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~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Akujin. The egg’s explosion blasts the once-invincible emperor against the stadium wall.~
~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Akujin. The egg’s explosion blasts the once-invincible emperor against the stadium wall.~
Audience: [Eek!]
Audience: O.O
Yami Yoshi: Yeah!
Yami Yoshi: Yeah!
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That Guy: We’re back and we’re REALLY sorry about that stuff back there! ??? almost got us killed by King Bob earlier, and even my mad fighting skillz were barely enough to defeat him!
That Guy: We’re back and we’re REALLY sorry about that stuff back there! ??? almost got us killed by King Bob earlier, and even my mad fighting skillz were barely enough to defeat him!
???: What?! This is all your fault! I was FORCED to come along with you on your little search for “randomness” and “excitement”. And King Bob would’ve killed us both if it weren’t for Fred here…
???: What?! This is all <i>your</i> fault! I was FORCED to come along with you on your little search for “randomness” and “excitement”. And King Bob would’ve killed us both if it weren’t for Fred here…
Fred: ~licking a lollipop~ Huh? Who? What?
Fred: ~licking a lollipop~ Huh? Who? What?

Revision as of 20:38, 22 August 2007

Pages in the Member OG 6 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

Author: Golem

Fusion: "Losers"? You don't get to call us that, BSD!

Dark Jim: Especially considering the losing streak you guys have had lately, eh Fusion?

Yami Yoshi, Fusion, SwordMaster: Dark Jim!!

Dark Jim: BSD, go ahead. Introbulus and I can take care of these guys.

Yami Yoshi: Introbulus?! Where?

~Introbulus comes from behind Yami Yoshi and punches him in the stomach. As he does this, he whispers into Yami's ear,~

Introbulus: I got it covered, Yami. Dark Jim has Jim's soul brewing inside him. If we can get Dark Jim to The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~, he'll try to wish for ultimate power. Jim's soul won't let him, and in fact, Jim's soul will make the wish we've all been waiting for--the downfall of the MPVP and the correction of everything, including Earth's reintroduction to existance.

Yami Yoshi: ~on the ground~ Man, you talk fast... but I got it all. ~wink, trips Introbulus up with his tail~

~The mysterious realm...~

Voice: Get ready, Rhyk. The time is quickly approaching when you must face Akujin.

Rhyk: I've already done this once... I can only hope history will stick this time.

Voice: Akujin will be expecting the ability to control you. Are you in tune with the OG veterans?

Rhyk: Yes. He won't know what hit him.


*SSG is in the Hugeass Airlock Room. Suddenly Person appears from a rip in time caused by his PANTS OF POWER(tm).*

Person: Hey! Let's fight, why not?

*Person slams the airlock open button. the airlock slides open, revealing a vacuum. SSG hangs onto the wall for support while three more ships enter. The the airlock shuts. Suddenly, Man pops out of a ship.*

Man: Crikey! I'm Man, sharpshooter extrodinaire, mate! I somehow have a rapid-fire missle launcher even though it'd never work in a million years!

*Dude pops out of a third ship.*

Dude: I'm going to slash you to ribbons with my unexplained lightsaber! I use it to impress girls and torture people slowly... muahahha!

*Suddenly, another, er, strange figure jumps out of a ship.*

???: I am Walrus-man! All I'm good for is this large laser gun I hold and my vast Walrus-robot armies that aren't here at the moment!

SSG: Um, What?

Person: It's four against one midget, so this shouldn't be too hard... or it least it would be, except supervialliny rules permit only one villain take on the protagonsit at the time.

*Person steps back to let Man step forward. Man charges his rocket launcher.*

Man: Sorry mate, but all you's got is a bloomin' backpack, and I don't see a wombat like you beatin me with anything in there!

*Seargent Shy Guy silently takes off his green backpack and steps onto it. He unzips the pack to reveal a hidden control panel. He presses a few buttons, and the bookbag grows as it is covered in metallic armor. By the time the transformation is complete, it is a giant green shy guy battle suit with a head-mounted cannon- the Tank Guy. SSG stands at the control panel located behind the cannon, protected by a transperant dome of unknown material. The cannon aims and blasts Man's torso away. The upper half of Man's body falls to the ground as his rocket launcher rolls across the floor.*

Man: Crikey, it's my first souveneir!

Dude: Dude! It's my turn! (ignites lightsaber) Sweet! I'm so high!

