United States of America

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The United States of America is a completely fictional country featured in several OGs.

Bad Timeline

Member OG's ramblings

In Member OG, the United States of America along with the rest of the Western Hemisphere was destroyed by Lupus. At the end of Member OG 6, the OGers restored it along with the rest of Earth with the Holy Plot Device (Reverb).

In Member OG 7, it was revealed that Team Rocket Omega had taken over the United States of America. The USA's status in the Bad Timeline was questionable afterwards, even through The Third Generation.

Good Timeline

GMOG Holiday Special

During GMOG Holiday Special, Straw Man's narrative powers alter the course of human history, creating instead a modern British America populated by crowmen rather than humans.

Neutral Timeline

Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik

In the series of Mega Mega Extreme Doki Doki Panik, Vorpal is elected president of the US in 2000 instead of George W. Bush. This has some severe effects on future events, leading to a second Civil/Independance War with England, resulting in Wyoming being left in the middle of the Pacific and bought by Japan. A replacement state is made from Cuba and renamed to Gamecuba. Eventually the party had to deal with international terrorism after the destruction of the World Gaming Towers. Although Vorpal was reelected for a second term in 2004, his position is constantly threatened by other world powers - but mostly from the schemings from everyone else working directly below him.