Gamehiker High University 2: Spring Break Summer Vacation

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Official poster by Kester, his final assignment

Start: July 31, 2006
End: April 11, 2007
Timeline: Unconnected, or in the mystical limbo zone where every character was either a teenager or teacher at the same time
Writers: Ditto McCloaker, Fred, Masamune, GM, GORE-ILLA, Luigi of the Pipes, SOAP, Vorpal, Golem.
Main Cast: Headmaster Mune, Professor Luiigii, Professor Vorpal, Professor GORE, GM, Tyler, Mario Jr., Vivid, Kester, Big Al, Flutter, Gamechamp, Golem, Lupus, Fred, Elzie, Sapphire, Kuria, Yami, SteveT, Toby, AaronGuy
Archive: Read the Story


The sequel to the original GHU. It is here where the series died for the better part of a year. In my opinion, it had some good stuff but may have been the weakest of the series so far due to flaws such as transforming into an action OG, teachers hijacking the plot, and the bantering with MJ and such. With all plots going nowhere, Muneson took it upon himself to end the OG in a somewhat nonsequitur matter and move on to the next step, Gamehiker High University 3: Finals Finale!?.

Plot Summary[edit]

The student body is taken on a spring trip/summer vacation trip to Sunny Mexico. There they are all split into rooms and hilariousness/awkwardness ensues, as well as rivalry due to the presence of Dean Ditto. Golem tries to avoid Sapphire and find time with Elzie while Professor GORE forces Professor Luiigii into hunting down his criminal father, GORE-ILLA Senior, and Headmaster Mune once more attempts to court Rebe. Also, several students who were left behind wind up arriving after SteveT tosses the car there with them in it, and he winds up having to sprint there. Tyler and GM witness the revelation that bus driver Pee Wee Herman is actually Pee Wee Hellman and plotting to kill them, so they go to warn the others only to be distracted by the Hooded Figure's chase as well as their personalities shifting with each writer.

What else happens? Golem finds out Vivid's secret, while Kester is put in charge of detention. Everyone gets caught in a battle with Pee Wee Hellman and his minions, who are ultimately destroyed by Gamechamp's secret weapon. Gamechamp reveals himself as an alien and vaporizes Kester with Vivid as his only witness, although he threatens to reveal her secret if she reveals his. Vivid then begins disguising as Kester. Big Al and Flutter are trapped underground after an avalanche at which point they experience a clip show and help to deliver Canadian Dude's baby. Most of the group winds up at GORE Sr.'s hidden fortress in the sky. Sapphire begins randomly making out with Golem just as SteveT arrives and tosses him up to the sky city. Some more stuff happens, resulting in an ending post parodying It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World with everyone ending up happily ever after in the hospital.


GORE: All decisions are final. Got a problem with that? (holds a barrel labeled "TNT" above his head)

Vorpal: So that`s where my TNT non-stop recording tapes went.

GORE: There`s a lot of them in here, and I`m not afraid to play them on the way back!


Headmaster Mune: No! That's my line! Bad Luigi, bad!

(Headmaster Mune sprays Luigi in the face with water from a spray bottle.)

Headmaster Mune: Very, very bad Luigi!
-This really happens.