Member OG 6 Page 3

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Pages in the Member OG 6 Archive
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Author: Yami

Meanwhile on the Flying Monkey I…

*Robobulus points in the direction of Introbulus' volkswagon*

Yami Yoshi: It’s Introbulus! *notices the Robot Team in the backseat of the volkswagon* ..and the Robot Team?!

GORE: What...why is Introbulus with THEM?

Robobulus: I have no idea. However, it appears that Introbulus has joined the evil side. Therefore, I must oppose him and fight for the good side!

Yami Yoshi: Sooooo…you’re saying that you must always fight on the opposite side of Introbulus?

Robobulus: That is correct.

Yami Yoshi: Ha ha ha…you’re crazy.

Legion: We should try to confront Introbulus now and try to talk some sense into him.

GORE: Sounds like a good idea. Hey, PL-0TT?

PL-0TT: Yes?

GORE: Fly the Flying Monkey I in the direction of that volkswagon!

PL-0TT: Yes, GORE.

Meanwhile inside Introbulus' volkswagon...

Blue: Hey Boss! There’s a spaceship coming this way!

Gamechamp: Who is it?

Green: *using his built-in scanning goggles* It’s the OGers!

Gamechamp: Destroy them! *notices Introbulus* Wait a second…Introbulus, shall you do the honors?

Introbulus: What?!

Gamechamp: Now’s your chance to prove your worth to the Robot Team…blast your former friends to smithereens!

Introbulus: Huh…but…


~Intro's core existence floats about randomly in a colorless and shadeless realm. A note instantaneously appears before him. It reads...~

To the one known as Introbulus, You are needed to restore balance to the universe. Earth's destruction will be just the beginning of the repercussions if the OGers tempt to tip the scale further--by chasing whatever they feel they need to. If they continue, the universe will become unravelled.
You are called to duty once again, this time, to stop the OGers. This Eerie will call you to life at an advantageous position for starting your quest. However, this note does not bind you to life. After you reach a result, whatever it may be, you will be sent again to death.
Do not forget the dire circumstances of your mission!

Eerie (a small reptillian ghost): ~takes note and stuffs it into a pocket of the air~ Well?

Intro: How do I know that note was the real deal?!

~Seconds later...~

Intro: I must not fail the universe! I only hope I don't have to hurt them...


Introbulus: Oh my…I almost forgot… *to self* …I guess I have no choice…I have to do this…for myself…for the universe…

Gamechamp: Well, are you going to kill them or not?!

Introbulus: Y-yes…yes I will.

*Introbulus rolls down the window and aims his index finger at the Flying Monkey I*

Introbulus: *whispering* Yami Yoshi…everyone…I’m sorry…please forgive me…I have to do this…ULTIMATE PROD!!

Author: Golem

~Introbulus watches as his friends' ship warps in shape and twists itself into a wayward momentum towards a planet.~

Red: Ahaha! Good job! Though I could've done much better in a proverbial heartbeat...

Yellow: What's that thing they're going to hit?

Blue: ~at a computer screen~ Boss, you might want to get this roomy spacecar out of here. We're edging into the war zone mentioned back on page 1, and there's a huge, massive who-knows-what that's entered the scene since I last looked at this map.

Yellow: That's what they're going to crash on!

Green: Some kind of weapon?

Introbulus: ~moves to window~ That's... but it couldn't be... Is it?

Black: Cut the drama.

Introbulus: It's Krad...?

Author: Yami

The Apocalypse Meeting Room…

Kradian Soldier 1: Emperor Akujin, we’ve detected a crashed spaceship in the Kradra Desert, approximately 6km from Kradopolis. Sensors indicate that they’re the OGers.

Kradian Soldier 2: Should we send in scouts?

Emperor Akujin: Heh heh heh…no…let’s give our “Fusion Kradian” a little…field training, shall we?

Fusion Kradian (Kradian Lab Assistant): RURRGH!! *swinging his massive claws* I’LL RIP THEM TO SHREDS!!

Author: Golem

Akujin: What?! The OGers are on the surface?! ~speaking to tiny microphone on edge near neck of cloak~ Evacuate the surface of the planet immediately and reverse thrust!

Voice from microphone: But Akujin, the planet will be heading straight for a mine field!!

Akujin: I know where we are, fool! That's why you have to evacuate the surface immediately!

