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==Author: Fusion==
Lupus: Soon I shall get revenge on White for throwing me into the Indian Ocean. She and the rest of the OGers have no idea what I went through in this flashback:
<i>Lupus's Flashback:
Suddenly, Lupus's limousine pulls up to the OGers.
Lupus: You'll never catch me, OGers!
White: That's it! I'm throwin' away the trash!
Suddenly, White picks up Lupus's limousine and throws it into the Indian Ocean!
Lupus: (sitting in the sinking limousine) I'll destroy you one day! I will kick your <nowiki>*</nowiki>glub<nowiki>*</nowiki> <nowiki>*</nowiki>glub<nowiki>*</nowiki> <nowiki>*</nowiki>glub<nowiki>*</nowiki>
White: He'll return later on (That's just the way he is.).
Meanwhile, down in the Indian Ocean...
Lupus: (I must get out!)
Lupus kicks at one of the limo's windows until it breaks. Lupus swims out through the shattered window.
Lupus: (Well, the chauffer's dead, but better him than me. Anyway, I'm running out of air! I must put on my oxygen mask!) <nowiki>*</nowiki>puts on oxygen mask<nowiki>*</nowiki> Ha, ha! Now I can breathe! HAha...huh?
Suddenly, Lupus notices a trio of sharks coming to eat him. He dodges the first one and shoves it down the second one's throat, causing them both to die (the first one couldn't breathe with its gills in there, and the second one died from painful indigestion). He them pulls one of the third shark's teeth, causing it to cry and swim away. Suddenly, a whale swims up and swallows Lupus.
Lupus: I feel like Jonah. I must get out of here before I'm digested. Ow! These stomach acids burn! Huh?
Lupus notices the whale's mouth opening. He crawls out and back into the ocean. Later, he swims up to the surface covered in seaweed and whale saliva. Plus, his clothes are torn from the whale's stomach acids. He notices a ship, and signals for it to rescue him. The ship stops next to him, and a crew member pulls him up with a net. When he gets on the boat, he notices that the entire crew is a pirate crew holding their swords at him.
Lupus: Well, I'd better get this over with.
Lupus punches, kicks, and tosses his way through the pirates and up to the steering wheel. He steers the ship towards Japan. When he arrives at the harbor, he sees his chauffer eating at a Sushi Restaurant.
Chauffer: Hi, Lupu...what happened to you?
Lupus: Long story. Anyway, how'd you escape?
Chauffer: I put on an oxygen mask as well and drove ashore.</i>
Lupus: They will soon suffer! And Dark Jim thinks he's so tough? Bah! That amateur couldn't kill me even at his maximum! I will take care of him first! Bwahahahaha!
==Author: Introbulus==
General Guy: Sir Dark Jim, according to the script we found Jim carrying around, several forces are headed towards us to seek out revenge for taking over the bad-guy position!
Dark Jim: Excellent. Everything is going according to plan.
General Guy: Okay, sir, no one buys that anymore.
Dark Jim: What do you mean?
GG: I mean that the OGers are not only all organized and at full power, but almost have the light sword, Lupus plans on getting revenge, Koopa I plans on getting revenge, and to top it all off, Dark Matter hasn't reported back yet! I fear that he may be gone for good!
Dark Jim: Of course he's gone for good! You fool! I WANTED him out of the picture! His dark powers threatened mine!
GG: You mean...?
Dark Jim: That's right, I set him up! I was hoping that the OGers would waste the light sword on him, but that part didn't play out. Fortunatly, all these evil beings are coming to ME! Little do they know that dark magic has no effect on me, and I can turn them into my slaves at will!
GG: Then why not do so right now?
Dark Jim: ...You know, you aren't as stupid as you look sometimes!
GG: Thanks! ...Hey!
Dark Jim takes a position atop a rock, then proceeds to chant.
Dark Jim: <i>Servants of darkness, heed my call! Strike down the OGers! Let your master win the battle! I call you now! Do not fail your lord!</i>
Streams of invisible dark waves leak out of Dark Jim's robes, spreading across the universe.
(with Lupus)
Lupus: I'll get that Jim, thinking he can take MY place as the bad guy!? Who does he think he's messing with?
(dark waves wash over Lupus)
Lupus: I must serve Dark Jim! I must destroy those pesky OGers! They are the cause of all my anger!
(With Koopa I)
Koopa: (talking to his summoned cards) Attention, army of Koopa the First! I have a special announcement for all of you...
(dark waves wash over Koopa I)
Koopa I: You must defeat the OGers! They will bring us nothing but trouble! Go! Crush them like the bugs they are!
(back at the secret hut of Jim)
GG: We live in a hut?
(Well, it was Keldorn's hut, but you stole it from him and forced him to leave.)
GG: Oh. (talking to Dark Jim) Impressive! You've managed to channel all the anger they have towards the OGers and use it against them to do your bidding!
Dark Jim: Yes, once the OGers and the light sword are non-existant, I will have no weakness, and be omnipotent!
GG: Wait a minute, what will you do when they finish off the OGers and come for us?
Suddenly, Dark Jim glows with power, levitating a few feet off the ground. The entire Earth shakes.
Dark Jim: <nowiki>*</nowiki>suprisingly calm<nowiki>*</nowiki> My dear friend, you have yet to see anything close to MY true power!
Narrirator: Can the OGers defeat all of these old villians from the first two OG's, not to mention Dark Jim's own forces? How long can Jim last against Dark Jim's killing methods? Does it really matter?
Jim: Not really, but I must say, it is quite painful, and I would apreciate some HELP!!!!!!
Narrirator: Join us next time, for another exciting episode of VGF Member OG 3!
(scene from next episode)
(dark waves rush over Gamechamp)
Introbulus: Gamechamp, what's wrong?
