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==Author: Yoshiyami==
Introbulus: All of us OGers need to stick together. I'll use this OG Teleporter to teleport us all to one place!
<Introbulus presses a few buttons and all of the OGers teleport to Danger Mountain>
TH Yami Dragoshi: It's you guys! How did you all get here?
Introbulus: My trusty OGer teleporter teleported all of us here in one place!
SwordMaster: Now let's kill this ugly white hairy thing!
<SwordMaster jumps into the air and slams his sword into Stia slicing him in half>
SwordMaster: And that's that.
Gamechamp: Hey! We're almost at the top!
<The OGers scale the remainder of the mountain and reach the summit where the Defatting Lake is>
Maurice: Time to slim down!
<Maurice prepares to jump into the lake but not before his body is annihilated by a beam of darkness>
TH Yami Dragoshi: What the hell?
Voice: I'm sorry but I cannot let you obtain the Light Sword.
<A man with a black cape and silver mask hovers above them>
Introbulus: It's Shade!
Shade: So you OGers think you're clever huh? Teleporting out of my cell without permission grants you painful consequences! SHADE BLADE!
<Shade wields a black sword in his hand and points it at the OGers>
Shade: Now for your punishment!
<Shade flies down towards the OGers>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Dragoshi Flame!
<The Dragoshi Flame is deflected by the Shade Blade>
Shade: <yawn> Pathetic...I heard that you OGers were the strongest warriors on Earth. Why aren't you even putting up a fight?
TH Yami Dragoshi: Grrr! Dragoshi Egg!
<The Dragoshi Egg flies towards Shade>
Shade: Do you think one of your pathetic toys can stop me?
<Shade easily breaks the egg with the sword>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Take some of this! DRAGOSHI EGG METEOR SHOWER!
<Thousands of Dragoshi eggs appear in the sky and fall towards Shade exploding on contact causing huge billows of smoke>
Gamechamp: Did he kill them?
TH Yami Dragoshi: Ha! He was no match against my ultimate attack.
Fusion: What the hell? Look!
<The smoke from the attack finally clears and Shade is seen floating in the air unharmed>
TH Yami Dragoshi: What!? No way!
Shade: You call that your ultimate attack? I hate to the performance of the rest of your OGer friends...My turn! Shade Blade Strike!
<Shade's Shade Blade slams into TH Yami Dragoshi's chest smashing him into a cliff>
TH Yami Dragoshi: Ugh......
<Blood seeps out of TH Yami Dragoshi's chest>
TH Yami Dragoshi: I'll show him! YAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!
<TH Yami Dragoshi's body glows and he powers up to Level 2>
TH Yami Dragoshi 2: How about I take this fight up a notch?
Shade: You don't scare me...give it all you got!
Narrator: TH Yami Dragoshi has once again powered up to a Super Yoshi 2. This is the same form that completely beat the crap out of Don Knotts. Can this form do the same to Shade? Find out in the next episode of VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Pending!
[ March 24, 2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Yami Yoshi ] Addicted Since: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.
Member # 9922
posted March 24, 2003 09:24 PM      Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.    Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  (OoC): Fine, ignore the fact that they got the slim fast shakes. I guess it works if the pool is filled with Slim fast. Hmm, I wonder if that last post had ANYTHING to do with that cell fight. (sarcasm) Nah, most definatly not (/sarcasm) Whoops, I am typing too much. Here's my post.
TH Super Yoshi 2: I'm not sure you understand. Start running.
Shade: Pah! You can't beat me, I'm much stronger than you! You saw me beat Dark Jim, that pathetic loser. (creates a dark flail with his other arm)
GORE-ILLA: It's true, he did that in one stroke, after we spent so much effort trying to kill his underlings.
Shade: Alright, comeon, bring it on!
(TH Super Yoshi produces an enormous egg, but shade takes out his ultra-long flail and cracks it open while Super Yoshi is still aiming to throw it. Super Yoshi is blasted into the ground, but pops back up, and charges at Shade. Shade disappears, and links the chain of his weapon around Super Yoshi's leg. Super Yoshi trips, but uses his hands to flip himself up, yanking the chain and sending Shade sprawling towards him. He kicks Shade and then throws another egg at him, but Shade is unphased.)
Shade: Ha, you're even weaker than I thought. Come on, I'll take all of you OGers on.
Fusion: Ok, no dice!
(Fusion flies at Shade, fist flashing, but Shade grabs it, and Jitsu style flips Fusion over his back and into the cold, hard ground. Fusion feet stick out, but only barely. GORE-ILLA and Introbulus attack at the same time, and GORE gets Shade in the gut, but when Introbulus uses a flying jump kick, Shade disapears and Introbulus rams into GORE, sending them down about 2 stories down, into the mountain path. Gamechamp, Yellow, Swordmaster and Super Yoshi 2 sneak up on Shade but he disappears and strikes Yoshi in the back with his sword. He swings the flail at Swordmaster, and SwordMaster catches it with his sword. Shade realises he is a bit stuck, and Gamechamp brings of his buster and blast at him, while Yellow is trying to pull off his neck. Shade shocks the flail with electricity, which knock away SwordMaster. Fusion turns his hand into a gigantic fist and brings it down on Shade whom tries to dodge it, but the fist hits his leg and keeps him stuck for while, which is just long enough for Black and GORE (who has climbed back up) to shove attacks in his face. Shade falls to the ground, hurting. He then starts laughing, and his features start changing. He starts to grow, and he gains horns. His teeth get sharper. His back gets spikes on it.)
(back in Tokyo, sounds a bit dull after what just happened, eh?)
Fred: Lemonjello! I crush you with hammer-axe! I eat your bones!
LJ: Crap. I'm sorry, I'm only doing this because the short form of my name is LJ! I want it to be DJ so I can play songs at dance parties!
Fred: You fiend! Hey, Why don't you change the "L" in your name into a "D"?
LJ: Ok, let's try it!
DemonJello: Ha! I become even more powerful for my name sounds evil, plus I hardness the awesome power of the letters DJ!
Fred: No! Fight = GO!
DJ: That's so stupid.
(Fred leaps at DJ, but DJ grabs him and puts him on his scratching table and starts to scratch. Fred tries to swing his weapon, but DJ spins the disk around and Fred drops it. DJ grabs fred's collar, and throws him against the cheese ray. He then calls upon the powers of Areosmith, and a man that looks like a lady drives over Fred in a strecth Limo. DJ throws earphones onto Fred, who staggers from the musical blast. DJ then throws disks like boomerangs, and cuts Fred up badly. In a move of final desperation, Fred eats a red pill, but decides that it tastes yucky, and hits the conviently located cheese Ray self-destruct button.)
DJ: Uncle Billy you fool! Whoops. Sorry.
Fred: Ha ha ha ha...
(the blast kills DJ, but knocks Fred and his hammer over to Kargon.)
[ March 24, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. ] Addicted Since: May 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 10693
posted March 24, 2003 10:39 PM      Profile for Introbulus  Email Introbulus  Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  Introbulus: No! We can only win this fight if we're together!
(uses the remote to transport all the OGers to the summit, where Shade is)
Shade: Ha! I defeated each and every one of you! What makes you think that you have a chance together?