*Dude twirls his lightsaber around like a highly-trained stunt man. Then the Tank Guy steps on him.*

Walrus-Man: At least now, my Walrus Army is ready!

*The mechanical Walrus Army marches out of Walrus-Man's spaceship and towards the Tank Guy. They all bounce on their bellies, from the ceiling to the Tank Guy. They all latch onto the Tank Guy with their hardned tusks. Seargent Shy Guy shakes the machine in attempt to get rid of the walruses, but their tusks are too far in and piercing circuitry. With a sudden lightbulb, the Tank Guy drops down and rolls along the floor, crushing all the walrus-bots to ashen cinders. But by the time the Tank Guy has climbed back into its standing position, Walrus-Man had salvaged Man's rocket launcher and fired one blast right at the already-weakened Tank Guy. It was a direct hit and left a gaping hole in the shy guy's mask. But the Tank Guy almost immediately slammed down on Walrus-Man.*

Person: That's it! MAX POWER!

*Person reaches down to his BELT OF DIALS(tm) and turns one of the dials up to the max. Immediately Person grows until he's one millimeter above Tank Guy's top. Person immediately deals a staggering kick to the Tank Guy's weak point, causing currents of electricity to travel along the machine and momentarily shocking Sarge. Seargent Shy Guy prepares the cannon, but Person thinks again and reaches out to crush the cannon with his bare hand. Person then reaches into the Tank Guy's gaping hole and tearing out circuitry.*

Tank Guy Computer: Self-destruct in Thirty Seconds!

Seargent Shy Guy: Come on, think...

*Red alarms go on in the cockpit as Seargent Shy Guy formulates his plan. As Person delivers another kick to the Tank Guy, Seargent manuevers the robot suit to fall over. The Tank Guy's fist shoots out and hits the Airlock Open button. The airlock hisses open and begins sucking everything within-the spaceships, the walrus army, the remains of Dude and Walrus-Man- into vaccuum of space. But Person struggles against the wind as turns up his Resistance to Space Vacuum dial.*

Person: I can't be beaten... so easily!

Tank Guy Computer: Self-destruct in Ten Seconds!

*Seargent Shy Guy slams a certain button. The bubble dome shoots out from the Tank Guy. Jets shoot out immediately and propel him away from the open space. The Tank Guy is now helpless to the vacuum's pull and flies towards the open airlock, colliding with Person and exploding. The combined forces of these actions toss Person off his feet and into space. Seargent Shy Guy drives his bubble pod into the Airlock Open switch, causing the airlock to snap shut. The bubble pod opens, and Seargent Shuy Guy victoriously hops out and leaves. Man crawls on his hands and finds Dude's lightsaber. he ignites it.*


*Man's laughter is interuppted as his stomach bursts open, and a baby crocodile pops out.*

Author: Yami

~As Yami Yoshi and Introbulus “battle” each other, Dark Jim hovers up to the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ in front of BSD.~

BSD: Outta the way, rug!

Dark Jim: I’m sorry, but I cannot have an 11 year old weakling like you interfere with my plans…

BSD: Molten Egg!

Dark Jim: Dark Jim Beam!

~BSD hurls a fiery Yoshi Egg while Dark Jim fires a black beam from the hem of his cloak/body. The Dark Jim Beam shatters the Molten Egg and strikes BSD in the chest.~


~BSD is blasted into the stadium bleachers and smashes a row of seats. Dark Jim floats into the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~.~

GORE: Wait a second…a non-OGer character can’t use the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~…can he?

Introbulus: Yes, because Dark Jim possesses Jim’s OG Soul, it gives him the power to activate the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ as well…

Aaron Guy: We have to stop him!

Introbulus: Don’t worry…just watch. ~thinking~ C’mon Jim…you can do it...

~Suddenly, a deep, heavenly voice booms throughout the stadium. A bright golden aura emanates from the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~.~

Holy Plot Device ~reverb~: What is thy desire?

Dark Jim: I wish…to be the most powerful being in the uni—


~Suddenly, a red lightening bolt flies in from the stadium’s entrance and tears Dark Jim into confetti.~

Akujin: I should’ve known he would betray me again…

Introbulus: Akujin!!