Gamechamp: ARRRGHH!! Programming...Faliure...overload...can't...think...! (BOOM!)
Lupus: Hey OGers!
Koopa I: Remember us?
To be continued
==Author: Fusion==
Dark waves rush over Gamechamp.
Introbulus: Gamechamp, what's wrong?
Gamechamp: ARRRGHH!! Programming...Faliure...overload...can't...think...! (BOOM!)
Introbulus: Gamechamp? GAMECHAMP!
Suddenly, the brainwashed villians appear.
Lupus: Hey OGers!
Koopa I: Remember us?
Meanwhile, in SwordMaster's brain...
Fusion: Well, I think that puts an end to the germs. Now, let's get outta here.
The BDWP get back in the pod and fly out through SwordMaster's nostril.
Fusion: We will reach maximum size in 5...4...3...2...
Suddenly, SwordMaster sneezes out the huge pod on top of the Dark Jim-controlled villians. The BDWP get out.
Sumoto: How was it?
Mouse: Digusting, suga.
Turbo: Never wanna go back in there again.
Lupus: We cannot fail Dark Jim!
Lupus kicks the pod off and he and the rest of the villians walk towards the OGers, zombie-style.
Lupus: Must destroy OGers.
GC: Must do it brutally.
Introbulus: Gamechamp?
Koopa: Must not fail Dark Jim.
Fusion: Dark Jim?
Lupus: We serve only Dark Jim.
Fusion: Not for long! I free your minds! Mind Crush!
Villians: ARRGH!
Lupus: Where are we?
Koopa: I don't know.
GC: We've been brainwashed by Dark Jim!
Lupus: Until we beat Dark Jim, you and us will make a truce.
Introbulus: I don't like it, but deal.
Meanwhile, in Dark Jim's lair...
Dark Jim: NO! My final plan is history! Curse those OGers! I will have to start over from scratch!
???: You had your chance and you blew it!
Dark Jim: Huh?
Suddenly, a man in a black cape and silver mask appears.
Dark Jim: Who are you?
Man: Just call me Shade. Anyway, I have been sent by the MPVP (Most Powerful Villians Period) to punish you for your failure!
Dark Jim: NO! Can't you convince them to give me another chance!?
Shade: Well, I guess I could.
Dark Jim: Yes.
Shade: But only if you can defeat me in a battle.
Dark Jim: Ok. Heh, destroying you will be a piece of cake!
Shade: But first, I must dispose of your little friend!
GG: Who me?
Shade: Yes! Finger Jab!
Suddenly, Shade jabs GG hard with his finger, sending him flying back onto the ground.
Dark Jim: Y-you killed my general!
Shade: Yes.
Shade/Dark Jim: Begin!
They each shoot a beam at each other. The beams connect in the air.
Shade: Really, now. Is that the best you've got?
Dark Jim: GRRRR! (This guy wants to intimidate me!)
Suddenly, the two beams hit Dark Jim, sending him flying into the wall. He then falls to the ground hard.
Shade: Tsk...tsk...tsk. I gave you a chance, and you lost. And we don't tolerate losers in the MPVP. Now, meet your fate!
Shade reaches out to grab Dark Jim.
Meanwhile, at the OGers location...
Lupus: Alright, we have our plan! Now we can destroy Dark Jim!
When the OGers and the villians arrive at Dark Jim's palace...
Lupus: And I expected some guards.
SwordMaster: It may be a trap!
Fusion: Ah, the heck with this! <nowiki>*</nowiki>kicks open the doors and walks in<nowiki>*</nowiki> See, nothing!
Koopa: I guess you're right.
The rest walk in and are at the entrance to the throne room when suddenly, a few guards walk out holding the remains of a black robe. Dark Jim!
Fusion: What happened?
Guard #1: We found him lying on the ground all shredded up. Someone has killed him!
Suddenly, Jim appears.
Jim: Hi, guys! I've escaped and...EGADS! GUARDS!
Guard #2: We would send you back to the dungeon, but seeing as how Master Dark Jim is in shreds here, we have to make you our new leader.
Jim: Why?
Guard #3: Because you are the closest thing to Dark Jim!
Jim: Oh, ok. I order you to take a vacation!
Guards: Ok! <nowiki>*</nowiki>drop the shredded Dark Jim and disappear<nowiki>*</nowiki>
THYD: Who could have done this to him?
Jim: We may never know.
Suddenly, the palace transforms into an evil looking castle. A bunch of black knights surround the group, holding swords and maces up to them.
Black Knights: This castle now belongs to Master Shade! Now off to the dungeon, intruders!
Introbulus: Never! I will destroy your armor! Metal Destruction!
The black knights are still standing.
Black Knights: You cannot affect us! We are too strong! Now, off to the dungeon!
Introbulus: Never! Metal Punch!
He tries to punch a black knight, but only leaves a dent. The black knight laughs and punches him to the ground. They beat up everyone else and when the OGers and villians wake up, they are in a dungeon.
Jim: Oh, shoot! We're in a dungeon! Not for long! Jimly Jimray of Jimly Jimness!
The ray has no effect on the bars.
Introbulus: Oh, great! Rune bars! Guess we must think of a plan!
==Author: Gamechamp==
OOC:I can't be controlled!Don't you get it?I'm a robot!Plus,mind crush won't work because I don't have a mind!
GC:Hey,I think we're forgetting something...
BLACK:Like we need to hurry and get the light sword?
GC:Nooooo...it was something else...
The Mythic Dragon steps on a guy.
Another guy comes.
GUY:Nooooooooo!!!My dad!Army,attack!!!
He summons an army,and they destroy the Mythic Dragon.
GUY:Yay!I'll go now.
They run inside the store.
GUY:Hello,I'm Kargon's helper,Gargon.Here are the cards.
He hands them some cards,then Kargon appears(the real him,not the transparant head).
KARGON:Congratulations,you have passed the second test.Now there's just one more you must pass!Your final task at wielding the light sword is to defat my friend Maurice!
THYD:Don't you mean defeat?
KARGON:No,defat,he is a rich slob.The only way to defat him is with the defat spell,an ancient spell which makes people non-fat.Here is Maurice.
A fat guy comes.
KARGON:Take him to the defat lake,at the top of danger mountain.It was cast with the defat spell long ago,making anyone who even touches a small drop will be defatted.Do this,and you will recieve the light sword.
