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Author: Gamechamp[edit]


Roll Call,everyone!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

GC:Now,you get to face our wrath!You dare to try getting a helicoptor and coming up to destroy the ruler of the earth?

BLACK:Half the earth!


GUY:Please!Don't kil me!

GC:Too late!Bye-bye!Black,you finish him!

Black lunges with his swords,grabs the guy from behind,and puts one sword right next to his neck.

BLACK:So,any last words?

GUY:Please!I have information!I wasn't trying to kill you!

GC:Hmmmmmmmm...let him go,Black.This could be useful.

The guy pulls out a shotgun.

GUY:Ha!I really am here to get you!No way I would tell you the info!

He shoots Gamechamp with it,but it does nothing.

GC:Ha!How idiotic can you be?

Gamechamp runs over,grabs him by the neck,and holds him out the window.

GC:Now,what info do you have?

GUY:I won't tell you!And I know you're bluffing!I have too valuable information!

GC:Oh really?

He loosens his grip.

GUY:AAAAAAAAUGH!!!Okay!On the way here,I saw a group of people and things!I overheard them talking,and they said they were OGers!

GC:The OGers,eh?They must be after the that all of your information?

GUY:Yes!Now let me go!


He lets go of the guy.

GUY:Nooooooooooo!!!You can't do this!!!

He falls and eventually hits the ground after such a long fall,and dies.

GC:Now,let's have a little suprise for those OGers!Green,send out a message to the gaurds!Tell them that there are some people waiting for them,some people they will probably remember from the time of Lupus!

GREEN:Yes,sir!Won't they be suprised when they see them again!

Author: Golem[edit]

OoC: How do Introbulus' "powers" work? Is he just really good at tooling with stuff or does he wave his hands and stuff happens?

Dark Jim: What's this?! The forcefield was clouding my senses... I now sense immense power! From... ~looks straight ahead~ There! ~zooms off across the desert~

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Introbulus has the power to destroy metallic things, as well as control them. (The power of the crystal keeps him from taking control of the robots, and he can only destroy them for a limited time)

(Suddenly, Dark Jim runs into the invisible wall)

Dark Jim: Oof! Hmmm, that's odd, the power and the leak are coming from the same place? ...Oh! I get it! Since that is the only way out into the world, all the power senses are coming from...THERE! (charges the wall, and goes right throuhg it!) AHA! Freedom! Now to find those OGers...

Author: Fusion[edit]

Meanwhile, near Gamechamp's palace...

Commander: Here's the plan. We distract the Robot Team by starting up a war right here. In the meantime, you OGers go in there and take the ruby.

GORE-ILLA: But what about the Robot Team! They will be in there!

The commander snaps his fingers. Suddenly, five different colored starfighters appear from the sky: Teal (blue-green), Orange, Purple, Pink, and White.

Fusion: 5 starfighters. So? A billion of those will be laid to waste by the Robot Team!

Commander: These are no ordinary starfighters. They are mechs known as the Robo Scouts! They each copy the power of one of the members of the Robot Team! But the strange thing is, they're all girls!

White: Transform!

They all transform into robots.

White: Roll Call!

Teal: I am Teal, and I copy Green's power!

Orange: I am Orange, and I copy Yellow's power!

Purple: I am Purple, and I copy Black's power!

Pink: I am Pink, and I copy Blue's power!

White: And I am White, and I copy Gamechamp's power!

All: We're the Robo Scouts!

Fusion: They're girls alright, they all look like a bunch of Sailor Scouts.

Commander: They will distract the Robot Team while you get the gem and report back to here! Then, we will use its power to destroy Gamechamp and his lackeys.

Robo Scouts: Let's go get the gem!

Fusion: C'mon, ladies!


Author: Golem[edit]

The OGers walk around to the back of the castle so that they are not noticed.

Introbulus: Fusion, will you do the honors?

Fusion: Certainly! Falcon KICK!

Fusion gets engulfed in flames and charges at the wall foot-first. The wall crumbles, and as a result of his propulsion, goes through into the castle. In mere seconds, though, the wall flashes a brilliant red, like looking at a holographic card under a bright light. As soon as everybody opens their eyes again, the wall has reconstructed itself.

Everyone: Wha--?!

Gore: What was that?!

SwordMaster: Can you get us in, Gore?

Gore lunges at the wall with his metal arm, but the wall stands untouched while Gore falls backwards.

Introbulus: Great!

Gore: Hey, maybe Yami--where is Yami, anyway?

SwordMaster: ~looking around the back of the castle, looking straight back the way they came~ Is he still--Jim!

Introbulus: What?!

SwordMaster: He's coming straight at us!

