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A character introduced by Fusion in the first, now non-canon, version of Member OG 5. It is said that he comes from another universe and is so powerful that he almost destroyed his home universe (gee, that sounds familiar). He wears a special Hyper Suit which allows him to control his energy. Aside from a different background, he's basically just Fusion with a different name.

He appeared in Member OG 5: The MPVP Strikes Back with no other reason than that he was replacing Fusion, who had a broken leg. Fusion stopped posting in the OGs soon afterwards, leading to this character being ignored, and Fusion was used instead of Velocity in later canon OGs.

In Member OG 11: Back, Velocity becomes reality after a series of complex plot movements. What it boils down to is:

  • Stuff happens, Fusion and Perfecty fuse to become Perfecty Fusion.
  • At a currently undisclosed point in the OG, Perfecty Fusion goes into the past and becomes the head of Reality-2's Inter-Dimensional Space-Time Police.
  • Perfecty Fusion waits for Fusion to appear in the OG's present time, then sets him in motion to kill Introbulus and become Perfecty Fusion.
  • Taking the Iron Gauntlet and Introbulus's backstory, Perfecty Fusion renames himself as Velocity.
