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==Author: AaronGuy==
==Author: AaronGuy==
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Yami: (slaps GORE)
Yami: (slaps GORE)
Final Final Battle
Final Final Battle - Donkey Kong Country 2: World Map remix
==Author: Yami==
==Author: Yami==

Latest revision as of 01:54, 18 August 2007

Pages in the Member OG 6 Archive
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Author: AaronGuy[edit]

Culex: Okay, all I need to do is tap into this dimension, and- EYAGH! *leans back, crying out in pain*

AaronGuy: Culex! What's wrong?!

Culex: ~eyes turn red~ ~remains motionless~

~in Akujin's dimension..~

Culex: ~Laying on the ground~ Wh.. what the...

Evil Looking Shadow That Resembles Akujin: Hmph. You fool, you think I would just let myself be beaten by a shoe? I played my trump card, and it worked. By absorbing that part of my eye, you became a part of me. Sadly, those flying rocks you hang around with don't. Quite a shame, since they seem to be where you get your power from, aren't they?

Culex: ~struggling to get up~

Shadow Akujin: Oh no, don't bother standing up. Just... ~Raises his hand, creating a large blood-red ball of energy~ Have a seat! ~launches it at Culex~

Culex: ~is sent flying~

Shadow Akujin: ~Walks toward him~ I don't believe we've met formally. I know the other OGers, but I can't say I know you or that funny looking kid with the sideburns. So, why don't we get acquainted? I'm Akujin. I'm going to kill you.

Culex: ~lifts himself off the ground~ I... I am Culex. Dark Knight of Varuna. And you will pay for what you have done...

Shadow Akujin: ~rolls his eyes~ So, you're one of those high and noble types, then? I must say, you're an even bigger pain than the other OGers. At least they have witty one-liners every once in a while.

Culex: Fine, you want jokes? How many archvillians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ~leaps at Akujin~ Fist of Regulus! ~hooks him across the face~ Three. One to screw it in, and two to leave their guards down while monolouging.

Shadow Akujin: ~stumbles back~ Heh... ~cracks his neck~ Clever. You have some fight in you after all... Well then, I'd better call some reinforcements.

~Back outside, the two other Akujin spheres fly into Culex's body. He cries out in pain as each enters~

~Back in Akujin's dimension...~

Shadow Akujin 1: Well well, three against one. This doesn't seem horribly fair.

Shadow Akujin 2: But then again...

Shadow Akujin 3: Why should we give you a fair fight?

~The three Akujins speed toward Culex, striking him as they run by. Culex whirls around, clutching one of the new wounds~

Shadow Akujin 3: Give it up! You shall die!

Shadow Akujin 1: And when you do...

Shadow Akujin 2: You body will just be another puppet of mine!

Culex: You might think so... you've played YOUR trump card, I think it's time I play mine! BLACK HOLE!

~A hole opens up in Culex's chest. It begins to inhale everything around him like a vaccum. As it does, his wounds slowly disappear.

Shadow Akujin 1: Wh...what in the...

Culex: This may be YOUR dimension, Akujin, but anyone can use the energy source if they know how! Not only am I taking energy from you, I'm taking it from you, and using it against you!

Shadow Akujin 3: You scum! Take this! ~A red ball of energy is hurled at Culex~

Culex: ~simply bats it back toward Akujin with his hand~

Shadow Akujin 3: YEAAAAAAAAAAGH! ~dissipates~

Shadow Akujin 2: What are you?!

Culex: I am a Varunian. I am an OGer. And right now, I am VERY UNHAPPY. Fires of Artemis! ~A large pillar of flame shoots out of the hole in Akujin's chest, turning Shadow Akujin 2 to ash~

Shadow Akujin 1: Grr... Fine. You may think you have won, but-

Culex: Oh no, Akujin. You aren't going ANYWHERE.

