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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Fred: Wait... I'm remembering something from another time, another OG... eh?
Fred: Wait... I'm remembering something from another time, another OG... eh?
    quote: Fred: Ok. So what?
    Fortune Teller: So you need to know. There will come a time when you will overcome numerous great opponents. You will help overcome EVIL. You will aid the war on the Seph-gods. You will narrowly beat some opponents. You will be beaten a bunch of times by the group you were in before. You must become opponent with one of their members, BSD. You may need to beat him to reach your ultimate goal...
<i>Fred: Ok. So what?
    Fred: That's nice and all, but I need to get to my hockey game, eh?
Fortune Teller: So you need to know. There will come a time when you will overcome numerous great opponents. You will help overcome EVIL. You will aid the war on the Seph-gods. You will narrowly beat some opponents. You will be beaten a bunch of times by the group you were in before. You must become opponent with one of their members, BSD. You may need to beat him to reach your ultimate goal...
    Fortune Teller: Shut up and listen. Your ultimate mission is to kill the one named... King Bob.
Fred: That's nice and all, but I need to get to my hockey game, eh?
    Fred: Sure, why not?
Fortune Teller: Shut up and listen. Your ultimate mission is to kill the one named... King Bob.
    Fortune Teller: Honestly, how are you filled with so much friggen potential if you're so stupid- Well, whatever. You must destroy him, since he destroyed Wafflonia.
Fred: Sure, why not?
    Fred: Come again?
Fortune Teller: Honestly, how are you filled with so much friggen potential if you're so stupid- Well, whatever. You must destroy him, since he destroyed Wafflonia.
    Fortune Teller: Very well. Wafflonia was a planet that had earth's exact orbit, but was on the other side of the sun, so could never be seen. Your Great-Great grandparents escaped when King Bob the Demolisher wiped it out. You are the sole desendant of that planet.
Fred: Come again?
    Fred: Ok.  
Fortune Teller: Very well. Wafflonia was a planet that had earth's exact orbit, but was on the other side of the sun, so could never be seen. Your Great-Great grandparents escaped when King Bob the Demolisher wiped it out. You are the sole desendant of that planet.
Fred: Ok.</i>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Back at the Yoshi Ranch<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Back at the Yoshi Ranch<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Line 463: Line 467:
Saru: You have every power in the universe. You can defend yourself.
Saru: You have every power in the universe. You can defend yourself.
19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)
Author #1: Ahh, yes. Can't you just feel the story wrapping up in its normal ending?
Author #1: Ahh, yes. Can't you just feel the story wrapping up in its normal ending?
Line 473: Line 477:
Author #3: Meh...
Author #3: Meh...
19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)19:54, 22 August 2007 (MDT)
~In a room holding Introbulus and Dark Jim...~
~In a room holding Introbulus and Dark Jim...~
Introbulus: It's time for you to pay for what you did to Jim.
Introbulus: <b>It's time for you to pay for what you did to Jim.</b>
Dark Jim: Calm down, "Trobby." You almost destroyed the universe last time you got like this.
Dark Jim: Calm down, "Trobby." You almost destroyed the universe last time you got like this.

Latest revision as of 20:07, 22 August 2007

Pages in the Member OG 6 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

Author: Golem[edit]

~Legion's room is empty with silvery metallic walls, the floor about two yards by two yards. As soon as he lands, he looks around for air vents and finds one in the middle of a wall. He walks over to the wlal removes the cover on the vent, then hears a hissing sound. Soon, a strange yellow gas billows out of the vent. Legion gets low to the ground, gets out his pistol, and starts pumping bullets into the wall to the right of the vent, starting at the top. Imbetween heavy coughs, he starts aiming close to the floor.~

AaronGuy's Voice: OW! My hand!!

Legion: Aaron~COUGH~Guy? Is that you?

AaronGuy's Voice: Yeah, and I'd appreciate not getting shot at while fighting undead monkeys! And what's this yellow stuff?!

Legion: Just escape the way the monkeys came. We can't give Akujin any more time!

~Legion tries shooting more bullets, only to find that he is all out. However, he manages to find more, and quickly loads them in. Amidst coughs, he begins shooting a preferated circle in the wall, just big enough for him to crawl through were it a hole. Legion throws his fists as hard as he can against the circle, but it doesn't budge. He shoots yet more holes at the top of the ceiling, feeling weaker by the second.~

Legion: AaronGuy?


Legion: Monkeys?

~Silence as the yellow smoke escapes slowly through the holes in the wall.

