Member OG 2 Page 10

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Pages in the Member OG 2 Archive
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Author: Golem[edit]


Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Hey, you guys have been quite literally ignoring my posts, or at least you haven't done anything with them, really. I need a reason so I can fix the problem.

Also, I'm goin to have to continue off of Lupus's post. Sorry, Golem.

Sephnita: Muahahahh hehehe! Earth shall pay! And more than a buck fifty this time! Wait, what's that?

(A very badly driven Volvo appears from nowhere)

Fred: Haha! Fred crush gigantic evil creature thingee!

Sephnita: Hey! Quit it! (Gets run over) So you must be the chosen defenders of earth. There's no mistaking it.

Someone Else: Defenders? Aw, man, who is that wacko kidding?

Fred: Ducks are for burning.

(Back with Lupus and Kathie Lee (just joking, don't take that seriously or I will destroy you))

Lupus: I do so wish she was here though. Anyways, I have an ulterior motive. The evil Sephnita is trying to reach earth... She'll come for me next. Why don't I throw her off course a wee bit? (makes the earth teleport to the other side of the sun) There, that should work for a while.

(back with Sephnita...)

Sephnita: Ha! Blast of doom! Beam (tm)! Beat with a stick!

Fred: This can't keep up. Shields are down to three and a half percent, and I haven't even got to the deathstar level yet.

SE: Oh, we're all doomed. Unless... Wait! Cue cheesy music!



(Volvo turns into a giant robot Colin Mockery)

Robo-Colin: Hold me close.

Sephnita: What? It's so powerful. But still very pathetic. Water splash!

SE: No! My stupid Volvo is rusting at a rate unbeknownest to man! Or anyone else, for that matter! Not that it matters!

Sephnita: Wussy.

SE: I think I realise what's wrong. Fred, you must defeat the evil for me. I am not an OGer, you are, you loser newbie. I must sacrifice myself in a very touching but hopless and useless moment.

Fred: Ok.

SE: Nah, I think I've already avenged my dog. I'm really going home. (teleports, a la Star Trek)

Sephnita: Man, They always do that.

OoC: Sorry about not having many characters, I couldn't think of something for the OGers to do. That's why you're here.

Author: Gamechamp[edit]


Gamechamp and the rest of the Robot Team wake up in space...

GC:Roll call!

Green: I am Green! The mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am Black! I can sneak on anyone from the dark, and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck, tank, spaceship, anything! I can guarantee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower, as long as it has firepower!

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot Team! I have every power in the universe! Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the Robot Team!

GC:Wait a minute...

He looks around

GC:We're in outer space!!!

BLACK:That Lupus must have somehow put a virus in us and left us here!

GC:He'll pay!!!Let's go!!!

They all start thier jetpacks,but accidently fly in a black hole one second later...

GC:Drat!Looks like the Robot Team is sucked in a black hole again!!!

YELLOW:Have we been sucked in a black hole before? just decided to say that for some reason...

GREEN:Wait!Look!It's Sephnita!!!The creator of even eviler evil than Sephnito!!!

GC:And...THE OGERS!!!Let's get them!!!

They fly over to them...

GC:Hi,everyone!Just wait a second,while the Robot Team handles this!Nobody tries to be evil while I'm the evil guy here!

SEPHNITA:But I'm not a guy,I'm an ancient evil god!

GC:I don't care!I'm the evil guy around here!

TH YAMI YOSHI:Get away from here,you 5!Something very important is going on here!

GC:I know that!We're going to get rid of this guy,then we'll go after you!We have the power of Sephnito and our own power from before,so this should be a sinch!

Sephnita shoots a hand beam at Blue,blowing him up,then he rebuilds himself with the power of Sephnita.

GC:Perhaps a temporary truce is in order?Just until we get rid of him?

FUSION:Guess we have no choice!

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OoC: LOL^^

Yami Yoshi: Wait! Fusion is still a piece of cheese!

