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Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
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Author: Gamechamp[edit]

POSERNATOR:Now I will kill you by exploding!

The Posernator explodes.

FUSION:Well,that was stupid.

Then,Evil comes.

EVIL:That idiot!He made me warp to some other place!

JIM:Ofcourse!That wasn't Sephnito's ruby,it was Sephnitu's!Sephnitu is still alive,inside the ruby,so the ruby shattered of overflowing!We need to get Sephnito's ruby,because Sephnito is dead,and his ruby is unoccupied!

INTROBULUS:Ofcourse!We must get the other ruby,and fast!

They leave for the shadow fortress yet again...


GREEN:Sir!The enemies have left!

GC:Okay,thankyou. they've come back!

GC:Darn!Let's go out and search again!

Everyone goes out to search...for five seconds,until detours are turned.

Author: Yoshiyami[edit]

Originally posted by Fred: (OoC): My special move is waffle throw. That's pretty rich, but just to let you know, the waffles have salmon on the inside!

Hehe. Well, I couldn't really think of anything. :D

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: My special move is Ultimate Prod, in which I concentrait all of my power into one small point of my body (usually the pointer finger), then release it all onto my enemy in a massive attack. Fortunatly, the metallic crush thing works, too.

(seconds later)

Jim: We found it!

TH Yami Yoshi 4: Well that was quick.

Fusion: Wait, that isn't the ruby...

Introbulus: Well, instead of getting a ruby, we decided to go for the next best thing! Behold!

(Introbulus holds out a crystal ball)

Gore: Wait, isn't that one of the orbs of light?

Jim: It looks like it, doesn't it? But it's actually an orb of darkness! One of the orbs that was used to hold the Four Fiends! We strengthened it with magic, but in order to store Evil inside, we'll have to put Evil to sleep somehow.

Fusion: Wait, if we store Evil in that orb, won't that still leave us with the problem of Dark?

Jim: No, since one of our spells prevents power from exiting the orb, Dark should be instantly transformed back into Dark Jim, making him too weak to do anything against us. At least, for awhile...

(Meanwhile, back at the Robot Headquarters...)

Episode 153: "SwordMaster Versus Skull Evil" by Yoshiyami[edit]

OoC: For now on, I'm gonna use episode titles for the posts...

*Suddenly a siren blares*

Gamechamp’s Voice: Attention intruders! Your location has been detected! Hand over the Dark Orb now!

Introbulus: Let’s get out of here!

*The OGers race through the maze of hallways of the Shadow Fortress searching for an exit*

SwordMaster: There seems to be no way out!

TH Yami Dragoshi 4: Then let’s bust out of here! Magna Dragoshi Egg!

*TH Yami Dragoshi 4 throws a Magna Dragoshi Egg at the wall revealing an opening*

TH Yami Dragoshi 4: Let's go!

*TH Yami Dragoshi 4 followed by the OGers escape through the opening*

TH Yami Dragoshi 4: Now time to end Skull Evil's reign of terror!

*The OGers see Skull Evil floating in the air in front of them*

TH Yami Dragoshi 4: Fusion! I'll need you to defuse us!

Fusion: What!? Are you insane!?

TH Yami Dragoshi: Wait! I have a plan...

Fusion: All right...I hope you know what you're doing...Defusion Beam!

*The Defusion Beam defuses TH Yami Dragoshi 4 into Yami Yoshi, the Pharaoh, and Dragoshi*

Yami Yoshi: Wow! I haven't been this form in a while!

Pharaoh: What the hell are you thinking of doing Yami Yoshi?

Yami Yoshi: Here! *holds up a deck of cards* Each of us will draw a card. The one with the lowest number will fight Skull Evil first. If we all fight him individually, we'll tire him out and Jim will be able to use the Dark Orb on him.

Introbulus: Hmmm...Sounds like a good plan!

Yami Yoshi: All right! Let's draw!

*Each of the OGers draw one card from the deck*

Yami Yoshi: I got a Queen.

Fred: Woo hoo! I got an Ace!

Pharaoh: I got a King.

Fusion: I got a Jack.

Introbulus: I got an 8.

Dragoshi: I got a 7.

GORE: I got a 6.

SwordMaster: Crap...I got a 2...

Yami Yoshi: It looks like you'll be fighting Skull Evil first. As soon as Skull Evil looks worn out, we'll have Jim use the Dark Orb on him!

SwordMaster: All right! I'm ready!

*SwordMaster jumps into the air and flies towards Skull Evil*

SwordMaster: OG Blade Attack!

*SwordMaster slams his sword into the back of Skull Evil knocking his skeletal body into several pieces*

SwordMaster: That was easy!

