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{{Member OG 3 Pages}}
==Author: Introbulus==
Introbulus (the real one): Ha! You cannot fool me! I know it's you, DARK JIM!
Fusion: What? Are you SNAPPED out of your mind?!? Dark Jim died a long time ago!
(fake) Introbulus: Or so you would think!
TH Yami Yoshi: Oh %(<nowiki>*</nowiki>^&^<nowiki>*</nowiki>^<nowiki>*</nowiki>#(^(^(#((#%()%
Other OGers: O_O
TH Yami Yoshi: What? Aren't I allowed to swear once in awhile?
Fusion: But Dark Matter killed you! I saw it with my own eyes!
Dark Jim: Exactly what I wanted you to think! I've really been gathering my power, waiting for a chance to finally absorb Introbulus!
Gore: HIM?!
Fusion: Why would you want to absorb Introbulus? He isn't even as strong as Fusion!
Dark Jim: Or so he would have you believe! Introbulus is actually stronger than all of you combined!
TH Yami Yoshi: WHAT?!?
Introbulus: But I'll NEVER let that power get out of control! I remember what happened last time!
Dark Jim: What ALMOST happened last time! If my good side hadn't budged in and foiled EVERYTHING, the universe would've been gone a long time ago, and I wouldn't even be BOTHERED by the likes of you! But now that I have you RIGHT where I want you, it's time for us to fuse!
Introbulus: No! You have to fight me and beat me in order to fuse with me, and I'll never let either of those happen! (presses a button on the satlite)
Satlite computer: Self-destruct sequence activated! You have five minutes to escape!
Dark Jim: You idiot! I can survive that blast! So can you! However, your friends here might have a hard time breathing...in SPACE!
Introbulus: ...Ooops!
Dark Jim: BWAHAHAHA!!!(floats away)
TH Yami Yoshi: Come back here, you!
Fusion: There's no time! We've got to get to the escape pods!
Computer: Four minutes to self-destruct!
(The group runs towards a set of corrodors, taking several swerves and turns, running all the way)
Computer: Three minutes to self-destruct!
Fusion: So what was...?
Introbulus: We'll have time to talk once we get to the escape pods, move!
(they continue to run untill they get to an intersection with a blacked-out sign)
Gore: Oh great! Fine time for the signs to be out of order!
Computer: Two minutes to self-destruct!
Introbulus: There's no time left!
TH Yami Yoshi: Wait! I think the pods are THIS way! (runs down a corrodor)
Computer: One minute to self-destruct!
Gore: There's the pods!
Fusion: What timing!
Computer: Thirty seconds to self-destruct!
TH Yami Yoshi: I hope I can remember the new code!
Computer: Fifteen...
TH Yami Yoshi: I got it! Let's go!
Computer: Ten...
Fusion: Blast off!
Computer: Nine...
(the ship docks off of the port, and leaves the satlite with five seconds remaining)
Computer: Five...four...three...two...one...(BOOM!)
Fusion: (accent)Trobby! You got some 'splanin to do!
Introbulus: Whaaaa?(/accent)
(So, Introbulus goes on to explain how he almost destroyed the universe. I would go on to explain it to you also, but that would extend this already-too-long post, so we're skipping the whole thing)
Fusion: Wow! Were their really that many cheesecake trees back then?
Introbulus: What are you talking about? I didn't say anything about cheesecake trees! (Or did I?)
Fusion: Oh, then I guess I wasn't listning.
Other OGers: (fall down anime-style)
(after another needlessly-long explination...)
Fusion: Oh! So THAT'S what happened billions of years ago!
Introbulus: Yup!
Gore: I still don't understand the importance of a ferrit, though!
Other OGers: (another anime-style fall over)
Introbulus: (Sigh, not again) About forty billion years or more ago...
Fusion: Heads up, guys! We're coming up on Earth!
TH Yami Yoshi: Okay then, our first order of buisness is to destroy Dark Matter and his army! After that, Dark Jim should be a snap!
(Will our heroes be able to stand up to the dark army of Dark Matter? What will Dark Jim do now that he feels that he has enough power to destroy the OGers? Is Dark Matter still under his contract? Find out next time, when someone else explains it all for me! (yay! <nowiki>*</nowiki>big, cheesy grin<nowiki>*</nowiki> )
OOC: Oops! Look like I posted the same time that Yami Yoshi posted! I guess we'll have to find some way to merge the two. I'd edit my post, but I don't have time right now. Sorry. :(
==Author: Yoshiyami==
TH Yami Dragoshi: Hey! Someone's flying our way!
SwordMaster: It's Fusion! I wondered where he was after 13 years...
<Fusion flies onto the spacestation and bursts in>
Gamechamp: You could've used the door!
Dark Fusion: Must...kill..Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi!
TH Yami Dragoshi: Are you ok?
Dark Fusion: ...DEFUSION BEAM!
<Dark Fusion shoots the Defusion Beam at TH Yami Dragoshi. TH Yami Dragoshi defuses>
Yami Yoshi: Hey what gives?
Dragoshi: Are you alright?
Pharaoh: He's evil!
Dark Fusion: TAKE THIS!
<Dark Fusion punches Yami Yoshi>
Yami Yoshi: Argh! Dark Egg!
<Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Dark Fusion>
Dark Fusion: <dodges the egg> Ha!
Dragoshi: Dragoshi Flame!
<Dragoshi fires a fireball at Dark Fusion>
Dark Fusion: <dodges the fireball> Ha!
Yami Yoshi: What's wrong with you Fusion?
Pharaoh: Allow me to free his mind...MIND CRUSH!
<Dark Fusion suddenly clutches his head and a piece of Dark Matter flies out of his ear>
Pharaoh: DARK EGG!
<The Pharaoh throws a Dark Egg at the Dark Matter piece and kills it>
Pharaoh: Take that!
Fusion: Ugh...my head...
Yami Yoshi: Fusion! What happened!?
Fusion: I don't know...Last thing I remember was something flew into my ear. Then my head went blank...
Pharaoh: I must have been the Dark Matter!
Yami Yoshi: That's it! We have to stop it!
Introbulus: All right! Let's fly to Earth!
<The OGers hop into Introbulus' rocket and fly towards Earth>
Yami Yoshi: How are we going to pass through the Dark Matter atmosphere?
Introbulus: LIGHT SHIELD!
<Introbulus presses a button and a barrier of light surrounds the spaceship>
Introbulus: This should protect us.
<The spaceship penetrates the darkness and lands safetly in Tokyo>
Yami Yoshi: <hops out> Now let's kill Dark Matter!
<In Dark Joe Matter's cave>
Dark Joe Matter: Dammit! It seems that Fusion has failed...I guess I'll have to deal with him myself!
<Dark Joe Matter flies out of the cave to where the OGers are>
Dragoshi: Hey! Someone's flying towards us!
<Dark Joe Matter lands in front of the OGers>
Dark Joe Matter: So you are the OGers huh...You look pretty pathetic to me...
Yami Yoshi: So YOU'RE the source of all of the darkness!
Dark Joe Matter: It's not just that...I am a FUSION!
Everyone: FUSION!?
Fusion: How is that possible!? I'm the only one who knows how to fuse people!
Dark Joe Matter: Actually...YOU were the one who fused me!
Fusion: I don't remember...
Yami Yoshi: It must have happened when he was possessed! You fiend! I'll kill you! Fusion! Fuse us together!
Fusion: All right!
Dark Joe Matter: Not so fast! DARK COCOON!
<Darkness binds Fusion into a small cocoon>
Dark Joe Matter: Ha! Without Fusion, I am the most powerful being in the world!
Yami Yoshi: C'mon guys! We can beat him! Let's go!
==Author: Dark Magus==
<nowiki>::</nowiki>Dark Magus walks out of nowhere to a nearby stand, slaps down a $5 bill, and walks off contently with nachos and a slurpee.
==Author: Yoshiyami==
<Dark Magus walks away from the stand drinking his slurpee>
Dark Magus: <slurp> Hey! It looks like a fight's going on! I'm gonna watch!
<Dark Magus sits on a bench and starts chomping on his nachos>
Dark Joe Matter: Just in case Fusion breaks free from the cocoon...DARK ABSORB!
<Dark Joe Matter absorbs the cocoon>
Yami Yoshi: Fusion!
Dark Joe Matter: Ha ha ha! Fusion is no more! And now Fusion's powers become mine!
Yami Yoshi: No! We'll still defeat you! DARK EGG!
<Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Dark Joe Matter but it's instantly absorbed>
Dark Joe Matter: Ha! I have the power to absorb anything dark!
SwordMaster: Absorb this! OG BLADE!
<SwordMaster pulls out his sword and slashes off Dark Joe Matter's arm>
