Member OG 6 Page 10

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Pages in the Member OG 6 Archive
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Author: Yami

The Apocalypse…

~The MPVP members cheer as they watch the three planets explode.~

Shade: Defeated at last…I thought nothing could stop them…

Sephnita: Tee hee hee…no one can withstand the awesome power of the X-Bomb! Except you, Akujin… ~wink~

Akujin: No…they’re still alive…

Shade: What?!

Sephnita: Impossible! There’s no way they could’ve escaped the explosion in time!

Akujin: They have a powerful ally on their side…an inter-dimensional warrior…

Beelzebub: Now approaching the MPVP Main Headquarters. Preparing to dock.

~The Apocalypse approaches a massive mechanical skull-shaped space station. The Apocalypse, small in size compared to the main headquarters, flies into the “jaw” of the skull…~


Lies, Betrayal and Everything In Between

*The three Wolf-Creatures scatter into the darkness of the Apocalypse cargo bay. GORE-ILLA can't see a fricken thing, even after activating his lightsaber. But he senses someone- or something-or someplace- or somewhat- approaching.*

*Akujin leads Black Skull Dragoshi down a hallway as his memories slowly slip away.*

*As GORE-ILLA's plot-convienant-sense tingles, he spins around and chops off the arm of Wolf-One. It howls in pain, and it's two comrades leap from the darkness, taking GORE by surprise as they fiercely slash away at his cloak and fur.*

*Reaching the end of a hallway, Akujin opens the door for Black Skull Dragoshi. BSD hesitates, but another headache prompts him to dash into the room.*

*Releasing his gorilla rage, GORE flings the two hairy beasts off of him, only to be tackled from behind by the first wolf, whose hand has mysteriously been restored. In anger, GORE hewed the Wolf 1 in half with his laser sword.*

*Black Skull Dragoshi enters the room, which is dark and empty save for a lone chair facing a computer. Hearing the door shut behind him, Dragoshi looks around and finds himself alone. Slowly BSD approaches the chair.*

*GORE-ILLA slowly stares at the Wolf 1 as its body slowly reattaches itself, using the surrounding darkness as a fabric. Now the three wolves attack at once, but GORE leaps to the side and blocks his trail with a small storm of Force-flung crates. Then he dashes across the cargo room in search of safe haven.*

*Black Skull Dragoshi sits nervously in the chair as the last of his memories fade. Who is he? Why did he just attack his friends and run off with Akujin? Answering these questions, a helmet extended from the computer and was mechanically lowered onto BSD's head.*

*GORE-ILLA desperately dashed about the cargo bay blindly, with no sense of direction for what felt like eons. But he was able to calm himself and think of the Force. But the second he began his meditation, he was slapped back to reality by giant paw.*

*The helmet covered BSD's entire head. Two plugs reached out from the helmet and through his ears until they both reached opposite ends of the brain. Dragoshi shouted in pain, but that was the least painful part of the restoration.*

*GORE-ILLA looked up at the trio of Wolves, which had grown to about three times their previous size from the darkness. Instead of fighting, instead of panicing, instead of surrendering, GORE concentrated. Something was not natural about this darkness. Suddenly he sensed the truth. Springing over the heads of the wooly carnivores, GORE dashed with Jedi speed towards the center of the room.*

*The data was submitted into his head through the ear plugs- in the form of electricity, which filled BSD with greater pain. But with that pain came joy- the joy of remembering.*

*Erebrus could see the gorilla lumbering in his direction. In fact, Erebrus could see through the pitch black as clear as if it were day. And no way in hell was he gonna let that walking carpet near Night. Silently he focused the powers of the dark to enhance his own strength. Then he leapt at GORE-ILLA and tackled him to the ground, causing GORE to drop his lightsaber to the ground, where it was kicked away by the Wolves' running feet. The Wolves alos leapt upon GORE, leaving him at the bottom of a partially-literal dogpile. The wolves licked their lips while Erebrus prepared a finishing move.*

