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Mighty Soldier
Species Beorc
Class FE9
Promotion FE9
Affiliation Greil Mercenaries
Crimean Liberation Army
Hair color Green
Eye color Green
Base Altea
Relatives Oscar (brother)
Rolf (half brother)
Mist (possible wife)
Debut Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Boyd is a playable unit in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and its sequel, Radiant Dawn. Boyd was a brash fighter, but he was lazy when it came to training (which often led him to be scolded by Titania).


Boyd was the middle brother of three brothers. They went through tough times starting when Rolf's mother left them and their father died. Boyd was left alone to take care of his younger brother, Rolf, who was only a baby at the time, but he had no idea how to do this. Oscar, the oldest brother, left his post in the Crimean knights in order to come home and take care of them. The three brothers were saved when Greil found them and gave them jobs among his mercenary group. With jobs, food and shelter provided by Greil, they had their lives back. Boyd came to love the Greil Mercenaries as his family. He eventually came to see Greil's son Ike, who was not yet a mercenary, as a friendly rival. And he and Greil's daughter Mist often playfully insulted each other.

In Path of Radiance, Boyd was actually the first opponent in "Prologue: Mercenaries". He had set off to check up on Mist, and witnessed the training session between Ike and Greil. Greil appointed Boyd as Ike's sparring partner. Ike was able to successfully defeat Boyd, much to Boyd's embarrassment. Then in "Chapter 1: The Battle Begins", Boyd joined Ike, Oscar and Titania on a mission to defend a village from bandits. After Mist and Rolf were kidnapped by bandits in "Chapter 2: Rescue", Boyd gladly joined Ike in a mission to save them without waiting for Titania's orders. Boyd was then permanently playable starting in "Chapter 4: Roadside Battle". In "Chapter 5: Flight!", he approved of helping Princess Elincia because it he saw it as the right thing to do.

After Greil died in battle in "Chapter 7: Shades of Evil" and Ike became the new commander of the Greil Mercenaries, Boyd gladly followed Ike. He also expressed contempt for Shinon and Gatrie for abandoning them. Despite his previous rivalry with Ike, he had faith in Greil, and Greil had faith in Ike's abilities, so Boyd had faith in Ike. Boyd served Ike loyally for the rest of the war, and he considered himself an important part in the eventual victory.

Over the next three years, the mercenaries kept a low profile until they returned to save Lucia from being hanged at the end of "Endgame: Elincia's Gambit" in "Part 2: Of Countries and Kings" in Radiant Dawn. The mercenaries then went to war working with the Laguz Alliance Army in "Part 3: Intersecting Vows". While traveling through Begnion, they came across Rolf's mother, who visited them at the base in "Chapter 2: Stormclouds" in hopes of meeting with Rolf again. Boyd in particular was hostile towards her for abandoning them. Rolf ultimately rejected her in favor of his brothers and the family he had built up among the Greil Mercenaries. If Boyd and Mist had an A Support with each other, in the base conversation of "Endgame: From Pain, Awakening", he gave her a bag of Spirit Powder she had wanted, and when he saw Mist was feeling unwell, he swore to protect her.

After the wars ended, Boyd subjected himself to frequent training so that he would not lose his place to any rookie fighters, and he never did. If he had an A Support with Mist, they were married, and she humored Boyd's insecurities about maintaining his strength.

Support Conversation Summaries

In Path of Radiance, Boyd is capable of having Support conversations with four other characters.