Introbulus: ~looks around the castle the way SwordMaster is~ He could've crossed this desert in less than half the time we did! Why is he coming across the mountain just now, after three days?!

Jim stops in front of the castle, floating.

Jim: I... see! ~puts hands against castle~ THIS is the ruby!

Gore, SwordMaster: What?!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD,Lemmy,and Zappa are looking at what's happening near GC's base.

Lemmy:do they know that the Robo Scouts will keep GC and his cronies distracted for a short while?

BSD:I guess not.

Zappa:Who's GC?

BSD:GameChamp was one of Lupus' cronies and the leader of the Robot Team.

Zappa:What's the Robot Team?

Lemmy:The Robot Team is a group of 5 robots and those robot's names are:Blue,Black,Green,Yellow,and GC.


They advance towards the base then go behind it.

BSD:Dark Jim,I challenge you to a SSB:M fight!!

Dark Jim:I accept your challenge foolish hybrid!

BSD:The rules are all items are used along with a special mystery item and it will be a team battle!

They are warped to Brinstar Depths

10 minutes later

Announcer:BSD,Lemmy,and Zappa versus Dark Jim,Waluigi,and Crazy Hand.

Who will win this fight? What tricks does Dark Jim have? Are Crazy Hand's attacks the same as his brother's?


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Waluigi: Tennis Racket Smash!

<Waluigi smashes BSD with the tennis racket increasing his damage to 18%>

BSD: Molten Egg!

<BSD throws an egg at Waluigi. Waluigi dodges the egg and it lands in the magma below them>

Waluigi: Ha ha ha! Nice aim!

Dark Jim: What the hell is that?

<A giant creature emerges from the magma>

Crazy Hand: It's Kraid!

<Kraid grabs Dark Jim with his claws and eats him>

Waluigi: ...Crap...

<Kraid shoots a giant spike from his belly at Waluigi stabbing him>

Waluigi: UGH...So much pain...

<Waluigi's body goes limp and he dies>

Lemmy: You big meanie!

<Lemmy shoots a fireball at Kraid. Kraid shows no sign of pain>


<Kraid grabs Lemmy and tosses him into the magma>

BSD: Molten Egg!

<BSD throws an egg at Kraid but it uselessly bounces off and hits Crazy Hand into the lava>


<Kraid attempts to grab BSD with his claws but it is mysteriously blasted off>

Kraid: <in pain> ROOOAAARRR!

Voice: Leave that Yoshi alone!

<Samus Aran appears from above and starts firing Super Missiles at Kraid>

Kraid: <in even more pain> ROOOAAARRR!

Samus: Get a loada this Kraid!

<Samus fires the Wavebuster at Kraid electricuting him>

Kraid: <still in pain> ROOOAAARRR!

<Kraid retreats back into the magma>

BSD: Whoa! You're Samus Aran?

Samus: That's right. It seems that you pissed off Kraid a little bit.

BSD: A LITTLE BIT? He killed Lemmy, Dark Jim, Waluigi, and Crazy Hand!

Samus: That's too bad...C'mon! I'll take you too my starship!

<Samus grabs BSD and they escape from Brinstar Depths>

Samus: So who are you?

BSD: I am the Black Skull Dragoshi! Fusion of a Black Skull Dragon and a Yoshi!

Samus: Interesting. It reminds me when I fused with that infant Metroid. Where are you from?

BSD: I'm from Earth.

Samus: Then what brings you here to Zebes?

BSD: Lemmy and I fought a SSBM battle against Dark Jim, Waluigi, and Crazy Hand. But then I threw a Molten Egg and......It's my fault...I'M the one to blame for all those deaths...

Samus: Don't worry. I kill all the time. It's my duty as a bounty hunter. Hey! We're almost at my starship! I can fly you back to Earth.

<Samus and BSD hop into the starship>

Voice: Samus Aran! I have received a message from the Federation!

Samus: What is it Adam?

BSD: Adam! Who is this Adam?

Samus: He's my ship's computer.

Adam: Samus! They have identified a giant Space Pirate Frigate that is headed the Galactic Federation Headquarters orbiting the planet SR388. They want YOU to intercept the frigate, kill every Space Pirate on board, and to destroy the frigate itself. It is approximately 1988 miles away from the Headquarters! You must hurry!

Samus: All right! I hate to bother you BSD but will you help me? I will fly you back to Earth as soon as possible.

BSD: Hmmmm...All right!

<Samus starts her ship and flies it towards SR388>

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD:I think I have a good idea of who is the cause of this problem.



Samus:But I thought he was dead.

BSD:He somehow survived with the help of the X parasites.