Elsewhere, in an unknown hall, AaronGuy runs. His right hand is poorly bandaged with tissues. Three gorillas are on his tail, all with deteriorating skin and somewhat similar to GORE-ILLA in appearance...~

AaronGuy: Access to security has gotta be around here somewhere!

Author: Yami[edit]

Yami Yoshi: **** your stupid Shadow Game! Dark Egg!

~Just as Yami Yoshi prepares to hurl the Dark Egg, Chizu pulls out a dagger and presses the blade against her throat.~

Chizu: One false move…and the girl dies!

~Yami Yoshi hesitates…and hurls the Dark Egg against the wall.~

Chizu: ~lowers the dagger~ That’s better…now will you play this Shadow Game…or let this innocent girl die?

Yami Yoshi: ~thinking~ Damn…I can’t let this innocent girl die…she’s kinda cute…but the author doesn’t feel like writing ANOTHER card battle…what to do…

Chizu: ~impatient~ Well…what’s your decision?

Yami Yoshi: ~muttering~ I hope this works…MIND CRUSH!

~Nothing happens.~

Chizu: Ha ha ha ha ha! Fool! You don’t have the powers of the Pharaoh! You are just another weak descendent… ~raises dagger~…like this girl! Now she will die, because of your foolishne—

~Chizu’s words are cut short when her body stiffens and her eyes go blank. The dagger falls and clatters against the metal floor.~

Chizu: …BLORCH!!

~Chizu’s mouth opens and spews out a cloud of darkness.~

Chizu: Ugh…

~Chizu collapses.~

Yami Yoshi: Chizu!

~The cloud of darkness assumes the form of a wounded, exhausted Qwirtzok.~

Qwirtzok: Huff…huff…d-damn…to think that the power of the Pharaoh would be passed down all these generations…

Yami Yoshi: It’s over, Qwirtzok!

Qwirtzok: Oh well…I still have the strength left to kill you and possess your body…your body will make the perfect host for me! Die Yami Yoshi!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*GORE and Beezlebub face off in the MPVP HQ's Lava Room, which consists of a large circular platform suspended above a pit of lava via chains. Between the lava and the platform was a series of catwalks.*

GORE: So tell me, why does the MPVP need a Lava Room...?

Beezlebub: It's too complicated for your primitive mind to comprehend!

*Beezlebub lunges at GORE, who tumbles over backward, and Beezlebub rolls over him. They stumble until GORE kicks Beezlebub off of him, and the Kradian falls from the side of the platform. He grabs onto on of the catwalks and springs back up, but right into GORE's outstretched flesh fist. Beezlebub trips around the platform as he covers his bloody nose.*

GORE: Do you really think you can hold me if in a fist fight?

Beezlebub: (smirks) Not yet!

*Beezlebub dashes across the platform to a machine which was convieniantly plugged in there. Beezle straps himself to it and activates it. Electricity surges through his body as flesh and blood turn into metal and circuitry. Then Beezlebub unstraps himself, completely robotomated. The chains strain from the extra weight.*

Beezlebub: Ha! Behold my Robotmaker!

GORE: You stole that idea from the Archie/SatAM Robotnik!

Beezlebub: ...No! That's called a robotICIZER! Now let's see who has the upperhand!

*Beezlebub clomps toward GORE eerily. GORE and Beezlebub grapple. GORE feels pain from his mechanical hand.*

GORE: Urgh!

Beezlebub: Inefficient fool! Your flesh makes you weak!

*Beezlebub releases his hand from GORE's mechanical arm. Then he yanks hard on the organic arm and whips GORE about, but just enough so the arm doesn't pop out of his socket. He ends by kicking GORE in the stomach, sending the gorilla flying to the catwalks. Beezlebub hopes down and slowly approaches GORE. Shade casually strolls into the room via a door on the catwalks as he slurps a soda can. He gags as he spots the OGer drops his can as he dashes from the room.*

*SwordMaster is singing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" when Shade dashes into his room and pants for air.*

Shade: Sorry... late...

*Fusion winds up in the Computer Room and spins around to face Chaos.*

*Elsewhere, That Guy and ??? face off with King Bob.*

King Bob: Join me, and together we will spread randomness throughout the galaxy!

That Guy: NEVER!!!

King Bob: I'll throw in a free toaster.

???: I'm in!

That Guy: Hey!

???: Sorry.

*??? pulls a donkey out of the Bag o' Random Crap and tosses it into the air. King Bob produces a closet door, which he uses as a baseball bat to knock the donkey at That Guy. Luckily the donkey is deflected by a familiar hammer.*

That Guy: Who...?

Fred: Fight = Go!

