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Full Name: Sephnito
Birthdate: Unknown
Species: Spirit
Nationality: Unknown
Creator: Yoshiyami
First Appearance: Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist


Sephnito is one of the five Sephnit ruby spirits created by Sephnita. He is described as resembling an old wizard in scarlet robes, and at several points is described as Sephnita's twin. Sephnito is contained within the Ruby of Power, which grants its possessor great power. Fusion acquired this ruby after becoming a millionaire; it was apparently worth 20 million dollars. Sephnito wound up causing the plot of Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist after his ruby was stolen by Gamechamp and the Robot Team.

Gamechamp used the Ruby of Sephnito to power up himself and his Robot Team, making them virtually invincible. This caused the OGers to seek the ruby of Sephnita, in hopes of using it to defeat Sephnito. However, Sephnito's ruby was later destroyed by Gamechamp himself while he was posing as one of the OGers. Sephnito himself is freed by this, and Gamechamp has him attack the OGers. However, Sephnito was destroyed by the fusion of Yami Yoshi and Pharoah Yami Yoshi, with their special Meteor Egg attack.

Sephnito later resurfaced as a member of the MPVP. The MPVP taught him to survive without his ruby and sent him to attack Dark Jim on Pluto. Sephnito later tricked Dark Jim into absorbing him and then took control of Dark Jim, becoming Dark Sephnito. Dark Sephnito proceeded to absorb Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi. However, Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi was able to defeat Sephnito's inner self and force him out of Dark Jim's body.

Sephnito was last seen in Member OG 6: VGF Moon, in a minor role. He was first seen during an MPVP roll call. Later on, Akujin absorbed Sephnito along with the other Sephnits to increase his power. Sephnito was presumably destroyed for good after Akujin was destroyed.

Other Appearances[edit]

  • Sephnito's ruby also appeared in Christmas Member OG. Although, it was spelled Sephtino. ...That count? >.> It was spelled right in the first post of the second page and actually took into account that the ruby was destroyed a bunch in Member OG 2. Whoever was the author of that post has my respect for continuity >.>


He really doesn't say anything worth quoting.