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==Author: Brooser Koopa==
*suddenly a large koopa shaped robot flies down to where Brooser is floating. It looks like a large, robot version of a koopa troope, except bigger*
Brooser: Um...who are you?
Brooser: What?
SKB: I said, I'm Smackoopabot!
B: No, no, I heard what you said, but....it's just that...*snicker*
SKB: What? What's so funny?
B: Your name! It's so corny! I mean, come on! That sounds like something a thirteen year old boy would come up with! Smackoopabot? Please!
SKB: Enough of this foolishness! I have been instructed to take you to my boss's headquarters in space! (Although I might should get my name changed...)
B: And why should I?
SKB: And why shouldn't you?
B: Wha....?
SKB: Exactly. Trust me, the boss is a nice guy. World peace and all that. He needs your help defending the...um...*checks script* innocent. Yeah, that's it. Blablabla. Come on, it's in space. *flies into sky with rocket boosters installed in retractable paratroopa robo-wings*
B: Well....okay...if to help people... *flies up*
==Author: Brooser Koopa==
*In the Apocalypse...*
Akujin: So, you say your name is Brooser?
Brooser: Yes. Smackoopabot brought me here.
SKB: Well, actually, now I'm Paratrooper.
B: Whatever....
A: Well I have an offer for you. You see, there is a group of villains that call themselves the OGers. We've been trying to stop their plans for years, but to no avail. They've been destroying cities, killing, women and children, and many other horrible things.
B: So....you want me to help you?
A: Yes, roughly. Will you do it?
B: What's in it for me?
A: Well, there will always be the feeling that you did the right thing and made many people happy....
B: Agh, the guilt angle...okay, fine. I'll put my vacation on hold and help you.
A: Good, good. We have already captured two, known as Introbulus and Jim...
B: Those names sound familiar...
A: Probably because the OGers are always being put in the newspaper for their...nefarious deeds.
B: Alright. So, where should I go first?
A: First, you should go to the desert, where GORE-ILLA is. It's that way *points*
B: Right, I guess...*flies off*
A: Excellent...everything is going according to plan...with that fool fighting the OGers, not only will I stop him from joining the OGers, he'll get rid of some in the process. It's perfect! *laughs evilly*
==Author: Yoshiyami==
Pharaoh: *thinking* Crap…there’s not a single card in my deck that can stand up against him…I can only defend for the time being… *draws card* I play Giant Soldier of Stone in defense and end my turn.
Qwirtzok: Heh heh heh…once you lose this duel, you're soul will be trapped in the Shadow Realm...FOR..EV..VUR...Now I’ll attack your Giant Soldier of Stone with Omega Obelisk!
*Qwirtzok materializes a black obelisk and hurls it at the Giant Soldier of Stone, which shatters its stone body*
Pharaoh: Woah...at least I didn't lose any Life Points... *draws card* I summon Labyrinth Wall (L5 0/3000) in defense mode and end my turn!
Qwirtzok: I equip a Magic Card to myself...Fairy Meteor Crush! It allows me to inflict damage to your Life Points even when they're in defense mode.
Pharaoh: !!!
Qwirtzok: So you lose 1000 Life Points leaving you with a mere 100 left...next turn Pharaoh, you're defeat is inevitible...there's not a single card in existence that can defeat me!
Pharaoh: *sweating* Damnit...it's over...I lost...I've failed...
*Suddenly, Yami Yoshi's image pops into the Pharaoh's mind*
Yami Yoshi: You're giving up already? Hah! I would've expected more from you...even if you are crappier at Magic and Wizards player than I...
Pharaoh: Grrr...GET OUT OF HERE! I'm just about to lose this duel! Your critisism isn't exactly the last words I want to hear!
Yami Yoshi: You just don't get it do you...there's ONE card in your deck that can beat him!
Pharaoh: ...what the hell is it then?
Yami Yoshi: *anime-style wink* It's YOU!
To Be Continued...
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
Legion: Alright, sniper... I'm willing to call a truce! You'll be free to go if you defeat that armored monkey and his followers or something of that sort.
GORE: Sure, why not?
OL' Bessie: (Tears into the tent in a rage, flinging furniture to the side while milk drips from her mouth) MOOOO!!!