Author: Golem[edit]

~In some hall, AaronGuy continues to run. He sees doors on his left and doors on his right, but he does not have the time to look at them all carefully because of the gorillas chasing him. Side by side, two person-like beings in cloaks (which hide every detail of their bodies) appear in the tunnel before AaronGuy, running quickly towards him. They free their five-fingered hands from their cloak sleeves and the hands start to glow. AaronGuy, unable to stop, runs within a half of a meter of them, then dives into a sumersault in the center of the hall and under both of the cloaked guards. They trip over him and instinctively put their hands in front of them as they fall. The guards land on the gorillas hand-first and, hands still glowing, put holes the size of their hands straight through each gorilla where their hand touches.

AaronGuy looks back at the pile of guards and gorillas to find that one of the guards has dropped a card of some sort. AaronGuy snatches it up quickly before bringing himself up off the ground, and, seeing a slot for a card key near a door on his left, he rushes to the wall on his left. AaronGuy swipes the card and the door slides open instantly, revealing Swordmaster's room.~

AaronGuy: ~poking his head in the door~ Time to leave!

SwordMaster: ~gesturing to a confused Shade~ I can't leave!

AaronGuy: ~rolling sideways out of the doorway and out of the way of a lunging guard~ All that matters now is defatting--er--defeating Akujin! Delays are what has kept him safe! ~jumps up, bounces off of the back of one of the gorillas~

SwordMaster: Fine!

~Swordmaster dashes out of the room, hitting the guard in the doorway with the blunt part of his sword on the way out. AaronGuy runs his card key through the slit again, closing the door and leaving one guard in the room with Shade.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*In one corridor, a small group of five guards stroll by in search of the two fugitives. After they've passed out of sight, Saru slips out from the shadows and withdrew the data disk he had nabbed from the Apcalypse out of his pocket. But the disk's security was too powerful for the Skull Jet's computer to override. But he knew one that would...*

*In the computer room, Fusion skidded across the ground, smashing through several monitors until he landed in a smoking heap on the floor. Lord Chaos cackled victoriously. However Fusion was able to climb to his feet and release and awesome blast of explosive elemental energy- his Elemental Cannon. Chaos's screams were heard from the cloud of dust, and they weren't too masculine. When the smoke cleared, half of Chaos's body had been wiped away, freeing a stream of purpleish blood.*

Fusion: This should be easy!

Chaos: Heh heh heh... CUR4!

*Chaos's missing body parts return as he restores himself to full health.*

Fusion: Son of a *****, can any of you die for once?

Chaos: I could say the same to you, godmodder!

Fusion: That's it!

*Fusion tackles Chaos, and they immediately begin super-sissy-slapping each other. So focused are they that neither hears the door open, sees Saru stroll past, or smells a data disk being inserted into the Main Computer at the front of the room. Saru furiously types away as he hacks into the data. Then his eyes widen as he beholds the object of his desires.*

Fusion: You can't hold forever!

Chaos: I'll... fight you... to the end!

*One of Fusion's slaps grazes against Chaos's cheek. This causes Chaos to spontaneously combust, leaving no trace of his body.*

Fusion: Yes! I win!

*Neither of them even tastes Saru strolling past them again, this time with a smirk on his face, since one is too busy celebrating while the other is pretty dead.*

*Back to the Lava Room with the catwalk and the slowly approaching.*

Beezlebub: You obselete dumbass! Mecha-Dark GORE must've been blind to have lost to you!

GORE: Hey! He may have been my evil half, but even he had enough good in him to help! I bet you have some good buried down there, too!

*Beezlebub grabs GORE by neck and holds him as high as he can- which is pretty high. He tightens his grip on GORE's throat, causing him to gag.*

GORE: C-c'mon...h-he killed your people...

*Beezlebub lowers GORE until they see eye to dark, cold, void-like eye.*

Beezlebub: Good riddance.

*Beezlebub slams GORE against the ground wit a loud THWUMP! GORE feels bones snapping and metal crunching as the impact leaves an indentation in the floor. GORE is about to climb to his feet, when Beezlebub slams his foot on GORE's back, holding him down with even more pain.*

GORE: Urgh... what?

Beezlebub: The Kradians deserved their feet! They were weak, unintelligible barbaric creatures!

GORE: But you're... one of them...

Beezlebub: Not anymore! Lord Akujin always liked me and only me out of the Kradians! I was his trusted advisor. Lord Akujin trusted me so much, he told me to constantly inspire rebellion among the Kradians, so I could learn how treacherous tehy could be towards their own master. But now I am a Kradin no more! When my weak parents were murdered as a child, it was Lord Akujin who raised me! Now I live up to his greatest dreams: I am no longer Kradian but a machine, and I am about to destroy one of his greatest enemies.

