Member OG 2 Page 8

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Pages in the Member OG 2 Archive
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Author: Introbulus

OOC: Just to clarify this, Introbulus is nowhere near the fortress. He's busy fending off Gamechamp's army of robots, remember?

(meanwhile, with Dark Gore...)

Dark Gore: Do-do-do, do-do, DO!---do!...

Evil Scientist: ENOUGH AlREADY!!! How many times can someone sing the Super Mario Theme anyway?

Dark Gore: Well, we haven't been in the OG for awhile, and I got bored.


Dark GORE: Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh! Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Now you're humming the Super Mario Bros. Underground theme!

Dark GORE: Sorry.

Diskun: Urgent news, sir! According to our radars those OGers are currently invading Gamechamp's base!

Dark GORE: Perfect! If they get the key, then we can steal it from them. Set course for Gamechap's base!

Diskun: Aye aye sir!

Dark GORE: Its all coming together. With both gems in my possession, the world will be mine! And I could finally win over the sea monkey army! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Other Team Monkey Members: MWAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Can our heroes get Gamechamp's key before Dark GORE arrives? Will Gamechamp ever be defeated? And what's up with that Metroid subplot? Find out all this and more sometime during this story!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

At SR388........

BSD:We'll exterminate Commander Hydra then destroy Meta Ridley Version 2.0.

Commander Hydra appears.

Commander Hydra:You'll never deafeat me even if you defeat me,the frigate,and Meta-Ridley Version 2.0 you'll not get off the planet!

Zappa:Shut up!

Zappa shots paint thinner from his cannon and kills Commander Hydra.

Zappa:I'll protect the ship from being destroyed.

Zappa runs to the direction out of the prison while Samus and BSD fall down a hole which leads to Meta-Ridley Version 2.0(Meta-Ridley V2

Meta-Ridley V2: Welcome to my lair said the Dragon to the Hunters.

Is Meta-Ridley V2 a formidable opponent? Will BSD and Samus defeat him? Will Zappa keep the ship from becoming a scrap heap?


Author: Golem

Back at BSD's fortress...

EVIL Scientist Dude: ~gets up~ It's time to go!

Dark Gore and Diskun give EVIL Scientist Dude a blank stare.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Follow me.

They walk into a room busy with lights.

Dark Gore: What is this?!

EVIL Scientist Dude: ~points to a giant circular pad in the middle~ The teleportation room.

Diskun: Are you sure it works?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Of course I am! Now get the others, Diskun.

Diskun leaves.

Dark Gore: Where are we going?

EVIL Scientist Dude: I think we need a vacation. We're going to SR388.

Author: Introbulus

Meta-Ridley V2: I have you now, Samus!

Samus: It's time to end this once and for all, Ridley!

Meta-Ridley V2: Yes, let's...roar!

Samus: Come and get me, Ridley!

Meta-Ridley V2: ROAR!!!!

BSD: ...Uh, why isn't he attacking?

Meta-Ridley V2: REAAOURGH!!! (doubles over)

Samus: Ridley! Quit fooling around! It's time to fight!

(suddenly, a swords comes out of Ridley's chest)

Samus: Look out! (takes cover)

Meta-Ridley V2: BREEEAURGH!!!! (falls over)

BSD: ...Did we win?

(Suddenly, the sword cut's Ridley in half, and out pops...)

BSD: Dark Jim?!?

Dark Jim: Yes, it is I! You thought you had killed me, but little did you know that you were serving my ends all along!

Samus: What are you talking about?

Dark Jim: Foolish hunter! I MEANT to be eaten! You see, only then could I absorb the powers of the other fighters!

BSD: Absorb their powers?!

Samus: Eaten?

Dark Jim: (flashback)Ah yes, you didn't know that I did that, do you? Well, I would think that it was pretty obvious. I mean, I originated by absorbing dark energy, therefore more energy could only make me more powerful! Knowing that was the case, I summoned Ridley to devoure the two warriors, then myself! Once inside, I took quite awhile absorbing the two victims without alerting Ridley of my presence. After I had absorbed them, I began to feed off Ridley himself! Of course, this took less time, and soon, I was able to escape the beast!(/flashback) and here we are now!

Samus: You monster! Ridley was MY kill!

Dark Jim: How ironic! I was about to say the same thing about you!

(Dark Jim begins to charge an energy attack)

BSD: Oh damn.

Dark Jim: Let's see how well you survive in space!

Samus: !!!

Dark Jim: Dark Blast!

(Dark Jim releases the energy, tearing the ship apart untill it is nothing but scrap metal)


Narrirator: What new power does Dark Jim now posess? Can our heroes survive this devestating attack? If they can, will they be able to survive in space? All these questions and more, answered on the next episode of VGF OG 2!