Fusion: Oh yeah...<disappears>

Gamechamp: All right! This may sound crazy but we have to join forces!

Yami Yoshi: Are you crazy?

Gamechamp: Listen. If Sephnita destroys Earth, then there will be no Earth to take over!

Yami Yoshi: Hmmmm...All right!

BSD: Look! The time rip's open! Let's follow him!

<The OGers float into space defying the laws of physics and follow Sephnita>

Yami Yoshi: There he is!

<Yami Yoshi points to a red cloaked figure flying in front of them>

Yami Yoshi: DARK EGG!

<Yami Yoshi's egg bounces off of Sephnita>

Sephnita: Pathetic earthling! RUBY BEAM!

<Sephnita conjures up energy between his hands and fires a ruby beam at Yami Yoshi it hits Yami Yoshi but doesn't cause any damage>

Yami Yoshi: Ha! Dark Egg......Hey! I can't move!

Pharaoh: He's prisoned inside a giant ruby!

Sephnita: That's right! And know to destroy Earth! RUBY ANNIHILATION BALL!

<Sephnita conjures a gigantic energy ball between his hand>

Sephnita: This ball will reach its maximum power in 20 minutes! Better think of something fast before this planet gets blown up!

BSD: Blown up?

Yami Yoshi: If only we could fuse...

Pharaoh: Damn that Fusion! Where is he?

<Meanwhike, inside Gamechamp's spaceship inside Lupus' stomach>

Fusion: Damn...So I'm a small piece of cheese inside of Lupus...Yeouch! These stomach acids burn!

<Back where the OGers are>

Introbulus: Someone needs to go and find Fusion and rescue him! Twin Headed Yami Yoshi is the only hope we have. We can use this teleporter that I invented!

BSD: Teleporter?

Introbulus: Just type in the name of one person and this machine will automatically teleport you there!

SwordMaster: But that means we have to return to Lupus' stomach!

Introbulus: The teleporter should shrink you so you can fit inside his stomach.

SwordMaster: I'll go!

Sephnita: 19 minutes!

Introbulus: Hurry up!

SwordMaster: All right!

<SwordMaster types in Fusion and presses the button labeled Teleport>

<Inside Gamechamp's Spaceship inside Lupus' stomach>

SwordMaster: Whoa! This place is freaky!

Fusion: SwordMaster! Is that you?

SwordMaster: Yeah...Whoa! You look freaky!

Fusion: Just shut up and get me out of this hell hole!

SwordMaster: Hey! Lupus!

Lupus' Voice: What the hell? SwordMaster! How did you get into my stomach?

SwordMaster: Long story...Just get Fusion and I outta here!

Lupus' Voice: Never! Once I take a crap, its toilet time for Fusion and Yami Yoshi and that weird twin of his will never fuse again! I will be the strongest being in the universe!

SwordMaster: Then take this!

<SwordMaster starts slashing the walls of Lupus' stomach>

Lupus: YARGH! How dare you treat Lupus the Turk like this!

SwordMaster: Let us out!

Lupus: Never! Take this!

<Lupus' stomach starts to overflow with stomach acid>

SwordMaster: Let's get outta here!

<SwordMaster grabs Fusion and they climb up Lupus' esophagus>

Lupus: *choke* Cannot breathe!

<SwordMaster and Fusion climb into Lupus' mouth>

SwordMaster: Open you mouth and let us out!

Lupus: Never! Saliva attack!

<A giant piece of saliva forms the figure of Lupus and starts attacking SwordMaster>

Saliva Lupus: Cheese Ray!

SwordMaster: Take this!

<SwordMaster slashes Saliva Lupus and splits him into two>

SwordMaster: Dammit!

Saliva Lupus 1 and 2: Cheese Ray!

<SwordMaster evades the attack>

SwordMaster: Ready to get your tonsels removed Lupus? Take this!

<SwordMaster slashes off Lupus' tonsels and they fall into his throat>

Lupus: Thanks! I was just about to get those removed!

