Member OG 3 Page 2

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Pages in the Member OG 3 Archive
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Author: Fred[edit]

Dark Jim: Soon I must strike. Forget Lupus, this story will be more exciting with a third party. Forget Fred, he's just a useless OGer/moron. I must destroy my old friend Introbulus. AHAHA! (over radio) Koopa! Your next target is Introbulus! Do what I say and you may keep your deck. huahhhaha...

Koopa: Yessss... Master...

Dark Jim: You just ruined my laughing moment. Be sure never to do that again. ok, from the top: AHAHAHAaaah!

Koopa: Yessss... Master...

Dark Jim: grrr...

(Evil base of anti-goodness)

Lupus: Ha, We will eventually get those plans for the cheese star, and then the story will end in a climatic battle clash thingee!

dark GORE: Yes, indeed. We have gained a new set of guards. Micheal Jordan and Micheal Jackson! AHAHA!

EVIL scientist dude: Why are they so good at guarding?

Lupus: They're not, really. But with them, we'll make a humongous profit for the OG movie for having celebrities spread out within the story a little.


(on the path to Guam)

Fred: Hmm, this rushing water has chased me for a whole hour. I wonder if it would stop if I hit it with my hammer, since most things do! Wait, Instead of doing that, I should get of this virtual reality treadmill and run away from the real water.

(at the end of the tunnel)

Steve Irwin: As you can see, we're travling to Tokyo to se their beautiful godzilla creature, the rarest in the world! We have to be careful no to provoke it but.. oh no! Short man running at me! Rushing water behind him! I have to go pee! (Is suddenly crushed by water pressure since he didn't move away)

Fred: Whew, I made it.

Guam Policeman: No, you need 30 gil to get out of the... hey, don't swing that at me! Fine, then if we must fight, let me get my... SUPER-FIGHTING ROBOT!!!

Fred: Oh, ok.

(Guam Police man comes back - in a gigantic mecha suit - like say, how 'bout heavyarms from Gundam Wing. There we go!)

Fred: I fall for that too much.

(The mech suit shoots bullets from it's machine gun arm, which miss Fred, since the policeman's aim is really, really bad. Even with auto lock-on. Fred Comes up and smashes the gundam toe, which weakens the battle system for no reason. Gundam 03 kicks Fred into a tree, which cracks pretty badly. Fred chops down the tree, and hits it with his hammer at Heavyarms, A la baseball. It hits him in the chest.)

Guam Policeman: Ha! I'm not even phased. Realease the chest missles.

( He quickly realizes that he is a total moron, and the tree keeps the door shut, leaving the armed missles to explode inside the gundam)

Guam Policeman: Ah, nutbunnies.

(You can probably figure out what happens next)

Fred: Hooray for Fred!

Guam Elder: Hello. You beat Gundam. Take this.

Du dud du du! Fred Got the cheese star instructions/kit. go to the start menu to select it to either <, /\, or >.

Guam Elder: It's too dangerous to go alone! Take this with you!

Again, du du du du! Fred Got a Volvo/submarine/plane/spaceship! Now he can go anywhere he wants. But we're not telling YOU how to use, it, punk!

Fred: Does that always happen?

(Back in Tokyo...)

Du dud udu du! Gamechamp got a job! It pays alot! Select the C button you want to... blah blah blah...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

GORE-ILLA, Yami Yoshi, and Pharoah Yami Yoshi are safe - since GORE took most of the blow from the cars with his powerful bulk.

Yami Yoshi: Thanks, GORE.

GORE: I should thank you for saving me from Dark GORE.

Yami Yoshi: I wonder what happened to the others?

GORE: Yeh, we need all of us here before the plot starts moving or undergoes some surprising plot twist.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi: What do we do now?

GORE: Hey! We're in JAPAN!!! Let's go sightseeing!

(Some time later they down the street with autographs from Shigeru Miyamoto and a whole lot of famous Anime/Manga creators including Akira Toriyama.)

GORE: That was fun.