  • Brom- In the first conversation, Boyd and Brom begin talking with each other and Boyd teases Brom about his weight. This makes Brom feel bad, but Boyd decides to help train Brom and whip him into shape. In the second conversation, Brom is getting tired from the training but keeps going because of the natural patience he has as a farmer. He begins to reminisce about his life on the farm. Boyd then realizes how different farmers are from mercenaries, because farmers bring life into the world while mercenaries kill. However, Brom reminds Boyd that he fights for what's right and to protect people. Boyd agrees, saying he likes his job and sees the Greil Mercenaries as his family, then rushes Brom to continue the training. In the final conversation, Boyd comments Brom on his performance in the training exercise and tells him he might be able to become a royal guard after the war with the improvements he made, but Brom insists on returning to his humble farm life. Boyd then asks Brom what the common farmers think of mercenaries and mentions the bad reputation mercenaries always receive. Brom simply tells Boyd that people always judge and sometimes are wrong, but Brom likes and respects Boyd as well as the rest of the Greil Mercenaries. Boyd then rushes Brom back into the training.
  • Mist- In the first conversation, Mist catches Boyd about to slack off from his training and scares him by impersonating Titania. Mist playfully tells him that she could become a better mercenary than him if he keeps slacking off. Boyd then gets angry and harshly tells Mist that a conceited attitude would result in death on the battlefield and tells her to go away because this wasn't a game. She apologizes and leaves. In the second conversation, Boyd and Mist meet while both are looking for Ike, since Boyd was looking for sparring partner. Mist volunteers to spar with him, saying she wants to toughen up in order to survive the upcoming battles. Boyd agrees to spar with her and apologizes for his outburst in the previous conversation, but Mist thanks him for opening her naive eyes and making her strong. This causes Boyd to blush and, when she notices this, he runs away. In the final conversation, Boyd walks in on Mist while she's depressed. She then begins crying while Boyd attempts to calm her down. He assures her that he and everyone else are there to take care of her, which stops Mist's crying.
  • Titania- Titania finds Boyd slacking off when he should be training, so she starts to scold him. Boyd insists that he can't train without a partner, but Titania tells him not to be so lazy since he's a natural fighter and has him continue making practice swings. In the second conversation, Titania approaches Boyd and he expects another scolding, but instead Titania tells him that his training has become instinct due to the intense battles they are currently caught up in, and calls him a true warrior and one of their best. This praise confuses Boyd and he its even scarier then her scolding, but he changes his mind when Titania volunteers to continue scolding him. In the final conversation, Boyd approaches Titania and says its heard to find her with all the war councils she's been attending. He says he received a large reward the other day and wants to buy a present for Titania, calling her the prettiest person he's ever seen. Titania is left at a loss for words, but Boyd ruins the compliment by comparing her to a really nice mom. She then asks Boyd how hold he thinks she is, at which point he meekly guesses that she's younger than his mom. Boyd then rushes off, although Titania tries to call him back.
  • Ulki- Ulki comes to Boyd's position after hearing Boyd mention him though his advanced hearing and mistakingly thinking that Boyd was calling him over. Boyd praises Ulki's precise hearing and also comments his interesting features. Ulki then mentions some of Boyd's body features that he appreciates and leaves, after which Boyd is confident that he will get along with the laguz. In the next conversation, Boyd meets up with Ulki and the two decide to call each other by name due to being friends. Boyd says he envies Ulki for being able to fly and having many advanced senses, and notices that they look somewhat like each other. However, Ulki calls himself the worst and leaves. In the final conversation, Ulki explains that he was suspicious of Boyd during their first conversation because Boyd was a beorc and Ulki feared Boyd was mocking him or luring him into a trap. He even performed a background check on Boyd. Boyd says that they must be very much alike, because he was very nervous during their conversation as well because he was afraid Ulki would hate him and claw his eyes out, while wishing he had Ike's ability to act natural around anyone. They decide to start trusting each other and declare themselves to truly be friends.

Boyd also has in-built Support bonuses with Oscar and Rolf (increasing Boyd's chances of delivering a critical hit when one of them is nearby, and vice-versa).

In Radiant Dawn, Boyd has built-in Bond Supports with Oscar, Rolf and Mist.


Path of Radiance

Base Stats

  • Class: Fighter
  • Lvl: 2
  • HP: 30
  • Str: 7
  • Mag: 0
  • Skl: 4
  • Spd: 6
  • Lck: 4
  • Def: 5
  • Res: 0
  • Wlv: Axe D
  • Affin: Fire

Growth Rates

  • HP: 75
  • Str: 60
  • Mag: 5
  • Skl: 50
  • Spd: 45
  • Lck: 35
  • Def: 25
  • Res: 25

Radiant Dawn

Base Stats

  • Class: Warrior
  • Lvl: 8
  • HP: 45
  • Str: 22
  • Mag: 1
  • Skl: 20
  • Spd: 18
  • Lck: 13
  • Def: 15
  • Res: 8
  • Wlv: Axe A, Crossbows

Affin: Fire Growth Rates

  • HP: 80
  • Str: 65
  • Mag: 5
  • Skl: 45
  • Spd: 45
  • Lck: 40
  • Def: 50
  • Res: 10


  • During his first mission as a mercenary, he was so excited that he accidentally broke his own axe.
  • In Path of Radiance, Boyd is capable of performing a Bow Triangle Attack with Oscar and Rolf if certain conditions are met by Chapter 19. First of all, prior to Chapter 19 both Boyd and Oscar must have changed class, and Oscar must pick a bow as his second weapon after becoming a Paladin. Secondly, the three must participate in the the "3 Brothers" base Conversation in Chapter 13. Finally, they must participate in a second 3 Brothers Base Conversation in Chapter 19.
    • In Radiant Dawn, the brothers can perform the Triangle Attack at any time after Oscar promotes to a Silver Knight, and the attack can be used with either bows or crossbows.
  • Unused Support data from Path of Radiance indicates that he was originally intended to also have support conversations with Devdan.