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{{Member OG 2 Pages}}
==Author: Black Skull Dragoshi==
BSD:I have an idea!
GORE:What is it?
BSD:If I aim my fire breath at the ruby of Sephnito I should destroy it.
BSD aims his fire breath and destroy's the ruby.
Lemmy:What's next?
BSD gets out his sword and slams it into the ground which creates a crevice and both armies fall into the crevice which leadsto the earth's core then picks up the sword and put it back in it's sheath.
BSD:Well,now that this problem is solved what should we do?
What will they do?
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
Yami Yoshi: Wait BSD! You're still on Zebes and its gonna take you ten years to return!
BSD: Dammit! I thought I had you fooled! I am really <rips of disguise> Gamechamp!
SwordMaster: But you and Dark GORE's armies fell into the giant crevice.
Gamechamp: You are sadly mistaken. Those were mere holograms I created to trick Dark GORE and his army so I could kill him! Now there's nothing that's going to stop me from taking over the world!
Yami Yoshi: Not if we can help it!
Gamechamp: I beg to differ! Roll call!
Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!!
Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!
Black: I am Black! I can sneek on anyone from the dark, and attack with my double swords!
Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!
Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!
All: We are the Robot Team!
Gamechamp: All right everyone! Get them!
<All four robots charge at the OGers>
SwordMaster: OG Sword!
<SwordMaster slashes of Green's head>
Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh: Dark Egg!
<Two eggs explode and destroy Yellow and Black>
<Introbulus points his finger at Blue and he explodes>
Gamechamp: Ha! These robots shall restore themselves thanks to the ruby!
Yami Yoshi: <laughing> Did you forget? YOU destroyed the ruby.
Gamechamp: AW CRAP!
Yami Yoshi: Now everyone! Attack Gamechamp! Dark Egg!
Pharaoh: Dark Egg!
SwordMaster: OG Sword!
Introbulus: Metal Crash!
<All of the attacks cause a huge explosion>
Gamechamp: Ugh...so...much...pain...
Yami Yoshi: Give up! You can't win!
Gamechamp: I shall never surrender! Green, Yellow, Black, and Blue. Your deaths have not been in vain and they shall help increase my powers! ROBOT TEAM FUSION!
<The remains of the Robot Team fly into the air and attach themselves to Gamechamp>
Gamechamp: Ha ha ha! By using the power of yellow, green, black, and blue, I'll be unstoppable!
<Gamechamp's left hand is covered with yellow armor and it holds a giant blue cannon. His right hand is covered with black armor holding a giant black sword. He wears green armor that covers his chest>
Yami Yoshi: ...He can't be too much stronger...can he?
Gamechamp: I possess the power of Yellow's fists, Blue's firepower, Black's Sword, and Green's variety of weapons! Green missile!
<Gamechamp fires a giant missile from his chest and it hits a large boulder completely obliterating it>
Gamechamp: Black slash!
<Gamechamp's sword destroys another boulder>
Gamechamp: Blue Cannon!
<Gamechamp his cannon at the moon and fires a blast that creates a huge crater>
Gamechamp: Yellow punch!
<Gamechamp punches the ground creating a giant fissure>
Gamechamp: You see? I am unstoppable!
Yami Yoshi: OGers! Attack! Dark Egg!
Pharaoh: Dark Egg!
SwordMaster: OG Slash!
<All of the attacks prove to be useless against Gamechamp>
Gamechamp: Green Bomb!
<A giant green bomb pops out of Gamechamp's chest and explodes injuring the OGers>
Yami Yoshi: Ugh...
Pharaoh: Damn him!
SwordMaster: How can we defeat him?
Introbulus: I have an idea! We can use Fusion's fusing power!
SwordMaster: Great idea!
Fusion: All right! I'll fuse you and SwordMaster! FUSION BEAM!
<Introbulus and SwordMaster fuse and form...>
Sword Introbulus: Sword Introbulus!
Gamechamp: You think your pathetic fusion scares me? Black Sword!
<Gamechamp and Sword Introbulus have a sword fight. Gamechamp easily beats Sword Introbulus by slashing his sword and destroys it>
Sword Introbulus: What the hell?...I used to be able to use a sword just fine before...
Fusion: Aw crap. Since Introbulus lacks the power to use the sword, that weakens SwordMaster's sword strength! I guess the fusion has to be balanced in order to work properly! DEFUSE!
<SwordMaster and Introbulus return to their normal selves>
Fusion: The only one that has a chance of working is Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh since they are both Yoshis!
Yami Yoshi: Great idea! Hey Pharaoh! Ready to fuse?
Pharaoh: Never! I will never join bodies with you! This Gamechamp freak is a mere obstacle in my way for world domination! DARK EGG!
<The Pharaoh hurls an egg that uselessly bounces off Gamechamp>
Gamechamp: Yellow Punch!
<Gamechamp punches the Pharaoh sending him flying into a giant cliff>
Yami Yoshi: Ugh...when will he stop being so stubborn?
Pharaoh: Hey! Shut up! I don't need you! I am going to rule the world and I don't need your help!
Yami Yoshi: C'mon! He's gonna kill us all!
Pharaoh: Yeah...Like I care...DARK EGG BARRAGE!
<The Pharaoh fires a bunch of Dark Eggs that uselessly bounce off of Gamechamp>
Yami Yoshi: Listen! If he destroys the world, there will be NO world to take over...
Pharaoh: ......All right...But don't think this makes us allies! We will always be enemies!
Yami Yoshi: Whatever. Hey Fusion! Fuse us!
Fusion: All right! FUSION BEAM!
<Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh fuse to form>
Twin Headed Yami Yoshi!
Can Twin Headed Yami Yoshi, the fusion of the two strongest Yoshis in the world, be able to defeat Gamechamp? Find out in Episode 122, Twin Headed Yami Yoshi Vs. Gamechamp!
==Author: Gamechamp==
All of the parts come back together,and the Robot Team is revived.
GC:You can never stand up to the power of Sephnito!
TWIN HEADED YAMI YOSHI:But the crystal is destroyed!!!
GC:Ha!That old gem...all it was was a very valuable diamond!
FUSION:Wait...then that means...NOOOOOO!!!ALL OF MY RICHES ARE GONE!!!
GC:Me and the rest of the Robot Team absorbed the diamond's power when we first got it,we were just keeping that thing because of its worth!
INTROBULUS:Hmmmmm...how about I just destroy you with my powers over metal?!?!?!
Nothing happens.
GC:Ha!Our power can stand up to your power!Now,I'd like you to meet a friend of mine...
FUSION:What do you mean?You 5 are the only ones here!
GC:Oh really...say hello...TO SEPHNITO!!!!!
Suddenly,a strange form starts appearing over Gamechamp,and forms into the ancient evil that is Sephnito.
SEPHNITO:Thankyou for freeing me from my prison...but I don't return favors,so now I have no use for you,so I'll just kill you!
He shoots a beam at the Robot Team,but nothing happens.
GC:You see,before we freed you,we borrowed some of your power to help us.Now be our slave or die!Your first order of buissiness:destroy the OGers!
GC:(sigh)The people that aren't the ones that have freed you and threatening you.
The Robot Team leaves to thier other secret base in a different area of the world,while the OGers are left to fight the evil Sephnito...<br>
==Author: Black Skull Dragoshi==
BSD appears.
BSD:It would'nt take ten years to get from Zebes to earth because I could just use my teleporter.