Akujin: ~pulls out a remote control~ Heh heh…It was a tad irresponsible of me to leave such a valuable object out where ANYONE could get it…

~Akujin presses a button on the remote control and the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ retreats into the stadium floor.~

GORE: The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~!

Akujin: I never would’ve known you persistent fools would cause me so much trouble…chasing me across the galaxy…however, the chase ends here...

~Akujin presses another button on the remote control and a steel door slams shut over the stadium entrance.~

Akujin: MPVP members! Assemble!

~Thousands of demons and monsters pour into the stadium bleachers.~

Akujin: I shall provide these villains with a little demonstration on how powerful the MPVP is…and the consequences of those who oppose them!

Yami Yoshi: w00t! Final battle time!

Author: AaronGuy

AaronGuy: You know, with a climax and some closure on this ordeal only mere posts away, I can't help but feel we're missing something...

~Somewhere down the hall...~

Culex: Urgh... my head...

Sinister Voice: Heh heh heh... that's not the only thing that's going to be hurting when I'M through with you... for I am... ~lights turn on~ ~Dramatic Closeup!~ EVIL ZOMBIE PHIL! After my glorious efforts in the X-bombinator strike, Akujin was nice enough to have me revived! As a Zombie! Isn't that cool?

Culex: ...You're kidding me. I have to fight you? This should be a peice of ~stands up, but quickly falls back down as he rises~ URGH!! No... still too weak from the thread's destruction.

Zombie Phil: What's that? Too weak? Gonna cry? Oh, don't be blue... Oh wait! You already ARE blue! HYEAH HYEH HYEH HYEH!!

Culex: ...Why you little-

~The wall behind Phil explodes, covering him in rubble. The four elemental crystals hover in the hole they created, glowing through the smoke~

Water: Master! You're all right! After that explosion, we thought you were lost!

Culex: No, I was just helping out my new.. friends...

Fire: Master... how are we going to get back to Varuna?

Culex: We'll worry about that later. Over here now, the lot of you.

~The four crystals slowly spin around Culex, glowing slightly. The Varunian's breathing slows, and his weakness dissipates~

Culex: Ah.. much better. Now then-

Zombie Phil: NOT SO FAST! ~bursts through the rubble~ I'm going to make your face into a jigsaw puzzle, and then choke on the pieces!

Culex: I don't think so... Fist of Regulus! ~A blue aura forms around Culex's balled fist. He charges at Phil, punching him hard in the gut~

Zombie Phil: HURK! ~flies backwards through the hole in the wall~ Erk.. is... is that all you got?

Culex: ~grins~ You wish. Orion's Sword! ~a ornate blade forms in Culex's hand. Slicing through the air, a wave of energy slashes into Phil~

Phil: ERGH! Why'd they stick me with this guy?! Fine. I guess I'll just have to- LOOK BEHIND YOU! A THREE HEADED MONKEY! ~Runs away without even waiting for Culex to turn around~

Culex: ...Well, that was interesting... Now then, let's find the others! ~punches through the door~

Author: Yami

Villain 1: KILL THEM!

Villain 2: ~chanting~ Akujin! Akujin!

Akujin: Hmm…whom should I kill first? Heh heh…I think I’ll start with little Yami Yoshi here…

Yami Yoshi: ****!

Akujin: Die.

~Akujin opens his third eye and its gaze pierces into Yami Yoshi’s head.~

Yami Yoshi: ~eyes widen~ AAAHHH!!

~Suddenly, Yami Yoshi is teleported into a cold, dark chamber; Akujin, the OGers, and the stadium nowhere to be seen.~

Yami Yoshi: Huh? What the hell is this place?

~A faint squeak is heard. Suddenly, thousands of rats pour into the room from the several holes in the wall and latch onto Yami Yoshi, tearing apart his flesh with their rabid, foaming fangs.~


~Suddenly, the chamber of rats and Yami Yoshi’s flesh wounds vanish. Yami Yoshi plummets through the darkness into another chamber, similar to the first one. A firing squad stands at the opposite end of the room, each officer armed with a machine gun.~

Yami Yoshi: What the ****…

Officer: Ready…aim…FIRE! ~Yami Yoshi screams are drowned by the machine gun fire as they rip his body to pieces.~


~The audience laughs and jeers at Yami Yoshi as spazzes-out on the stadium floor.~

GORE: Yami Yoshi!

Akujin: Heh heh…don’t worry, GORE…he isn’t dying…he only THINKS he’s dying…

GORE: What?!