SwordMaster: Dammit!

Saliva Lupus 1: Cheese Ray!

<The ray hits SwordMaster's leg and turns it into a piece of cheese>

SwordMaster: Dammit!

Fusion: Help! I'm slipping from your hand!

Lupus: Ha ha ha ha ha!

Author: Lupus[edit]

OOC: Black and Yellow are dead. Just pretend every line Black or Yellow say is actually said by Blue or Green. Oh yeah, and VGF Member OG 2 is nearly at an end, already! I have to say this is one of the fastest moving OGs to date. It's good to see this place getting some popularity back.


Lupus: Enough!

*Lupus coughs the two microscopic figures up, then steps on them, crushing them into the metalic floor*

Lupus: I shall not be taken for a fool! Bwahahaha, I will now achieve my life goal- STEALING MIYAMOTO'S GAMECUBE! *flies off into space in a detachable ship, while Gamechamp's rocket heads towards the sun*

Fusion: Luckily I was comprised of some kind of cheese from Coruscant, which is invulnerable to being stepped on and being thrown through a basketball hoop.


Yoda: Cheese missing, yes.

Darth Maul: Uncle Billy's in the freezer.

Yoda: My phonebill is large, yes.

Darth Maul: Uncle Billy's in the freezer.

Yoda: Post boring, yes.

Darth Maul: Uncle Billy's in the freezer.

Yoda: Uncle Billy you fool!


Wall Mart: I'm sorry, we don't stock Cheese Rays.

Lupus: But my cheese ray broke on my way through hyperspace! Uncle Billy's de-OG beam deconstructed my Invert Influx.

Wall Mart: You'll have to fix it yourself.

Lupus: Uncle Billy you fool!


Sephnita: Six minutes remaining!

Introbulus: Nah-ah. It's seven minutes.

Sephnita: Just because my teacher Uncle Billy didn't teach me to count, doesn't mean you can make fun of me!

Introbulus: Uncle Billy you fool!

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

OOC:I DESPISE running gags!

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Shutup, BSD, Lupus was trying to be funny.

Author: Fusion[edit]

Fusion: Wait, I have every power in the universe, so...

Suddenly, there is a bright flash of light, and the next thing everyone knows, Fusion and SwordMaster are back to normal.

SwordMaster: What did you do?

Fusion: I combined the powers of teleport, growth, morphing and speed. That way, we would be back to normal in just a few seconds.

SwordMaster: What happened to Lupus?

Fusion points to the ground.

Fusion: I teleported him here during the flash and beat him up.

SwordMaster: But tell me, why is his underwear on his head?

Fusion: Um, I also gave him a wedgie during the flash.

Suddenly, Lupus gets back up.

Lupus: You thought you could beat me? Well I have a few tricks up my sleeve!

Suddenly, Lupus pulls out a controller and pushes the button on it. The alarm goes off.

Computer: Self-Destruct in 1 hour.

Lupus: You had better get out. You don't want to be blown away. And I don't need to escape, because I can just respawn. Heh heh heh.

Fusion: I've had it with your games! It's time to send you into...ECTOPLASMIC OBLIVERATION!!!

Suddenly, Fusion sends out a beam of dark magic at Lupus. Lupus gets weaker and weaker each second.


Fusion: Ectoplasmic Obliveration is a very rare attack. It is the only attack that can kill spirits, because it drains their life force.

Lupus: No...!!!

Lupus falls to the ground.

Fusion: Oh yes. And you know what happens to weakened spirits, don't you? They lose their will to stay in the mortal world, and they either go to heaven or he**.

Lupus: But...before I'm...gone...I will...even the score. *pulls out a handgun and points it right a Fusion*

Fusion: Like I care.

Fusion kicks the gun away and stamps his foot on Lupus.

Lupus: ARRGH!

Suddenly, the lights go out. And in a few seconds, they come back on. But this time, the grim reaper appears.

Grim: Lupus, you have done 10 billion sins. As a result, you will go to he**.