*Everything was clear now. Though Black Skull Dragoshi believed he had been born sometime in the early 90's, he was actually born thousands of years ago, shortly after the MPVP was founded. Dragoshi was only eight years old when Akujin saw his potential for power and adopted him, raising hijm to be a mighty warrior and a member of the original MPVP Council- before the time of King Bob. Introbulus and Fusion had told him that King Bob was alive during this time period. They had lied. And Dragoshi gritted his teeth as he knew that they had known all along. After all, he had met Introbulus in person when and Jim, another liar, captured Evil for the MPVP. After Qwirtzok and Chaos had fallen by 3000 BC, more traitors sprung up. The next liar, Saru, caused the MPVP to collapse from within. His masters sent in covert ninjas who captured Dragoshi. The entire MPVP was destroyed, all its major members, Akujin included, forced into prisons. But Saru's masters had taken pity on Dragoshi, who was swayed to the dark side by Akujin's truths, which the masters had labelled as lies. So Dragoshi was deaged to eight years old and frozen in time for five thousand years- enough time for his name to have passed out of memory- so that Dragoshi could have a "fresh start". But they forgot one thing: Dragoshi still had his memories of working for Akujin and destroyed Earth when he was released there in 2000. It wasn't until late 2002 when he was finally captured again and brainwashed. But no more.*

*GORE-ILLA was pressed against the cold, hard floor of the ship by three indestructible beasts and an evil man, all of whom were slowly getting stronger from exposure to darkness. If GORE-ILLA had to act, it had to be know. Channeling the Force and all the power he had into one single blow. The wolves and Erebrus were tossed off of him, slamming into the ceiling or piles of crates. GORE-ILLA then retrieved his lightsaber and leapt to the source of the eternal darkness, raising his lighsaber above it with a yell. But the yell caused Night's eyes to snap open as she shrieked. With her eyes open so wide, the room was filled with light. GORE shielded his eyes from the sudden change, but Erebrus wasn't so lucky. The dark wolves weren't the only things he lost.*

Erebrus: My eyes! I can't see!

Night: Erebrus!

GORE: Whoops. (turns to leave)

Akujin: Going somewhere?

*Black Skull Dragoshi rose from the chair, renewed. Everything had come back to him. Including the memories of treachery. He had no friends. Except for Akujin, who never did anything to harm him. Now Black Skull Dragoshi would repay his master in any way possible.*

*GORE-ILLA activated his red lightsaber while Akujin's black one pierced the surrounding light.*

Akujin: Ah, a guest! What brings you to the neighborhood? Defecting to my side? It's becoming quite common in this OG- right now the others are betting on whether I'll have the whole OG Six working for me by the end of the OG!

GORE: No. I come here not to fight nor to join. I come for the truth.

Author: AaronGuy

*Back, mere moments before the explosion*

AaronGuy: Make way!

Yami Yoshi: ~makes a mad rush for the nearest skulljet~ Abandon planet! Dinosaurs and OGers first!

Introblus: It's no use! The planets already breaking up!

~A massive jet of volcanic magma erupts near the OGers... but suddenly halts mid-blast~

That Guy: ...What the..? It stopped? How?

Yami Yoshi: It's that guy!

That Guy: Yes?

Yami Yoshi: Nono, THAT guy! The one with the new kid!

Culex: ~straining somewhat~ No time for introductions! Quick, go! This kind of dimensional tampering is VERY fatiguing!

~the OGers quickly scramble into the Skull Jets, AaronGuy dragging Culex into his.~ As the Jets make their escape, Culex releases his concentration, as the planet is engulfed in flames.~

AaronGuy: Well, that was a close one. I can't thank you enough for your help Culex... Culex?

Culex: ~doubled over, in some sort of pain~

AaronGuy: Wow, was it THAT much of a strain on your body?

Culex: No... n-no, it's not that.. R-remember when I said the thread back to Varuna could be destroyed with enough force?

AaronGuy: ~pales in the face~ Oh man... That's four worlds gone in one explosion... I don't know what to say...

Culex: ~forces a smile~ N-nothing to worry about. We both had our worlds taken away. Besides, there was no one in Varuna but me and the crystals. I guess there's nothing left for me to do but help you, help them.

AaronGuy: ~nods~ Guess so... ~pause~ Does this mean you won't be able to serve as a Deus Ex Machina than can slow down time anymore?

Culex: No, sorry.

AaronGuy: Phooey.


*The Skull Jets blast off through the stars while Yami Yoshi counts the Jets.*

Yami Yoshi: Hang on a sec, we're missing someone... I'm sure there was one more person!

Introbulus: Uh, Yami... did you count Pharaoh into your calculations?

Yami Yoshi: Y-yes... why?

Introbulus: Well I thought you saw him! I mean, he collapsed on the floor and shouted out a dramatic speech to you as he finished dying, so I assumed you heard him!

Yami Yoshi: ...****.

