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==Author: Yami Yoshi==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Saru’s fireball detonates the golden hypercube, which creates an immense psychedelic electrical explosion. The hypercube’s golden radiant light dims and its rotation slows to a halt<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Saru: Damn it!
Gamechamp: Yes!
Jim: Whoa! What caused that?
Introbulus: <nowiki>*</nowiki>squinting down the corridor<nowiki>*</nowiki> It’s some other guy…and…Gamechamp?!
Gamechamp: Introbulus! And Jim! The Robot Team and I have been looking for you!
Jim: What are you guys doing here on the Apocalypse?
Gamechamp: We originally came here to search and destroy you…unfortunately it seems we’ve run into some trouble…once we reassemble the Robot Team, we’ll deal with you later!
Introbulus: [/sarcastically] Wow, that’s a relief…
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Suddenly, the room is re-illuminated by the golden light, and the hypercube begins to rotate again<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Jim: The power generator has been reactivated! We blew our only chance to escape!
Voice: Ahem…it would’ve taken MUCH more than that to deactivate the Apocalypse’s MAIN generator…
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Emperor Akujin materializes at the cylindrical base of the power generator<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Saru: Emperor Akujin!
Akujin: You…incompetent…fool! Your half-assed fireball attack nearly wiped out this entire battleship’s power!
Saru: M-my Lord! It was an accident! I swear!
Akujin: You should be grateful that I gave you the opportunity to rejoin the MPVP. Any more “accidents” and you will receive a personal demonstration of the Akujin Gun. Do you understand?
Saru: Y-yes my Lord…
Introbulus: Hey! Who are you?
Akujin: Oh…heh heh…how rude of me…not giving you all a proper introduction. I am Emperor Akujin, the supreme leader of the Most Powerful Villains Period council.
Gamechamp: YOU’RE the leader of the MPVP?
Jim: So you’re the one who has caused us all this trouble in the past few years!
Akujin: Ah, you two must be Introbulus and Jim, the cosmic warriors who assisted us in our Evil calamity several thousand years back. It’s too bad you’ve formed an alliance with Yami Yoshi and his assembly of fools…I actually considered letting you two join…
Introbulus: We will never join you!
Akujin: <nowiki>*</nowiki>sighs<nowiki>*</nowiki> Well…I guess it’s too late for that now…heh heh heh heh. You’ve certainly stirred up some trouble on board, haven’t you? Security systems have gone offline, several security drones have been destroyed…you filthy rats have been contaminating my beautiful ship…it’s time for me to put an end to this.
Saru: Master! Do you want me to assist you?
Akujin: Ha…you’re assistance will probably result in another “accident”. I’ll take on these three myself.
Introbulus: This might get a little rough…
Gamechamp: It’s three against one! We can’t lose!
Akujin: Well, well, well…if it isn’t Gamechamp…the leader of the Robot Team. Are you friends with these fools too?
Gamechamp: Hell no! I hate the OGers! The only reason the Robot Team and I boarded this ship was to KILL THEM!
Introbulus: <nowiki>*</nowiki>sweatdrop<nowiki>*</nowiki> Make that one against one…
Akujin: Mmm…I like your attitude kid…heh heh…unfortunately your power level is FAR below the standards of a MPVP member.
Gamechamp: Oh HELL no! I did NOT just hear that!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gamechamp’s arm transforms into Mega Man-esque cannon<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Jim: Gamechamp, you aren’t planning on fighting him are you? You’ll be creamed!
Gamechamp: Shut up you rag! I have EVERY POWER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gamechamp aims his arm cannon at Akujin and fires a barrage of electric energy balls towards him<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Akujin: Heh heh heh…
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The red demon eyeball pops out of Akujin’s forehead and emits a red flash. The energy balls freeze midair inches away from Akujin’s face<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: …what the?!?
Akujin: My turn.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Akujin points his index finger at Gamechamp and the energy balls zoom back towards him<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: What the…NOOOOO!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The energy balls rip through Gamechamp’s metal chest and fry several of his inner circuits<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: <nowiki>*</nowiki>clutching his stomach<nowiki>*</nowiki> Erg…there goes…my lunch…
Akujin: Your arm is about to go too.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Akujin Eye emits another red flash and Gamechamp’s arm cannon starts to twitch<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Gamechamp: …what the…my arm…it’s…NOOOOO!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gamechamp’s arm cannon bursts expelling cords, circuits, and metal fragments everywhere. Gamechamp collapses onto the floor and clutches his amputated arm<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Akujin: I’m impressed you three have been able to resist the power of the Akujin Eye. An average human would go insane upon sight of this eye. However, whatever the Akujin Eye wants to see…it sees… Now then…let’s see how well you two fare against it…
Jim: It's fusion time...are you ready, Intro?
Introbulus: Power of the Infinite!
Jim: Knowledge of the All-Knowing!
Introbulus & Jim: COMBINE! EXPAND!