Lupus: No...!

Grim: Oh yes.

Suddenly, the grim reaper drags Lupus into a dark portal to he**.

Grim: Satan just ordered Lupus-Kebob. I think he wants to eat you after you are roasted in the Lake of Fire for a year.


They disappear into the portal, which also disappears.

Fusion: Now let's get out of here. Teleportation!

Suddenly, SwordMaster and Fusion teleport out of the ship right before it explodes. They find themselves in space.

SwordMaster: Cannot breathe!

Fusion: Here!

Fusion puts an oxygen helmet on SwordMaster.

SwordMaster: Don't you need one too?

Fusion: No. I can breathe in space, because I have that ability too. Now to stop Sephnito.

???: We're in, too.

Suddenly, the Robo Scouts appear.

White: Roll Call!

Teal: I am Teal, and I copy Green's power!

Orange: I am Orange, and I copy Yellow's power!

Purple: I am Purple, and I copy Black's power!

Pink: I am Pink, and I copy Blue's power!

White: And I am White, and I copy Gamechamp's power!

Robo Scouts: We're the Robo Scouts, the sisters of the Robot Team and the hotties of machinery!

SwordMaster: But one thing. If you're a multi-billionaire, and the shattered ruby was 20 million dollars, then how can you be broke? I mean, you have billions of dollars left.

Fusion: I was just foolin' around with ya. And besides, that ruby was fake. I bought a dummy ruby to fool them.

SwordMaster: Then how do you explain all that power the Robot Team got?

Fusion: *pulls out the real ruby* I granted them that power so they wouldn't notice.

SwordMaster: And the flashing effect?

Fusion: Light bulb inside the diamond.


Author: Introbulus[edit]

(Inside Fusion's head): No! You have to go to the black hole!

Fusion: ??? Who's there?

SwordMaster: Me.

Fusion: I know that! But someone's trying to talk to me in my head!

Swordmaster: Hearing voices? That's just crazy!

(suddenly, a cow floats by)

Swordmaster: ...Okay, what do they say?

(inside Fusion's head): Fusion! Yami Yoshi needs your help! We all do!

Fusion: I don't know who it is, but they say we need to go to the black hole!

Swordmaster: What black hole?

Fusion: Right there! (points to a black hole two miles away)

Swordmaster: ...Oh.

(soon, inside the black hole)

Sephito: Five minutes and counting! ...I think.

Fusion: Not so fast!

Yami Yoshi: Fusion! Quick! Hurry up and fuse me with Pharoa!

Fusion: Gladly. FUSION BEAM!

(Yami Yoshi and Pharoa Yoshi fuse)

Evil: Bwahahaha! I can't believe you fell for it!

(suddenly, a shadowy figure engulfs the fused yoshi's)

Yami/Pharoa Yoshi: Hey, what the...? AHHH!!!

Gore: (Gasp!) It's...

Introbulus: Dark Jim!

Dark Jim: Yes, I am the evil that plagues you!

Gore: No! It had to be Sephinto!

Dark Jim: Ha! That weakling? He's one of my underlings! Just like all evil beings are! That's why I released Lupus! That's why the Robot team is still alive!

Gamechamp: Yes, master. I live to serve.

Introbulus: Gamechamp! No!

Dark Jim: ...and now, with the dark power of Yami Yoshi and Pharoa Yoshi, I will be unstopable!

(Dark Jim continues to slurp up the yoshi's existance, until they aren't even there anymore.)

Dark Jim: Bwhahahaha...huh? What's happening!?! THE PAIN!!!!

Fusion: Ha! You negelected to count in one factor. While Pharoa Yoshi may be partially evil, Yami Yoshi is pure good! They counteract your evil powers!

Dark Jim: NOOOO!!!!

(Dark Jim is now Jim)

Jim: Huh? What happened? What time is it? How long have I been evil?

Introbulus: No time for that now, Jim! We've got to stop Sephinto!

