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Pages in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals
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"Gamehiker Member OG" - Golem[edit]

GORE: PL-0TT, pilot the ship to the nearest development.

~PL-0TT does so~

Flutter: Wait... that doesn't make sense. We DON'T headbutt it?

~GORE's ship casts a shadow on everyone and lands. Stairs come out of an open door and GORE and PL-0TT step out and bolt down the stairs.~

Flutter: I bet they'll agree with me.

GORE: ~reading boulder~ Hmmm... PL-0TT, scan for mountains.

Rhykette: Let's check out that ancient place!

Nintenfreak: We've got to start somewhere.

~Everyone comes to a mumble of agreement.~

Rhyk: ~as everyone enters the city~ Greece was best at fishing and trading overseas. This is because they were cut off from the main land by mountains.

Isis: :rolleyes

Rhyk: Sorry, couldn't help it.

"The Monkey Has Landed" - GORE-ILLA[edit]

*PL's eyes glow red as he surveys the landscape.*

GORE: Well?

PL: Mountain detected approximately fifty kilometers to the east.

GORE: Well, what are you waiting for? Let's head off!

*GORE begins dashing off to the east as PL follows using his rocket boosters. PL eventually catches up to GORE.*

PL: Is there anything else you request, sir?

GORE: Yes. Hack into the database for this contest and download bios on all the other contestants by the time I'm done investigating the mountain.

PL: Yes master!

*Elsewhere, the Flying Monkey II lands next to the Flying Monkey I. MON-KILL and Team Monkey exit.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Look! It's the original Flying Monkey! I had suspected that the OGers did something to it during that Idej Volcano incident.*

MON: Do not bore me with your sentimetal hunks of junk. Our newer model is much more advanced, anyways. ESD, stay behind and work on that "project" we discussed. The rest of you, follow me.

*MON, Diskun, Mousie, Ol' Bessie, and Bullwinkle walk off. ESD
enters the Flying Monkey II and seals the door shut. Explosions and drills are heard coming from the ship.*

Diskun: How can we find GORE? This isn't exactly a small planet. He can be anywhere!

MON: (sniffs the air) I've got his scent! Follow me! (runs off. The others shrug, then follow him.)

What chance does this late entry of finding the legendary treasure? And what are his chances of surviving Team Monkey's EVIL schemes? And what of EVIL Scientist Dude's secret project? Find out sometime along the course of this story! Or not.
(*- Refer to VGF Member OG 4)

"Risk-takers" - Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Splog: *mumble mumble*

Slort: *mumble mumble*

Splog: Doo doo doot doo doo doot do...


Splog: *grumbles* Geez, how do you work with this guy?

Dodo: Oh, I enjoy working with Masamune... *eye twitches* I really, really do... *looks left, right* Are there any statues of him around? So I can pe-- uh, dust them off?


Dodo: |I

Luigi: Here's a nice mountain valley.

Masamune: Not narrow enough.

Luigi: Uh, how about this one?

Masamune: Too shallow.

Luigi: This one?

Masamune: Not enough sharp and dangerous rocks.

Luigi: Well geez. Why don't we just land in a volcano instead?

Masamune: O.O GENIUS! Nobody would look for us there!

Luigi: >_<

"MON-KILL Strikes" - GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE runs up the mountain, not really sure what he was looking for. PL rocketed behind him, glowing as it downloaded data. Some time later, GORE boredly prodded some rocks.

GORE: Nothing out of the ordinary yet. Hey PL, got that info yet?

PL: Yes, sir. I'm printing it out foryou.

GORE shuffles through the papers.

GORE: Hmmm...pretty much all of the OG Vets are here, give or take a few. (Stops on LoTP's bio.) Interesting. I seemed to forget about the other Jedi OGer. He might present a challange...

*Elsewhere, by Team Monkey....*

MON-KILL: (approachesthe mountains) The trail is fresher -we're close! (darts off up the mountain, Team Monkey lags behind.)

To Be Continued...

Author: Golem[edit]

(OOC: Just in case you guys wanted to know, here's VGFMO4.)

~Team Flutter, if that's their name, has been following Team Monkey.~

Flutter: ~fumbling while holding Fell's rock and pointing to Team Monkey~ Look! It's the... Please insert REVERB ...antagonists!

Becky: What makes you so sure? Aren't we the bad guys for trying to cheat by following them?