~The hole in Culex's chest opens up, increasing the power of the vortex. Shadow Akujin begins to slide forward. Try as he might, he cannot resist the gravity of the situation.~

Shadow Akujin: You insignificant worm! If you think something like this is going to defeat me, then youuuuuu.... ~as he approaches the vortex, Akujin's body seems to stretch out of proportion. Becoming nothing more than a few strands of atoms, he is sucked into the hole~

Culex: So long, Akujin. Say hello to the singularity for me.... ~The hole in Culex's chest closes up~

~Back on the ship...~

Culex: ~falls onto his back~ Ugh...

AaronGuy: Culex...? Are you all right?

Culex: Yes... yes, I'll be fine. I won't say the same for Akujin, though.

Author: Yami[edit]

~SSG and Legion face off against the fifth Emperor Akujin.~

Akujin: Legion and SSG…you newcomers made the fatal mistake of joining the OGers...heh heh heh…you two are probably used to facing off against massive armies…I’m sure you’ll have no problem countering this next attack…Squall of a Thousand Skulls!

~A massive black cloud materializes over Akujin’s head and hundreds of winged skulls pour out in a straight line.~

Legion: ****, so many of them... ~pulls out a machine gun~ Die, you little bastards!!

~Within seconds, the entire stadium floor becomes littered with shattered skull shards and machine gun shells.~

Akujin: Attack in cluster formation!

~The winged skulls start swarming out in groups, making it difficult for Legion to shatter them all with his machine gun. Eventually, Legion runs out of ammo.~

Legion: ****…I need a gun to blow those bastards out of the sky in one fell swoop…

SSG: ~pulls out a shotgun~ I got ‘em, sir!


~A group of winged skulls is destroyed.~


~Another swarm of winged skulls is obliterated.~


~Another cluster of winged skulls is completely shattered.~


~The last swarm of winged skulls is blown to bits, because the author is running out of synonyms for “group and “destroyed”. The cloud vanishes.~

Legion: ~reloads machine gun~ Great work, SSG…now let’s see you dodge THIS Akujin!

~Unarmed with the same “bullet time” technique as the real Emperor Akujin, Legion empties the entire machine gun clip into the doppelganger. The doppelganger melts into a puddle of blood and another translucent sphere appears in its place.~

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Black Skull Dragoshi bursts from the rubble.*

BSD: Well I may have the body of the child, but the memories of a hundred training sessions with Akujin! ...Wait, where'd Dark Jim go?

Saru: Incinerated.

BSD: Oh crap, I must have dozed off down there. I was waiting to show off my new moves and that cool comeback. Whatever, I've got a wish to make!

*Black Skull Dragoshi swoops toward the camera, and his wing blackens the screen. When it passes, we find ourselve in the HQ's medical ward, where Night looks over the blind Erebrus.*

Night: I'm so sorry...

Erebrus: No... I can see more than ever before. Things that have not come to pass... Before I saw through the blackness of the night, but now I instead see through the blackness of time...

*Erebrus suddenly jerks up in his bed.*

Erebrus: We have to get out of here!

Night: Why?

Erebrus: This place is gonna blow not too long from now!

Night: Should we tell the others?

Erebrus: ...No. Besides, due to all the confusion with the OGers and with most of the elite villains busy reviving themselves, nobody will notice we're gone.

*So Erebrus and Night commandeer a ship and set off from the MPVP, never to return again. Maybe they will have some more significance in the future, maybe not. But as they leave the MPVP HQ, another group enters. Koopa, GreatLuigi and Team Monkey fight their way through the halls in some sick-ass fight scenes until they reach the hypercube core. EVIL Scientist Dude scans it with a machine of some sort.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Transferring notes... tansfer complete! And now...

*Koopa slaps a yellow mine onto the hypercube.*

Koopa: Once this detonates in ten minutes, this Cheese Bombinator will slowly turn the entire space station and all its occupants into cheese! Whatever isn't eaten by Space Moles will be destroyed by some passing giant ASTEROID.

MON-KILL: Yeah, we went over this before. Do you have to explain every damn thing we do?

