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Author: Hey! Get back to work you lazy bum!
Author: Hey! Get back to work you lazy bum!
Narrirator: [Eek!] Yes sir! Right away sir! Without hesitation, sir!
Narrirator: Yes sir! Right away sir! Without hesitation, sir!

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Author: Gamechamp


He falls down and faints.

O2:Hahaha!Stupid weakling,I better just let him live so I can use his powers on the outside...


GC:There has to be a way to defeat him...I've got it!


GC:I know of someone who can give us a weapon that will be able to destroy Dark Matter!

THYD:What is it?

GC:The light sword,a legendary sword which can only be summoned once every thousand years...and if I'm correct,it's been 300,000,000 years since it's been summoned.

THYD:But,wouldn't there still be another light sword somewhere so people can use two?

GC:No,after 1 hour of being summoned,the sword dissapears,waiting until the next time it is summoned at least 1,000 years after...if we get it,we can destroy Dark Matter!

FUSION:Just one problem...do any of us know how to use a sword?

GC:Of course,Sword...master...does...oops.Wait!The Robot Team can go inside him and do it!Right,team?


GC:We simply need to find a way to get absorbed by Dark Matter,which we will be able to keep the sword without getting seperated,and ten we can deliver it to Swordmaster!

FUSION:Soooooo...how far away is your friend?

GC:Only about 20 minutes away,meaning when we get back,we should have about 40 minutes left to destroy Dark Matter!

GORE:But how do we keep Dark Matter from following us?

GC:Hmmmm...we'll need some people to stay behind...

BLUE:We'll stay behind,sir!We'd be happy to help with this!

WHITE:And us Robo Scouts will stay,too!

GC:Okay,brothers,sisters,hold him back for us!

All tre OGers but the Robot Team except Gamechamp and the Robo Scouts leve,following Gamechamp.

10 minutes Later...

They arive at a house in a secluded part of a forest...

GC:Hello!Kargon!We need your help!

A man walks out of thwe building...

KARGON:Gamechamp?!?!?!?!What are you doing here?

GC:Well,I need a little help,I need you to summon the light sword!


GC:It's for the sake of the world!

KARGON:Hmmmmmmm...allright...but you'll need to prove to me that you're deserving...you must pass some tests...

GC:How long will they take?

KARGON:Oh,only about 30 minutes...


KARGON:Okay,now let me summon the sword...


Then,a sword made of pure light except for the handle appears.

KARGON:Ooops...I forgot the time limit...looks like you're on a quick time limit!Now,for your first task... TO BE CONTINUED...

P.S.They dont call me gamechamp for nothing! Addicted Since: Jun 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 16, 2003 09:00 AM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (Meanwhile, at Dark Jim's lair of unhappiness)

Dark Jim: (looking into his crystal ball) The light sword?!?! How could he have known about the light sword?!? Oh boy, this is not good. If they are able to use the light sword aganst me, they might actually have a chance of vanquishing me! I can't allow that! General Shy! Front and Center!

(General Shy Guy walks up to Dark Jim)

General Shy: Yes, master?

Dark Jim: Get your most mischevious troops over to those tests immediatly! Gamechamp must not be allowed to pass those tests!

General Shy: Yes, my lord! I will send my best troops over there immediatly!

Dark Jim: Excellent. You are dismissed.

General Shy: ...

Dark Jim: That means you go away now.

General Shy: Oh! Right! (walks away)

Dark Jim: Now to check up on dark matter. (waves his hands over the crystal ball)

(Inside the crystal ball)

Yellow: Look out for that blast!

Teal: Oh no! It got blue!

(out of the crystal ball)

Dark Jim: Excellent! Dark Matter is doing a fantastic job! Not even robots can last long against Dark Matter! Only a wepon of pure good could defeat him! (checks in on Kargon's hut) With any luck, they will never have the chance to use the weapon! Bwahahaha!

[ March 16, 2003, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: Introbulus ] Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged gamechamp3000 Cheapskate Member # 10064

posted March 16, 2003 01:38 PM Profile for gamechamp3000 Email gamechamp3000 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote KARGON:Okay,then,your first task is to defeat my friend,Fufu,in an arm wrestling tournament!

GC:What?!?!Show me to the weakling!My arms are made of steel,literally!I can beat that... [Eek!] ...oh,hello,Fufu,nice to meet you!

There is a large monster in front of him,and his muscles are bulging.

FUFU:Get to the table,we're going to arm wrestle!

GC:Oh,no,I'm not going to arm wrestle,you are mistaken for who was talking,it was...him!

He points at a nearby rabbit.

KARGON:No,it was him,Fufu,now get to the table!

They both get to the table,and get ready to arm wrestle.

GC:This is the end!


Then,the second he says that,Fufu pulls down Gamechamp's arm,and Gamechamp's arm comes off.

GC:Ummmmmmmm...could we redo that?My arm needs to be screwed on tightly.

FUFU:What?!?!?!?!?!Monster!!!!!I forfiet!!!

He runs off screaming.

KARGON:And the winner by default is Gamechamp!