Akujin: My Akujin Eye has manipulated his mind to make him see AND feel death! However, it is naught but a brilliant illusion! Unfortunately, an average person exposed to this illusion for too long will have his or her mind destroyed…It’s the perfect way to kill someone if you want them to suffer. Why kill them once when you can have them experience death several times more?! I wonder how long it’ll take your friend here…heh heh heh…

Legion: You…monster!

~Legion pulls out his pistol and fires several rounds at Akujin. Akujin simply holds up his hand and freezes the bullets midair.~

Akujin: You cannot stop me. Once Yami Yoshi dies, I shall do the same to every last one of you! Heh heh h—

~Suddenly, a sharp pain in Akujin’s third eye forces him to slam it shut.~

Hades: ~echoing inside Akujin’s head~ Your reign is over…Akujin…even if I am slain…without your eye…you will be…defeated!

~The pain in Akujin’s head intensifies with each successive word said by Hades.~

Akujin: AARRGGHH!!

~The audience gasps as Akujin kneels over on the stadium floor clutching his hood with both hands.~

Fusion: What the heck is wrong with Akujin?

GORE: I don’t know…but Yami Yoshi seems to be coming around!

~Yami Yoshi instantly stops spazzing-out and opens his eyes.~

Yami Yoshi: ~sweating~ Whoa…I’m back…holy **** that was scary… ~notices Akujin~ Hey, what’s his problem?

Legion: We don’t know…but his Akujin Eye is closed! Attack him now, Yami!

Yami Yoshi: Right! Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Akujin. The egg’s explosion blasts the once-invincible emperor against the stadium wall.~

Audience: O.O

Yami Yoshi: Yeah!

~Akujin stands up, adjusts his hood, and dusts the ashes off his robe.~

Yami Yoshi: You want some more?! Akujin: Heh heh heh…even without my Akujin Eye, you are still naught but puny ants compared to me…I shall crush you all!

Introbulus: Be careful! Akujin’s still much more powerful than Lupus, Sephnita, and Evil combined! We have to work together!

GORE: ~activates lightsaber~ Let’s defeat Akujin once and for all!

Legion: ~loads pistol~ I’ll make sure I tear him a NEW eye…

Fusion: I possess every power in the universe! I can’t lose to this guy!

Sword Master: ~unsheathes sword~ Daishogun…thank you…for this sword…I shall win this battle for you!

~Suddenly, the stadium door bursts open and That Guy, ???, Fred, SSG, and Culex walk onto the arena.~

SSG: ~salute~ Sir! Sorry, I’m late!

Aaron Guy: Master, you’re alive!

Culex: Sorry...I’ve been a little weaker since I performed that “dimension tampering” back there, but the crystals and I should be ready to fight!

That Guy: We’re back and we’re REALLY sorry about that stuff back there! ??? almost got us killed by King Bob earlier, and even my mad fighting skillz were barely enough to defeat him!

???: What?! This is all your fault! I was FORCED to come along with you on your little search for “randomness” and “excitement”. And King Bob would’ve killed us both if it weren’t for Fred here…

Fred: ~licking a lollipop~ Huh? Who? What?

That Guy: Anyways, we’ve decided that it’s too dangerous to travel by ourselves, and we’ve decided to stick with you guys from now on! ~pulls out Bag o’ Random Crap~ Let’s fight together!

Yami Yoshi: All right! Everyone’s here! Now let’s haul some Akujin-ass!

Author: Golem

~The mysterious realm...~

Voice: Now, Rhyk.

Rhyk: It is time to defeat Akujin?

Voice: Yes.

~MPVP HQ, final battle room...

Rhyk floats above the action on the jets in his feet. From there he booms his voice over those below.~

Rhyk: Akujin!!

Introbulus: You again?

Akujin: Who are you?!

Rhyk: Deus ex machina. I am the only one present who has enough power to blast you back into your own dimension. ~reaches in his right pants pocket, whips out a pen covered in rubber bands~
Thank you for the sacrifice you are about to make, OGers.

GORE: Sacrifice...?!

Rhyk: Unfortunately, you will all be trapped in S-Space as well.

SwordMaster: We can defeat him on our own without any sacrificing, we don't need to blast him into anything.