Dark Joe Matter: Argh! My arm! DARK ABSORB!
<Dark Joe Matter absorbs the darkness from the skies and it repairs his arm>
Dark Joe Matter: Who should I absorb next? Ah yes! Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh! The OGers will certainly lose without your existance! DARK COCOON!
<A Dark Cocoon binds Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh>
Dark Joe Matter: DARK ABSORB!
<Dark Joe Matter absorbs both of the cocoons>
Dragoshi: NO!
Dark Joe Matter: Now Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh's powers are mine! DARK EGG!
<Dark Joe Matter hurls at Dark Egg at Introbulus knocking him into a building>
Introbulus: Urg...Exactly who or what are you?
Dark Joe Matter: I am a fusion of Dark Matter and Dark Joe!
Introbulus: Who the hell is Dark Joe?
Dark Joe Matter: He is Dark Jim's older brother. His powers exceed that of Dark Jim!
Introbulus: Jim never told me he had a brother...
Dark Joe Matter: We used Fusion to fuse the most powerful bodies together! Dark Matter and Dark Joe! The two most powerful beings in the universe!
Meanwhile inside of Dark Joe Matter...
Yami Yoshi: Whoa! Where are we?
Pharaoh: This place is weird...Everywhere you look there's darkness and it looks like there's no way out!
Yami Yoshi: Let's try to find Fusion so we can bust outta here!
<The Pharaoh and Yami Yoshi float deeper into Dark Joe Matter's body>
==Author: Gamechamp==
GC:Now try to absorb me!
DJM:So,you surrender?Good,then I will!
He absorbs Gamechamp.
REMAINING ROBOT TEAM:Nooooooo!!!Red!!!!!
VOICE:Hello,there.It's me,Gamechamp.
DJM:What?I just absorbed you!
GC:I'm inside you.You see,I'm a robot.Robots are actual things,not something living.So that means I can't be absorbed,so now you just helped me by letting me inside you.But first...
Fusion,Yami Yoshi,and the Pharaoh come out of Dark Joe Matter.
GC:Now...take this!
FUSION:Ummmmmm...this is starnge...
Dark Joe Matter drops on the ground,still screaming.
Dark Joe Matter splits into Dark Joe and Dark Matter,and inbetween them is Gamechamp.
BOTH:Nooooo!!!We need to escape!!!
Both of them fly away,but Gamechamp hits Dark Matter with a large buster gun shot,which makes him disintigrate into nothing,and all of the dark in the sky dissapears,then a whole lot of people come out.
SOMEONE:Hey!All the dark is gone!
SOMEONE:Oh,noooo!!!It's the Robot Team from 13 years ago!
They all get out guns,and start shooting the Robot Team.
GC:Must...hold onto anger...must not let it go...think about $1,000...
They walk away to find a way to thier ground base,while people are still shootting guns.
FUSION:Hey,Gamechamp,how did you learn to diffuse?
GC:I have every power in the universe,remember?<br>
==Author: StuMan==
OoC: Man, you guys go wwwaaayyyy too fast for me,
I think i'll just watch
==Author: Introbulus==
Dark Matter: Oh great! Now we don't have the power to defeat Dark Jim when he...
Dark Jim: Did someone call?
Dark Matter: Ahh! It's you!
Dark Jim: Tsk, tsk, Dark Matter. You dissapoint me. Plotting my downfall behind my back...
Dark Joe: Wait a minute! You're not my brother!
Dark Jim: Who are you?
Dark Joe: I'm Dark Joe! Brother of the REAL Dark Jim!
Dark Jim: Hmmm...Oh yes! I remember HIM! He was one of the first people I absorbed the last time I was evil!
Dark Joe: Impossible! Dark Jim disappeared Billions of years ago! I had thought that YOU were HIM!
Dark Jim: Forty billon years ago, to be precise!
Dark Joe: You mean...?
Dark Jim: Yes! To go to Harvard university, earn my degree in...
Dark Joe: Wrong storyline.
Dark Jim: Oh, then yes, I absorbed your brothers body and took his name!
Dark Joe: Then there's still a chance to...
Dark Jim: Nope, he's an integral part of my system now! Just like...YOU!
Dark Joe: What? Never!
(Dark Jim advances on Dark Joe. Joe tries to dodge him, but Dark Jim anticipates this and plots his course accordingly)
Dark Joe: NO!!!!!!
Dark Jim: BWAHAHAHA! Now, Dark Matter, a little buisness I have with you...
Dark Matter: (nervous) Hehe, now now, don't get carried away, sir. Uhhhh, I didn't know that you had...
Dark Jim: Survived? Ha! Of course I did!
Dark Matter: Gee, uh, how exactly did you know that I hadn't...
Dark Jim: Been destroyed? Pah! Even I know that your structural composition doesn't allow you to decompose!
Dark Matter: Well then, only one thing to do then, eh?
Dark Jim: I know you're charging an energy blast. I sensed it quite awile ago.
Dark Matter: Oh really? Then you know how much...THIS (blast) will hurt!
Dark Jim: (absorbs the attack)
Dark Matter: Huh?
Dark Jim: Foolish matter! Don't you realize that I can't be hurt by Dark attacks? Now you've gone and made me angry!
Dark Matter: Oh really? Well what makes you think you can stop ME?!?!
Dark Jim: Fool! I am the LORD of darkness! You are my servant! (zaps Dark Matter with a beam)
Dark Matter: AHHH!!!!
Dark Jim: Now then, who do you serve?
Dark Matter: <b>I serve only the dark lord Jim, master.</b>
Dark Jim: And who do you oppose?
Dark Matter: <b>The OGers and all that they stand for, master.</b>
Dark Jim: Excellent. Now, what are you going to do about them?
Dark Matter: <b>Hide under a rock, master.</b>
Dark Jim: WRONG! You will DESTROY THEM!!!!
Dark Matter: <b>Master, with all due respect, they would crush me like a puny insect.</b>
Dark Jim: Very well then, your job now is to ready my army of darkness. <b>I</b> will deal with the OGers!
Dark Matter: <b>Yes, matter.</b>
Dark Jim: (sigh) Good help is so hard to find these days...
==Author: Fusion==
Meanwhile, in the space station's training gym...
Fusion punches a punching bag in two.
Introbulus: Why are you so angr...
Fusion: SHUT UP! <nowiki>*</nowiki>throws Introbulus through a metal wall<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Introbulus: Ouch. Man, he's really p<nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki>ed about Dark Joe Matter absorbing him.
Fusion: I'll take all of you on alone!!!
Yami Yoshi: FUSION! <nowiki>*</nowiki>slaps Fusion<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Fusion: Sorry, I got so p<nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki>ed that I was out of control.
BSD: We will stop Dark Joe, Dark Matter, and Dark Jim someday.
Computer: Intruder alert! Intruder alert!
Introbulus: Computer, who is the intruder?
The computer shows them a view from a camera in sector three. A mysterious cloaked figure wearing a mask is beating up all of the security robots.
Computer: Intruder's power level: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Introbulus: We must get to sector three!
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>the OGers confront the Intruder<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Fusion: Who are you?
Intruder: Why I am.......(removes costume)
Dark GORE: You've got that right.
Yami Yoshi: Can we defeat him?
Dark GORE: No, you cannot. But I will spare your
lives - if you give me GORE.
BSD(assuming he's re-fused with the Black Skull and Koopa): No way! We can beat'em!
GORE: No. We don't Take me.
Dark GORE: Good. Mousse? (Mousse snaps Mega-Electro Handcuffs on GORE.)
Introbulus: No!
GORE: Don't worry. I can fight my own battles.
(GORE is stuck in a cell on The Flying Monkey.)
The Flying Monkey leaves the space station. To where? Only I know. (Hint: I'll get my climactic battle after all!) So continue in your quest against Dark Jim as GORE-ILLA is once again seperated from the group. For now.
To Be Continued....
==Author: Yoshiyami==
OoC: I'm assuming Dark Jim absorbed Dark Joe...
In Dark Jim's cave...
Dark Matter: Time to produce an army that shall please my master!
<Dark Matter starts producing small black creatures called NZ's from his cloud-like body>
Dark Matter: Ha ha ha! Darkness shall cloud the world once again!
Yami Yoshi: Great...Dark GORE's gone...
Pharaoh: Pfft...We don't need him...
BSD: We still need to concentrate on our main mission: to destroy Dark Jim and Dark Matter!
Gamechamp: His darkness no longer covers the Earth but his presense is still a threat to the Earth!