GC:What?But all I did was have my arm not screwed on tightly!

KARGON:Fine,then no light sword for you.

GC:Okay,I won!Now tell the next task while I get my arm on!

KARGON:Sure,your next task is...

???:Wait right there!


General guy and his army are in front of the house.

GG:Dark Jim would be most happy if you were destroyed!

KARGON:Stand back,this calls for the wielder of the light sword!Light warp!!!

He slashes the light sword,and the blade shoots out a slash of light at the army,and they dissappear.

GG:Ummmmmm...what happened to them?

KARGON:I banished them to the world of torture,where you will go next!

He does it again,and General Guy dissappears.

THYD:Oh,no!We lost some of our 1 hour time limit from that!

KARGON:You got a head start on the first task,so you're okay.Now,for the second task.. TO BE CONTINUED...

P.S.They dont call me gamechamp for nothing! Addicted Since: Jun 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 16, 2003 02:46 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote (meanwhile, in nearby bushes...)

General Guy: Excellent! Our ploy worked perfectly! Now that he thinks we are gone, he won't suspect a couple of shyguys to do anything "dangerous" during his trials will he? Now then, get in there and be sure that gamechamp doesn't win! But make sure he doesn't see you! Otherwise the whole project is a bust!

Camaflague (can't spell that word) guy: Yes sir! (sneaks off)

[ March 16, 2003, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Introbulus ] Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged Fusion is a Nazi. Cheapskate Member # 10990

posted March 16, 2003 02:49 PM Profile for Fusion is a Nazi. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote

   quote: Originally posted by Introbulus:
   Camaflaugh (can't spell that word) guy: Yes sir! (sneaks off) 

You spell it like this: Camoflage. Addicted Since: Nov 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 16, 2003 03:18 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OOC: ^Thanks. [Big Grin] Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged Fusion is a Nazi. Cheapskate Member # 10990

posted March 16, 2003 06:07 PM Profile for Fusion is a Nazi. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote No wait. It's camouflage Addicted Since: Nov 2002 | IP: Logged gamechamp3000 Cheapskate Member # 10064

posted March 16, 2003 07:30 PM Profile for gamechamp3000 Email gamechamp3000 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OOC:It's not me who is taking the tests,it's the entire team,and the shy guys aren't dead,they were warped,remember?

   quote: Originally posted by gamechamp3000:
   Light warp!!! 

So that means they can't be there,unless you want to say the light sword doesn't work and is just some toy,so fix that.You could just have some shy guys who were able to dodge or something.General guy couldn't of,someone would have seen him,but if some shy guys dodged,they probably wouldn't see out of all of them.

P.S.They dont call me gamechamp for nothing! Addicted Since: Jun 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 16, 2003 08:38 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote ^OOC: I think you missed the point. It was a ploy to get you to think that they had actually been taken in that attack. (If it helps you to understand, then we can just say that it was a regular shy guy dressed up to look like General guy). Besides, the entire point of the shy guys was to be a nusance during your tests. Sorry if I was a bit unclear. Addicted Since: Sep 2002 | IP: Logged Fusion is a Nazi. Cheapskate Member # 10990

posted March 17, 2003 06:40 PM Profile for Fusion is a Nazi. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Kargon: Your second task is to go to the address on this paper *hands GC a piece of paper* and buy the item on it.

GC: Why can't you do it?


GC: Ok, ok. Sheesh.

Kargon: Oh, and beware of three obstacles: a Cyclops, three evil mages, and the Mythic Dragon from Yugioh!

GC: Ok. *runs off*

Can he surpass these obstacles and proceed to the next task?

TO BE CONTINUED... Addicted Since: Nov 2002 | IP: Logged gamechamp3000 Cheapskate Member # 10064

posted March 17, 2003 08:18 PM Profile for gamechamp3000 Email gamechamp3000 Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote OOC:Will you please stop making it look like I'm the one that is taking the tests?It's the entire team,why won't you listen?!?!?!?!


GG:Okay Mr.Cyclops,we have a deal for you!

CYCLOPS:What is it?!?!?!?!?!

GG:Well,we'll give you this special eye appear tonic so you can have 2 eyes,as long as you do one thing...


GG:There are some people that will come by that are trying to pass.Don't just not let them past,we want you to destroy them!!!

CYCLOPS:Hmmmmm...okay,now give me that tonic!

They give him a bottle,and the cyclops drinks what's inside,and a second eye appears on his head.

CYCLOPS:Yay!!!!!!It worked!!!!!!!Now I'll keep my end of the deal!!!!!!

The shy guys leave.

GG:Little did he know that also had special Herculeas' Strength Tonic in it,now those OGers won't stand a chance!!!

SHY GUY:Genuis,sir!!!

GG:I know!

Meanwhile,the OGers go on unaware of what they're about to face. TO BE CONTINUED...

P.S.They dont call me gamechamp for nothing! Addicted Since: Jun 2002 | IP: Logged Yami Yoshi Ongoing Story Mod Member # 7395

posted March 18, 2003 07:02 PM Profile for Yami Yoshi Email Yami Yoshi Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote <Meanwhile where the Robo Scouts are fighting Dark Matter>

White: C'mon team! We gotta distract this ugly dark cloud! AURORA LASER!