*Ol'Bessie charges forward and grabs GORE in a bearhug. She opens her mouth and prepares to sink her fangs into GORE's neck in hopes of sucking the Vitamin C from his blood when SSG comes up from behind Bessie and pulls on her tail, stunning her. GORE takes this moment to kick at Bessie's chest, propelling himself outside the tent's window while Bessie fell over backwards and landed right on SSG.*
SSG: Boss, can you give me a hand?
Legion: Don't worry, she'll wake up eventually... (runs away)
SSG: That's what I'm afraid of...
*Outside, GORE is fightin Mousie in the middle of a large crowd of shy guy troops. GORE carries one shy guy in each hand and, as Mousie attcaks, he uses them as shields to block Mousie's ferocious assault - every now and then tossing away the bloody shy guys and grabbing fresh pair - yet the clueless shy guys still continue to crowd around the two fighters.*
Mousie: Enough o' dis, mon! I'm kickin' into overdrive, so you better watch out, mon!
*Mousie begins to attack at a faster rate. GORE decides to screw it and contiuously flings shy guys at Mousie, most of which she deflects. One of them, however, smacks her right in the face and knocks her out.*
GORE: That's two down. Now I still need to take out Bullwinkle, Mecha-Pinchy, Diskun, EVIL Scientist Dude and XB-0TT, and finally MON-KILL! But I wonder where Legion got off to?
*Elsewhere, on a rocky cliff overlooking the warfield, Legion confronts a man who is watching the battle.*
Legion: I had a feeling that you were near.
Man: Are you ready to tell me yet?
Legion: No. He told me not to tell anyone where he was going - especially you.
Man: So he's afraid that I'll defeat him and place him in the lower tier where I once was?
Legion: Get over it. He beat you in the tournament and now he's moved on. He has his own business to attend so just leave me alone, Saru.
Saru: Oh well, I guess that I'll have to settle for you then...
Who is this mysterious Saru and how is he connected to Legion? Will GORE be able to take out Team Monkey like he's done so many times before? And what's up with those other guys? Find out at some point in time!
==Author: Brooser Koopa==
Meanwhile, high in the sky...
B: Let's see, is that him? Why the heck are there so many shyguys around him? Maybe they're here to help me defeat him...although, I still have a bad feeling about this... *flies down*
Bullwinkle: Hey, uh, what's that in the sky?
GORE: *punches BW in the face, knocking him out* What? Where?
Brooser: Alright, who here is GORE-ILLA?
GORE: That would be me...
Brooser: Well, I have orders to defeat you and take you the Apocalypse.
GORE: I'd like to see you try, turtle-boy.
B: Fine. Hey, who are all of these people?
GORE: Them? That's Team MON-KILL.
B: Oh, I think I heard about them. That..uh...Anchovie person said they're on his team. I'm supposed to help them defeat GORE-ILLA, a member of the notorious OGers.
GORE: Wha...NOTORIOUS?! You actually listened to that guy? In a ship called the APOCALYPSE! Do you even know what...*is hit on the head by MON-KILL*
MON: Hehe, thanks kid, for keeping him busy. I'm glad Akujin got you so we could go on with our plans. That was a good idea, pretending that you thought that their side was evil!
Brooser: Wait...what?! What do you mean, they're good?!
MON: *in ship that appeared* Thanks to you, we can take this guy to our ship! *laughes evilly, then flies away*
Brooser: Shoot...I have a bad feeling that I did a stupid thing...
==Author: That Guy==
*In the desert*
???: Hey! How did we get out here?
???: Beats me.
???: You're helpfull. Let me check the GIVEAWAYVITALPLOTINFO. *Beep* Hmm... We are somewhere near a large group of shyguys.
???: Where did you find that thing, anyway?
???:... That's beside the point. Anyway, Lets go, ???.
???: Ok, ... Um, whats you're name again?
???: *Slaps forehead* Just call me... THAT GUY! *Funky music*
???: Ok, Tg *Funky Music*.
Tg: We all live in a Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine. We all *Is slapped* Ow... Hey! A Camp of some sort!
???: Shyguys!
Tg: OOOOOHHH!!!!! Lemme Kill Em!
???: NO! BAD TG *Funky Music*! BAD!
TG: *Whimper*
???: Lets get closer!
==Author: Introbulus==
(One more!)
Dark Jim: Where are we?
Robobulus: Who cares?
Phil: RAR!
???: Phil, quit attacking that sock.
(To be...huh?)
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
GORE: Where are you taking me?
