Santa Claws

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Sir Nicholas with Rudolph

Full Name: Nicholas
Birthdate: c. 270
Species: Human
Nationality: Norwegia
Creator: Nicholas Yuknalis
First Appearance: Rise of the Norsemen


The evil ruler of the Vikings. He is also known as Santa Claus. A fierce warrior based in the North Pole, he delivers gifts of death to the world every Christmas. He first encountered the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada in the 2006 Christmas special when he tried killing them after they impersonated him. However, he was defeated and exiled to the moon, where he was confronted by Bob Saget.

He will also appear as a major villain in The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie II: Secret of The Guz, which would show him to have gained immortality and enhanced powers from Saget. The Vikings hunt the pirates throughout the movie only to finally be conquered after Vagineta turns on him and Saget is destroyed by The Guz.


He has a group of Viking cronies who follow his every whim, with Rudolph being his right hand man.