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Bruno in FireRed and LeafGreen Versions.
Species Human
Affiliation Elite Four
Hair color Brown
Eye color Black
Debut Pokémon: Red Version/Pokemon: Green Version

Bruno is a Pokémon trainer who specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon. He is known for his personal relationship with his Pokémon, as he lives with them and trains alongside them in martial arts. He is also a member of Kanto's Elite Four, which he joined due to his desire to battle the best trainers.


In Pokémon: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen Versions, Bruno was the second member of the Elite Four. Red challenged and defeated Bruno when he took on the Elite Four. Bruno was impressed by the power of Red's Pokémon and suggested that Red began training himself as well.

Bruno was the only one of the Elite Four members from the first games to still be a member in Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal Versions. This time Bruno was the third member of the Elite Four. However, he was defeated by the newcomer Gold.

Pokémon Roster

Bruno specializes in Rock-type Pokémon, but he also has some Rock-types in his roster as well. In the first generation games, his roster was:

In FireRed and LeafGreen, in all battles following the first one, Bruno replaced his two Onix with a pair of Steelix. His Gold/Silver/Crystal line-up was the same as in the original games, except that one of the Onix was replaced with a Hitmontop.

Other Games

In Pokémon Stadium, Bruno was an opponant in the Gym Leader Castle battled alongside the other members of the Elite Four. He used Onix, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machamp, Golem and Rhydon in Round 1. In Round 2 he used Clefable, Muk, Hitmonlee, Machamp, Slowbro and Rhydon.

Bruno, as he appears in the anime, appears as the fourteenth opponent in Pokémon Puzzle League. He is also the last boss of Normal Mode. Bruno appears as the third member of the "Puzzle Elite Four" and uses Onix, Hitmonchan and Primeape in battle. Bruno also appears in Pokémon Puzzle Challenge as the third Elite Four member to be battled, as seen in Gold/Silver/Crystal. In this game Bruno uses a Hitmontop in battle.

Bruno appears in the Gym Leader Castle of Pokémon Stadium 2, once more with the other Elite Four members but this time based on Gold, Silver and Crystal. In the first round he used Blastoise, Machamp, Golem, Onix, Kangaskhan and Heracross. In Round 2 his Pokémon are Primeape, Machamp, Golem, Exeggutor, Granbull and Ursaring.


  • In FireRed and LeafGreen it was revealed that he once trained with Brawly, a gym leader from Pokémon: Ruby and Sapphire Versions who also specialized in Fighting-type Pokémon.
  • Apparently he has a liking for Rage Candybars.
  • Bruno appeared in one episode of the Pokémon anime, in which Ash was preparing to travel to Indigo Plateau (but to compete in a tournament instead of challenging the Elite Four). In the episode Ash and his group met Bruno on a mountain, who gave him some training (but mostly made Ash do chores). Bruno was the first Elite Four member to appear on the show.