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Isis as she appears in R&D.

Age: 15 (in 2003)
Appearance: (broken image link)
Miscellanea: She has powers she knows of but cannot grasp. She looks upon this story as a chance to hone them somewhat.

That's all I got.

Special Abilities: Appearing in OGs removed from canon, like Party Goers Heroes, Member OG 5: A New Beginning, and New Member OG 1.1.


Canon OGs[edit]

  • In Party Goers 8: Parting is Such Surprising Sorrow, Old Golem captures a high school friend of Golem's named Cordelia and describes her as Isis, attempting to kill her for reasons unspecified. She shows some hidden powers which prevent Old Golem from killing her and lend a hand in him being driven away in the end.
  • In Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely, Golem uses the heap of plot devices to awaken something within Zora which apparently makes her into Isis. But this time, he seems more interested in loving her than killing her and she seems to become his queen in the dark alternate future. Working on tying together and explaining all this Isis stuff by the end of the OG.
  • In Cat Investigations II (which is incomplete and possibly non-canon), Cat is set into motion by discovering a romantic photo of himself with Isis.

Non-Canon OGs[edit]

  • In Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals, she appears as the lead character in place of the absent Golem, accompanied by Rhyk and Rhykette as "Team Isis". Despite this being her first appearance, she is implied to have some history with Golem and in one post is described by Big Al as the one person he loves most.
  • In Member OG 5: A New Beginning, she is shown at the age of 32 protecting the Timeline Band with Moondo, and exhibits some magical powers such as slowing down Yami Yoshi.
  • She appears in New Member OG 1.1, where she is specifically a cheese mage who uses cheese to power her spells. She is one of the legendary warriors in this timeline and helps to bring them together.

Unused Stuff[edit]

She was intended to appear in Cat Investigations sequels as a romantic interest for Cat. (It would be nice if she did eventually appear as a romantic interest.)

In Other Media[edit]

  • Appears in that R&D thing, where she is voiced by Chibi.