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Pages in the Member OG 6 Archive
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Author: Yami[edit]

*The OGers’ Hummingbirds and the Militian Hefighters approach the Hephaestian Boat fleet, lead by Commander Daishogun in his Daiship*

Daishogun: All right, troops! We stand 1233 to 1234 with Hephaestia! We cannot lose this battle! FIRE AT WILL!!

GORE: Here we go…I wonder how Robobulus is faring against Introbulus…


Blue’s Head: Ugh…Yellow, your foot is crushing my head…

Yellow’s Head: Well, at least your head isn’t up someone’s a— *fart noise* AHHHHHH! I’M SUFFICATING!

Green’s Head: Eheheh…excuse me…

Black’s Head: Ugh…can’t move…what the hell is going on?


Robobulus’ Voice: Heh heh…I just wanted some hors d’oeuvres before advancing to the main course…

*Robobulus unfurls his invisibility cloak and materializes above the Robot Team’s sphere*

Robobulus: I had feeling you would be brought back to life somehow. But why did you turn against the OGers and join this group of bumbling fools?

*Robobulus grabs the sphere and dropkicks it into the depths of space*

Introbulus: Gamechamp!!

Robobulus: Oh well…your foolish reasons would mean nothing to me. Now, I shall finally fulfill my life’s number one mission and kill you once… *arm morphs into a cannon* …and for all!! Robobulus Bomb!!

*Robobulus fires a Robobulus Bomb (the same bomb that destroyed an entire Skull Jet fleet earlier in this OG) at Introbulus*

Introbulus: Metal Manipulation!

*Introbulus holds out his palm and the bomb freezes midair, inches away from his face*

Introbulus: Don’t forget…I have the power to control metal too!

Robobulus: Heh heh heh…my Robobulus Bomb is still ticking time bomb! It will explode whether it makes contact with its target or not!

Introbulus: What?!

Robobulus: It should detonate arooooound……now.

Introbulus: *sweatdrop* Oh shi—


To Be Continued…

Author: Introbulus[edit]

Robobulus: How sad...a great warrior like Introbulus, brought down by a simp...wha?

(Smoke clears, and Intro is standing there, singed, but relatively unhurt)

Robobulus: That was a special made bomb! What happened?

Introbulus: Forgot already? I'm resistant to explosives, duh. So I absorbed the blast.

Robobulus: Damn! I forgot that we're evenly matched!

Introbulus: hindsight, it was probably a poor choice to meet me head-on. Especially with an ace-in-hole like that.

Robobulus: Bah! I'll still kill you! Eat flame!

(Robobulus fires his flamethrower at Introbulus, who rolls out of it's way, then leaps into the air with his scyth drawn, and slashes Robobulus in half)

Robobulus: You cheapass! (Quickly re-connects himself in mid-air) Didn't think that would work, did you?

Introbulus: ...PROD! (BLAMMO!)

Robobulus: Aww cra...(VAPORIZE!)

Introbulus: (Lands on the ground) Phew...there...Robobulus is gone...he won't be a threat to us for least until his molecules re-assemble...but for now, he's gone...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*The eight remaining Hummingbirds flew straight towards the ten Hippo Boats. Each Hummingbird takes on two Boats- though SSG travels with Legion and That Guy works with ???. GORE and SwordMaster each have only one opponant.*

Yami Yoshi: Initiate Plan Omega-Gammma-Tosho-Super-Alpha Palm Manuever EX-35467856.98884/2, AKA fire at random!

*The Hummingbirds all fire their lasers at the same time, but the laserfire bounces off the Hippo shields and back at the OGers, who scamper out of the way. GORE's ship's engine is destroyed, but he ejects himself in time and leaps from Hummingbird to Hummingbird, again inexplicably breathing and just plain living in space, until he approaches the Boats and activates his lightsaber. GORE slashes at the first Boat with all his might, but the shield tosses him off. However, GORE hears a small crackling noise and sparks flying from the Boat. So GORE slashes again and the ship explodes.*

GORE: That's it! The shields short-circuit after absorbing too much energy!

Yami Yoshi: That reminds me of a trick I used last time! Everyone, take out your bombs and instead fire your special techniques through the bomb chute! Dark Omelet!

*Yami Yoshi's hummingbird fires a barrage of Dark Eggs which quickly cut through the Boat 2's shields followed by the Boat 2 itself. Boat 3 follows a similar fate.*

That Guy: I got -AHHHHH!

*That Guy's ship is struck by a huge blast fired from Boat 4 and explodes.*

???: I bet that blast cut down your shield power!