GORE Vs. Akujin

*Let's turn our attention back to the Apocalypse battle.*

Akujin: You want the truth? Well first let's see of you're strong enough to handle it!

*Akujin lunges forward with his own lightsaber. GORE barely raises his weapon in time to deflect the blow, and even then he struggles to hold it up. He's still tired from Erebrus and the wolves. Akujin easily slaps GORE with his left hand, sending him flying into a pile of crates. With a pull of the Force, GORE raises every crate in the room, then flings them at Akujin. With one slash of Akujin's lightsaber, however, all the crates suddenly combust.*

Akujin: Do you really believe that you can beat me with such a mediocre Jedi parlor trick?

*Akujin then swings his lightsaber around behind him without looking at GORE, who had attempted to sneak up on the villain after the diversion. GORE's lightsaber is knocked out of his hand by this swing. Akujin drops his own and turns around to strangle GORE with one hand.*

GORE: You... know... something...

Akujin: Let's try this in a more... spacious environment.

*Akujin flings GORE right through the Apocalypse's wall, sending him skidding across the docking bay of the MPVP Base until he slams into a wall, bathed in blood.*

Akujin: Pathetic weakling! I expected something more from someone like you...

*GORE waves his hand as several Skull Pods rise and are flung at Akujin. Akujin surrounds himself with a flaming black energy field. The Skull Pods fly into the energy field and explode.*

Akujin: Enough of this! You put up less of a struggle then an infant!

*GORE slumps over with his eyes closed.*

Akujin: The strain must have been too much for the stupid monkey- WAIT!

*Sensing movement, Akujin spins around and sees something incredible. The Apocalypse was floating several centimeters above the ground of the gargantuan docking bay. The hige ship then veered over several feet until it rammed into Akujin, who was too shocked to raise a proper defense in time. Akujin flew facefirst into the wall as the Apocalypse fell to the ground with a THUD taht reverbarated throughout the room. Akujin climbed to his feet, with his hand covering his face.*

Akujin: You... BASTARD!!!!2


*Akujin pulls his hand away as the shattered sunglasses fall to the floor, revealing Akujin's hellish red eyes. Now he looks extremely pissed. GORE felt extreme pain rush to him suddenly- through the blood covering his eyes, GORE thought he saw a blackish blur that resembled Akujin pummelling him.*

Akujin: No more games! Do you really think you're a Jedi?!

GORE: Hurkkkk...?

*Calming down, Akujin pulled back and slicked back his hair, which had gotten frizzy during his moment or rage. Thinking back he wondered how GORE was still alive. Ah, the Force. The prize GORE won from others' lies. The prize he shall take away. Or he would have, had GORE not started concentrating some more. The gorilla's fur turned gold, as he changed into the legendary Super Ape once more. His wounds healed, GORE tackled Akujin, pushing him through the cargo bay and into outer space, where the two grappled intensely in a battle of impossible moves. GORE moved fiercely, like some jungle ape, as he rudely slammed Akujin around. Not even Akujin could keep up with his wild and unpredictable moves. Akujin suffered one thing he had not in a long time. He bled. Blood splattered from his nose with one hit to the jaw. Suddenly, Akujin slammed GORE back with one powerful punch.*

Akujin: Alright, alright! You've proven yourself! I'll tell yo-

*GORE bounced back at Akujin and slammed him over the head with both hands.*

Akujin: (Akujin Eye snaps open in a scary way)STOP!!!!!

*GORE is forced back into the hangar by an invisible forve which flies from the Akujin Eye as GORE reverts to normal. Akujin angrily enters and faces GORE.*

GORE: Now tell me! What am I?

Akujin: There was a Jedi named The Monkey. He was captured by Lupus in 2000 and taken to his slave camp until January 2003, when he was severely wounded by an unruly rubber duckie.

GORE: Yeah! Then I was given these cyborg parts and-

Akujin: No. The Monkey didn't make it. His wounds were too great.

GORE: ...What?

Akujin: But Lupus had such high hopes for The Monkey, so EVIL Scientist Dude decided to keep it a secret. So he found you, a cyborg known as GORE-ILLA with an acute resemblance to The Monkey (perhaps a distant cousin) and went to work. He erased your memory, modified your cyborg body, and made your body and mind similar to that of The Monkey, so much that even his lost memories thought that you were him!

GORE: I... I've been running around with someone else's memories for all this time?

Akujin: Yes! But no longer!