Koopa: Sorry, I got lost in the moment. We now have ten minutes before cheesination, so let's get out of here!

Skelegon: Halt! Who goeth there?

Koopa: Hell no.

Skelgon: Time to... BREAK SOME BONES!!

MON-KILL: (ignites duel-bladed lightsaber) Let's hope your bones aren as weak as your humor, so we can get out of here.

*Insert fight scene here.*

Bullwinkle: ...So I banish you to the SHADOW REALM!

Skelegon: NOOOOO!!!!!

EVIL Scientist Dude: I might as well alert Fred...

*The EVIL Scientist Dude presses a button on a remote control. Back in the arena, Fred vibrates like a cell phone until he whcks himself on the head with hammer. He raises his hand into the air within eyesight of Akujin 1, who is taunting Yami Yoshi and GORE.*

Akujin: So I will grind your bones into bread, and... (notices Fred) What is it?

Fred: Can I use the bathroom?

Akujin: (points) Third door on the right.

*Fred dashes away.*

Akujin: Now where was I-

*Akujin turns back to face his opponants, only to find GORE's mecahnical fist uppercutting into his chin and Yami Yoshi charging forward with his arms full of Dark Eggs while preparing a Dark Egg Barrage. So Akujin grabs GORE's bionic arm and swings him at lightning fast speed, so fast that I'm surprised that the arm wasn't torn out of his socket. Anyway this ride stops as GORE is slammed into Yami Yoshi, causing the Dark Eggs to detonate and blast both of them back. Before either can catch their breath, Akujin zips right past tehm at unspeakable speeds. The resulting sonic boom tosses them in opposite directions. Akujin stands perfectly still for the first person to make an idiot out of himself. Then he hears a gorillaish grunt coming from behind and turns around to see GORE leaping at him from above with both fists attached above his (GORE's) head. Akujin smiles and fires a beam from his third eye which strikes GORE on the spot. GORE drops like a rock and begins convulsing on the ground.*

Akujin: I wonder what death-like fantasies he's experiancing?

*GORE hangs from a wind-swept platform as James Earl Jones approaches.*

James Earl Jones: No GORE, I'm not your father. I killed your father!

GORE: NO! It's not true. IT'S NOT TRUE!

*GORE screams, and his head explodes. Then it regrows, and he finds himself in an apartment. GORE answers the door to find a pizza man.*

Pizza Man: Your pizza's here.

GORE: Ooh!

*The pizza man opens the box, revealing pizza slices with pepperoni on them. GORE screams and his head explodes. It then regrows, and he finds himself sitting on a couch. He screams and his head explodes. All while Akujin watches.*

Akujin: This guy doesn't have much time left. Wait, where's the other one?

(Pharaoh) Yami Yoshi: MIND CRUSH!

*The Mind Crush hits Akujin's eye and hurts him just long enough for GORE to be released from the spell. Then Akujin immediately kicks Yami onto the floor next to GORE, where he reverts to normal. Akujin then advances on them.*

Akujin: It's time to pull the plug. I'd've gotten away with my scheme by now if it weren't for you meddling kids and your gorilla!


*Akujin charges his hand with some wicked-longing balck energy. But a projectile flies into Akujin's chest and knocks him off balance enough for GORE to dodge the punch. The projectile unfolds into PL-0TT.*


PL-0TT: Hello, sir.

GORE: Quick! Use your plot powers to write Akujin out of existance.

PL-0TT: I'm sorry sir, but my plot powers you speak of are negated by the presence of the Holy Plot Device(Reverb). However, I can use my bulit-in devices like my jetpack and Monkey Missile Launcher.

Akujin: But you're still useless with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb) around! It's one of the Seven Wonders of the OGing World!

Yami: Uh, what?

