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Pages in the Member OG 2 Archive
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Author: StuMan

Introbulus: Spanner

StuMan: Check!

Introbulus: Ratchet

StuMan: Check!

Introbulus: Super Glue

StuMan: Check!

Jim: Super Glue??

Introbulus: Sssshhhhh!!

Introbulus: Total-perfect-fixing-device-that-shouldnt-really-exist

StuMan: Check!

Intro: What!? I was jus kidding!

StuMan: Oh, lucky for you I had one then

*Introbulus fixes GORE while every1 else looks at Stu funny*

Fusion: just exactly who are you?

Most other people: Oh here we go again....

StuMan: I am StuMan, gaurdian of Mystery planet keeper of the peace and disposer of bombs, winner of the smelliest foot contest, and owner of the Total-perfect-fixing-device-that-shouldnt-really-exist.

*GORE gets up*

GORE: So what now?......

Author: Golem

Yami Yoshi: Shouldn't we find out just what that evil spirit is up to? Sure, these guys are a threat, but obviously we can't do much now. The longer we pay attention to these the more time it gives that essence to show us himself, or rather, itself.

SwordMaster: We don't exactly have an evil tracer that can pick up this weird thing.

StuMan: No, of course not! ~whistles, puts his hands behind his back~

Jim: Hey Yami, you brought those cards to life last time. Anything in that deck of yours that could help us?

Suddenly, Yami Yoshi falls over as if he was shoved. He stands up, all expression having fallen from his face and the glares in his eyes being filled with black.

GORE: Yami...?

Jim: Anyone see what happened?!

Everyone turns to each other, not paying attention to Yami Yoshi.

BSD: Yeah. This clear thing crashed into Yami's back.

Introbulus and Jim look at each other, both thinking the same thing.

Introbulus: It seems the apparition has decided what it wants to do!

Everyone turns around to face a large monster from Yami Yoshi's deck. Yami Yoshi himself, though, is nowhere in sight.

Author: Fusion

Monster: I am the evil you're looking for! I also have possessed your friend! MWAHAHA!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi

BSD:I know who you are,Shadow Dragoshi!

SD's ghost:GRR! How did you know who I was!?

BSD:I can figure out who you are by finding out your motives!

SD's ghost:I'll defeat you!


Author: Yami Yoshi

<There is suddenly a bright flash of light and Yami Yoshi appears. His eyes glow red>

Yami Yoshi: Foolish mortals!

<An eye appears on his forehead>

Introbulus: What's that eye doing on his forehead?

Yami Yoshi: This eye gives me the right to inherit the Shadow Games! I challenge you Fusion to a Shadow Game!

Introbulus: <thinking> Is this really Yami Yoshi? Fine! I accept your challenge!

Yami Yoshi: If you lose, your fate will be decided by the PENALTY GAME!

<Yami Yoshi throws Introbulus a deck of cards>

Yami Yoshi: We'll duel using these!

Jim: Duel Monsters cards!

Yami Yoshi: The first one to run out of cards or lose all of their Life Points loses! Your Life Points depend on how much strength you've got! Ready! Let's duel!

<Yami Yoshi draws a card>

Yami Yoshi: Since I already have my Shadow Dragoshi on the field, I'll increase its attack and defense by using Axe of Despair!

<An axe appears in Shadow Dragoshi's hand>

Yami Yoshi: Attack!

<Shadow Dragoshi slashes Introbulus with his axe>

Introbulus: Ugh...Can I win?

<Introbulus draws a card>

Introbulus: Hmmm...Blue Eyes White Dragon...


*GORE-ILLA's Dream While He Was Unconcious*

(GORE floats in blackness. Suddenly, clouds form the shape of an ape.)

GORE-ILLA: Who the Hell are you?

???: I am....a friend. I am here to warn you.

GORE-ILLA: About what?

???: Your quest. A great EVIL is approaching. Greater then the robots and Dark GORE combined.

GORE: Who can be worse then them?

???: I cannot say yet. If you can defeat Gamechamp and Dark GORE and destroy the ruby before this great EVIL arrives, you might stand a fraction of a chance. It is important that you destroy the ruby before ths EVIL asrrives. Even the Jedi Council sense it approaching.

GORE: Alright. But, do you know anything about my past?