THYD:What's so hard about it?
KARGON:There are many perils on that mountain.Mutant goats,ice monstrs,and it is the home of the Snowman that is abominal.
BLUE:Hop in the Robot mobile,everyone!
They all get in.
BLUE:Let's go!<br>
==Author: Introbulus==
OOC: You seem to be forgetting three major things...
(Back at the hut...)
Flora: Oh no! Master!
Blitz: We are <nowiki>*</nowiki>Bzzt!<nowiki>*</nowiki> too late.
Grant: Damnit! DAMN IT TO HELL!!
The remains of Dark Jim lay on the floor, motionless.
Blitz: Come on, guys. Let's <nowiki>*</nowiki>Bzzt!<nowiki>*</nowiki> go.
As the mages leave, the cloak begins to move slightly.
Flora: Wait! Something's happening!
The cloak slowly begins to collect itself into a recognizable form.
Grant: Can it be?
The cloak suddenly shoots up, and a brilliant flash of light signifies the reappearance of Dark Jim's familiar glowing eyes.
Blitz: Master! We thougth that <nowiki>*</nowiki>Bzzt!<nowiki>*</nowiki> you had been <nowiki>*</nowiki>Bzzt!<nowiki>*</nowiki>...
Dark Jim: Killed?! Pah! I thought I taught you better than that, Blitz! No dark power can kill me! It can only make me stronger!
Flora: Then does this mean...?
Dark Jim: No, I'm not going to destroy Shade.
Grant: WHAT!?! But boss! If you don't kill him now, then...
Dark Jim: Then the OGers will waste the light sword on killing him, and I will be free to rule the planet once again!
Flora: Just as you were meant to years ago!
Dark Jim: Correct. Now then, we can't let him find out we're still alive, so...
(Dark Jim summons a portal)
Dark Jim: We'll just have to hide in this alternate demention untill the coast is clear! How does ten years sound to you guys?
Blitz: It's good to <nowiki>*</nowiki>Bzzt!<nowiki>*</nowiki> have you back, sir.
Dark Jim: Don't go all emotional on me, Blitz. After all, did you honestly think that I'd be defeated so easily? (steps through the portal)
With a slight "grin" on their "faces", the mages follow Dark Jim into the alternate demention. The gate is sealed behind them, and so are all gates leading to that demention for the next ten years.
OOC: There, now that we've gotten rid of Dark Jim, we can go on with this part of the story.
Edit: almost forgot to add something to the actual story!
(Back with the OGers)
Introbulus: So Jim, find out anything while being a captive of your evil self?
Jim: Well, apparantly, our new enenmy is Shade. He's one of the most powerful villians period(tm).
Gamechamp: We're almost there!
Gore (carrying a fat person): Thank goodness! This guy needs to cut down on the Hum-dingers!
(a giant killer troll blocks the pass)
Troll: Hello, I am a giant killer troll named Grag. I am here to, well, kill you.
Gamechamp: Well, at least they're <i>polite</i> monsters!
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>In The Flying Monkey...<nowiki>*</nowiki>(Remember them?)
EVIL Scientist Dude: (Talking on the phone) Hello? Robots, Wrenches, And Beyond? Its me, ESD. Yeah. I need mechanical gorilla parts made of...Androfium! Yes, the most powerful material in the universe. How long will it take? (pause) That long? By the time I'm done with his robot parts, we'll already be on VGF Members OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest - Started And Ended by GORE-ILLA! What do ya mean, "That's good"? Oh yeah, the suspense. Thanks, expect my check in the mail. Bye.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Back at the mountain...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Grag: So, um, mind if I bash your head in?
GORE: (rests the fat guy on a rock) Take five, lumpy. (to Grag) No, I don't mind. If you can
get me.
Grag: You're too kind. Now stay still. (approaches
GORE. GORE runs over to the troll and sweeps him off hs feet. He falls into a nearby gorge.) That wasn't very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccccccccc- SPLAT!
GORE: Uhhhh....let's continue.
To Be Continued.....
==Author: Fred==
(OoC): Bah, Lupus must have died or something. Oh well. We should be approximatly 5/9 through the story, in terms of how long the other ones were.
(Fred is tied to a table with Lemonjello standing above him)
LJ: Haha, thanks to you, TWIFATIT will soon rule te world! Stange that, while we did get the weapon's plans, Lupus just ran out on us. No matter! Kamek!
Kamek: Yes?
LJ: Use Fred's body for your... purposes...
Fred: I may be stupid, but holy crap! leave me alone you sick -
Kamek: Not those purposes, moron!
LJ: I'm going to build the weapon. Noone can beat us - soon.
(in twenty minutes)
Kamek: All right, now to turn you inside out!
Fred: (thinking) Hey, wow, you can do this? Man, I've gotta stop TWIFATIT and save the OGers from certain... um, bad stuff. (/thinking) Hey Kamek, Why do you have me tied up like this? Couldn't you easily kill me any other way?
Kamek: Are you challenging me?
Fred: Nope! But I think they're uncomfortable, and It's pretty hard to turn me inside out with the ropes blocking you.
Kamek: Moronic, but observant. Ok, I'll set you free, just let me get my wand. Then I'll cream you, you moronic midgit.
(Fred is broken free, and takes to action)
Fred: Ahhh!!!
(Fred leaps onto Kamek, and punches him. Kamek falls into his coffee cup. but the weird thing is that a chemical pours out of a nearby beaker, and turns Kamek into a mounsterous, purple with yellow polka-dotted Cracka-Kamek)
Craka-Kamek: Hur hur hur (laughing)
(CK lunges at Fred, whom ggives CK a kick to the gut. CK is not even phased, even though he is knocked into a wall. CK turns himself into a fireball and shoulder charges Fred. Fred picks up the table he was tied to, and throws it at CK's feet,Whom flies into the air and crashes through a wall. CK then forces the wall to break off (using magic) and swing at Fred repeatedly. Fred runs behind CK, whom smacks himself numerous times. CK throws his gigantic fist at Fred, whom grabs it and reverses him, throwing him out of the labratory, and into the sea, earning him 500 points.)