(To be continued...)

Author: Fusion[edit]

Fusion: Wait! We must enlist the help of Shane!

Introbulus: Where does Shane live?

Fusion: Um...gotta make a phone call! *pulls out cellphone*

Meanwhile, in a palace on Pluto...

Shane: (in the shower) Mario!

Mario appears.

Mario: Yes-a, almighty-a Shane-a.

Shane: Answer the phone, or I will ban you!

Mario picks up the phone.

Fusion: Hello, am I speaking to the almighty Shane?

Mario: No-a, who is-a this?

Fusion: Fusion. You know, the guy with every power in the universe.

Mario: Oh-a yeah, I saw-a you on the-a news. They-a said you won-a 50 billion-a dollars off the powerball-a last-a year!

Fusion: Yeah. That's me. Anyway, can I speak to Shane?

Mario: Just-a one second. *off the phone* SHANE, SOME-A-ONE-A WANTS TO SPEAK-A TO YOU!

Shane: (out of the shower and in his bedrobe) Who is it?

Mario: Fusion-a.

Shane: Oh yeah, that guy who has every power in the universe and also won 50 billion dollars off the powerball last year. Hand me the phone.

Mario hands him the phone.

Shane: Hello, Fusion?

Fusion: Yes, Shane. We're dealing with an ancient god named Sephnito. We would like you to help us.

Shane: Is the pay good?

Fusion: Yes. 2 billion dollars.


Shane puts his spacesuit on.

Shane: Mario, you're in charge until I get back.

Mario: Yippee!

Shane leaves while Mario walks toward Shane's vault with a crowbar.


Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

<Suddenly Jim spits out TH Yami Yoshi>

TH Yami Yoshi: That was weird...Now time to kill Sephnita!

OoC: Yes its Sephnita! Not Sephnito!

Sephnita: Times up!

<Sephnita hurls the energy ball at Earth?


Sephnita: What the hell?

TH Yami Yoshi: TAKE THIS!


<There is a giant red explosion>

SwordMaster: Is he dead?

BSD: Look! The explosion's subsiding!

<Sephnita's guts are seen floating in space>

TH Yami Yoshi: Ha! And that's the end of him!


Gamechamp: Holy flurking shnit! Look!

<Sephnita's guts start to rebuild themselves. Soon Sephnita is seen floating in front of them grinning evilly>

TH Yami Yoshi: What?

Sephnita: Did you forget? I am a God! I am immortal! RUBY BEAM!

<Sephnita fires a beam at TH Yami Yoshi that is dodged>

TH Yami Yoshi: DARK EGG!

Sephnita: Ugh...I surrender...

TH Yami Yoshi: What?

Sephnita: You're just too strong...I give up...Here...Take this ruby...

TH Yami Yoshi: The hell?

Sephnita: Here. Take this ruby...It will send me back to the time rip forever...I can't stand suffering...

SwordMaster: Don't! It's a trap!


<Sephnita throws the ruby at TH Yami Yoshi. TH Yami Yoshi tries to dodge but the ruby sucks TH Yami Yoshi's soul inside>

SwordMaster: What the hell? Yami Yoshi!

Sephnita: He is now under MY control! His soul has been trapped inside of this ruby!

Introbulus: And that means...

Sephnita: That's right! TH Yami Yoshi's body is nothing but an empty shell now!

BSD: No! So TH Yami Yoshi's soul is trapped in the ruby...

Sephnita: Ha ha ha! And there's no way out!

<Sephnita places the ruby in her pocket>

BSD: Molten Egg!

<BSD throws a Molten Egg at Sephnita but it bounces off>

Sephnita: Ha! Seeing how strong you OGers are, I think its time to prepare the RUBY ANNIHILATION BEAM!

SwordMaster: Not again!

<Sephnita starts to conjure energy between his hands again>

Sephnita: 20 minutes! And this time, no Yami Yoshi!

<Inside the ruby>

TH Yami Yoshi: Damn! What is this place?