Pharoah Yami Yoshi: Yeah, especially when we were chased through the streets by Yasha and a mob of other Tenchi fans!

Yami Yoshi: Hey, there's Fusion! And Introbulus! And....Gamechamp?! (dramatic music plays)

Yasha: TENCHI!!!!(beats the crap out of Fusion)

To Be Continued....

Author: Fusion[edit]

Fusion: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! *gets so PO'd that he pushes down a building with one arm*

OGers: Woah!

Fusion then proceeds to throw Yasha into the Indian Ocean.


OGers: Fusion, calm down!

Fusion: Oh, sorry.

Suddenly, the Robo Scouts appear.

White: Roll call!

Teal: I am Teal, and I copy Green's power!

Orange: I am Orange, and I copy Yellow's power!

Purple: I am Purple, and I copy Black's power!

Pink: I am Pink, and I copy Blue's power!

White: And I am White, and I copy Gamechamp's power!

All: We're the Robo Scouts, the sisters of the Robot Team, and the hotties of machinery!

White: We will join you in your quest to capture Lupus!

Fusion: Great. Another 20 million dollars off my (BLEEP!).

Pink: Don't worry, it's free. We just want to kick Lupus's big fat (BLEEP!) for once!

Suddenly, Lupus's limousine pulls up to the OGers.

Lupus: You'll never catch me, OGers!

White: That's it! I'm throwin' away the trash!

Suddenly, White picks up Lupus's limousine and throws it into the Indian Ocean!

Lupus: (sitting in the sinking limousine) I'll destroy you one day! I will kick your *glub* *glub* *glub*

White: He'll return later on (That's just the way he is.).

Author: Black Skull Dragoshi[edit]

BSD crashes into a building.

BSD:Note to self:Don't try to imitate a bowling ball again.

SwordMaster appears.

SwordMaster:Wait how did we get from Mt. Fuji to here?

BSD:It was a convinent plot device.


Yami Yoshi:What were you two doing before this OG started anyway?

BSD:Training on top of Mt. Fuji.

Yami Yoshi:Oh.

BSD:I'm also trying to find out about my past.


BSD:I'm still perplexed about what SD said after my second battle against him.

(Start flashback)

SD(nearly dying)

(End flashback)



Author: Introbulus[edit]

Dark Jim: Aha! They are all together! Now is the time to begin my strike...

(back on earth)

Yami Yoshi: Wait, aren't we forgetting something?

Introbulus: Absolutely not! I'm sure your just paranoid.

(meanwhile, back in Tokyo)

Godzilla clone: (sigh) destroying Tokyo is boring! I think I'll go massacre the people of Guam instead.

(back with the heroes)

Fusion: So what do we do now?

Gore: Patience, Fusion. In time, the authors will present us with a problem we must solve.

(suddenly, Koopa appears out of nowhere)

Koopa: Bwahahaha! I am the servant of Dark Jim!

Gore: See? It always works.

Yami Yoshi: Wait, did you say Dark Jim?!? But I thought he was dead!

Koopa: Really? Are you sure? Because from what I've heard...wait a minute...NO! Dark Jim is not dead! He is alive and well. He sent me here to tell you OGers that the end is near!

Gamechamp: The end of high prices?

Koopa: Yes, the end of high...stop that! Now, I give you one warning. Surrender to the powers of darkness, and we shall spare you your life. Just to show that we mean buisness, I will show you some of the powers granted to me by me NEW master!

(Koopa flicks his fingers, suddenly a crack begins to form in the earth's crust)

Gamechamp: That can't be good...

(out of the crack pops...)

Gamechamp: LORD CHAOS!!!

Chaos: Gamechamp, I am disappointed in you. I thought you were on OUR side, and here I find you doing good deeds?!?

Gamechamp: Please forgive me, master! I promise I'll never do another good deed for as long as I live.

Chaos: Indeed, you are right! You won't live long enough to do another good deed!

Yami Yoshi: Wait, what's going on here?

