Member OG 11: Back

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The official movie poster with Yami and friends


Yami, Fusion, BSD, Introbulus, and James are all blasted to a new universe in the exciting sequel to Member OG 10.

Plot Summary[edit]

Yami Yoshi is awakened from a dream about smileys by Fusion, who reveals that they're inside the headquarters of Team Rocket Omega in a completely different universe (the 11verse), year 2003. They determine that neither of them exist in this universe--Yoshies have gone extinct and been replaced by Shy Guys, while TRO created Project Fission instead of Fusion--and make their escape. After studying stolen files on Project Fission, learning that it could potentially generate a new universe, they decide to go back and take it. On their way back, they run into the Party Goers: Cassandra, Moondo, Flutter, and Shy Guy Man and get a ride back to Rocketsville from them.

The GORE-ILLA of the 11verse is revealed to be the head of Team Rocket Omega; he is seemingly possessed of the memories of the old GORE-ILLA, though receives mental counseling for this and general madness. When Rockets are sent to apprehend the Party Goers, Yami is captured by T.T. Showstoppa while the rest escape over a cliff and meet Boluit. Showstoppa catches up to them and nabs Fusion and Flutter, sending the former to headquarters along with Yami and SamuraiMarmoset, while the latter attempts to form a backstabbing deal with him.

Boluit arrives to help out Yami and Fusion, throwing suspicion on him from the Rockets. While Yami, Samu, and a Fusion double continue to headquarters in an armored truck, Boluit, Cassandra, Moondo, SGM, and Fusion #2 head to Boluit's secret base to use his Mechanos to cut their way in to see Project Fission. Showstoppa and Flutter join up with The Fireman, who has been contracted to kill Yami and Fusion by higher beings.

Arriving at the base first, Fusion #1 is shot dead by EVIL Psychologist Dude; Yami retaliates with a Dark Egg and is in turn retaliated against by Samu. Farmer Jon arrives and the two take Yami to the woodshed, though he escapes after an intense encounter with Perfecty.

Bullet Points by Fred[edit]

-Fusion and Yami are from a different dimension than 11verse
-They piss off TRO which is run by GORE
-Fusion and Yami meet up with Party Goers
-then get captured
-Party goers meet Boluit who makes big robot things for TRO and they go to TRO
-TRO betrays boluit
-Flutter gets captured and escapes with fireman
-Yami escapes sort of
-TRO tries to stop party goers
-Fusion is everywhere


-BSD has shown up on the planet Krad approximately 500 years ago and gone on a rampage.
-Introbulus meets Jim at the Dawn of Time and learns that he should be dead.



*Farmer Jon takes Yami and Fusion down an evil corridor towards the woodshed*

Farmer Jon: You are really in for it now... no one has ever survived... the woodshed

yami: i will survive it

Farmer Jon: Nope

Yami: i am yami ia m yami

Fusion: I have every power

*they arrive at the wood shed*

Farmer Jon: here it is... the woodshed. In you go.

Yami: this is just a shed made out of wood

Farmer Jon: Yes. It is the... woodshed

Yami and Fusion go in and Farmer Jon locks the door behind them

Farmer Jon: ahahaha enjoy your stay.

Yami opens the side door

Yami: I am out now

Farmer Jon: why didn't you close the side door Samu??!

Samu: the side door greatly offends my honour I cannot close such a thing

Farmer Jon: Yami has escaped someone call the cops!!

Samu: I'm dialing 911

Yami: Oh no I gotta get out of here

Samu: Hello is that the cops

phone: yes the cops here whats the prob baby

Samu: yami escaped our prison!!!

cops: Who the hell is yami

samu: he's some guy we imprisoned

cops: why did you imprison yami are you a criminal

Samu: sorry wrong number

meanwhile yami has created a dark egg and is eating it because he hasnt had a meal in ten years

yami: mm good egg

farmer jon: that monster he is eating his own children someone stop him

yami: no one can stop me now. i am yami i'm the hero no one will let me die for realsies

farmer: no one eh? even someone with EVERY POWER?

yami: you mean fusion?

fusion: hell o i have every power

yami: wait arent you dead why are you in this post again

fusion: every power including the power of deus ex machina

farmer jon: no i mean... PERFECTY

*suddenly all the lights go out and then the riff from the final countdown starts playing and theres a smoke machine and smoke everywhere and then a p[anel opens and its bright light and in steps a silhouette*

perfectly: i am... perfecty

farmer jon: he has every power dont you perfecty

perfecty: i have them all i got em all.

farmer jon: demonstrate your powers on yami NOW

perfecty: no

farmer jon: do it

perfecty: no i don't want to

farmer jon: you have every power now is your time to use them

perfecty: nah i'm not in the mood

farmer: you don't have every power at all do you

perfecty: yeah i do i have them all i just don't want to use them right now

farmer: okay name one power you have then

perfecty: all of them

farmer: name one

perfecty: i don't have to waste my time because i have every power


meanwhile yami has escaped on a helicopter into another part of the HQ

farmer jon: drat he has escaped! code red he cannot find project fission!



the comm beeps on his desk

GORE-ILLA: Gore-illa here

farmer jon: yami is lose in the facility!!!!!!!!!!


farmer jon: he took out evil psychiatrist guy and made his way up to the upper levels

GORE-ILLA: drat! if only daimyo was here. he would be able to stop him. hehe... daimyo

farmer jon: what should we do?

GORe-ILLA: daimyo. what does that even mean? hehehe

farmer jon: no offense sir but this is an emergency...!

gore-illa: daimyo. what a great word. jon!

farmer jon: yes?

gore-illa: from now on you will be known as daimyo

farmer jon: we already have a daimyo sir-

gore-illa: now daimyo. get everyone else on the line

farmer jon: but sir you're the one in the main office

gore-illa: oh yeah

gore hits the switch

gore-illa: daimyos. we have a daimyo lose in the hq. i want every daimyo after it.

samu over comm: what are you on about?

gore-illa: daimyo daimyo. daimyo

samu: the boss has gone mad

gore-illa: daimyo DAIMYOOOOOOOOOOOOO