Jimtrobulus: We are now Jimtrobulus, omnipotence and omniscience are at our disposal!
Gamechamp: Fusing? That is SO VGF Member OG 2!
Jimtrobulus: Well, you got PWNED by it so zip it, bub!
Akujin: Hmm…your combined power status is amazing…compared to mine though, it is only a mere fraction of it…
Jimtrobulus: We’ll see about that soon enough, won’t we? Power Punch!
To Be Continued…
==Author: Golem==
~Akujin, putting his third eye back in, quickly shifts his entire body to his right in order to dodge the Power Punch. Jimtrobulus' punch misses by a mile and lands somewhere at Akujin's left.~
Akujin: Give up yet?
Jimtrobulus: Far from it! Double Power Punch!
~Jimtrobulus lunges forward at Akujin, blocking him in between Jimtro's two arms. Akujin merely floats upward and watches Jimtro tackle the floor. Akujin then drops into gravity and pulls his legs back, then kicks them both down in time to hit Jimtro's back with great force. Akujin then floats up again, ready to attack again, when Jimtro gets up with a headbutt at Akujin.~
Jimtro: I didn't feel like calling the attack name that time!
~Akujin, of course, dodged it. As Akujin zooms towards them for another attack, Jimtro begins to noticing something...~
Jim: ~thinking~ Wasn't he moving slower that time?
Intro: ~thinking~ Yeah... Let's try that one more time...
~Jimtro jumps up with a horizontal punch engulfed in flames, and Akujin is barely able to dodge it, then land his own attack, a strike with his foot on Jimtro's back. Meanwhile, Gamechamp hopes he is sending a distress signal to the other members of the Robot Team to awake them, if it is still possible to do so (that is, awake them).~
Jim: ~thinking~ That's it. We may not seem to punch him...
Intro: ~thinking~ ...but we're doing _something_ to him.
Jim: ~thinking~ If we can just take care of him before he whips out that demon eye...!
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Flying Monkey approaches the Apocalypse. Within, the OGers are making last minute preparations for the attack.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Brooser: What's taking so long?
GORE: The Flying Monkey can't go any farther without being caught on the Apocalypse's sensors, and this ship's too bulky to avoid lasers if we get caught in a crossfire.
That Guy: Then what're we doing here?
Yami Yoshi: PL is creating small, individualized starships to carry us there!
PL: Okay, I believe they're done!
Legion: Alright, but I think we should go over the plan one more time first...
==Author: That Guy==
???: I will breif you. First will go around here loop de loop around the left ring then bounce up and down across the top of ship, then we will.................. and.................<br>
then................................................................................................................................................................................<br> .............................<br>
and drill a 2 centimeter hole which we will sqeeze through! Any quetions?
Brooser: couldn't we just get in through that unguarded ship bay?
???:................... We could do that, too.
==Author: Gamechamp==
Meanwhile, in a room nearby, the members of the Robot Team (minus Gamechamp) are attatched to special machines, unconcious.
Droid1: Programming complete.
Droid2: Running over download conditions... Error. Specimen Identified as "Black" not prepared.
The droids go over to Black's machine and check it. Black's eyes open. He is able to slice his swords through the metal bindings, strong enough to cut them. Black jumps to the ground and thrusts one sword through both droids, flings them off, jumps up and slices both in half.
Black: The only error going on is you. Now let's see...
Black walks over to the computer and tries to understand it.
Black: Hmm... I know what to do... do get them out, it's very simple...
He takes out his swords and destroys the computer system. It shuts down the machines the others and they wake up. Black slices thier bindings and they are free.
Black: It seems I've finally found the proper way to fix a computer.
Green: Yeah, whatever... hey! Red's giving out a distress signal! He's close by... we better hurry over there!
==Author: Yoshiyami==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi, GORE, Legion, Sergeant Shy Guy, Brooser, That Guy, and ??? follow PL-0TT to the landing bay of the Flying Monkey<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: Woah...what are those things?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Seven tiny starships only about seven feet in length lie juxtaposed across the landing bay<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PL-0TT: Those are "Hummingbirds". They are very agile and have excellent maneuverability. They are equipped with twin laser cannons, which are capable of piercing through even the thickest metal.
Legion: Nice…so what’s our battle plan?
PL-0TT: OK! Allow me to explain…
<nowiki>*</nowiki>PL-0TT produces a hologram of the Apocalypse, the massive dragon-shaped battleship<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PL-0TT: This is the Apocalypse. This massive battleship is approximately twenty miles in length and is armed with thousands of laser turrets and cannons...
Brooser: Yikes…how are we going to get in undetected?
PL-0TT: There's one unguarded section on the Apocalypse…the garbage chute.
That Guy: The garbage chute???
???: Did you just say my name?
That Guy: No, I was just expressing my shock by using three question marks.
PL-0TT: Despite it’s unsanitary-ness, it’s the only way we can safely get inside. The garbage chute is located on the lower rear section of the Apocalypse. It’s a thin tube that leads into the interior of the battleship. It’s a tight squeeze but the Hummingbirds should be able to fit through…