GORE: ...

*With a sudden flow of strength, GORE bucks up suddenly and trips Beezlebub off his back. Beezle quickly regains his footing as he stands directly beneath the suspended platform. But GORE has other things in mind.*


*GORE fires a red blast of energy from his hands. Not at Beezlebub. Instead it cuts through the chains holding the suspended platform up. The cirucular platform tumbles down, whanging Beezlebub on the head as it falls. The platform causes that section of the catwalk to fall to the lava with Beezlebub and the platform. The platform slowly starts to sink into the lava as Beezlebub hangs o with one hand. GORE turns and begins to run when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he sees Beezlebub's hand hanging from his shoulder; Beezlebub's arm had stretched all the way to grab GORE's shoulder. But he wasn't yanked into the pit. Indtead he saw Beezlebub's eyes look oddly sad.*

GORE: What is this?

Beezlebub: Go... stop Akujin... avenge... my people...

*With that, Beezlebub's hand retracts. GORE rushes towards his aid, but Beezlebub lets go of the already nearly-sunk platform and falls into the lava, where the machine's body is crushed and the Kradian's soul is freed. GORE says not a word as he walks out of the room.*

*Elsewhere, Akujin stands before the meditating BSD when a guard rushes in, shaking Dragoshi to conciousness.*

Akujin: I said no distractions!

Guard: Sir, this is important. We've found one. After the searching, we finally found one preserved on an asteroid that once was part of New Jersey.

*The Guard holds up a moldy-looking quarter.*

Akujin: Excellent! Now we have all we need. Dragoshi, it's time to repay your debt to me...

Author: Yami[edit]

Qwirtzok: Die Yami Yoshi! Omega Obelisk!

~Qwirtzok conjures a massive black diamond obelisk between his hands and hurls it at Yami Yoshi.~

Yami Yoshi: Yikes!

~Yami Yoshi narrowly sidesteps the stone missile as it grazes his right shoulder.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi winces in pain from his right shoulder wound as he hurls the Dark Egg. Qwirtzok laughs as the egg flies off-course and misses by several feet.~

Yami Yoshi: ****ing arm…

Qwirtzok: Ha ha ha! Even in my weakened state, you still can’t defeat me! Hieroglyph Hail!

~Qwirtzok mutters a curse and several hieroglyphic characters fly out of his mouth towards Yami Yoshi.~

Yami Yoshi: Egg Shield!

~A translucent Egg Shield surrounds Yami Yoshi. The hieroglyphic characters shimmer and vanish upon contact.~

Yami Yoshi: Dark Omelet!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at Qwirtzok.~

Qwirtzok: Pyramid Protect!

~A stone hand composed entirely of pyramid blocks materializes in front of Qwirtzok and protects him from the bombardment of Dark Eggs.~

Qwirtzok: Pyramid Punch!

~The stone hand curls into the shape of a fist and flies towards Yami Yoshi. The fist shatters Yami Yoshi’s Egg Shield and pins him against the wall.~

Yami Yoshi: ~coughing up blood~ Hack…cough…

~Yami Yoshi passes out.~

Qwirtzok: Ha ha ha ha ha! Now your body is mine!

~As Qwirtzok approaches Yami Yoshi, the pyramid fist suddenly explodes.~

Qwirtzok: What the hell?!?

~Yami Yoshi emerges from the rubble, his eyes blazing fiery red.~

Yami Yoshi: ~Pharaoh’s voice~ I hope Yami Yoshi doesn’t mind me borrowing his body again…

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*That Guy and ??? are locked in mortal combat.*

That Guy: ???! Come on pal, come to your senses!

???: Okay. (stops fighting)

That Guy: Now that was easy.

*They see Fred and King Bob locked in deadly battle.*

???: Should we help them?

That Guy: ...Check the Bag o' Random Crap for popcorn.

Fred: Why do you feel familiar?

King Bob: You're Sir Frederick of Waffles, eh? I've heard of you, I destroyed your home-planet of Wafflonia!

Fred: Wait... I'm remembering something from another time, another OG... eh?


Fred: Ok. So what?

Fortune Teller: So you need to know. There will come a time when you will overcome numerous great opponents. You will help overcome EVIL. You will aid the war on the Seph-gods. You will narrowly beat some opponents. You will be beaten a bunch of times by the group you were in before. You must become opponent with one of their members, BSD. You may need to beat him to reach your ultimate goal...

Fred: That's nice and all, but I need to get to my hockey game, eh?