Sephnito:It doesn't matter if all of the you fight me I will still win!
BSD:That is where you are wrong!
Sephnito:I think that is where you stand corrected puny hybrid!!
Sephnito creates a massive earthquake that knocks out everyone but Yami Yoshi,the Pharoh,BSD,GC,and Lemmy.
Everyone except BSD,Sephnito,Lemmy,Pharoh,and Yami Yoshi:GYYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Lemmy:You're nothing but a big bully!
The roar causes a tremor that trips Sephnito.
Sephnito:I'll threaten anyone if I want to!
BSD(Glowing in different colors):I challenge you to a SSBM battle,Sephnito,and The rules are that we will fight at a arena that's not even in the game,all items,and two mystery items will be used,and it will be a one on one battle!
Pharoh:Obviously he is.
Sephnito:Fine,if your goal is to have a short life span puny hybrid!!
They are warped to the top of BSD's fortress
3 minutes later...
Anouncer:BSD versus Sephnito!
Will I kill Sephnito? What traps are on the top of my fortress? After this battle is over what will I do next?
==Author: Gamechamp==
Gamechamp gets up and dissapears with the rest of the Robot Team...<br>
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
BSD: Molten Egg!
<BSD throws an egg at Sephnito, an old wizard dressed in scarlet robes. The center of his forehead contains a small ruby>
Sephnito: Pathetic. I bet a regular egg could have caused more damage than that! Ruby Beam!
<Sephnito conjures energy between his two withered hands and fires a flashing red beam at BSD>
BSD: Argh!
<BSD is hit directly from the blast and his body goes flying>
Sephnito: Ruby Energy Balls!
<Sephnito starts firing flashing red balls at BSD>
Sephnito: You're pretty pathetic for a Yoshi.
<BSD throws another egg at Sephnito but he easily dodges it>
Sephnito: Time to finish you off once and for all! RUBY ANNIHILATION BEAM!
Voice: Not so fast! DARK EGG!
<A dark egg appears out of nowhere and slams into Sephnito>
Sephnito: What the hell?
BSD: What are you doing here Yami Yoshi?
Twin Headed Yami Yoshi: Don't worry. I'm gonna teach this pathetic old man how powerful Yoshis really are!
Sephnito: P...p...pathetic old man!? How dare you! Ruby Beam!
<The beam uselessly bounces of TH Yami Yoshi>
TH Yami Yoshi: Ha! Was that really supposed to hurt me? TWIN FIREBALL!
<TH Yami Yoshi eats a Red Koopa Shell and starts shooting fireballs at Sephnito>
Sephnito: Yeouch! Hot! Hot! Hot!
TH Yami Yoshi: Ha! You're pathetic for an evil spirit from a ruby of mass destruction!
Sephnito: Do you dare to mock my powers? RUBY ENERGY BALL!
TH Yami Yoshi: Yawn...
<TH Yami Yoshi swallows the energy balls and turns them into glowing eggs>
Sephnito: What the hell?
TH Yami Yoshi: RUBY EGG!
<TH Yami Yoshi throws the eggs back at Sephnito slamming them into his body>
Sephnito: Ugh......
TH Yami Yoshi: Time to finish you off! MEGA HIP DROP!
<TH Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and slams his body right on top of Sephnito>
Sephnito: <breathing heavily> Please...have mercy!
TH Yami Yoshi: You have caused my friends and I so much trouble! Take this!
<TH Yami Yoshi starts to punch Sephnito multiple times>
SwordMaster: Wow! He's powerful!
Fusion: The knowledge and strength of Yami Yoshi and the relentlessness and power of the Pharaoh! They're a practically unstoppable duo!
TH Yami Yoshi: This is too easy. You are boring me to death! It's time to kill you once and for all! DARK METEOR EGG!
<A giant meteorlike egg falls from the sky and hits Sephnito>
<Sephnito's body becomes a small pile of ash>
TH Yami Yoshi: Now! Let's go find Gamechamp and the others!
BSD: <muttering> I was supposed to fight him...
Introbulus: I have a spaceship at my house! Let's go!
TH Yami Yoshi proves to be a powerful warrior. He defeated Sephnito with no trouble at all. But can he match the strength of Gamechamp and the Robot Team? Find out in Episode 123: Journey into Space!
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
OoC: Gah...Posted too late...I'll just try and blend the two storylines together...
==Author: Lupus==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In Gamechamp's other other base<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: It was nice having all your powers serging through my robotic veins, my friends. But I missed you all!
Blue: I'm sure you did. However, boss, we should leave immediately for the Planet of Mystery.
Gamechamp: Why, just?
Blue: Lupus' old base must have supplies we can use against the OGers. We can then take off again and head to another planet.
Gamechamp: Very well, and very good idea also. We'll leave immediately!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gamechamp's other other base suddenly collapses in on itself, folding into a rocketship, which then, piloted by Blue, takes off into the skies. Within a matter of seconds it's closing in on the Planet of Mystery.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Black: Planet of Mystery coming right up, 12:00!
Gamechamp: Good. I feel now is a good a chance as ever to give one of my evil laughs! Mwah-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The rocket suddenly lands heavily, throwing the Robot Force out onto the planet surface<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: We came to conquer Mystery! Roll call!
Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!
Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!
Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark, and attack with my double swords!
Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!
Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Crickets chirp<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: There are crickets on Mystery?
Yellow: Boss, this place doesn't feel right. Are you sure we're meant to be here?
Gamechamp: Silence! Just sack the ruined castle of our supplies and lets vamoose before those stalkers arrive!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The fivesome then begin dismantling the castle, stealing every piece of Lupus' TWIFATIT equipment they can, and chucking it on board their rocket<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: Woo! A Full Body Wiper! Next time I see that Yami Yoshi punk I'll wipe him!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The group leap onboard the rocket and it once again shoots off into orbit<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: Now, where do we head?
Green: ...Earth! Yami Yoshi and his group won't stand a chance against our new TWIFATIT weaponry!
Lupus: Good plan. You're going in the right direction.
Gamechamp: Yes, I think so too, Green.
Green: That wasn't me.
Gamechamp: ...
Lupus: Hey, over here!
Gamechamp: L... L... LUPUS!
Lupus: In the flesh. The one and only. Other various statements that would work in this context.
Gamechamp: But, I killed you!
Lupus: Ahahahahaha- NO!
Gamechamp: Black! Yellow! Kill him!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Black and Yellow rush at Lupus, the former's blades spinning in his palms. Lupus quickly disarms him, spinning around to slice the head off Yellow's robotic compound. He then impales Black on the other sword, pulling the blade into the air. The robot slides down to the hilt, before Lupus throws the sword into the wall, scattering gears and joints across the floor<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Lupus: That was fun. Got any more?
Gamechamp: <nowiki>*</nowiki>sweatdrop<nowiki>*</nowiki> Don't come any closer! I have the Sephnito!
Lupus: No, I read the script. Don't take me for a fool, Gamechamp!
Gamechamp: I have a Full Body Wiper! Stay back or I'll erase you with your own technology!
Lupus: Hah, that would be a problem... <i>if</i> the TWIFATIT technology was still in operating status after these thirteen years... Kamek, Lemonjello and myself disbanded this facility quite a time before VGF Member OG 1!
Gamechamp: You're lying.
Lupus: I'm not. Try it.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gamechamp points the Full Body Wiper at Lupus and presses the button. Nothing happens<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: Lupus- I... I will let you join me!
Lupus: No... I think not! I'm all for turning the world Sheitish myself. I do, however, think you should continue your merry quest yourself. You're now my rival, so I wish you goodluck. I will, however, be wanting one thing from you.
Gamechamp: Which is?
Lupus: Your rocketship.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>View from outside the rocket. We see Gamechamp, and the unruined robots Green and Blue being kicked out of a gravity door into space, and the rocket take off again<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dark GORE: Echo... ECHO... Sure is dank in this place I am not sure the location of is... or something.
Barman: You are in hell. Nothing to warrant any fear, my friend.
Dark GORE: But what happened to the Sephnita?
Barman: The what?
Dark GORE: The most powerful jewel in the universe!
Barman: It is currently in the void we call the Time Rip. And we are very fortunate it is, also. Sephnito was powerful, but if Sephnita would break free from the Time Rip, it is stronger than everyone who thinks they are the strongest person alive <i>put together.</i>
Dark GORE: Bwahahaha!! -Wait, I don't have it. Darn.
Barman: Ah, but you can get it. However, I won't tell you the exact procedure because I fear one of Yami's group members are reading the script at this moment, and they may find it before you and save the world once more.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Meanwhile, at Introbulus' house, as the group are about to get in a rocketship and follow Gamechamp into space...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Twin Headed Yami Yoshi: <nowiki>*</nowiki>reading the script<nowiki>*</nowiki> Well folks, there goes that idea.
==Author: Introbulus==
Introbulus: Wait! I know! I can just use my metalic powers to detect exactly where Gamechamp is heading! (concentraits for awhile...) AHA! He's on The Panet of Mystery! Let's go!
(The OGers walk into a high-tech space hanger, to find...)
SwordMaster: Another Station Wagon? Don't you have anything better than this?
Introbulus: Nope!
Gore: (Sigh...) Let's just get this over with.
(Meanwhile, near the planet SR388)
Dark Jim: Ah yes, everything is going according to my plan. Well, maybe not my EXACT plan, but soon, all will be darkness, and no one will be able to light the way! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
(What is this mysterious plan that Dark Jim is cooking up? What will our heroes find on the Planet of Mystery? Will Lupus detect their spaceship on the way there? Why am I still here?)
Introbulus: Because otherwise, you don't get paid.
(I'm getting paid?)
==Author: Fred==
Someone Else: What- what just happened in the past 5 minutes? That angers me. Let's see if Fred will help me... he just might...
(at Fred's pad)
Fred: hehehe! Fred update Og, is good, yes? Ahahah!
SE: Fred, I think I have been made a forgotten character as noone else feels like including me.
Fred: Well, you are loser! Tell you what, Fred go with strange little man and advance the plot.
SE: Um, ok. As far as I know, Everyone went on a spaceship.
Fred: Just get into your Volvo and let's drive there.
SE: Er, that doesn't really work, but I suppose that I don't really care. Let's Rock!
Fred: Are we there yet?
(back in the Station Wagon - I mean spaceship)
Introbulus: Mr. Fusion! Prepare the optimizacal whingeema-doo, and Two headed Yoshi, gemme a coffee, no white sugar, triple latte, over easy.
Fusion: Um, ok, done.
Two-headed Yoshi: I have no idea what you just told me to do.
Swordmaster: This is pathetic. Hurry up and get us to the stupid planet.
Introbulus: No!
SM: Er, why not?
Introbulus: Sorry, I think I just went crazy.
Fusion: I'm down with that.
(on planet of mystery...)
Lupus: Ahahah! They thought I was dead... Can a dead man do this? (changes the channel on his TV)
hahaha! No more Pay Per View, I found the remote. AHAHA!
Johnson the butler: Good evening sire, what is your evil plan this time?
Lupus: It's very simple... I destroy Mario500!
Johnson: Wrong story, sir.
Lupus: Oh. Well in that case, I have just fired my beam of sillyness and iinsanity at the OGers. They will soon either go crazy and kill each other, or go back to earth to join the circus.
Johnson: Well, I just want you to know that there are two other ships approaching. One has come from SR388, and the other is from earth.
Lupus: Darn them. I need time to get my evil gem so I may power my ray of Llama-shaped waffles and possibly use the spirit, too. Well, We must fire the Ray of Idiocy at one of the new targets. Let's hope that the insanity ray effects are not somehow cured in some heroic and daring fashion.
Johnson: Let's. (fires ray of idiocy at the Volvo)
(inside the volvo)
SE: Hey, Why did that happen? I feel so ignorent... argh I have an urge to quote Oprah!
Fred: Nothing happen to Fred... Lemme drive!
SE: Now that I'm idiotic and stuff, I don't see why not!
(to be continued)
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The barman tells Dark GORE<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dark GORE: Thanks for the tip, Barman. Now if you excuse me...<nowiki>*</nowiki>explodes<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Barman: A robot?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere, in the Flying Monkey....<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dark GORE: Perfect! Good thing we sent in those cheap robot clones - and one of them told me about Sephnita's resting place......Mwahahahha!!
EVIL Scientist Dude: So where to next, boss?
Dark GORE: The Planet Mystery!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Back with the OGers<nowiki>*</nowiki>
GORE: Are we there yet?
Introbulus: No.
GORE: Are we there yet?
Introbulus: No.
GORE: Are we there yet?
Introbulus: No.
GORE: Are we there yet?
Introbulus: No.
GORE: Are we there yet?
Introbulus: Shut UP!!!!
The Voice from GORE'S Dream: <i>GORE!!! The time approaches!!!! Stop Gamechamp, Dark GORE, and the other villain before HE comes.</i>
GORE: Who's HE?
The Voice from GORE'S Dream: <i>HE is Evil itself - the pure incarnation of Evil. He is stuck in the Time Rip - if Sephnita is freed, Evil will be freed as well. And he has power over all EVIL in existance - even the dead. He has already revived one who you have defeated in the past....and their will be much more to follow. You must stop Him and Sephnita at all costs.....before its too late....</i>