MON-KILL: To a new friend of mine who lives in the Apocalypse...(he pulls out his dual-bladed lightsaber) ...Unless I decide to settle the score in the meantime... and I think I will...
*MON grins evilly as he raises the lightsaber above MON's restrained body and his about to impale him when Diskun rushes in.*
Diskun: Urgent news, sir!
MON: What is it?
Diskun: Well in your rush to leave you left behind all of Team Monkey... We should really go back and pick them up or our insurance won't cover us.
MON: (sighs and puts away saber) I guess so, it doesn't look like GORE is going anywhere....
*The Flying Monkey lands back in the desert camp, crushing a squad of shy guys as it lands. MON-KILL rushes out and fights his way through shy guys while GORE uses some uber-Force power to break free which I won't describe in detail cuz I'm rushing through this post and runs out to cointinue fighting the guys.*
Brooser: Why am I still here?
GORE: Hey, aren't you the guy who tricked me or whatnot?
Brooser: More or less, but I was kinda tricked too.
GORE: Unless... you're tricking me into thinking your tricked so you trick me again into being tricked. OR you knew I would think that and you're actually tricking me into thinking you're tricking me again so I can be tricked into being tricked by you again and get tricked again by your trick!
Brooser: Thw what now?
==Author: That Guy==
TG: Hey! A Flying monkey! Lets go, ???!
*Later, Inside the flying Monkey*
???: How did we get in here?
TG: Beats me.
???: Whats That?
TG: OOOOOOHHHHHHH! Control Panalie! *Pushs Random Buttons*
Diskun: Hey! How did you get in here? Bah. It Dosen't matter. I Must kill you!
???: Oh Yeah? Take This! Mystery Egg!
*??? Throws a Werid looking egg With slot wheels on the ground. The wheels start to turn. Diskun Grabs a Gun and Charges toward TG. TG Reachs into His BAG O RANDOM STUFF and pulls Out a Long sword. One of The Mystery Egg's Wheels stop. Tg swings his sword and chops Diskuns Gun in two, Then knocks him to the ground. Another wheel stops. ??? Then drop kick Diskun. They Both beat the crap out of the Monkey Member. The Final wheel stops*
TG: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GORE: Or Maybe you Tricked me into tricking you so I thought you tricked me So you tricked me and...
GORE: What was that?
==Author: Brooser Koopa==
B: So, in the interest of time, can you tell me which side is good and which is bad?
GORE: We, the OGers, are good, and MON-KILL and co are bad.
B: Alright, that clears up a lot. Erm, sorry for almost letting you be captured by MON-KILL.
GORE: No problem, I guess. So, are we going to go see what that boom was?
B: The last time I did that, I was tricked into helping an evil dude.
GORE: So....that's a no?
==Author: Legion==
Legion scowled at the warrior standing before him.
"You don't take hints do you?" he whispered, drawing his sword, a slender piece of work engraved with millions on tiny runes. "You don't give up. Well, I don't know where he is. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you Saru."
"So be it."
The two warriors leapt at each other.
==Author: Yoshiyami==
Pharaoh: What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have time for such nonsense!
Yami Yoshi: Screw the card battle! You’re much more powerful than this guy! Just finish him off on your own!
Pharaoh: You’re right!
Yami Yoshi: Heh heh…I’m ALWAYS right…I’ll leave the rest up to you now…don’t lose this one!
*Yami Yoshi’s image vanishes from the Pharaoh’s mind*
Qwirtzok: Hey! Stop zoning out and let me finish you off now! Or do you wish to surrender? I’ll make your death less painful that way…heh heh…
*The Pharaoh shoves the deck of cards into his pocket and jumps on top of his stone tablet*
Pharaoh: I, shall do neither!
Qwirtzok: What?!
Pharaoh: We don’t need to continue this pointless duel…I’LL JUST HAND YOUR ASS DOWN RIGHT NOW! DARK EGG!
*The Pharaoh hurls a Dark Egg at Qwirtzok and blasts him into his own stone tablet causing it to smash to pieces. Qwirtzok brushes the rubble off his body and reverts to his normal size*
Qwirtzok: You will pay the ultimate price for cheating gods! OMEGA OBELISK!
*Qwirtzok conjures an Omega Obelisk and hurls it at the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh flutter kicks into the air as the stone spear smashes his own stone tablet to pieces*
Pharaoh: Dark Omelet!
*The Pharaoh hurls a barrage of several hundred Dark Eggs at Qwirtzok. An enormous explosion blasts the entire pyramid to smithereens*
