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The Nature-Loving Princess.
Species Human
Hair color Black
Eye color Green
Base Celadon City Gym
Debut Pokémon: Red Version/Pokemon: Green Version

Erika is the leader of the Celdon City Gym. She is fond of nature and uses her Grass Pokémon primarily for making flower arrangements rather than battling. Despite her peaceful nature, she obeys her duties as a gym leader and battles any trainer who challenges her.


Red battled Erika in Pokémon Red, Green, Blue and Yellow (as well as Pokémon:FireRed and LeafGreen Versions). After she was beaten, Erika gvae Red the Rainbowbadge and TM 21: Mega Drain (or TM 19: Giga Drain in FireRed and LeafGreen). Afterwards Erika claimed that Red's strength motivated her to try harder.

Erika was later challenged by Gold several years later in Pokémon: Gold, Silver and Crystal Versions. Despite having acquired a new Pokémon, Erika lost again and gave Gold both the Rainbowbadge and TM 19: Giga Drain.

Pokémon Roster

In Pokémon Red, Blue and Green (as well as FireRed and LeafGreen), Erika uses a Victreebel, Tangela and Vileplume. The Yellow version replaced Victreebel and Vileplume with their unevolved forms, Weepinbell and Gloom, in order to match the Pokémon she had used in the anime version.

In Gold, Silver and Crystal Erika's Pokémon once again included Tangela and Victreebel, but her Vileplume was replaced with a Bellossom and she had also gained a Jumpluff.

Other Games

In Pokémon Stadium, Erika is the fourth Gym Leader of the Gym Leader Castle. A mix of her Pokémon from the Red, Blue and Yellow versions, her roster consists of Gloom, Victreebel, Tangela, Vileplume, Weepinbell and Exeggcute.

Erika, as she appeared in the anime, also appeared in Pokémon Puzzle League as the fifth opponant in 1P Stadium. Her Pokémon were the same as in the anime and Yellow Version - Weepinbell, Gloom and Tangela.

Erika also appeared as the fourth enemy of the Kanto Gym Leader Castle in Pokémon Stadium 2. She used Ninetales, Exeggutor, Marowak, Bellossom, Mantine and Blissey in the first round. In the second round she used Venusaur, Chansey, Tangela, Vaporeon, Bellossom and Jumpluff.


  • One Pokémon Journal in FireRed and LeafGreen says that she can often be seen taking naps in the gym. In fact, when she sends Red her message after he completes the Fame Checker entry for her, she ends her message with a "Zzz...".
  • Erika also appeared in an episode of the Pokémon anime, where she was also a maker of perfume. In the episode she banned Ash Ketchum from coming to her gym after he made fun of her perfume, leading him to sneak in dressed as a woman. Erika forgave Ash and gave him the Rainbowbadge after he saved her Gloom from a fire started by Team Rocket.