Deep inside of the caves of SR388

Space Pirate:Massssssssster Ridley!

Ridley:What do you want?

Space Pirate:Sssssssssamussssssss and a yossssssshi/Black sssssssssskull dragon hybrid are on their way here?

Ridley:What's the hybrid's name?

Space Pirate:Black Skull Dragoshi.

Ridley:Oh no not him!

Space:Why are you afraid of him masssssssster?

Ridley:He is the only one besides Samus that has a good chance of killing me.

At Samus and BSD's current location....

BSD:We'll have to enter the cave.

both enter the cave.

Is there more than one reason Ridley is afraid of me? What's with the Space Pirate using s more than once? Will they destroy the frigate? Will Zappa appear again? Will BSD try to revive Lemmy after this is all over?


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

BSD: I think I see the frigate!

Samus: Time to land!

<Samus lands her starship onto landing bay of the frigate>

Samus: Adam! Be sure to secure my ship!

Adam: Yes my lady.

Samus: All right! But first, you'll need to wear this!

<Samus hands BSD a Yoshi-shaped power suit>

Samus: I knew I would use this some day...This is the Yoshi Power Suit. It is similar to my Chozo designed one but it is slightly weaker. It comes equipped with a Power Beam, Missiles, and a Combat and Scan Visor!

BSD: Cool! <puts on the suit> I look like a robotic Yoshi!

Samus: All right! Let's go!

<BSD and Samus enter the frigate>

Samus: Look out! A Space Pirate!

Space Pirate: It's the Hunter!

<The Space Pirate starts shooting at Samus>

Samus: Super Missile!

<Samus fires a missile that explodes on contact with the Space Pirate. The Space Pirate's body gets obliterated>

BSD: Wow!

Samus: Be careful. This frigate is full of Space Pirates...

<Samus and BSD enter the next room>

BSD: Wow! There must be 100 Space Pirates in here!

Samus: Be extremely quiet...

<One of the larger Space Pirates steps up to a large screen>

Space Pirate: Contacing the Galactic Federation Headquarters..

<The Space Pirate presses a few buttons>

Federation Guy: Hello Commander Hydra. Has Samus boarded the Frigate yet?

Commander Hydra: Yes she has. Some of our scanners have picked up signals of her starship.

Federation Guy: Heh heh heh. Samus doesn't know about our plan for galaxy domination! Do you have Meta Ridley 2.0 ready?

Commander Hydra: Yes we do. We located his carcus at the bottom of the impact crater. The Hunter shall pay for what she did to Ridley! We've further enhanced his combat capabilities!

Federation Guy: Excellent. If we combine our forces, we shall rule the galaxy!

Commander Hydra: What should we do to the Hunter?

Federation Guy: Bring us her body dead or alive.

Commander Hydra: Yes sir.

<Commander Hydra turns the screen off>

Commander Hydra: All right everyone! Search for the Hunter and bring her body to me! The one who does it will get a raise in salary!

Space Pirates: YES SIR!

Samus: We better run!

<Samus turns around only to run into a Wave Trooper>

Wave Trooper: Take this!

<The Wave Trooper fires a HUGE blast of electricity that knocks Samus unconcious>


<The Wave Trooper turns around and sees BSD>

BSD: Aw crap...

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


Wave Trooper:Who are you?

BSD:I am Black Skull Dragoshi the evil doers worst incarnation of justice!

Wave Trooper:YOU WILL DIE!

BSD:Actually you will die.

Zappa appears.

Zappa:BSD,who's the beast?

BSD:a Wave Trooper.

Wave Trooper tries to kill BSD but BSD counters with a power beam then Zappa who is convinently in a Power Suit shoots a missile at the wave trooper then the Wave trooper dies.


Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OoC: ^ Only use BUMP if the no one has posted in the topic for a REALLY long time.

BSD: Hey! Samus is gone!

Zappa: Where do you think she went?

BSD: I bet those Space Pirates took her! Let's go find her!


Space Pirate: Ha ha ha! We have captured the Hunter at last!

Samus: Unhand me you slimey snake!

<Samus aims her Arm Cannon at the Space Pirates>

Voice: I wouldn't do that if I wanted my head intact with my body!

<A larger, more intelligent-looking Space Pirate appears in front of Samus holding a giant cannon>

Commander Hydra: Well well well. If it isn't Samus Aran...The Hunter...

Samus: What have you done to the Galactic Federation? You probably forced them to join forces with you!

Commander Hydra: That is slightly incorrect. You see, they were a bit angry about the fact that disobeyed their orders and you destroyed the Biologic Space Labs...

Samus: I needed to destroy the X Parasites! I contacted them shortly afterword! Those traitors said they understood everything...