Akujin: Have you taken high school History classes? The Seven Wonders of the OGing World are the most powerful plot convieniences of the OGing world! Here's the list:
1. The Holy Plot Device (Reverb)- The most powerful of all plot devices!
2. The S*phnit* Rubies- These Rubies hold great power, and are one of the two which can be used by non-Author Characters!
3. The Light Sword- The most powerful sword of all.
4. The Akujin Eye- You're looking at it, dumbass! With amazing powers of darkness! One of the two that can be used by non-Author Characters!
5. The TASTS- A pen that can travel through time and probably do other things.

Yami: What about the other two?

Akujin: Classified information. Too powerful.

GORE: Hey, can you combine more than one to make yourself more powerful?

Akujin: Hmm... I never thought of that. This would be a good time to try.

*The Rubies of Sephnita, Sephnite, Sephnito, Sephnity,. Sephniti, and any I forgot all attach to Akujin in a flash of crimson light. All the other OGers gather around to join the fight.*

Yami: (slaps GORE)

Final Final Battle - Donkey Kong Country 2: World Map remix

Author: Yami[edit]

~The six Sephnit rubies orbit around Emperor Akujin and are absorbed into his third eye.~

Akujin: ~demonic voice~ OGers...you have pushed me too far…I will annihilate your souls…and condemn them all to hell…HAAAAA!!

~A pair of black angel wings burst out of Akujin’s cloak and Akujin’s hood bursts open, revealing a hideous black skull with a pair of glowing red eyes. The Akujin Eye appears on the skull’s forehead.~


~A fiery orange aura surrounds Akujin and slowly expands.~

Yami Yoshi: Big Bang?!?

Introbulus: I’ve heard about this attack… “Emperor Akujin’s Big Bang”…Akujin uses his third eye to heat up the air around him to extreme temperatures exceeding one billion degrees celcius. Under these extreme temperatures, hydrogen atoms are forced to bond together. When several hydrogen atoms bond, an explosive energy is released equivalent to that of a supernova…

Yami Yoshi: D-damn…what are we supposed to do?

Introbulus: Everyone! Gather around Yami Yoshi! Hurry!

~The OGers crowd around Yami Yoshi squeezing him in the middle.~

Yami Yoshi: Huh? Hey! What’s going on?!

Akujin: DIE!!!

~The fiery orange aura surrounding Akujin explodes.~


Yami Yoshi: Egg Shie—


Author: AaronGuy[edit]

~The resulting explosion fills up the entire room. Those in the audience that are weak to fire are obliterated, and many more sent flying by the force of the blast. As the smoke clears, Akujin stands tall.~

Akujin: ~cackles~ And so ends the story of the OGers... Now that I'm unarguably the strongest being in the universe, I don't see any need for the rest of these fools. I'll just... huh?

OGers: ~Squished up on the insides of Yami's slightly charred Egg Shield~

Akujin: Wh-what? How did you survive that? You never finished creating your Egg Shield!

Yami Yoshi: No, I just never finished SAYING 'Egg Shield'. I could just create the shield without saying anything, it's just cooler to say the name of the technique. I mean, seriously, what loony can only use attacks after saying their name?

Akujin: Er... uh, Th-that doesn't mean anything! I'm still the greatest being in the universe, and I'll still crush you!

Introbulus: Hm.. I guess there's only one thing to do.

SSG: Cover Akujin's mouth?

Introbulus: No! We need to figure out a way to seperate the rubies from Akujin! At least in his old form he was only slightly impossible to defeat.

Legion: Which means...

Introbulus: Aiming for his eye s'more. Sigh.

Author: Golem[edit]

~The MPVP base is in shambles. Walls are all but gone, supports are giving out. The OGers can see above them for a couple of floors, but the metallic arena floor they stand on is holding. The ceiling is still crumbling. Outside of the room, past the supports that used to be covered by walls, one can see down through the base as well. Yami Yoshi scrambles to dodge Akujin's attacks as he holds a bulging Absorption Egg, to which everyone is adding.~

SwordMaster: Are those energy links?