Pharaoh: I think we should fuse in Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi again!
Fusion: All right! DEFUSION BEAM!
<Fusion defuses BSD into Dragoshi>
Fusion: All right! FUSION BEAM!
<Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, and Dragoshi fuse into Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi>
Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi: All right! I'm flying down to Earth!
<TH Yami Dragoshi flies out of the space station and flies towards Earth>
Fusion: All right! Let's follow him!
<The remaining OGers hop into the spaceship but Introbulus holds Fusion back>
Introbulus: It would be best if you stay here.
Fusion: What!? This is the fate of Earth we're talking about!
Introbulus: Every time you've gone into battle, you've been attacked an you jeopardized TH Yami Dragoshi's existance. No offense but its best if you stay here and guard the space station.
Fusion: ...Ok...
Introbulus: All right! Let's go!
<All of the OGers except Fusion hop into the spaceship and fly towards Earth behind TH Yami Dragoshi. Soon the OGers land onto Earth>
TH Yami Dragoshi: All right! Let's find that Dark Matter!
SwordMaster: Hey! Is he that dark cloud floating over there?
TH Yami Dragoshi: Yeah! That's him! Let's get him!
Dark Matter: I would do that if I were you...
<Suddenly, about a million of small black creatures hop out of Dark Matter's body>
SwordMaster: What the hell are those?
Introbulus: NZs...There has to been about a million of them!
Dark Matter: All right NZs! Attack!
<All of the NZs charge toward the OGers>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Brace yourself! DARK EGG METEOR!
<The Dark Meteor Egg kills about 1000 NZs>
SwordMaster: OG BLADE!
<SwordMaster slashes a large group of NZs>
SwordMaster: Ha! Take that!
<Suddenly a bunch of NZs jump onto Introbulus' body>
Introbulus: Argh! There's too many!
TH Yami Dragoshi: Time to for my ultimate attack! DARK EGG METEOR SHOWER!
<Suddenly, hundreds of Dark Egg Meteors come crashing down to Earth killing all of the NZs>
Dark Matter: No! My army!
TH Yami Dragoshi: Ha! Now time to finish YOU off! DRAGOSHI FLAME!
<TH Yami Dragoshi spits a giant fireball at Dark Matter seperating his body into thousands of dark clouds>
TH Yami Dragoshi: And that's that...
Introbulus: Oh no! Look!
<All of the dark clouds cluster together and reform Dark Matter>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Oh no! Dammit!
Dark Matter: Ha! I am impossible to destroy!
==Author: Fusion==
Suddenly, a bunch of lasers hit Dark Matter.
Dark Matter: ARRGH! The laser doesn't hurt, just the heat!
Introbulus: Who did that?
Suddenly, millions of small starships and one huge starship fly around Dark Matter.
Introbulus: I see someone in the largest one! Hey, is that...? It is! FUSION! I TOLD YOU TO STAY BEHIND!
Fusion: Yeah, hi. It's me! Did I tell you I am the commander of my own fleet of starships?
Fusion: Oh. Time for my Plasma Ray!
Dark Matter: WTF?
Suddenly, a huge green ray hits Dark Matter. He respawns again.
Dark Matter: Ha, I am invincible!
Suddenly, Dark Matter is grabbed from behind by...
OGers: White?
White: That's right! Roll call!
Teal: I am Teal, and I copy Green's power!
Orange: I am Orange, and I copy Yellow's power!
Purple: I am Purple, and I copy Black's power!
Pink: I am Pink, and I copy Blue's power!
White: And I am White, and I copy Gamechamp's power!
All: We're the Robo Scouts, the sisters of the Robot Team, and the hotties of machinery.
White: Time to throw you away!
White hurls Dark Matter around at such an awesome speed and flings him into a nearby canyon wall.
Dark Matter: Ouch.
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In the control room of The Flying Monkey<nowiki>*</nowiki>
EVIL Scientist Dude: Sir, shouldn't we rejoin the TWIFATIT forces on Mystery?
Dark GORE: Not yet. First we must return to our lab in Japan so I can absorb GORE-ILLA.
EVIL Scientist Dude: Yes, master.(diskun rushes in)
Diskun: Urgent news! I've translated the scrolls!
According to this, Sephnito is trapped in a Time Rip and is powered by five crystals: Sephn-
Dark GORE: Diskun, that was the last OG!! Get with the times!
Diskun: Sorry, sir.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In GORE-ILLA's cell<nowiki>*</nowiki>
GORE sat alone in the cell. He had given up on trying to break the cuffs a while ago. When he struggled, the Electro Omega handcuffs sent surges of pain unlike anything he felt before throughout his body. He closed his eyes, remained calm and concentrated on the cuffs. Suddenly, he heard a loud snap and opened his eyes to see his shattered cuffs laying on the ground.
GORE: What the Hell? (Without the handcuffs, it was easy to knock down the steel cell door. He took Ol' Bessie, who was appointed guard of his cell, by surprise and locked it in the cell.)
GORE wandered through the ship quietly and heard noises. He ducked into the armory which was filled with weapons of every shape and size. From
the small remote control designed to deactivate GORE's robot parts to a TWIFATIT Cheese Ray which looked like it had been used recently (inside joke). Suddenly, a voice called out from the shadows.
Mousse: Whatchou doing outta your cage, man? (goes into an attack stance)
GORE-ILLA: Taking out the trash. (goes into a defensive stance.)
Mousse: That's it. I might not know karate, but I know ca-razy! YAAAAAAAAAA!!!! (charges at GORE wildly.)
GORE: (flips behind Mousse) GORE Punch! (knocks out Mousse.) That takes care of her.
GORE-ILLA continued scanning the room. Then, he saw a sword in a sheath attached to athe wall. A label on it read , "GORE-ILLA's Sword". GORE wondered what that meant. He had never wielded a sword before. He reached out for it, when a giant claw slammed down on GORE. He leaped out of the way. And the sharp claw destroyed a wall of the ship. The vacuum sucked out most of the smaller weapons. GORE turned around and confronted his assailant.
Pinchy: Pinchy Crush!
GORE: Not again. (ducks Pinchy's attack, jumps on his back and grabs his antenae.)
Pinchy: BLARG!!!! My antenni!! (tries to shake GORE off.)
GORE-ILLA: (spies an emblem on Pinchy's back) What have we here? (grabs the sword and jams it in
the emblem.)
Pinchy: YAARRG!!!!(passes out and begins turning into a normal crab as the wind sweeps him away.)
GORE; (grabs the sword) That was ea- (suddenly hears the sound of a sword being unsheathd. Spins around and blocks a sword blow that would habe cut his hea off if he blocked a second later. The sword attacking him is a darker version of his. As for the wielder of the sword...)
Dark GORE: Ready to play, dumb monkey?
To Be Continued Next Time on VGF Members OG 3: Triple Trouble!
==Author: Yoshiyami==
Dark GORE: Pity you don't know how to use a sword...That REALLY gives you a disadvantage!
GORE: I'll show you! TAKE THIS!
<GORE attempts to slash Dark GORE. Dark GORE easily blocks the attack>
Dark GORE: Take this!
<Dark GORE slashes GORE's left arm>
GORE: Argh!
<GORE's arm starts bleeding>
GORE: <clutching his arm> Urg...I have...to fight back...
<GORE swings his sword at Dark GORE again. Dark GORE jumps into the air and slams his sword into GORE's arm again, this time knocking it off>
GORE: Ugh...
Dark GORE: Ha ha ha! Prepare to meet your end!
<Dark GORE points the tip of his sword at GORE>
Dark GORE: After I kill you, I will absorb your body and become the strongest being in the universe!
GORE: No...
<Meanwhile on Earth>
Dark Matter: Curse you Robo Scouts! Take this!
<Five dark clouds emerge from Dark Matter>
Dark Matter: I shall abduct your bodies! Ha ha ha!
<The dark clouds fly towards the Robo Scouts>
<SwordMaster slashes and kills all five pieces of Dark Matter>
Dark Matter: What?
SwordMaster: They don't call me SwordMaster for nothing! I am the greatest swordsman on Earth!
Dark Matter: Really...Then try to beat THIS!
<Dark Matter's body transforms into the spikey-haired, sword-wielding wizard from Kirby's Dream Land 2>
Dark Matter: Let's see how good you are with the sword!