Fred: Wait, what just happened?
(back on the mountain)
GC: Ok, let's go, GORE!
GORE: Ok. Wait, what's that up ahead?
GC: Crap, it is the legendary beast, MOBY <nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki>(The whale! What's up with this censoring!!!)!
GORE: But it's on land. So it cannot do anything.
MOBY <nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki>: Arr, 'tis true. Sit down and listen to an old pirate's tale!
GC: Let's go.
(5 minutes of walking later)
GC: Aha! Here is what we've been looking for! The legendary Slim Fast drinks!
GORE: Yes, but... hey, who's that green dude??
Lucky The Leprechaun: Aye, but can you name all my non - fatty shakes?
GORE: Um, no, sorry.
Lucky: Aye, ya wee bastards, then you'll have to fight me for it!
Lucky: Ha, robots fall under my spell!
GC: Crap.
Blue: Aw man, I didn't get to say my line.
GORE: Well, I'm half robot. Does that suffice?
GC: Sure. Go to it.
Lucky: Damn you and your <nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki><nowiki>*</nowiki> sucka foo! You be messin with the wrong leprachaun, I'd be tellin ya that much, lad. (skies turn dark) I'm stronger than I let the kiddies think!
GORE: Fight = GO!
(GORE stikes out with his metal hand, but Lucky rolls underneath his legs and karate chops his back, in several different marshmellow strikes! GORE kicks behind him, and scores a hit, but Lucky flips back up and materializes a wooden Leprecaun staff. He charges at GORE, who moves steadily backwards while punching in front of him. Lucky makes a clean hit on Gore's cheek, and doesn't give up his chance. Lucky then turns his body and gives him a kick on the forehead, still in midair (floating) and kicks him upwards in the chin. Lucky then punches GORE off the cliff, but Black stabs Lucky in the back defeating him. Because the fight has stopped, Yellow lets loose some rope which GORE grabs and climbs back up with)
Lucky: Aye, ye bastards beat me this time, but I'll be back to sell bad cereal once again!!!
GORE: What was that all about?
GC: Eh, I dunno. We got the stuff. LET'S GET Going.
==Author: Gamechamp==
They continue on thier quest up the mountain,when Kargon's transperant head appears.
KARGON:Hello,I need to tell you something!
KARGON:Well,Shade,an even eviler guy than Dark Jim,is coming for you!He is trying to get to the top of the mountain before you,so he can evaporate the pool and you can't complete the test!Then you won't be proven worthy of wielding the light sword!
GC:Great...just great...we're gonna need to step on it!
BLUE:Hmmmmmm...there might be a way...I've got it!I've been working on something for a while to help us...
He stops the Robot Mobile,and presses a button,and a garage in back opens,revealing 5 motorcycles.
BLUE:I call them the Roborcycles!They can reach 5 times the speed of the Robot Mobile!We can simply tie a rope to the Roborcycles and the Robot Mobile,and tug everyone in there and make our timing even better!Let's go!
The Robot Team gets on their corresponding color motorcycles,and everyone else gets in the Robot Mobile.
GC:Let's go!!!
They speed off on the trail,trying to get to the top first.
GREEN:Hey,I see something head!
In front of them was the Snowman that is Abominal.
STIA:Fe,fi,fo,fum,I smell the blood of a yoshi/other yoshi/koopa/Black Skull Dragon,a half-robot Gorrilla,a guy who knows all the moves in the universe,a fat guy named Maurice...
They rush past him.
STIA:Hey!I'm talking!You must die!
He runs after them.
GC:Everyone in the Robot Mobile get that guy off our tail!We need to hurry!<br>
==Author: Fred==
Hey, gamechamp, I thought "the snowman that is abominal" was a one use joke, and in my post they get the sacred slim fasts so defat the guy. And aren't the yoshis and BSD and introbulus somewhere else?
==Author: Introbulus==
^OOC: Well, I don't know about all that other stuff, but to answer you last question, no. We joined Gamechamp and the others not-too long ago. Right now, all the OGers are grouped together.
==Author: Fred==
(OoC): Ok, my bad, I should probably stop just skimming other's posts. It makes it so I lose all the details. I just thought you guys were fighting those germs or something and it was just robot team/GORE there.
Well, let's say that on the way up the others (non robot team/GORE-ILLA) got distracted by a dead body, and spent the time poking it, and the chase is on the way down.
==Author: Fred==
OoC: Wait, no, the OGers are not all together. What about the rune bars that you couldn't break? Didn't you forget that?
Anyways, it's been a while since anyone actually posted. I know that StuMan couldn't keep up, but where's BSD's posts, or say, Lupus's (though he's back)?
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
OoC: Yeah, Lupus was with us for the first half of #1, disappeared, came back for the last half of #2 and beginnig of #3, then disappeared again.
I remember at the end of the first OG me and Introbulus were the only ones posting.
==Author: Gamechamp==
OOC:Didn't you listen?Kargon said that it was dafat lake they needed to get to.And the snow man that is abominal I just used because I was running out of ideas.You really don't want the idea where the Earth implodes.
==Author: Fred==
(OoC): Well, ok, but you can give people a bit of leedway, as I tried to make it make sense with both of ours. Let's just say the lake WAS full of slim fast. And again, the rest of the OGers are behind the rune bars, I'm sure of it. Read Fusion's post up there, and then read down. They never get rescued. Never.
Someone should post. Really.