GORE: Wait! Don't leave yet! What villain did he revive - no. It can't be him. He's dead! HIm and the plot devices powering him! It can't be!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Flying Monkey...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dark GORE: Yes...Master Lupus is alive again. And soon, Sephnita will be freed to help us achieve our goal.
Team Monkey: Mwahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Somewhere in Time...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Evil: <b>At last my plans are coming to fruitation! It is only a matter of time until my freedom. Once I am free I can do more then just influence people to commit crimes - I will be able to control every person who has even the tiniest drop of me in them..........................the universe is mine.</b>
To Be Continued.......
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
TH Yami Yoshi: Hey GORE! Are you ok?
GORE: Yeah I'm fine...There's no way Lupus can be revived...
TH Yami Yoshi: You're right. I killed him in the first VGF Member OG!
Introbulus: We are now approaching the Planet Mystery!
<A giant planet that looks like a huge cheeseball appears>
Introbulus: Now to destroy Gamechamp once and for all!
SwordMaster: Hey! What the hell is that?
<Gamechamp and Green and Blue are seen floating motionless in space>
TH Yami Yoshi: It's them! Kill them!
Introbulus: Wait! I think they already are dead!
TH Yami Yoshi: I'm gonna investigate!
<TH Yami Yoshi hops out of the spaceship and because of his special fusion powers he floats towards Gamechamp>
TH Yami Yoshi: Hey! Gamechamp wrote a note!
<TH Yami Yoshi grabs the note clenched in Gamechamp's hand and reads it>
TH Yami Yoshi: <reading> <i>The Cheese God has returned!</i> Oh my God...That isn't Lupus is it?
<TH Yami Yoshi returns to the spaceship and shows the OGers the note>
SwordMaster: So Lupus HAS returned...
BSD: And he murdered Gamechamp and the Robot Team.
TH Yami Yoshi: I guess Lupus wasn't bullshnitting when he wrote that script...But how?
Introbulus: We're running out of fuel. We're gonna have to land.
<Introbulus lands the spaceship on the cheesy surface of Mystery>
Introbulus: I wonder where Lupus is now?
BSD: Whoa! What's that?
<A giant spaceship with the words Gamechamp painted on it lands near them>
Fusion: It's Gamechamp's spaceship!
SwordMaster: But who's inside?
<The door of the spaceship opens and a green-haired teenager steps out>
The OGers: LUPUS!
Lupus: Well, well, well. If it isn't the OGers...I guess I should kill you all right now. Then I can return to Earth and no one can stop me from converting the world to Sheitism!
TH Yami Yoshi: I'll destroy you first! TWIN FIREBALL!
<TH Yami Yoshi shoots a fireball and surprisingly, it burns Lupus>
Lupus: Grrrr...How the hell did you get so powerful? CHEESE RAY!
<Lupus fires a beam of cheese at TH Yami Yoshi. TH Yami Yoshi swallows the cheese and turns it into a giant egg of cheese>
TH Yami Yoshi: TAKE THIS!
<TH Yami Yoshi throws the egg. It splatters all over Lupus>
<Lupus throws multiple pieces of cheese at TH Yami Yoshi. The cheese bounces of TH Yami Yoshi and he laughs>
TH Yami Yoshi: Ha ha ha! That was pathetic! Now its my turn! DARK EGG!
<TH Yami Yoshi throws an egg at Lupus that explodes and destroys Gamechamp's spaceship>
Lupus: Ugh.........
SwordMaster: Wow! Fusion's fusion is much stronger than I thought!
Lupus: Fusion?
<Lupus suddenly sees Fusion>
Lupus: <thinking> <i>Maybe if I kill Fusion, Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi will defuse and become weaker!</i> Hey! Fusion! C'mere!
Fusion: Huh?
<Lupus fires a giant ray at Fusion that hits him. Fusion's body transforms into a piece of cheese>
TH Yami Yoshi: Wha?
Lupus: <eats Fusion> Mmmm...tasty! But what will be more tastier is your defeat Yami Yoshi!
TH Yami Yoshi: I can still beat you!
SwordMaster: Yami Yoshi! Your body is spliting!
TH Yami Yoshi: <looks at his body> Oh no! I'm defusing!
<TH Yami Yoshi explodes>
Introbulus: Oh no!
<When the smoke clears, Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh are seen slightly dazed>
Pharaoh: Dammit! The fusion wore off!
Yami Yoshi: And without Fusion, we can't fuse anymore!
Lupus: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! Prepare to meet your doom Yami Yoshi!
==Author: Lupus==
Lupus: Enough with this cherade! Hand over your lupins!
TH Yami Yoshi: We have no lupins!
Lupus: Fools! I happen to know this is the lupin express! Hand over the lupins and live! Bwahaha! <nowiki>*</nowiki>hologram switches off<nowiki>*</nowiki>
TH Yami Yoshi: What the heck?
Introbulus: So, he wants lupins?
Fusion: What the heck are lupins?
Lupin: I'm a lupin.
Swordmaster: In any case, we have no lupins. Which means Lupus is probably going to attack us.
TH Yami Yoshi: But I'm stronger than him. He won't be able to defeat us.
Lupin: I'm a lupin. Hand me over to him and avoid death.
Swordmaster: True. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's spacejump and kick his ass!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The group leap from their rocket, attempting to jump into Lupus' ship. Unfortunately, gravity is against them and they are sucked into space, circling their way into a black hole<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Lupus: ...That was easier than I thought!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>IN THE BLACKHOLE<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Swordmaster: It isn't just a big coincidence that inside the Blackhole happens to be the Time Rip?
Fusion: Shh! We're not supposed to know that yet!
????: SILENCE!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The group stand in shock, looking into the stretches of empty space to where the voice was coming from. Slowly, a giant replica of Sephnito emerges from the shadows<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Sephnita: Are you allies of Lupus?!!?1/1111134
THYY: What?
Sephnita: Answer the question, fool!
THYY: No! We are sworn enemies!
Sephnita: Then I do not harm you!
THYY: I already killed you though.
Sephnita: I am sorry, you must be talking about my twin Sephnito. I am much stronger than him.
THYY: Join us! Help us defeat other people!
Sephnita: No! You have neglected me for too long! Ever since the first VGF Member OG, Page 3, Post 4! My servant ran away ten years ago! I devolved my pathetic life and turned myself back into a stone, and I was imprisoned for betrayal! I will get revenge yet!
THYY: We are fighting for the same cause! Join us!
Sephnita: OH! So you are fighting for turnips too?
THYY: No...
Sephnita: Then we shall not join! I will destroy the Earth for my pain! Thank you for ripping the Time Rip's entrance when you came in here. It is greatly appreciated. <nowiki>*</nowiki>flies out into space<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Swordmaster: Was that really needed?
==Author: Lupus==
Darnit, I posted before you edited. Can you merge them somehow?
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
Sorry. I had to eat dinner so I had to come back to it. I'll edit it the best I can.