TH Yami Yoshi: I have to find a way out! DARK EGG!

TH Yami Yoshi: Damn...The OGers need me!

Voice: Ha ha ha! Good luck!

<A red robed figure appears in front of TH Yami Yoshi>

TH Yami Yoshi: Who are you?

Red Robed Figure: I am Sephnitu! The evil spirt of the Ruby of Control!

TH Yami Yoshi: You aren't another Sephnit person are you?

Sephnitu: Actually there are five of us! There is Sephnito, the Ruby of Power spirit.
Sephnite, the Ruby of Evilness spirit.
Sephniti, the Ruby of Intelligence spirt.
Sephnity, the Ruby of Popularity spirt.
And me, Sephnitu, the Ruby of Control spirit!

TH Yami Yoshi: What about Sephnita?

Sephnitu: The one who created us? He's the Ruby God.

TH Yami Yoshi: What happened to my body!?

Sephnitu: It's floating in space as an empty shell and ready for me to possess it! Sayonara TH Yami Yoshi!

<Sephnitu flys out of the ruby>

TH Yami Yoshi: No!

<Outside the ruby>

Sephnita: 17 minutes!

<Suddenly the ruby in Sephnita's pocket flashes and Sephnitu pops out>

Sephnitu: Time to possess this body!

<Sephnitu flies into TH Yami Yoshi's body>

Sephnitu/TH Yami Yoshi: Ha ha ha ha ha! I have the power! What do you want me to do Master?

Sephnita: Kill all the OGers!

Sephnitu: Yes sir! DARK EGG!

Author: Fusion[edit]

Fusion floats up to Possessed THYY.

Possessed: You don't stand a chance against me!

Fusion: Let's just see.

Possessed tries to punch Fusion, but misses and gets a really hard Falcon Punch in the gut.


Possessed is dazed

Fusion: And that's just the start.

Suddenly, Fusion turns towards Sephnita and floats towards him.

Sephnita: BOW TO ME, MORTAL!!!

Fusion: I'm not religious, nutcase.

Sephnita: Then perish!

Sephnita fires a red beam at Fusion. There is smoke all around Fusion's spot. When the smoke clears, Fusion is gone.

Sephnita: Heh heh heh. He was too easy!

???: This isn't easy, Sephnita!

Sephnita looks up and the next thing he knows, Fusion's elbow is planted into his forehead.

Fusion: For a god, your mouth sure does make you an easy target.

Sephnita: (Crap! I am being beaten by a mortal!)

Fusion: I heard that! And I'm immortal like you, thank you very much!

Sephnita: HOW DID YOU READ MY MIND!? I know! You fused with a mind reader, didn't you?

Fusion: I'm not that kind of Fusion. I'm just fused with every power in the universe.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*On the Flying Monkey, Team Monkey bows before their master*

Dark GORE: Master Lupus!

Lupus: Yes! Fusion fell for another one of my cleverly planned holograms! I'm ready. the time has come.

Dark GORE: II have sensed it also. Sephnita has returned.

Lupus: And Evil is watching him. Somehow Dark Jim got there too.

Dark GORE: Soon it will be finished.

Evil: I am free. Gather, slaves.

*Slowly all with Evil in their hearts become zombie-like. Back at Sephnita..>*

Fusion: Ready to die?

Sephnita: *his eyes glow. Suddenly he slaps Fusion with great strength* Feel the Power of pure Evil, a force beyond immortal. *the entire universe trembles as villains from past and present rise to bind together. Even the Robot Team, who have no biological minds, are sucuumbing to its power...*



Introbulus: Dark Jim?!

Fusion: Gamechamp!

Swordmaster: Lupus!

Stuman: ummm....hey! I don't get any EVIL counterparts!

To Be Continued....

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Fusion: And now! To defuse TH Yami Yoshi! DEFUSION BEAM!

<Fusion shoots a beam at the Possessed TH Yami Yoshi. His body splits into three figures: Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, and Sephnitu>

Sephnitu: No! I've been exposed! I must return to my ruby!