Latest revision as of 16:12, 22 June 2007

Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

Author: Fusion[edit]

Lupus: Soon I shall get revenge on White for throwing me into the Indian Ocean. She and the rest of the OGers have no idea what I went through in this flashback:

Lupus's Flashback:

Suddenly, Lupus's limousine pulls up to the OGers.

Lupus: You'll never catch me, OGers!

White: That's it! I'm throwin' away the trash!

Suddenly, White picks up Lupus's limousine and throws it into the Indian Ocean!

Lupus: (sitting in the sinking limousine) I'll destroy you one day! I will kick your *glub* *glub* *glub*

White: He'll return later on (That's just the way he is.).

Meanwhile, down in the Indian Ocean...

Lupus: (I must get out!)

Lupus kicks at one of the limo's windows until it breaks. Lupus swims out through the shattered window.

Lupus: (Well, the chauffer's dead, but better him than me. Anyway, I'm running out of air! I must put on my oxygen mask!) *puts on oxygen mask* Ha, ha! Now I can breathe! HAha...huh?

Suddenly, Lupus notices a trio of sharks coming to eat him. He dodges the first one and shoves it down the second one's throat, causing them both to die (the first one couldn't breathe with its gills in there, and the second one died from painful indigestion). He them pulls one of the third shark's teeth, causing it to cry and swim away. Suddenly, a whale swims up and swallows Lupus.

Lupus: I feel like Jonah. I must get out of here before I'm digested. Ow! These stomach acids burn! Huh?

Lupus notices the whale's mouth opening. He crawls out and back into the ocean. Later, he swims up to the surface covered in seaweed and whale saliva. Plus, his clothes are torn from the whale's stomach acids. He notices a ship, and signals for it to rescue him. The ship stops next to him, and a crew member pulls him up with a net. When he gets on the boat, he notices that the entire crew is a pirate crew holding their swords at him.

Lupus: Well, I'd better get this over with.

Lupus punches, kicks, and tosses his way through the pirates and up to the steering wheel. He steers the ship towards Japan. When he arrives at the harbor, he sees his chauffer eating at a Sushi Restaurant.

Chauffer: Hi, Lupu...what happened to you?

Lupus: Long story. Anyway, how'd you escape?

Chauffer: I put on an oxygen mask as well and drove ashore.

Lupus: They will soon suffer! And Dark Jim thinks he's so tough? Bah! That amateur couldn't kill me even at his maximum! I will take care of him first! Bwahahahaha!


Author: Introbulus[edit]

General Guy: Sir Dark Jim, according to the script we found Jim carrying around, several forces are headed towards us to seek out revenge for taking over the bad-guy position!

Dark Jim: Excellent. Everything is going according to plan.

General Guy: Okay, sir, no one buys that anymore.

Dark Jim: What do you mean?

GG: I mean that the OGers are not only all organized and at full power, but almost have the light sword, Lupus plans on getting revenge, Koopa I plans on getting revenge, and to top it all off, Dark Matter hasn't reported back yet! I fear that he may be gone for good!

Dark Jim: Of course he's gone for good! You fool! I WANTED him out of the picture! His dark powers threatened mine!

GG: You mean...?

Dark Jim: That's right, I set him up! I was hoping that the OGers would waste the light sword on him, but that part didn't play out. Fortunatly, all these evil beings are coming to ME! Little do they know that dark magic has no effect on me, and I can turn them into my slaves at will!

GG: Then why not do so right now?

Dark Jim: ...You know, you aren't as stupid as you look sometimes!

GG: Thanks! ...Hey!

Dark Jim takes a position atop a rock, then proceeds to chant.

Dark Jim: Servants of darkness, heed my call! Strike down the OGers! Let your master win the battle! I call you now! Do not fail your lord!

Streams of invisible dark waves leak out of Dark Jim's robes, spreading across the universe.

(with Lupus)

Lupus: I'll get that Jim, thinking he can take MY place as the bad guy!? Who does he think he's messing with?

(dark waves wash over Lupus)

Lupus: I must serve Dark Jim! I must destroy those pesky OGers! They are the cause of all my anger!

(With Koopa I)

Koopa: (talking to his summoned cards) Attention, army of Koopa the First! I have a special announcement for all of you...

(dark waves wash over Koopa I)

Koopa I: You must defeat the OGers! They will bring us nothing but trouble! Go! Crush them like the bugs they are!

(back at the secret hut of Jim)

GG: We live in a hut?

(Well, it was Keldorn's hut, but you stole it from him and forced him to leave.)

GG: Oh. (talking to Dark Jim) Impressive! You've managed to channel all the anger they have towards the OGers and use it against them to do your bidding!

Dark Jim: Yes, once the OGers and the light sword are non-existant, I will have no weakness, and be omnipotent!

GG: Wait a minute, what will you do when they finish off the OGers and come for us?

Suddenly, Dark Jim glows with power, levitating a few feet off the ground. The entire Earth shakes.

Dark Jim: *suprisingly calm* My dear friend, you have yet to see anything close to MY true power!

Narrirator: Can the OGers defeat all of these old villians from the first two OG's, not to mention Dark Jim's own forces? How long can Jim last against Dark Jim's killing methods? Does it really matter?

Jim: Not really, but I must say, it is quite painful, and I would apreciate some HELP!!!!!!