Hades: What about the Fusion Kradian?

Akujin: Teleport him down to the crash site now.

~Soon, on Krad, where a hunk of twisted metal lays on the ground...~

Yami Yoshi: ~hops out of a small door~ Ugh... that was a bumpy ride...

Legion: ~appears next to Yami~ Are we on a meteor?

~A sword slices a hole through the metal exterior of the twisted metal and out crawls Swordmaster. Soon after, the ruined ship's top half floats off of its bottom half, which is set to the side, revealing that Robobulus moved the top half from inside. This frees GORE and PL-0TT.~

Robobulus: This is Krad... The MPVP's true headquarters.

Yami: ~pointing to distance~ What are those black things floating towards us?!

GORE: Those are bombs! If anything touches them, they blow up! A mine field, if you will... We have to find shelter!

SwordMaster: True enough, but I don't think that's on Tall, Dark, and Ugly's agenda!

~SwordMaster's comment draws everyone's attention to the Fusion Kradian.~

~Aboard the station wagon...~

Intro: Our dirty work is going to be done for us... If they survived the crash, then they're headed straight for the war zone! If they survive the mine field, the crossfire of the two planets will get them!

Author: Yami

The Kradra Desert…

*The Fusion Kradian approaches the crater where the OGers are hiding*

Fusion Kradian: *swinging his claws* RURRRGH!! I’LL KILL YOU ALL!!

Yami Yoshi: Whoa…what the hell is that?

GORE: It looks like a Kradian but it’s…

Sword Master: …a tall, dark, ugly one.

GORE: *rolling his eyes* …yeah, thanks Sword Master.

That Guy: Crap, he’s coming this way!

Yami Yoshi: Don’t worry! I’ll take care of ‘im!

*Yami Yoshi jumps and Flutter Kicks out of the crater*

GORE: Yami Yoshi!

*Yami Yoshi lands in front of the Fusion Kradian*

Yami Yoshi: Hey, you! If you wanna kill us all, you gotta kill me first!

*The Fusion Kradian advances towards Yami Yoshi and swipes at him with his claws*

Yami Yoshi: Whoa!

*Yami Yoshi ducks as the enormous black claw swooshes over his head and shatters a rock behind him*

Yami Yoshi: Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at the Fusion Kradian’s head and hits him square in the face*

Fusion Kradian: URRGGH!!

Yami Yoshi: Ha ha! Bull’s-eye!

*The Fusion Kradian stumbles backwards from the force of the explosion, but immediately regains his balance and advances back toward Yami Yoshi*

Fusion Kradian: RURRGH!!

GORE: Impossible, that Kradian received full blast from Yami Yoshi’s Dark Egg! His head should’ve been blown to pieces!

Yami Yoshi: What?! No way! AH!

*The Fusion Kradian scoops Yami Yoshi up with his claw and flings him into the air*

Yami Yoshi: WAAAAAAAAH!!

*Yami Yoshi hurtles several feet into the air before crashing into a rock*

Sword Master: Yami Yoshi!

GORE: *activates lightsaber* This looks like the job for a Jedi Knight. Lets see him try to resist the power of the Force!

To Be Continued

Author: Golem

~SwordMaster grasps GORE's shoulder and pulls him back.~

GORE: What's the big idea?

SwordMaster: Haven't you learned anything? We can only win when we work as a team!

GORE: ~nods~ You're right.

PL-0TT: Everyone, stand back. GORE, I've been saving something for just an occasion--oh no, look at the beast!!

~While GORE is looking at the Fusion Kradian and not PL-0TT, the plot device opens its chest and gets out a piece of cheese, then throws it over GORE's line of sight. GORE doesn't notice the cheese until it lands on the Fusion Kradian's head.~

GORE: Remember what happens when GORE sees CHEEEESE?!?!

~In the volkswagon... or is it station wagon? I keep switching between the two...~

Introbulus: Well... I guess it's time to go.

~Almost as if the universe was acknowledging Introbulus, he was gone in an instant and placed before a blinding light.~

Voice: We are facing a problem. At first, your mission would have aided the universe's balance by quelling two forces that keep upping the S-Space deterioration of this realm.