Next episode: We've got the Key!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

Team monkey appeared but were blown away by the blast and lost the key

Team Monkey: Look's like Team Monkey's blasting off again!

BSD,Samus,and Zappa survived the attack.

Dark Jim:DARN!

BSD:I call upon the deepest voids of my strength to use the ultimate attack that destroys all evil the OG fist!

BSD punches Dark Jim with incredible power and kills Dark Jim.

BSD:the mission's complete but how will I get back to earth?

BSD thinks for a minute then has an idea.

BSD:I'll just use my teleporter!

BSD inputs teleporter area coordinates then Samus,Zappa,and BSD are in BSD's fortress.

Samus and Zappa:Where are we?

BSD:We are at my Giga fortress of anti-villany.

Zappa:Nice place.

Samus:In other words this is your HQ right?


Zappa:You look angry.

BSD:That's because Kraid was the cause of this whole adventure and i'm going to avenge Lemmy's death by killing Kraid.

BSD goes to his room of the fortress and creates a bopbag that looks like Kraid.

BSD(Shooting eggs):This is for killing my friends!

BSD keeps pummeling the bopbag with eggs.

Samus:BSD keeps getting angrier by the minute.

BSD(Now slashing with his sword):I'll avenge Lemmy if it's the last thing I do!!!

Zappa:Now he's infuriated.

BSD(Now going berserk):DIE!

BSD destroys the bopbag.

Will I get revenge on Kraid?


Next Episode:Return to Brinstar depths!!

Author: Yami Yoshi

BSD: All right! Let's return to Brinstar Depths!

<BSD opens the door of his fortress and it breaks>

BSD: The hell?

<BSD looks outside. The sky is dark and a bunch of robots are seen attacking the humans>

Samus: So this is Earth. Doesn't really look like a nice place to live...

Zappa: What happened?

Voice: BSD! It's you!

<SwordMaster appears. His face and arms are bruised and bloody and his clothes are torn>

SwordMaster: I haven't seen you in 10 years!

BSD: 10 years? I was only gone for about a day! What are you talking about? Where are all the OGers? What's up with all of the robots?

SwordMaster: Let me explain...During the battle between the Pharaoh and Yami Yoshi, Yami Yoshi sacrificed himself to destroy the pharaoh. With the most powerful OGer gone, we were weak. His robot team killed everyone with ease. I managed to escape but I have been hiding in your fortress basement for 10 years...Now Gamechamp and his robots taken over the world.

Zappa: Have you tried fighting the robots?

SwordMaster: I have. I have destroyed a few but Gamechamp just builds more and more. They're just too strong!

BSD: I still don't know one thing...How did 10 years pass so quickly?

Samus: Umm...I think I can explain that...You see, time flows different in other galaxies. One day in my galaxy might be 10 years in yours...

BSD: Dammit. So we're too's all over...

SwordMaster: There's still hope though...

BSD: What do you mean?

SwordMaster: I discovered a time machine in the bottom of your basement. Only Yoshis can use it however.

BSD: Oh yeah! I forgot all about that!

SwordMaster: You can use that time machine, go back in 10 years, and save Yami Yoshi!

BSD: All right! Sorry Zappa and Samus but you'll have to stay here!

<BSD walks into the basement and sees a Yoshi shaped machine>

BSD: Time to head back to 2003!

<BSD types in March 2003 and his time machine disappears in a flash>

<BSD somehow appears in the battle between Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh>

Yami Yoshi: You're finished Pharaoh! I summon Exodia!

<Exodia appears>

Pharaoh: No! It's not possible!

Yami Yoshi: Exodia! Obliterate!

Pharaoh: Wait Yami Yoshi. That wouldn't be a very good idea. If you destroy me, you'll save the world from my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon but you'll destroy yourself!

Yami Yoshi: How?

Pharaoh: Remember that you are my descendent. Without my existence, you won't exist either! Of course, you can not attack and let me destroy the world...

Yami Yoshi: ......It's a risk I'm willing to make! Exodia! Obliterate!


Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

BSD uses his sword to kill the ultimate dragon and Exodia.

Yami Yoshi:Why did you do that for???!!!

BSD:Because when 10 years pass GC will take over the world!

Pahroh Yami Yoshi:Is that true?


Yami Yoshi:That's why you killed Exodia and the Blue Eyes Ultimate Drragon.


Now that BSD has stopped this problem will he now fight Kraid?


(NEXT EPISODE:Return to Brinstar Depths [part 2])

Author: Gamechamp

The Robot Scouts go on,and go up to the top floor...




GREEN:I just got a reading on the camera!The OGers are here!

GC:At last!I can finnaly have the enjoyment of destroying those stupid OGers...especially the one that calls himself the greatest warrior,Fusion...