Pharaoh: Egg Shield!
*A transparent Yoshi Egg surrounds the Pharaoh’s body and protects him from the explosion and the flying debris. The last pyramid brick finally falls to the ground and all is silent except for the whistling desert wind*
Pharaoh: I have a bad feeling about this…
*Suddenly, Qwirtzok’s voice booms across the desert plains*
Qwirtzok’s Voice: Pharaoh Yami Yoshi! You have cheated the power of the gods! I now condemn you to the underworld…forever!
Pharaoh: What the hell?
*A black vortex materializes behind the Pharaoh, which sucks him into the dark void*
Pharaoh: Noooooooooo!
*The vortex implodes and the desert reverts to its original silent state with the desert breeze blowing across the lonely sand dunes…*
==Author: Gamechamp==
Black is trying o find his waythrough the Apocolypse. He passes through the shadows while avoidig the robot drone gaurds.
Black: (I wonder why these guys can't see in the dark... most robots I've seen can.. well, except the other members of the robot team, but that's not the point.)
Drone: See-in-dark sight activated. Inruder!
A large amount of drones come down the hallway.
Black: ... uh-oh. Well, everyone, I'm not an intruder. I was invited. And here's the proof!
Black takes out both his swods and starts battling with the drones.
Blue notices a drone coming out of the ship.
Drone: Intruder detected. Must elimiate.
Blue: I don't think so! Prepare to die!
Blue presses a button on his wrist and a robot suit flies from Earth and Blue gets in it. He grabs the drone and rips it in two. He then enters the Apocolypse.
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
GORE: yeah, well the explosion was just behind us.
*They turn around and see the Flying Monkey II. The exterior appears to be unhramed, but thick smoke rises from its "ears".*
Brooser: I'm sure we'll find nothing of interest there, so why don't we just fight these evil dudes?
GORE: Alright, I guess we should stop MON-KILL before he does some more evil stuff.
You take out Mecha-Pinchy while I fight EVIL Scientist Dude and XB-0TT and then we'll pair up to fight MON-KILL.
Brooser: Sounds good to me. ...Which one's Mecha-Pinchy?
GORE: The giant mechanical lobster who walks on two feet and knows only simple phrases associated with crushing.
Brooser: Coo. (Strolls in M-P's direction.)
GORE: I think I see XB-0TT in the distance!
*XB-0TT flies around the camp blowing up stuff while EVIL Scientist Dude rides in a passenger seat.*
ESD: Enough shy guy genocide, we need to focus on our mission and destroy GORE!
XB-0TT: Yes-sir!
*XB hovers before GORE and shoots at GORE with rapid-fire machine guns mounted on XB's hands. GORE rolls out of the way and draws his lightsaber. He leaps into the air and slashes wildly, resulting in XB's hands falling to the ground and shattering. A panel in XB's chest opens, revealing a long cannon which emerges and fires a giant homing missile at GORE. GORE runs from the missile while thinking up a strategy, but XB leaps in front of GORE, attempting to block him off, but GORE simpy makes a right turn and continues to run. While attempting to match GORE's sharp turn, the missile crashes into XB and explodes, shattering XB into pieces and sending EVIL Scientist Dude flying into a cart which MON-KILL has filled up with the defeated Team Monkey members.*
To Be Continued...
==Author: Yoshiyami==
*Yami Yoshi explores the shores of the desert island; a tiny island only about a few miles in distance. A tiny grove of palm trees rest near the center of the island. After walking a five times around the circumference of the island, Yami Yoshi takes a rest beneath the shade of a palm tree*
Yami Yoshi: *pant* So…thirsty…wonder if the other OGers are in this situation?
*Suddenly a coconut flies through the air and conks Yami Yoshi in the head. The coconut shatters upon contact and spills its milky contents all over him*
Yami Yoshi: Ouch...what the hell?!
Voice: I have found you at last, Yoshi...
*A dark blue Yoshi appears from behind Yami Yoshi. A red spiked collar is wrapped around its neck and its eyes are covered by a pair of black shades*
Blue Yoshi: It's been five years Yoshi...five years since you stole my life away from me...five years since you destroyed me...
Yami Yoshi: Who the hell are you?
Blue Yoshi: You don't remember me? Your half-brother, Yami Boshi?
To Be Continued...