Introbulus: You're forgetting one thing, Fusion has the power to fuse our bodies together! Now, Fusion!
Fusion: Ultimate Fusion Beam!
(All the OGers fuse together into one being)
Ogers: I am the VGF OG members! I represent all the good powers in the universe! You cannot defeat the power of truth, justice, frendship, and good!
Shade: Impressive. However, you are still no match for a dark warrior such as myself! Prepair for battle!
The two begin an epic battle, which I am not good at posting, so I'll let someone else do the gruntwor...I mean, take the "credit" for such a fight scene (hehehe...oops! Darn typing!) Anyway, at the bottom of the mountian.
Fred: Woah! That is one epic battle! I should really DO something about that thing!
Narrirator: Why not go to a convenience store and buy some slim fast so they can use the light sword?
Fred: Hey, good idea! Thanks!
Narrirator: Hey, it's the least I could do after all the pain I caused you guys!
Fred: So you gave up the strike?
Narrirator: Yeah, I decided that since you were saving the world and all, you deserved a break.
Fred: Okay then, I'll go get the Slim Fast! You just do your job!
Narrirator: Okay! (ahem) Can our fused heroes defeat the evil Shade? Can Fred get them the light sword on time, which would guarantee their victory? How was Fusion able to fuse all the OGers so quickly without any fusion complications?
OGers: A powerful plot device.
Narrirator: Oh, okay. All the rest of those questions may or may not be answered in the next post of...
VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!
OOC: I have selected a theme song for this story. Check it out at http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/ng2_intr.mid Addicted Since: Sep 2002  |  IP: Logged
Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.
Member # 9922
posted March 24, 2003 10:49 PM      Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.    Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  (OoC): Wow, that theme song is pretty darn good. I've got that site bookmarked, where did you get that song, Introbulus? Anyways, I think the title should be something like "OG story 3 - EVIL's warped prophecy", because it works. Introbulus, are you not good at writing fights? Ok, I'd do it, but I wrote alot last post. So no such luck, but good work anyways. Addicted Since: May 2002  |  IP: Logged
Fusion of the BDWP.
Member # 10990
posted March 25, 2003 02:43 PM      Profile for Fusion of the BDWP.    Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  VGF OG Members: VGF Punch of Light!
Shade dodges the punch and slices off the VGF OG Members' arm.
VGF OG Members: ARRRRRRGH! Regeneration!
He tries to regenerate, but he somehow cannot.
VGF OG Members: He's right, but it's not over 'till the fat lady sings!
Meanwhile, in another dimension...
Dark Jim: Grrrr! He knows I'm alive! I must go there and fight him!
Flora: But...
Dark Jim: But nothing! I'm going! *vanishes*
Meanwhile, back on Earth...
Shade punches the one-armed VGF OG Members off of the top of the mountain.
Suddenly, the mountain shakes and begins to break up.
VGF OG Members: *holding onto the edge* (Now is my chance to preserve energy!)
VGF OG Members starts preserving energy.
He slashes off the edge and causes it to break off and fall into the river below, taking VGF OG Members with it.
???: Not so fast, Shade!
Suddenly, Dark Jim appears.
Dark Jim: Yes, and I shall destroy you since you just ruined my plan to have them waste the Light Sword on you!
He slashes at Dark Jim, but Dark Jim evades the attack.
Dark Jim: Slowpoke!
Meanwhile, at the bottom of Danger Mountain...
VGF OG Members: Yes, I have regenerated my arm at last! Now to scale the mountain once again!
Meanwhile, back at the top...
Dark Jim: HAha...huh?
He grabs Dark Jim, swings him around, and throws him into the sunset.
Suddenly, Shade flings some string into the air at Dark Jim, Spiderman-style. The string surrounds Dark Jim until he is in a cocoon. Shade absorbs the cocoon and surges with electricity until he transforms into a demon in a cloak.
New Shade: Ha, I am now Dark Shade, and I am fused with Dark Jim! He cannot escape, because when I absorb someone, they are surrounded by an unbreakable cocoon inside of my mind, putting them in a coma! Hey, why don't I talk in caps anymore!? Unless, Dark Jim's speech style is now my style! But no matter, I am stronger than before! Hahahahaha!
Meanwhile, VGF OG Members is scaling the mountain.
VGF OG Members: I sense Dark Jim's energy is no more! And Shade's energy is stronger! Shade must have absorbed him! I'd better stop this new evil, and fast!
Suddenly, VGF OG Members uses his super-speed and hurries up the mountain.
Dark Shade: So, you made it!
VGF OG Members: Yes, and my old arm will be avenged!
Dark Shade: We'll see.
Final Battle:
VGF OG Members:
HP: 5000000000
FP: 5000000000
MP: 5000000000
Dark Shade:
HP: 9999999999
FP: 9999999999
MP: 9999999999
Final Battle Music
[ March 25, 2003, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Fusion of the BDWP. ] Addicted Since: Nov 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 10693
posted March 25, 2003 06:20 PM      Profile for Introbulus  Email Introbulus  Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  OOC: I didn't post the fight scene as a joke. It's supposed to symbolize how lazy I am as an author. Oh, and the music? I got it at this site ($hameleSS Plug)http://www.vgmusic.com/(/$hamele$$ Plug)
Dark Shade: Bwahahahaha! I feel ten times as strong as I was before! I am invincible! Nothing can stop me now! Bwahahahaha.
[Confused] : Or so I would have you think.
Dark Shade: Huh? Who's there?
VGFOGers: Shade! It is time to end this battle!
Dark Shade: OGers? How'd you get up here? I thought you were dead!
VGFOGers: Don't count on it! We were able to save ourselves by hanging onto the edge of a cliff! Now that we've regenerated, it's time to finish this battle!
[Confused] : No! This battle is mine!
Dark Shade: What? Who's talking?
VGFOGers: Uh, we are? We're the only other one here. Well, besides the fat guy.
[Confused] : You can't have this fight! It's mine! I'll fight you for it!
Dark Shade: What? Who are you?
[Confused] : You fool! It's me, Dark Jim!
Dark Shade: What?!? How are you alive?
VGFOGers: He must be mad with power!
Dark Jim : Now, it's time to take control!
Dark Shade: NO! I won't let yo...AHHGHH!!! The PAAIIINNNN!!!
VGFOGers: [Confused] Shade? You okay?
Dark Shade: ...Yes, I am okay. In fact...
(Shifts form)
Dark Shade (?): I feel WONDERFUL!
VGFOGers: (Gasp!) It was Dark Jim!
Dark Shade (Jim): Yes, it is I! You thought you could defeat me? I am the most powerful mage in the universe! You are nothing compaired to me!
(TO BE CONTINUED) Addicted Since: Sep 2002  |  IP: Logged
Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.
Member # 9922
posted March 25, 2003 07:31 PM      Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.    Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  (OoC): Ok, thx for the music site place, but what game was that music from? Ok, I guess you may be lazy, so that's an excuse... Anyways, thx Introbulus, you were the second person to use my character in your post. Good job.
(inside the body of OGERS, there was a mental conversation...)
Fusion: We strike them down while we can!
BSD: OMFG! teh teh teh! Lemmy comes into the story and then the koopalings come and I go "are you Lemmy and teh koopalings?" And they say "Yes." hahah ROTF!
Swordmaster: Nobody cares. Let's roll!
YY: Agreed, their internal struggle seems to be holding them up.
