makes sense.

"~Beep Beep Beep~" - Ditto McCloaker[edit]

Name: Mr. Game & Watch
Age: 23
Appearance: A 2-D black silhouette of a person with a large nose.
Miscellanea: Imagine all his movements as jumpy, using limited animation frames. Makes peculiar beeping and ticking noises whenever he moves.

Mr. G&W: *rings giant bell*

Narrator: Um... we... have a late entry!

Mr. G&W: *looks up and around curiously*

Narrator: Relax, I'm the narrator.

~Mr. G&W gets in Game and Watchmobile and drives off toward hotel. Numerous cars on the road swerve and get into accidents at the sight of the 2-D hand-drawn black car~

Mr. G&W: Beep! Beep! *honks horn frustratedly* *leands out of car and shakes fist in peculiar 2-frame fashion*

~Back at the hotel... the MORNING OF THE START OF THE SEARCH!~

*everyone assembles in the lobby for their free complimentary breakfast before starting off*

Rhyk: What are we having for breakfast?

Isis: I want pancakes.

*Mr. G&W appears and flips pancakes onto everyone's plates*

Isis: *tastes pancake* Yuck. They're all black and hard.

Mr. G&W: Beep beep beep. *shakes fist*

Mr. G&W: *flips several pancakes onto plate, sits down, and begins eating*

Big Al: Well, I'm ready to get started!

Mr. G&W: *dabs at his mouth with napkin, then moves toward lobby doors*

Big Al: Well, it ain't 6 yet, but I'm going already. *moves toward doors*

Mr. G&W: *stands in front of him and waves flaming torch at him*

Big Al: Yike!

Mr. G&W: *holds up a flag with a 3*

*holds up a flag with a 2*

*holds up a flag with a 1*

*points pistol in air and fires* Beep! *runs out door, then turns around, takes out a giant black key, and locks the hotel door, then takes out a giant bell and rings it*

Enthree: HEY!

Author: Timnis[edit]

Timnis: Done, Skateboard

Skateboard: I'm ready when you are.

Timnis: Ok then, let's be off. If no one knows we registered, we could have a clear-cut win.

Skateboard: Especially if we just stay near a rail or stairset when we see someone coming.

So Timnis and Skateboard start off to find the treasure of Party Planet, trying not to get sidetracked by anything else, except maybe to eat.

Timnis: Hey, look at that stairset. Let's hang around here for a while.

Skateboard: Yeah, I suppose we have a little time to spare, but let's only stick around for a few minutes.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Björni: Okay, everone, on the count of three, Cut the ropes on the balloon. 1...2...3..., Quickly Jump in the Balloon.

Big Al: We aren't near the balloon. I just started posting and you said, "okay, everyone, on the count of three, Cut the ropes on the balloon. 1...2...3..., Quickly Jump in the Balloon."

Björni: Right!

~later, at the Balloon~

Björni: Okay, everone, on the count of three, Cut the ropes on the balloon. 1...2...3..., Quickly Jump in the Balloon.

Isis: Hey, Where are you going?

Enthree: On a treasure hunt of course.

RHYK: Hey, no fair! We don't have a Balloon.

Big Al: Sorry, but that's your problem

~Team Nintenfreak jumps in the Balloon and take off into the night~

Author: Timnis[edit]

Timnis: Gee. I hope Goomba's around here.

Skateboard: I'm sure he'll show up eventually. He should be here by now.

Goomba: ~breathless~ There you are, guys. I came once I was sure I knew where you were.

Name: Goomba
Age: 6
Appearance: He doesn't have shoes or a hat on or anything, so anyone who's played nearly all mario games should know what it looks like.
Likes: Food, trees, pine needles, ferns
Disliked: Lightning, mud, getting stepped on

Timnis: Ok, then. Let's keep going for a while. ~picks up Goomba and rides away on Skateboard~

Author: Golem[edit]

Rhykette: ~starting up foot jets~ Ya forgot these? ~flies up into the sky~

Isis: Ah, it's a great day.

Rhyk: So we're looking up while you look down on the ground for something?

Rhykette: Right-o!

Isis: ~lifting her head up, gets blinded by the morning sun~ Gah! The sun!

Rhyk: Hey, wait, maybe that's our answer!

Rhykette: How?

Rhyk: Well, it says that if one is way up in the sky that the person would be near to the answer!

Isis: That's right! If you're up there, you're close to the sun!

Rhykette: But how would the sun fit in all of this?

Isis: It said that we'd "draw nigh" to the clue. Maybe the sun is a clue to something else...!

Rhykette: --Hey, look! Is that what I think it is?

Isis, Rhyk: What?

Rhykette: I think I just saw a skateboard talk!

Pages in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals
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