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Apocalypse hologram vanishes<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PL-0TT: One last thing…if the MPVP detects you…fly away. The Hummingbirds have excellent agility but their shield strength is subpar. A few good shots from a laser and you’re history…
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The OGers squeeze into the cockpits of the Hummingbirds. PL-0TT’s face appears on the monitor of their control panel<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PL-0TT: I will be monitoring your progress here on the Flying Monkey. I will contact you again once you’ve reached the exterior of Earth’s atmosphere. Let’s end this war today! Move Hummingbird, for great justice!
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Robot Team minus GameChamp run through the corridors of the Apocalypse in search of Red.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Green: I am Green, the mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!
Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!
Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark and attack with my double swords!
Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use it and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!
Black: Hurry up, we need to find the boss!
Saru: (appears behind Black) So you four are up for a second round, eh?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Without warning, Black spinds around to face Saru, slashing both his swords horizontally as he does so, only to find that Saru is no longer there. the group spreads out to look up and down the hallway for Saru while preparing for battle, Green choosing the deadliest gun in his arsenal while Blue jumped into a small mech which someone conviniantly left lying around, and Yellow polished his fists.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Blue: Where'd he go?
Black: I... don't know...
Saru: Ah, the only place where no one looks and the only place in whch your targets are most vulnerable...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Robot Team look up at the ceiling as Saru drops down on top of them, blasting fireballs in multiple directions, once again attempted to overheat the robots' metal parts. Yellow dashes forward and engages in hand-to-hand combat with Saru. Yellow repeatedly jabs forward, but Saru blocks each of the attacks and punches Yellow across the cheek with a flaming fist, knocking him into the far wall. He then notices Black attemting to sneak up from behind and turns aroujnd, meeting Black's double swords with his own flaming one. They embark in a quick battle while Saru also avoids gunfire from Green and Blue's mech. Black's swords get hotter from Saru's flaming blade and it warms his hands, forcing him to drop them and retreat into the shadows. Blue springs forward in the mech suit and wrestles with Saru, but Saru tears off its maching gun arm and fires it at the mech's chest, causing it to explode. Luckily Blue ejects in time, but in the distraction caused by the explosion, Saru has now also blown up Green's gun.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Saru: Heh, this almost a repeat of our last fight...
Green: Except for one thing...
Saru: And what is that?
Green: Black got through.
Saru: What?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Saru looks around the corridor and finds no sign of Black or his swords.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Saru: Why that little...! I'll go finish the job!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Saru then dashes down the hall in search of Black.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Yoshiyami==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The seven Hummingbirds blast off the Flying Monkey’s landing bay and fly through Earth’s exosphere in a “v” formation towards the enormous dragon-shaped battleship in the distance. Suddenly, PL-0TT's face reappears on the monitor<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PL-0TT: I see that Auto-Pilot has guided you all safely into space.
That Guy: You mean that WASN’T me piloting?!
???: No wonder you were flying so smoothly.
That Guy: Hey shut up!!!
???: My name is ???, not !!!.
That Guy: …
???: ???, not … .
PL-0TT: Annnnnyways, here’s how to fly your Hummingbird. Your headset will allow you to communicate with the other members of your fleet. Pull the joystick forward to descend and the pull the joystick backwards to ascend. Turning simply involves tilting the joystick in the direction you wish to turn. The green button on the joystick fires the laser cannons and the orange button activates the boost thrusters. The red button allows you to fire one of your bombs. Use these bombs wisely! If you ever need to eject, press that yellow button located on the right of the control panel. Understand? Good luck!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>PL-0TT’s face vanishes from the monitor<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: <nowiki>*</nowiki>taking a deep breath<nowiki>*</nowiki> Here we go…<nowiki>*</nowiki>rubs hands together<nowiki>*</nowiki> All right…we can do this… <nowiki>*</nowiki>into headset<nowiki>*</nowiki> ALL RIGHT! LET’S GO!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Hummingbirds activate their boost thrusters and zoom towards the Apocalypse<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: That Guy==
???: Not Jack.
TG: Whatever, Jack.
???: Grr...
TG: Now what did the Thingmabobber say? Up goes left and right goes backwards? The Yellow button activates the Armageddon?
???: No, The yellow button ejec-
TG: Quiet, Jack. Where do we go? Towards that heavily guarded docking bay?