*A beam shoots our from the Akujin Eye and connects with GORE's forehead. Within his head, memories of The Monkey slowly disappear. Inside his mind, The Monkey is being pulled away by a strong wind, desperately grabbing on to a tree while the old GORE watches.*

The Monkey: GORE! Help me!

GORE: No. You tricked me. You used my body to live your life.

The Monkey: You don't understand! I didn't know! I thought you were me! There's still a chance we can achieve peace together!

GORE: If any peace can be achieved, I'll achieve it by myself.

*GORE turns away as The Monkey is pulled away by the storm. Outside, GORE's body goes in reverse of VFMOG 4. The cloak burns away while part of his flesh becomes metal once more.*

GORE: So now I'm back to square one. Wait, if you knew that much about me-

Akujin: Sorry, I'm not a history book. I gave you what you deserved. I'd tell you more, but first...

GORE: What? I'll do it, as long as it doesn't involve joining you.

Akujin: Sure! As your ultimate test, you must kill...

Black Skull Dragoshi: You rang, master?

Author: Yami

~The Skull Jet squadron flies through the vast black emptiness of space, unsure of what to do next.~

That Guy: Great…what do we do now?

Yami Yoshi: We should chase after those MPVP bastards! We can’t have them destroy any more planets!

Legion: Problem is, we have no idea where they went…

Introbulus: I remember Akujin said that he and the other MPVP members were departing for the main headquarters…

???: Whoa…there’s more than one MPVP HQ???

Introbulus: Of course, Akujin has headquarters set up all over the galaxy. There’s even a HQ on Uranus in your solar system…

Sword Master: Damn…it’s nigh impossible to defeat the MPVP…

Introbulus: Yes, but a successful attack on the main headquarters and the defeat of their leader will land a heavy blow on the organization. Unfortunately, even I have no idea where the main headquarters are located… it’s been rumored that it’s located somewhere in the X-Cloud, a deadly nebula filled with space pirates, black holes, and other unknown dangers…

SSG: How do we get to this X-Cloud?

Introbulus: If we travel lightspeed in this direction, we should reach the nebula in a few days…

Yami Yoshi: All right, OGers! Let’s go!

~The OGers activate their Skull Jets’ lightspeed boosters and blast off towards a blood-red nebula in the distance…~

Author: Yami

Yami Yoshi: …whoa, what did you just say, That Guy?

That Guy: You heard me. This OG has been lacking in randomness and humor lately. ??? and I have decided to leave and find excitement elsewhere…

???: Farewell, OGers…

~That Guy and ??? activate their lightspeed thrusters and blast off in the opposite direction of the OGers’ Skull Jet squadron.~

Yami Yoshi: ~shouting into his radio~ HEY!! GET BACK HERE!!


Introbulus: No good…they’ve deactivated their radios…there’s no point in forcing them to come back…we must continue onward towards the main headquarters…

Yami Yoshi: …

~The OGers reactivate their Skull Jets’ lightspeed thrusters and continue their flight towards the X-Cloud.~


???: Are you sure you wanted to desert the OGers just like that? They seemed like really nice guys…

That Guy: More like boring and uninteresting guys! We can find more randomness and excitement elsewhere…

~Suddenly, a giant pretzel pops out of nowhere and smashes into That Guy’s Skull Jet.~

???: !!!

That Guy: What the hell?!? A pretzel?!?

King Bob: Hehehehehe…you guys just said wanted more “randomness” and “excitement”, did you not?

Author: Golem


Yami Yoshi: So... a few days...

SwordMaster: Where is Akujin's ship?

Introbulus: We could be outrunning the Apocalypse or we could be running right towards it. We'll just have to wait a few days.


Yami Yoshi: Anyone else getting hungry?

Introbulus: The top rightmost button on your dash board is a stasis button. If we're going to make it in any condition other than awful, we'll have to take turns in stasis.

SSG: When were you planning to bring that up?

Intro: Uhhh... just then?

~Aboard the Apocalypse...~

BSD: ~spreads out his arms, legs, and wings~ DARK PHOENIX!

~BSD starts to glow with flames as GORE books it towards him, who glows brighter and brighter. GORE tackles BSD soon after, and as they tumble about~

GORE: Come on, BSD. You've fought too hard to let THIS become you.

BSD: Shut up and be content to jump through Akujin's hoops.

~GORE and BSD slide to a stop, with BSD on top. He whips open his jaw and tries to bite GORE, but GORE headbutts his lower jaw first. BSD's head is knocked aside, and GORE knees him in the stomach and tosses him off. BSD lands a few feet away, facing GORE.