*??? empties his Bag O' Random Crap into the cannon(among the contents are Mystery Eggs, Anti-Evil Spray, and, inexplicably, That Guy himself.) so he fires and the combined forces annihalate the Boats 4 and 5.*

SSG: What are we gonna do, Legion?

Legion: I have an idea!

*Seconds later, SSG's Hummingbird kamikaze-crashes into a Boat 6 and destroys both ships along with Boat 7. SSG himself though, has ejected himself in a space suit.*

AaronGuy: Dark Star!

*A flurry of energies is spewed from the Hummingbird, obliterating Hummingbirds 8 and 9.*

AaronGuy: Simple.

*SwordMaster is struggling as the final Boat chases him. He has nothing to fire except his OG Blade which is too valuable and likely to miss. He can't leave without a space suit and he didn't feel like bending the laws of physics like GORE. So he was caught in an old skool dogfight. Right now SM was on the run, hoping that the Boat would waste potential shield energy by firing its lasers, but the pilot was smarter then that and waiting for the killing shot. Realizing this, SwordMaster got an idea, so he flipped behind the Boat and dropped every bomb he could on the boat, then barraged it with lasers rapidly. There was not a shred of wreckage left behind.*

Daishogun(over communicator): Good job, future Militians! Return to the ship!

Author: Golem[edit]

~The Authors are still huddled in their office...~

Author #2: We've managed to get GORE to employ the tradition of inexplicably breathing in space... that's a good sign.

Author #4: What's our next move?

~On Krad, in the Shrine to The Holy Plot Device...~

Fusion: The Phoenix... it got him!! He's...!

Saru: Shut up and--

~Cerebus turns his three heads from BSD's injured body to Fusion and Saru. Fusion immediately leaps into action, jumping over the leftmost of Cerebus' lunging heads. Cerebus swings his middle head towards Fusion, who greets it with a thunder punch. The leftmost head then flips itself upward, knocking Fusion behind itself. Meanwhile, Saru has snapped shut Cerebus' rightmost head's jaw while the other two heads were distracted. Cerebus jumps and turns 180, flinging Saru off onto the wall and facing Fusion.

BSD manages to pick himself up, and this immediately catches the attention of Saru, still up against the wall.~

Saru: You survived the Phoenix?! ~Slides under middle Cerebus head and flips its front feet downward~

BSD: ~swaying from side to side, but dashing forward to greet Cerebus in combat~ You mean that cheap parlor trick?

Saru: "Cheap parlor trick"? Let's see you take another one! ~is pinned by Cerebus' back two legs~

~Meanwhile, on Hephaestia, in some tall building in a capital city, Clarique watches a mass of different types of screens along with about 50 others...~

Clarique: ~speaking to a person unfamiliar to us~ Hudson, any progress on those attacks?

Hudson: Yes, sir. Those strange ships were emitting a raw form of energy unlike anything else. We are well prepared for the Militians, but these new guys are a major problem.

Clarique: Send that down to R&D immediately.

Hudson: Aye, sir.

Clarique: ~turns to another person we don't know~ Robrina, have you located the source of these strange ships?

Robrina: Yes, sir. They've come from Krad.

Clarique: Ah... interesting news. I will have to deliver this to the Senate myself. Yunae!

Yunae: Yes, sir?

Clarique: Rule in my stead. Remember: Hephaestia is counting on you while I'm gone.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Saru is pinned beneath two of Cerebrus's legs, but Fusion and BSD grab its back legs and tug. Cerebrus slips and falls on his belly. Saru rolls to safety as cerebrus slams on the ground. The trio then uite as Saru shoots a fireball into the right head, Fusion uppercuts the left head, and BSD lunges fro the remaining middle head with his sword. But the head opned its mouth, which BSD flies roight into. Cerebrus snaps its jaws shut.*

Saru: Wuh-oh.

*Cerebrus climbs to its feet and roars with its side heads while keeping the middle mouth shut to prevent escape by Dragoshi. Right and Left spewed Fire and Lightning, respectively, at the two warriors. Saru and Fusion leapt to dodge the beams and crashed into each other. Cerebrus then charged towards the distracted duo and rammed into OGers with its middle head, sending Saru and Fusion flying into the back wall of the cavern. Then Cerebrus moved in for the finish.*

Author: Yami[edit]

Meanwhile on the Daiship…

Daishogun: Excellent work, OGers! Mission accomplished! *to the ship’s pilot* All right! Take us back to the castle!

Ship’s Pilot: Yes, sir.

Legion: What about the remaining Hephaestian troops?

Daishogun: Don’t worry. The Hefighters will be able to handle the rest of them. Anyways, your flight skills are amazing! I would be much obliged to accept you ALL into the Militian Military!