???: More then you will ever know. But you will not find out until the time is right. Until then, continue your quest. You and your partners must work as one to stop this menace. I will tell you more when the enemy is closer.Farewell for now. (the clouds disappear.)

GORE: No, wait! Come back! There's so much I don't know! Who is this villain? Who are you? Who am I? (wakes up sweating)

Author: Introbulus

Introbulus: (tosses a Game & Watch to Jim) Go! Use that robot detector to find Gamechamp! It's our only lead!

Jim: What about you?

Introbulus: I'll be fine *wink* move out!

(the others fly away in the volkswagona (wait, or is it a station wagon?) with Jim at the whell)

SD: Your move, Trobby.

Introbulus: (throws the deck over his shoulder)

SD: What?!? You surrender?

Introbulus: Not a chance! But if we're going to duke it out like this... (pulls a deck of unknown cards out) then I'm going to use my "special" deck! (hehehe)

SD: ???

Introbulus: (draws his hand) *big, toothy grin* I summon Orlando the Ultimate Blue-eyes Dragon Warrior!

SD: ??????

(Suddenly, a blue-eyed person appears on the field)

SD: HAHAHA! Is this your so-called "special deck"?

Introbulus: FYI, that card is a special card I got (cough)stole(/cough) from the SSS! He's the master of fire!

SD: (Gasp!)

Introbulus: Not only that, but he's also a level eight card!

SD: (double Gasp!)

(Will this "special" deck be enough to hold off Shadow Dragoshi while our heroes search for Gamechamp?)

Jim: I don't know about those heroes, but I sure hope WE find Gamechamp!

Author: Yami Yoshi

Introbulus: Attack!

<Orlando the Ultimate Blue-Eyes Dragon Warrior kills Shadow Dragoshi and damages Yami Yoshi>

Yami Yoshi: No! My Shadow Dragoshi!

Introbulus: I might actually win this match!

Yami Yoshi: Heh heh heh! It's not over yet! <draws card> I play Hinotama!

<A giant fireball appears and hits Introbulus>

Introbulus: ...Ugh...So much pain...

Yami Yoshi: Have you had enough? You can surrender whenever you want. Of course you'll have to suffer the Penalty Game! Oh yeah, I'll summon Man Eater Bug to take care of your warrior!

<A giant bug appears and eats Orlando the Ultimate Blue-Eyes Dragon Warrior>

Yami Yoshi: Now he'll directly attack you!

Introbulus: Noooooo!!!

Author: Golem

Introbulus: What can I do now?! ~looks at the cards on the playing field~ Ah-HAH! You just activated my trap card!

Yami Yoshi: Wha...? ~stares at the playing field~

Introbulus: ~running at Yami Yoshi~ In the immortal words of GORE... Or something like that...

POW! Introbulus plows through Yami Yoshi as he makes a getaway. Yami Yoshi looses his concentration and the Man Eater Bug returns to its card.

Yami Yoshi: ~rubbing the back of his head~ Hey! ~turns to Introbulus, who is getting away~ Come back here!

Yami Yoshi dashes after Introbulus, then floats and goes faster, gaining on him.

Yami Yoshi: You're mine now!!

Author: Gamechamp


GC:Roll Call!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

GUY:Yes...okay..that's a good speach on the pollution...problem,yes...great!

GC:It had better be!

He walks out,then the villain told from Gore's dream appears.

VILLAIN:I am a villain more powerful than you or Dark Gore combined,surrender!

Gamechamp flicks him with his finger,which makes him fly back into the fireplace,killing him.

GC:Idiot.I don't even need the diamond of Sephnito to beat him.I hope he didn't enter someone in my fleets dream and say that kind of stuff of him being better than me.I hope it's the heroes he did,then they'll ghet thier hopes up that this will be easy against me.They probably won't even survive the minions I got from Lupus!

GREEN:Sir!I've just gotten a reading!Someone is tracking us down with some type of machine!

GC:Okay,then,ready the gaurds!Us 5 will stay here and wait for their horrible deaths...they'll never get past the 10 minions we have!

YELLOW:Sir,why don't you let me just go over them and just pound them all?We have the power!

GC:Hmmmmmmm...I'll have to think of that sometime...


Introbulus: (speaking into communicator) Stuman! Get your smelly feet over here!