Rhyk: I'm sorry, but that's not true. ~getting ready to jet into Akujin~ Prepare yourself, Akujin, for the fight--

Akujin: Hold on, now it's my turn to talk.
You are a machine, a soulless creature. Your master's ill-bred scheme will soon--~holds his hands up to Rhyk's general direction, pauses, then gives a scream in pain as he flies backwards, his third eye opening wide~

Rhyk: I'm not soulless. I have every soul from the OG veterans backing me up.

GORE: But I thought--

Legion: Now! While his eye's open!

Author: Yami

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg…at Rhyk.~

Legion: What the hell are you doing?

Rhyk: Whoa!

~Rhyk activates his jet boots and barely avoids the Dark Egg.~

Rhyk: Hey! What’s the big idea?!

Yami Yoshi: Sorry…but you’re not wanted here…

Rhyk: What?! I have the souls of the OG Vets fused inside of me! I’m the only one here who can defeat Akujin!

Yami Yoshi: We don’t want no pet doctors here! Take a hike back to the veterinarian!

Author: Golem

Rhyk: ~as he jets towards Akujin, who is getting up~ I've waited far too long for the perfect moment to fix this realm to let you do as you currently wish...

Akujin: You're not fixing anything.

~As SwordMaster runs behind Akujin, Akujin brings both of his arms up quickly, casts two streams of black electricity from his hand at the two sides of Rhyk. Rhyk turns sideways to fit imbetween the streams and then up to avoid the streams as they come together. Rhyk clicks the pen in his hand and it turns into a sword as long as his torso, and as he jets down again at Akujin and Akujin prepares more lightning, SwordMaster leaps up and blocks Rhyk's sword with his own sword, shoving Rhyk to the side in the process.
Lightning shoots upward from Akujin with no target and he looks back down from above to find Yami Yoshi ready to give him a flutter kick. Akujin grabs Yami by his huge nose and throws him into Rhyk, who is recovering from SwordMaster's block. Yami's shell meets Rhyk's torso, and he grabs the yoshi.~

Yami Yoshi: Introbulus! I could use some help here!

Introbulus: Let Rhyk help!

Yami Yoshi: Great, go ahead and flip out on us again...

~Yami flutter kicks on Rhyk to break free of his grip, launching him into the air towards Akujin. Seeing this, Akujin leaps backwards onto the back of SwordMaster, who was attempting to trip Akujin.
SwordMaster manages to sit himself up before anything happens, tossing Akujin onto the ground. GORE jumps in at this time to tackle Akujin and pin him to the ground, but Akujin tries to shove him off. They end up rolling around on the floor, but are interrupted when Fusion zaps Akujin with a Paralyze Ray. GORE and Akujin keep rolling, and eventually GORE stops himself with his robotic foot while Akujin keeps his momentum. Rhyk takes this perfect opportunity to jet in and swing his sword at Akujin's forehead, but SwordMaster again blocks. Akujin gets up and SwordMaster kicks Rhyk in the "stomach," but Rhyk is unaffected. Rhyk then returns the favor by swiftly kicking his foot around behind SwordMaster's closest leg and knocking his knee out from the back. The robot returns his vision to Akujin and sees Yami Yoshi ready to trip up Akujin with his tail, but Akujin merely jumps over it but gets hit in the stomach with a Dark Egg as he jumps. He is thrown back a few inches and staggers, then shrugs it off before spinning around and catching Rhyk's sword in his hand.~

SSG: It doesn't seem to be working too well...

Legion: Do you have a better idea?

~Akujin loses his balance as Rhyk vanishes instantly.

The mysterious realm...~

Rhyk: What?!


Author #1: There, that's better. Rhyk is gone now.

Author: Yami

Akujin: Heh heh heh…this battle seems a tad unfair with all of you fools teaming up on me at once…I have an idea…

~Akujin pulls up the left sleeve of his cloak, revealing his left arm. Several faded slash scars cover his withered, black arm.~

Akujin: Time to “even this battle out” …heh heh heh...

~Akujin pulls out an old rusty dagger from his robe. Clutching the dagger with his right hand, Akujin swings the dagger into his left arm. The OGers cringe as a fountain of blood spurts out from his arm onto the arena floor.~

Akujin: Assume form my doppelgangers!

Yami Yoshi: Doppelgangers?!

GORE: Damn…this doesn’t sound good…

~Suddenly, another Emperor Akujin emerges from the puddle of blood…then another…then another…then another…until a total of six Akujins stand on the stadium floor.~

Akujin: Everyone mix up!