SwordMaster: Prepare to meet your match!
Dark Matter: Take this!
<Dark Matter starts firing energy balls from the sword at SwordMaster. SwordMaster blocks each one and they reflect back towards Dark Matter>
Dark Matter: Ugh! Take this!
<Dark Matter attempts to stab SwordMaster but is blocked>
SwordMaster: OG BLADE!
<SwordMaster slashes off Dark Matter's arm>
Dark Matter: Urg! <thinking> <i>He IS strong with the sword! I'll need to transform!</i>
SwordMaster: Ha! Ready to give up?
Dark Matter: Not yet...BUT YOU'RE ABOUT TO!
SwordMaster: What?
Dark Matter: Watch this!
<Dark Matter's body transfroms into a one-eyed floating black orb>
Dark Matter: See if you can beat this!
SwordMaster: Grr...
<Dark Matter starts firing crystals from his body>
SwordMaster: Ugh!
<One of the crystals slams into his right shoulder damaging it>
Dark Matter: Ha ha ha! Take summa this!
<Dark Matter fires even more crystals at SwordMaster's body>
SwordMaster: ARGH!!!
Dark Matter: And now for the moment I've been waiting for! DARK ABSORB!
<SwordMaster's injured body gets sucked into Dark Matter>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Oh no!
Introbulus: He's gone...
Dark Matter: Mwa ha ha ha ha! I have more power than ever!
TH Yami Dragoshi: I'll show him! DRAGOSHI FLAME!
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
GORE quickly recovers and picks up his sword. Suddenly, he remembers a clue to his past:<i>Idej</i>
Dark GORE: Now you die! (ruses GORE with his sword.)
GORE blocks Dark GORE's attacks with skills he never knew he had. But, Dark GORE is stronger and soon backs GORE up to the hole in the side of The Flying Monkey. Dark GORE knocks GORE's sword out of his hand. It gets sucked out of the hole. He then kicks GORE-ILLA through the hole. Dark GORE leaps out the hole after him "riding" his sword like a pogo stick with the pointy side sticking down.
GORE lands on his back on the top of a volcano - on the side of the lava pit.
GORE: Ugh. That was close. (Just as he's about to get up, Dark GORE comes riding down. His sword impales GORE-ILLA's flesh arm. He screamed in pain
as blood gushed out from the wound.)
Dark GORE: Now, are yolu ready to die monkey? (He puhes the sword it sinks deeper through GORE's arm and into the ground.)
Dark GORE continues pushing the sword down until the blade of the sword is no longewr visible. Blood is everywhere. Censor Man runs in with a broom.
Censor Man: Cover your eyes children! (wipes away most of the blood with his broom and runs off)
Dark GORE pulls the sword out of GORE's arm. The sword is now completly red with blood. Censor Man runs back and Dark GORE decapitates him.
Dark GORE: This time I will aim for your head. (raises his sword above his head and prepares to
swing down with all his might.)
GORE quickly scans his surroundings for something to help him. Then, he saw something resting a few yards away from him. It was the remote control EVIL Scientist Dude made to destroy his cyborg parts. But, it was out of his reach. He reached out for it futily. He was about to give up when he remember a comforting voice from his past: Do or do not. There is no try. He closed his eyes and concentrated. The remote flew into his hand.
GORE: I think not! (points the remote control at Dark GORE's mechanical right arm. He presses the button and Dark GORE's arm explodes, causing him to drop the sword. It cuts his cheek, leaving a scar, as it flies past GORE's face.)
Dark GORE: AHHHH!!!! My arm! (GORE then blows up Dark GORE's mechanical left leg. He loses his balance and falls over the side of a crater. He grabs a ledge with his remaining arm.)
<nowiki>[Serious Mode]</nowiki>
GORE aims the remote control at the mechanical half of Dark GORE's head, but looks. That was him
there. His face. His fur. He was only hurting himself. And if the Pharoah could turn good, maybe he could too. He dropped the remote control into the lava. A small rumbling followed, but quickly stopped.
Dark GORE: What did you do that for? You had a chance to kill me!
GORE: I will spare your life. If we work together,
we will become great. (extends hand and grabs Dark GORE's arm)
Dark GORE: I'd rather die. (lets go of GORE and falls to the lava.)
<nowiki>[/serious mode]</nowiki>
GORE looked away, not wanting to see this. A loud Plop! was heard followed by a loud rumbling. This time, the rumbling didn't stop. GORE quickly ran down the hill as the eruption sent lava and molten rocks flying everywhere.<br>
He found his sword on the volcano and ran into the jungle, where he wrapped a palm leaf around his arm as a bandage.
GORE soon bought a plt device named PL-0TT from Bob's Plot Device Roundup (50 percent off!)
GORE: PL, teleport me to the VGF Six.
PL: Yes, Master GORE! (they disappear.)
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Elsewhere on The Flying Monkey...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
EVIL Scientist: Where could Master Dark GORE have gone? (Suddenly, a blood red sword broke through the window and anded on the floor. Then a small molten rock fell into his.) Hot! hot! (he drops it and it cools, revealing is no molten rock.) What-Master? (The mechanical half of Dark GORE's head lies on the floor.)
To Be Continued Next Time On VGF Member OG 3: Triple Trouble!
==Author: Yoshiyami==
Evil Scientist Dude: <clutching Dark GORE's head> No! Dark GORE!
Pinchy: Pinchy thinks he's dead!
Evil Scientist Dude: No! GORE shall pay!
Diskun: What do you plan on doing?
Evil Scientist Dude: I shall rebuild Dark GORE's body and create Dark GORE 2.0, his body shall be mechanically enhanced and should destroy GORE once and for all!
<Evil Scientist Dude walks into his lab>
On Earth...
GORE: Hey! What did I miss?
TH Yami Dragoshi: It's you! You finally escaped from the Flying Monkey!
GORE: Yeah...Hey! Where's SwordMaster?
TH Yami Dragoshi: He was absorbed by Dark Matter...
Dark Matter: Ha ha ha! I shall absorb each and every one of you!
<Dark Matter starts firing crystals at the OGers>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Super Slurp 'n' Burp!
<TH Yami Dragoshi eats all of the crystals and spits them back at Dark Matter>
Dark Matter: Urgh!
TH Yami Dragoshi: Dragoshi Slash!
<TH Yami Dragoshi's claws extend and slash up Dark Matter until his body is covered with bloody scratch marks>
Dark Matter: Urgh......I better transform back!
<Dark Matter's spherical body turns back into the dark cloud>
Dark Matter: Now all of my wounds have healed!
TH Yami Dragoshi: No!
GORE: How are we supposed to beat this guy!?
Meanwhile inside of Dark Matter...
SwordMaster: Whoa! This place is weird!
<SwordMaster stands on a platform surrounded by an eerie red background>
SwordMaster: What a crazy place...
<Suddenly, NZs appear out of nowhere and charge towards SwordMaster>
SwordMaster: NZs!
<SwordMaster slashes each one up with his sword>
SwordMaster: Take that!
<Suddenly that platform starts to shake>
SwordMaster: WHOA!
<The platform crumbles and SwordMaster falls into the void below him>
SwordMaster: Sheesh...This pit seems infinite...When will I stop falling?
Voice: You'll stop falling when I'm through with you!
<A white spherical one-eyed angel appears>
Angel: I am 02, the core essence of Dark Matter.
SwordMaster: So YOU'RE Dark Matter.
02: That's right. I am the source of all of the darkness that clouds your planet.
SwordMaster: You have killed so many innocent people! I'll show you!
<SwordMaster flies towards 02>
02: We'll see about that! Take this!
<02 starts firing bombs from his eye>
SwordMaster: Swords Dance!
<SwordMaster slashes and destroys each bomb>
SwordMaster: Take this!
<SwordMaster stabs 02 in his eye>
02: Argh! You are better than I thought!
SwordMaster: That's right!
02: Time to show you my true strength!
<A small green spikey tails pops out of 02's underside and starts shooting poisonous gas at SwordMaster>
SwordMaster: <cough> Cannot...breathe...
02: Ha ha ha! Once I'm through with you, you shall be trapped in eternal darkness forever!