???: No, towards the gar-
TG: QUIET! I'm bored. I think I'll open up a hole in the ship.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>TG reachs into the B'o'RC and pulls out a, Portable hole?<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Using the hole, TG goes through the deck and ends up in what looks like a prison cell.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
TG: Oops.
???: <nowiki>*</nowiki>Smacks forehead<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Will the others make it in? Will ??? get out of the cell? Will TG stop being an idiot? Will pigs ever fly? Find out in the next episode of ... Um... what was it again? DAng. I knew i shouldn't have taken this job.
==Author: Yoshiyami==
Yami Yoshi: Hey! Where did That Guy and ??? go?
Sergeant Shy Guy: I saw them approach the Apocalypse and disappear through a hole in the side.
Legion: We’ll worry about them later…we have to reach the garbage chute before the MPVP know we’re here!
Brooser: Too late.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Thousands of skull-shaped orbs pour out of the Apocalypse’s “mouth” and swarm towards the OGers<nowiki>*</nowiki>
GORE: Crap…the MPVP knows we’re here…
Yami Yoshi: What the hell are those things?!
Legion: It must be the army of the MPVP.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The skull orb army swarms closer and fires a bombardment of tiny red lasers at the OGers<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Brooser: What are we going to do?!
GORE: There’s thousands of them…we’ll be wiped out in seconds!
Yami Yoshi: Let’s see how they handle THIS!!!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi presses the red button on the joystick. A red missile is ejected from the Hummingbird’s bomb hatch and flies towards the swarm of skull-orbs. The fiery explosion blasts several skull-orbs to smithereens. However, scores of skull-orbs continue to pour out from the Apocalypse in the thousands<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yami Yoshi: Holy crap…what are we going to do?!
Legion: Let’s split up. Hopefully we’ll break the swarm and we’ll be able to handle the scores of them separately.
Yami Yoshi: Good idea…everyone break “v” formation!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Hummingbird armada splits up and flies in five separate directions<nowiki>*</nowiki>
To Be Continued…
==Author: Introbulus==
(Meanwhile, back with Akujin and Jimtrobulus...)
Akujin: (Dodges another attack, and suckerpunches Jimtro) C'mon! I know you can do better than this!
Jimtro: You'd love that, wouldn't you? So you could just throw it right back at us with that demon eye? We think not!
Akujin: Why, whatever do you mean? Oh, you mean...THIS demon eye?
(Akujin takes out the demon eye and waves it in front of Jimtro)
Jimtro: NO! Not that! (Hides behind cape) Evil coconuts! No!
Akujin: Yes, tremble in fear before...wait, evil coconuts?
(In the brief second that Akujin takes to try and figure out the combination of evil and coconuts, Jimtro manages to launch a powerful punch at Akujin. Without time to react properly, Jimtro manage to just barely graze across Akujin's face)
Akujin: AAAAK! My face! You insignificant pests! You'll pay for that!
(Akujin raises his hand and fires a ball of fiery energy at Jimtro. It's speed so great, one could barely see it. The force of the blast sends Jimtro reeling)
Jimtro: Gah...@_@
(Akujin uses another such attack, this one sends Jimtro up against a wall)
Jimtro: Aww cra...
(Another hit, and Jimtro falls to the ground, catching himself by his knee)
Akujin: ...(wipes his mouth) Pfft...pathetic...I don't see how you could possibly have survived for this long fighting so many of my minions without dying...
Jimtro: We've been wondering that ourselves for, like, years now. We think it has something to do with plot devices...
Akujin: It almost pains me to kill you so easily...
(Akujin takes out his thrid eye)
Akujin: But then again, if you can lay your hand on my face, then I can't have you meddling in my affairs anymore...you might actually do something to upset me...
(Akujin lifts the third eye)
Akujin: Goodbye OGers, it's been swell...
Jimtro: Goodbye yourself! (Suddenly, Jimtro pulls a mirror shield from out of nowhere)
Jimtro: Yeah, we've killed your sorry PG-Rated rear end!
Akujin: No, you fools...my third eye is...gaaaaaakkkk!!!
(Akujin begins to grow larger, and starts to take a new physical form)
Jimtro: ...This is bad...
Jimtro: ...Okay, so THIS is bad...
(To be continued)
==Author: Tim Wogan==
Suddenly, KOS-MOS appears
KOSMOS: I will consume the living and the dead.
Two Old Women: Not now, DAMMIT!
Sylvanas Windrunner: Give my regards to hell, you son of a bitch.
The Beatles appear!
A covert sniper shoot them all and they die.
Princess Garnet: I must find the Beatles' old toaster!
Akujin: Heh.
==Author: Wim Togan==
Richard Lowham: There you go again with your this and that, don't you have any shame for chain smoking?
Dolph: I'd only sniper once my pictures of fluent in Asian sex got out.
Ringo: There must be some kind of way out of here.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ringo and Dolph continue their quest to escape from whatever it is and arrive at Keanu Reeve's pizza palce<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Reeves: Identify or get burned with SCREWDRIVERS.
Ringo: What the <nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki> are you talking about? Banned.
To be continued...
==Author: Wim Togan==
George Lazenby: It's so unnatural, it's like SUPPERNATURAL! DISCO
Jewish Negro: Starlight rabbit, where's the footpedals?
Garnet: Right here where you left them Polo Boy.
Jonny Greenwood: What are you talking about mate.