Narrirator: Join us next time, for another exciting episode of VGF Member OG 3!

(scene from next episode)

(dark waves rush over Gamechamp)

Introbulus: Gamechamp, what's wrong?

Gamechamp: ARRRGHH!! Programming...Faliure...overload...can't...think...! (BOOM!)


Lupus: Hey OGers!

Koopa I: Remember us?

To be continued

Author: Fusion[edit]

Dark waves rush over Gamechamp.

Introbulus: Gamechamp, what's wrong?

Gamechamp: ARRRGHH!! Programming...Faliure...overload...can't...think...! (BOOM!)

Introbulus: Gamechamp? GAMECHAMP!

Suddenly, the brainwashed villians appear.

Lupus: Hey OGers!

Koopa I: Remember us?

Meanwhile, in SwordMaster's brain...

Fusion: Well, I think that puts an end to the germs. Now, let's get outta here.

The BDWP get back in the pod and fly out through SwordMaster's nostril.

Fusion: We will reach maximum size in 5...4...3...2...

Suddenly, SwordMaster sneezes out the huge pod on top of the Dark Jim-controlled villians. The BDWP get out.

Sumoto: How was it?

Mouse: Digusting, suga.

Turbo: Never wanna go back in there again.

Lupus: We cannot fail Dark Jim!

Lupus kicks the pod off and he and the rest of the villians walk towards the OGers, zombie-style.

Lupus: Must destroy OGers.

GC: Must do it brutally.

Introbulus: Gamechamp?

Koopa: Must not fail Dark Jim.

Fusion: Dark Jim?

Lupus: We serve only Dark Jim.

Fusion: Not for long! I free your minds! Mind Crush!

Villians: ARRGH!

Lupus: Where are we?

Koopa: I don't know.

GC: We've been brainwashed by Dark Jim!

Lupus: Until we beat Dark Jim, you and us will make a truce.

Introbulus: I don't like it, but deal.

Meanwhile, in Dark Jim's lair...

Dark Jim: NO! My final plan is history! Curse those OGers! I will have to start over from scratch!

???: You had your chance and you blew it!

Dark Jim: Huh?

Suddenly, a man in a black cape and silver mask appears.

Dark Jim: Who are you?

Man: Just call me Shade. Anyway, I have been sent by the MPVP (Most Powerful Villians Period) to punish you for your failure!

Dark Jim: NO! Can't you convince them to give me another chance!?

Shade: Well, I guess I could.

Dark Jim: Yes.

Shade: But only if you can defeat me in a battle.

Dark Jim: Ok. Heh, destroying you will be a piece of cake!

Shade: But first, I must dispose of your little friend!

GG: Who me?

Shade: Yes! Finger Jab!

Suddenly, Shade jabs GG hard with his finger, sending him flying back onto the ground.

Dark Jim: Y-you killed my general!

Shade: Yes.


Shade/Dark Jim: Begin!

They each shoot a beam at each other. The beams connect in the air.

Shade: Really, now. Is that the best you've got?

Dark Jim: GRRRR! (This guy wants to intimidate me!)

Suddenly, the two beams hit Dark Jim, sending him flying into the wall. He then falls to the ground hard.

Shade: Tsk...tsk...tsk. I gave you a chance, and you lost. And we don't tolerate losers in the MPVP. Now, meet your fate!

Shade reaches out to grab Dark Jim.


Meanwhile, at the OGers location...

Lupus: Alright, we have our plan! Now we can destroy Dark Jim!

When the OGers and the villians arrive at Dark Jim's palace...

Lupus: And I expected some guards.

SwordMaster: It may be a trap!

Fusion: Ah, the heck with this! *kicks open the doors and walks in* See, nothing!

Koopa: I guess you're right.

The rest walk in and are at the entrance to the throne room when suddenly, a few guards walk out holding the remains of a black robe. Dark Jim!

Fusion: What happened?

Guard #1: We found him lying on the ground all shredded up. Someone has killed him!

Suddenly, Jim appears.

Jim: Hi, guys! I've escaped and...EGADS! GUARDS!

Guard #2: We would send you back to the dungeon, but seeing as how Master Dark Jim is in shreds here, we have to make you our new leader.

Jim: Why?

Guard #3: Because you are the closest thing to Dark Jim!

Jim: Oh, ok. I order you to take a vacation!

Guards: Ok! *drop the shredded Dark Jim and disappear*

THYD: Who could have done this to him?

Jim: We may never know.

Suddenly, the palace transforms into an evil looking castle. A bunch of black knights surround the group, holding swords and maces up to them.

Black Knights: This castle now belongs to Master Shade! Now off to the dungeon, intruders!

Introbulus: Never! I will destroy your armor! Metal Destruction!

The black knights are still standing.

Black Knights: You cannot affect us! We are too strong! Now, off to the dungeon!

Introbulus: Never! Metal Punch!

He tries to punch a black knight, but only leaves a dent. The black knight laughs and punches him to the ground. They beat up everyone else and when the OGers and villians wake up, they are in a dungeon.

Jim: Oh, shoot! We're in a dungeon! Not for long! Jimly Jimray of Jimly Jimness!

The ray has no effect on the bars.

Introbulus: Oh, great! Rune bars! Guess we must think of a plan!


Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:I can't be controlled!Don't you get it?I'm a robot!Plus,mind crush won't work because I don't have a mind!


GC:Hey,I think we're forgetting something...

BLACK:Like we need to hurry and get the light sword?

GC:Nooooo...it was something else...

The Mythic Dragon steps on a guy.


Another guy comes.

GUY:Nooooooooo!!!My dad!Army,attack!!!

He summons an army,and they destroy the Mythic Dragon.

GUY:Yay!I'll go now.

They run inside the store.