*Suddenly, the bones fly into the air and regenerate*

Skull Evil: You fool...Do you know how much I hate sneak attacks? You shall pay! Hell Bomb!

*Skull Evil's body glows and explodes blasting SwordMaster into the air*

SwordMaster: Ugh...

Skull Evil: Pitchfork Stab!

*Skull Evil stabs SwordMaser with his pitchfork*

SwordMaster: Ugh...

Skull Evil: You want some more?

*Skull Evil starts stabbing SwordMaster multiple times with his pitchfork*

SwordMaster: *breathing heavily* BLADE ATTACK!

*Using all of his strength, SwordMaster swings his blade into Skull Evil's pitchfork obliterating it*

Skull Evil: No! My pitchfork! You will pay! FIRE BLAST!

*Skull Evil spits a blast of fire at SwordMaster*

SwordMaster: AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

*SwordMaster's body is incinerated by the flames*

Yami Yoshi: !!!

Introbulus: SwordMaster!

Pharaoh: You idiot! Did you know this plan would involve death!?

Dragoshi: What should we do?

Yami Yoshi: You're up next GORE!

Narrator: The sword champion of the world, SwordMaster has just been killed by Skull Evil. Will GORE suffer the same fate as well? Find out in the next episode: GORE Versus Skull Evil!

Episode 154: "GORE's Ultimate Super Task!!!! Will He Die?!!!!!!" by GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: My strongest known attack is the GORE Beam.

GORE draws his sword and stands ready to fight Skull Evil.

GORE: I will stand tall and except my fate.

Skull Evil: Heh heh heh! Do you really expect to defeat the root of all EVIL with that pathetic toothpick you call a sword? I'll show you a real sword. (A flaming sword materializes in Skull Evil's hands.) My sword burns brighter then a thousand suns!

GORE: What's with the Norse Mythology referance?

Skull Evil: The author probably wants to show off his newfound interest in Myths.

GORE: Oh. Now back to reality.

Skull Evil: Today's a special day: The Day of Your Death. (Skull Evil slashs the sword downward towards GORE, who rolls out of the way and cuts at Skull Evil's ribcage. He is unaffected and stabs at GORE's position. He jumps over the sword and lands on it hilt. He runs up Skull Evil's body and cuts at his neck with the sword.) That almost tickled.

GORE plants the sword in Skull Evil's forehead before the giant skeleton blows him off. He falls to the ground. Skull Evil raises his sword, ready to deliver the final blow. All the other OGers (including Gamechamp)hear a voice resembling GORE-ILLA's speak:

Goodbye, friends. Go get em'.

Skull Evil swung the sword down with all his might, as the remainder of GORE's body was quickly engulfed in flames. A large explosion followed. When the dust settled, there was only a deep crater. At the bottom of the crater was a small mound of ashes.

Next: Dragoshi's Turn

Episode 154: "How Michael Jackson got his game on - I mean GORE-ILLA's new groove!" by Fred[edit]

(OoC): Ooh! Ooh! I have a title - wait, I forgot it. Well, I'll just have to improvise.

GORE: How dare you beat the snot out of swordmaster!

Introbulus: Hey, YY, wouldn't it be better for a couple of us to fight him at once? We could survive longer.

YY: No, It's done like this.

Introbulus: Fine, be that way!

GORE: Aren't you listening to me?!?

Skull Evil: Sorry, I was changing my socks - I've been wearing them for 75 days. They probably would have killed you instantly from the stench. I wanted to have some fun with my victim, and see them suffer.

Fred: That's not very nice...

Skull Evil: I went to Law school!

(everyone gasps)

Fusion: No wonder!

Pharoh: What's school? You future people are so weird... Wait, how do I know english?

YY: Shh! Not so loud! Our credibility is already pretty shaky!

Skull Evil: Hey, Quiet over there in the peanut gallery! Anyways, GORE-ILLA, I remember a little something about your past - one of your greatest fears!

GORE: Um, ok.

Skull Evil: I will now reveal your secret - YOU'RE REALLY A WOMAN!

GORE: Wha?

Skull Evil: Whoops, I was saving that one for Dragyoshi. Heh heh. Oh, well, I know you actually hate... DARK GORE!

GORE: We've already established that among our group.

Skull Evil: Well, It just so happens that I can transform into him, adding to your pain and my pleasure! Huahahahaha!

Fred: Wait, wasn't I fighting Person? Oh wait, I remember what happened now, he just gave me candy and I hit him on the head with my hammer and left.

Person: Ouch... I hate you all.

GORE: Fine, be that way! See if I care!

Skull Evil: You will! (transforms into Evil GORE)

Evil GORE: Darn this adjectives, they change the whole character. In life & adventures of Miyamoto a letter changes a character completly!