Latest revision as of 00:53, 17 June 2007

Pages in the Member OG 2 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD:I have an idea!

GORE:What is it?

BSD:If I aim my fire breath at the ruby of Sephnito I should destroy it.

BSD aims his fire breath and destroy's the ruby.

Lemmy:What's next?


BSD gets out his sword and slams it into the ground which creates a crevice and both armies fall into the crevice which leadsto the earth's core then picks up the sword and put it back in it's sheath.

BSD:Well,now that this problem is solved what should we do?

What will they do?


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Yami Yoshi: Wait BSD! You're still on Zebes and its gonna take you ten years to return!

BSD: Dammit! I thought I had you fooled! I am really <rips of disguise> Gamechamp!

SwordMaster: But you and Dark GORE's armies fell into the giant crevice.

Gamechamp: You are sadly mistaken. Those were mere holograms I created to trick Dark GORE and his army so I could kill him! Now there's nothing that's going to stop me from taking over the world!

Yami Yoshi: Not if we can help it!

Gamechamp: I beg to differ! Roll call!

Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am Black! I can sneek on anyone from the dark, and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!

All: We are the Robot Team!

Gamechamp: All right everyone! Get them!

<All four robots charge at the OGers>

SwordMaster: OG Sword!

<SwordMaster slashes of Green's head>

Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh: Dark Egg!

<Two eggs explode and destroy Yellow and Black>


<Introbulus points his finger at Blue and he explodes>

Gamechamp: Ha! These robots shall restore themselves thanks to the ruby!

Yami Yoshi: <laughing> Did you forget? YOU destroyed the ruby.

Gamechamp: AW CRAP!

Yami Yoshi: Now everyone! Attack Gamechamp! Dark Egg!

Pharaoh: Dark Egg!

SwordMaster: OG Sword!

Introbulus: Metal Crash!

<All of the attacks cause a huge explosion>

Gamechamp: Ugh...so...much...pain...

Yami Yoshi: Give up! You can't win!

Gamechamp: I shall never surrender! Green, Yellow, Black, and Blue. Your deaths have not been in vain and they shall help increase my powers! ROBOT TEAM FUSION!

<The remains of the Robot Team fly into the air and attach themselves to Gamechamp>

Gamechamp: Ha ha ha! By using the power of yellow, green, black, and blue, I'll be unstoppable!

<Gamechamp's left hand is covered with yellow armor and it holds a giant blue cannon. His right hand is covered with black armor holding a giant black sword. He wears green armor that covers his chest>

Yami Yoshi: ...He can't be too much stronger...can he?

Gamechamp: I possess the power of Yellow's fists, Blue's firepower, Black's Sword, and Green's variety of weapons! Green missile!

<Gamechamp fires a giant missile from his chest and it hits a large boulder completely obliterating it>

Gamechamp: Black slash!

<Gamechamp's sword destroys another boulder>

Gamechamp: Blue Cannon!

<Gamechamp his cannon at the moon and fires a blast that creates a huge crater>

Gamechamp: Yellow punch!

<Gamechamp punches the ground creating a giant fissure>

Gamechamp: You see? I am unstoppable!

Yami Yoshi: OGers! Attack! Dark Egg!

Pharaoh: Dark Egg!

SwordMaster: OG Slash!


<All of the attacks prove to be useless against Gamechamp>

Gamechamp: Green Bomb!

<A giant green bomb pops out of Gamechamp's chest and explodes injuring the OGers>

Yami Yoshi: Ugh...

Pharaoh: Damn him!

SwordMaster: How can we defeat him?

Introbulus: I have an idea! We can use Fusion's fusing power!

SwordMaster: Great idea!

Fusion: All right! I'll fuse you and SwordMaster! FUSION BEAM!

<Introbulus and SwordMaster fuse and form...>

Sword Introbulus: Sword Introbulus!

Gamechamp: You think your pathetic fusion scares me? Black Sword!

<Gamechamp and Sword Introbulus have a sword fight. Gamechamp easily beats Sword Introbulus by slashing his sword and destroys it>

Sword Introbulus: What the hell?...I used to be able to use a sword just fine before...

Fusion: Aw crap. Since Introbulus lacks the power to use the sword, that weakens SwordMaster's sword strength! I guess the fusion has to be balanced in order to work properly! DEFUSE!

<SwordMaster and Introbulus return to their normal selves>

Fusion: The only one that has a chance of working is Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh since they are both Yoshis!

Yami Yoshi: Great idea! Hey Pharaoh! Ready to fuse?

Pharaoh: Never! I will never join bodies with you! This Gamechamp freak is a mere obstacle in my way for world domination! DARK EGG!

<The Pharaoh hurls an egg that uselessly bounces off Gamechamp>

Gamechamp: Yellow Punch!

<Gamechamp punches the Pharaoh sending him flying into a giant cliff>

Yami Yoshi: Ugh...when will he stop being so stubborn?

Pharaoh: Hey! Shut up! I don't need you! I am going to rule the world and I don't need your help!

Yami Yoshi: C'mon! He's gonna kill us all!

Pharaoh: Yeah...Like I care...DARK EGG BARRAGE!

<The Pharaoh fires a bunch of Dark Eggs that uselessly bounce off of Gamechamp>

Yami Yoshi: Listen! If he destroys the world, there will be NO world to take over...

Pharaoh: ......All right...But don't think this makes us allies! We will always be enemies!

Yami Yoshi: Whatever. Hey Fusion! Fuse us!

Fusion: All right! FUSION BEAM!

<Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh fuse to form>

Twin Headed Yami Yoshi!

Can Twin Headed Yami Yoshi, the fusion of the two strongest Yoshis in the world, be able to defeat Gamechamp? Find out in Episode 122, Twin Headed Yami Yoshi Vs. Gamechamp!

Author: Gamechamp[edit]


All of the parts come back together,and the Robot Team is revived.

GC:You can never stand up to the power of Sephnito!

TWIN HEADED YAMI YOSHI:But the crystal is destroyed!!!

GC:Ha!That old gem...all it was was a very valuable diamond!

FUSION:Wait...then that means...NOOOOOO!!!ALL OF MY RICHES ARE GONE!!!