GUY:Hello,I'm Kargon's helper,Gargon.Here are the cards.

He hands them some cards,then Kargon appears(the real him,not the transparant head).

KARGON:Congratulations,you have passed the second test.Now there's just one more you must pass!Your final task at wielding the light sword is to defat my friend Maurice!

THYD:Don't you mean defeat?

KARGON:No,defat,he is a rich slob.The only way to defat him is with the defat spell,an ancient spell which makes people non-fat.Here is Maurice.

A fat guy comes.

KARGON:Take him to the defat lake,at the top of danger mountain.It was cast with the defat spell long ago,making anyone who even touches a small drop will be defatted.Do this,and you will recieve the light sword.

THYD:What's so hard about it?

KARGON:There are many perils on that mountain.Mutant goats,ice monstrs,and it is the home of the Snowman that is abominal.

BLUE:Hop in the Robot mobile,everyone!

They all get in.

BLUE:Let's go!

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: You seem to be forgetting three major things...

(Back at the hut...)

Flora: Oh no! Master!

Blitz: We are *Bzzt!* too late.

Grant: Damnit! DAMN IT TO HELL!!

The remains of Dark Jim lay on the floor, motionless.

Blitz: Come on, guys. Let's *Bzzt!* go.

As the mages leave, the cloak begins to move slightly.

Flora: Wait! Something's happening!

The cloak slowly begins to collect itself into a recognizable form.

Grant: Can it be?

The cloak suddenly shoots up, and a brilliant flash of light signifies the reappearance of Dark Jim's familiar glowing eyes.

Blitz: Master! We thougth that *Bzzt!* you had been *Bzzt!*...

Dark Jim: Killed?! Pah! I thought I taught you better than that, Blitz! No dark power can kill me! It can only make me stronger!

Flora: Then does this mean...?

Dark Jim: No, I'm not going to destroy Shade.

Grant: WHAT!?! But boss! If you don't kill him now, then...

Dark Jim: Then the OGers will waste the light sword on killing him, and I will be free to rule the planet once again!

Flora: Just as you were meant to years ago!

Dark Jim: Correct. Now then, we can't let him find out we're still alive, so...

(Dark Jim summons a portal)

Dark Jim: We'll just have to hide in this alternate demention untill the coast is clear! How does ten years sound to you guys?

Blitz: It's good to *Bzzt!* have you back, sir.

Dark Jim: Don't go all emotional on me, Blitz. After all, did you honestly think that I'd be defeated so easily? (steps through the portal)

With a slight "grin" on their "faces", the mages follow Dark Jim into the alternate demention. The gate is sealed behind them, and so are all gates leading to that demention for the next ten years.

OOC: There, now that we've gotten rid of Dark Jim, we can go on with this part of the story.

Edit: almost forgot to add something to the actual story!

(Back with the OGers)

Introbulus: So Jim, find out anything while being a captive of your evil self?

Jim: Well, apparantly, our new enenmy is Shade. He's one of the most powerful villians period(tm).

Gamechamp: We're almost there!

Gore (carrying a fat person): Thank goodness! This guy needs to cut down on the Hum-dingers!

(a giant killer troll blocks the pass)

Troll: Hello, I am a giant killer troll named Grag. I am here to, well, kill you.

Gamechamp: Well, at least they're polite monsters!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*In The Flying Monkey...*(Remember them?)

EVIL Scientist Dude: (Talking on the phone) Hello? Robots, Wrenches, And Beyond? Its me, ESD. Yeah. I need mechanical gorilla parts made of...Androfium! Yes, the most powerful material in the universe. How long will it take? (pause) That long? By the time I'm done with his robot parts, we'll already be on VGF Members OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest - Started And Ended by GORE-ILLA! What do ya mean, "That's good"? Oh yeah, the suspense. Thanks, expect my check in the mail. Bye.

*Back at the mountain...*

Grag: So, um, mind if I bash your head in?

GORE: (rests the fat guy on a rock) Take five, lumpy. (to Grag) No, I don't mind. If you can get me.

Grag: You're too kind. Now stay still. (approaches GORE. GORE runs over to the troll and sweeps him off hs feet. He falls into a nearby gorge.) That wasn't very niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccccccccc- SPLAT!

GORE: Uhhhh....let's continue.

To Be Continued.....

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC): Bah, Lupus must have died or something. Oh well. We should be approximatly 5/9 through the story, in terms of how long the other ones were.


(Fred is tied to a table with Lemonjello standing above him)

LJ: Haha, thanks to you, TWIFATIT will soon rule te world! Stange that, while we did get the weapon's plans, Lupus just ran out on us. No matter! Kamek!

Kamek: Yes?

LJ: Use Fred's body for your... purposes...

Fred: I may be stupid, but holy crap! leave me alone you sick -

Kamek: Not those purposes, moron!

LJ: I'm going to build the weapon. Noone can beat us - soon.

(in twenty minutes)

Kamek: All right, now to turn you inside out!

Fred: (thinking) Hey, wow, you can do this? Man, I've gotta stop TWIFATIT and save the OGers from certain... um, bad stuff. (/thinking) Hey Kamek, Why do you have me tied up like this? Couldn't you easily kill me any other way?

Kamek: Are you challenging me?

Fred: Nope! But I think they're uncomfortable, and It's pretty hard to turn me inside out with the ropes blocking you.

Kamek: Moronic, but observant. Ok, I'll set you free, just let me get my wand. Then I'll cream you, you moronic midgit.

(Fred is broken free, and takes to action)

Fred: Ahhh!!!