Introbulus: I think I know! You see, Dark Jim has the ability to control any characters with even the slightest ounce of darkness in their blood. Since Koopa had a great ammount of darkness, he is using him to do his evil deeds from his prison. Now he wants revenge on us for trapping him in the time rip for all of eternity.

Yami Yoshi: Nice recap.

Introbulus: Thank you.

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

^Didn't I eat the Cheese Godzilla? *Notices that in one night, the story is already halfway through its second page.*

Author: Gamechamp[edit]

ME:Wait!No!Must...fight it...must...get $1000 a day...Yes!Roll Call!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!

GC:Battle time!!!

Green takes out multiple mechanical weapons,Yellow stays the same,Black takes out his swords,Blue gets in a large robot(only slightly bigger than everyone,not like a giant robot),and Gamechamp stays the same.


Green starts firing weapons.


He punches the air and a large fist shaped fireball rams into Lord Chaos.Black starts attacking with his swords,and shooting energy waves through the tips,and Blue shoots lasers,rockets,and many more at Lord Chaos.

INTROBULUS:Think we should help them?

He looks at Fusion,who's siiting in a chair and munching popcorn.

FUSION:Wait,this is cool.

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Lord Chaos: So you want to fight me huh? YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED! CHAOS BLAST!

<Lord Chaos shoots a wave of darkness at Gamechamp>

Gamechamp: Urgh...Robot Team! Get him!

<All four members of the Robot Team run towards Lord Chaos>

Lord Chaos: What gave you the impression that these toys could stop me? CHAOS CRUNH!

<All of the robots suddenly freeze and their bodies are crunched by an invisible force>

Gamechamp: NO!

Lord Chaos: And now for your punishment...TO SEND YOU TO THE FLAMES OF HELL FOREVER! DAMNATION HAND!

Gamechamp: <sobbing> No! Please!

Yami Yoshi: He's been doing good deeds for a few days now and now he has to suffer! Should we help him?

Pharaoh: No way! The punk caused us so much trouble last time! Why should we help him?

Gamechamp: Please! Help me!

<A giant hand appears from the crack in the ground and grabs Gamechamp>

Yami Yoshi: I don't know about you but I'm gonna help him! DARK EGG!

<Yami Yoshi hurls a Dark Egg at the hand. The hand explodes and sets Gamechamp free>


<Lord Chaos aims a blast at Yami Yoshi, but he easily dodges it>

Lord Chaos: No way!

Yami Yoshi: You're pathetic for the Lord of Darkness...


<A hand appears from the crack and grabs Yami Yoshi by the leg>

Yami Yoshi: Urk! Help me Pharaoh!

Pharaoh: DARK EGG!

<Lord Chaos' other hand is blasted off>

Yami Yoshi: We're ready to fuse Fusion!


<Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh form into TH Yami Yoshi>



TH Yami Yoshi: Now for the final blow! DARK METEOR EGG!

<A giant dark egg appears in the sky and crashes into Lord Chaos sending him back into the crack>


<The fissure in the ground closes>

Gamechamp: saved me!


<Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh defuse>

Pharaoh: Don't let it go to your head! We still hate you!

Gamechamp: B...b...but why? Why did you save me?

Yami Yoshi: Don't mind the Pharaoh...I believe in second chances and I've decided to give you one more chance to become good...

Gamechamp: <sobbing> Thank you!

Pharaoh: Pfft...What a corny ending...

Koopa VI: Hey! Have you guys forgotten me or something? Am I gonna be neglected AGAIN?

OoC: I think its Koopa VI now...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

   Flashback: Lupus: Attack, Mega-Koopa! I have created him from the remains of Koopa I. Sadly,
Koopa VI died in the process.

Koopa VI: Oh. (dies)

GORE: So we took out Chaos. We still have Dark Jim, Koopa I, Dark GORE, and of course Lupus to take care of.

Fusion: And Gamechamp!

Yami Yoshi: Will you stop that, Fusion? He's on our side.

Fusion: That's what we thought last time and then he double-crossed us!

GORE: Calm down. we still need to plot our next move. But I can't help but feel we forgot someone...

