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Pages in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals
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Author: Timnis[edit]

Goomba: Hey, those people are signed up in this thing.

Timnis: Don't say anything, Skateboard. Let's ride over to the nearest rail or stairset, or something else people like to skate. ~rides over to a ledge and does a tailslide~

Goomba: Let's just stay here 'till those people leave.

Timnis: I'll let you know when you can talk again, Skateboard.

Author: Golem[edit]

Rhyk: Where?

Rhykette: ~points in the direction of the sun~

Rhyk: ~looks forward, sees the three~ Ah! According to my ACdex, that's Timnis! He might be equipped with something called the "Rad Red" and hails from S-Space, the Mushroom Kingdom specifically.

Timnis: Oh, great, they recognize us! Hop on, Goomba!

Goomba: ~hops onto the back of Skateboard~ Yeah, let's get out of here before they're sure of it!

~Just as Timnis gets his foot down on the ground and pushes off to move forward, a large banner falls on top of him.~

Timnis: Augh! What is this?!

Isis: Another clue?

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Björni: How high up are we?

Nintenfreak: 13,000 feet.

Björni: Excellect!

Enthree: If you don't mind my asking, how exactly are we going to find the next clue?

Björni: It's quite simple. We aren't. We're just going to sit up here and wait for someone else to discover something. Big Al, what do you see?

Big Al: Well... One of the people down there just got hit by something.

Nintenfreak: Don't loose them, we need to follow them to the next clue.

Author: Timnis[edit]

Timnis: We need to get away as fast as possible!

Goomba: C'mon, let's go this way!

Timnis: ~in a quiet voice~ Try not to make a sound, Skateboard!

Goomba: Look up there!

Author: Flutter[edit]

~meanwhile at the hotel~

Flutter: *falls off the side of the building* Ouch!

Fell: So sorry, you slept in.

Flutter: Wasn't my fault. I was up all night cheating.

Fell: So you planted the tracking devices?

Flutter: Make that device. I only brought one, but don't worry I have it all figured out.

Fell: What?

Flutter: I planted it on the person who's most likely to win.

Fell: Not bad, who did you plant it on?

Flutter: Myself.

Author: Golem[edit]

~As Timnis got away, the banner fell to the ground flat. It read:~

One of the sword brothers
The owls have their druthers
To find where this clue goes
Rest and forget your woes

Author: Ditto McCloaker[edit]

*cue Balloon Fight NES Music*

Enthree: *looking through large spyglass* Hey, what's that?

*a small figure wearing blue overalls and a red helmet, held aloft by a pair of balloons, comes flapping towards them*

Big Al: Hey, what's he doing...?!

Balloon Fighter: :evil

*The Balloon Fighter holds up his feet to reveal cleats with long, sharp spikes stickin' out of the bottoms. He flaps up over the balloon and lands on it*


Nintenfreak: AAH! He punctured our balloon! We're sinking! Do something!

Enthree: *drops sandbags*
Name: Sandbag
Age: 2
Appearance: A Sandbag, with two eyes
Misc: The self same sandbag we met in SSB:M, now earning a living through cameo appearances and stuntwork

Sandbag: Hey, don't do tha- AAAUGGGGGgghhhh...

Big Al: I'm gonna miss him.

Nintenfreak: But we're still sinking.

*the Balloon Fighter looks through binos down at the banner, thinks, then flutters off in the direction of Murasame's place*

Author: Masamune[edit]

Masamune: So this is the Super Mushroom of Buzzy's End....

Dodo: It appears so.

~Luigi, Slort, and Splog suddenly arrive~

Luigi: Hey! How did you get here first!

Masamune: I used a plot hole.

Luigi: Dargh! Why didn't I think of that?

Splog: Because the script says you didn-

Luigi: You had the script!?

Splog: Of course, and right here it says that you arrived here saying "Hey! How did you get here first!"

Luigi: You're saying you two dragged me ALL THE WAY OUT HERE when you knew I'd lose?

Splog: To put it simple, we had to. Part of the story.

Masamune: Right! And the next part of the story is this! we have the second item of the Party Planet Treasure Hunt!

Luigi: Wha!?

Masamune: While everyone scrambles for the first item of Party Planet, we'll skip ahead to the more important goods. Out next target is Planet Zebes where we have to find a piece of a Metroid egg.

Luigi: I thought it was toxic on that planet!

Masamune: Then we best suit up!

Luigi: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Masamune: Of course you do, you're Star Wars inspired.

Author: Nintenfreak[edit]

Nintenfreak: What the? We're losing altitude fast.

Big Al: Oh crap, oh mommy, Oh Gamehiker!