Revision as of 21:14, 1 August 2007

Pages in the Member OG 5C Archive
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Author: Brooser Koopa

  • suddenly a large koopa shaped robot flies down to where Brooser is floating. It looks like a large, robot version of a koopa troope, except bigger*

Brooser: Um...who are you?


Brooser: What?

SKB: I said, I'm Smackoopabot!

B: No, no, I heard what you said, but....it's just that...*snicker*

SKB: What? What's so funny?

B: Your name! It's so corny! I mean, come on! That sounds like something a thirteen year old boy would come up with! Smackoopabot? Please!

SKB: Enough of this foolishness! I have been instructed to take you to my boss's headquarters in space! (Although I might should get my name changed...)

B: And why should I?

SKB: And why shouldn't you?

B: Wha....?

SKB: Exactly. Trust me, the boss is a nice guy. World peace and all that. He needs your help defending the...um...*checks script* innocent. Yeah, that's it. Blablabla. Come on, it's in space. *flies into sky with rocket boosters installed in retractable paratroopa robo-wings*

B: Well....okay...if to help people... *flies up*

Author: Brooser Koopa

  • In the Apocalypse...*

Akujin: So, you say your name is Brooser?

Brooser: Yes. Smackoopabot brought me here.

SKB: Well, actually, now I'm Paratrooper.

B: Whatever....

A: Well I have an offer for you. You see, there is a group of villains that call themselves the OGers. We've been trying to stop their plans for years, but to no avail. They've been destroying cities, killing, women and children, and many other horrible things.

B: So....you want me to help you?

A: Yes, roughly. Will you do it?

B: What's in it for me?

A: Well, there will always be the feeling that you did the right thing and made many people happy....

B: Agh, the guilt angle...okay, fine. I'll put my vacation on hold and help you.

A: Good, good. We have already captured two, known as Introbulus and Jim...

B: Those names sound familiar...

A: Probably because the OGers are always being put in the newspaper for their...nefarious deeds.

B: Alright. So, where should I go first?

A: First, you should go to the desert, where GORE-ILLA is. It's that way *points*

B: Right, I guess...*flies off*

A: Excellent...everything is going according to plan...with that fool fighting the OGers, not only will I stop him from joining the OGers, he'll get rid of some in the process. It's perfect! *laughs evilly*

Author: Yoshiyami

Pharaoh: *thinking* Crap…there’s not a single card in my deck that can stand up against him…I can only defend for the time being… *draws card* I play Giant Soldier of Stone in defense and end my turn.

Qwirtzok: Heh heh heh…once you lose this duel, you're soul will be trapped in the Shadow Realm...FOR..EV..VUR...Now I’ll attack your Giant Soldier of Stone with Omega Obelisk!

  • Qwirtzok materializes a black obelisk and hurls it at the Giant Soldier of Stone, which shatters its stone body*

Pharaoh: Woah...at least I didn't lose any Life Points... *draws card* I summon Labyrinth Wall (L5 0/3000) in defense mode and end my turn!

Qwirtzok: I equip a Magic Card to myself...Fairy Meteor Crush! It allows me to inflict damage to your Life Points even when they're in defense mode.

Pharaoh: !!!

Qwirtzok: So you lose 1000 Life Points leaving you with a mere 100 left...next turn Pharaoh, you're defeat is inevitible...there's not a single card in existence that can defeat me!

Pharaoh: *sweating* Damnit...it's over...I lost...I've failed...

  • Suddenly, Yami Yoshi's image pops into the Pharaoh's mind*

Yami Yoshi: You're giving up already? Hah! I would've expected more from you...even if you are crappier at Magic and Wizards player than I...

Pharaoh: Grrr...GET OUT OF HERE! I'm just about to lose this duel! Your critisism isn't exactly the last words I want to hear!

Yami Yoshi: You just don't get it do you...there's ONE card in your deck that can beat him!

Pharaoh: ...what the hell is it then?

Yami Yoshi: *anime-style wink* It's YOU!

To Be Continued...


Legion: Alright, sniper... I'm willing to call a truce! You'll be free to go if you defeat that armored monkey and his followers or something of that sort.

GORE: Sure, why not?

OL' Bessie: (Tears into the tent in a rage, flinging furniture to the side while milk drips from her mouth) MOOOO!!!