~SwordMaster points outside of the arena, where shining white spheres bob up and down in midair a few feet above level with the arena floor. They are the OG souls that the MPVP have collected over the years, set free by Akujin's Big Bang attack. One OG soul glows red, however, and spins around in circles on the edge of the arena.~

Introbulus: No, they are OG souls.

~As SwordMaster, Introbulus, and Legion jump in to distract Akujin, Yami Yoshi hurls the Absorption Egg into the air towards him. SwordMaster, Intro, and Legion step clear; Akujin looks to see what they are avoiding, and shuts his Eye. His body is sent staggering back a few feet, but his Eye deflects all of the energy outward. Yami Yoshi is knocked back by this force, but not damaged heavily. As Akujin staggers, Culex charges forward, bursting with energy from the five energy links he obtained from the other five Akujins. The sixth Akujin regains his footing in time to deliver a punch to the charging Culex. Culex catches it with his fist, though, and attempts a punch of his own--this time Akujin grabs the punch. They remain still, neither one getting the upper hand.

SwordMaster, Introbulus, GORE, and Legion dash towards Akujin on his right. Fusion, Fred, That Guy, ???, and SSG charge Akujin on his left. Neither Culex nor Akujin pays them any attention. Then, as the eight chargers come within a yard of Akujin, he attemps to jump up over Culex's head and throw Culex between the sets of chargers, but Culex jumps as well. Both of them struggle to throw the other one down to the ground into a melee with the other eight, but neither one can gain any advantage. When they reach the ground again, the eight others have parted and given Akujin and Culex enough room to land. Akujin lets go and runs away as fast as possible while Culex chases him.

Akujin reaches the arena's edge, where many OG souls have gathered, and Culex is sure he has the upper hand. However, Akujin glows white for a second, then turns around, the air behind him clear instead of full with OG souls. This mere movement tosses Culex backwards.~

Legion: Are you sure those are souls, Introbulus?!

Introbulus: I was pretty sure they weren't energy links...!

~As Culex furiously grabs more souls, Akujin runs to the red soul. He tries to grab it, but Culex jars him by punching him on both sides of his head. Akujin tries to force off Culex, but cannot do so. Culex cannot do anything more than that, though. Yami Yoshi stands next to the red soul.~

Yami Yoshi: ~solemn, quiet tone~ I understand, Hades. We will accomplish what must we must.

~The red soul stops spinning and shoots right into Yami Yoshi's body. He turns around and dashes to the fight.

There, Culex and Akujin glow slightly, in a standstill similar to before, with a third of the souls along their side of the arena gone. Legion shoots a bullet straight through the shoulders of an unsuspecting Akujin immediately before Fusion shoots a thunderwave through the hole that the bullet made, leaving SwordMaster free to slash at his back, Introbulus to follow up with a punch while Fred throws his other shoe, That Guy throws a die-cast sculpture of one of those channel knobs from a really old TV, and ???, SSG, and AaronGuy watch. Akujin stands still to hold Culex still, but his glow is fading. He then lets Culex follow through and shove him backwards, but Akujin just pulls up his knees and slides under Culex. Akujin runs towards where he saw the red soul before, but Yami Yoshi gets in his way with a Mummification Egg. Akujin taps it aside with his hand while Culex hitts another punch to Akujin's head, knocking him to the ground. It is from there that Akujin gets a better view of the background, especially noting the fact that the red soul is gone.~

Akujin: You--you--insignificant...

~Suddenly, an icy chill fills the air, instantly freezing water in the air to the arena ground and to the OGers. Everyone stands intact, albeit very cold. Yami Yoshi is the exception, for he lies prostrate on the ground, the red soul floating above him. Akujin gets up and kicks Yami Yoshi in the stomach while everyone watches. Yami Yoshi does nothing. He checks Yami's heartbeat. Very slow and weak. Culex bolts for the red soul, but Akujin intercepts by throwing his entire body at Culex's torso. They both fall to the ground, and Akujin gets up quicker, his foot on Culex's chest. The other OGers gather around the red soul.~

Akujin: BIG BANG!!