GC:Me and the rest of the Robot Team absorbed the diamond's power when we first got it,we were just keeping that thing because of its worth!

INTROBULUS:Hmmmmm...how about I just destroy you with my powers over metal?!?!?!

Nothing happens.

GC:Ha!Our power can stand up to your power!Now,I'd like you to meet a friend of mine...

FUSION:What do you mean?You 5 are the only ones here!

GC:Oh really...say hello...TO SEPHNITO!!!!!

Suddenly,a strange form starts appearing over Gamechamp,and forms into the ancient evil that is Sephnito.

SEPHNITO:Thankyou for freeing me from my prison...but I don't return favors,so now I have no use for you,so I'll just kill you!

He shoots a beam at the Robot Team,but nothing happens.


GC:You see,before we freed you,we borrowed some of your power to help us.Now be our slave or die!Your first order of buissiness:destroy the OGers!


GC:(sigh)The people that aren't the ones that have freed you and threatening you.



The Robot Team leaves to thier other secret base in a different area of the world,while the OGers are left to fight the evil Sephnito...

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD appears.

BSD:It would'nt take ten years to get from Zebes to earth because I could just use my teleporter.

Sephnito:It doesn't matter if all of the you fight me I will still win!

BSD:That is where you are wrong!

Sephnito:I think that is where you stand corrected puny hybrid!!

Sephnito creates a massive earthquake that knocks out everyone but Yami Yoshi,the Pharoh,BSD,GC,and Lemmy.

Everyone except BSD,Sephnito,Lemmy,Pharoh,and Yami Yoshi:GYYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHH!

Lemmy:You're nothing but a big bully!



The roar causes a tremor that trips Sephnito.

Sephnito:I'll threaten anyone if I want to!

BSD(Glowing in different colors):I challenge you to a SSBM battle,Sephnito,and The rules are that we will fight at a arena that's not even in the game,all items,and two mystery items will be used,and it will be a one on one battle!


Pharoh:Obviously he is.

Sephnito:Fine,if your goal is to have a short life span puny hybrid!!

They are warped to the top of BSD's fortress

3 minutes later...

Anouncer:BSD versus Sephnito!

Will I kill Sephnito? What traps are on the top of my fortress? After this battle is over what will I do next?


Author: Gamechamp[edit]

Gamechamp gets up and dissapears with the rest of the Robot Team...

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

BSD: Molten Egg!

<BSD throws an egg at Sephnito, an old wizard dressed in scarlet robes. The center of his forehead contains a small ruby>

Sephnito: Pathetic. I bet a regular egg could have caused more damage than that! Ruby Beam!

<Sephnito conjures energy between his two withered hands and fires a flashing red beam at BSD>

BSD: Argh!

<BSD is hit directly from the blast and his body goes flying>

Sephnito: Ruby Energy Balls!

<Sephnito starts firing flashing red balls at BSD>

Sephnito: You're pretty pathetic for a Yoshi.


<BSD throws another egg at Sephnito but he easily dodges it>

Sephnito: Time to finish you off once and for all! RUBY ANNIHILATION BEAM!

Voice: Not so fast! DARK EGG!

<A dark egg appears out of nowhere and slams into Sephnito>

Sephnito: What the hell?

BSD: What are you doing here Yami Yoshi?

Twin Headed Yami Yoshi: Don't worry. I'm gonna teach this pathetic old man how powerful Yoshis really are!

Sephnito: P...p...pathetic old man!? How dare you! Ruby Beam!

<The beam uselessly bounces of TH Yami Yoshi>

TH Yami Yoshi: Ha! Was that really supposed to hurt me? TWIN FIREBALL!

Sephnito: Yeouch! Hot! Hot! Hot!

TH Yami Yoshi: Ha! You're pathetic for an evil spirit from a ruby of mass destruction!

Sephnito: Do you dare to mock my powers? RUBY ENERGY BALL!

TH Yami Yoshi: Yawn...

Sephnito: What the hell?

TH Yami Yoshi: RUBY EGG!

Sephnito: Ugh......

TH Yami Yoshi: Time to finish you off! MEGA HIP DROP!

Sephnito: <breathing heavily> Please...have mercy!

TH Yami Yoshi: You have caused my friends and I so much trouble! Take this!

SwordMaster: Wow! He's powerful!

Fusion: The knowledge and strength of Yami Yoshi and the relentlessness and power of the Pharaoh! They're a practically unstoppable duo!

TH Yami Yoshi: This is too easy. You are boring me to death! It's time to kill you once and for all! DARK METEOR EGG!

<A giant meteorlike egg falls from the sky and hits Sephnito>


<Sephnito's body becomes a small pile of ash>

TH Yami Yoshi: Now! Let's go find Gamechamp and the others!

BSD: <muttering> I was supposed to fight him...

Introbulus: I have a spaceship at my house! Let's go!

TH Yami Yoshi proves to be a powerful warrior. He defeated Sephnito with no trouble at all. But can he match the strength of Gamechamp and the Robot Team? Find out in Episode 123: Journey into Space!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OoC: Gah...Posted too late...I'll just try and blend the two storylines together...

Author: Lupus[edit]

*In Gamechamp's other other base*

Gamechamp: It was nice having all your powers serging through my robotic veins, my friends. But I missed you all!

Blue: I'm sure you did. However, boss, we should leave immediately for the Planet of Mystery.

Gamechamp: Why, just?

Blue: Lupus' old base must have supplies we can use against the OGers. We can then take off again and head to another planet.

Gamechamp: Very well, and very good idea also. We'll leave immediately!

*Gamechamp's other other base suddenly collapses in on itself, folding into a rocketship, which then, piloted by Blue, takes off into the skies. Within a matter of seconds it's closing in on the Planet of Mystery.*

Black: Planet of Mystery coming right up, 12:00!

Gamechamp: Good. I feel now is a good a chance as ever to give one of my evil laughs! Mwah-

*The rocket suddenly lands heavily, throwing the Robot Force out onto the planet surface*

Gamechamp: We came to conquer Mystery! Roll call!

Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark, and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!

*Crickets chirp*

Gamechamp: There are crickets on Mystery?

Yellow: Boss, this place doesn't feel right. Are you sure we're meant to be here?

Gamechamp: Silence! Just sack the ruined castle of our supplies and lets vamoose before those stalkers arrive!

*The fivesome then begin dismantling the castle, stealing every piece of Lupus' TWIFATIT equipment they can, and chucking it on board their rocket*

Gamechamp: Woo! A Full Body Wiper! Next time I see that Yami Yoshi punk I'll wipe him!

*The group leap onboard the rocket and it once again shoots off into orbit*

Gamechamp: Now, where do we head?

Green: ...Earth! Yami Yoshi and his group won't stand a chance against our new TWIFATIT weaponry!