Latest revision as of 17:38, 22 February 2009

Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Introbulus (the real one): Ha! You cannot fool me! I know it's you, DARK JIM!

Fusion: What? Are you SNAPPED out of your mind?!? Dark Jim died a long time ago!

(fake) Introbulus: Or so you would think!

TH Yami Yoshi: Oh %(*^&^*^*#(^(^(#((#%()%

Other OGers: O_O

TH Yami Yoshi: What? Aren't I allowed to swear once in awhile?

Fusion: But Dark Matter killed you! I saw it with my own eyes!

Dark Jim: Exactly what I wanted you to think! I've really been gathering my power, waiting for a chance to finally absorb Introbulus!

Gore: HIM?!

Fusion: Why would you want to absorb Introbulus? He isn't even as strong as Fusion!

Dark Jim: Or so he would have you believe! Introbulus is actually stronger than all of you combined!

TH Yami Yoshi: WHAT?!?

Introbulus: But I'll NEVER let that power get out of control! I remember what happened last time!

Dark Jim: What ALMOST happened last time! If my good side hadn't budged in and foiled EVERYTHING, the universe would've been gone a long time ago, and I wouldn't even be BOTHERED by the likes of you! But now that I have you RIGHT where I want you, it's time for us to fuse!

Introbulus: No! You have to fight me and beat me in order to fuse with me, and I'll never let either of those happen! (presses a button on the satlite)

Satlite computer: Self-destruct sequence activated! You have five minutes to escape!

Dark Jim: You idiot! I can survive that blast! So can you! However, your friends here might have a hard time breathing...in SPACE!

Introbulus: ...Ooops!

Dark Jim: BWAHAHAHA!!!(floats away)

TH Yami Yoshi: Come back here, you!

Fusion: There's no time! We've got to get to the escape pods!

Computer: Four minutes to self-destruct!

(The group runs towards a set of corrodors, taking several swerves and turns, running all the way)

Computer: Three minutes to self-destruct!

Fusion: So what was...?

Introbulus: We'll have time to talk once we get to the escape pods, move!

(they continue to run untill they get to an intersection with a blacked-out sign)

Gore: Oh great! Fine time for the signs to be out of order!

Computer: Two minutes to self-destruct!

Introbulus: There's no time left!

TH Yami Yoshi: Wait! I think the pods are THIS way! (runs down a corrodor)

Computer: One minute to self-destruct!

Gore: There's the pods!

Fusion: What timing!

Computer: Thirty seconds to self-destruct!

TH Yami Yoshi: I hope I can remember the new code!

Computer: Fifteen...

TH Yami Yoshi: I got it! Let's go!

Computer: Ten...

Fusion: Blast off!

Computer: Nine...

(the ship docks off of the port, and leaves the satlite with five seconds remaining)

Computer: Five...four...three...two...one...(BOOM!)

Fusion: (accent)Trobby! You got some 'splanin to do!

Introbulus: Whaaaa?(/accent)

(So, Introbulus goes on to explain how he almost destroyed the universe. I would go on to explain it to you also, but that would extend this already-too-long post, so we're skipping the whole thing)

Fusion: Wow! Were their really that many cheesecake trees back then?

Introbulus: What are you talking about? I didn't say anything about cheesecake trees! (Or did I?)

Fusion: Oh, then I guess I wasn't listning.

Other OGers: (fall down anime-style)

(after another needlessly-long explination...)

Fusion: Oh! So THAT'S what happened billions of years ago!

Introbulus: Yup!

Gore: I still don't understand the importance of a ferrit, though!

Other OGers: (another anime-style fall over)

Introbulus: (Sigh, not again) About forty billion years or more ago...

Fusion: Heads up, guys! We're coming up on Earth!

TH Yami Yoshi: Okay then, our first order of buisness is to destroy Dark Matter and his army! After that, Dark Jim should be a snap!

(Will our heroes be able to stand up to the dark army of Dark Matter? What will Dark Jim do now that he feels that he has enough power to destroy the OGers? Is Dark Matter still under his contract? Find out next time, when someone else explains it all for me! (yay! *big, cheesy grin* )

OOC: Oops! Look like I posted the same time that Yami Yoshi posted! I guess we'll have to find some way to merge the two. I'd edit my post, but I don't have time right now. Sorry. :(

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

TH Yami Dragoshi: Hey! Someone's flying our way!

SwordMaster: It's Fusion! I wondered where he was after 13 years...

<Fusion flies onto the spacestation and bursts in>

Gamechamp: You could've used the door!

Dark Fusion: Must...kill..Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Are you ok?

Dark Fusion: ...DEFUSION BEAM!

<Dark Fusion shoots the Defusion Beam at TH Yami Dragoshi. TH Yami Dragoshi defuses>

Yami Yoshi: Hey what gives?

Dragoshi: Are you alright?

Pharaoh: He's evil!

Dark Fusion: TAKE THIS!

<Dark Fusion punches Yami Yoshi>

Yami Yoshi: Argh! Dark Egg!

<Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at Dark Fusion>

Dark Fusion: <dodges the egg> Ha!

Dragoshi: Dragoshi Flame!

<Dragoshi fires a fireball at Dark Fusion>

Dark Fusion: <dodges the fireball> Ha!

Yami Yoshi: What's wrong with you Fusion?

Pharaoh: Allow me to free his mind...MIND CRUSH!

<Dark Fusion suddenly clutches his head and a piece of Dark Matter flies out of his ear>

Pharaoh: DARK EGG!

<The Pharaoh throws a Dark Egg at the Dark Matter piece and kills it>

Pharaoh: Take that!

Fusion: Ugh...my head...

Yami Yoshi: Fusion! What happened!?

Fusion: I don't know...Last thing I remember was something flew into my ear. Then my head went blank...

Pharaoh: I must have been the Dark Matter!

Yami Yoshi: That's it! We have to stop it!

Introbulus: All right! Let's fly to Earth!

<The OGers hop into Introbulus' rocket and fly towards Earth>

Yami Yoshi: How are we going to pass through the Dark Matter atmosphere?

Introbulus: LIGHT SHIELD!

<Introbulus presses a button and a barrier of light surrounds the spaceship>

Introbulus: This should protect us.

<The spaceship penetrates the darkness and lands safetly in Tokyo>

Yami Yoshi: <hops out> Now let's kill Dark Matter!

<In Dark Joe Matter's cave>

Dark Joe Matter: Dammit! It seems that Fusion has failed...I guess I'll have to deal with him myself!

<Dark Joe Matter flies out of the cave to where the OGers are>

Dragoshi: Hey! Someone's flying towards us!

<Dark Joe Matter lands in front of the OGers>

Dark Joe Matter: So you are the OGers huh...You look pretty pathetic to me...

Yami Yoshi: So YOU'RE the source of all of the darkness!

Dark Joe Matter: It's not just that...I am a FUSION!

Everyone: FUSION!?

Fusion: How is that possible!? I'm the only one who knows how to fuse people!

Dark Joe Matter: Actually...YOU were the one who fused me!

Fusion: I don't remember...

Yami Yoshi: It must have happened when he was possessed! You fiend! I'll kill you! Fusion! Fuse us together!

Fusion: All right!

Dark Joe Matter: Not so fast! DARK COCOON!

<Darkness binds Fusion into a small cocoon>

Dark Joe Matter: Ha! Without Fusion, I am the most powerful being in the world!

Yami Yoshi: C'mon guys! We can beat him! Let's go!

Author: Dark Magus[edit]

::Dark Magus walks out of nowhere to a nearby stand, slaps down a $5 bill, and walks off contently with nachos and a slurpee.


Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

<Dark Magus walks away from the stand drinking his slurpee>

Dark Magus: <slurp> Hey! It looks like a fight's going on! I'm gonna watch!

<Dark Magus sits on a bench and starts chomping on his nachos>

Dark Joe Matter: Just in case Fusion breaks free from the cocoon...DARK ABSORB!

<Dark Joe Matter absorbs the cocoon>

Yami Yoshi: Fusion!

Dark Joe Matter: Ha ha ha! Fusion is no more! And now Fusion's powers become mine!

Yami Yoshi: No! We'll still defeat you! DARK EGG!

<Yami Yoshi throws a Dark Egg at Dark Joe Matter but it's instantly absorbed>

Dark Joe Matter: Ha! I have the power to absorb anything dark!

SwordMaster: Absorb this! OG BLADE!

<SwordMaster pulls out his sword and slashes off Dark Joe Matter's arm>

Dark Joe Matter: Argh! My arm! DARK ABSORB!

<Dark Joe Matter absorbs the darkness from the skies and it repairs his arm>

Dark Joe Matter: Who should I absorb next? Ah yes! Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh! The OGers will certainly lose without your existance! DARK COCOON!

<A Dark Cocoon binds Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh>

Dark Joe Matter: DARK ABSORB!

<Dark Joe Matter absorbs both of the cocoons>

Dragoshi: NO!

Dark Joe Matter: Now Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh's powers are mine! DARK EGG!

<Dark Joe Matter hurls at Dark Egg at Introbulus knocking him into a building>

Introbulus: Urg...Exactly who or what are you?

Dark Joe Matter: I am a fusion of Dark Matter and Dark Joe!

Introbulus: Who the hell is Dark Joe?

Dark Joe Matter: He is Dark Jim's older brother. His powers exceed that of Dark Jim!

Introbulus: Jim never told me he had a brother...

Dark Joe Matter: We used Fusion to fuse the most powerful bodies together! Dark Matter and Dark Joe! The two most powerful beings in the universe!

Meanwhile inside of Dark Joe Matter...

Yami Yoshi: Whoa! Where are we?

Pharaoh: This place is weird...Everywhere you look there's darkness and it looks like there's no way out!

Yami Yoshi: Let's try to find Fusion so we can bust outta here!

<The Pharaoh and Yami Yoshi float deeper into Dark Joe Matter's body>

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

GC:Now try to absorb me!


DJM:So,you surrender?Good,then I will!

He absorbs Gamechamp.

REMAINING ROBOT TEAM:Nooooooo!!!Red!!!!!

VOICE:Hello,there.It's me,Gamechamp.

DJM:What?I just absorbed you!

GC:I'm inside you.You see,I'm a robot.Robots are actual things,not something living.So that means I can't be absorbed,so now you just helped me by letting me inside you.But first...

Fusion,Yami Yoshi,and the Pharaoh come out of Dark Joe Matter.


GC:Now...take this!


FUSION:Ummmmmm...this is starnge...

Dark Joe Matter drops on the ground,still screaming.


Dark Joe Matter splits into Dark Joe and Dark Matter,and inbetween them is Gamechamp.

BOTH:Nooooo!!!We need to escape!!!

Both of them fly away,but Gamechamp hits Dark Matter with a large buster gun shot,which makes him disintigrate into nothing,and all of the dark in the sky dissapears,then a whole lot of people come out.

SOMEONE:Hey!All the dark is gone!

SOMEONE:Oh,noooo!!!It's the Robot Team from 13 years ago!

They all get out guns,and start shooting the Robot Team.

GC:Must...hold onto anger...must not let it go...think about $1,000...

They walk away to find a way to thier ground base,while people are still shootting guns.

FUSION:Hey,Gamechamp,how did you learn to diffuse?

GC:I have every power in the universe,remember?

Author: StuMan[edit]

OoC: Man, you guys go wwwaaayyyy too fast for me,

I think i'll just watch

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Dark Matter: Oh great! Now we don't have the power to defeat Dark Jim when he...

Dark Jim: Did someone call?

Dark Matter: Ahh! It's you!

Dark Jim: Tsk, tsk, Dark Matter. You dissapoint me. Plotting my downfall behind my back...

Dark Joe: Wait a minute! You're not my brother!

Dark Jim: Who are you?

Dark Joe: I'm Dark Joe! Brother of the REAL Dark Jim!

Dark Jim: Hmmm...Oh yes! I remember HIM! He was one of the first people I absorbed the last time I was evil!

Dark Joe: Impossible! Dark Jim disappeared Billions of years ago! I had thought that YOU were HIM!

Dark Jim: Forty billon years ago, to be precise!

Dark Joe: You mean...?

Dark Jim: Yes! To go to Harvard university, earn my degree in...

Dark Joe: Wrong storyline.

Dark Jim: Oh, then yes, I absorbed your brothers body and took his name!

Dark Joe: Then there's still a chance to...

Dark Jim: Nope, he's an integral part of my system now! Just like...YOU!

Dark Joe: What? Never!

(Dark Jim advances on Dark Joe. Joe tries to dodge him, but Dark Jim anticipates this and plots his course accordingly)

Dark Joe: NO!!!!!!

Dark Jim: BWAHAHAHA! Now, Dark Matter, a little buisness I have with you...

Dark Matter: (nervous) Hehe, now now, don't get carried away, sir. Uhhhh, I didn't know that you had...

Dark Jim: Survived? Ha! Of course I did!

Dark Matter: Gee, uh, how exactly did you know that I hadn't...

Dark Jim: Been destroyed? Pah! Even I know that your structural composition doesn't allow you to decompose!

Dark Matter: Well then, only one thing to do then, eh?

Dark Jim: I know you're charging an energy blast. I sensed it quite awile ago.

Dark Matter: Oh really? Then you know how much...THIS (blast) will hurt!

Dark Jim: (absorbs the attack)

Dark Matter: Huh?

Dark Jim: Foolish matter! Don't you realize that I can't be hurt by Dark attacks? Now you've gone and made me angry!

Dark Matter: Oh really? Well what makes you think you can stop ME?!?!

Dark Jim: Fool! I am the LORD of darkness! You are my servant! (zaps Dark Matter with a beam)

Dark Matter: AHHH!!!!

Dark Jim: Now then, who do you serve?

Dark Matter: I serve only the dark lord Jim, master.

Dark Jim: And who do you oppose?

Dark Matter: The OGers and all that they stand for, master.

Dark Jim: Excellent. Now, what are you going to do about them?

Dark Matter: Hide under a rock, master.

Dark Jim: WRONG! You will DESTROY THEM!!!!

Dark Matter: Master, with all due respect, they would crush me like a puny insect.

Dark Jim: Very well then, your job now is to ready my army of darkness. I will deal with the OGers!

Dark Matter: Yes, matter.

Dark Jim: (sigh) Good help is so hard to find these days...

Author: Fusion[edit]

Meanwhile, in the space station's training gym...


Fusion punches a punching bag in two.

Introbulus: Why are you so angr...

Fusion: SHUT UP! *throws Introbulus through a metal wall*

Introbulus: Ouch. Man, he's really p***ed about Dark Joe Matter absorbing him.

Fusion: I'll take all of you on alone!!!

Yami Yoshi: FUSION! *slaps Fusion*

Fusion: Sorry, I got so p***ed that I was out of control.

BSD: We will stop Dark Joe, Dark Matter, and Dark Jim someday.

Computer: Intruder alert! Intruder alert!

Introbulus: Computer, who is the intruder?

The computer shows them a view from a camera in sector three. A mysterious cloaked figure wearing a mask is beating up all of the security robots.

Computer: Intruder's power level: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Introbulus: We must get to sector three!


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*the OGers confront the Intruder*

Fusion: Who are you?

Intruder: Why I am.......(removes costume)


Dark GORE: You've got that right.

Yami Yoshi: Can we defeat him?

Dark GORE: No, you cannot. But I will spare your lives - if you give me GORE.

BSD(assuming he's re-fused with the Black Skull and Koopa): No way! We can beat'em!

GORE: No. We don't Take me.

Dark GORE: Good. Mousse? (Mousse snaps Mega-Electro Handcuffs on GORE.)

Introbulus: No!

GORE: Don't worry. I can fight my own battles.

(GORE is stuck in a cell on The Flying Monkey.)