GORE: Let us fight! (turns arm into a giant spoon weapon)

Evil GORE: Your weapon is strong, but mine is better! (his arm turns into a origami swan made of tinfoil)

GORE: On second thought, let's just use arms.

Evil GORE: You're just jealous of mine. But alright (weapons revert)

GORE: Let's go!

Introbulus: I'll phone the namekians!

(on the phone)


Introbulus: Darn, remind me never to order chinese from that planet with no chinese people.

(GORE and Evil GORE start fighting. GORE uppercuts EG, and EG was hit and flinched, so GORE tackles him. Unfortunatly, EG was faking his recoil and elbows GORE in the stomach. He then grabs GORE by his legs and slams him into the ground. GORE uses his metal arm on the ground to flip himself up, and then throws EG up and over him, nearly hittng Pharoh. GORE charges again, and swings his massive fist. EG ducks, and grabs GORE's other arm. GORE thinks quickly, and turns his metal arm into a heavy weighted hammer, which allows him to get some wieght into the already moving fist, and partially crush EG's skull. EG fixes the dent, and throws a bunch of punches at GORE. GORE blocks a couple, but EG makes his metal arm spiked, and GORE gets cut up badly. EG then knees GORE in the stomach, and throws him to the ground)

Evil GORE: Ha! How pathetic!

GORE's computer: Programming - does not compute... overloading... initializing backup files... Battle systems engaged. (eye turns red) stepping up computer - computer identifies enemy. initializing step-up program - GORE is now superior to enemy.

GORE: Yeah, baby, yeah!

Evil-GORE: Maybe, I shouldn't drop to weaker forms...

Author: Gamechamp[edit]


Kargon has been watching them since he gave the the light sword in his crystal ball.

KARGON:Oh,this is not good!Evil is one of the most powerful fighters ever,it would take many of them to wear him out like that!Nero,get over here!

A small fairy-like creature comes.

NERO:What do you want,Kargon?

KARGON:I'm going to need your help!

NERO:What is it?Did something fall into a hard to reach place again?

KARGON:No!This has to do with saving the Earth!

NERO:What?!?!?!?!What is it?

KARGON:The friends,or used-to-be friends of Gamechamp,my friend,are trying to defeat Evil.You got that,little friend?

NERO:I got as far as the 4th friend.

KARGON:That means you heard the entire thing I said!Now,anyway,I want you to go to where they are and hide,when they're finished fighting,use this.

He gives Nero a strange emerald.

KARGON:This is the emerald of Sophnito,one of the enemys of the Sephnit- people.He has the power of life.Release him from the emerald as soon as Evil is defeated.


Nero leaves to where they are fighting with the emerald,while everyone has no idea she's even there. TO BE CONTINUED...

Author: Fred[edit]

Wait, crap.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

Two Problem's, Fred:

1. I'm dead. 2. I'm not a Transfrormer. As cool as it would be, I cannot turn my arm into a metal spoon.

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC):Yah, we posted at the same time. And I thought your arm could transform. hehe... spoon.

Episode 155: "Skull Evil's Transformation" by Yoshiyami[edit]

OoC: I think Fred and Gamechamp posted too late. I'll just continue the OG from GORE's post.

Dragoshi: It's my turn now...I must avenge my fallen comrades!

*Dragoshi eyes the hole in Skull Evil's forehead*

Dragoshi: Dragoshi Flame!

*Dragoshi spits a Dragoshi Flame that flies into Skull Evil's forehead*

Skull Evil: ARGH!!!

*Skull Evil starts clutching his forehead in pain*

Introbulus: The hole that GORE created before he died is an excellent weak point!

Pharaoh: But let's see if he lasts long enough...

Dragoshi: Dragoshi Flame Storm!

*Dragoshi shoots about ten Dragoshi Flames into Skull Evil's forehead*

Skull Evil: YAARRGGHH!!!

*Skull Evil starts screaming loudly in pain*


Fusion: *covering his ears* Boy that's loud!

Introbulus: Look!

*Skull Evil screams until his head self-destructs causing a huge explosion*

Yami Yoshi: What the hell?

Fusion: Is he dead?

Introbulus: I don't think so...

*The smoke clears and Skull Evil is nowhere to be seen*

Dragoshi: Ha ha ha! He's dead!

Skull Evil's Voice: I wouldn't celebrate just yet! You will pay for all the pain you caused me! SHADOW SUFFICATION!

*A dark hand appears out of nowhere and grabs Dragoshi's neck*

Dragoshi: *choking* Cannot...breathe...

*After 5 minutes, Dragoshi sufficates and his lifeless body is obliterated by the darkness*

Yami Yoshi: Dragoshi's gone too...But what the hell happened to Skull Evil!?