Revision as of 16:02, 7 August 2007

Pages in the Member OG 5C Archive
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Author: Yami Yoshi

*Saru’s fireball detonates the golden hypercube, which creates an immense psychedelic electrical explosion. The hypercube’s golden radiant light dims and its rotation slows to a halt*

Saru: Damn it!

Gamechamp: Yes!

Jim: Whoa! What caused that?

Introbulus: *squinting down the corridor* It’s some other guy…and…Gamechamp?!

Gamechamp: Introbulus! And Jim! The Robot Team and I have been looking for you!

Jim: What are you guys doing here on the Apocalypse?

Gamechamp: We originally came here to search and destroy you…unfortunately it seems we’ve run into some trouble…once we reassemble the Robot Team, we’ll deal with you later!

Introbulus: [/sarcastically] Wow, that’s a relief…

*Suddenly, the room is re-illuminated by the golden light, and the hypercube begins to rotate again*

Jim: The power generator has been reactivated! We blew our only chance to escape!

Voice: Ahem…it would’ve taken MUCH more than that to deactivate the Apocalypse’s MAIN generator…

*Emperor Akujin materializes at the cylindrical base of the power generator*

Saru: Emperor Akujin!

Akujin: You…incompetent…fool! Your half-assed fireball attack nearly wiped out this entire battleship’s power!

Saru: M-my Lord! It was an accident! I swear!

Akujin: You should be grateful that I gave you the opportunity to rejoin the MPVP. Any more “accidents” and you will receive a personal demonstration of the Akujin Gun. Do you understand?

Saru: Y-yes my Lord…

Introbulus: Hey! Who are you?

Akujin: Oh…heh heh…how rude of me…not giving you all a proper introduction. I am Emperor Akujin, the supreme leader of the Most Powerful Villains Period council.

Gamechamp: YOU’RE the leader of the MPVP?

Jim: So you’re the one who has caused us all this trouble in the past few years!

Akujin: Ah, you two must be Introbulus and Jim, the cosmic warriors who assisted us in our Evil calamity several thousand years back. It’s too bad you’ve formed an alliance with Yami Yoshi and his assembly of fools…I actually considered letting you two join…

Introbulus: We will never join you!

Akujin: *sighs* Well…I guess it’s too late for that now…heh heh heh heh. You’ve certainly stirred up some trouble on board, haven’t you? Security systems have gone offline, several security drones have been destroyed…you filthy rats have been contaminating my beautiful ship…it’s time for me to put an end to this.

Saru: Master! Do you want me to assist you?

Akujin: Ha…you’re assistance will probably result in another “accident”. I’ll take on these three myself.

Introbulus: This might get a little rough…

Gamechamp: It’s three against one! We can’t lose!

Akujin: Well, well, well…if it isn’t Gamechamp…the leader of the Robot Team. Are you friends with these fools too?

Gamechamp: Hell no! I hate the OGers! The only reason the Robot Team and I boarded this ship was to KILL THEM!

Introbulus: *sweatdrop* Make that one against one…

Akujin: Mmm…I like your attitude kid…heh heh…unfortunately your power level is FAR below the standards of a MPVP member.

Gamechamp: Oh HELL no! I did NOT just hear that!

*Gamechamp’s arm transforms into Mega Man-esque cannon*

Jim: Gamechamp, you aren’t planning on fighting him are you? You’ll be creamed!

Gamechamp: Shut up you rag! I have EVERY POWER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!

*Gamechamp aims his arm cannon at Akujin and fires a barrage of electric energy balls towards him*

Akujin: Heh heh heh…

*The red demon eyeball pops out of Akujin’s forehead and emits a red flash. The energy balls freeze midair inches away from Akujin’s face*

Gamechamp: …what the?!?

Akujin: My turn.

*Akujin points his index finger at Gamechamp and the energy balls zoom back towards him*

Gamechamp: What the…NOOOOO!!!

*The energy balls rip through Gamechamp’s metal chest and fry several of his inner circuits*

Gamechamp: *clutching his stomach* Erg…there goes…my lunch…

Akujin: Your arm is about to go too.

*The Akujin Eye emits another red flash and Gamechamp’s arm cannon starts to twitch*

Gamechamp: …what the…my arm…it’s…NOOOOO!!!

*Gamechamp’s arm cannon bursts expelling cords, circuits, and metal fragments everywhere. Gamechamp collapses onto the floor and clutches his amputated arm*

Akujin: I’m impressed you three have been able to resist the power of the Akujin Eye. An average human would go insane upon sight of this eye. However, whatever the Akujin Eye wants to see…it sees… Now then…let’s see how well you two fare against it…

Jim: It's fusion time...are you ready, Intro?