(on the outside, chocolaty covering!)
OGers: Time to pay! (Kicks Dark Shade in the chest)
Dark Shade: Pah, you think you're so tough?
OGers: You're just about to find out! (draws a shining two-bladed sword)
Dark Shade: Meh, my weapon is better. (draws his gigantic dark spear - only $9.99!)
OGers: Ok, let's get it on!
(OGers slice at DS, but DS shadowports behind them. Ogers spin around and blast a beam of light from their hands. DS's teleport trick cannot go through the pure energy, and he is caught between the two world he was transversing, letting OGers slice his spear in half. DS's weapon reforms extremly quickly)
OGers: Crap.
(DS returns to this world, and the OGers continue to back away from him, shooting light beams, and only parrying when neccesary)
DS: Pah! And another pah! You posed no threat to me. Even if you do win, you'll need the Light Sword, and then only Shade's body will be destroyed. Hahaha!
(on the road to the store...)
Fred: Must hurry! Must also make haste!
(suddenly Fred runs into an old enemy)
Fred: Wha? Who are you?
Koopa: Hello, fool. I am just another regular monster trying to stop people from getting to health food stores, but a bit different. I am going to burn you to the ground.
Fred: Uh, I'm really in a rush, maybe later.
Koopa: Yes, but, even if you get past ME you definetly will not get past THEM. (points behind him, and shows Pyro and DARK GORE)
Fred: Oh, friggen heck. There's gotta be someone out there. I got it! Lassie!
(a figure runs through 40 different sceneries and makes it there to show that it's ... a gigantic bear??!)
Fred: Sic em, Lassie! (runs past while DARK GORE fights not to get eaten, but manages to punch it's internal organs away)
DARK GORE: After him, boys! (transforms into a cadillac)
Koopa: Decepticons! Scramble!
Pyro: Quit it. I'm just getting warmed up...
(5 minutes later)
Fred: I wonder if it matters if I'm shoplifting. Probably not. (looks up in stares) Oh, god, it's that guy from Zelda DX. crap.
Zelda DX guy: If you steal, if beat you up!
Fred: (Running out the door) Charge it!
(about one second later)
Fred: Whew! Fred get running!
Koopa: I think not. I play the trap Fred card!
Pyro: That's the "dump Urbal essences on yourself" card.
Koopa: I should really get rid of that card (gets drenched)
(about 1 mile away)
Fred: People should really pay attention to what's going on.
Pyro: At least I payed attention to what was going on. FLARE! (shoots up a flare) FIRE WALL! (Fred is trapped)
Fred: Oh no.
Pyro: That's right, now you've GOT TO fight us.
Fred: Ok, give me your best shot!
Pyro: With pleasure! (turns into a fireball and flies at Fred)
Fred: You smelly silly! (hits ground with hammer, trapping Pyro in a fissure)
Pyro: Dang.
DARK GORE: Ha, I'll destroy you! Darn that Koopa! He's so slow! (DARK GORE charges, but Fred jumps on his arm, and then jumps over the fire wall)
Fred: Thanks!
DARK GORE: GRAHHH! I'll just have jumps over too!
Fred: Best get going!
(on the mountain)
Narrator: Things only get worse for our heroes. Can Fred make it there, and finally have some worth?
DS: Shutup! (dark beams Narrator) Anywho, I'd just like you to know that I will destroy you pathetic mortal OGers! None can beat me, I don't care if you have every power in the universe! Hahahahaha!
OGers: Darn you! I'm gonna wipe you out! [Mad]
DS:Pah! For a third time! (DS shadowports behind OGers, stabs at them with spear and hits)
OGers: Ahhh! Wait, I have an Idea! AHHGHH! (goes to OGers 2) Ha, I am just as strong as you now, you friggen punk!
DS: You have yet another form? This is about to heat up a little!
you decide, duh! Addicted Since: May 2002  |  IP: Logged
BSD:The mysterious hybrid
Member # 10744
posted March 25, 2003 08:10 PM      Profile for BSD:The mysterious hybrid  Email BSD:The mysterious hybrid  Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  VGFOGers2:Time to go berserk!
VGFOgers2 goes berserk.
Berserk VGFOGers Level 2:*Insert metallic T-rex/Dragon hybrid sounds with the sound of Mario pressing a buzzer here.*
Dark Shade:OUCH!*repeat 20 times*
Inside the mind of Berserk VGFOGers Level 2........
Introbulus:I never thought BSD would stop his useless chatter then erupt like the most volatile volcano in this galaxy!
YY:My ears are hurting.
Introbulus:That's devastating power!
GORE:This is not going to turn up right in the end.
In BBSD2's mind.........
BSD:I am using a form that I vowed to never used this power again,but now i've become a berserker once more.
Cue flashback to when BSD was 5 or as he was called Dragoshi.....
Triclyde heads 2 and 3:You'll never survive!
Dragoshi goes berserk then glows black and orange.
Dragoshi:I warned ya!
Dragoshi moves at super-fast speeds then cuts all of Triclyde's heads off.
End flashback.
BSD:I remember that I fought something stronger than Triclyde but it was a month after that.
Cue flashback to 1 month after Triclyde battle......
Dragoshi:I never thought battling a demonic yoshi would be so hard!
Demoshi:Now to absorb your power and claim it as my own!
Dragoshi and Demoshi both use their swords but Dragoshi moves quickly that he steals Demoshi's sword.
Dragoshi slashes Demoshi in half and absorbs the sword's power into his own.
End flashback.
Narrirator:Why has BSD triggered these memories?And what was Dark Shade's power before the second Mental coversation started?
TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO VGF MEMBER OG 3:Darkness Rears It's Ugly Head Once Again!
[ March 25, 2003, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: BSD:The mysterious hybrid ] Addicted Since: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 10064
posted March 25, 2003 10:49 PM      Profile for gamechamp3000  Email gamechamp3000  Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  Meanwhile...
MAURICE:This is getting boring,sitting here!I know!I'll help save the world!All I need to do is fall in that lake!
He tries to get up,but he's too fat.
MAURICE:Darn!If only I had some slimfast,I'd probably be able to walk with ease!I'll just look in the script here...oh,yes!Some guy named Fred is trying to get some!He'll deliver it!
FRED(thinking):There has to be a way to stop these guys!I know!
He trows some slimfast,which somehow explodes and acts as some smokescreen.
FRED:Yes!Now to get going!
He starts running up the mountain,and come to a helicopter.
FRED:Wow,what a conveniently placed helicopter!
He gets in,and goes up to the top.
FRED:Did somebody order slimfast?
He drinks all the slimfast,and is able to walk into the lake,and comes up from the water skinny.
Kargon appears where the battlers are.
KARGON:Your 3rd task is completed!You have earned the light sword!
He throws the light sword to VGFOGM.
VGFOGM:Yes!Now time to destroy you,Dark Shade!
DS:Ha!Even with that sword,I'm known for my speed,and you'll have a hard time even being able to use it on me!Plus,how much time do you have left to use that thing?What?One minute?Hahaha!You will die!
Inside VGFOGM...
GC:Oh,noooooooo!!!This is horrible!
FUSION:What's so horrible?
GC:Well,we'll never be able to beat thaty guy even with the light sword!You know,the $1000 isn't worth being good,too many risks of dieing,so I think we should leave and be evil again,right?
The Robot Team jumps out of VGFOGM and on to the Roborcycles,and drive off to where they can't be seen.
FUSION:Just like I said at the beggining!Traitors!
SM:Quiet!It's time for me to take control of us,and use my sword powers to defeat this guy!
TO BE CONTINUED... Addicted Since: Jun 2002  |  IP: Logged
Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.
Member # 9922