*Elsewhere in space...*

Stuman: Hello? Where'd they go? I must have fallen asleep whilke we were fighting Sephnita.

To Be Continued.....

Author: Fusion[edit]

Pink: Hey, we didn't even get to fight Lord Chaos!

Purple: Yeah! We want action!

Fusion: You can fight in our next battle, okay?

Yasha: TENCHI!!! *gets shot*

Fusion: *blows on pistol* Heh heh heh.

Author: Introbulus[edit]

OOC: These things are going pretty quickly, eh?

Dark Jim: Curses! Koopa VI has been destroyed by an unforseen plot device! Oh well, I'll just summon another evil minion! Hmmmm, but who could I call that would want revenge on the OGers? Oh wait! I know! Bwahahahaha!

(Who is this mysterious person/creature that Dark Jim is summoning to do his evil bidding? Why is Introbulus such a lazy bum? Can't he come up with his own minions? I mean really, what's the point of...)


(...Ow. That wasn't very nice.)

Author: Fusion[edit]

Dark Jim: Arise, my new minion!

Suddenly, a mysterious cloaked figure wearing a mask appears.

Dark Jim: Go, my servant. Destroy the OGers!

Cloak: Yes, master.

The cloaked figure vanishes. Meanwhile, in Tokyo...

Introbulus: Fusion, aren't you going to be arrested for murder?

Fusion: Nope. I threw Yasha's body in a dumpster.

Suddenly, in a flash of lightning, the cloaked figure that Dark Jim conjured up appears.

Cloak: I am one of Dark Jim's top minions! Prepare for your destruction!

Fusion: Fusion Blast!

The Fusion Blast has no effect.

Cloak: See? I am too strong for you!

Introbulus: Metal Punch!

Introbulus runs over to punch the cloaked figure, who grabs and twists his hand.

Introbulus: Owowowowowowow!

The figure punches Introbulus right into a manhole.

Cloak: Who's next?

Yami Yoshi: Mind Crush!


The figure holds on to his head in pain for a few seconds. Then, he manages to telekinetically fling Yami Yoshi into a building.

Japanese Office Guy: *Japanese language* (WTF?)

Yami Yoshi: Sorry.

Yami Yoshi walks toward the exit. Meanwhile, during the battle...

Pharaoh: Pharaoh Fist!

The figure ducks, causing Pharaoh to miss. He blasts Pharaoh into a truck.

Cloak: Hahaha! I am too powerful for you! It's time to reveal myself!

Suddenly, the figure takes off his mask and throws off his cloak to reveal...

OGers: Don Knotts?

Don Knotts: Yes, it is I, Don Knotts! I will destroy you all! Mwahaha!

Fusion: Warlock Punch!

Don Knotts dodges the punch, kicks Fusion in the gut, and telekinetically flings him into a car.

Japanese Driver: *Japanese language* (What the heck!?)

Gamechamp: Game Beam!

Gamechamp fires a beam at Don Knotts, who punches the beam back at him, sending him flying into a Japanese Bar.

Japanese Drunkard: *Japanese language* (Hey, you made me spill my Bud! Prepare to die!) *pulls out a gun*

Gamechamp: Game Punch!

He punches the drunkard out the window. Suddenly, friends of the Japanese drunkard surround Gamechamp.

Gamechamp: Better get this over with.

Meanwhile, at the battle with Don Knotts...

Green: You hurt our leader! Green Beam!

Yellow: Light Beam!

Black: Shadow Ray!

Blue: Energy Laser!

All the attacks hit Don Knotts, but they have no effect.

Don Knotts: Four-Way Laser!

He fires four lasers, each hitting a member of the Robot Team.

SwordMaster: Sword Slash!

Don Knotts: Meh, too easy.

With one hand, he grabs the blade of SwordMaster's sword. With the other, he blasts SwordMaster into a building.

BSD: BSD Laser!

Don Knotts: Wind Blast!

He creates a flurry of wind, causing the BSD Laser to go right back at BSD.