~All six Akujins vanish and reappear in a juxtaposed line at the opposite end of the arena.~

Yami Yoshi: Damn…which one is the real one?

Akujin 1: Heh heh heh…we are all 100% real by flesh, bone, and blood…

Akujin 2: You puny ants couldn’t even handle ONE Akujin…

Akujin 3: …so there’s no way you can handle six of us.

Akujin 4: Heh heh heh…we’ll kill you six times before you hit the ground…

Akujin 5: Let’s kill them now…

Akujin 6: Heh heh heh…die, OGers.

Author: Golem

Legion: If every single Akujin is indeed tangible, then his power must be split somehow. But I'd figure Akujin would know that pure intimidation won't stop the OGers... and he even has BSD there, who would be ready to help, but is instead on the sidelines... so where's the gimmick?

Culex: Maybe his power comes from his own dimension.

Legion: What?

Culex: If he has an endless power supply, then he can support six full power versions of himself. That Rhyk character mentioned another dimension from which Akujin comes.

Legion: But how would he get power from that dimension? He would need an endless power supply present in that dimension and some way to transport it.

SSG: He seems a little protective of The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~. Why wouldn't he let BSD use it immediately? Maybe the fight. The plot device might be that link.

AaronGuy: We're not sure Legion's first assumption that Akujin wouldn't risk a bluff is true, not to mention we're not sure if the endless power stuff is true or if it's possible to destroy such a plot device.

Author: AaronGuy

Culex: If theres a link to his dimension nearby, he will be able to get power from there. And if the unlimited energy supply is there, he will certianly be getting a fair amount.

AaronGuy: So what you're saying...

Culex: Is that we need to break the link. Even if he can somehow conjure up another, a sudden disconnection from such a source of power would cause a nasty shock- take it from someone who knows.

SSG: So how do we find it?

Culex: I'll take care of that... I sense no link within the Holy Plot Device ~reverb~, so it must be elsewhere.. ~closes his eyes, then opens them wide~ Yes... I think I see it...

Legion: Huh? What do you mean?

Culex: It's so simple. It's his eye.

SSG: Er?

AaronGuy: Hey, yeah... After he used it on Yami, he looked like he was in pain! Someone must have damaged it!

Legion: Then why is he able to split into six?

SSG: He isn't using the eye directly. It's just a source of power, not the source of an attack.

Culex: True, but there's a bit of science to this: a dimension's energy will be diluted when it goes through several links. Granted, when you have a source of unlimited energy, the difference between one link and six will be minimal at best. But it rules out the idea that he has links elsewhere... Or maybe...

AaronGuy: Maybe.. what?

Culex: Maybe there ISN'T another link, and only one of their eyes holds the link.

SSG: Only one way to find out...

Culex: Right. ~Orion Sword appears in his hand~ We fight them, one by one, and aim for the eyes.


Fred: Wait, I have a better idea! Let's split up!

Legion: That WOULD get the job done quicker...

Yami: Cool! Let's do this!

*Yami Yoshi GORE attack Akujin 1, Fred, That Guy and ??? battle Akujin 2, Fusion and Saru attack Akujin 4. At the same time SwordMaster and Introbulus target Akujin 3 while Legion and SSG fight Akujin 5, and AaronGuy and Culex strike at Akujin 6.*

That Guy: Us first!

*Okay, okay. So That Guy, Fred and ??? are being beaten by Akujin 2. ??? tosses his whole Bag O' Random Crap at Akujin, and That Guy puts in all his effort, but Akujin is unharmed and slaps them aside easily. But luckily they stall him long enough for Fred to accidentally do something beneficial for the others.*

Fred: It's toenail time!

*Fred kicks off his shoe, which flies into Akujin's eye. Akujin 2 screams and disintigrates for lack of a better idea.*

That Guy: So he's not the real one...

???: Pssh, it's always the last one. ...Almost always.

Fred: Ooh! I can count to *!

Author: Golem

~All that is left of Akujin 2 is a translucent whitish sphere. Culex rushes to it and grabs it, then shoves it into his chest.~

AaronGuy: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Culex: I know what I'm doing. That was the remnant of Akujin's third eye. I should be able to harness its power.
Now, if I can use enough of this power, I can draw more power towards me and take away power on the end of the other Akujins.