Introbulus: (think)S-Space deterioration...?!(/think)

Voice: However, the force opposing the OGers--the MPVP--has found a way to multiply the power of the other side a thousandfold. They are working on making every one of their soldiers nearly invincible. If they succeed, it will toss the responsibility of S-Space deterioration in their direction.
We're dealing with two very powerful sides, and even if the OGers don't manage to up the ante, the universe is done for. The MPVP have already transformed 50 or so Kradians into nearly invincible creatures. Kradian security is too strong at this point.
We have a very powerful force here, but it suggests something bigger. It's almost as if someone or something doesn't want us correcting the universe...

Introbulus: ...So what did you bring me here for?

Voice: ...Any ideas?


Author #1: Wow. This story is starting to get over the top...

Author #3: Ahahah, just the way I like it!

Author #4: It was easy to write Fusion into a situation that put the universe in jeopardy.

Author #6: But, ummm,... who's writing for that Voice that was just introduced?

~Everyone looks to each other, realizing that none of them have.~


Author: AaronGuy

A short introduction for a not so short character..

As the OGers square off with the Ferocious Fusion Kradian, a thin door on the bottom half of ruined Flying Monkey creaks open. The door leads to a closet, which was miraculously unscathed during the crash landing, which was good news for the stowaway withing.

Gangly Guy: ~peers out from inside the closet~ Of all the places to teleport to, I wind up in a closet. Still, anything is better than being on Earth.. or perhaps what's left of it.. I just wish the transporter didn't break during that crash landing. So much for superior alien technology... Huh? ~finally takes notice of the battle, and Fusion Kradian~ Yikes! ~slams the closet door, a bit too loudly~ What've I gotten myself into?!


Pl-0TT: Haha! GORE becomes retarded yet invincible when in the presence of cheese-related products! Just watch this!

*PL produces a slice of cheesecake and tosses it at the end of several rows of rocks which coincidentally form a maze. Instead of navigating it, he simply runs right through each wall to the end and wharfs the cheesecake slice.*


Pl: Yo see?? Unbeatable!

Yami Yoshi: Yes, that's fine and all, but what about the Fusion Kradian?

PL: Right. GORE, look, more cheese!

*But PL's too late, as, in the meantime, Fusion Kradian has peeled the cheese off his face and tossed it onto the floor. GORE rushes over and begins slurping up teh cheese off the floor, leaving himself very much open to attack. The Fusion Kradian takes this oppurtunity to raise his oversized foot above GORE and slam it down on his head, smashing GORE's face into the cheese. GORE leaps up, his face filled with rage, as he clasps his hands together, then swings them upward, slamming the Fusion Kradian's chin and sending him flying into the nearby mine field, where he inexplicably explodes.*


Legion: Damn, for his intelligence to have dropped THAT much...

Yami Yoshi: Whatever, let's move on to whatever it is we're supposed to do here. Which I forgot.

Gangly Guy: Hurry up, I'll be late for the Late Show!

That Guy: Wait, where did you come from?

Author: Yami

Meanwhile on the Apocalypse…

Hades: Hmm…it looks like your Fusion Kradian isn’t as powerful as you had originally hypothesized, Dr. Beelzebub.

Beelzebub: Don’t worry. With thousands of these on the battlefield, we’ll have an unstoppable force!

Hades: How much longer until we have this so-called “unstoppable force”?

Pan: At the current blood duplication rate, we’ll have enough blood to supply the entire Kradian Army in approximately two and a half hours. And it will take another twelve hours to inject each individual soldier.

Hades: In that amount of time, the OGers will have already reached Kradopolis and the MPVP headquarters. Emperor Akujin will have our heads if we allow them to do so. What are we going to do?

Beelzebub: I have an idea. We already have enough blood to supply half your troops. You can send one half of your troops out to the battlefield and we can start the blood transfusion with the other half.

Hades: I see…even if they manage to survive the first wave of troops, the second wave will definitely slaughter them! Let’s do it!

Author: AaronGuy

Back on Krad...

That Guy: I'll ask you again... where did you come from?

Gangly Guy: Oh, I just... uh... closet. ~turns to run~

Yami Yoshi: Hold it right there! ~grabs Gangly Guy's shoulder~ Okay buddy, who are you? A another flunkie from the MPVP? Or maybe you're one of those random villians that act independently, just for kicks...

Gangly Guy: No, I think I fit under the 'guy who left Earth before it exploded because he didn't want to die, and just HAPPENED to pop up in your close' demographic.