GORE: Sorry, Daishogun, but we have a very important mission to fulfill right now.

Yami Yoshi: That’s right! We’re gonna defeat the MPVP and kick Akujin’s ass!

Daishogun: What?!? Sure, you kids may be powerful, but still, do you realize how powerful Emperor Akujin is?! He is responsible for the deaths of billions upon billions of innocent lives! Emperor Akujin has terrorized the galaxy for the past 10000 years and his massive strength continues to grow in power! He is, without a doubt, the most powerful being in the galaxy!

Yami Yoshi: So what? We’ve battled a cheese god, a ruby god, and even an incarnation of Evil itself! And we have always prevailed, regardless of how powerful the enemy was! We will defeat Akujin, no matter what!

Daishogun: …wow… *thinking* Impressive…never before have witnessed such guts and determination. Perhaps these kids will be the ones who defeat Akujin and rid the galaxy from his fear once and for all!!

Ship’s Radio: Now entering Militia’s atmosphere.

Daishogun: Welcome OGers…to the planet Militia.

To Be Continued

Author: Golem[edit]

~In the Shrine to The Holy Plot Device... Before Saru and Fusion could properly react, all three of Cerebus' heads let out a great howl.~

Fusion: What...?!

Saru: Look!

~Saru points to Cerebus' upper torso, where a sword had pierced through. It probably hit the heart of the beast. Managing to create much unsightly gore, BSD emerges from that spot in the beast before it collapsed on him, dead.

Soon, the OGers saw Militia from afar. As they get much closer, they can see that most of it was dark orange wasteland. Houses look dirty and made from clay, and all huddled in large areas. The ship that the OGers are in heads for a generally house-free area, where a giant palace (well, a giant palace in comparison to the normal housing) stands. This veritable castle is made out of metal, though it is very dusty and somewhat hard tell it was metallic at first. Solar panels occupy the roof, and are the only clean-looking part of the outside.

The Dai Ship lands, kicking up much dirt. The OGers hop out, and Militia's King Senso is present to greet them.~

Senso: Hello, warriors, and welcome to my kingdom, Militia!

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Back in Krad's depths, Saru, BSD and Fusion walk away from Cerebus's limp body.*

BSD: Now let's see taht Holy Plot Device (Reverb) and end this story early!

Dr. Beezlebub: Not if I have anything to say about it!

Saru: Beezlebub! What the hell are you doing here?

Beezlebub: Prolonging the story! GIHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA!!!

*Beezlebub takes out a syringe filled with a golden liquid(not that kind of golden liquid, sick) and approaches Cerebrus.*

Beezlebub: He's still warm... it's not too late.

Fusion: My blood! You BASTARD!

*Before Fusion can do anything, Beezlebub has injected the liquid into Cerebrus's body.*

Beezlebub: Now to disappear...

*Beezlebub vanishes as Cerebrus crawls to his feet and grows to about twice his size.*

BSD: Crap.

*Then Cerebrus grows another three heads. All heads are foaming from the mouth.*

Fusion: Crap.

*Finally, Cerebrus stands up on its hind legs and pounds its front legs, which have now become arms, on its chest.*

Saru: ****.

To Be Continued...

Author: Yami[edit]

*A massive fleet of Skull Jets, Skull Fighters, and Skull Carriers (large APC units used for transporting infantry, supplies, and other units) approaches Militia*

Inside the lead Skull Fighter…

Diablo: “Destroy the OGers”…those were Hades’ orders. Still, I don’t see why we need an entire army to perform the task, when I could easily lay waste to them with my Cat Claws…

Kradian Soldier: General Diablo! A fleet Militian Hefighters has been spotted up ahead! What are your orders?

Diablo: I see…so you’ve made some new friends, OGers…I guess that means we’ll have to kill them too. How tragic…all these people are going to die… because of you! Aha ha ha ha ha!! All right, soldiers! ATTACK!!


*Inside King Senso’s Castle, The Dining Hall…*

Senso: A toast to the OGers, the heroes who helped us achieve our 1234th victory against Hephaestia!


Senso: All right, OGers! Eat up!

Yami Yoshi: FOOD!!

*Yami Yoshi extends his long red tongue and wraps it around a juicy roasted turkey. Yami Yoshi reels in his tongue and swallows the turkey, bones and all*

GORE: Yami Yoshi! Where are your mann— *notices a bowl of cheese* OMFG CH3353!!11ONE

*Foaming at the mouth, GORE snatches the bowl of cheese and pops it into his mouth, swallowing the entire bowl whole*

Sword Master: O_o; I’m gonna have trouble getting used to you guys again…

GORE: *rubbing his stomach* Ouch…that glass stuff hurts…BURRRP!!