Fortune Teller: Shut up and listen. Your ultimate mission is to kill the one named... King Bob.

Fred: Sure, why not?

Fortune Teller: Honestly, how are you filled with so much friggen potential if you're so stupid- Well, whatever. You must destroy him, since he destroyed Wafflonia.

Fred: Come again?

Fortune Teller: Very well. Wafflonia was a planet that had earth's exact orbit, but was on the other side of the sun, so could never be seen. Your Great-Great grandparents escaped when King Bob the Demolisher wiped it out. You are the sole desendant of that planet.

Fred: Ok.


*Back at the Yoshi Ranch*

Qwirtzok: Impossible! You're dead! And- and the Millennium Egg is now connected to my soul, not your's!

(Pharaoh) Yami Yoshi: Before I died on Krad, I managed to use one last spell to transfer my soul into Yami Yoshi's body. Sorry Qwirtzok, but this body's taken.

Qwirtzok: Then I'll take it by force!

*Qwirtzok lunges toward Yami Yoshi, who easily dodges the weary spirit's techniques and sneds him reeling with just one punch.*

(Pharoah) Yami Yoshi: Just give up, Qwirtzok. There's no way you can win now.

Qwirtzok: Urk... I still have one trick... up my sleeve! In Egypt, my men pledged to serve me as long as I live and expand my empire. Through their pledge they live still!

*Qwirtzok waves his hands, and a cloud of dust forms into an army of skeletons in ancient Egyptian armor, wielding ancient blades and stuff.*

(Pharaoh) Yami Yoshi: ...Damn! And I used up my army already!

Qwirtzok: Now... attack!

*The army nods in unison as they march towards Yami from all sides. Pharoah summons all his strength, fighting off all the skeletons in a similar fashion to Neo taking care of the Agent Smith clones in The Matrix Reloaded. But no matter how many times he knocked them down, they came back up- sometimes missing a few limbs, though. So Yami made his way towards the destroyed prison and picked up an iron bar. So Yami leapt into the air and swung the iron bar, combining it with his natural hovering ability to spin like a deadly helicopter, sweeping away any of the skeletons who got in his way. But as one skeleton lost its arm, it accidentally chucked its sword into the iron bar, knocking it out of Yami's hand. He prepared to fight them all off when one of the skeletons grabbed his wounded shoulder. in the moment of weakness, Yami wound up being buried in a bone pile. It took all his strength to stick his head out from the pile instead of suffocating. He looked up at Qwirtzok.*

Qwirtzok: Gweh heh heh! Loyal soldiers... prepare to kill! But nothing messy. I've got plans for that bod-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

*Qwirtzok began a high-pitched squeal as the skeletons began to shiver. Managing to turn his head, he saw none other than Chizu stabbing the Millennium Egg with a sharp piece of rubble from the Pyramid Punch.*

Chizu: I don't care if you are related to me, you cold-blooded murderer! You tried to possess me and kill that lizard-man who helped me!

(Pharaoh) Yami Yoshi: Ha! Your soul is still connected to the Millennium Egg!!

*Chizu lifts a very large piece of rubble and holds it above the Millenium Egg.*

Qwirtzok: NO! Don't-

*She drops the boulder, and the Millennium Egg shatters into pieces.*

Qwirtzok: I'll... be back....

*Qwirzok from this world in a wisp of black smoke. A second later, the stack of zombie Egyptians are also gone, leaving behind dust that smells of the Nile. Chizu rushes toward Yami.*

Chizu: Are you okay?!

(Pharaoh) Yami Yoshi: I'll leave you two alone.

*Yami Yoshi returns to normal.*

Author: Yami[edit]

Yami Yoshi: ~snaps awake~ Huh? Who? What? Where am I? ~moves his right arm~ Ow!

Chizu: Oh! Don’t move…you’re hurt…Here, let me heal you…

~Chizu mutters a spell and a golden aura surrounds Yami Yoshi. Yami Yoshi’s shoulder wound and bruises instantly heal.~

Yami Yoshi: Woo, that felt good! Now time to kick Qwirtzok’s ass!

Chizu: The Pharaoh and I have already defeated him.

Yami Yoshi: What?! The Pharaoh?! Where?!

Chizu: ~sweatdrop~ Uhh...never mind! So…um…perhaps we should focus on finding the others?

Yami Yoshi: Ok, let’s go!

~Yami Yoshi and Chizu exit the prison cell.~

Author: Golem[edit]

Yami: But about Pharaoh...

Chizu: ~looking to Yami~ Later!

~Chizu, distracted by Yami, runs into AaronGuy.~

Chizu and Aaron: Oof!

Yami: You two!