Lupus: Good plan. You're going in the right direction.

Gamechamp: Yes, I think so too, Green.

Green: That wasn't me.

Gamechamp: ...

Lupus: Hey, over here!

Gamechamp: L... L... LUPUS!

Lupus: In the flesh. The one and only. Other various statements that would work in this context.

Gamechamp: But, I killed you!

Lupus: Ahahahahaha- NO!

Gamechamp: Black! Yellow! Kill him!

*Black and Yellow rush at Lupus, the former's blades spinning in his palms. Lupus quickly disarms him, spinning around to slice the head off Yellow's robotic compound. He then impales Black on the other sword, pulling the blade into the air. The robot slides down to the hilt, before Lupus throws the sword into the wall, scattering gears and joints across the floor*

Lupus: That was fun. Got any more?

Gamechamp: *sweatdrop* Don't come any closer! I have the Sephnito!

Lupus: No, I read the script. Don't take me for a fool, Gamechamp!

Gamechamp: I have a Full Body Wiper! Stay back or I'll erase you with your own technology!

Lupus: Hah, that would be a problem... if the TWIFATIT technology was still in operating status after these thirteen years... Kamek, Lemonjello and myself disbanded this facility quite a time before VGF Member OG 1!

Gamechamp: You're lying.

Lupus: I'm not. Try it.

*Gamechamp points the Full Body Wiper at Lupus and presses the button. Nothing happens*

Gamechamp: Lupus- I... I will let you join me!

Lupus: No... I think not! I'm all for turning the world Sheitish myself. I do, however, think you should continue your merry quest yourself. You're now my rival, so I wish you goodluck. I will, however, be wanting one thing from you.

Gamechamp: Which is?

Lupus: Your rocketship.

*View from outside the rocket. We see Gamechamp, and the unruined robots Green and Blue being kicked out of a gravity door into space, and the rocket take off again*


Dark GORE: Echo... ECHO... Sure is dank in this place I am not sure the location of is... or something.

Barman: You are in hell. Nothing to warrant any fear, my friend.

Dark GORE: But what happened to the Sephnita?

Barman: The what?

Dark GORE: The most powerful jewel in the universe!

Barman: It is currently in the void we call the Time Rip. And we are very fortunate it is, also. Sephnito was powerful, but if Sephnita would break free from the Time Rip, it is stronger than everyone who thinks they are the strongest person alive put together.

Dark GORE: Bwahahaha!! -Wait, I don't have it. Darn.

Barman: Ah, but you can get it. However, I won't tell you the exact procedure because I fear one of Yami's group members are reading the script at this moment, and they may find it before you and save the world once more.

*Meanwhile, at Introbulus' house, as the group are about to get in a rocketship and follow Gamechamp into space...*

Twin Headed Yami Yoshi: *reading the script* Well folks, there goes that idea.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus: Wait! I know! I can just use my metalic powers to detect exactly where Gamechamp is heading! (concentraits for awhile...) AHA! He's on The Panet of Mystery! Let's go!

(The OGers walk into a high-tech space hanger, to find...)

SwordMaster: Another Station Wagon? Don't you have anything better than this?

Introbulus: Nope!

Gore: (Sigh...) Let's just get this over with.

(Meanwhile, near the planet SR388)

Dark Jim: Ah yes, everything is going according to my plan. Well, maybe not my EXACT plan, but soon, all will be darkness, and no one will be able to light the way! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

(What is this mysterious plan that Dark Jim is cooking up? What will our heroes find on the Planet of Mystery? Will Lupus detect their spaceship on the way there? Why am I still here?)

Introbulus: Because otherwise, you don't get paid.

(I'm getting paid?)

Author: Fred[edit]

Someone Else: What- what just happened in the past 5 minutes? That angers me. Let's see if Fred will help me... he just might...

(at Fred's pad)

Fred: hehehe! Fred update Og, is good, yes? Ahahah!

SE: Fred, I think I have been made a forgotten character as noone else feels like including me.

Fred: Well, you are loser! Tell you what, Fred go with strange little man and advance the plot.

SE: Um, ok. As far as I know, Everyone went on a spaceship.

Fred: Just get into your Volvo and let's drive there.

SE: Er, that doesn't really work, but I suppose that I don't really care. Let's Rock!

Fred: Are we there yet?

(back in the Station Wagon - I mean spaceship)

Introbulus: Mr. Fusion! Prepare the optimizacal whingeema-doo, and Two headed Yoshi, gemme a coffee, no white sugar, triple latte, over easy.

Fusion: Um, ok, done.

Two-headed Yoshi: I have no idea what you just told me to do.

Swordmaster: This is pathetic. Hurry up and get us to the stupid planet.

Introbulus: No!

SM: Er, why not?

Introbulus: Sorry, I think I just went crazy.

Fusion: I'm down with that.

(on planet of mystery...)

Lupus: Ahahah! They thought I was dead... Can a dead man do this? (changes the channel on his TV) hahaha! No more Pay Per View, I found the remote. AHAHA!

Johnson the butler: Good evening sire, what is your evil plan this time?

Lupus: It's very simple... I destroy Mario500!

Johnson: Wrong story, sir.

Lupus: Oh. Well in that case, I have just fired my beam of sillyness and iinsanity at the OGers. They will soon either go crazy and kill each other, or go back to earth to join the circus.

Johnson: Well, I just want you to know that there are two other ships approaching. One has come from SR388, and the other is from earth.

Lupus: Darn them. I need time to get my evil gem so I may power my ray of Llama-shaped waffles and possibly use the spirit, too. Well, We must fire the Ray of Idiocy at one of the new targets. Let's hope that the insanity ray effects are not somehow cured in some heroic and daring fashion.

Johnson: Let's. (fires ray of idiocy at the Volvo)

(inside the volvo)

SE: Hey, Why did that happen? I feel so ignorent... argh I have an urge to quote Oprah!

Fred: Nothing happen to Fred... Lemme drive!

SE: Now that I'm idiotic and stuff, I don't see why not!

(to be continued)

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The barman tells Dark GORE*

Dark GORE: Thanks for the tip, Barman. Now if you excuse me...*explodes*

Barman: A robot?

*Elsewhere, in the Flying Monkey....*

Dark GORE: Perfect! Good thing we sent in those cheap robot clones - and one of them told me about Sephnita's resting place......Mwahahahha!!

EVIL Scientist Dude: So where to next, boss?

Dark GORE: The Planet Mystery!

*Back with the OGers*

GORE: Are we there yet?

Introbulus: No.

GORE: Are we there yet?

Introbulus: No.

GORE: Are we there yet?

Introbulus: No.

GORE: Are we there yet?

Introbulus: No.

GORE: Are we there yet?

Introbulus: Shut UP!!!!