Commander Hydra: Well it's too late now...I shall contact the Federation and tell them that we have captured the Hunter! <to the Space Pirates> Lock her in Cell A13!

Space Pirates: Yes sir!

<Two Space Pirates grab Samus and drag her into a cell labeled A13>

Space Pirate #1: These walls are immune to ALL of your weapons! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Space Pirate: Even the Power Bomb! So don't bother wasting your energy!

<Both Space Pirates laugh as they leave>

Samus: There has to be a way out of here!

<Samus starts blasting the walls with her Super Missiles>

Samus: No good...

<Samus curls up into a Morph Ball and detonates a Power Bomb>

Samus: Still no good...There just HAS to be a way...


BSD: Man! This frigate is HUGE! Didn't know that those brainless Space Pirates could be so smart!

Zappa: Quiet! I hear footsteps!

Voice #1: Wonder what Commander Hydra or the Galactic Federation want to do to Samus?

Voice #2: Probably execute her. She'll deserve it after destroying so many of us!

BSD: Let's hide here!

<They roll into Morph Ball mode and hide inside a small crevice in the wall. The two Space Pirates walk into the hallway>

Voice #3: Is she locked up?

Space Pirate #2: Yes Commander Hydra.

Commander Hydra: The Federation has ordered for her execution immediately. And just in case she escapes, I sent Space Pirates to locate and destroy her ship!

Space Pirate #1: All right! Let's go!

Commander Hydra: Galaxy domination is within our grasp. Go now!

<Commander Hydra exits the hallway and the two Space Pirates walk down the hall back towards the cell>

BSD: Aw crap! They're gonna kill Samus!

Zappa: Let's kill these guys first!

BSD: All right!

<BSD and Zappa roll out of the crevice>

Space Pirate #1: Who the hell are you?

Space Pirate #2: The have Power Suits! They must be connected to Samus somehow!

Space Pirate #1: Let's kill them!

<Space Pirate #1 and #2 pull out their swords and run towards BSD and Zappa>

BSD: Take summa this!

<BSD fires an egg from his Arm Cannon. The egg explodes and kills both of the pirates>

Zappa: Whoa! How did you do that?

BSD: I did a little bit of modifying on the Power Suit. It now shoots eggs instead of missiles!

Zappa: Cool!

BSD: Now let's save Samus from her cell!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD and Zappa walk down the long corridors and find cell A13.

Samus:What are you trying to do?

BSD:Busting you out of here.

Samus:None of your weapons would even scratch or dent the cell.

BSD:Luckily for you I made a few modifications.

BSD shot an egg from his arm cannon which destroyed cell A13.

Samus:BSD who's the dragon in the power suit?

BSD:He's my pet,Zappa.

Samus:Nice to meet you,Zappa.

Zappa:Nice to meet you too,Samus.

BSD:Now that the pleasentries are over we should get to the mission at hand which is to destroy the frigate.


Author: Fred[edit]

Samus: There is no time to waste. Let's move!

BSD: Ok, I'm hungry anyways.

Zappa: I have loaded my canon with something that those space pirates can't stand- paint thinner!

Samus: Yes, um... of course. That might actually work because of the internal structure of the... (talks for hours on end) So, I guess so.

BSD: I'm still hungry.

Zappa: Are we there yet?


Someone Else(SE, for short): Vroom! Vroom! My car sure is quick.

Some guy: Um, can my kid use the ride now?

SE: Oh, sorry. Better get going. (drives off)
Haha, now I can get that Gamechamp for all the misery he has caused (flashback)

Gamechamp: This is Toady64's work. If you liked the first part, it's just a warm up, you'll EXPLODE on the last one!

(end flashback)

SE: Wait, that was about it. Oh well. Oh yeah, his robots beat my dog. He will PAY!!! (Gets angry and starts turning red with blue hair to signify angerosity) PAY!!!

Man: You still haven't got off.

SE: fine. (walks to the only other way to gamechamp's fortress - under Mt. unpassible. He then uses his lightbulb to slice it in half for no reason) Hoohah!

Author: Fusion[edit]

GC's palace regenerates.

Meanwhile, at GC's palace...

Fusion: Wait, I can make us transparent so we'll pass through! Ghost 6!

Suddenly, they all are transparent. They walk through the wall and into the castle.

Introbulus: Hey, Robo Scouts?

Robo Scouts: What?

Introbulus: If you're robot girls, then can't you just use your sexiness to distract the Robot Team?

Robo Scouts: That would actually be a good idea.

Guards: KILL THEM!

Fusion: Battle Royale!

The OGers and Robo Scouts beat up the guards.

Fusion: Let's go!