  • Ol'Bessie charges forward and grabs GORE in a bearhug. She opens her mouth and prepares to sink her fangs into GORE's neck in hopes of sucking the Vitamin C from his blood when SSG comes up from behind Bessie and pulls on her tail, stunning her. GORE takes this moment to kick at Bessie's chest, propelling himself outside the tent's window while Bessie fell over backwards and landed right on SSG.*

SSG: Boss, can you give me a hand?

Legion: Don't worry, she'll wake up eventually... (runs away)

SSG: That's what I'm afraid of...

  • Outside, GORE is fightin Mousie in the middle of a large crowd of shy guy troops. GORE carries one shy guy in each hand and, as Mousie attcaks, he uses them as shields to block Mousie's ferocious assault - every now and then tossing away the bloody shy guys and grabbing fresh pair - yet the clueless shy guys still continue to crowd around the two fighters.*

Mousie: Enough o' dis, mon! I'm kickin' into overdrive, so you better watch out, mon!

  • Mousie begins to attack at a faster rate. GORE decides to screw it and contiuously flings shy guys at Mousie, most of which she deflects. One of them, however, smacks her right in the face and knocks her out.*

GORE: That's two down. Now I still need to take out Bullwinkle, Mecha-Pinchy, Diskun, EVIL Scientist Dude and XB-0TT, and finally MON-KILL! But I wonder where Legion got off to?

  • Elsewhere, on a rocky cliff overlooking the warfield, Legion confronts a man who is watching the battle.*

Legion: I had a feeling that you were near.

Man: Are you ready to tell me yet?

Legion: No. He told me not to tell anyone where he was going - especially you.

Man: So he's afraid that I'll defeat him and place him in the lower tier where I once was?

Legion: Get over it. He beat you in the tournament and now he's moved on. He has his own business to attend so just leave me alone, Saru.

Saru: Oh well, I guess that I'll have to settle for you then...

Who is this mysterious Saru and how is he connected to Legion? Will GORE be able to take out Team Monkey like he's done so many times before? And what's up with those other guys? Find out at some point in time!

Author: Brooser Koopa

Meanwhile, high in the sky...

B: Let's see, is that him? Why the heck are there so many shyguys around him? Maybe they're here to help me defeat him...although, I still have a bad feeling about this... *flies down*

Bullwinkle: Hey, uh, what's that in the sky?

GORE: *punches BW in the face, knocking him out* What? Where?

Brooser: Alright, who here is GORE-ILLA?

GORE: That would be me...

Brooser: Well, I have orders to defeat you and take you the Apocalypse.

GORE: I'd like to see you try, turtle-boy.

B: Fine. Hey, who are all of these people?

GORE: Them? That's Team MON-KILL.

B: Oh, I think I heard about them. That..uh...Anchovie person said they're on his team. I'm supposed to help them defeat GORE-ILLA, a member of the notorious OGers.

GORE: Wha...NOTORIOUS?! You actually listened to that guy? In a ship called the APOCALYPSE! Do you even know what...*is hit on the head by MON-KILL*

MON: Hehe, thanks kid, for keeping him busy. I'm glad Akujin got you so we could go on with our plans. That was a good idea, pretending that you thought that their side was evil!

Brooser: Wait...what?! What do you mean, they're good?!

MON: *in ship that appeared* Thanks to you, we can take this guy to our ship! *laughes evilly, then flies away*

Brooser: Shoot...I have a bad feeling that I did a stupid thing...

Author: That Guy

  • In the desert*

???: Hey! How did we get out here?

???: Beats me.

???: You're helpfull. Let me check the GIVEAWAYVITALPLOTINFO. *Beep* Hmm... We are somewhere near a large group of shyguys.

???: Where did you find that thing, anyway?

???:... That's beside the point. Anyway, Lets go, ???.

???: Ok, ... Um, whats you're name again?

???: *Slaps forehead* Just call me... THAT GUY! *Funky music*

???: Ok, Tg *Funky Music*.

  • Later*

Tg: We all live in a Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine. We all *Is slapped* Ow... Hey! A Camp of some sort!

???: Shyguys!

Tg: OOOOOHHH!!!!! Lemme Kill Em!

???: NO! BAD TG *Funky Music*! BAD!

TG: *Whimper*

???: Lets get closer!

Author: Introbulus



(One more!)


Dark Jim: Where are we?

Robobulus: Who cares?


Phil: RAR!

???: Phil, quit attacking that sock.

(To be...huh?)


GORE: Where are you taking me?

