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Mithos is a villain in the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada series. He is shown as a wild, white-haired midget with the power to make anyone fall into blindly obediant love with him. When he first appeared in The OnGoing Adventures of the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada, he held a silver chicken hostage. When the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada hunted him down, Mithos used his powers to control Que Pasa until Jebus exorcised Que Pasa, and Mithos was promptly eaten by Salama, while the silver chicken was saved.

Mithos made a return appearance in the GCPA Valentine's Day Special, where he used his powers to control Mr. T. With T's awesome powers he even took over the world until Mr. T was freed of his influence, and Mithos was defeated again.