Member OG 3 Page 13

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Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
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Author: Fred[edit]

No one's stopping you. Go ahead.

Why is this story exactly like DBZ?

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:From what I remember, Sophnito hasn't been released, correct? Also, the person with Fred is Nero, correct? Also, Sophnito has the power of life, so he doesn't need the dragonballs, correct? So why the heck would Fred and Sophnito be going! They are hiding! Not going to Namek!

Author: Fred[edit]

I know that.

Wait, who's Nero?

Author: Golem[edit]


GC, if you're talking about Yami Yoshi's post, those facing Spirit Evil don't know that Fred found Sophnito.

Episode 161: "Chaos Control, Anyone?" by Introbulus[edit]

Spirit Evil: Foolish Pharoah! I am the most powerful evil in the universe! Nothing can withstand my awsome power!

Pharoah Yoshi: What about Dark?

SE: Who?

Pharoah Yoshi: You know, that guy who brought you into existance?

SE: You mean to tell me that there is a being out there in the univese...who can beat ME!?!

Pharoah Yoshi: Yeah, you're lookin' at him!

SE: Forget you! I wanna see what this new guy is about!

Jim: Oh no! If he goes to see Dark, then he will surely be destroyed!

Yami Yoshi: Uhhh, why is that a bad thing?

Jim: You may not realize this, but his existance is the only thing holding this universe together!

Yami Yoshi: WHAT?!? Then why are we working so hard to kill him?

Jim: Not kill him, capture him! You see, I had to use the orb of chaos because otherwise his evil would no longer exist, and the fabric of space would be disrupted beyond repair, causing irrepriable damage to this plane of existance!

Yami Yoshi: English, please?

Jim: If we kill him, it's very bad.

Yami Yoshi: Oh, well what makes you so sure that Dark can beat this guy? For all we know, he could woop him, and we'd be down one enemy!

Jim: You may not believe this, but Dark has several times the power of SE in his weakest form!

Yami Yoshi: I don't believe it!

Jim: Told you so, besides, even if he could beat Dark, he's in another universe, and to reach him, he'd have to leave this one! We lose either way!

SE: So, if I leave this place, you losers die and I win, eh?

Yami Yoshi: ...Damn it! I hate soliloque jokes!

Jim: Didn't you hear anything I said about beating Dark?

SE: Fool! Nothing is stronger than me! I will go to the edge of the universe to prove it! In fact, that is EXACTLY what I'm going to do right now!

Pharoah Yoshi: Not if I can help it! Mummification egg!

SE's body is wrapped up in bandages.

Pharoah Yoshi: We've got one minute to power up that egg, let me help you!

Yami Yoshi: No! Even with your power, that's nowhere near enough time!

???: Maybe we could help you?

Jim turns toward the mysterious voice, not waining on his beam, to see...

Jim: Introbulus?!? But I thought you were dead!

Fusion: We did die, but we've come back in spirit form to help you out!

Gore: Just because we didn't survive the first round, doesn't mean we can't have another turn, right?

SwordMaster: We can't let this evil destroy the universe! That's where I was born!

BSD: Time to taste the bitter taste of defeat, Spirit Evil!

All the OGers: This is for the Universe!

Suddenly, a beam of energy shoots out of each OG member, adding energy to the egg rapidly. Seconds later, SE breaks out of his bandages.

Yami Yoshi: Now! Fire!


SE: NOOO!!!!!


As the dust settles, the barely-consious Yami Yoshi, the dizzy Pharoah Yoshi, and the confused Jim get up from off the ground.

Jim: Huh? What happened?

Yami Yoshi: We must've had the support of the OGer's spirits with us! Look at what happened to Spirit Evil!

Yami Yoshi points at a black, relatively small, catipillar-like beast covered in dirt.

Jim: I'm picking up a lower ammount of energy, but he's still quite powerful.

Pharoah Yoshi: Then...why isn't he attacking?

Jim: In this form, known as larvae evil, he does not have the thinking capacity to cause any harm. Now then, it's time to contain him for all eternity.

Jim takes out what appears to be an ordinary crystal ball, then holds it over larvae evil.

Jim: Chaos Control!

Larvae Evil is absorbed into the ball, in the form of a black fog. Jim finds a safe spot in some soft grass and puts the orb down.

Yami Yoshi: ...Chaos Control?

Jim: Hey, what can I say? They made this thing before SA2.

Narrirator: Finally, the battle is over, with the help of the OGer spirits, Jim, Yami Yoshi, and Pharoah Yoshi, have captured Evil. Peace is once again restored to the universe. But, now that Evil is no longer a threat, what is to be done with the fragile ball that must be kept intact to hold the universe together? And can the dead OGers be revived? Find out on our next episode of VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon part 162

Peace at Last.

OOC: Well, there you have it, the final battle! And now it's time for the epilogue! By the way, Nero is the fairy that Gamechamp's former friend (started with a "K".) sent to the OGers to help out.

Epilogue by Yami Yoshi[edit]

Narrator: And so, with Evil sealed inside the Black Orb for all eternity, peace has returned to the Earth. Sophnito used his power to bring all of the OGers back to life. He also restored all of the damage caused by Evil. But how will the Most Powerful Villains Period council react to this situation? And what new terrors lie in wait for our heroes? Find out in VGF Member OG 4!

To Be Continued...

OoC: You can now start the new one GORE.