MON-KILL: To a new friend of mine who lives in the Apocalypse...(he pulls out his dual-bladed lightsaber) ...Unless I decide to settle the score in the meantime... and I think I will...

  • MON grins evilly as he raises the lightsaber above MON's restrained body and his about to impale him when Diskun rushes in.*

Diskun: Urgent news, sir!

MON: What is it?

Diskun: Well in your rush to leave you left behind all of Team Monkey... We should really go back and pick them up or our insurance won't cover us.

MON: (sighs and puts away saber) I guess so, it doesn't look like GORE is going anywhere....

  • The Flying Monkey lands back in the desert camp, crushing a squad of shy guys as it lands. MON-KILL rushes out and fights his way through shy guys while GORE uses some uber-Force power to break free which I won't describe in detail cuz I'm rushing through this post and runs out to cointinue fighting the guys.*

Brooser: Why am I still here?

GORE: Hey, aren't you the guy who tricked me or whatnot?

Brooser: More or less, but I was kinda tricked too.

GORE: Unless... you're tricking me into thinking your tricked so you trick me again into being tricked. OR you knew I would think that and you're actually tricking me into thinking you're tricking me again so I can be tricked into being tricked by you again and get tricked again by your trick!

Brooser: Thw what now?

Author: That Guy

TG: Hey! A Flying monkey! Lets go, ???!

  • Later, Inside the flying Monkey*

???: How did we get in here?

TG: Beats me.

???: Whats That?

TG: OOOOOOHHHHHHH! Control Panalie! *Pushs Random Buttons*

Diskun: Hey! How did you get in here? Bah. It Dosen't matter. I Must kill you!

???: Oh Yeah? Take This! Mystery Egg!

  • ??? Throws a Werid looking egg With slot wheels on the ground. The wheels start to turn. Diskun Grabs a Gun and Charges toward TG. TG Reachs into His BAG O RANDOM STUFF and pulls Out a Long sword. One of The Mystery Egg's Wheels stop. Tg swings his sword and chops Diskuns Gun in two, Then knocks him to the ground. Another wheel stops. ??? Then drop kick Diskun. They Both beat the crap out of the Monkey Member. The Final wheel stops*


TG: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GORE: Or Maybe you Tricked me into tricking you so I thought you tricked me So you tricked me and...

  • BOOM*

GORE: What was that?

Author: Brooser Koopa

B: So, in the interest of time, can you tell me which side is good and which is bad?

GORE: We, the OGers, are good, and MON-KILL and co are bad.

B: Alright, that clears up a lot. Erm, sorry for almost letting you be captured by MON-KILL.

GORE: No problem, I guess. So, are we going to go see what that boom was?

B: The last time I did that, I was tricked into helping an evil dude.

GORE: So....that's a no?

Author: Legion

Legion scowled at the warrior standing before him.

"You don't take hints do you?" he whispered, drawing his sword, a slender piece of work engraved with millions on tiny runes. "You don't give up. Well, I don't know where he is. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you Saru."

"So be it."

The two warriors leapt at each other.

Author: Yoshiyami

Pharaoh: What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have time for such nonsense!

Yami Yoshi: Screw the card battle! You’re much more powerful than this guy! Just finish him off on your own!

Pharaoh: You’re right!

Yami Yoshi: Heh heh…I’m ALWAYS right…I’ll leave the rest up to you now…don’t lose this one!

  • Yami Yoshi’s image vanishes from the Pharaoh’s mind*

Qwirtzok: Hey! Stop zoning out and let me finish you off now! Or do you wish to surrender? I’ll make your death less painful that way…heh heh…

  • The Pharaoh shoves the deck of cards into his pocket and jumps on top of his stone tablet*

Pharaoh: I, shall do neither!

Qwirtzok: What?!

Pharaoh: We don’t need to continue this pointless duel…I’LL JUST HAND YOUR ASS DOWN RIGHT NOW! DARK EGG!

  • The Pharaoh hurls a Dark Egg at Qwirtzok and blasts him into his own stone tablet causing it to smash to pieces. Qwirtzok brushes the rubble off his body and reverts to his normal size*

Qwirtzok: You will pay the ultimate price for cheating gods! OMEGA OBELISK!

  • Qwirtzok conjures an Omega Obelisk and hurls it at the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh flutter kicks into the air as the stone spear smashes his own stone tablet to pieces*

Pharaoh: Dark Omelet!