Skull Evil's Voice: I'm right here!

*A black, shadowy transparent figure appears in front of the OGers*

Phantom Evil: I am Phantom Evil, my most powerful form! My body is composed of complete shadow! You OGers are doomed! Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: So Evil has transformed once again. Will the mechanical expert Introbulus stand a chance against Evil's mysterious new form? Find out the next episode: Introbulus Versus Phantom Evil!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

OoC: Perfect. My death was not in vain.

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

OOC:My post actuallyu was right.When I started my post,Fred's was not there,only Gore's,and I see no way how my post even connects with Fred's,because it was made before I read Fred's,which I really haven't even read.So how I see it,Gore posted 5 seconds before I came,and 5 seconds after I started my reply,Fred's reply was added.Mine was like the last one,it ignored the things that happened in Fred's post. Just plain and simple,my post happened,so we pretty much know how everyone'll be revived.

Author: Fred[edit]

(OoC): Ok. Well, my screw up. It's there for reading, since it was reasonably funny.

Lupus and Napolean are at it again - because DVGBA tried it again. I'm posting too. It's pretty funny, sincee DVGBA keeps trying to do the same thing. But whatever.

Episode 156: "Sacrifice of the Metal Master," by Introbulus[edit]

OOC: Well, looks like it's my turn...

Introbulus: Hahaha! You think you can defeat a partially immortal IDSTT? Ha! I've faught with beings TWICE as strong as you! You aren't even worth my effort! How about a truce instead?

Evil: Well, I suppose a truce would...HEY! You're trying to trick me! No truce! I have the world in my grasp!

Introbulus: Wow, you've got to teach me how you grab things without any hands! That must be complicated.

Evil: Well, you see, I just densify a specific...HEY! Stop that! How are you able to get to me like this?

Introbulus: In battle, I perform much more admirably than I do on the field. Plus, now that you have been scattered into a vapor, you no longer have a clear mind. If I may use such a pun, it is "clouded".

Yami Yoshi: What the heck is going on? He's suddenly become a smooth-talking warrior of coolness?

Jim: For some reason, when forced to fight enemies stronger than himself, Introbulus's power and intelligence grows dramatically. He also tries to be serious for a change. Too bad he can't be like that all the time, eh?

Introbulus: Now then, let's get to the battle. Jim can't wait all day you know.

Evil: Yes, I will beat you in battle! Then I will own the world! Then you will all see! I am not one to be trifled with!

Introbulus: Shut up! Random beam!

A beam of completely random power is shot out at the dark mass of fog.

Evil: Ow! Why aren't you attacking directly?!? You're spoiling my plan!

Introbulus: Do you really think I'm that stupid?

Everyone: Yes!

Introbulus: I know your game, if I enter your cloud, you steal my body and use it to kill all the OGers. By the way, thanks for spoiling your plan for me! I couldn't have done it without your help!

Evil: Grrr...EVIL BEAM!


Introbulus Ooof!

Evil: Yes! I defeated him!

Introbulus: Ow! That's gonna leave a mark!

Evil: What?!? How?!? You aren't powerful enough to survive that attack!

Introbulus: Hey genius, I'm partially immortal, remember? POWER STRIKE!


Evil: Gah! No! I refuse to be taken down by someone with an I.Q. equivalent to a pickle!

Evil gathers his energy against Introbulus, concentraiting all of it onto one point.

Introbulus: Oh, so it's this game, eh?

Introbulus begins to do the same, gathering all of his strengh into his right pointer finger.

Introbulus: So be it! I wasn't planning on having this battle drag out for much longer anyway!

(a bit more charging...)

Jim: Good lord of darkness! Everyone get down!

The OGers hit the dirt to protect themselves from the attacks that follow.

Evil: Mega-evil Blast!

Introbulus: Ultimate prod!


As the dust clears, nothing is left of the two warriors...

Jim: Introbulus ...your death will not go forgotten, I swear that I will restore you!

???: You'll have to deal with me first!

Yami Yoshi: No! It can't be!

The black smoke gathers itself into one place again, then proceeds to take a form...

Black smoke: Bwahahahaha! That fool shouldn't have wasted his attack! It was just enough to drive me to my final form!

Jim: (thinking)Excellent! Yami Yoshi's plan is working! Now that he's down to the final form, it won't be long before we've worn him down enough to use the orb!(/thinking)

Narrirator: The suicide manuver by Introbulus has driven Evil to his final form early! Next up is the warrior with every attack in the universe, Fusion! But, with their numbers deminishing, do the OGers stand enough of a chance to defeat and capture Evil? Find out next time, on episode 157 of the VGF Member OG 3, tentatively titled...

157: Fusion Makes his Move.