BSD: Not so fast! Molten Egg!

<BSD throws the Molten Egg at Sephnitu instantly killing him>

BSD: Ha! Take that!

<The Ruby of Control explodes and Yami Yoshi and the Pharah's souls return to their bodies>

Yami Yoshi: Yeah! We're back!

Pharaoh: Fuse us back together Fusion!

Fusion: All right! FUSION BEAM!

<Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh refuse back into TH Yami Yoshi>

Sephnita: NO!



<Sephnita's body explodes again>


<Sephnita's body returns to normal>

Sephnita: I can't keep on suffering like this! I need back up support! Take this!

<Sephnita pulls another ruby out of his pocket and throws it>

Sephnita: Meet Sephnity!

<Another red robed figure emerges from the ruby>

Sephnity: Yo whaddup!? Sephnity's in da house yo!

TH Yami Yoshi: What the hell?

Author: Fred[edit]

OoC: Are they actually battling in space or is there solid ground?

TH Yami Yoshi: That's so... pokemonish...

Sephnity: Yo yo, brotha! I'm so cool it's making you all look bad!

Fusion: Gaack! This is probably leading up quite nicely to a grand finale...

TH Yami Yoshi: Nah, that's insane!

Sephnity: Hahah! Beam of peer pressure!

Fusion: Arggh! I have a strange inclination to smoke, do stupid things, and agree with the larger group!

Sephnity: Now you are nearly under my control. When my beam's effects are completed, I will have FUSION to do my bidding! He will be so dazzled by my coolness, that he will do whatever I tell him to! Should only be about 2 minutes until that point!

Sephinta: Darn, all of our attacks take time, don't they?

TH Yami Yoshi: (thinking) This is not good. Without him on our side, I fear that he'll destroy my fusion, and then nobody can hold off Sephina. But I'm too busy to do anything about it and so is everyone else.

Fusion: Wow, this is so dope!

Sephinta: Hahah! (TH Yami Yoshi and Sephinta battle it out)

(THYY jumps up and comes down at Sephinta with a kick from far above. Sephinta rolls out of the way. THYY blasts a gigantic egg at her and Sephinta loses balance and doesn't recover correctly from the roll. THYY comes at her with his toung outstretched, and slams it into her gut twice. She then grabs the toung and brings YY to her A la scorpion, while punching him in the face)

Sephnity: Haha, 45 seconds left!

THYY: Holy crap! One more person and we would have made it. Wait, just saying that leaves it quite open fr anyone's character to- oh crap, anyone but him!

(Fred jumps out of his car)

Fred: Grr! Me crush stupid poser thingee!

Sephnity: Oh, ****. Poser beam! (shoots beam)

Fred: Ah oh! (blasted away)

THYY: Well, it was him, but he proved useless again. Hey, wait, what's that?

(it turns out that Fred used his ultra-heavy Axe/Hammer to throw his weight back at Sephnity)

Sephnity: Arghh! (is hit and rams into Stephinta)

Stephinta: Ahhgh! (teleports away from being pushed)

Sephnity: Hah, only 15 more seconds before Fusion is mine. And I don't think you can beat him.

Fred: Me crush you!

Sephnity: Seeing as you get a weapon, I must take out my chain-chucks! (grabs them out in a poser-ish way)

(Fred comes at Sephnity, swinging his weapon, but Sephnity makes his chains curl around his hammer part. Fred Forces and tugs for a while, but decides to swing around on his handle and kick Sephnity away. Sephnity comes back, spinning his chain, and hits Fred right in the arm, forcing his grip to loosen a bit. Hee repeats this for a while, only to notice that Fred lifts the heavy weapon over Sephnity's head, and when his arm eventually does give out, so does Sephnity)

Sephnity: Ow! OH NO! Now I must start over on Fusion! Sephinta! Summon another spirit!

Sephinta: Right! muahahah!