In the hangar of the MPVP HQ...~

Akujin: ~stepping off the Apocalypse~ Messenger Robot, come here.

~A floating spherical robot comes to Akujin.~

Messenger Robot: Yes, sir?

Akujin: Contact the Stasis team and have them bring me The Monkey's body.

Author: Yami


~The Messenger Robot hovers into the Stasis Room, a room filled with hundreds of fluid tanks containing samples of strange, rare, and exotic creatures from all over the universe; each creature preserved in suspended animation.~

Messenger Robot: Hmm…let’s see here… “Hiltian Forest Dragon”… “Kradian Embryo”…”Brooser Koopa”...aha! Here it is!

~The Messenger Robot hovers up to a tank labeled “The Monkey”. An unconscious brown monkey, whose appearance bears a striking a resemblance to GORE-ILLA, floats inside the tank with several cords and wires attached to his body.~

Messenger Robot: Time to wake up, sleepy-head…

Author: Golem

~The Messenger Robot shoots a thin beam from the center of the front of itself into the tank. The fluid drains out and every last cord detaches itself, leaving gravity to slam The Monkey against the floor. The tube opens and The Monkey gets up on all fours, then leaps towards the Messenger Robot with his metallic fist first. The Messenger Robot shoots another beam from the center of its front into The Monkey and paralyzes him. The robot leaves the room, levitating The Monkey with its beam behind it.

Elsewhere, in the hangar, the skull jets holding Yami's group materialize. SSG is the only conscious one in the group as Akujin walks up to the jets. The Messenger Robot then arrives with The Monkey's paralyzed body.~

The Monkey: Yami! Intro!

~SSG dismally shakes his head.~


*Suddenly, an out-of-control space truck hurtles into the stupidly unguarded hanger and slams right into The Monkey, obliterating his body in massive explosion for good.*

SSG: Wait... was that GORE?

GORE: No... I am.

*GORE walks up to the Skull Jets, beaten and dripping with blood, and collapses before them.*

GORE: BSD actually kicked my ass... and left me here to die, but luckily I survived these past few days.

Yami Yoshi: Alright! It's time to put an end to this MPVP! We'll find a way to stop them, if we just believe in ourselves!

Introbulus: Yeah! And seriously, what's-

Yami Yoshi: (distressed) Stop! Stop right there!

Introbulus: -the-

Yami Yoshi: I'm warning you...

Introbulus: -worst-

Yami Yoshi: ...Do NOT finish that sentence.

Introbulus: -that-

Yami Yoshi: SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!

Introbulus: -can-

Yami Yoshi: YOU'LL KILL US ALL!!!!

Introbulus: -happen?

Yami Yoshi: ...It's hopeless. We're all gonna die! Game over, man! Game over!

Author: Yami

~A hatch door slides open at the opposite end of the hanger bay. Emperor Akujin steps onto the bay and walks toward the OGers.~

SSG: Akujin!

Yami Yoshi: This is all your fault, Intro!

Akujin: Welcome to the main MPVP headquarters, OGers. Impressive, isn’t it? It’s approximately 2181 miles in diameter…about ¼ the size of your Earth…before it got destroyed of course…heh heh heh…

Yami Yoshi: Shut the **** up…DARK OMELET!

~Yami Yoshi hurls a barrage of Dark Eggs at Akujin.~

Akujin: Fool.

~Akujin opens his third eye and dodges each egg, Matrix-style. Suddenly, Akujin disappears.~

Yami Yoshi: Huh? Where’d that bastard go?

Akujin: ~behind Yami Yoshi~ Heh heh…you obviously haven’t changed a bit since our last encounter…

Yami Yoshi: What the…how’d you—WHOA!

~Akujin grabs Yami Yoshi by the tail and hurls him across the hanger bay. Yami Yoshi skids across the metal floor until he slams into the opposite wall.~

Akujin: You fools are still weak…I’d rather not dirty my hands while dealing with pathetic vermin like you…Dark Force!

~The dark storm cloud materializes behind Akujin.~

Dark Force: You called, sir?

Akujin: Take care of these fools for me…

Dark Force: Yes, my Lord.

~Akujin vanishes.~

Dark Force: I am Dark Force, the leader of the MPVP HQ on Uranus. My essence is composed entirely of all the dark forces of nature! However, I do not feel like wasting my time with you weaklings either…I summon Gargoylus!