Legion: Hmph…you all have atrocious table manners…especially in the presence of the king!

Senso: Ha ha ha! It’s okay. As long as everyone’s having a good time! Oh! It looks like the dessert’s here!

*A waiter enters the dining hall carrying a large silver platter. The waiter sets the platter on the center of the table beneath a crystal chandelier and removes the cover…*

Yami Yoshi: CHEESECAKE!!

Waiter: Oui, it iz our planet’s finest cheesecake! Bon Appetite!

Voice: *bzzt* Commander Daishogun!! *bzzt* Commander Daishogun, do you copy?!

Daishogun: *pulling out his walkie-talkie* What's wrong, General Milton?

Milton: We have trouble! The Hephaestian troops have retreated, but we have another problem on our hands now…it’s Kra—AAAAHHHH!!

Daishogun: Milton? Milton are you there?!


To Be Continued…

Author: Golem[edit]

Yami Yoshi: What is it?!

Senso: Don't bother yourself with our affairs; you've already helped enough.

Yami: C'mon, you can't be saying--

Senso: I am.

GORE: Yami, he's the king. Show a little respect...

Yami: ~sigh~ Fine...

That Guy: So, Aaron... tell us a little about yourself!

Aaron: ~isn't there~

That Guy: What was that you said, Aaron?

Aaron: ~isn't there~

Swordmaster: I believe he isn't here. He's still out in space, fending off Introbulus.

GORE: And Kradian somethings are heading straight for them!

Yami: Senso, we've really--

Senso: You don't want to see me when I'm mad. Please, stop NOW.

???: ~under breath~ Hehehe.

Author: Yami[edit]

*Diablo blasts the final Hefighter to smithereens with his Skull Fighter’s Laser Gun*

Diablo: Hmph…that was almost disappointing…and still no sign of the OGers…

Kradian Soldier: What should we do now?

Diablo: Everyone, activate your enemy radars. If you pick up any signals of the OGers, report to me immediately!

Kradian Soldier: Yes, sir!

Meanwhile, not too far away…

Aaron Guy: Hmm…no sign of Introbulus…nor Robobulus! Where could they have gone?

Author: Golem[edit]

AaronGuy: Come in, Robobulus! Come in! ~spots the station wagon far away, drifting towards Krad~


BSD: ~underneath breath~ So that's what they've done...

Saru: What was that?

BSD: Nothing! Let's kick butt!

Author: Yami[edit]

Kradian Soldier: General Diablo! I’ve found them!

Diablo: All right! Where are they?

Kradian Soldier: They’re located somewhere directly 1000000 feet beneath us…somewhere on Militia’s surface…

Diablo: They must be hiding somewhere in Sparta, Militia’s capital city…all right, soldiers! Prepare for battle! We’re gonna bomb Sparta to the ground! Let’s go!


GORE: Yami Yoshi! Let’s go! We have to save Aaron Guy and Robobulus!

Yami Yoshi: *chewing* Mmmph! After cheesecake!

Senso: None of you are leaving the castle anyways. It is very rude for a guest to walk out on his host. Please finish your meals. The Militian Military has everything under control.


*A thunderous explosion outside rocks the entire castle. The crystal chandelier falls from the ceiling and lands on top of Yami Yoshi and his cheesecake and shatters into millions of glass shards*

GORE: Yami Yoshi!

*Yami Yoshi emerges from the pile of smash glass, his body slashed from head to toe*

Yami Yoshi: …

SSG: Yami Yoshi! Are you okay?

*Ignoring SSG, Yam Yoshi's face contorts with fury as he stares fixated at his ruined cheesecake*

Yami Yoshi: *clenching his fists* Grrr…those bastards won’t get away with this…all right, OGers! Let’s go kick some ass!

Author: Golem[edit]

Legion: You're in no condition to fight!

Yami: Well that's what... that's what you... ~collapses, unconscious~

Senso: Great, the tablecloth is--

GORE: At least get him some medical attention!!

Senso: Quite right, I will have help available soon. Please excuse me. ~leaves dining hall~

Swordmaster: ~getting out cloth to help stop Yami's bleeding~ Man, when Yami's so bloodless he can't even fight for his cheesecake... that's not a good thing!

That Guy: Here, let me help... ~reaches into Bag o' Random Crap, takes out cotton pads~

Legion: That's what you get when a glass chandelier lands on you...

???: That happened to me once. I liked it.

GORE: They have such a poor society... if clay houses jammed together are any sign... yet this dining hall has a beautiful, expensive chandelier.