Enthree: Dad, just turn your arm into a parachute.

Narrator: As everyone Grabs onto Big Al, as this right arm becomes a parachute.

~On ground~

Isis: Where did you fall from?

Björni: We were grounded.

RHYK: Serves you right. We already have the next clue.

Big Al: What is it?

RHYKette: After what you did, we aren't telling.

Enthree: It doesn't matter, I already know. But you were wrong. You did tell us.

Isis: What do you mean?

Enthree: One of the sword brothers. The owls have their druthers. To find where this clue goes. Rest and forget your woes. That's what you were thinking about Isis.

Isis: How could you know?

Big Al: What, Greg didn't tell you? She can read thoughts.

Author: Golem[edit]

Isis: Why not just read this banner? ~points to ground~

Bjorni: That's too easy.

~Meanwhile, the Antithesis team hangs out at the inn.~

Cezzendre: Brother.

Name: Cezzendre
Age: 18
Appearance: About 5 feet 5 inches tall, black hair down a little past her shoulders, skinny. Big red nose.
Likes: Everything Cassandra Hates
Dislikes: Everything Cassandra Likes
Bio: She sometimes helps behind the scenes of Wagolem's doings. Although she can see the future, she cannot tell which timeline will ultimately occur. This said, if she had Old Golem's TASTS, she could be a lethal force. Others think that she wills the futures not to come true if they, by chance, are of a timeline that does not happen. Cezzendre's lack of appearances, and thus lack of foreseeing, allow this to be believable.

Wagolem: Cezzendre!

Antithesis: You live too far in the future, Cezzendre. Your better half hasn't been introduced even once to the readers.

Cezzenrde: Bah. Come, now, I see much good for you, don't make me ruin it.

Everyone: Y-yes, madam!

Cezzendre: There's something important here. If we search it from top to bottom, we're sure to find it.

Author: Timnis[edit]

~meanwhile, where all the commotion was going on~

Timnis: Wait a minute, did they say that was a clue?

Goomba: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Timnis: We've got to see what it is.

Skateboard: ~speaking quietly~ We're not going back there, are we?

Timnis: Of course not. We'll see it from atop a building.

Isis: Do you guys know anything about them?

Big Al: Who?

Isis: Timnis, I think he was.

Bjorni: Was he the skater?

Isis: Yes, that was him.

Big Al: He comes from S-space. I dunno why he's here, but he's probably just skating this place.

Author: Golem[edit]

Rhyk: Does anyone listen to me? I just said that he came from S-Space.

Rhykette: Heh.

~Timnis skateboards to the first thing he thinks of, the inn. He stops just outside of it.~

Timnis: ~looking back~ Yeah, the banner's not too far away, we don't need to bring it closer.

Antithesis: Hey, kid.

Timnis: ~turns around towards the inn~ Me?

Antithesis: Yeah. Could you tell us if Nintenfreak and Big Al are heading this way?

Timnis: Umm, no.

Big Bull: Good, then we still have time to plan.

Timnis: ...That all?

Antithesis: Yeah.

~Timnis walks past them.~

Author: Wonder Wario[edit]

~back in the dining room~

~WW has eaten himself to sleep, and doesn't appear to want to wake up soon. Hedgehog and WWMan are trying thier best to get him up~

Hedgehog: ~pushing WW on the floor~ Come on Wonder! ...Grrrrr! WAKE UP!!

WWMan: Maybe a plasma blast would wake him up?

Hedgehog: *gasp* *breath* Go ahead...

Author: Timnis[edit]

Timnis: I don't even know who Big Al is.

Goomba: I'm guessing it's Nintenfreak Jr.

Timnis: Oh, THAT's Big Al. I've never even seen Nintenfreak.

Skateboard: Ok, how are we going to do this?

Timnis: We've got to get to the top of the building.

Goomba: How can we if we can't go inside?

Skateboard: Why can't we go inside?

Goomba: Someone might recognize us. Then we'll have hard times the whole comp.

Timnis: If we can climb up to the top...

Skateboard: ...Wallride?

Timnis: If we had a small ramp...

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

Luigi: ~twiddles thumbs~

Splog: ~twiddles toes~

Slort: ~twiddles... uh...~

Luigi: He just stole what we came all this way for...

Splog: Meh, like you expected otherwise.

Luigi: I wouldn't have come if I had expected otherwise!!!

Splog: Oh relax. We'll just slip onto his ship and steal it away when we get the chance. I mean, how tough can a dwarfling and a fat raven be?

Luigi: -_-

Splog: Onward we go! To Space Oddities 2003!

Pages in Party Goers Heroes: Romantic Ideals
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