SwordMaster: Can't talk now, outrunning some bad guys! ~points thumb over his shoulder towards three undead gorillas and one cloaked guard~

AaronGuy: Hold on! Here's hoping we hit the jackpot... ~swipes card key through nearby slot, door comes open, revealing a room with a heavy yellow tint~ Legion!!

~AaronGuy runs in and grabs Legion, who is unconscious.~

SwordMaster: ~sniff, sniff~ It's a poisonous gas. The room is full of it.

~Just as AaronGuy rushes out of the room, the bad guys catch up. Yami Yoshi whips the guard in with his tail while SwordMaster hops inside, lures the gorillas, then leaps over them to the outside. AaronGuy swipes the card again, and the bad guys are left inside.~

Author: Yami[edit]

~Coughing and choking noises are heard inside the locked room as the gorillas and the cloaked guard succumb to the toxic gas.~

Aaron Guy: Whew…that was a close one…

~Chizu uses the same healing spell she used on Yami Yoshi. A golden aura surrounds Legion and he regains consciousness.~

Legion: ~blinks~ …huh…Yami Yoshi! Sword Master! Aaron Guy! ~notices Chizu~ Hey, who’s the dame?

Yami Yoshi: Chizu…she’s an ally…

Legion: Hmm…I see…have you guys seen any of the others?

Sword Master: Nope, and there’s no sign of Akujin either…

Legion: Damn…if he finds us here, we’re dead meat. Our top priority should be finding the others…


Yami Yoshi: What the hell is that?

~Aaron Guy notices a silver buzz saw spinning down the corridor towards Sword Master.~

Aaron Guy: Sword Master! Behind you!

Sword Master: ~spins around~ Hiya!

~Sword Master slashes at the buzz saw and knocks it against the corridor wall.~

Yami Yoshi: What the hell was that?

Sword Master: It’s not a buzz saw…it’s a mask!

~The silver mask floats up from the floor and a shadowy black body protrudes from the rear.~

Shade: Heh heh…sorry, I’m late…

Author: Golem[edit]

~In the room where Fusion and Chaos met in mortal combat... Fusion turns around to exit the room and finds that Saru is doing the same. Fusion rushes up to Saru in about ten miliseconds and gives him an arguably friendly punch in the shoulder.~

Fusion: Where's Akujin's room?

Saru: I don't know. This isn't Krad.

Fusion: Then what are you doing with that disk?

Saru: It's data about the Fusion Blood. There's some left. We wouldn't want any of it falling into the wrong hands, would we?

Fusion: It's already in the wrong hands.

Saru: Right, and this disk contains information leading to the whereabouts of that blood.

Fusion: ~clenches fist~ Ohhhh, if BSD gets his hands on that stuff...

Saru: Exactly. Now follow me.

Fusion: But with you, Saru? This plan reeks...

Saru: You have every power in the universe. You can defend yourself.


Author #1: Ahh, yes. Can't you just feel the story wrapping up in its normal ending?

Author #3: Something's bugging me, though... why were The Monkey and Brooser still alive in suspended animation?

Author #2: Sounds like your average inconsistency.

Author #3: Meh...


~In a room holding Introbulus and Dark Jim...~

Introbulus: It's time for you to pay for what you did to Jim.

Dark Jim: Calm down, "Trobby." You almost destroyed the universe last time you got like this. Besides, I don't even have Jim any more. His OG soul is under lock and key by order of Akujin. That is... if you believe what I told Akujin.

Introbulus: ...What?

Dark Jim: The MPVP is out of control. Their power will only grow and in their favor. I've hitched my wagon to this star long enough, and I plan to use The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ to change all that. Jim's OG soul allows me to do just that.

Introbulus: You dispicable...

Dark Jim: So you can help me now and do what your superiors told you to, ~takes out note that Introbulus received at the beginning of this story~ or you can give your life up to me.

Introbulus: You say it's Jim's OG soul that lets you use The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~?

Dark Jim: Exactly.

Introbulus: ~looks down to the ground, pauses, then looks up to Dark Jim~ I'll work with you.

Author: Yami[edit]

Shade: Well, “Light Master”…we meet again. Finally, I have the opportunity to exact my revenge on you…

Legion: Revenge? What is he talking about?

Yami Yoshi: Wait…I remember now…

~Another flashback sequence yaaaay~

(inside the OGer's body)

Fusion: Wait! Swordmaster! We came all this way for the Light Sword, and we're going to use it once, only to know that dark Jim will jump out of that body can come back for us in a blink of the eye? I have an ace in the hole... DEFUSION RAY!