Introbulus: Power of the Infinite!

Jim: Knowledge of the All-Knowing!

Introbulus & Jim: COMBINE! EXPAND!

Jimtrobulus: We are now Jimtrobulus, omnipotence and omniscience are at our disposal!

Gamechamp: Fusing? That is SO VGF Member OG 2!

Jimtrobulus: Well, you got PWNED by it so zip it, bub!

Akujin: Hmm…your combined power status is amazing…compared to mine though, it is only a mere fraction of it…

Jimtrobulus: We’ll see about that soon enough, won’t we? Power Punch!

To Be Continued…

Author: Golem

~Akujin, putting his third eye back in, quickly shifts his entire body to his right in order to dodge the Power Punch. Jimtrobulus' punch misses by a mile and lands somewhere at Akujin's left.~

Akujin: Give up yet?

Jimtrobulus: Far from it! Double Power Punch!

~Jimtrobulus lunges forward at Akujin, blocking him in between Jimtro's two arms. Akujin merely floats upward and watches Jimtro tackle the floor. Akujin then drops into gravity and pulls his legs back, then kicks them both down in time to hit Jimtro's back with great force. Akujin then floats up again, ready to attack again, when Jimtro gets up with a headbutt at Akujin.~

Jimtro: I didn't feel like calling the attack name that time!

~Akujin, of course, dodged it. As Akujin zooms towards them for another attack, Jimtro begins to noticing something...~

Jim: ~thinking~ Wasn't he moving slower that time?

Intro: ~thinking~ Yeah... Let's try that one more time...

~Jimtro jumps up with a horizontal punch engulfed in flames, and Akujin is barely able to dodge it, then land his own attack, a strike with his foot on Jimtro's back. Meanwhile, Gamechamp hopes he is sending a distress signal to the other members of the Robot Team to awake them, if it is still possible to do so (that is, awake them).~

Jim: ~thinking~ That's it. We may not seem to punch him...

Intro: ~thinking~ ...but we're doing _something_ to him.

Jim: ~thinking~ If we can just take care of him before he whips out that demon eye...!


*The Flying Monkey approaches the Apocalypse. Within, the OGers are making last minute preparations for the attack.*

Brooser: What's taking so long?

GORE: The Flying Monkey can't go any farther without being caught on the Apocalypse's sensors, and this ship's too bulky to avoid lasers if we get caught in a crossfire.

That Guy: Then what're we doing here?

Yami Yoshi: PL is creating small, individualized starships to carry us there!

PL: Okay, I believe they're done!

Legion: Alright, but I think we should go over the plan one more time first...

Author: That Guy

???: I will breif you. First will go around here loop de loop around the left ring then bounce up and down across the top of ship, then we will.................. and.................
and drill a 2 centimeter hole which we will sqeeze through! Any quetions?

Brooser: couldn't we just get in through that unguarded ship bay?

???:................... We could do that, too.

Author: Gamechamp

Meanwhile, in a room nearby, the members of the Robot Team (minus Gamechamp) are attatched to special machines, unconcious.

Droid1: Programming complete.

Droid2: Running over download conditions... Error. Specimen Identified as "Black" not prepared.

The droids go over to Black's machine and check it. Black's eyes open. He is able to slice his swords through the metal bindings, strong enough to cut them. Black jumps to the ground and thrusts one sword through both droids, flings them off, jumps up and slices both in half.

Black: The only error going on is you. Now let's see...

Black walks over to the computer and tries to understand it.

Black: Hmm... I know what to do... do get them out, it's very simple...

He takes out his swords and destroys the computer system. It shuts down the machines the others and they wake up. Black slices thier bindings and they are free.

Black: It seems I've finally found the proper way to fix a computer.

Green: Yeah, whatever... hey! Red's giving out a distress signal! He's close by... we better hurry over there!

Author: Yoshiyami

*Yami Yoshi, GORE, Legion, Sergeant Shy Guy, Brooser, That Guy, and ??? follow PL-0TT to the landing bay of the Flying Monkey*

Yami Yoshi: Woah...what are those things?

*Seven tiny starships only about seven feet in length lie juxtaposed across the landing bay*

PL-0TT: Those are "Hummingbirds". They are very agile and have excellent maneuverability. They are equipped with twin laser cannons, which are capable of piercing through even the thickest metal.

Legion: Nice…so what’s our battle plan?

PL-0TT: OK! Allow me to explain…

*PL-0TT produces a hologram of the Apocalypse, the massive dragon-shaped battleship*

PL-0TT: This is the Apocalypse. This massive battleship is approximately twenty miles in length and is armed with thousands of laser turrets and cannons...

Brooser: Yikes…how are we going to get in undetected?

PL-0TT: There's one unguarded section on the Apocalypse…the garbage chute.

That Guy: The garbage chute???

???: Did you just say my name?

That Guy: No, I was just expressing my shock by using three question marks.