  • The Pharaoh hurls a barrage of several hundred Dark Eggs at Qwirtzok. An enormous explosion blasts the entire pyramid to smithereens*

Pharaoh: Egg Shield!

  • A transparent Yoshi Egg surrounds the Pharaoh’s body and protects him from the explosion and the flying debris. The last pyramid brick finally falls to the ground and all is silent except for the whistling desert wind*

Pharaoh: I have a bad feeling about this…

  • Suddenly, Qwirtzok’s voice booms across the desert plains*

Qwirtzok’s Voice: Pharaoh Yami Yoshi! You have cheated the power of the gods! I now condemn you to the underworld…forever!

Pharaoh: What the hell?

  • A black vortex materializes behind the Pharaoh, which sucks him into the dark void*

Pharaoh: Noooooooooo!

  • The vortex implodes and the desert reverts to its original silent state with the desert breeze blowing across the lonely sand dunes…*

Author: Gamechamp


Black is trying o find his waythrough the Apocolypse. He passes through the shadows while avoidig the robot drone gaurds.

Black: (I wonder why these guys can't see in the dark... most robots I've seen can.. well, except the other members of the robot team, but that's not the point.)

Drone: See-in-dark sight activated. Inruder!

A large amount of drones come down the hallway.

Black: ... uh-oh. Well, everyone, I'm not an intruder. I was invited. And here's the proof!

Black takes out both his swods and starts battling with the drones.


Blue notices a drone coming out of the ship.

Drone: Intruder detected. Must elimiate.

Blue: I don't think so! Prepare to die!

Blue presses a button on his wrist and a robot suit flies from Earth and Blue gets in it. He grabs the drone and rips it in two. He then enters the Apocolypse.


GORE: yeah, well the explosion was just behind us.

  • They turn around and see the Flying Monkey II. The exterior appears to be unhramed, but thick smoke rises from its "ears".*

Brooser: I'm sure we'll find nothing of interest there, so why don't we just fight these evil dudes?

GORE: Alright, I guess we should stop MON-KILL before he does some more evil stuff. You take out Mecha-Pinchy while I fight EVIL Scientist Dude and XB-0TT and then we'll pair up to fight MON-KILL.

Brooser: Sounds good to me. ...Which one's Mecha-Pinchy?

GORE: The giant mechanical lobster who walks on two feet and knows only simple phrases associated with crushing.

Brooser: Coo. (Strolls in M-P's direction.)

GORE: I think I see XB-0TT in the distance!

  • XB-0TT flies around the camp blowing up stuff while EVIL Scientist Dude rides in a passenger seat.*

ESD: Enough shy guy genocide, we need to focus on our mission and destroy GORE!

XB-0TT: Yes-sir!

  • XB hovers before GORE and shoots at GORE with rapid-fire machine guns mounted on XB's hands. GORE rolls out of the way and draws his lightsaber. He leaps into the air and slashes wildly, resulting in XB's hands falling to the ground and shattering. A panel in XB's chest opens, revealing a long cannon which emerges and fires a giant homing missile at GORE. GORE runs from the missile while thinking up a strategy, but XB leaps in front of GORE, attempting to block him off, but GORE simpy makes a right turn and continues to run. While attempting to match GORE's sharp turn, the missile crashes into XB and explodes, shattering XB into pieces and sending EVIL Scientist Dude flying into a cart which MON-KILL has filled up with the defeated Team Monkey members.*

To Be Continued...

Author: Yoshiyami

  • Yami Yoshi explores the shores of the desert island; a tiny island only about a few miles in distance. A tiny grove of palm trees rest near the center of the island. After walking a five times around the circumference of the island, Yami Yoshi takes a rest beneath the shade of a palm tree*

Yami Yoshi: *pant* So…thirsty…wonder if the other OGers are in this situation?

  • Suddenly a coconut flies through the air and conks Yami Yoshi in the head. The coconut shatters upon contact and spills its milky contents all over him*

Yami Yoshi: Ouch...what the hell?!

Voice: I have found you at last, Yoshi...

  • A dark blue Yoshi appears from behind Yami Yoshi. A red spiked collar is wrapped around its neck and its eyes are covered by a pair of black shades*

Blue Yoshi: It's been five years Yoshi...five years since you stole my life away from me...five years since you destroyed me...

Yami Yoshi: Who the hell are you?

Blue Yoshi: You don't remember me? Your half-brother, Yami Boshi?

To Be Continued...