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Full Name: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Species: Human
Creator: SwordMaster
First Appearance: Member OG

General Info

SwordMaster is the self-proclaimed Defender of Cheesecake whom, as his name implies, is a master swordsman. He appears as a youth, looks as if in his late teens. He is of average height with shaggy, dirty-blonde hair and is usually seen wearing dark-colored clothes and dark boots. His original sword was the OG Blade. He originally lived in his own bachelor pad.

SwordMaster is usually laid back, but he becomes deathly serious when the situation is serious. He is nice to people he likes and rude to people he finds annoying. SwordMaster also has a strong sense of honor, especially in the later Member OGs.


Details of his past remain unrevealed, although he somehow became wanted in the town of Talon for upsetting its mafia head, Don Talon. It was suggested at one point that the feud had something to do with some type of map SwordMaster had.

Bad Timeline

In Member OG, SwordMaster joined up with Yami Yoshi's group of OGers when he heard that Yami's cheesecake had been stolen by Lupus. SwordMaster was determined to reclaim it, although he made a few accidents along the way such as accidentally activating the laser that destroyed the entire Western Hemisphere. He also developed a dislike for one of his teammates, Black Skull Dragoshi. At one point SwordMaster wielded the Vorpal Sword in order to battle the possessed Vorpal. Even though SwordMaster left the sword behind, the demon of the sword continued to call out to him afterwards. Ultimately SwordMaster became one of the legendary OG Six, and the OG Six was able to defeat Lupus in BanLand in 2010.

Afterwards, Yami Yoshi put SwordMaster in charge of his cheesecake factory. SThree years later, SwordMaster joined in on the quest to help Fusion find his lost ruby in Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist, even though he did not think it was as interesting as a cheesecake. At one point, his hand was cut off in battle with the Robot Team, but doctors were able to give him a new mechanical arm. SwordMaster also accompanied the OGers in Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon! and had his moment to shine when he was fused with the Light Sword to become LightMaster, and with the power of the Light Sword he was able to defeat Shade. Like the other OGers, he sacrificed himself in battle with Evil but was revived by Sophnito.

SwordMaster almost literally did nothing in Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest. This is evident in the formation of the Anti-OG Six, as SwordMaster's rival on the Anti-OG Six was a worthless minion named Koopa. The entire planet Earth was later destroyed by the MPVP at the end of Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze. However, SwordMaster escaped the explosion due to coincidentally being in a spaceship at the time. The ship was tossed into space by the explosion and later crashed on the planet Hilt. SwordMaster and the crew of the ship lived as barbarians for a short period until the OGers discovered them there, through even greater coincidence, at the beginning of Member OG 6: VGF Moon.

During the adventures through space, SwordMaster also met and befriended another swordsman named Daioshogun, who was destroyed with the planet Militia. After helping to bring the final downfall of the MPVP, Earth was restored and the OGers returned there. In Member OG 7: Neogenesis, SwordMaster competed in Goren's tournament due to the cheesecake at stake. He was reunited with the OGers and also started a relationship with Chizu, the group's new girl. And he spent some time on the run from Chief Sigmund, who was trying to capture him for Don Talon.

SwordMaster also met the legendary swordsman Bat-Ear Mirawk and vowed to beat him to live up to his name. But before they could battle, Mirawk was killed in a lava explosion. Mirawk's body was later possessed by the Velvet Monkey, which enraged SwordMaster. SwordMaster, with his sword powered by Daioshogun's soul, was able to plant the finishing blow on Mirawk to drive the Velvet Monkey out, so Mirawk could rest in peace.

In Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant, SwordMaster was captured by the bounty hunter Vlad. Vlad took him to the Cheese Star, where SwordMaster was frozen in cheddarnite to test the Cheese Star's cheddarnite chambers. Afterwards, Vlad delivered SwordMaster to Don Talon on Earth. However, Vlad later freed SwordMaster to help in the battle against Lupus, and he led the Talon Police into the big war for some reason. SwordMaster continued travelling with the OGers in Member OG 9: One-Page Wonder and Member OG 10: Full Circle. In Member OG 10, he lost his trusty OG Blade when it was absorbed by a tree monster. However, he later found the Vorpal Sword entirely by chance and used it to duel with Murasame. The Vorpal Sword granted him more power but also started to corrupt his mind.

SwordMaster and Chizu were among the last OGers alive at the end of Member OG 10, and SwordMaster and GORE-ILLA (whom had gone insane) were the only survivors of the OG Six.

In Happy Ending?, it was shown that one year after Member OG 10, SwordMaster had become a member of Team Rocket Omega's board of executives, known as Mr. B.


See Also