PL-0TT: Despite it’s unsanitary-ness, it’s the only way we can safely get inside. The garbage chute is located on the lower rear section of the Apocalypse. It’s a thin tube that leads into the interior of the battleship. It’s a tight squeeze but the Hummingbirds should be able to fit through…

*The Apocalypse hologram vanishes*

PL-0TT: One last thing…if the MPVP detects you…fly away. The Hummingbirds have excellent agility but their shield strength is subpar. A few good shots from a laser and you’re history…

*The OGers squeeze into the cockpits of the Hummingbirds. PL-0TT’s face appears on the monitor of their control panel*

PL-0TT: I will be monitoring your progress here on the Flying Monkey. I will contact you again once you’ve reached the exterior of Earth’s atmosphere. Let’s end this war today! Move Hummingbird, for great justice!


*The Robot Team minus GameChamp run through the corridors of the Apocalypse in search of Red.*

Green: I am Green, the mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use it and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!

Black: Hurry up, we need to find the boss!

Saru: (appears behind Black) So you four are up for a second round, eh?

*Without warning, Black spinds around to face Saru, slashing both his swords horizontally as he does so, only to find that Saru is no longer there. the group spreads out to look up and down the hallway for Saru while preparing for battle, Green choosing the deadliest gun in his arsenal while Blue jumped into a small mech which someone conviniantly left lying around, and Yellow polished his fists.*

Blue: Where'd he go?

Black: I... don't know...

Saru: Ah, the only place where no one looks and the only place in whch your targets are most vulnerable...

*The Robot Team look up at the ceiling as Saru drops down on top of them, blasting fireballs in multiple directions, once again attempted to overheat the robots' metal parts. Yellow dashes forward and engages in hand-to-hand combat with Saru. Yellow repeatedly jabs forward, but Saru blocks each of the attacks and punches Yellow across the cheek with a flaming fist, knocking him into the far wall. He then notices Black attemting to sneak up from behind and turns aroujnd, meeting Black's double swords with his own flaming one. They embark in a quick battle while Saru also avoids gunfire from Green and Blue's mech. Black's swords get hotter from Saru's flaming blade and it warms his hands, forcing him to drop them and retreat into the shadows. Blue springs forward in the mech suit and wrestles with Saru, but Saru tears off its maching gun arm and fires it at the mech's chest, causing it to explode. Luckily Blue ejects in time, but in the distraction caused by the explosion, Saru has now also blown up Green's gun.*

Saru: Heh, this almost a repeat of our last fight...

Green: Except for one thing...

Saru: And what is that?

Green: Black got through.

Saru: What?

*Saru looks around the corridor and finds no sign of Black or his swords.*

Saru: Why that little...! I'll go finish the job!

*Saru then dashes down the hall in search of Black.*

Author: Yoshiyami

*The seven Hummingbirds blast off the Flying Monkey’s landing bay and fly through Earth’s exosphere in a “v” formation towards the enormous dragon-shaped battleship in the distance. Suddenly, PL-0TT's face reappears on the monitor*

PL-0TT: I see that Auto-Pilot has guided you all safely into space.

That Guy: You mean that WASN’T me piloting?!

???: No wonder you were flying so smoothly.

That Guy: Hey shut up!!!

???: My name is ???, not !!!.

That Guy: …

???: ???, not … .

PL-0TT: Annnnnyways, here’s how to fly your Hummingbird. Your headset will allow you to communicate with the other members of your fleet. Pull the joystick forward to descend and the pull the joystick backwards to ascend. Turning simply involves tilting the joystick in the direction you wish to turn. The green button on the joystick fires the laser cannons and the orange button activates the boost thrusters. The red button allows you to fire one of your bombs. Use these bombs wisely! If you ever need to eject, press that yellow button located on the right of the control panel. Understand? Good luck!

*PL-0TT’s face vanishes from the monitor*

Yami Yoshi: *taking a deep breath* Here we go…*rubs hands together* All right…we can do this… *into headset* ALL RIGHT! LET’S GO!

*The Hummingbirds activate their boost thrusters and zoom towards the Apocalypse*

Author: That Guy


???: Not Jack.

TG: Whatever, Jack.

???: Grr...

TG: Now what did the Thingmabobber say? Up goes left and right goes backwards? The Yellow button activates the Armageddon?

???: No, The yellow button ejec-

TG: Quiet, Jack. Where do we go? Towards that heavily guarded docking bay?

???: No, towards the gar-

TG: QUIET! I'm bored. I think I'll open up a hole in the ship.

*TG reachs into the B'o'RC and pulls out a, Portable hole?*

*Using the hole, TG goes through the deck and ends up in what looks like a prison cell.*

TG: Oops.

???: *Smacks forehead*

Will the others make it in? Will ??? get out of the cell? Will TG stop being an idiot? Will pigs ever fly? Find out in the next episode of ... Um... what was it again? DAng. I knew i shouldn't have taken this job.