Introbulus: Oh, darn, now Fusion's flown the coup as well. He's gone absoloutly nutters.

(OGERS defuse)

YY: Great, now what?

Pharoh: yeah, we have 15 seconds left.

Fusion: I know what I'm doing. FUSION BEAM!

SwordMaster: Hey, wha-

Introbulus: I get it now!

BSD: OMFG w4t's h4ppp3ning!?!!11

Pharoh: Very clever, fusing SwordMaster with the Light Sword.

YY: What?

Dark Shade: What?

BSD: OMFG w4t's h4pp3n1ng?!!11

Fred: Where am I?

(SM and light sword fuse to become... LightMaster!)

LM: My name... sucks. Oh, well, good bye, Dark Shade! (slices him though the middle with his glowing hand-saber)

Dark Shade: ARHHGHGHG!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!! (dissapears)

(suddenly, a flast of light comes, and Dark Jim can be seen through a circular glass mirror suspended in the air)

Dark Jim: ha, this is sooo overdone. Well, seeing as the Light Sword would wipe me out, I'm just going to go to a different universe - see you after I've conquered everything else - how long could you OGers hold off everything else?! HAAHAHAHAH!


~Flashback over~

Shade: You only defeated me last time because that weakling Dark Jim possessed me and because you wielded the Light Sword. Without possessing the legendary sword, there’s no way you can defeat me with that pathetic OG Blade of yours.

Sword Master: A sword’s strength is determined by its wielder, not by its power…

Shade: Is that so? Well, let’s see if you live up to your name…Shade Blade!

~A black shadowy sword materializes in Shade’s right hand.~

Shade: We’ll settle this with a one on one duel to the death.

Sword Master: ~draws OG Blade~ Listen OGers…let me fight this battle alone…

Yami Yoshi: What?! You can’t defeat Shade alone with the Light Sword!

Sword Master: I cannot violate have you guys the Code of the Swordsman…Shade challenged me and me alone to this duel…therefore, I will battle alone…

Yami Yoshi: ~rolls eyes~ Pssh …“Code of the Swordsman” my ass…

Shade: Ready?

Sword Master: En garde!

~Shade swings his Shade Blade arm horizontally at Sword Master. Sword Master parries the blow and swings his OG Blade into Shade’s hip…hitting nothing.~

Sword Master: What?!

Shade: My body is as ethereal as a shadow…except for my hands and arms, of course…hitting any other part of my body is useless…

Sword Master: …

Shade: Heh…you left your guard down! Finger Jab!

~Shade jabs Sword Master in the chest with his left index finger and sends him flying backwards.~

Sword Master: ~lands on his back~ Oof!

Shade: Hiya!

~Shade jumps towards Sword Master, holding the Shade Blade over his head. Sword Master rolls to the side just in time before the Shade Blade crashes into the floor, ripping apart the metal flooring.~

Shade: Damn...it’s stuck…

Sword Master: Take this!

~As Shade struggles to draw his sword out from the floor, Sword Master slams his OG Blade into Shade’s mask.~

Yami Yoshi: Yes! He did it!

Legion: No, he didn’t…look!

~The top half of Sword Master’s OG Blade shatters as it collides into Shade’s diamond-hard mask.~

Yami Yoshi: No way!

Shade: Ha ha ha! What were you saying earlier about the sword wielder determining the sword’s strength? Even the most powerful swordsman in the universe wouldn’t be able to beat me a broken blade!

Sword Master: I am the most powerful swordsman in the universe…and I will still beat you…

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Fred swings his hammer at King Bob, who switches himself for his stunt double (Bill Cosby). The double is smashed in the stomach, causing candy to rain out of his nose. Fred then boards a bed frame, which he uses to pursue the fleeing Bob. Bob tries to hold Fred back by flinging screen doors at him, but Fred safely swerves out of the way, causing the bed frame to change into an elephant trained in seven forms of martial arts. So Bob turns around and summons a piratre ship, which fires Johnny Depp's severed body parts at Fred. This is too much for the elephant, and it turns into a vending machine. Bob laughs victoriously, but Fred takes this oppurtunity to leap from the vending machine and slap Bob with salty snacks. Gagging on the unhealthiness, King Bob is helpless.*

Fred: You lose.

King Bob: Wait! Before you kill me, know this... I am your father.

Fred: Does not compute.

*Bob acts on Fred's latest moment of confusion to run away through solid space, dropping mouse traps as he flees. Fred wlaks into each mouse trap as he continues his pursuit. That Guy and ??? drive up in a Skull Jet.*

???: Need a ride, dude?

Fred: Machine is inefficient and in need of maitenance!