(Fred leaps onto Kamek, and punches him. Kamek falls into his coffee cup. but the weird thing is that a chemical pours out of a nearby beaker, and turns Kamek into a mounsterous, purple with yellow polka-dotted Cracka-Kamek)

Craka-Kamek: Hur hur hur (laughing)

(CK lunges at Fred, whom ggives CK a kick to the gut. CK is not even phased, even though he is knocked into a wall. CK turns himself into a fireball and shoulder charges Fred. Fred picks up the table he was tied to, and throws it at CK's feet,Whom flies into the air and crashes through a wall. CK then forces the wall to break off (using magic) and swing at Fred repeatedly. Fred runs behind CK, whom smacks himself numerous times. CK throws his gigantic fist at Fred, whom grabs it and reverses him, throwing him out of the labratory, and into the sea, earning him 500 points.)

Fred: Wait, what just happened?

(back on the mountain)

GC: Ok, let's go, GORE!

GORE: Ok. Wait, what's that up ahead?

GC: Crap, it is the legendary beast, MOBY ****(The whale! What's up with this censoring!!!)!

GORE: But it's on land. So it cannot do anything.

MOBY ****: Arr, 'tis true. Sit down and listen to an old pirate's tale!

GC: Let's go.

(5 minutes of walking later)

GC: Aha! Here is what we've been looking for! The legendary Slim Fast drinks!

GORE: Yes, but... hey, who's that green dude??

Lucky The Leprechaun: Aye, but can you name all my non - fatty shakes?

GORE: Um, no, sorry.

Lucky: Aye, ya wee bastards, then you'll have to fight me for it!


Lucky: Ha, robots fall under my spell!

GC: Crap.

Blue: Aw man, I didn't get to say my line.

GORE: Well, I'm half robot. Does that suffice?

GC: Sure. Go to it.

Lucky: Damn you and your **** sucka foo! You be messin with the wrong leprachaun, I'd be tellin ya that much, lad. (skies turn dark) I'm stronger than I let the kiddies think!

GORE: Fight = GO!

(GORE stikes out with his metal hand, but Lucky rolls underneath his legs and karate chops his back, in several different marshmellow strikes! GORE kicks behind him, and scores a hit, but Lucky flips back up and materializes a wooden Leprecaun staff. He charges at GORE, who moves steadily backwards while punching in front of him. Lucky makes a clean hit on Gore's cheek, and doesn't give up his chance. Lucky then turns his body and gives him a kick on the forehead, still in midair (floating) and kicks him upwards in the chin. Lucky then punches GORE off the cliff, but Black stabs Lucky in the back defeating him. Because the fight has stopped, Yellow lets loose some rope which GORE grabs and climbs back up with)

Lucky: Aye, ye bastards beat me this time, but I'll be back to sell bad cereal once again!!!

GORE: What was that all about?

GC: Eh, I dunno. We got the stuff. LET'S GET Going.


Author: Gamechamp[edit]

They continue on thier quest up the mountain,when Kargon's transperant head appears.

KARGON:Hello,I need to tell you something!


KARGON:Well,Shade,an even eviler guy than Dark Jim,is coming for you!He is trying to get to the top of the mountain before you,so he can evaporate the pool and you can't complete the test!Then you won't be proven worthy of wielding the light sword!

GC:Great...just great...we're gonna need to step on it!

BLUE:Hmmmmmm...there might be a way...I've got it!I've been working on something for a while to help us...

He stops the Robot Mobile,and presses a button,and a garage in back opens,revealing 5 motorcycles.

BLUE:I call them the Roborcycles!They can reach 5 times the speed of the Robot Mobile!We can simply tie a rope to the Roborcycles and the Robot Mobile,and tug everyone in there and make our timing even better!Let's go!

The Robot Team gets on their corresponding color motorcycles,and everyone else gets in the Robot Mobile.

GC:Let's go!!!

They speed off on the trail,trying to get to the top first.

GREEN:Hey,I see something head!

In front of them was the Snowman that is Abominal.

STIA:Fe,fi,fo,fum,I smell the blood of a yoshi/other yoshi/koopa/Black Skull Dragon,a half-robot Gorrilla,a guy who knows all the moves in the universe,a fat guy named Maurice...

They rush past him.

STIA:Hey!I'm talking!You must die!

He runs after them.

GC:Everyone in the Robot Mobile get that guy off our tail!We need to hurry!

Author: Fred[edit]

Hey, gamechamp, I thought "the snowman that is abominal" was a one use joke, and in my post they get the sacred slim fasts so defat the guy. And aren't the yoshis and BSD and introbulus somewhere else?

Author: Introbulus[edit]

^OOC: Well, I don't know about all that other stuff, but to answer you last question, no. We joined Gamechamp and the others not-too long ago. Right now, all the OGers are grouped together.

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC): Ok, my bad, I should probably stop just skimming other's posts. It makes it so I lose all the details. I just thought you guys were fighting those germs or something and it was just robot team/GORE there.

Well, let's say that on the way up the others (non robot team/GORE-ILLA) got distracted by a dead body, and spent the time poking it, and the chase is on the way down.

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Wait, no, the OGers are not all together. What about the rune bars that you couldn't break? Didn't you forget that?

Anyways, it's been a while since anyone actually posted. I know that StuMan couldn't keep up, but where's BSD's posts, or say, Lupus's (though he's back)?

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: Yeah, Lupus was with us for the first half of #1, disappeared, came back for the last half of #2 and beginnig of #3, then disappeared again. I remember at the end of the first OG me and Introbulus were the only ones posting.

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:Didn't you listen?Kargon said that it was dafat lake they needed to get to.And the snow man that is abominal I just used because I was running out of ideas.You really don't want the idea where the Earth implodes.

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC): Well, ok, but you can give people a bit of leedway, as I tried to make it make sense with both of ours. Let's just say the lake WAS full of slim fast. And again, the rest of the OGers are behind the rune bars, I'm sure of it. Read Fusion's post up there, and then read down. They never get rescued. Never.

Someone should post. Really.