Author: Yoshiyami

Yami Yoshi: Hey! Where did That Guy and ??? go?

Sergeant Shy Guy: I saw them approach the Apocalypse and disappear through a hole in the side.

Legion: We’ll worry about them later…we have to reach the garbage chute before the MPVP know we’re here!

Brooser: Too late.

*Thousands of skull-shaped orbs pour out of the Apocalypse’s “mouth” and swarm towards the OGers*

GORE: Crap…the MPVP knows we’re here…

Yami Yoshi: What the hell are those things?!

Legion: It must be the army of the MPVP.

*The skull orb army swarms closer and fires a bombardment of tiny red lasers at the OGers*

Brooser: What are we going to do?!

GORE: There’s thousands of them…we’ll be wiped out in seconds!

Yami Yoshi: Let’s see how they handle THIS!!!

*Yami Yoshi presses the red button on the joystick. A red missile is ejected from the Hummingbird’s bomb hatch and flies towards the swarm of skull-orbs. The fiery explosion blasts several skull-orbs to smithereens. However, scores of skull-orbs continue to pour out from the Apocalypse in the thousands*

Yami Yoshi: Holy crap…what are we going to do?!

Legion: Let’s split up. Hopefully we’ll break the swarm and we’ll be able to handle the scores of them separately.

Yami Yoshi: Good idea…everyone break “v” formation!

*The Hummingbird armada splits up and flies in five separate directions*

To Be Continued…

Author: Introbulus

(Meanwhile, back with Akujin and Jimtrobulus...)

Akujin: (Dodges another attack, and suckerpunches Jimtro) C'mon! I know you can do better than this!

Jimtro: You'd love that, wouldn't you? So you could just throw it right back at us with that demon eye? We think not!

Akujin: Why, whatever do you mean? Oh, you mean...THIS demon eye?

(Akujin takes out the demon eye and waves it in front of Jimtro)

Jimtro: NO! Not that! (Hides behind cape) Evil coconuts! No!

Akujin: Yes, tremble in fear before...wait, evil coconuts?

(In the brief second that Akujin takes to try and figure out the combination of evil and coconuts, Jimtro manages to launch a powerful punch at Akujin. Without time to react properly, Jimtro manage to just barely graze across Akujin's face)

Akujin: AAAAK! My face! You insignificant pests! You'll pay for that!

(Akujin raises his hand and fires a ball of fiery energy at Jimtro. It's speed so great, one could barely see it. The force of the blast sends Jimtro reeling)

Jimtro: Gah...@_@

(Akujin uses another such attack, this one sends Jimtro up against a wall)

Jimtro: Aww cra...

(Another hit, and Jimtro falls to the ground, catching himself by his knee)

Akujin: ...(wipes his mouth) Pfft...pathetic...I don't see how you could possibly have survived for this long fighting so many of my minions without dying...

Jimtro: We've been wondering that ourselves for, like, years now. We think it has something to do with plot devices...

Akujin: It almost pains me to kill you so easily...

(Akujin takes out his thrid eye)

Akujin: But then again, if you can lay your hand on my face, then I can't have you meddling in my affairs anymore...you might actually do something to upset me...

(Akujin lifts the third eye)

Akujin: Goodbye OGers, it's been swell...

Jimtro: Goodbye yourself! (Suddenly, Jimtro pulls a mirror shield from out of nowhere)


Jimtro: Yeah, we've killed your sorry PG-Rated rear end!

Akujin: No, you fools...my third eye is...gaaaaaakkkk!!!

(Akujin begins to grow larger, and starts to take a new physical form)

Jimtro: ...This is bad...


Jimtro: ...Okay, so THIS is bad...

(To be continued)

Author: Tim Wogan

Suddenly, KOS-MOS appears


KOSMOS: I will consume the living and the dead.

Two Old Women: Not now, DAMMIT!


Sylvanas Windrunner: Give my regards to hell, you son of a bitch.

The Beatles appear!


A covert sniper shoot them all and they die.

Princess Garnet: I must find the Beatles' old toaster!


Akujin: Heh.

Author: Wim Togan

Richard Lowham: There you go again with your this and that, don't you have any shame for chain smoking?


Dolph: I'd only sniper once my pictures of fluent in Asian sex got out.

Ringo: There must be some kind of way out of here.

*Ringo and Dolph continue their quest to escape from whatever it is and arrive at Keanu Reeve's pizza palce*


Reeves: Identify or get burned with SCREWDRIVERS.

Ringo: What the **** are you talking about? Banned.


To be continued...

Author: Wim Togan

George Lazenby: It's so unnatural, it's like SUPPERNATURAL! DISCO


Jewish Negro: Starlight rabbit, where's the footpedals?

Garnet: Right here where you left them Polo Boy.



Jonny Greenwood: What are you talking about mate.