The Flying Monkey leaves the space station. To where? Only I know. (Hint: I'll get my climactic battle after all!) So continue in your quest against Dark Jim as GORE-ILLA is once again seperated from the group. For now.

To Be Continued....

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

OoC: I'm assuming Dark Jim absorbed Dark Joe...

In Dark Jim's cave...

Dark Matter: Time to produce an army that shall please my master!

<Dark Matter starts producing small black creatures called NZ's from his cloud-like body>

Dark Matter: Ha ha ha! Darkness shall cloud the world once again!


Yami Yoshi: Great...Dark GORE's gone...

Pharaoh: Pfft...We don't need him...

BSD: We still need to concentrate on our main mission: to destroy Dark Jim and Dark Matter!

Gamechamp: His darkness no longer covers the Earth but his presense is still a threat to the Earth!

Pharaoh: I think we should fuse in Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi again!

Fusion: All right! DEFUSION BEAM!

<Fusion defuses BSD into Dragoshi>

Fusion: All right! FUSION BEAM!

<Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, and Dragoshi fuse into Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi>

Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi: All right! I'm flying down to Earth!

Fusion: All right! Let's follow him!

<The remaining OGers hop into the spaceship but Introbulus holds Fusion back>

Introbulus: It would be best if you stay here.

Fusion: What!? This is the fate of Earth we're talking about!

Introbulus: Every time you've gone into battle, you've been attacked an you jeopardized TH Yami Dragoshi's existance. No offense but its best if you stay here and guard the space station.

Fusion: ...Ok...

Introbulus: All right! Let's go!

<All of the OGers except Fusion hop into the spaceship and fly towards Earth behind TH Yami Dragoshi. Soon the OGers land onto Earth>

TH Yami Dragoshi: All right! Let's find that Dark Matter!

SwordMaster: Hey! Is he that dark cloud floating over there?

TH Yami Dragoshi: Yeah! That's him! Let's get him!

Dark Matter: I would do that if I were you...

<Suddenly, about a million of small black creatures hop out of Dark Matter's body>

SwordMaster: What the hell are those?

Introbulus: NZs...There has to been about a million of them!

Dark Matter: All right NZs! Attack!

<All of the NZs charge toward the OGers>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Brace yourself! DARK EGG METEOR!

<The Dark Meteor Egg kills about 1000 NZs>

SwordMaster: OG BLADE!

<SwordMaster slashes a large group of NZs>

SwordMaster: Ha! Take that!

<Suddenly a bunch of NZs jump onto Introbulus' body>

Introbulus: Argh! There's too many!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Time to for my ultimate attack! DARK EGG METEOR SHOWER!

<Suddenly, hundreds of Dark Egg Meteors come crashing down to Earth killing all of the NZs>

Dark Matter: No! My army!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Ha! Now time to finish YOU off! DRAGOSHI FLAME!

TH Yami Dragoshi: And that's that...

Introbulus: Oh no! Look!

<All of the dark clouds cluster together and reform Dark Matter>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Oh no! Dammit!

Dark Matter: Ha! I am impossible to destroy!

Author: Fusion[edit]

Suddenly, a bunch of lasers hit Dark Matter.

Dark Matter: ARRGH! The laser doesn't hurt, just the heat!

Introbulus: Who did that?

Suddenly, millions of small starships and one huge starship fly around Dark Matter.

Introbulus: I see someone in the largest one! Hey, is that...? It is! FUSION! I TOLD YOU TO STAY BEHIND!

Fusion: Yeah, hi. It's me! Did I tell you I am the commander of my own fleet of starships?


Fusion: Oh. Time for my Plasma Ray!

Dark Matter: WTF?

Suddenly, a huge green ray hits Dark Matter. He respawns again.

Dark Matter: Ha, I am invincible!

Suddenly, Dark Matter is grabbed from behind by...

OGers: White?

White: That's right! Roll call!

Teal: I am Teal, and I copy Green's power!

Orange: I am Orange, and I copy Yellow's power!

Purple: I am Purple, and I copy Black's power!

Pink: I am Pink, and I copy Blue's power!

White: And I am White, and I copy Gamechamp's power!

All: We're the Robo Scouts, the sisters of the Robot Team, and the hotties of machinery.

White: Time to throw you away!

White hurls Dark Matter around at such an awesome speed and flings him into a nearby canyon wall.

Dark Matter: Ouch.


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*In the control room of The Flying Monkey*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Sir, shouldn't we rejoin the TWIFATIT forces on Mystery?

Dark GORE: Not yet. First we must return to our lab in Japan so I can absorb GORE-ILLA.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Yes, master.(diskun rushes in)

Diskun: Urgent news! I've translated the scrolls! According to this, Sephnito is trapped in a Time Rip and is powered by five crystals: Sephn-

Dark GORE: Diskun, that was the last OG!! Get with the times!

Diskun: Sorry, sir.

*In GORE-ILLA's cell*

GORE sat alone in the cell. He had given up on trying to break the cuffs a while ago. When he struggled, the Electro Omega handcuffs sent surges of pain unlike anything he felt before throughout his body. He closed his eyes, remained calm and concentrated on the cuffs. Suddenly, he heard a loud snap and opened his eyes to see his shattered cuffs laying on the ground.

GORE: What the Hell? (Without the handcuffs, it was easy to knock down the steel cell door. He took Ol' Bessie, who was appointed guard of his cell, by surprise and locked it in the cell.)

GORE wandered through the ship quietly and heard noises. He ducked into the armory which was filled with weapons of every shape and size. From the small remote control designed to deactivate GORE's robot parts to a TWIFATIT Cheese Ray which looked like it had been used recently (inside joke). Suddenly, a voice called out from the shadows.

Mousse: Whatchou doing outta your cage, man? (goes into an attack stance)

GORE-ILLA: Taking out the trash. (goes into a defensive stance.)

Mousse: That's it. I might not know karate, but I know ca-razy! YAAAAAAAAAA!!!! (charges at GORE wildly.)

GORE: (flips behind Mousse) GORE Punch! (knocks out Mousse.) That takes care of her.

GORE-ILLA continued scanning the room. Then, he saw a sword in a sheath attached to athe wall. A label on it read , "GORE-ILLA's Sword". GORE wondered what that meant. He had never wielded a sword before. He reached out for it, when a giant claw slammed down on GORE. He leaped out of the way. And the sharp claw destroyed a wall of the ship. The vacuum sucked out most of the smaller weapons. GORE turned around and confronted his assailant.

Pinchy: Pinchy Crush!

GORE: Not again. (ducks Pinchy's attack, jumps on his back and grabs his antenae.)

Pinchy: BLARG!!!! My antenni!! (tries to shake GORE off.)

GORE-ILLA: (spies an emblem on Pinchy's back) What have we here? (grabs the sword and jams it in the emblem.)

Pinchy: YAARRG!!!!(passes out and begins turning into a normal crab as the wind sweeps him away.)

GORE; (grabs the sword) That was ea- (suddenly hears the sound of a sword being unsheathd. Spins around and blocks a sword blow that would habe cut his hea off if he blocked a second later. The sword attacking him is a darker version of his. As for the wielder of the sword...)

Dark GORE: Ready to play, dumb monkey?

To Be Continued Next Time on VGF Members OG 3: Triple Trouble!

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

Dark GORE: Pity you don't know how to use a sword...That REALLY gives you a disadvantage!

GORE: I'll show you! TAKE THIS!

<GORE attempts to slash Dark GORE. Dark GORE easily blocks the attack>

Dark GORE: Take this!

<Dark GORE slashes GORE's left arm>

GORE: Argh!

<GORE's arm starts bleeding>

GORE: <clutching his arm> Urg...I have...to fight back...

<GORE swings his sword at Dark GORE again. Dark GORE jumps into the air and slams his sword into GORE's arm again, this time knocking it off>

GORE: Ugh...

Dark GORE: Ha ha ha! Prepare to meet your end!

<Dark GORE points the tip of his sword at GORE>

Dark GORE: After I kill you, I will absorb your body and become the strongest being in the universe!

GORE: No...

<Meanwhile on Earth>

Dark Matter: Curse you Robo Scouts! Take this!

<Five dark clouds emerge from Dark Matter>

Dark Matter: I shall abduct your bodies! Ha ha ha!