*Fred smashes the Skull Jets engine with his hammer.*

Fred: Maitenance complete.

That Guy: Hey! We were using that!

*Fred clutches the Skull Jet tight as the engines transform into televisions, which inexplicably boost the Skull Jet to unbeleivable speeds. King Bob some how spots the wild Jet roaring through space and prepares to dodge it.

Fred: Waffle Throw!

*Fred flings a salmon-filled waffle at Bob, holding him still until the Skull Jet eventually slams into King Bob, who hangs onto the windshield for dear life. It flies through the asteroids and ships of the V-Cloud without any damage at all. Finally the Skull Jet rams into the wall of the MPVP HQ, pinning King Bob against the wall.*

King Bob: Oof... I'm dead. Wait, wait... there we go. (slumps over and vanishes, leaving behind a tapdancing mongoose imported from Puerto Rico.)

Fred: I hope you can rest in peace now, ...wait, who was I avenging again?

That Guy: Oh great, now we're back at those MPVP guys headquarters with all their seriousness!

*Fred presses a button on his collar remote. Elsewhere, on the bridge of the Flying Monkey II...*

Lupus: We're getting a reading from our second mole! Fred says he's at the MPVP HQ!

*Koopa I checks the computer.*

Koopa: His coordinates match the ones Qwirtzok gave us...


Lupus: Assemble a recon group to search the heaquarters. I need this research for... my own projects....

*Lupus grins evilly as he glances at the Cheese Star plans.*

*Akujin leads BSD through the MPVP HQ.*

Akujin: Now remember your instructions! When you approach the Holy Plot Device (Reverb), it will recognize that you are an Author Character and open its doors for you! Then you will enter...

*Akujin hand BSD the quarter.*

Akujin: ...And insert this as your offering! The Holy Plot Device (Reverb) will be ready to grant your wish, whatever it may be. And here's what you'll wish for...

*Akujin whispers into BSD's ear as the scene changes.*

*Saru and Fusion are on their way to the blood thingy when they see a crowd blocking the hall.*

Shade: Haha! Feel my unbeatableness!

SwordMaster: You weren't this hard when Intro pwned you twice in MOG4...

Shade: Uh... shut up!

Saru: We don't have time for this...

*Chizu hears and turns around. She and Saru lock eyes. Saru's eyes widen.*

Chizu: Who...?

Saru: No. It's not possible...

*Saru suddenly blinks and tears his eyes away.*

Saru: Sorry... thought you were somthing else.

*Saru squeezes through the crowd, and dashes away, before Fusion can see where he's gone.*

Fusion: ...He ditched me!

Author: Golem[edit]

~With SwordMaster and Shade...

Small balls of white energy flow out of the top of the OG Blade as GORE can be seen far behind Shade, running to the battle.~

SwordMaster: Is this what those scientists did to my blade...?!

~SwordMaster turns to his opponent, ready again with his sword. Before he can swing, though, a small explosion rings in everyone's ears and pierces a hole in Shade's left index finger. Legion begins to aim his pistol for another shot at Shade.~

Shade: You pathetic--!

SwordMaster: Legion?!

Shade: Five-fingered punch!

~Shade dashes forward with his right fist.~

Legion: Apparently you haven't met a gun before... ~Legion shoots a bullet straight through Shade's right fist and up through his arm, slowing the attack down. Legion jumps backwards to avoid the rest of the attack's momentum.~ We don't have time for games, SwordMaster. ~GORE leaps from what seems to be nowhere and grabs onto Shade's left arm with all his might.~ Daishogun, bless his soul, but he was a big waste of time. The clock ticks and all you can think of is honor. When you give Akujin time, you give him what he wants.

~Yami Yoshi lashes out his tongue at a restrained and maimed Shade, grabs the diamond mask, and crams it in his mouth. Yami aims, then spits the mask with all his might forward, cutting through Shade's upper torso, where his two arms met.~

SwordMaster: That's not the end of him...

Legion: Nobody said it was.

SwordMaster: I heard Saru and Fusion. We'd better move quickly if we hope to follow them to Akujin, where we have another opportunity to pee our pants and wuss out.

Author: Yami[edit]

~The OGers follow Fusion and Saru into a large stadium-shaped room, approximately the size of the football field.~

Yami Yoshi: ~points towards the center of the room~ Hey, look! It’s the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~!

GORE: Yes! All we need is an author character to step inside and wish Earth and all those destroyed planets back!

Fusion: I’ll do the honors…

~As Fusion approaches the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~, a fireball flies in from the entrance and blasts him away.~

BSD: Outta my way, losers!