Gore: That's it! I will pound you! Ultra Smash!

Gore jumps high into the air and gets ready to smash Don Knotts, but Don Knotts teleports away, causing Gore to land hard on the sidewalk, causing the sidewalk to cave in.

White: Time for...

Robo Scouts: The Five-Laser Attack!

They all fire at Don Knotts, but he reflects all five lasers at the Robo Scouts.

Don Knotts: My work here is done. *vanishes*


Introbulus: I'm covered in sewer water!

Yami Yoshi: I got flung into an office!

Fusion: I got flung into a car!

BSD: This is obviously the toughest opponent we have faced. I hate to admit it, but he could probably be stronger than Lupus.

Pharaoh: We must defeat him! There must be some way to kill him!

Fusion: Hey wait, remember that ruby that Sephnita used?

Gamechamp: You mean the one that stole souls?

Fusion: Yeah. We could use it against Don Knotts! I think I've got it at my mansion. C'mon! I'll take us there with my fleet of limousines.

Suddenly, 5 limousines appear. The OGers get in the limosuines and go to Fusion's mansion. Meanwhile, in Dark Jim's lair...

Don Knotts: And they got KO'd with one attack!

Dark Jim: And did they die?

Don Knotts: Not exactly. Those attacks were just warnings to the OGers that if they got in our way, they would die!

Dark Jim: Yes, but you know those OGers. They always come back for more and more until they eventually find a way to defeat each enemy! I want them killed!

Don Knotts: Shouldn't be a problem! Besides, I didn't even use half of my power when I fought them.

Dark Jim: Go and kill them! There will be a big reward for you if you are successful.

Don Knotts: Yes, m'lord. But one more thing. I sense that they seek a ruby that steals souls. They want to use it against us.

Dark Jim: And you're worried?

Don Knotts: Not a d*** bit! I have a special power that destroys anything in its path. Not even a god can stand against it, let alone a mere ruby.

Dark Jim: Oooooh. What is this power?

Don Knotts: You will find out "in time".

Dark Jim: Um...ok. Go, and destroy them!

Don Knotts: Yes master. *vanishes*

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

In the limo...

Yami Yoshi: Wait a sec! You know that ruby that stole souls? It was destroyed when BSD killed Sephintu!

Fusion: Oh yeah! I forgot...What ruby DID I get?

Voice: Da Ruby of Popularity yo!

<Sephnity suddenly jumps out from the back seat>

Fusion: <sighs> Oh yeah...

Yami Yoshi: Is this Sephnity?

Sephnity: Dat's right! I gotta a way to clean Knotts' clock old-skool!

Fusion: <sigh> Go back to your ruby...

<Fusion holds up the ruby. The ruby flashes and it sucks Sephnity inside>

Sephnity: Ay! Watcha playin' me for foo?

Fusion: Shut up.

Yami Yoshi: Hey! We're almost at the mansion!

<The limo pulls up to Fusion's Mansion>

BSD: Wow! It's huge!

Pharaoh: Pfft...not nearly as huge as my ancient palace!

<The OGers go inside the mansion and walk into Fusion's bedroom>

Introbulus: This Don Knotts guy is powerful. My power level machine concludes his power level is stronger than all of our powers combined.

Pharaoh: Is he stronger than Twin Headed Yami Yoshi?

Introbulus: I hate to break it to you, but yes. Twin Headed Yami Yoshi has a 40% survival rate against Knotts.

Yami Yoshi & the Pharaoh: WHAT!?

Pharaoh: Where the hell does he get all this power?

Introbulus: Probably from Dark Jim...That guy's power seems to be limitless...

BSD: We need a more powerful fusion...

Fusion: Well, I can fuse you BSD with Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh but the problem is, you are already a fused specimen I cannot fuse already fused specimens...

Everyone: WHAT!?

BSD: That's right...I am in fact a fusion of three creatures...a Dragoshi, a Red Eyes Black Dragon, and a Summoned Skull. It happened many years ago...