GREEN:Yes,and I also saw that there are some other people with them.There was this guy who called himself Stuman,and there was a bunch of girl robots,Teal, Orange, Purple, Pink, and White.

GC:Wait a minute...those robots seem farmiliar...could it be...

Suddenly,the door burst open,and the Robot Scouts come in...

White: Roll Call!

Teal: I am Teal, and I copy Green's power!

Orange: I am Orange, and I copy Yellow's power!

Purple: I am Purple, and I copy Black's power!

Pink: I am Pink, and I copy Blue's power!

White: And I am White, and I copy Gamechamp's power!

All: We're the Robo Scouts!

WHITE:Gamechamp,we're here to put an end to you!'s coming back to me...the team motto...That's it!Robot Scouts,you wouldn't dare to attack us,for 2 reasons!

TEAL:What are you talking about?

GC:Well,one,the Robot Team,us,rules the world!And're our sisters!


GC:You see,long ago,there was an incident that caused all robots to lose thier memory.Somehow,I was able to keep 1 memory,that the Robot Team was not just me and the other 4 of my partners,but there were hundreds!But the government got suspicious of the development,and decided to destroy the plans!All the robots were in unique colors,and only 4 survived other than me...or so I thought...

WHITE:You're my brother?...

GC:Yes,I,join us,and help us take over the universe!It's your destiny!

WHITE:No way!We're not going to help you!

GC:Fine then,Robot Team...

The Robot Team gets ready to attack...

GC:You ?Robot Scouts may be our sisters,but you disobeyed me,I'M THE RULER OF THE WORLD!!!!!NEVER ATTACK THE ONE WHO HAS THE VERY POWER OF SEPHNITO IN HIM!!!!!ATTACK!!!!!

The Robot Team attacks the Robot Scouts,and the Robot Scouts struggle to try and keep them off and stall time for the OGers...


INTROBULUS:Okay,now we need to hurry and find that key!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

BSD is at Brinstar Depths and throws a Molten egg in the lava pit.

Kraid rises from the lava.

Kraid:Who dares throw eggs in my lava pool!!??

BSD:I did fatso.

Kraid:Why do you want to fight me?

BSD:I want to avenge my friend's death.

Kraid:Oh,and by your friend you mean that rainbow-haired koopaling I threw into the lava?


Kraid:You shall suffer the same fate as he did!

BSD:The magma will have no effect on me.


BSD:Let's cut the cheese and start this fight.

BSD throws 10 Molten eggs,5 enter Kraid's mouth,3 bounce off of kraid and smash into each other,and the other 2 hit the lava.

BSD gets out his sword.

Kraid:You'll never kill me!!!!!

BSD:This is for Lemmy!

BSD slashes Kraid's stomach.(repeat 5 more times)

Kraid:AHHHHH!(Reapeat 5 more times)

BSD goes berserk.


BSD destroys Kraid with one full force blow which kills Kraid.


Author: Yami Yoshi

<BSD wipes the blood off his sword>

BSD: Lemmy...I'm sorry...

Voice: Huh? Sorry for what?

<A very burnt up Lemmy suddenly appears>

BSD: Lemmy! You're alive!

Lemmy: That's right. You see, when Kraid tossed me into the lava, my hair got caught on a piece of rock. I have been hanging there for days until you killed Kraid. His body fell over and he hit the platform rotating it.

BSD: Now let's get back to Earth!

<Meanwhile on Earth>

Yami Yoshi: The Robo Scouts should distract the Robot Team for a little bit.

Gamechamp: Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Yami Yoshi: Gamechamp!

Gamechamp: Who needs the Robot Team when I can destroy you right here, right now!

Pharaoh: Who the hell are you?

Gamechamp: Well well well. If it isn't Yami Yoshi...What? Two Yami Yoshis?

Pharaoh: I am in no way related to this scum you call Yami Yoshi! I am Yami Yoshi!

Gamechamp: Well whatever...I'm gonna destroy you both anyways...TAKE THIS!

<Gamechamp fires two lasers that hit Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh>

Pharaoh: How dare you treat the Pharaoh like that! DARK EGG!

<The Pharaoh throws an egg at Gamechamp but it bounces off uselessly>

Gamechamp: XBOX THROW!

<Gamechamp hurls a Xbox at the Pharaoh. The Xbox hits the Pharaoh and knocks him off a cliff>

Yami Yoshi: Pharaoh!

<Yami Yoshi runs down the cliff to the Pharaoh>

Yami Yoshi: Are you ok?

Pharaoh: Get away from me!

Yami Yoshi: Listen! If we want to defeat this crazed game freak, we have to work together!

Pharaoh: Never!

Gamechamp: I'm coming after you guys!

Yami Yoshi: C'mon...