PL-0TT: How'd you do that? We never touched down on Earth before it exploded.

Gangly Guy: With this. ~holds out a crushed metallic blue object~

PL-0TT: And what is it, exactly?

Gangly Guy: Well, it -WAS- a teleporter, but after that crash, it's now a BROKEN teleporter.

PL-0TT: Interesting... Where'd you get one of those?

Gangly Guy: Oh, it's all part of my long, dark past...

Yami Yoshi: That's great, but we really need to get moving. If there are one of those giant Kradians here, there might be more. Let's go.

Gangly Guy: H-Hey! What about me? You can't just leave me here!

GORE: ~finished off the cheese a while ago~ No, I suppose not. Okay, you can come along with us, possibly dropping bits and peices of your past in irritatingly short amounts, depending on the mood of the poster.

Gangly Guy: Aces!

PL-0TT: By the way, what is your name?

Gangly Guy: Aaron Michael Octavian Zebulon MacGuyver. If I had friends, they'd call me AaronGuy.

PL-0TT: Well AaronGuy, let's get moving...

Author: Golem

GORE: We're going to need some sort of map to get around... PL-0TT, will you do the honors?

PL-0TT: Scanner malfunction. Most likely cause of malfunction: too powerful of a plot device is nearby.

AaronGuy: I guess that's our cue to dig!

Yami Yoshi: Noo! We're going to find... something...

SwordMaster: At least the Fusion Kradian seems to have set off the entire mine field.

AaronGuy: But look out farther. There's a light show out there, what could it be?

~AaronGuy points to where the mine field was, and off in the distance, white flashes of light dance around. In the station wagon, Blue knows what is happening...~

Yellow: ~looking at where Introbulus was~ Who's driving...?

Gamechamp/Red: ~looking out window~ GRRR! Those OGers managed to get away... AGAIN!!

Blue: ~looking out window~ They're not out of danger yet, Boss: there's heavy laser fire off in the distance. Looks like squadrons of lightweight fighters are fighting.

Green: And even if they do survive the laser fire, they'll be caught in the outer space territory of one of those two planets. ~points to two planets far off into the distance at opposite ends of the left and right views possible from the station wagon~ One of those planets is gonna get mad that the moving planet ~points to planet that the OGers are on~ is in their territory, and providing that the OGers don't find a way off or find a way to hide under the planet's surface, they'll be in trouble.

Gamechamp: Is there any way you can speed that up?

~Blue and Green look to each other and smirk, at least as much as a robot can smirk.~

Blue: Oh, I think we could manage.

~Then Green's "face" drops.~

Green: Well, we COULD have managed. But our HQ was blown up, along with all of our stuff!!

~Elsewhere, Black Skull Dragoshi is cooling his heels in the cell of a dungeon, waiting to be tortured...~

BSD: Gee... too busy to torture little ol' me!

~BSD looks around the cell, and notices a familiar brick on the ceiling, and falls into a trance for a few seconds. He then feels compelled to press the brick, and when he does, a pathway just big enough for him and his wings opens up, letting a ladder drop to the floor. BSD has no idea what he's getting into, but he climbs up the ladder anyway, knowing at the very least that his inner body and mind are volunteering something he knows nothing about...~


*We now shift our scene to the planet at war with Krad, the Planet Militia, which got it's name because someone thought it sounded cool. That and the fact that Militia posses the greatest miltary powers in the known universe except for maybe Krad, but we'll find out for sure soon enough. Anyway, let's see what's going on in the throne room.*

Daishogun: Sire! The Scouts have been deployed!

King Senso: Yeah, what's up with that?

Daishogun: Nothing yet, sir. The Kradians have yet to launch a counterattack. They might be onto us.

King Senso: Impossible. They cannot know of the X-Bombs hidden in each of the vessels! It's a foolproof trap! They'd think they were mere scout aircraft until they destroy one and the entire planet explodes!

Daishogun: I warned you, sir. I knew something like this would happen. You've supremely underestimated Akujin! Copying his technology was not a wise idea.

King Senso: ...Order the pilots to self-destruct their vessels.

Daishogun: ...yes sir. (activates walkie-talkie.) Orders straight from King Senso- he wants us to-- .......................... What?! ...Alright. Roger. (Turns off the talkie.) That was someone who calls himself GameChamp.

Senso: GameChamp?? How'd he get ahold of our walkie-talkies?