<White fires a rainbow laser at Dark Matter that is immediately absorbed>

White: What!? Oh no!

Dark Matter: You pathetic fighting skills bore me! Time to end this! DARK ABSORB!

<Dark Matter hovers over the remaining the Robo Scouts and absorbs each one>

Dark Matter: Time to kill those OGers!

<Dark Matter flies towards the forest where the OGers are taking the tests>

Fusion: What's that?

TH Yami Dragoshi: Crap! It's Dark Matter!

Gamechamp: The Robo Scouts must have been absorbed as well...

TH Yami Dragoshi: I'll take care of him! You guys complete the tests!

Dark Matter: You again...Don't you ever give up?

TH Yami Dragoshi: Never! DRAGOSHI FLAME!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Take that!

<The darkness from Dark Matter's destroyed body reforms>

Dark Matter: Argh! Take this!

<Dark Matter starts shooting black energy balls at TH Yami Dragoshi>

TH Yami Dragoshi: <dodges the energy balls> Ha! Your aim sucks!

Dark Matter: Look again!

<The energy balls fly back toward TH Yami Dragoshi and intercept with his body knocking him into a tree>

TH Yami Dragoshi: What the?

Dark Matter: Ha! My Dark Energy Ball attack homes in on my opponent!

TH Yami Dragoshi: Urg...C'mon OGers! Pass those tests! Addicted Since: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged SwordMaster Cheapskate Member # 7223

posted March 18, 2003 07:21 PM Profile for SwordMaster Email SwordMaster Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote *Swordmaster wakes up and 02 is gone*

SM: Huh? Where am I and why am I falling? The last thing I remember is waking up in a hospital with a metal hand.

NARRATOR: GASP! He can't remember anything that's happened so far in OG 3 and most of OG 2!!! It must be amnesia from the poison gas!!!

SM: Are you sure its not just because I havn't been to VGF in awhile?

NARRATOR: SILENCE!!! You have amnesia because it just seems more probable.

SM: It seems more probable then the truth?


SM: Okay whatever. I wonder when I'll stop falling..... Addicted Since: Jul 2001 | IP: Logged Fusion is a Nazi. Cheapskate Member # 10990

posted March 19, 2003 02:28 PM Profile for Fusion is a Nazi. Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Suddenly, the Robo Scouts fly out of Dark Matter, leaving a hole in his body. He regenerates quickly.

Dark Matter: My energy! It is gone! No matter, if I absorb Fusion and Gamechamp, I won't need to absorb anyone else! Dark Absorb!

He sends an beam at Fusion.

Fusion: Not this time! Energy Punch!

Fusion punches the beam back at Dark Matter.


Dark Matter is engulfed in electricity.


A bunch of cocoons fly out of Dark Matter.

Dark Matter: CRAP!

Dark Matter explodes, this time the explosion destroys all of his anatame, so he cannot regenerate.

Fusion: Why didn't I just do that before?

Suddenly, Dark Jim appears.

Dark Jim: I see you destroyed Dark Matter. Now you must face me! But first...

A demon flies out of Dark Jim.

Jim: Huh? Where am I?

Introbulus: Jim! You're back!

Introbulus runs over and hugs Jim.

Jim: What happened?

Introbulus: You were possessed by that 30 foot tall demon over there.

Demon: Just call me Drakon. I will fight you now.

TO BE CONTINUED... Addicted Since: Nov 2002 | IP: Logged Introbulus Cheapskate Member # 10693

posted March 19, 2003 04:35 PM Profile for Introbulus Email Introbulus Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Jim: 30 foot demon? It's only five and a half feet tall! And where do you get off calling yourself Darkon? I know who you are!

Darkon: Ha! You could not possibly know my true Identity!

Jim: No, but I certainly know that you aren't who you say you are now!

Darkon: Oh alright! You found me out, I'm your dark self, Jim. I am known as...

Jim: Dark Jim?

Dark Jim: How did you know?

Jim: I was you just five minutes ago! I know everything that you know!

Dark Jim: I see, then you know full well that you are no match for me! (snatches Jim)

Gamechamp: Holy freeholes! Jim just kidnapped himself!

Introbulus: This is not good, Jim was the only thing holding Dark Jim back! Once Dark Jim figures out how to destroy him, we're doomed! Doomed! From latin meaning "fated to death" doomed!!!

Fusion: Calm down, Introbulus! All we need to do is pass these tests and get the light sword, then we can beat that sad excuse of a demon down without thinking twice!

THY: Then we'd better hurry to that cyclops, or we'll never be allowed to use the light sword!

Narrirator: Will our heroes be able to get the light sword in time to stop the tyrrany of Dark Jim from destroying the universe? Will the proud narrirators of the world ever get the respect they deserve? Can our union provide ample...

Author: Hey! Get back to work you lazy bum!

Narrirator: Yes sir! Right away sir! Without hesitation, sir!