Author: Fred

Gamechamp: Ha, you will never defeat me!

Yami Yoshi: Come ON! We have to work together! Like in that bad episode of dbz!

Pharoh: I never saw it. It wasn't on in my time, whipper-snapper!

Yami Yoshi: I'm serious! This guy is gonna- (gets punched by gamechamp in the face, knocking the wind out of him)

Pharoh: Eh.

Gamechamp: Ha-ha! No Yami Yoahi shall survive!

Pharoh: We must play a game of Duel monsters!

Gamechamp: No.

Pharoh: Please?

Gamechamp: No. Prepare to eat painful attack!

Pharoh: That didn't even sound good.

(Pharoh punches at GC, but GC ducks and kicks Pharoh. They both grab each other's wrists, but GC starts to twist the Pharoh's.)

Pharoh: hah, is that all you've got?

(Pharoh side kicks GC in the stomach and GC staggers)

Gamechamp: That's personal. (clubs Pharoh with both his fists) Hahahah. AHAHAA!

Pharoh: That angers me! I cast you into... oblivion! (weird shaky effect on reality)

Gamechamp: Hahahhaha! (shoots a blast of Halo(tm)ness at Pharoh whom falls to the floor, badly burnt with the complexity of the XBOX controller) AHAHAH!

YY: Oh no you don't (slams into GC from behind)


Someone Else: This is boring. I need to find- hey, wait (finds robot teams fighting) Grrr... That wrinkles my er, um, pants... Alright! It's time to avenge my dog! (slices Black in half) HAHAHaahha! That's for dirtying up my socks! I mean killing my dog!

SE's dog: I got better!

SE: You stay out of this.

Now what happens? I don't know! I'm asking you for that answer!

Author: Golem

Pharoah: Hrrrgh... ~gets up waveringly~ Yami Yoshi! ~holds out his hand~

Yami Yoshi: Wha--? ~hops to Pharoah's side, holds his hand~

Pharoah: You're not mentioning this to anyone. REVERSE EFFECT!

Gamechamp lunges at the yoshis with a punch. Just as he does so, the Pharoah and Yami Yoshi's Millenium Egg glow and levitate. Yami Yoshi, aware of what's going on, watches as Gamechamp gets hit in the back by an invisible force and falls off the cliff. Then the Pharoah turns around to look at Gamechamp, still falling. He moves his hands in a pattern while chanting a foreign phrase. As he closes his eyes, his hands glow.

Yami Yoshi: ~turning away from Pharoah to look over the cliff~ Where did he go?

Pharoah: The Shadow Realm. But now that that annoyance is over...

Pharoah turns to Yami Yoshi, who greets him with a Dark Egg. Pharoah falls off the cliff.

Yami Yoshi: I'd better catch up with the others!

As Yami Yoshi searches the castle for an open entrance, the Robo Scouts have the Robot Team in a forcefield.

White: Good job!

Teal: Without their leader, they fell easily!

Orange: What now?

White: We'll figure that out when we get home.

The Robo Scouts, with the remnants of the Robot Team in tow, fly out of visibility into the night sky.


Dark GORE: Any better ideas? Anything else we could lose?!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Since we can't do it the fair way... ~starts typing on a keypad near the teleporter~ ...let's try the other way!

Diskun: You can do that?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Of course! Now... To the... What's it called? Other gem thingy! ~Team Monkey steps onto the teleportation pad, then vanishes~


Gamechamp climbs up to the top of the cliff.

Author: Yami Yoshi

OoC: Wait! Does that mean that the Pharaoh is dead?


Dark GORE: Hee hee! Theose idiots thought we lost our key! They doidn't think we sent moronic clones of ourselves instead!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Uhhh...yeah. But we don't need the key now that we have the teleporter! (Team Monkey enters the transporter and are teleported to Lupus's underground vault, flooded with riches. They see the gem lying on a pedastal.)

Dark GORE: (grabs the gem) Mwahahahahaaaaa!!! The gem is mine! Now...for revenge. (smirks EVILly)


(GORE-ILLA and the others rush over to Yami with the key.)

GORE: What happened?

Yami Yoshi: We got Gamechamp!

BSD & Lemmy: Yeah!

Pharoah Yami Yoshi: Hmmph.

Swordmaster: Great! So you destroyed the ruby?

Yami Yoshi: ...........Oops.

Gamechamp arrises and frees the Robot Team.

GC: Now that that's taken care of, -wait! What's that noise?

Dark GORE arrives with a large sea monkey army - and the gem.

Dark GORE: Ha ha! I'll get you yet, Gamechamp!

Gamechamp: Not so fast! (The robot army appears. the two begin clashing)

Stuman: Oh no! No matter who wins we're doomed!

Yami Yoshi: Unless they both lose....

To Be Continued....