posted March 25, 2003 11:11 PM      Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.    Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  (OoC): Ah, so the light sword finally comes into play. Excellent.
(inside the OGer's body)
Fusion: Wait! Swordmaster! We came all this way for the light sword, and we're going to use it once, only to know that dark Jim will jump out of that body can come back for us in a blink of the eye? I have an ace in the hole... DEFUSION RAY!
Introbulus: Oh, darn, now Fusion's flown the coup as well. He's gone absoloutly nutters.
(OGERS defuse)
YY: Great, now what?
Pharoh: yeah, we have 15 seconds left.
Fusion: I know what I'm doing. FUSION BEAM!
SwordMaster: Hey, wha-
Introbulus: I get it now!
BSD: OMFG w4t's h4ppp3ning!?!!11
Pharoh: Very clever, fusing SwordMaster with the light sword.
YY: What?
Dark Shade: What?
BSD: OMFG w4t's h4pp3n1ng?!!11
Fred: Where am I?
(SM and light sword fuse to become... LightMaster!)
LM: My name... sucks. Oh, well, good bye, Dark Shade! (slices him though the middle with his glowing hand-saber)
Dark Shade: ARHHGHGHG!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!! (dissapears)
(suddenly, a flast of light comes, and Dark Jim can be seen through a circular glass mirror suspended in the air)
Dark Jim: ha, this is sooo overdone. Well, seeing as the light sword would wipe me out, I'm just going to go to a different universe - see you after I've conquered everything else - how long could you OGers hold off everything else?! HAAHAHAHAH!
YY: This SUCKS. Addicted Since: May 2002  |  IP: Logged
BSD:The mysterious hybrid
Member # 10744
posted March 26, 2003 08:09 AM      Profile for BSD:The mysterious hybrid  Email BSD:The mysterious hybrid  Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  OOC:The next person that makes me talk like a hacker will get a bash in the head,and have both their arms broken! Addicted Since: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.
Member # 9922
posted March 26, 2003 08:20 AM      Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really.    Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  (OoC): Yes, I am making fun of you, but it's a forum, so I am entitled to my opinion. Besides, I'd beat the snot out of you. Addicted Since: May 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 10064
posted March 26, 2003 11:48 AM      Profile for gamechamp3000  Email gamechamp3000  Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote  Suddenly,Swordmaster turns back to his normal self.
SM:Oh,no!Fusing didn't work!Now we'll never get the light sword again!
YY:Maybe there's another type of light sword?
FUSION:I think you missed something,who was the person that even knew about the light sword?
FUSION:And who just left sreaming,"The Robot Team is traiting again!!!"
GORE:Well,anyway,we need to catch up with Dark Jim!We'll think of something later!<br>
==Author: Fusion==
Meanwhile, in a palace on Uranus...
Dark Jim: HAHAHA! Shade is history, and the OGers have wasted their last minutes with the Light Sword!
Suddenly, a dark cloud appears over the palace. Lightning swirls all around the palace.
Dark Jim: A thunderstorm on Neptune? Let me see what the heck is going on!
Dark Jim goes toward the exit, but then the power goes out. Dark Jim trips over everything in the dark. He manages to feel the doorknob and he rushes out.
Dark Jim: This can only be the work of...the legendary Dark Force!
Voice: Yes, that is right!
Dark Jim: Who are you?
Voice: I am Dark Force!
Dark Jim: Show yourself!
Dark Force: You already see me!
Dark Jim: What are you talking about?
Dark Force: I do not have a body, I am just a bunch of dark forces beyond your imagination!
Dark Jim: Huh?
Dark Force: Ugh...I'm the storm and the power outage inside!
Dark Jim: Oh, you are the dark forces surrounding my castle!
Dark Force: Yes, I am all of the dark forces of nature! And since I am just a bunch of dark elements, you cannot hurt me, so I can kill you with no trouble! You see, when Shade came to kill you for failing the MPVP (Most Powerful Villians Period), you killed him! So, I am going to kill you! Hahaha! Dark Punch!
Dark Jim: How can you punch if you're just the dark forces of...ouch!
Suddenly, Dark Jim goes flying to the ground. He notices a giant spirital hand behind him.
Dark Force: See? I'm nothing like Shade! That fool was our weakest eliminator! Now, I will make a boss to fight you instead of me (since I am not a living being, just the dark forces of nature)!
Suddenly, in a flash of lightning, a tall black gargoyle appears.
Dark Force: Now get ready to fight...Gargoylus!
Gargoylus: Die, Dark Jim!
Dark Jim:
HP: 99999999999999999999999
FP: 99999999999999999999999
MP: 99999999999999999999999
HP: ???????????????????????
FP: ???????????????????????
MP: ???????????????????????
Gargoylus Battle Music - Super Mario RPG: First Smithy Battle
==Author: Fred==
(OoC): Ha, the Smithy music? That's priceless. Hey, good work Gamechamp, I thought I had backed us into a corner with LM, because while they persuded Dark Jim, he would have to run away. That would have sucked.
Dark Jim: Pah, Gargoylus, I've gone over this NUMEROUS times, I'm EVIL AND Dark Jim, therefore I am the focal point of darkness in this universe. sucka. (shoots hand beams at Gargoylus)
Gargoylus: You think you are MY equal? (draws a halaberd)
Dark Jim: No, I do not. I KNOW that I am your superior!!
(Dark Jim shadowports to behind Gargoylus, where he slices him with an assorment of heavy medival weaponry, and, of course, a crobar. Gargoylus Reforms part of his body, but the rest has been entirely eliminated. Gargoylus charges, and before Dark Jim slices him with his two-handed sword, he flies upward, losing a foot. He then comes down on Dark Jim, who grabs the blade of the halaberd and stops Gargoylus in midair. Dark Jim then electrocutes his halaberd, and wipes Gargoylus out.)
Dark Jim: Pah! Fool!
Dark Force: Nooo! How did you - nevermind. Look, I'm sure you didn't come out here to take us over... I sensed the accursed Light Blade coming into existance on earth about and hour ago. But the sword's time has finished. Why don't I just serve you for all of eternity, and we forget this little scuffle.
Dark Jim: Ok. I'm sure you thought I was weaker than you since you got higher marks at "Evil High".
DF: Well, yeah. Alright, who you want me kill?
(back on the mountain)
BSD: Hey, I stopped talking like a hacker! Butt iy wil stil spelle thingues incoorectily!
Fred: All your fruitcake are belong to Speedy Auto Service!
YY: Ok, maybe someone should those two off a cliff, they're really annoying.
Fusion: Nah, BSD can go BSD 2, and Fred saved us. So as much as I'd like it, we can't. Besides, taking down Gamechamp AND that other guy won't be easy. We need all the help we can get.
Fred: Watch me eat toenails!
Swordmaster: (slaps forehead)
DARK GORE: Hey, Gamechamp. Glad you could make it to the anti-OGers crew. To fight the original OGers six, we have an original anti-OGers six.
Gamechamp: That is terribly unoriginal.
DARK GORE: Well, anyways, you'll have to attach with your little group there to join.
Super Gamechamp: Ok, who's going.
Lupus: I will take the ring to Mordor!
DARK GORE: Stop that. Ok, we need a group.
Lupus: Well, I'm the leader. Follow me.
EVIL scientist dude: Well, I hear that this group needs wisdom. I may be able to help you there.
Lemonjello: Mr. Lupus sir! You're definatly not leaving without me sir!
Super Gamechamp: Well, you have my blaster!
DARK GORE: And my Arm!
SD: And my Axe! I mean sword. or whatever I have.
Lupus: This is the fellowship of the forums! Let us go now!