Daishogun: He and his men snuck into the ships, salvaging the X-Bombs, deactivating the ships, and handing in the pilots to the MPVP for immediate execution- so GameChamp says.

Senso: I will NOT stand for this! Send in... the big guns.

Daishogun: (hesitates and presses a shiny-ass red button.)

Author: Gamechamp

Gamechamp: <__< >__> Wait... why did we start doing this all of a sudden? And what happened to Introbulus?

Introbulus: I'm over here, helping you.

Blue: And this is all part of our master plan, for we are capturing these pilots and giving them to the MPVP because we're too lazy to kill them ourselves. And we're going to use all the parts of the X-bombs to make up for our loss of stuff on Earth.

Yellow: And, we'll probably end up accidentally forgetting to get an X-Bomb, which may become some dumb peril of timed escape from Krad later on.

Black: And we may not ever be in the script of our original author.

Gamechamp: Of course! I can't believe I forgot!

They then go back to what they were doing.

Green: Wow! I've already been able to construct...

He takes out a rocket nozzle and a remote control.

Green: The Robo Cycle's new rocket booster and homing remote! With these we can travel through space on our Robo Cycles, and call them to our location!

Black: Wait... what's that over there?

He points outside of the ship they are currently in, to see a wave of giant ships with Super Laser Cannons of Super Death attatched to them.

Gamechamp: That would be a reason for a fight scene.

They then rush out the airlock to fight the forces of that Senso guy.

Author: Golem

~Meanwhile, on the other planet in the mix--the planet known as Hephaestia--who has been at war with Planet Militia since before Krad came on the scene... An aged woman, Clymetis, stands at a podium, talking to a decently sized crowd of around 100...~

Senator Clymetis: Our defenses are greatly superior to those of Planet Militia. That allows for a pause in this war with Planet Militia, which should be halted until this third planet (which some suppose is Krad) makes its move. Do not forget that Planet Militia is renowned for its war technology; anything better than Militia standards is unheard of. That makes our defenses certainly better than anything this third planet might have.

Senator Ellior: ~middle-aged man standing up from the crowd~ Clymetis, you keep denying that the planet is Krad. The very crux of our argument is that the planet is Krad, which it undeniably is, when one looks at the evidence.

Senator Clymetis: Ellior, the only cold hard fact we have at the moment is that someone sealed away everything in and on Krad sometime in the past. Our own research missions to Krad, which was and is immobile, found this to be absolutely true. In fact, only traces of Robobulus and Dark Jim, the legendary two who sealed everything away, were still there.

Senator Ellior: Those research missions were over twenty years ago.

Senator Clymetis: Are you suggesting that the entirety of Krad has become mobile within 25 years? Are you suggesting that they have built up their giant weapons stockpile within the past 25 years? Such suggestions seem foolish to me.

Senator Mayemus: ~walks up to podium, Clymetis moves aside~ It is time. The Senate must vote. ~walks to the back of the room, where some are standing up by themselves, then whispers~ If the planet is truly Krad, then you will be crucial. Kradians only talk in an Earth tongue known as "Japanese." Teach to everyone that you can about this language; we need as many translators as possible.

Author: Yami

The Kradra Desert…

Sergeant Shy Guy: *peering through a pair of binoculars* Legion! Legion!

Legion: What is it, SSG?

SSG: There’s this massive army of Kradian soldiers…and they’re heading this way!

Legion: What?! Give me those! *snatches the binoculars* Lemmie see this…

*Legion peers into the binoculars*

Legion: *sweatdrop* …ho…ly…crap.

GORE: What’s wrong, Legion?


Yami Yoshi: Whoa…wait…what’s going on?

Legion: *grabs Yami Yoshi by the tail* Idiot!! Get inside!!

Yami Yoshi: Augh!! Lemmie go!!

Legion: *flings Yami Yoshi into the ship* Everyone!! Hurry up!! Get your asses in there!!

*When the OGers finally enter the wrecked ship, Legion slams the entrance shut and pulls out his pistol*

Yami Yoshi: *rubbing his tail* Ow…whaddya throw me for?!

Legion: Shut up. Listen…

*The thunderous marching of the Kradian Army rumbles the earth (or krad in this case) above them. Legion cocks his pistol and aims it at the ship’s entrance*

Legion: All right. Get ready, guys…

To Be Continued...