The Voice from GORE'S Dream: GORE!!! The time approaches!!!! Stop Gamechamp, Dark GORE, and the other villain before HE comes.

GORE: Who's HE?

The Voice from GORE'S Dream: HE is Evil itself - the pure incarnation of Evil. He is stuck in the Time Rip - if Sephnita is freed, Evil will be freed as well. And he has power over all EVIL in existance - even the dead. He has already revived one who you have defeated in the past....and their will be much more to follow. You must stop Him and Sephnita at all costs.....before its too late....

GORE: Wait! Don't leave yet! What villain did he revive - no. It can't be him. He's dead! HIm and the plot devices powering him! It can't be!

*The Flying Monkey...*

Dark GORE: Yes...Master Lupus is alive again. And soon, Sephnita will be freed to help us achieve our goal.

Team Monkey: Mwahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

*Somewhere in Time...*

Evil: At last my plans are coming to fruitation! It is only a matter of time until my freedom. Once I am free I can do more then just influence people to commit crimes - I will be able to control every person who has even the tiniest drop of me in them..........................the universe is mine.

To Be Continued.......

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

TH Yami Yoshi: Hey GORE! Are you ok?

GORE: Yeah I'm fine...There's no way Lupus can be revived...

TH Yami Yoshi: You're right. I killed him in the first VGF Member OG!

Introbulus: We are now approaching the Planet Mystery!

<A giant planet that looks like a huge cheeseball appears>

Introbulus: Now to destroy Gamechamp once and for all!

SwordMaster: Hey! What the hell is that?

<Gamechamp and Green and Blue are seen floating motionless in space>

TH Yami Yoshi: It's them! Kill them!

Introbulus: Wait! I think they already are dead!

TH Yami Yoshi: I'm gonna investigate!

TH Yami Yoshi: Hey! Gamechamp wrote a note!

TH Yami Yoshi: <reading> The Cheese God has returned! Oh my God...That isn't Lupus is it?

SwordMaster: So Lupus HAS returned...

BSD: And he murdered Gamechamp and the Robot Team.

TH Yami Yoshi: I guess Lupus wasn't bullshnitting when he wrote that script...But how?

Introbulus: We're running out of fuel. We're gonna have to land.

<Introbulus lands the spaceship on the cheesy surface of Mystery>

Introbulus: I wonder where Lupus is now?

BSD: Whoa! What's that?

<A giant spaceship with the words Gamechamp painted on it lands near them>

Fusion: It's Gamechamp's spaceship!

SwordMaster: But who's inside?

<The door of the spaceship opens and a green-haired teenager steps out>

The OGers: LUPUS!

Lupus: Well, well, well. If it isn't the OGers...I guess I should kill you all right now. Then I can return to Earth and no one can stop me from converting the world to Sheitism!

TH Yami Yoshi: I'll destroy you first! TWIN FIREBALL!

Lupus: Grrrr...How the hell did you get so powerful? CHEESE RAY!

<Lupus fires a beam of cheese at TH Yami Yoshi. TH Yami Yoshi swallows the cheese and turns it into a giant egg of cheese>

TH Yami Yoshi: TAKE THIS!


<Lupus throws multiple pieces of cheese at TH Yami Yoshi. The cheese bounces of TH Yami Yoshi and he laughs>

TH Yami Yoshi: Ha ha ha! That was pathetic! Now its my turn! DARK EGG!

Lupus: Ugh.........

SwordMaster: Wow! Fusion's fusion is much stronger than I thought!

Lupus: Fusion?

<Lupus suddenly sees Fusion>

Lupus: <thinking> Maybe if I kill Fusion, Twin-Headed Yami Yoshi will defuse and become weaker! Hey! Fusion! C'mere!

Fusion: Huh?


<Lupus fires a giant ray at Fusion that hits him. Fusion's body transforms into a piece of cheese>

TH Yami Yoshi: Wha?

Lupus: <eats Fusion> Mmmm...tasty! But what will be more tastier is your defeat Yami Yoshi!

TH Yami Yoshi: I can still beat you!

SwordMaster: Yami Yoshi! Your body is spliting!

TH Yami Yoshi: <looks at his body> Oh no! I'm defusing!

Introbulus: Oh no!

<When the smoke clears, Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh are seen slightly dazed>

Pharaoh: Dammit! The fusion wore off!

Yami Yoshi: And without Fusion, we can't fuse anymore!

Lupus: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! Prepare to meet your doom Yami Yoshi!

Author: Lupus[edit]

Lupus: Enough with this cherade! Hand over your lupins!

TH Yami Yoshi: We have no lupins!

Lupus: Fools! I happen to know this is the lupin express! Hand over the lupins and live! Bwahaha! *hologram switches off*

TH Yami Yoshi: What the heck?

Introbulus: So, he wants lupins?

Fusion: What the heck are lupins?

Lupin: I'm a lupin.

Swordmaster: In any case, we have no lupins. Which means Lupus is probably going to attack us.

TH Yami Yoshi: But I'm stronger than him. He won't be able to defeat us.

Lupin: I'm a lupin. Hand me over to him and avoid death.

Swordmaster: True. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's spacejump and kick his ass!

*The group leap from their rocket, attempting to jump into Lupus' ship. Unfortunately, gravity is against them and they are sucked into space, circling their way into a black hole*

Lupus: ...That was easier than I thought!


Swordmaster: It isn't just a big coincidence that inside the Blackhole happens to be the Time Rip?

Fusion: Shh! We're not supposed to know that yet!

????: SILENCE!

*The group stand in shock, looking into the stretches of empty space to where the voice was coming from. Slowly, a giant replica of Sephnito emerges from the shadows*

Sephnita: Are you allies of Lupus?!!?1/1111134

THYY: What?

Sephnita: Answer the question, fool!

THYY: No! We are sworn enemies!

Sephnita: Then I do not harm you!

THYY: I already killed you though.

Sephnita: I am sorry, you must be talking about my twin Sephnito. I am much stronger than him.

THYY: Join us! Help us defeat other people!

Sephnita: No! You have neglected me for too long! Ever since the first VGF Member OG, Page 3, Post 4! My servant ran away ten years ago! I devolved my pathetic life and turned myself back into a stone, and I was imprisoned for betrayal! I will get revenge yet!

THYY: We are fighting for the same cause! Join us!

Sephnita: OH! So you are fighting for turnips too?

THYY: No...

Sephnita: Then we shall not join! I will destroy the Earth for my pain! Thank you for ripping the Time Rip's entrance when you came in here. It is greatly appreciated. *flies out into space*

Swordmaster: Was that really needed?

Author: Lupus[edit]

Darnit, I posted before you edited. Can you merge them somehow?

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Sorry. I had to eat dinner so I had to come back to it. I'll edit it the best I can.