~A fiery orange aura once again surrounds Akujin and immediately explodes. At this moment, Introbulus and Fusion are beholding the red soul in their hands as SwordMaster and GORE hold Yami in their hands, looking at the red soul as well. BSD is leaping into the group, his jaw miliseconds away from chomping down on the red soul. The aura encases them, but they are all unharmed. SwordMaster punches BSD in the stomach, throwing him slightly off course and into Introbulus, who does not budge and ends up supporting BSD as he falls. The aura recedes into Akujin.~

Akujin: The soul of Hades worked!!

Yami Yoshi: Like a charm. Now blow up.

~Akujin grows redder and redder, and a new aura emits from him as he discintigrates. The OGers are all blown back this time, strewn to different parts of the crumbling base.

However, Introbulus meets someone on his way to the ground.~

Eerie: Your result has been reached, Introbulus.

Introbulus: You know, I've decided that--

Eerie: Time to go home.

Introbulus: What?! Let me just say goodbye first, I--

~Eerie and Introbulus disappear into nothingness as Brooser, who stands on the ground, watches them.~

Brooser: What...?

~The OGers land safely, though hurt in minor ways to different degrees. They all get up, walk to an area under the stadium floor, and meet.~

SSG: Is everyone okay?

Yami: Yep...

GORE: I've seen better days... but yeah.

Brooser: Hey guys!

SSG: You're alive?!

Brooser: Apparently! Well, I was sitting in stasis for a while... but yeah! Everyone in stasis is fine, but I was the only one who bothered to get up. It's the weirdest thing... being unconscious, yet conscious enough to be aware of the outside and decide to get out...

SwordMaster: Hey, where's Introbulus?

Fusion: And BSD!! ~looking around furiously~ And The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ seems to be gone, too!!



~Their calls echo. Everyone looks around them while not moving, but Introbulus is not in sight. Nor is Black Skull Dragoshi nor The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~. Then the arena floor, several stories up, and its supports start to tremble.~

GORE: PL-0TT, can you use your plot powers now?

PL-0TT: Yes, sir.

~The arena floor's supports give out and it hurtles towards the ground.~

GORE: Then get us a ship and get us out of here!

~PL-0TT creates a space-worthy ship (that looks like it's made out of cardboard) around the OGers and sails it through the crumbling walls of the MPVP HQ into outer space. The HQ collapses in on itself soon afterwards.~

Fusion: We've got to go out there and get BSD!

Yami: ~playing with a gold chain around his neck~ Chill out. The MPVP's gone, what can he do?

Fusion: He's got The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~! Not to mention he might know something about Introbulus, or worse, he might be harming Intro...

Yami: Yeah... well, if he wants trouble, he knows where to look. Speaking of which, Introbulus comes and goes when trouble does. It's his style. Until trouble comes around, I don't care, and neither should you. We just defeated Akujin... ^_^

Fusion: I guess everybody else feels that way?

~Everyone nods silently.~

Fusion: Do as you will. I'm going to go catch him and bring him down. The Holy Plot Device ~reverb~ needs someone to watch over it.

SwordMaster: Like Introbulus did so well?

Fusion: Hey, you can't--

SwordMaster: I know it's disrespectful, but it's the truth.

Fusion: Whatever. I'm gone. Best of luck in your travels, guys.

~Fusion shakes hands with everyone. After staring Yami Yoshi down, Fusion disappears with a flash of light.~

PL-0TT: We should be arriving home in about forty-five minutes.

Legion: "Home"? What's "home"?

Yami Yoshi: Home is where the cheesecake is. Mmmm.

PL-0TT: 70% water, third planet orbitting the Sun, only one moon.


Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Back in the V-Cloud, a mysterious in a dark claok watches the OGers on a wall of monitors.*

Dark Cloak: Well they beat Akujin, just as I suspected. Good, that nuisance was getting too strong too fast. I'll let the OGers enjoy the peace while they can... until the time is right... for me to make my move...

*An evil smile pierces through the cloak.*