Revision as of 17:11, 22 June 2007

Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
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Author: Yoshiyami

Introbulus: All of us OGers need to stick together. I'll use this OG Teleporter to teleport us all to one place!

<Introbulus presses a few buttons and all of the OGers teleport to Danger Mountain>


TH Yami Dragoshi: It's you guys! How did you all get here?

Introbulus: My trusty OGer teleporter teleported all of us here in one place!

SwordMaster: Now let's kill this ugly white hairy thing!

<SwordMaster jumps into the air and slams his sword into Stia slicing him in half>

SwordMaster: And that's that.

Gamechamp: Hey! We're almost at the top!

<The OGers scale the remainder of the mountain and reach the summit where the Defatting Lake is>

Maurice: Time to slim down!

<Maurice prepares to jump into the lake but not before his body is annihilated by a beam of darkness>

TH Yami Dragoshi: What the hell?

Voice: I'm sorry but I cannot let you obtain the Light Sword.

<A man with a black cape and silver mask hovers above them>

Introbulus: It's Shade!

Shade: So you OGers think you're clever huh? Teleporting out of my cell without permission grants you painful consequences! SHADE BLADE!

<Shade wields a black sword in his hand and points it at the OGers>

Shade: Now for your punishment!

<Shade flies down towards the OGers>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Dragoshi Flame!

<The Dragoshi Flame is deflected by the Shade Blade>

Shade: <yawn> Pathetic...I heard that you OGers were the strongest warriors on Earth. Why aren't you even putting up a fight?

TH Yami Dragoshi: Grrr! Dragoshi Egg!

<The Dragoshi Egg flies towards Shade>

Shade: Do you think one of your pathetic toys can stop me?

<Shade easily breaks the egg with the sword>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Take some of this! DRAGOSHI EGG METEOR SHOWER!

<Thousands of Dragoshi eggs appear in the sky and fall towards Shade exploding on contact causing huge billows of smoke>

Gamechamp: Did he kill them?

TH Yami Dragoshi: Ha! He was no match against my ultimate attack.

Fusion: What the hell? Look!

<The smoke from the attack finally clears and Shade is seen floating in the air unharmed>

TH Yami Dragoshi: What!? No way!

Shade: You call that your ultimate attack? I hate to the performance of the rest of your OGer friends...My turn! Shade Blade Strike!

<Shade's Shade Blade slams into TH Yami Dragoshi's chest smashing him into a cliff>

TH Yami Dragoshi: Ugh......

<Blood seeps out of TH Yami Dragoshi's chest>

TH Yami Dragoshi: I'll show him! YAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!

TH Yami Dragoshi 2: How about I take this fight up a notch?

Shade: You don't scare me...give it all you got!

Narrator: TH Yami Dragoshi has once again powered up to a Super Yoshi 2. This is the same form that completely beat the crap out of Don Knotts. Can this form do the same to Shade? Find out in the next episode of VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Pending!

[ March 24, 2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Yami Yoshi ] Addicted Since: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted March 24, 2003 09:24 PM Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (OoC): Fine, ignore the fact that they got the slim fast shakes. I guess it works if the pool is filled with Slim fast. Hmm, I wonder if that last post had ANYTHING to do with that cell fight. (sarcasm) Nah, most definatly not (/sarcasm) Whoops, I am typing too much. Here's my post.

TH Super Yoshi 2: I'm not sure you understand. Start running.

Shade: Pah! You can't beat me, I'm much stronger than you! You saw me beat Dark Jim, that pathetic loser. (creates a dark flail with his other arm)

GORE-ILLA: It's true, he did that in one stroke, after we spent so much effort trying to kill his underlings.

Shade: Alright, comeon, bring it on!

(TH Super Yoshi produces an enormous egg, but shade takes out his ultra-long flail and cracks it open while Super Yoshi is still aiming to throw it. Super Yoshi is blasted into the ground, but pops back up, and charges at Shade. Shade disappears, and links the chain of his weapon around Super Yoshi's leg. Super Yoshi trips, but uses his hands to flip himself up, yanking the chain and sending Shade sprawling towards him. He kicks Shade and then throws another egg at him, but Shade is unphased.)

Shade: Ha, you're even weaker than I thought. Come on, I'll take all of you OGers on.

Fusion: Ok, no dice!

(Fusion flies at Shade, fist flashing, but Shade grabs it, and Jitsu style flips Fusion over his back and into the cold, hard ground. Fusion feet stick out, but only barely. GORE-ILLA and Introbulus attack at the same time, and GORE gets Shade in the gut, but when Introbulus uses a flying jump kick, Shade disapears and Introbulus rams into GORE, sending them down about 2 stories down, into the mountain path. Gamechamp, Yellow, Swordmaster and Super Yoshi 2 sneak up on Shade but he disappears and strikes Yoshi in the back with his sword. He swings the flail at Swordmaster, and SwordMaster catches it with his sword. Shade realises he is a bit stuck, and Gamechamp brings of his buster and blast at him, while Yellow is trying to pull off his neck. Shade shocks the flail with electricity, which knock away SwordMaster. Fusion turns his hand into a gigantic fist and brings it down on Shade whom tries to dodge it, but the fist hits his leg and keeps him stuck for while, which is just long enough for Black and GORE (who has climbed back up) to shove attacks in his face. Shade falls to the ground, hurting. He then starts laughing, and his features start changing. He starts to grow, and he gains horns. His teeth get sharper. His back gets spikes on it.)


(back in Tokyo, sounds a bit dull after what just happened, eh?)

Fred: Lemonjello! I crush you with hammer-axe! I eat your bones!

LJ: Crap. I'm sorry, I'm only doing this because the short form of my name is LJ! I want it to be DJ so I can play songs at dance parties!

Fred: You fiend! Hey, Why don't you change the "L" in your name into a "D"?

LJ: Ok, let's try it!

DemonJello: Ha! I become even more powerful for my name sounds evil, plus I hardness the awesome power of the letters DJ!

Fred: No! Fight = GO!

DJ: That's so stupid.

(Fred leaps at DJ, but DJ grabs him and puts him on his scratching table and starts to scratch. Fred tries to swing his weapon, but DJ spins the disk around and Fred drops it. DJ grabs fred's collar, and throws him against the cheese ray. He then calls upon the powers of Areosmith, and a man that looks like a lady drives over Fred in a strecth Limo. DJ throws earphones onto Fred, who staggers from the musical blast. DJ then throws disks like boomerangs, and cuts Fred up badly. In a move of final desperation, Fred eats a red pill, but decides that it tastes yucky, and hits the conviently located cheese Ray self-destruct button.)

DJ: Uncle Billy you fool! Whoops. Sorry.

Fred: Ha ha ha ha...

(the blast kills DJ, but knocks Fred and his hammer over to Kargon.)

[ March 24, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. ] Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 24, 2003 10:39 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Introbulus: No! We can only win this fight if we're together!

(uses the remote to transport all the OGers to the summit, where Shade is)

Shade: Ha! I defeated each and every one of you! What makes you think that you have a chance together?

Introbulus: You're forgetting one thing, Fusion has the power to fuse our bodies together! Now, Fusion!

Fusion: Ultimate Fusion Beam!