Flutter: Come on, Becky! What GOOD GUY team has a theme that they recite at their every entrance?

Becky: That's hardly a--

Flutter: You hold this, Becky! ~tosses Fell's rock to Becky~

Becky: WAUGH! ~nearly gets flattened, but lets Fell's rock hit the ground~

Fell: Flutter, what are you doing?!

Flutter: I've been meaning to give this thing a test drive for a while... ~reaches around to his back, where a three-sided sheath neatly holds a double-length computer keyboard; takes keyboard out, holds it like sword~ CHAAAARGE!!!

Author: Masamune[edit]

Luigi: Your logic for landing in a volcano is well...

Masa: Genius? Wonderful? Inspired? Brilliant?

Luigi: STUPID!

Masa: Well aren't we Mr. Angry.

Luigi: In case you didn't notice, we're surrounded by molten lava. Nobody will find us, but we'll have no luck finding anyone else since we're STUCK HERE.

Masa: Ye of little faith. Why, back in Party Goers 7-

Dodo: Uh, you don't remember that.

Masa: No?

Dodo: No.

Masa: Why?

Dodo: It's complicated.

Masa: Fine. In that case, we'll use these here jetpacks to fly over the volcano and into safer territory!

Slort: *mumbles something*

Splog: Slort says that the senso-

Masa: I know what he said! We're making cheap Sci Fi puns, so I magically know goombelli for no apparent reason.

Slort: [Ooh! Then I get to use subtitles! Awesome!]

Masa: Anyways, yes. We will bring the raft.

Luigi: What for?

Dodo: The fastest way to get to the other Party Goers is to take the Raging River of Heck.

Masa: Hey, we visited Heck in Party Goers Seventee-

Dodo: AHEM.

Masa: Darnit. Anyways, once we make it out of hte rapids, we'll land on the east side. According to my Compass, Flutter and his group will be less than a mile away.

Luigi: How does a compass give those sort of details? -_-

Masa: Huh? Oh, it's a Compass from Zelda, so it can do stuff like that.

Luigi: Wonderful. -_-

*they all strap on their jetpacks, except for Dodo, who has wings of course*

Masa: PARTY TIME!!!!

*they make it halfway, but all end up falling into the volcano as the jetpacks suddenly go out*

Luigi: AAAAAAA-I need to rething my membership in this series-AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*GORE and PL are now back on the move. They continue trudging through the mountains until they see something over the horizon.*

GORE: Ah, the ocean! According to the clue I stupidly overlooked, next we need to go "Over Sea, Find The Ship, And Find All Three, Meet my Doom, And Find My Fate... If I Faulter, I'll Be Late." Alright, Pl - prepare a- (is dropkicked from behind, falls over.)

MON-KILL: Heh heh...ready to play a game, monkey boy?

(GORE and MON are about to duke it out when ...)

Flutter: YAYAYAYA!!!!! (twirls keyboard like nunchaku and whacks MON on the side of his head with it. The irritated gorilla covered in silver metal armor turns to face Flutter. While he's distracted, GORE grabs PL and runs.)

GORE: Quick! PL, summon the fastest boat you can in a few seconds!

PL: I'll try, sir!

(PL's eyes glow as a cool-looking armored invincible boat with jet engines, built-in falmethrowers and various powerful weapons and very cool-looking, but it quickly changes into a dilipidated wooden boat with a rusty motor and a bunch of holes. GORE jumps into the boat and the boat immediately sinks down a meter.)

GORE: Err... okay... well, onwards to adventure! (pulls the string on the motor. It revs up, then slows down and dies.) Uh... onwards to adventure!!! (pulls th string agin, same thing happens. He continues several times with the same result.)

PL: Let's cut to the next scene, this may take a while...

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Whilst exploring the ruins, a dispute occurs amongst two of the teams.

"We should be the ones to explore the ruins! After all, we registered before you!" declaired Rhykette, wanting to assert her authority.

"No way, sister! Our team has more people in it. We should be the ones to go first!" rebutted Enthree, who wanted to show her father her leadership abilities.

"Now, now, ladies! There is no reason to fight. Why don't you teather your legs together, and you can both go first.

"Fine, but don't expect me to work with HER!" The ladies said all at once.

They would have wish to reconsider this, for no longer than they had said this, than the two fell in a deep 'spider pit' trap. Though there were no spiders, they certainly weren't getting up.

Pages in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals
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