~A lightening bolt strikes the center of the hanger bay and a massive, muscular black gargoyle crawls out from the smoking crater.~

Dark Force: Kill them.

Gargoylus: ~draws a halberd~ RURRGH!!


Gargoylus: GRUGH! I'm too good to fight you, so I'll summon my minion, Mini-Gargoylus, to dispose of you!

*A gargoyle half his size appears.*

Mini-Gargoylus: Beh! I dare not waste time on you losers, so I summon my minion, Mini-Mini-Gargoylus!

Mini-Mini-Gargoylus: ARF! I can't get my claws dirty, so I shall have you disposed of by my minion... Mini-Mega-Bob Dole!

*Bob Dole appears in high-tech armor.*

Mini-Mega-Bob Dole: Bob Dole is laughing at you insolant life forms. Bob Dole is gonna summon his minion to deal with you...

GORE: No, I think that's enough.

*GORE flips behind Mini-Mega-Bob Dole and slams his jetpack with his cyborg arm. Taht causes the jet to propel Mega-Mini-Bob Dole out of the hangar and into a Sarlacc Pit on a nearby planet.*

Mini-Mega-Bob-Dole: BOB DOLE!!!

Mini-Mini-Gargoylus: Ah! So you are worthy of my atten-

*AaronGuy steps on Mini-Mini-Gargoylus, crushing him.*

Mini-Gargoylus: I'm impressed! Perhaps you are not as insignifcant as I thought...

*Legion breifly wrestles with Mini-Gargoylus before flinging him into the Apocalypse's windshield, where he becomes no more then a gray, sticky paste to be wiped off later. A bored Saru wanders awy from the others.*

Gargoylus: RRUGGGH! You have proven yourself!

*SSG shoots Gargoylous, who immediately falls over dead.*

Dark Force: Good, good! You are as mighty as they say. Now let's see if you can stop the ultimate fighter... FATAL LIGHTNING!!!!905

*Dark Force emits a wicked-looking lightning bolt, digitally mastered by THX, which is on its way to Yami Yoshi. However, with quick thinking Introbulus manipulates a field of metallic trash which blocks the lightening.*

Dark Force: Dammit! Now I can't use that attack for three years!

Yami Yoshi: Dark Omelet!

*Dark Force is forming a weaker lighetning bolt, but before they can leave Dark Force's cloud, the Dark Eggs meet with it and cause an explosion which wipes out Dark Force.*

Yami Yoshi: That went well...

*All of a sudden, individual trap doors open beneath each of the OGers. Each wind up in a differant room... which means final battle time!*

Introbulus: Hey, where is everyone?

Dark Jim: Hey, bud! Long time no see...


GORE: Oh no, no you again...

Beezlebub: Oh yes, yes me again! Witty.

*Even Elserwhere...*

Yami Yoshi: Hello? Am I alone here?

????: Is somebody there? Help me!

*Yami Yoshi turns and finds Chizu of Christmas Member OG in a prison cell.*

Yami: Um... do I know you?

Chizu: I don't think so. These MVPs swooped down from nowhere and captured me! And then I found out my home planet of Earth was destroyed... what are you, a martian?

Yami: No, I was from Earth too, but that's not important! Step back!

*Yami weakens the iron bars with Dark Eggs before pulling them off with his tongue.*

Chizu: Thank you! (in a dark, familiar voice) Now I challenge you to a Shadow Game!

Yami: That voice...

*Chizu's eyes glow mysteriously.*

Chizu?: Don't you recognize me, Yami?

*Chizu? holds up the Millenium Egg.*

Yami: Pharaoh?

Chizu?: No! It is I, Qwirtzok, whom Pharaoh died to contain! Now I live on through my weak-willed descendant, who happened to be in taht sector of Egypt at the time for some environmental crap! Now it is time for the Shadow Game! And no funny stuff, or the girl dies!

*Yami Yoshi gulps as he pulls his dusty deck out of his pocket.*

Yami: I don't think I've been in a serious card duel since MOG2, give or take some that will be added in the Special Edition... and cheating always gets harder when there are lives on the line!

*Can Yami Yoshi defeat his family's enemy? And what enemies are the other OGers facing in their final battles? Fusion, AaronGuy, Legion, SSG, Culex, SwordMaster and probably a few hundred others whom I've forgotten! And worst of all, any survivors will have to fight Akujin in one last, bloody battle. Things don't look bright for our heroes, at least until the dramatic plot twist.*