<The dark clouds fly towards the Robo Scouts>


<SwordMaster slashes and kills all five pieces of Dark Matter>

Dark Matter: What?

SwordMaster: They don't call me SwordMaster for nothing! I am the greatest swordsman on Earth!

Dark Matter: Really...Then try to beat THIS!

<Dark Matter's body transforms into the spikey-haired, sword-wielding wizard from Kirby's Dream Land 2>

Dark Matter: Let's see how good you are with the sword!

SwordMaster: Prepare to meet your match!

Dark Matter: Take this!

<Dark Matter starts firing energy balls from the sword at SwordMaster. SwordMaster blocks each one and they reflect back towards Dark Matter>

Dark Matter: Ugh! Take this!

<Dark Matter attempts to stab SwordMaster but is blocked>

SwordMaster: OG BLADE!

<SwordMaster slashes off Dark Matter's arm>

Dark Matter: Urg! <thinking> He IS strong with the sword! I'll need to transform!

SwordMaster: Ha! Ready to give up?

Dark Matter: Not yet...BUT YOU'RE ABOUT TO!

SwordMaster: What?

Dark Matter: Watch this!

<Dark Matter's body transfroms into a one-eyed floating black orb>

Dark Matter: See if you can beat this!

SwordMaster: Grr...

<Dark Matter starts firing crystals from his body>

SwordMaster: Ugh!

<One of the crystals slams into his right shoulder damaging it>

Dark Matter: Ha ha ha! Take summa this!

<Dark Matter fires even more crystals at SwordMaster's body>

SwordMaster: ARGH!!!

Dark Matter: And now for the moment I've been waiting for! DARK ABSORB!

<SwordMaster's injured body gets sucked into Dark Matter>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Oh no!

Introbulus: He's gone...

Dark Matter: Mwa ha ha ha ha! I have more power than ever!

TH Yami Dragoshi: I'll show him! DRAGOSHI FLAME!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE quickly recovers and picks up his sword. Suddenly, he remembers a clue to his past:Idej

Dark GORE: Now you die! (ruses GORE with his sword.)

GORE blocks Dark GORE's attacks with skills he never knew he had. But, Dark GORE is stronger and soon backs GORE up to the hole in the side of The Flying Monkey. Dark GORE knocks GORE's sword out of his hand. It gets sucked out of the hole. He then kicks GORE-ILLA through the hole. Dark GORE leaps out the hole after him "riding" his sword like a pogo stick with the pointy side sticking down.

GORE lands on his back on the top of a volcano - on the side of the lava pit.

GORE: Ugh. That was close. (Just as he's about to get up, Dark GORE comes riding down. His sword impales GORE-ILLA's flesh arm. He screamed in pain as blood gushed out from the wound.)

Dark GORE: Now, are yolu ready to die monkey? (He puhes the sword it sinks deeper through GORE's arm and into the ground.)

Dark GORE continues pushing the sword down until the blade of the sword is no longewr visible. Blood is everywhere. Censor Man runs in with a broom.

Censor Man: Cover your eyes children! (wipes away most of the blood with his broom and runs off)

Dark GORE pulls the sword out of GORE's arm. The sword is now completly red with blood. Censor Man runs back and Dark GORE decapitates him.

Dark GORE: This time I will aim for your head. (raises his sword above his head and prepares to swing down with all his might.)

GORE quickly scans his surroundings for something to help him. Then, he saw something resting a few yards away from him. It was the remote control EVIL Scientist Dude made to destroy his cyborg parts. But, it was out of his reach. He reached out for it futily. He was about to give up when he remember a comforting voice from his past: Do or do not. There is no try. He closed his eyes and concentrated. The remote flew into his hand.


GORE: I think not! (points the remote control at Dark GORE's mechanical right arm. He presses the button and Dark GORE's arm explodes, causing him to drop the sword. It cuts his cheek, leaving a scar, as it flies past GORE's face.)

Dark GORE: AHHHH!!!! My arm! (GORE then blows up Dark GORE's mechanical left leg. He loses his balance and falls over the side of a crater. He grabs a ledge with his remaining arm.)


[Serious Mode]

GORE aims the remote control at the mechanical half of Dark GORE's head, but looks. That was him there. His face. His fur. He was only hurting himself. And if the Pharoah could turn good, maybe he could too. He dropped the remote control into the lava. A small rumbling followed, but quickly stopped.

Dark GORE: What did you do that for? You had a chance to kill me!

GORE: I will spare your life. If we work together, we will become great. (extends hand and grabs Dark GORE's arm)

Dark GORE: I'd rather die. (lets go of GORE and falls to the lava.)

[/serious mode]

GORE looked away, not wanting to see this. A loud Plop! was heard followed by a loud rumbling. This time, the rumbling didn't stop. GORE quickly ran down the hill as the eruption sent lava and molten rocks flying everywhere.
He found his sword on the volcano and ran into the jungle, where he wrapped a palm leaf around his arm as a bandage.

GORE soon bought a plt device named PL-0TT from Bob's Plot Device Roundup (50 percent off!)

GORE: PL, teleport me to the VGF Six.

PL: Yes, Master GORE! (they disappear.)

*Elsewhere on The Flying Monkey...*

EVIL Scientist: Where could Master Dark GORE have gone? (Suddenly, a blood red sword broke through the window and anded on the floor. Then a small molten rock fell into his.) Hot! hot! (he drops it and it cools, revealing is no molten rock.) What-Master? (The mechanical half of Dark GORE's head lies on the floor.)

To Be Continued Next Time On VGF Member OG 3: Triple Trouble!

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

Evil Scientist Dude: <clutching Dark GORE's head> No! Dark GORE!

Pinchy: Pinchy thinks he's dead!

Evil Scientist Dude: No! GORE shall pay!

Diskun: What do you plan on doing?

Evil Scientist Dude: I shall rebuild Dark GORE's body and create Dark GORE 2.0, his body shall be mechanically enhanced and should destroy GORE once and for all!

<Evil Scientist Dude walks into his lab>

On Earth...

GORE: Hey! What did I miss?

TH Yami Dragoshi: It's you! You finally escaped from the Flying Monkey!

GORE: Yeah...Hey! Where's SwordMaster?

TH Yami Dragoshi: He was absorbed by Dark Matter...

Dark Matter: Ha ha ha! I shall absorb each and every one of you!

<Dark Matter starts firing crystals at the OGers>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Super Slurp 'n' Burp!

Dark Matter: Urgh!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Dragoshi Slash!

Dark Matter: Urgh......I better transform back!

<Dark Matter's spherical body turns back into the dark cloud>

Dark Matter: Now all of my wounds have healed!

TH Yami Dragoshi: No!

GORE: How are we supposed to beat this guy!?

Meanwhile inside of Dark Matter...

SwordMaster: Whoa! This place is weird!

<SwordMaster stands on a platform surrounded by an eerie red background>

SwordMaster: What a crazy place...

<Suddenly, NZs appear out of nowhere and charge towards SwordMaster>

SwordMaster: NZs!

<SwordMaster slashes each one up with his sword>

SwordMaster: Take that!

<Suddenly that platform starts to shake>

SwordMaster: WHOA!

<The platform crumbles and SwordMaster falls into the void below him>

SwordMaster: Sheesh...This pit seems infinite...When will I stop falling?

Voice: You'll stop falling when I'm through with you!

<A white spherical one-eyed angel appears>

Angel: I am 02, the core essence of Dark Matter.

SwordMaster: So YOU'RE Dark Matter.

02: That's right. I am the source of all of the darkness that clouds your planet.

SwordMaster: You have killed so many innocent people! I'll show you!

<SwordMaster flies towards 02>

02: We'll see about that! Take this!

<02 starts firing bombs from his eye>

SwordMaster: Swords Dance!

<SwordMaster slashes and destroys each bomb>

SwordMaster: Take this!

<SwordMaster stabs 02 in his eye>

02: Argh! You are better than I thought!

SwordMaster: That's right!

02: Time to show you my true strength!

<A small green spikey tails pops out of 02's underside and starts shooting poisonous gas at SwordMaster>

SwordMaster: <cough> Cannot...breathe...

02: Ha ha ha! Once I'm through with you, you shall be trapped in eternal darkness forever!