Author: Yami

~Sword Master and Introbulus face off against the third Emperor Akujin.~

Sword Master: ~draws OG Blade~ A heartless fiend like you doesn’t deserve to live…the innumerable deaths and destruction you’ve inflicted upon the galaxy…you will pay, Akujin…

Introbulus: ~whips off cape~ You’ve terrorized the galaxy for over 100000 years…your reign of terror ends today! Luminescent Laser!

~Introbulus points his index finger at Akujin and fires a golden laser beam at him. Akujin deflects the laser beam with his bare hands and fires red lightening bolt at Introbulus.~

Introbulus: Metal Manipulation!

~Introbulus extracts a row of seats from the audience. The metal seats form a shield in front of Introbulus and Sword Master and absorb the electricity.~

Introbulus: Take this!

~Introbulus points forward and the seats spin toward Akujin, who easily dodges the spinning seats. Suddenly, Sword Master, who had been sitting in one of the seats, jumps from behind Akujin and drives his sword into Akujin’s back.~


~Blood splatters onto Sword Master’s robe and onto his face.~

Sword Master: ~pant~ You’re finished…Akujin…

Akujin: Heh heh heh…it will take more than a simple sword stab…to kill me…

~Akujin grabs the OG Blade protruding from his chest and hurls it into the audience.~

Sword Master: ****.

~Akujin spins around and grabs an unarmed Sword Master by the neck.~

Sword Master: URK!

Akujin: Heh heh heh…I could easily crush your neck right now…but why not prolong your pain until you suffocate?

~Suddenly, the OG Blade swerves back toward Akujin and wedges itself into Akujin’s neck.~

Introbulus: Metal Manipulation!

~Introbulus twirls his hands in a circular motion~


~The OG blade spins around and around and saws Akujin’s head off.~

Akujin: Heh heh heh…

~Akujin’s body melts into puddle of blood and his head dissolves into a translucent sphere.~

Sword Master: Damn…a doppelganger…

Introbulus: We wouldn’t have stood a chance against the real one anyways…Even this doppelganger was able to withstand my Luminescent Laser and a sword blow to the back… ~picks up the sphere~ Let’s give this to Culex…


*Saru and Fusion approach Akujin 4.*

Saru: Oh yeah, Akujin, I think that this belongs to you...

*Saru tosses the data disk to Akujin 4. He peers into it, smirks and crushes the disk.*

Saru: What's with the smile? Now I know where they are.

Akujin: Well you won't be alive to put that information to any use.

Fusion: What are you guys talking about?

Saru: Just foreshadowing an upcoming OG is all...

Fusion: Cool, now let's get on with the fight!

Saru: Time for the whole "putting aside our differances" bit...

*Saru and Fusion begin to dash at Akujin, but he immediately warps behind him and slaps them both in the backs of their necks. Saru and Fusion botyh roll wityh the blow and fire off their strongest projectiles at Akujin, but he simply raises his shins, which deflect the energy beams into random bystanders. The bored audience members pelt the losing duo with soda cans, hammers and rocks. Fusion gets in close to Akujin during his performance and immediately lunges at Akujin with all his strength.*

Fusion: Fusion Bullet!

*Fusion rams right into Akujin's chest, sending him spinning back.*

Saru: Flames of Mustafar!

*Saru is surrounded by a shield of flames, which he concentrates into his hands and fires at Akujin. A stunning explosion follows. When it clears, Akujin is still alive, but very weak. He immediately begins to beat on Fusion ferociously as the two wrestle along the ground.*

Saru: Only one chance now... Flaming Phoenix, be reborn to strike this insolant villain!

*Saru raises his hands, and ahses spray out. Flames fly from his hands and strike tyhe ashes, burning until flames emerge and take the shape of a phoenix. Saru drops over from exhaustion as the Phoenix flutters to the top of the stadium. Suddenly he begins flopping about in midair and squacking madly.*

Fusion: What's going on?!

Saru: All the evil in this room is overloading its senses!

Fusion: Then I have an idea!

*Fusion manages to kick Akujin off of him as he prepares his last attack.*

Fusion: Fusion Beam!

*Beams shoot out from both of Fusion's hand. One hits Akujin's Eye and the other hits the Phoenix. The two are dragged towards each other, with explosive results. One of the sugar-coated spherical things remains.*