(All the OGers fuse together into one being)

Ogers: I am the VGF OG members! I represent all the good powers in the universe! You cannot defeat the power of truth, justice, frendship, and good!

Shade: Impressive. However, you are still no match for a dark warrior such as myself! Prepair for battle!

The two begin an epic battle, which I am not good at posting, so I'll let someone else do the gruntwor...I mean, take the "credit" for such a fight scene (hehehe...oops! Darn typing!) Anyway, at the bottom of the mountian.

Fred: Woah! That is one epic battle! I should really DO something about that thing!

Narrirator: Why not go to a convenience store and buy some slim fast so they can use the light sword?

Fred: Hey, good idea! Thanks!

Narrirator: Hey, it's the least I could do after all the pain I caused you guys!

Fred: So you gave up the strike?

Narrirator: Yeah, I decided that since you were saving the world and all, you deserved a break.

Fred: Okay then, I'll go get the Slim Fast! You just do your job!

Narrirator: Okay! (ahem) Can our fused heroes defeat the evil Shade? Can Fred get them the light sword on time, which would guarantee their victory? How was Fusion able to fuse all the OGers so quickly without any fusion complications?

OGers: A powerful plot device.

Narrirator: Oh, okay. All the rest of those questions may or may not be answered in the next post of...

VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!

OOC: I have selected a theme song for this story. Check it out at http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/ng2_intr.mid Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted March 24, 2003 10:49 PM Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (OoC): Wow, that theme song is pretty darn good. I've got that site bookmarked, where did you get that song, Introbulus? Anyways, I think the title should be something like "OG story 3 - EVIL's warped prophecy", because it works. Introbulus, are you not good at writing fights? Ok, I'd do it, but I wrote alot last post. So no such luck, but good work anyways. Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged Fusion of the BDWP. Cheapskate Member # 10990

posted March 25, 2003 02:43 PM Profile for Fusion of the BDWP. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote VGF OG Members: VGF Punch of Light!


Shade dodges the punch and slices off the VGF OG Members' arm.

VGF OG Members: ARRRRRRGH! Regeneration!

He tries to regenerate, but he somehow cannot.


VGF OG Members: He's right, but it's not over 'till the fat lady sings!


Meanwhile, in another dimension...

Dark Jim: Grrrr! He knows I'm alive! I must go there and fight him!

Flora: But...

Dark Jim: But nothing! I'm going! *vanishes*

Meanwhile, back on Earth...


Shade punches the one-armed VGF OG Members off of the top of the mountain.


Suddenly, the mountain shakes and begins to break up.

VGF OG Members: *holding onto the edge* (Now is my chance to preserve energy!)

VGF OG Members starts preserving energy.


He slashes off the edge and causes it to break off and fall into the river below, taking VGF OG Members with it.


???: Not so fast, Shade!

Suddenly, Dark Jim appears.


Dark Jim: Yes, and I shall destroy you since you just ruined my plan to have them waste the Light Sword on you!


He slashes at Dark Jim, but Dark Jim evades the attack.

Dark Jim: Slowpoke!

Meanwhile, at the bottom of Danger Mountain...

VGF OG Members: Yes, I have regenerated my arm at last! Now to scale the mountain once again!

Meanwhile, back at the top...


Dark Jim: HAha...huh?

He grabs Dark Jim, swings him around, and throws him into the sunset.


Suddenly, Shade flings some string into the air at Dark Jim, Spiderman-style. The string surrounds Dark Jim until he is in a cocoon. Shade absorbs the cocoon and surges with electricity until he transforms into a demon in a cloak.

New Shade: Ha, I am now Dark Shade, and I am fused with Dark Jim! He cannot escape, because when I absorb someone, they are surrounded by an unbreakable cocoon inside of my mind, putting them in a coma! Hey, why don't I talk in caps anymore!? Unless, Dark Jim's speech style is now my style! But no matter, I am stronger than before! Hahahahaha!

Meanwhile, VGF OG Members is scaling the mountain.

VGF OG Members: I sense Dark Jim's energy is no more! And Shade's energy is stronger! Shade must have absorbed him! I'd better stop this new evil, and fast!

Suddenly, VGF OG Members uses his super-speed and hurries up the mountain.

Dark Shade: So, you made it!

VGF OG Members: Yes, and my old arm will be avenged!

Dark Shade: We'll see.

Final Battle:

VGF OG Members: HP: 5000000000 FP: 5000000000 MP: 5000000000

Dark Shade: HP: 9999999999 FP: 9999999999 MP: 9999999999

Final Battle Music

[ March 25, 2003, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Fusion of the BDWP. ] Addicted Since: Nov 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 25, 2003 06:20 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OOC: I didn't post the fight scene as a joke. It's supposed to symbolize how lazy I am as an author. Oh, and the music? I got it at this site ($hameleSS Plug)http://www.vgmusic.com/(/$hamele$$ Plug)

Dark Shade: Bwahahahaha! I feel ten times as strong as I was before! I am invincible! Nothing can stop me now! Bwahahahaha.

[Confused] : Or so I would have you think.

Dark Shade: Huh? Who's there?

VGFOGers: Shade! It is time to end this battle!

Dark Shade: OGers? How'd you get up here? I thought you were dead!

VGFOGers: Don't count on it! We were able to save ourselves by hanging onto the edge of a cliff! Now that we've regenerated, it's time to finish this battle!

[Confused] : No! This battle is mine!

Dark Shade: What? Who's talking?

VGFOGers: Uh, we are? We're the only other one here. Well, besides the fat guy.

[Confused] : You can't have this fight! It's mine! I'll fight you for it!

Dark Shade: What? Who are you?

[Confused] : You fool! It's me, Dark Jim!

Dark Shade: What?!? How are you alive?

VGFOGers: He must be mad with power!

Dark Jim : Now, it's time to take control!

Dark Shade: NO! I won't let yo...AHHGHH!!! The PAAIIINNNN!!!

VGFOGers: [Confused] Shade? You okay?

Dark Shade: ...Yes, I am okay. In fact...

(Shifts form)

Dark Shade (?): I feel WONDERFUL!

VGFOGers: (Gasp!) It was Dark Jim!

Dark Shade (Jim): Yes, it is I! You thought you could defeat me? I am the most powerful mage in the universe! You are nothing compaired to me!

(TO BE CONTINUED) Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted March 25, 2003 07:31 PM Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (OoC): Ok, thx for the music site place, but what game was that music from? Ok, I guess you may be lazy, so that's an excuse... Anyways, thx Introbulus, you were the second person to use my character in your post. Good job.

(inside the body of OGERS, there was a mental conversation...)

Fusion: We strike them down while we can!

BSD: OMFG! teh teh teh! Lemmy comes into the story and then the koopalings come and I go "are you Lemmy and teh koopalings?" And they say "Yes." hahah ROTF!

Swordmaster: Nobody cares. Let's roll!

YY: Agreed, their internal struggle seems to be holding them up.

(on the outside, chocolaty covering!)

OGers: Time to pay! (Kicks Dark Shade in the chest)

Dark Shade: Pah, you think you're so tough?

OGers: You're just about to find out! (draws a shining two-bladed sword)

Dark Shade: Meh, my weapon is better. (draws his gigantic dark spear - only $9.99!)

OGers: Ok, let's get it on!

(OGers slice at DS, but DS shadowports behind them. Ogers spin around and blast a beam of light from their hands. DS's teleport trick cannot go through the pure energy, and he is caught between the two world he was transversing, letting OGers slice his spear in half. DS's weapon reforms extremly quickly)

OGers: Crap.

(DS returns to this world, and the OGers continue to back away from him, shooting light beams, and only parrying when neccesary)

DS: Pah! And another pah! You posed no threat to me. Even if you do win, you'll need the Light Sword, and then only Shade's body will be destroyed. Hahaha!

(on the road to the store...)

Fred: Must hurry! Must also make haste!

(suddenly Fred runs into an old enemy)

Fred: Wha? Who are you?

Koopa: Hello, fool. I am just another regular monster trying to stop people from getting to health food stores, but a bit different. I am going to burn you to the ground.

Fred: Uh, I'm really in a rush, maybe later.

Koopa: Yes, but, even if you get past ME you definetly will not get past THEM. (points behind him, and shows Pyro and DARK GORE)

Fred: Oh, friggen heck. There's gotta be someone out there. I got it! Lassie!

(a figure runs through 40 different sceneries and makes it there to show that it's ... a gigantic bear??!)

Fred: Sic em, Lassie! (runs past while DARK GORE fights not to get eaten, but manages to punch it's internal organs away)

DARK GORE: After him, boys! (transforms into a cadillac)

Koopa: Decepticons! Scramble!

Pyro: Quit it. I'm just getting warmed up...

(5 minutes later)

Fred: I wonder if it matters if I'm shoplifting. Probably not. (looks up in stares) Oh, god, it's that guy from Zelda DX. crap.

Zelda DX guy: If you steal, if beat you up!

Fred: (Running out the door) Charge it!

(about one second later)

Fred: Whew! Fred get running!

Koopa: I think not. I play the trap Fred card!

Pyro: That's the "dump Urbal essences on yourself" card.

Koopa: I should really get rid of that card (gets drenched)

(about 1 mile away)

Fred: People should really pay attention to what's going on.

Pyro: At least I payed attention to what was going on. FLARE! (shoots up a flare) FIRE WALL! (Fred is trapped)

Fred: Oh no.

Pyro: That's right, now you've GOT TO fight us.

Fred: Ok, give me your best shot!

Pyro: With pleasure! (turns into a fireball and flies at Fred)

Fred: You smelly silly! (hits ground with hammer, trapping Pyro in a fissure)

Pyro: Dang.

DARK GORE: Ha, I'll destroy you! Darn that Koopa! He's so slow! (DARK GORE charges, but Fred jumps on his arm, and then jumps over the fire wall)

Fred: Thanks!

DARK GORE: GRAHHH! I'll just have jumps over too!

Fred: Best get going!

(on the mountain)

Narrator: Things only get worse for our heroes. Can Fred make it there, and finally have some worth?

DS: Shutup! (dark beams Narrator) Anywho, I'd just like you to know that I will destroy you pathetic mortal OGers! None can beat me, I don't care if you have every power in the universe! Hahahahaha!

OGers: Darn you! I'm gonna wipe you out! [Mad]

DS:Pah! For a third time! (DS shadowports behind OGers, stabs at them with spear and hits)

OGers: Ahhh! Wait, I have an Idea! AHHGHH! (goes to OGers 2) Ha, I am just as strong as you now, you friggen punk!

DS: You have yet another form? This is about to heat up a little!

WHAT WILL HAPPEN? you decide, duh! Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged BSD:The mysterious hybrid Cheapskate Member # 10744

posted March 25, 2003 08:10 PM Profile for BSD:The mysterious hybrid Email BSD:The mysterious hybrid Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote VGFOGers2:Time to go berserk!

VGFOgers2 goes berserk.

Berserk VGFOGers Level 2:*Insert metallic T-rex/Dragon hybrid sounds with the sound of Mario pressing a buzzer here.*

Dark Shade:OUCH!*repeat 20 times*

Inside the mind of Berserk VGFOGers Level 2........

Introbulus:I never thought BSD would stop his useless chatter then erupt like the most volatile volcano in this galaxy!

YY:My ears are hurting.


Introbulus:That's devastating power!


GORE:This is not going to turn up right in the end.

In BBSD2's mind.........

BSD:I am using a form that I vowed to never used this power again,but now i've become a berserker once more.

Cue flashback to when BSD was 5 or as he was called Dragoshi.....



Triclyde heads 2 and 3:You'll never survive!

Dragoshi goes berserk then glows black and orange.

Dragoshi:I warned ya!

Dragoshi moves at super-fast speeds then cuts all of Triclyde's heads off.

End flashback.

BSD:I remember that I fought something stronger than Triclyde but it was a month after that.

Cue flashback to 1 month after Triclyde battle......

Dragoshi:I never thought battling a demonic yoshi would be so hard!

Demoshi:Now to absorb your power and claim it as my own!


Dragoshi and Demoshi both use their swords but Dragoshi moves quickly that he steals Demoshi's sword.



Dragoshi slashes Demoshi in half and absorbs the sword's power into his own.

End flashback.

Narrirator:Why has BSD triggered these memories?And what was Dark Shade's power before the second Mental coversation started?

TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO VGF MEMBER OG 3:Darkness Rears It's Ugly Head Once Again!

[ March 25, 2003, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: BSD:The mysterious hybrid ] Addicted Since: Oct 2002 | IP: Logged gamechamp3000 Cheapskate Member # 10064

posted March 25, 2003 10:49 PM Profile for gamechamp3000 Email gamechamp3000 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Meanwhile...

MAURICE:This is getting boring,sitting here!I know!I'll help save the world!All I need to do is fall in that lake!

He tries to get up,but he's too fat.

MAURICE:Darn!If only I had some slimfast,I'd probably be able to walk with ease!I'll just look in the script here...oh,yes!Some guy named Fred is trying to get some!He'll deliver it!


FRED(thinking):There has to be a way to stop these guys!I know!


He trows some slimfast,which somehow explodes and acts as some smokescreen.

FRED:Yes!Now to get going!

He starts running up the mountain,and come to a helicopter.

FRED:Wow,what a conveniently placed helicopter!

He gets in,and goes up to the top.

FRED:Did somebody order slimfast?


He drinks all the slimfast,and is able to walk into the lake,and comes up from the water skinny.


Kargon appears where the battlers are.

KARGON:Your 3rd task is completed!You have earned the light sword!

He throws the light sword to VGFOGM.

VGFOGM:Yes!Now time to destroy you,Dark Shade!

DS:Ha!Even with that sword,I'm known for my speed,and you'll have a hard time even being able to use it on me!Plus,how much time do you have left to use that thing?What?One minute?Hahaha!You will die!

Inside VGFOGM...

GC:Oh,noooooooo!!!This is horrible!

FUSION:What's so horrible?

GC:Well,we'll never be able to beat thaty guy even with the light sword!You know,the $1000 isn't worth being good,too many risks of dieing,so I think we should leave and be evil again,right?






The Robot Team jumps out of VGFOGM and on to the Roborcycles,and drive off to where they can't be seen.

FUSION:Just like I said at the beggining!Traitors!

SM:Quiet!It's time for me to take control of us,and use my sword powers to defeat this guy! TO BE CONTINUED... Addicted Since: Jun 2002 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted March 25, 2003 11:11 PM Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (OoC): Ah, so the light sword finally comes into play. Excellent.

(inside the OGer's body)

Fusion: Wait! Swordmaster! We came all this way for the light sword, and we're going to use it once, only to know that dark Jim will jump out of that body can come back for us in a blink of the eye? I have an ace in the hole... DEFUSION RAY!

Introbulus: Oh, darn, now Fusion's flown the coup as well. He's gone absoloutly nutters.

(OGERS defuse)

YY: Great, now what?

Pharoh: yeah, we have 15 seconds left.

Fusion: I know what I'm doing. FUSION BEAM!

SwordMaster: Hey, wha-

Introbulus: I get it now!

BSD: OMFG w4t's h4ppp3ning!?!!11

Pharoh: Very clever, fusing SwordMaster with the light sword.

YY: What?

Dark Shade: What?

BSD: OMFG w4t's h4pp3n1ng?!!11

Fred: Where am I?

(SM and light sword fuse to become... LightMaster!)

LM: My name... sucks. Oh, well, good bye, Dark Shade! (slices him though the middle with his glowing hand-saber)

Dark Shade: ARHHGHGHG!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!! (dissapears)

(suddenly, a flast of light comes, and Dark Jim can be seen through a circular glass mirror suspended in the air)

Dark Jim: ha, this is sooo overdone. Well, seeing as the light sword would wipe me out, I'm just going to go to a different universe - see you after I've conquered everything else - how long could you OGers hold off everything else?! HAAHAHAHAH!

YY: This SUCKS. Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged BSD:The mysterious hybrid Cheapskate Member # 10744

posted March 26, 2003 08:09 AM Profile for BSD:The mysterious hybrid Email BSD:The mysterious hybrid Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OOC:The next person that makes me talk like a hacker will get a bash in the head,and have both their arms broken! Addicted Since: Oct 2002 | IP: Logged Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Cheapskate Member # 9922

posted March 26, 2003 08:20 AM Profile for Fred_In_Bed hates waffles. Really. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (OoC): Yes, I am making fun of you, but it's a forum, so I am entitled to my opinion. Besides, I'd beat the snot out of you. Addicted Since: May 2002 | IP: Logged gamechamp3000 Cheapskate Member # 10064

posted March 26, 2003 11:48 AM Profile for gamechamp3000 Email gamechamp3000 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Suddenly,Swordmaster turns back to his normal self.

SM:Oh,no!Fusing didn't work!Now we'll never get the light sword again!

YY:Maybe there's another type of light sword?

FUSION:I think you missed something,who was the person that even knew about the light sword?


FUSION:And who just left sreaming,"The Robot Team is traiting again!!!"


GORE:Well,anyway,we need to catch up with Dark Jim!We'll think of something later!

Author: Fusion

Meanwhile, in a palace on Uranus...

Dark Jim: HAHAHA! Shade is history, and the OGers have wasted their last minutes with the Light Sword!

Suddenly, a dark cloud appears over the palace. Lightning swirls all around the palace.

Dark Jim: A thunderstorm on Neptune? Let me see what the heck is going on!

Dark Jim goes toward the exit, but then the power goes out. Dark Jim trips over everything in the dark. He manages to feel the doorknob and he rushes out.

Dark Jim: This can only be the work of...the legendary Dark Force!

Voice: Yes, that is right!

Dark Jim: Who are you?

Voice: I am Dark Force!

Dark Jim: Show yourself!

Dark Force: You already see me!

Dark Jim: What are you talking about?

Dark Force: I do not have a body, I am just a bunch of dark forces beyond your imagination!

Dark Jim: Huh?

Dark Force: Ugh...I'm the storm and the power outage inside!

Dark Jim: Oh, you are the dark forces surrounding my castle!

Dark Force: Yes, I am all of the dark forces of nature! And since I am just a bunch of dark elements, you cannot hurt me, so I can kill you with no trouble! You see, when Shade came to kill you for failing the MPVP (Most Powerful Villians Period), you killed him! So, I am going to kill you! Hahaha! Dark Punch!

Dark Jim: How can you punch if you're just the dark forces of...ouch!

Suddenly, Dark Jim goes flying to the ground. He notices a giant spirital hand behind him.

Dark Force: See? I'm nothing like Shade! That fool was our weakest eliminator! Now, I will make a boss to fight you instead of me (since I am not a living being, just the dark forces of nature)!

Suddenly, in a flash of lightning, a tall black gargoyle appears.

Dark Force: Now get ready to fight...Gargoylus!

Gargoylus: Die, Dark Jim!

Dark Jim: HP: 99999999999999999999999 FP: 99999999999999999999999 MP: 99999999999999999999999

Gargoylus: HP: ??????????????????????? FP: ??????????????????????? MP: ???????????????????????

Gargoylus Battle Music - Super Mario RPG: First Smithy Battle

Author: Fred

(OoC): Ha, the Smithy music? That's priceless. Hey, good work Gamechamp, I thought I had backed us into a corner with LM, because while they persuded Dark Jim, he would have to run away. That would have sucked.

Dark Jim: Pah, Gargoylus, I've gone over this NUMEROUS times, I'm EVIL AND Dark Jim, therefore I am the focal point of darkness in this universe. sucka. (shoots hand beams at Gargoylus)

Gargoylus: You think you are MY equal? (draws a halaberd)

Dark Jim: No, I do not. I KNOW that I am your superior!!

(Dark Jim shadowports to behind Gargoylus, where he slices him with an assorment of heavy medival weaponry, and, of course, a crobar. Gargoylus Reforms part of his body, but the rest has been entirely eliminated. Gargoylus charges, and before Dark Jim slices him with his two-handed sword, he flies upward, losing a foot. He then comes down on Dark Jim, who grabs the blade of the halaberd and stops Gargoylus in midair. Dark Jim then electrocutes his halaberd, and wipes Gargoylus out.)

Dark Jim: Pah! Fool!

Dark Force: Nooo! How did you - nevermind. Look, I'm sure you didn't come out here to take us over... I sensed the accursed Light Blade coming into existance on earth about and hour ago. But the sword's time has finished. Why don't I just serve you for all of eternity, and we forget this little scuffle.

Dark Jim: Ok. I'm sure you thought I was weaker than you since you got higher marks at "Evil High".

DF: Well, yeah. Alright, who you want me kill?

(back on the mountain)

BSD: Hey, I stopped talking like a hacker! Butt iy wil stil spelle thingues incoorectily!

Fred: All your fruitcake are belong to Speedy Auto Service!

YY: Ok, maybe someone should those two off a cliff, they're really annoying.

Fusion: Nah, BSD can go BSD 2, and Fred saved us. So as much as I'd like it, we can't. Besides, taking down Gamechamp AND that other guy won't be easy. We need all the help we can get.

Fred: Watch me eat toenails!

Swordmaster: (slaps forehead)


DARK GORE: Hey, Gamechamp. Glad you could make it to the anti-OGers crew. To fight the original OGers six, we have an original anti-OGers six.

Gamechamp: That is terribly unoriginal.

DARK GORE: Well, anyways, you'll have to attach with your little group there to join.


Super Gamechamp: Ok, who's going.

Lupus: I will take the ring to Mordor!

DARK GORE: Stop that. Ok, we need a group.

Lupus: Well, I'm the leader. Follow me.

EVIL scientist dude: Well, I hear that this group needs wisdom. I may be able to help you there.

Lemonjello: Mr. Lupus sir! You're definatly not leaving without me sir!

Super Gamechamp: Well, you have my blaster!

DARK GORE: And my Arm!

SD: And my Axe! I mean sword. or whatever I have.

Lupus: This is the fellowship of the forums! Let us go now!