<BSD, or Dragoshi as he was back then playing a Shadow Game against a shrouded figure. The shrouded figure has a Buster Blader on his side of the field and Dragoshi has a Summoned Skull and Red Eyes Black Dragon on the field>

Shrouded Figure: Give up! My Buster Blader can kill both our Summoned Skull and Red Eyes Black Dragon!

Dragoshi: Not quite! I play Polymerization! And I'm gonna fuse EVERYTHING on my side of the field!

<The card glows and Dragoshi, the Summoned Skull, and the Red Eyes Black dragon start to fuse together>

Dragoshi: The hell?

Shrouded Figure: You idiot! You said EVERYTHING on your side of the field! That means you too!

<After the fusion ends, the Shrouded Figure faces the BLACK SKULL DRAGOSHI!>

BSD: Ha ha ha! I haven't felt so much power in my life! This is great!

Shrouded Figure: Oh no!


<BSD throws a Molten Egg at the Shrouded Figure instantly killing him>

BSD: Ha ha ha ha ha!

<End Flashback>

Fusion: So you're saying that you're a fusion between a Dragoshi, a Red Eyes Black Dragon, and a Summoned Skull?

BSD: Yes.

Fusion: I can try to defuse you...then I can fuse you, Yami Yoshi, and the Pharaoh to form the Twin Headed Yami Dragoshi! Then you should be unstoppable!

BSD: All right!


Author: Fusion[edit]

Suddenly, BSD glows.


He is defused.

Fusion: Now then, Fusion!

Red Eyes, Summoned Skull, Dragoshi, Yami Yoshi, and Pharaoh fuse into...Twin-Headed Yami Dragoshi!

3H Dragoshi: Where is Knotts!? I will kill him!

Fusion: Let's ride back to Tokyo!

So, they ride back to Tokyo. Meanwhile, in Dark Jim's lair...

Don Knotts: I suddenly sense a power that is greater than mine!

Dark Jim: What!? Impossible! You are my strongest cohort!

Don Knotts: It is true. This power is...Twin-Headed Yami Dragoshi!

Dark Jim: WHA...!? Oh, of course. A fusion. Fusion is behind this! Well, Don Knotts. I will have to make you stronger.

Don Knotts: How?

Dark Jim: You must fuse...with me!

Don Knotts: Wha...!?

Dark Jim: Yes. We will become Jim Knotts.

Don Knotts: Well, if it makes me stronger.

Dark Jim/Don Knotts: FUSE!

Suddenly, they fuse into a giant golden mask that gives off an evil grin.

Mask: HA! I am Jim Knotts, the Mask of Ultimate Power! I will crush the OGers!


Author: Introbulus[edit]

Dark Jim: Wait, this is stupid. I'm WAY more powerful OUT of fusion than I am IN fusion, why would I...

(suddenly, a lightbulb appears above Dark Jim's head. Or rather, a darkbulb, since he's dark and all.)

Don Knotts: Ah! I see now! Since we are fused, we can exit the trap that the OGers set for us! BWAHAHAHA!

Dark Jim: Fool! That's MY laugh!

Don Knotts: Oh, sorry.

(The fused being, somehow being two beings at once, attempts to cross the barrier. But...)

Dark Jim: AHHH!!!

(the mask diffuses)

Don Knotts: Master!

Dark Jim: Forget about me! Go get those OGers!

Don Knotts: Yes, my master! (flies off)

Dark Jim: The barrier between this realtiy and that one must be stronger than I anticipated! I can't leave this place, I can't teleport out, I can't even fuse my way out!

(Dark Jim glows with evil power)

Dark Jim: I MUST find a way to get out of this hell hole! I MUST get my revenge!

(Dark Jim calms down a bit, then get's a devious smile on his face...well, his glowing evil eyes look devious, anyway.

Dark Jim: So what if Don Knotts fails? He was only powerful because of the power I gave him! I can summon a BETTER minion! One that can make ME powerful. Hehehe...

(lightning strikes)

Dark Jim: Powerful enough to escape this prison and rid the world of those meddling OGers...FOREVER!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!