Yami Yoshi: You're mine!

The Volkswagon comes from nowhere and runs over Yami Yoshi.

Introbulus: That was quick.

Jim: Well, we didn't get to far. We had a pitstop, and SwordMaster just got out when you called.

Introbulus: No time for explanations, Jim. we need to bring Yami Yoshi back to normal before he wakes up!

SwordMaster: I've got an idea! (holds a cheesecake up to Yami's nose.)

Yami Yoshi: (wakes up) Who- huh? Wha happened?

GORE-ILLA: Long story. We'll tell you on the way to Gamechamp's HQ.

Yami Yoshi is back to his old self - for now. But, who knows if he will turn EVIL again in the future? And if Gamechamp realizes the person he tossed in the fire was NOT the villain then GORE's dream, and the real EVIL villain will not appear until the end of the story? Find out next time!

To Be Continued....

Author: Introbulus

Jim: (steals the script)

(Hey! You're not supposed to do that!)

Jim: Oh shut up! We're trying to save the world here! (reads) according to this, we have to go to the Koopahari Desert.

Sword Master: Why would we want to do that?

Jim: Apparantly, one of Lupus' old minions are out there, and he'll goof up by giving us top-secret info. when you defeat him.

Sword Master: When I defeat him?

Jim: That's what the script says! Oh, and apparantly, we figured this out by...reading the script?!?

Everyone: O_O

(...Okay, so maybe you WERE supposed to steal the script)

To be 1-uped.

...I mean, continued.


And so, the heroes trudge through the Koopahari Desert.

GORE-ILLA: Hmm...Egypt, SandLand....Yep! This is the third time we've trudged through the desert.

Introbulus: Do we have to know?


BSD: How much longer til we find that traitor?

Fusion: I hope its soon...our supplies won't last much longer.

Yami Yoshi: Wait! I see something in the distance!

SwordMaster: Yeah! Me too!

Jim: It looks like...

GORE: A cave.

StuMan: Yeah. It should be cooler in there...

Narrator: And they enter the cave, only to find...

Everyone: KOOPA?!!

Koopa: Tha's right! I'm alive! No thanks to you buttmonkeys!

Yami Yoshi: What are you doing here?

Koopa: I've been hiding out here since Sir Lupus died. I didn't want to be caught between Dark GORE's and Gamechamp's war. I did inherit most of Lupus's fortune, but I had to give it up to hie out here. I faked my death, and wrote in my will that Lupus's fortune shall be passed down towards whichever remainder of Lupus's army wins the war.

GORE-ILLA: Wow. Gamechamp's got an edge, but...

Koopa: What do you mean, "but"? he's obviously got Dark GORE on the run. As long as he has that ruby, he's unstoppable!

GORE-ILLA: Well...did you ever wonder if there was another, evn greater villain, waiting in the shadows to get the ruby for himself and use it in ways nobody knows about?

Koopa: Nope. But, there is a way toi reverse the ruby's effects.

Yami Yoshi: How?

Koopa: Sir Lupus was rich, too. He had a powerful gem in his collection that could shatter that ruby like a toothpick.

Introbulus: What happened to it?

Koopa: It's hidden in Lupus's secret vault, deep within the Earth's crust. All you need to open it are two special keys. Darlk GORE has one, and Gamechamp has the other. That's why Gamechamp and GORE are playing cat-and-mouse: they need both keys to access Lupus's fortune.

SwordMaster: Hmm...what should we do next?

Stuman: We need to somehow get one key from Gamechamp, and then the second from Dark GORE..then find the vault, get the gem, use it to destroy the ruby, and finish off the Robot Team.

Introbulus: (already outside the cave in his Volkswagon) What are you guys waiting for? The clock's ticking!

To Be Continued...

Author: Gamechamp


BLUE:Hey!Master Gamechamp!


BLUE:I just lost the reading!They must not be using the robot detecter!

GC:Good.Now I'm going to go do some buisiness.

BLUE:What kind of buisiness do you mean?


In the Koopahari Desert,our heroes are passing another convieniently placed T.V.

T.V.:We now have an important announcement.

GC:I now rule the world.You must follow my orders or die.Thank you.

YAMI:It looks like the Robot Team has a larger playing field than just Japan,now!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi